Lifting the kettlebell up what muscles. Army two-handed kettlebell bench press

Army press is one of best exercise for everything shoulder girdle, and a kettlebell, like an unusual projectile, helps to develop coordination of movements.

Army bench press with two hands: video

Exercise rules

Each exercise with kettlebells is technically more difficult, so it is imperative to stretch the hands and shoulders well before starting the exercise so as not to injure the joints.

Starting position:

Before starting the exercise, the weights are between the legs. Feet shoulder width apart. Throw the kettlebells over your shoulders, press your elbows to your body. Straighten your knees.

Position 1:

Remaining in the starting position, spread your elbows to the sides. Make sure that your elbows do not go back.

Position 2:

Straighten your arms straight up. Avoid jerking, the movement should be even. When the kettlebells pass the level of the head, tilt the weight back so that your hands are behind your head. Tighten your lats, pelvis, and abdominal muscles for added stability.

End position:

Bend your arms and come back to position 1. Bring your elbows to your torso. This is yours starting position.

Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary. Variations of the army bench press with weights can be an army press with a barbell or with weights standing and sitting. You can familiarize yourself with the detailed technique for performing the exercise in the following video.

Exercise Description

Most do the military bench press while standing or sitting, since this exercise is one of the basic ones. The two-handed army bench press is a similar exercise, only using a different projectile. It is one of the best exercises for the shoulder girdle, and the kettlebell, as an unusual apparatus, helps to develop coordination of movements.

In combination with other exercises with kettlebells, you can perfectly pump the deltoid muscles and make them stronger.

Muscles involved in the exercise

Let's see which muscles are involved in this exercise. The main muscles that work in the army press of two weights are the deltas and the entire shoulder torso. The greatest load goes to the front and middle beam of deltas.

In the army press of weights, there are also auxiliary muscles - these are those muscles that are less involved. Among them triceps shoulder and triceps - with correct execution press the main load is taken by the medial beam.

IN this exercise also worth mentioning are stabilizing muscles: leg muscles, core muscles, gluteal muscles that provide coordination.

Key mistakes when doing the exercise

  1. Most beginners from the first execution of the army bench take large weights... Lack of proper technique can result in joint damage. Start with weights of 8 or 12 kg, as soon as you feel confident, increase the weights.
  2. Do not make sudden jerks and lowering weights below the set level. It also threatens injuries and imbalance of the whole body.
  3. A common mistake is the rounding of the back, which puts a heavy load on the spine, which can lead to injury to the lumbar spine.

Before doing the exercise, you need to warm up well. The following video shows an option to warm up the shoulders, back and lower back.

The benefits of doing the exercise

  • Development of flexibility... By improving joint mobility, you also improve joint flexibility. While in the upper position, you can move your body forward, take your arms back a little, thereby stretching your shoulders, latissimus as well as the abdominal muscles.
  • Increased strength. When performing any exercise with a kettlebell, all bodies are included in the work. Also, due to the unusual shape of the projectile, you need to react in time when the weight deviates from the proper trajectory.
  • Development of the mobility of the shoulder girdle and forearm. Upon reaching the top position, the kettlebell rests on the back of the forearm. As a result, the joints stretch. This allows not only to increase the strength of the joints, but also to increase their range of motion.

Alternative replacements to the army bench press with two hands

To avoid the mistakes listed above, we advise you to replace this exercise with alternative ones, which are also aimed at developing the shoulder girdle.

One such exercise is the seated dumbbell press. In this case, the vertical load is minimized by fixing the spine, which makes it possible to maximize the use of the deltoid, trapezius and triceps muscles.

Seated Dumbbell Press

The following exercise is considered one of the most technically simple exercises on the deltoid muscles - this is the pull of the bar to the chest in the slope. The exercise is performed both narrow and wide grip, in the shaft there is a natural deflection. Concentrate on working out the deltas, turn off the trapezoid from work, pull with your shoulders.

Bent-over barbell row

Also one of the best alternative exercises would be. We especially recommend this exercise for beginners, since in this simulator the bar moves along a vertical axis, which allows you to direct the stabilizing muscles from the work.

The standing kettlebell press is one of the classic exercises to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle, along with a barbell press or dumbbell press. The weight itself differs in shape from the indicated shells, which gives rise to certain differences in the technique of performing the exercise.

Features of the exercise

Unlike dumbbell presses or barbell presses, the muscles of almost the entire body work during the kettlebell press. During the execution of the movement, the projectile lies on the forearm and seeks to pull your hand to the side from a vertical position. This forces you to put in extra effort to stabilize.

The standing kettlebell press creates the greatest load on the deltoid muscles. Especially the middle and front bundle. Also involved top part traps and triceps. The muscles of the legs, buttocks, abs and back perform a stabilizing function.

Kettlebell exercises develop well muscle strength, coordination, and improve flexibility and joint mobility.

In modern sports and online stores, weights of a wide variety of weights are presented, and not only the classic ones of 8, 16 and 32 kilograms. Thanks to this, not only strong and healthy men, but even fragile girls can join kettlebell fitness.

To start training, it is better to purchase a couple of lightweight shells, and as you practice the technique, you can always increase the burden.

One-handed kettlebell press should be performed with caution by people with back problems. Before starting classes, it is better to consult a doctor. This is true for anyone strength training, that is, kettlebell lifting is not considered more dangerous in this regard.

Execution technique

Starting position: standing, the kettlebell is raised on the chest, it lies comfortably on the forearm with outside arms. The wrist is rotated. back side to the body and forms one straight line with the forearm. The brush does not bend either inward or outward. The muscles of the whole body are in good shape, the press is tightened, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the back is straight.

  1. Exhale as you exhale. elbow joint and push the weight up. As you move, you turn your hand slightly so that at the top point your wrist turns with the back side forward.
  2. On exhalation, return the projectile to its original position on the chest. Do not relax your core and leg muscles throughout the exercise. Do the required number of repetitions.

After the end of the approach, change hands and do the exercise on the other side. The option of pressing two weights at once is possible, it all depends on your level of physical fitness.

Standing kettlebell presses can be combined with other exercises. It can be, etc. In essence, you can compose yourself complex training on the whole body, using only this type of projectile.

Important points

In order for your workouts to bring only positive results, pay attention to a few simple recommendations:

  • Do not allow the wrist to bend or unbend during the pressing. Your wrist is in line with your forearm - this is necessary condition for the safety of ligaments and joints.
  • Keep your entire body tense as you move. There should be no relaxation in the legs, buttocks or body.
  • Treat the choice of kettlebell weight without fanaticism. An apparatus that is too heavy will not allow you to perform the exercise correctly and create the risk of injury. The market offers a huge number of options for dumbbells - for any color and size. Remember that the 32 kg kettlebell bench press can be done by a trained athlete, but not a beginner, previously power sports not engaged.
  • Pay attention not only to strength exercises, but also to stretching. It will make muscles and ligaments more elastic, movements will become cleaner, and the technique will be much easier to master.
  • Try to avoid jerking in this exercise. Raise the projectile in a controlled manner and lower it in the same way.

Even if you have previously trained your shoulders with dumbbells or a barbell, incorporating the kettlebell lift into your program will create unusual load on the muscles, thereby creating an impulse for their growth and increase in strength.

Exercising with a kettlebell (or kettlebell) is a very convenient option for beginners, especially if you will be doing it at home. You can make a full-fledged set of exercises with a kettlebell for all muscle groups, while for beginners, one weight of 16 kg is enough (later you can buy 24 kg). For the "advanced", kettlebells can provide an extra boost to help them progress in basic workouts.

What weights to buy for beginners?

It all depends on your level strength training. An important point in exercises - the correct execution technique. It is easy enough to injure not only the wrists, but also the back. Therefore, if possible, find good coach, and if not, study the technique from the video and do not immediately grab a heavy weight, try with a very light one (in sports stores you can find weights of 2-5 kg). Then buy a 16 kg weight.

For advanced ones, you will need to buy 24kg kettlebells.

Exercises with kettlebells for weight loss and muscle growth

The set of exercises with kettlebells is suitable for both weight loss and muscle gain. But the main task of training with kettlebells is the development of strength endurance. Complexes with kettlebells help a lot in training wrestlers, because develop both agility and endurance.

If you do exercises with kettlebells for weight loss, then the main thing is to keep a diet () and you will lose weight. For beginners, in general, the most important thing is regularity and (with which at first not everything is clear and there are many mistakes).

But if you want to exactly increase muscle mass, then a kettlebell (even 16 kg and 24 kg) is not the shortest path. If you are no longer new to the gym, then training with kettlebells will help improve endurance and dexterity, and strengthen joints. But beginners, as a rule, want maximum muscle as quickly as possible (so that there is motivation not to quit training). Therefore, for this purpose, they are better off starting with a barbell and dumbbells. Although, if you wish, you can do some exercises at home with a kettlebell. Just replace the dumbbell with a kettlebell where possible (squats, deadlifts, etc.).

Nevertheless, if you want to start training and you only have a 16kg kettlebell from your inventory, then start doing exercises with kettlebells. They will give you much more results than exercises with only own weight(pull-ups / etc.) or exercises like "lying on the couch" or "sitting on a chair."

Kettlebell Exercise: Which Muscles Work?

Large muscle groups work the most: legs, back. In all kettlebell exercises. The press, arms (shoulders, biceps and triceps), chest also turn on. A kettlebell training complex is best suited when you need to work all muscle groups at the same time.

How and why to train with kettlebells

Video: Exercises with a kettlebell (16 kg or 24 kg)

The video shows basic exercises with a kettlebell. Marie, press, clean and jerk, squats - this is the basis of any training complex with kettlebells. Below is detailed description and a video for each exercise. And at the end three ready-made complex exercises that can be done both at home and in the gym. The main thing is that there is enough free space. Move the TV, crawling spinogs and nosy relatives away.

1 Deadlift with kettlebell

Execution technique:

  • legs slightly wider than shoulders, pulling the pelvis back, bend forward with a straight back
  • grab the kettlebell handle with both hands
  • without lifting your heels off the floor, also with a straight back, straighten up (you do not need to lean back)

2 Mahi with kettlebell

Execution technique:

  • legs slightly wider than shoulders, grab the kettlebell with both hands
  • back deflection
  • swing kettlebells over your head
  • in the lower position, do not round your shoulders too much, bend your legs slightly at the knees, your back is straight (do not hunch over), wind the weight backwards, beyond the level of your feet
  • in the top position, fully straighten (including elbows)

3 Kettlebell Squats ("Goblet", "Cup")

Execution technique:

  • Take the weight so that the handle rests against your chest (see video below)
  • we perform squats: legs are slightly wider than shoulders, socks are slightly turned outward, when moving down, spread your knees to the sides
  • squat just below parallel with the floor, do not lift your heels off the floor
  • do not hunch your back, do not bend forward too much

Kettlebell squat technique (video)

4 Ascent in Turkish

This beginner kettlebell exercise will be difficult, but nonetheless very effective. Not only does all the muscles work, starting with the biceps and shoulders and ending with the calves, but coordination is also connected (more than in other exercises with a kettlebell). In order not to drop the kettlebell on your face and not fall, first learn how to do the exercise without a kettlebell or with some small kettlebell / dumbbell (2kg, for example).

Lifting in Turkish with kettlebell technique (video)

5 One-handed kettlebell bench press

Execution technique:

  • jerk the kettlebell over your shoulder, then straighten your arm and lift the kettlebell up
  • then lower the kettlebell back onto your shoulder
  • keep the body straight, do not lean back or forward

One-handed kettlebell bench press technique (video)

6 Snatch and jerk of the kettlebell

Execution technique:

  • the kettlebell stands about 20 cm in front of the socks
  • bend over with a straight back, take the kettlebell with a grip in the lock, stretch it between your legs by the heels
  • "Accelerate" the kettlebell to detonation (to the level of the belt)
  • do kettlebell undermining - fully straighten with kettlebell
  • with a sharp movement, pull your hand with a kettlebell towards you, taking your shoulder back
  • picking up a kettlebell and fixing it at the top on a straight arm
  • dropping the weight (try to reduce the amplitude of the weight falling as much as possible)
  • return to starting position

Video: Kettlebell Snatch and Jerk Technique + Assisted Exercises

A set of exercises with a kettlebell (video)

A set of exercises with a kettlebell develops strength endurance so it is often used in.

All muscle groups work in kettlebell exercises. It is very important to learn how to lift the kettlebell not only with your back, but also with your feet, because it is the legs that are the strongest muscle group. And it is by distributing the load between the back and legs that you can avoid back injuries, which often happen to those who make mistakes in the technique of performing exercises with kettlebells. In all exercises, both the press and the shoulders work - you do not need to look for separate exercises for these muscle groups.

Predecessors kettlebell lifting Since time immemorial, there have been strongmen on Russian lands who, to the surprise and admiration of the audience, easily lifted heavy objects - logs, stones. The first mention of Russian kettlebell lifting in the modern concept refers to the end XIX beginning XX century. By this time already appeared effective techniques training athletes who have achieved outstanding results and glorified the names of other athletes.

Kettlebells - pudoviks and doubles - have become popular projectiles for performing strength exercises... As a result of regular training, an athlete can effectively and quickly develop strength and endurance and become a real hero.

What develops kettlebell lifting?

Strength training with kettlebells makes a person not only strong and enduring, but also more able to work. Performing exercises with weights, the athlete does cyclical work that develops the power of the whole organism. Kettlebell lifting develops in the athlete the ability to calculate his strength to perform a large number of lifts of the projectile.

So, weights. What muscles work when they are applied? For pumping chest muscles with a kettlebell, it is best to use a bench press, performing it lying horizontally or at an angle. In this case, you first need to throw the weights on your hips, and then lie down on the bench and perform the exercises. For pumping the lats back muscles use pull-ups weighed down by a kettlebell. As such weights, kettlebells are much better suited than barbells or dumbbells.

Press over your head. Athletes regularly use this exercise in their workouts for development. deltoid muscles... Training methods involve performing the bench press both alternately and simultaneously. The first option is used to develop endurance, and the second - strength. A kettlebell snatch, repeated many times, is used to strengthen the ligaments of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, which increases their trauma protection. Squats, weighted with kettlebells, are used to develop and strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Kettlebell lifting develops the strength potential of the athlete and his strength endurance. When using kettlebells, what muscles work? Kettlebell exercises contribute to the rapid strengthening and development of almost all muscular system person.

Lifting kettlebells on the chest - This preparatory exercise, which is used in kettlebell sports to warm up or while learning the jerk and snatch technique. Lifting kettlebells on the chest, as a rule, begin to be used in the first trainings in conjunction with swings. In general, kettlebell lifting, like weightlifting, from culture-riz-ma you-year-but is distinguished by the fact that all exercises can be broken down into constituent parts, taking each of them separately. Firstly, it allows you to easily study the technique of performing each competitive movement, and, secondly, it does not allow you to dig weak places in the future, practicing them separately. It goes without saying that, in addition to special-ci-al-and so-rev-no-va-tel movements, athletes use and GPP methods, but the possibility to work on a separate "weak" phase of the amplitude of the competitive movement is a great deal!

Lifting kettlebells on the chest is almost identical to swings, therefore, when an athlete studies each exercise afterwards, he does not have problems at any stage of training. It is important to simply assess your strengths sensibly, learn the technique gradually and use the weights of the right weight. It is best to study the technique with the smallest gan-te-la-mi, so that you have the opportunity to fully concentrate only on the technique, without being distracted by the fight with the kettlebell. In kettlebell lifting, you don't need to fight with the outside, it just needs to be guided, which allows you to implement the right technique, so it is so important to learn how to do everything correctly exercises with sa-mo-na-cha-la!

Muscle and joint work

During the lifting of kettlebells on the chest, the legs and backs take the main load on themselves, the deltas and biceps are also actively involved. The exercise, in fact, develops the pulling muscle groups, since the hand is always above the kettlebell, dropping below only before it is applied to the chest. Since there are a lot of muscle groups, the athlete has to co-ord-di-no-ro-vat their joint work, as a result of which stabilizers muscles are connected, so to speak. The exercise is dynamic, with a constantly shifting center of gravity, therefore, to balance the position of the body in space, the or-ga-nizm is forced to connect the post-tu-ral -th we-shech-layers. In other words, this is a complex-with-control-ness, which allows you to qualitatively load practically all bodies.

Since the muscle groups work a lot, accordingly, the joints also work a lot, thank you for what, with correct technique performing lifting weights on the chest, it is possible to avoid their wear. The athlete simply correctly distributes the load between all the sus-ta-va-mi, amor-ty-ziruing it. If the athlete performs the exercise incorrectly, then problems may arise, and, first of all, with the spine. A common mistake is a shift in the center of gravity due to the support of the free hand in the body, or its excessive direction. For-pom-ni-those, the free hand should hang freely, not interfering with at-le-that you-complete control-not-ness.


1) Place your feet shoulder-width apart, or slightly wider, placing the center of gravity on the heels and the middle of the foot, but do not shift it inward, as if keeping the edges of the foot on the floor.
2) The kettlebell should be slightly in front, about one foot further from the line of the toes, so that when you pick it up, it has enough room to go backwards.
3) According to the law of the pendulum, it will inevitably go back, do not resist, wait for the moment when the ma-yat-nik begins to return, at this moment it is time to act - let the weight accelerate.
4) Bringing the kettlebell to your chest, in fact, just accompanying it, allow it to wrap around the brush, as if a little to the side of your forearm.
5) When the kettlebell scrolls around the hand, you bring it along with your hand to the chest in order to lower it on the chest, then turn it over the side, lowering it down, in order to turn it over. -nie.


1) Pay attention to the fact that the knees should be bent in the initial phase of exercise, and the kettlebell should be lifted from the squat position, tilting the body forward only 20-30 °.
2) When you throw the kettlebell up, this movement is carried out due to the full extension of the knees and the body going back a little, but when you catch the kettlebell, the knees should again be slightly bent, and the body set aside a little to the side so that the weight pro-ho-di-la through the center of gravity.
3) The athlete is obliged to observe the breathing technique, exhaling during the breakdown of the kettlebell, then inhaling, when the pendulum goes back to exhale powerfully, throwing the kettlebell up, again inhale during the re-spin-chi-va- weights in the upper phase of the amplitude of movement and exhalation with the weight of the weights on the chest.
4) The exercise should be performed first with one hand, then with the second, but always start with a weak hand, while changing hands in the air is not necessary, you can simply put gi-ryu on the floor to perform a pro-tee-in-false approach.
5) In no case do not rest your free hand on the body or leg, it should hang free, otherwise you trav-mi-ru-e-te pose-at-night-nick.


Raises on the chest involve a lot of muscle groups, which was already mentioned above, but once again I want to draw attention to the fact that, in addition to the surface layers, the postural muscles also receive a load. The bottom line is that the postural muscles, responsible for maintaining the vertical position of the body in space, consist mainly of slow muscle fibers... This is a huge plus of kettlebell lifting and heavy athleticism, since the development of these muscles allows you to maintain youth and health. Due to the fact that the hypertrophy of the postural muscle layers contributes to the utilization of the subcutaneous fat cell, developed postural muscles remove the load from the ligaments , sus-ta-vov, spine and allow the body to remain "young-lo-smoke" longer. It is in this way that athletes of age need to include exercises with weights in the training complex.

Summing up, we can say that lifting weights on the chest is a very effective basic exercise-not-no-one, which develops almost all muscle groups, in this connection, it is recommended to add it to training complex athletes of any fitness level. It goes without saying that during some specialized heavy schemes, the use of additional exercises is unacceptable, but during rest, or during the work of the function nal qualities of muscles, exercises with weights must be included in your training complex. At the very least, you can use gi-ryu in ka-cht-ve sleep-a-row-yes for a moment-ming-ki, before you-half-not-a-ka-ki-ki-some special -nyh control-no-niy.

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