Rio weightlifting results. Why weightlifting is a shame for the Olympics and Russia

Russian athletes have companions in misfortune. Weightlifting representatives are also unlikely to be able to compete at the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The reason is the same as that of the "queen of sports" - big problems with doping.

The disturbing news came on Wednesday evening from Tbilisi, where the congress of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) is taking place. On the first day of the event, completely dedicated to the problems of doping, the Executive Committee made a number of important decisions.

There are two news for the Russian national team - bad and very bad. Let's start with the first one. The IWF officially redistributed the Olympic quotas that were provided to countries at the end of the 2015 World Cup. Then, we will remind, Russian athletes initially received the right to go to Rio with the largest team of six men and four girls.

However, it soon became known about the failure of doping tests in four Russians at once, whose results influenced the distribution of quotas. Received disqualifications, and. Six months later, the IWF decided to take away from Russia one Olympic ticket from each sex. At best, five men and three girls will now go to Rio.

But there is also some very bad news. The Executive Board ruled that if any country’s representatives failed at least three doping tests following a recent sample recheck from the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, they would be suspended for a year and automatically skipped the Rio Olympics.

Three national teams fall under this article - Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Russian athletes violated anti-doping rules at least three times. The doping tests of Marina Shainova and Nadezhda Estyukhina in 2008, as well as Apti in 2012, were positive. They all have various anabolic steroids. All three should lose the Olympic medals they won - Shainov and Aukhad's silver, and Evstyukhin's bronze.

The Belarusians also have three positive tests - from, Marina Shkermankova and. All were caught in 2012. Kazakhstan has the most sad situation - the country should lose five gold medals at once, which they won at both Olympics, as well as Zulfiya Chinshailo and those who won in London.

However, there is still a small hope that Russian weightlifters will go to Rio, and the IWF itself admits it. First of all, you need to fully prove that all three athletes used prohibited substances.

For this, both the "A" and "B" samples must show a positive result. In the case of Shainova and Yevstyukhina, the clarity is already complete - anabolics were found in both of their analyzes. The autopsy results for Aukhadov's B sample are still unknown. There is a tiny hope that it will give a negative result, and then the Russian national team will be "carried over".

There is a precedent - the athlete and the rower got off with fright after rechecking the Beijing samples. Their "A" samples were positive and their "B" samples negative.

However, if it is nevertheless proven that Aukhadov, the 2013 world champion and bronze medalist of the last world championship, took steroids, then the Russian weightlifting team will remain at home for the entire next year. The probability of this is very high, and the end in this matter will be put in the coming days. For example, it is already known that Ilyin's B sample taken in London gave a positive result. Aukhadov should also check soon.

Athletes also found themselves in a similar difficult situation. On June 17, the Council of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) upheld the ban on Russian participation in international competitions, including the Olympic Games.

However, some of the subjects of the "queen of sports" still hope to get to Rio. June 21 announced that the IAAF may make an exception for individual athletes who have never violated the rules and have undergone enhanced testing.

The same right to selective disqualification remains with the IWF. However, there is hardly any hope that some Russian contenders for Olympic medals, such as world champions, will be able to take advantage of this. The IWF has repeatedly disqualified entire countries in the past and made no exceptions.

By the way, separately, following the results of the first day of the congress, members of the IWF condemned the appointment of the President of the Russian Weightlifting Federation, Sergei Syrtsov, to the post of head of the anti-doping committee in the European Weightlifting Federation. Over the past six years that he has been in charge of Russian weightlifting, the number of athletes caught on doping is growing almost every month, and it is strange that they were not removed from the Olympics even earlier, and there is still little hope for a different outcome.

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Weightlifting is present at almost all Olympic Games. Among women, competitions have been held since 2000, beginning with the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney. Competitions consist of lifting weights in two ways: snatch and clean and jerk.

Weightlifting Games Participants

260 weightlifters will attend the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Among them there will be 156 men and 104 women. Several championships will be held, in total 15 sets of medals will be played. 10 people, 6 men and 4 women can participate from one country. The number of athletes in one weight category is no more than two. Otherwise, the choice of weightlifters for the Summer Olympics is unlimited.

  • Up to 56 kg;
  • Up to 62 kg;
  • Up to 69 kg;
  • Up to 77 kg;
  • Up to 85 kg;
  • Up to 94 kg;
  • Up to 105 kg;
  • More than 105 kg.
  • Up to 48 kg;
  • Up to 53 kg;
  • Up to 58 kg;
  • Up to 63 kg;
  • Up to 69 kg;
  • Up to 75 kg;
  • More than 75 kg.

The selection of athletes takes place at continental and world championships. Each of them counts as a qualifying tournament. At the beginning of June, the qualification of the competition has not been fully completed, so many future participants who will be hosted by the Olympics are still unknown.

Weightlifting competition calendar

On each day there will be a final competition in one or more categories. Weightlifting competition schedule:

  • Aug 6: women up to 48 kg;
  • Aug 7: women up to 53 kg, men up to 56 kg;
  • Aug 8: women up to 58 kg, men up to 62 kg;
  • Aug 9: women up to 63 kg, men up to 69 kg;
  • Aug 10: women up to 69 kg, men up to 77 kg;
  • Aug 12: women up to 75 kg, men up to 85 kg;
  • Aug 13: men up to 94 kg;
  • Aug 14: women over 75 kg;
  • Aug 15: men up to 105 kg;
  • Aug 16: men over 105 kg.

Venue of the competition: Riocentro complex.

Weightlifting athletes perform snatch and clean and jerk. A snatch is a lifting of the bar in one motion overhead. This sport presupposes the possibility of different execution techniques, depending on who is more convenient for whom: to put their feet together or separately, along which trajectory to direct the bar. But when the weight is taken, the weightlifter cannot just drop it to the floor. He must stand up straight and wait until the referee whistles to signal that the weight has been taken. Only then can the athlete lower the barbell.

The jerk is lifting the weight in a different way. The barbell should be raised and placed on your chest. After the referee's whistle, it can be lifted up.

Barbell sizes are different for men and women. The male bar has a weight of 20 kg, the female bar - 15.

The competition takes place as follows. The first step is to put on the heaviest discs available on the neck. After that, progressively lighter weights are put on. The athlete is given three attempts per exercise. If the weight does not work out, the athlete is eliminated from the competition.

On August 9, at the Olympic Games in Rio, weightlifters competed for two sets of awards, one each for men and women.

First women in the weight category up to 63kg determined the winners. Here, an unconditional victory over rivals, with a difference of 14 kg, was won by the Chinese woman Deng Wei, her total is 262 kg.

The national team of Kazakhstan did not remain without medals in this weight, Karina Goricheva brought another bronze medal of the 2016 Olympic Games to the piggy bank of Kazakh weightlifters. Amount of Karina Goricheva - 243kg

Men competed for awards in weight up to 69kg here, as well as among women, the Chinese athlete SHI Zhiyong won, although his amount was only 1 kg higher than the result of Daniyar Ismayilov, a Turkmen athlete currently playing for Turkey. Ismayilov is in second place with an amount of 351kg.

Following the Turkish citizens, Izzat Artykov, the representative of Kyrgyzstan, comfortably settled down on the third step of the Olympic podium, his bronze sum at the Olympics in Rio was 339kg!

Weightlifting, Olympic Games 2016 - results

Women's 63kg, Olympic Result
1) DENG Wei (China) - 262kg
2) CHOE Hyo Sim (North Korea) - 248
3) Karina Goricheva (Kazakhstan) - 243
Full results: (Downloads: 27)

Men's 69kg, 2016 Olympics result

1) SHI Zhiyong (China) - 352kg
2) Daniyar Ismayilov (Turkey) - 351
3) Izzat Artykov (Kyrgyzstan) - 339
Full results:

news feed

Olympiad. Weightlifting. Alexey Mzhachik: the result in Rio is the most successful in my career

2016-08-17 10:44:08

The result in Rio is the most successful in my career, said the Belarusian weightlifter, who performed in the category over 130 kg. Pinchanin performed in group "B" and showed a high result in the total of 411 kg. In the snatch, the Belarusian lifted the barbell 187 kg, and in the clean and jerk he showed the result of 224 kg. Thanks to such a performance, the 20-year-old weightlifter has established himself in the "400" club of Belarusian weightlifting, which includes athletes who have conquered this grandmaster's mark. At the moment, out of the current amount of 400 kg, only Evgeny Zhernosek, who is now serving a disqualification, and Alexei Mzhachik have obeyed.

“I am very pleased with the result. One of the most successful performances in my career.- as BelTA informs, the athlete noted.

The Belarusian also said that he was glad to be at the Games at the age of 20, the junior age for weightlifters.

"Initially, I went as a reserve, of course, I was delighted. After all, I had already managed to leave for my native Pinsk, but on the same day they called back. I did not carry on any special preparation for Rio. Therefore, I am very glad to have these lifted pounds,"- emphasized the weightlifter.

Alexey Mzhachik began to engage in weightlifting in Pinsk, and then, when the results increased markedly, he was invited to the Bobruisk Olympic Reserve School. At the moment, the young athlete is studying at the 3rd year of the Polesie State University, specializing in physical therapy. In 2015, at the World Junior Championships, Alexey Mzhachik took second place in the over 130 kg category with a score of 401 kg (181 kg + 220 kg). At the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the Belarusian weightlifter took 12th place. The winner was Lasha Talakhadze from Georgia with a world record of 473 kg (215 kg + 258 kg). The second place went to the athlete from Armenia, Mount Minasyan - 451 kg (210 kg + 241 kg). Another Georgian, Irakli Turmanidze, received a bronze medal - 448 kg (207 kg +241 kg).

In the weightlifting competition in Rio de Janeiro, Chinese athletes won the largest number of medals (five gold and two silver), a team from Thailand took second place - two gold, one silver and one bronze medals. Third place for weightlifters from Iran - two gold medals. The national team of Belarus with two silver medals took the ninth place in the medal standings of the Olympic weightlifting tournament.

Comments (5)


Not without it.

At the same time, the Iranian is great, he found the strength to congratulate the Georgian on his victory.

string (14) "Aron Munhauzen" string (17) "Aug 17, 2016 15:11" string (344) "

The Iranian was sued ... Zhestachaishe was sued ...

Not without it.

I wonder how [s] Iranian Irish bookmakers will react to this.

At the same time, the Iranian is great, he found the strength to congratulate the Georgian on his victory. "Array

The Iranian was sued ... Zhestachaishe was sued ...

string (10) "timofeefff" string (17) "17 Aug 2016 15:03" string (48) "The Iranian was sued ... Zhestachaishe was sued ..." Array

and when they called me and said that I was going to the Olympics, it's over , was delighted

Papraze, kali weasel))

string (10) "nedomanski" string (17) "17 Aug 2016 14:54" string (198) "

and when they called me and said that I was going to the Olympics, it's over , was delighted

Papraze, kali weasel)) "Array

Leonid Taranenko World Record in Jerk of 266 kg. "onclick =" (this.href); return false;

string (6) "alwelt" string (17) "17 Aug 2016 14:27" string (209) "Leonid Taranenko World Record in Jerk 266 kg." onclick = " (this.href); return false;" Array

No questions, not a tourist ... Has this Lasha broken Lesha Lovchev's record? everyone was already finishing ... Well, and threw 10 kg on top ...

string (10) "timofeefff" string (17) "17 Aug 2016 11:37" string (252) "No questions, not a tourist ... Has this Lasha broken Lesha Lovchev's record? ... Stunned ... I once thought that no one would break Reza-Zade's records, because he took the first approach in the clean and jerk when everyone was already finishing ... Well, he threw 10 kg from above ... "Array

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