Competitive bodybuilding. Natural bodybuilding - reality or fiction? Natural bodybuilding competition

bodybuilding", That is, continuous work on the development of strength, endurance and muscle building.

Bodybuilding athletes take bodybuilding much more seriously. Building a beautiful and relief body for them is a special ideology and leading a certain way of life.

Bodybuilders or bodybuilders are athletes who constantly perform exercises with various types of weights. They believe that bodybuilding is a whole philosophy of life, not just a sports discipline.

Vivid evidence of these words are millions of people who are engaged in bodybuilding. The number of professionals participating in the competition is much smaller, but this does not affect the popularity of the sport.

general information

For building perfect body it is necessary to completely revise the general routine of life, to include in it:

  • strength physical training with lifting weights, training on simulators;
  • a high-energy diet that includes an increase in carbohydrate and protein-rich foods;
  • the use of proteins and gainers;
  • taking diuretics, hormones, fat burners, steroids, anti-catabolics that remove excess fluid when necessary.

The basis strength training is muscle hypertrophy, getting rid of body fat, creating muscle relief with a pronounced venous pattern.

To achieve this, the training program includes such types of aerobic activity as exercise on stationary bicycles, swimming, running. This allows you to achieve harmony and aesthetics in building a beautiful body.

Athletes who exercise in this way are people of strength of mind, perseveringly striving to achieve their goals.

If in powerlifting and in weightlifting, special attention is paid to how much weight an athlete can take, then in bodybuilding this aspect is not so important. Strength and endurance are paramount to bodybuilders. They directly affect the productivity of the class.

Professionals participating in bodybuilding competitions pose as part of the performances at which the overall level is assessed physical development, volume, symmetry and aesthetics. Competitors take both Mandatory and Free Poses. The first place is won by the bodybuilder who has the most perfect body.

Young men and adolescents who decided to devote themselves to this discipline are interested in how much time you can start doing bodybuilding. Medical experts are of the opinion that strength training should be started at the age of eighteen. At this age, the hormonal background is already stable, the musculoskeletal system is almost completing its formation.

Bodybuilding history

The striving for spiritual and physical perfection has been inherent in man at all times. Sculptures from ancient times are an excellent confirmation of the harmonious development of the body. The beginning of the birth of bodybuilding in the form that is known modern man, began at the end of the nineteenth century.

The siloviki and weightlifters of those times were strikingly different from the bodybuilders of our time. They looked more like members of a beer club. Some of them, having decided not to focus only on strength training, began to work on building a harmoniously developed body. Among them was Evgeny Sandov. This athlete is considered the ancestor of bodybuilding.

It was he who organized the very first bodybuilding competition in 1901, and later created a training program aimed at increasing the volume and increasing muscle strength.

He was deservedly considered the strongest. Rib cage Sandova supported the weight of a platform with three horses. With his hand he could lift a barbell with two adults.

Those who have won a victory in the Mr. Olympia competition are awarded a bronze profile.

Bodybuilding reached its peak of fame in the second half of the last century. Comic book characters released in the fifties and sixties now have a well-defined muscle definition. Hollywood directors began to call bodybuilders to act in films.

Steve Reeves became the first significant film bodybuilder of those years. The role of Hercules brought him fame. In the seventies, Arnold Schwarzenegger won popularity and recognition among the audience, who became Mr. Olympia several times. His mass and muscle volume were vastly superior to those of bodybuilders before him. He made an invaluable contribution to the popularization of bodybuilding.

The modern bodybuilding industry is structured in such a way that athletes who win qualifying competitions are considered professionals. Such bodybuilders receive a special card, the issuance of which is supervised by the International Federation of Bodybuilding. This document allows you to take part in the "Night of Champions" or "Arnold Classic" competitions.

The most significant competition for bodybuilders is Mr. Olympia, which has been held since September 1965. It is overseen by the International Bodybuilding Federation.

The first time it was held in New York, but since 1998 it has been held in Las Vegas with an enviable constant. There is an analogue of the competition for women who are professionally interested in bodybuilding.

It runs in parallel, and its winner becomes Miss Olympia.

Over the history of this championship, 13 people have become winners. The record holder is Ronnie Coleman from the USA, who won the main prize eight times, followed by American Lee Haney and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who played for Austria, who won seven times each.

Varieties of bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is divided into many types, but several directions are most widespread.


This is the process of pumping up muscles and building a beautiful relief body without taking any steroid drugs that accelerate anabolic processes. This type of bodybuilding was especially popular in the nineties of the last century.

Supporters of natural bodybuilding urge athletes to completely abandon steroids, doping and other stimulating growth. muscle mass drugs. The goal of training is mainly to improve your health and fitness, not build up a mountain of muscle. Priority is given to a harmoniously developed and proportional body, a healthy heart, and the development of strong immunity.

There are a huge number of international organizations, focused exclusively on natural bodybuilding, in which it is unacceptable to take any drugs that affect the growth of muscles and related processes.


A relatively new and official direction in bodybuilding accepted in the international association. It, unlike other types of bodybuilding, is completely focused on the development of an aesthetic and harmonious physique, and not on increasing muscle volume.

Athletes doing regular bodybuilding, like weightlifters, must have a certain mass. Classical bodybuilding does not impose such restrictions. The division of bodybuilders in this discipline is more focused on height rather than weight.

A distinctive feature of fans of this trend is the complete absence of pronounced muscle hypertrophy. the ideology of movement boils down to the fact that a person cannot be like a mountain of muscles, but must have an attractive aesthetically pleasing and developed body with ideal proportions and a well-defined relief.


Has existed for a long time, but official competitions, on which women were evaluated according to accepted standards in bodybuilding, began to be carried out only in 1978.

the purpose of this type of bodybuilding is a harmonious combination of muscles pumped up in volume and graceful female body... The focus on muscles in discipline is not as close as in men. The popularity of female bodybuilding has waned slightly.

This is due to the emergence of such widespread sports as fitness.


The power direction of bodybuilding, adherents of which do not develop excess muscle mass.

Athletes engaged in this type of bodybuilding have a toned, harmoniously developed physique without excess muscles. Beach bodybuilding competitions do not allow swimming trunks.

Participants perform exclusively in shorts, do not use oil, make-up and other attributes that are used by classic bodybuilders.

The benefits and harms of bodybuilding

This sports discipline has a positive effect on a person, which is expressed in increasing muscular endurance and strength, gaining a harmoniously developed physique.

Physical activity and training can improve the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, enhance immunity.

An invaluable advantage is the fact that a person with developed muscles looks attractive in the eyes of others.

Bodybuilding is certainly beneficial, but only in moderation. There is a category of athletes who want to achieve quick results overloading their body. This becomes the cause of overtraining.

Doctors are of the opinion that intense physical activity strengthens health with a rational approach, and exhausting training, on the contrary, is harmful.

An excessively high load can damage blood vessels, heart muscle, muscles.

The risks of harming one's own body are also great with the increased enthusiasm of the bodybuilder with various kinds of steroids. These drugs activate and enhance the anabolic processes in the body. As hormonal drugs, they are capable of provoking a number of the following serious complications:

  • gynecomastia, that is, breast hypertrophy, as well as testicular atrophy in representatives of the strong half of humanity;
  • masculinization, that is, the "degeneration" of a woman's body into a semblance of a man's;
  • renal and hepatic impairment;
  • heart attack, ischemic heart disease (heart ischemia);
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • infertility.

These effects develop only as a result of prolonged use and an increase in the dose of hormonal drugs. Professional bodybuilders are officially prohibited from taking anabolic steroids. This does not apply to amateurs, among whom there are those who wish to gain rapid mass gains without much effort. Therefore, the use of doping is a major problem in bodybuilding.


- one of the many sports that is ideal for those who want to be healthy in the first place, to keep their body in sports uniform and always feel in a positive mood.

Definition of bodybuilding- the process of building and developing muscles by exercising physical exercise with weights and high-energy nutrition, with a high content of nutrients, in particular, proteins, sufficient for growth muscle fibers.

The main three components of bodybuilding:

1 ... Competent and the right thing to do physical exercise with weights.

Bodybuilding Exercises

2 . High energy and proper nutrition , high in nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates.

Proper nutrition

3 . Sports nutrition, in particular, protein powders, creatine, vitamin complexes that are necessary for the body, with increased stress.

Sports nutrition

These three components are enough to gain the desired muscle mass and be in perfect shape.

Bodybuilding classification

Bodybuilding professional - IB Professional League

In today's bodybuilding industry, a professional is commonly referred to as a bodybuilder who has won an amateur qualifying event and earned money for it. professional card- Pro Card from IB (International Federation of Bodybuilders).

Bodybuilders who became the owner PRO cards, automatically become professionals and have the right to participate in tournaments that are one step higher than amateur bodybuilding. For example, in such as " Arnold Classic"," Night of Champions ", as well as other professional IB tournaments with significant prize pools.

The winners and athletes, in turn, who have shown high results in professional tournaments, are given the opportunity to participate in the Mr. Olympia competition. Title Mr. Olympia is the highest award in the field of professional bodybuilding.

Amateur Bodybuilding - Amateur Bodybuilding

Amateurs in bodybuilding include all athletes who are involved in this sport, but have not yet become the owners of a PRO-card. However, there are huge differences between athletes who train professionally and ordinary athletes.

Professionals, as a rule, they are engaged in 5-6 workouts per week, and several times a day, in order to achieve maximum results, they use professional equipment in the training process and strictly observe the diet. Sports nutrition in their diet is a must. Amateurs train every other day, but they do not always have time to get to training. They do not focus on nutrition, and their attitude to sports nutrition is neutral.

The most important difference, professional bodybuilding is work to wear, which implies the use of additional necessary drugs for the body, and amateur bodybuilding, in turn, brings pleasure and health.

Bodybuilding natural - "without chemicals"

There are organizations such as NANBF (North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation) and NPD (Natural Physique Association) that promote the so-called natural bodybuilding... These associations are trying to eradicate the use of anabolic steroids and other pharmacological drugs in bodybuilding.

“No Chemistry” bodybuilders find their method to be more focused on natural competition and healthy image life.

Bodybuilding female

The basis of women's bodybuilding can be considered the first Physique women's national championship, held in the USA in 1978 in the city of Canton, Ohio. This championship is the ancestor female bodybuilding, in which the winners were judged solely by their musculature.

Since then, many women's competitions have been held, the most prestigious of which is “ Miss Olympia". Rachel McLeish became the first Miss Olympia title holder in 1980.

Conditions for muscle growth

Workout and classes in the gym.

Correct nutrition necessary for muscle recovery and growth.

Good and healthy recreation and dream.

Muscle Growth Workouts

All people are the same in terms of physiology regarding bodybuilding. The principles of training methods for everyone are the same and well-founded.

However, people who are the same physiologically and anatomically may have different muscles in their composition. Muscle fibers are classified as "white" and "red". The former are responsible for a short-term maximum load, the latter, on the contrary, for endurance and the possibility of long-term work.

Muscles in humans can vary greatly in muscle fiber ratio. Due to this, successful training methods two athletes with the same build can be completely different. It is by trial and error that you can achieve maximum results and become a bodybuilding star.

Proper nutrition for muscle growth

High rates of muscle recovery and growth require bodybuilders to adhere to specialized diet... Generally speaking, bodybuilders require more calories than the average person of the same weight to provide protein and energy for training, recovery and muscle growth.

Reducing the level of received food energy in combination with cardiovascular exercise allows bodybuilders to lose excess fat, which is important in preparation for various competitions. The ratio of dietary energy derived from carbohydrates to protein and fat can vary depending on the bodybuilder's goals.

Eating food for bodybuilders

The average person needs to eat three times a day for normal nutrition. Bodybuilders try to eat 5-7 times with an interval of 2-3 hours.

This method helps to achieve the following goals:

- increases the metabolic rate in the body;

- eliminates the excessive secretion of insulin, which is caused by large and one-time food intake.

Proteins for muscle growth

Protein- the main building material for muscle growth. It is a major nutrient in the diet of bodybuilders. The bodybuilder needs more protein than the average person.

The right amount of protein for muscle growth in a day:

1. At moderate exercise: 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight;

2. With increased loads and constant training: 4 or more grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

In this case, protein should make up 25-30% of the total calorie intake.

Main sources of protein:

- meat - chicken, turkey, pork, beef, lamb, fish;

- legumes and nuts;

- dairy products with a high protein content. For example: cottage cheese.

Many bodybuilders use essential protein supplements such as whey protein and casein in their diets to provide the necessary amount of protein for their body.

More about proteins


Carbohydrates in bodybuilding Is an unbeatable source of energy. The physiological tone of the bodybuilder and the success of his workouts depend on them. It is necessary to increase the intake of carbohydrates at the time of gaining muscle mass, with intense training and heavy loads.

If, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the weight of the body, in connection with overweight, it is desirable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, as well as fats, to a minimum.

An article about carbohydrates

Rapid muscle growth is impossible without rest

Although stimulation of muscle growth occurs in the gym due to resistance training, itself muscle growth occurs during rest, the main peak of growth is in the first 40-50 minutes after training, and lasts for several hours. At this time, the body simply needs protein!

Without adequate rest and sleep, muscles are unable to repair and grow.

The average amount of sleep a bodybuilder needs to get full muscle growth should be 7-8 hours. However, there may be exceptions when 5 or less hours is enough.


Too little rest between workouts or too much workout will result in overtraining... If you start the next workout without getting enough rest, fatigue will accumulate and progress in muscle mass growth or in strength indicators will disappear if the goal is large weights.

It is important to find the right period and start gradually. There are examples when people need up to 9 days of rest. On average, you can start with 2-3 workouts per week.

For some professional bodybuilders, the number of workouts reaches six per week, 1-3 workouts per day.



Bodybuilding: history and modernity

Bodybuilding is becoming more widespread every year. But where did it all start? This article tells about the main milestones in the development of this direction of sports.

Every year it becomes more widespread. But where did it all start? This article tells about the main milestones in the development of this direction of sports.

What is bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding is the process of maximum development. muscle groups athlete and building certain body proportions through a combination of strength training, rest and a specific nutritional system. As a sport, bodybuilding has its own competitions, during which participants demonstrate their physique to the judges, for which they, in turn, assign a certain number of points.

the idea of ​​bodybuilding is that each person, through work on himself, can build the body he dreams of.

The origins of bodybuilding lie in weightlifting, however, unlike this sport, a bodybuilder does not care how much weight he lifts.

But it matters how working weight affects appearance and proportions of the body, how much he managed to work out large and small muscles how they are embossed and voluminous, what is the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue in the body.

To achieve significant results in bodybuilding, training alone is not enough, an athlete Special attention must devote to his regimen: he must get enough sleep (at least 8 hours of sleep at night), maintain a certain diet, take nutritional supplements, give his muscles enough time to recover.

In modern bodybuilding, the problem of doping is acute. Many athletes, both professionals and amateurs, risk their health for quick and impressive results and start taking steroid drugs.

However, anabolic steroids should not be confused with nutritional supplements, which contain vital nutrients, which every athlete needs in order for the body to cope with heavy loads and effectively recover.

From the history of bodybuilding

Start. Eugene Sandow

The first person to develop serious training programs, became Eugene Sandow, he is called the pioneer of modern bodybuilding. The most honorable award for a professional bodybuilder - the statuette of the winner of the competition "Mr. Olympia" - depicts the pioneer of modern professional bodybuilding.

Eugene Sandow, originally from Germany, began his career by showing the public power tricks. However, over time, he realized that it is not only the weight that he can lift that is important, but also the beauty of his body.

He developed harmonious powerful muscles and built his program of performances on the fact that he imitated the poses of ancient sculptors, demonstrating his muscles. Eugene took this show all over Europe and America.

In England, he created a network of athletic clubs, published a specialized magazine, published training manuals, published his training programs, in 1901 he held the first bodybuilding tournament. He was even appointed personal trainer King George V of England. According to the official version, Eugene Sandow died in 1920 as a result of a stroke.

The next level of bodybuilding. The Wider Brothers

At the time when the Wider brothers entered the game, bodybuilding did not stand still, it had already reached a certain level: tutorials appeared, specialized magazines were published, GYM's, competitions were held. However, the brothers were able to take bodybuilding to the next level.

It is with their name that the creation in 1946 of the International Federation of Bodybuilding (IB) and the beginning of the most prestigious competition among professional bodybuilders "Mr. Olympia" are associated.

It was thanks to the Wider brothers that Arnold Schwarzenegger, the legend of bodybuilding who became "Mr. Olympia" seven times, came to America from Austria.

The world of professional bodybuilding

According to unofficial data, today there are about 200 professional bodybuilders in the world (to get a professional card, you need to win a competition of international importance). Each professional is assigned to a federation, which pays him money for the fact that he trains and competes.

Only IB Professionals can participate in the Mr. Olympia Competition. In addition, members of this organization are not allowed to take part in competitions organized by other associations.

International Federation bodybuilding competitions among professionals in various categories: "Mr. Olympia" (men's bodybuilding), "Miss Olympia" (women's bodybuilding), "Fitness Olympia" (women's fitness) and "Bodyfitness Olympia" (women's bodyfitness), in which the winners of intermediate competitions in the respective categories.

Arnold Schwarzenegger annually organizes the Arnold Classic (male bodybuilding), Miss International (female bodybuilding), Figure International and Miss Fitness International contests. The competitions "Mr. Olympia for Veterans" (for bodybuilders over 40) and "Night of Champions" are also popular.

"Mr. Olympia"

The first annual international competition among professional bodybuilders "Mr. Olympia" was held in 1965 in New York. The first winner in the history of these competitions was Larry Scott (he received the title of Mr. Olympia for the second time in 1966).

Arnold Schwarzenegger won 7 Olympia statuettes from 1970 to 1980, his record was broken by Lee Haney, "Black King of Bodybuilding", who became an 8-time champion of "Mr. Olympia".

Also worth noting are two more "Olympians": Dorian Yates, "British Behemoth" won 6 Olympia titles (1992-1997). He was replaced by Roni Coleman, who has won this international competition seven times to date.

He has every chance of repeating, and possibly surpassing Lee Haney's achievement.

Female bodybuilding

Women's bodybuilding as an independent discipline began to develop at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1965, the first Miss Universe contest was held, and in 1980 - Miss Olympia.

The first record for the most victories in the Miss Olympia competition was set by 6-time winner of the statuette Corey Everson. Only Lenda Murray, who climbed to the top of Olympus 8 times ( last time in 2003).

Trends in the 21st century mark a decline in interest in female bodybuilding, so the financial support of sponsors is also moving down. V last years The popularity of fitness competitions is growing rapidly. These changes even pushed four-time Miss Olympia Kim Chizhevski to shed muscle mass and switch to fitness competitions.

The development of bodybuilding in the USSR and Russia

Since bodybuilding has American roots, then, of course, in the Soviet Union this sport was considered a relic of the bourgeois system, which a real man should not be engaged.

In January 1966, under the auspices of " Sports life Russia ”and“ Moskovsky Komsomolets ”, the first official bodybuilding tournament in Russia was held at the Luzhniki Small Sports Arena, in which 27 athletes participated.

To speed up the process of gaining muscle mass will help sports nutrition- protein, creatine, gainer, arginine, BCAA, amino acids. These supplements are specially formulated for athletes and fitness active people of all fitness levels. Such drugs are completely safe, and their effectiveness has already been proven.

In addition to the traditional posing of bodybuilders, the competition program also included strength competitions: squats with a barbell and bench press. Igor Petrukhin was named the winner. For the next year and a half, he participated in 12 more competitions in Moscow, Belarus, the Baltic States, in which he also became the winner.

Then the authorities began official persecution of athletes who were engaged in bodybuilding. The contests moved underground, and the star Igor Petrukhin now performed in the circus as a power juggler and bear trainer.

Currently, branches of foreign federations and associations are engaged in bodybuilding in Russia, which exhibit their athletes on international competitions... This is the Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness of Russia (FBFR), which is part of IB, the NABBA and WABBA (World Amateur Bodybuilding Association, WABBA).

Competitive bodybuilding in contrast to the amateur, it has much more stringent requirements for training process, nutrition, recovery, motivation and overall lifestyle. The path to competition is difficult and full of fatigue, work, success, achievements, disappointments and all kinds of hardships, but this completely different world is unique and interesting in its own way. Each new competition, each new city, each new medal, plus constant new acquaintances, this is the side of bodybuilding that can only be seen by competing athletes.

Competitive bodybuilding is often called a subjective sport, and deservedly so. The fact is that in this sport it is not strength, agility, flexibility, speed or other measurable indicators that are assessed. It evaluates the proportions of the athlete, symmetry, the tracing of muscles, their shape and volume, plus everything else, the artistry of the athlete during the performance of a free program, or free posing, is also assessed. Competitions are usually held in concert halls, in which athletes go on stage and pose at the command of the judges. In turn, athletes are assessed, as a rule, not by one judge or even five, but by a whole collegium, sometimes including up to ten people.

Thus, let's impartially evaluate the information received at this stage and see why this kind of sport in its competitive part is subjective. The thing is that according to by and large, judges evaluate those qualities of athletes that cannot be measured. Even the volume of the biceps or quads does not play a role here, if we talk specifically about who has more than centimeters in volume. The judges take into account the athlete's form, his posing and the free program, that is, they actually assess by eye how harmoniously the athlete is, how well prepared he is, and also how artistic his freestyle program is.

Actually, what I am leading to is the rationale that competitive bodybuilding is actually a beauty pageant. And it is called subjective because the judges here evaluate parameters that do not have a clear coordinate system or units of measurement. Each judge, based on his purely individual idea of ​​aesthetics, harmony and artistry, assigns points to the athletes and then, during the selection, by counting votes (or points), three winners are selected. The degree of objectivity of the judges is determined by the experience of their personal performances in competitions, as well as the number of competitions that they themselves have judged. Thus, the assessment of the refereeing in general depends on the authoritative opinion of each referee in particular. However, even despite the subjectivity of this sport, it would not be professional if it did not have its own charter, regulations, as well as a great variety of rules, standards and restrictions, which will be discussed later.

Competitive bodybuilding

First, let's figure out who can be called a competitive athlete at all. Such can be called, in principle, anyone who at least once officially registered and took part in local competitions at the level of a city or region, and in any category in which he was declared and regardless of what place he took. These athletes are commonly referred to as amateurs. This is a performing athlete who, however, is not yet a professional and is not eligible to compete on international competitions Abroad.

In order to become a professional you need to win qualifying competitions and get the so-called "Pro-card". This card already allows you to participate in international professional tournaments, such as, for example, "Arnold Classic" and not only. High results shown at this level allow the athlete to take part in the most important tournament in the world of bodybuilding - "Mr. Olympia". This tournament bears this name by analogy with the Olympic Games, which in sports career any athlete are the pinnacle of achievements, and gold medal is the highest award that can be won in a given sport.

By the way, since we are talking about the Olympic Games, it is worth saying that the debate about whether bodybuilding will become Olympic view sports have been going on for a long time and still do not stop. Even in spite of the fact that bodybuilding is a competitive sport and the fact that it contains all the features, categories, federations and other signs of a serious and respected sport throughout the world, nevertheless, it is still in Olympic program bodybuilding was never included. Moreover, there is an opinion that is obvious to some and to which others simply do not want to pay attention that competitive bodybuilding will never become an Olympic sport at all. The gossip about why leads to many explanations, theories and guesses, the main one of which is subjectivity or, in other words, the bias of a given sport, or, more precisely, the inability to determine the winner according to very specific and understandable criteria for the broad masses.

Competitive Bodybuilding Federation

IFBB. The oldest and most influential federation is the IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness), founded by brothers Joe and Ben Weider back in 1946. The largest events in the field of competitive bodybuilding are held under the auspices of this federation, including world and continental championships. Including the IFBB annually organizes the World Championship, which includes 189 national and continental federations.

NABBA. The first official tournament in this federation (National Amateur Body-Builders Association) was held in 1948. Initially, only the British could take part in the competition, since the structure and council of the federation were founded there, in the United Kingdom. But today the federation unites more than 50 countries, and on recent competitions more than 200 athletes from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

WABBA. The Federation (World Amateur Body Building Association) was founded by the popular and renowned competitive bodybuilding champion Serge Nybre in 1975. Today, the federation has offices in most countries on all continents and, according to its leaders, is an important player in the world bodybuilding arena. WABBA annually holds competitions in the most popular disciplines, which are represented in other federations.

WFF. World federation fitness (World Fitness Federation) from the very beginning was created as a friendly federation of NABBA. The goal of this maneuver was to reach more bodybuilding and fitness people who were unable, unwilling or unwilling to join the NABBA. One way or another, the competitions of these two federations, namely the World, European and Universe Championships, are held jointly, both among men and among women.

NAC. The International Federation (National Athletic Committee International) was founded in 1999 by the bodybuilding and fitness enthusiast and promoter Harald Hoiler. At the moment, the structure of the NAC includes more than 40 national athletic committees. The competitive season includes the World Championship, as well as the "Mister / Miss Universe" tournament, which are held annually and include all the most relevant disciplines at the moment.

Competitive bodybuilding disciplines

Initially, at the very first competitions and tournaments organized by the IFBB Federation in the distant 50s and 60s, the popularization of the culture of body building was organized by presenting the broad masses of the muscular bodies of men and fit figures women. The evolution of competitive bodybuilding with the subsequent emergence of various categories, disciplines, including divisions, has become a completely logical round of development. At the moment, the bodybuilding discipline itself has a large number of subcategories, but in addition to it, the list of the most popular disciplines at the moment also includes body fitness, fitness bikini, mens physicist and not only. Moreover, each of these disciplines, as well as the discipline of bodybuilding, includes the division of categories by height and weight. Let's break the disciplines into two categories, male and female, and describe them in detail.

Men's competitive bodybuilding

Men's disciplines include bodybuilding (including classical), fitness and mens physicist, however, they are not limited to them.

The following are prescribed in bodybuilding competitions weight categories: up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, up to 85 kg, up to 90 kg, up to 95 kg, up to 100 kg, over 100 kg. At international competitions in Asia, there are also weight categories up to 60 kg and up to 65 kg inclusive. For juniors (up to 23 years old) there are categories up to 75 kg, over 75 kg, as well as up to 80 kg and over 80 kg. For veterans (over 40) there are three age categories, each with weight subcategories. For veterans 40-49 years old: up to 70 kg, up to 80 kg, up to 90 kg and over 90 kg. For veterans 50-59 years old: up to 80 kg and over 80 kg. For veterans over 60 years old - one absolute category.

There is also a category "Classic Bodybuilding", which differs only in other criteria for participation for athletes. This criterion is the ratio of height and weight. In the category up to 170 cm, permissible weight = height minus 100 (with an error of +2 kg). Up to 175 cm the same conditions, but with an error of +4 kg. Up to 180 cm + 6 kg, over 180 cm + 8 kg, over 190 cm + 9 kg, over 198 cm + 10 kg. For juniors (up to 23 years old): up to 168 cm +0 kg, up to 171 cm + 2 kg, up to 175 cm +4 kg, up to 180 cm +6 kg, up to 190 cm +8 kg, up to 198 cm +9 kg, over 198 cm + 10 kg. For veterans of 40-49 years, there is one absolute category. There is also one absolute category for veterans over 50 years old.

Discipline Mens Physicist, she is beach bodybuilding, was introduced in 2012. At the moment, there are the following growth and weight criteria in it. Up to 170 cm permissible weight = height minus 100 (with an error of +0 kg). Up to 174 cm the same conditions, but with an error of +2 kg. Up to 178 +3 kg, over 178 cm + 4 kg, over 190 cm + 5 kg. This discipline has a number of characteristic differences from the previous ones. The most important thing is moderate muscle volumes, which anyone can achieve in as soon as possible which makes this category literally massive. The second difference is shorts, which only this category allows. The third is the elements of posing.

Women's competitive bodybuilding

Women's disciplines include competitions in body fitness, fitness and fitness bikini, but they are not limited to them as well as men's. Since almost all federations strive to ensure that women's competitive bodybuilding remains aesthetic and attractive, the bodybuilding division that had existed for many years was recently reformed into a woman's physicist, since in the original version, excessive muscle mass caused only a repulsive impression and formed a negative reputation for women's competition.

Wumens the physicist. As mentioned above, this category is a lite version of women's bodybuilding. Now, it gives preference to smaller volumes of muscles with the same high requirements for body relief and in general, preference is given to more feminine and attractive faces and figures that do not have pronounced signs of the effect of steroids, such as male facial features or breast implants due to their own atrophy. ...

Woman-fitness. This category is characterized by even lower requirements for the development of muscles and the presence of pronounced muscle volumes. Preference is given to visual appeal and the maximum possible absence of signs of the use of various substances. However, many of the members still have breast implants. A distinctive feature of the discipline is the demonstration of an individual gymnastic or dance program.

Bodyfitness. This discipline was originally created as an alternative to woman fitness, but if there is a score physical parameters rather, it is of secondary importance, and artistry is of paramount importance, then in body fitness, relief, posture, wide shoulders and a narrow waist are evaluated. The judges also separately assess hairstyle, makeup, gait and, in general, confidence on stage.

Fitness bikini. This category was created in 2011 with the aim of maximizing the popularization of the culture of body building among the wide masses of girls and women through minimum requirements for musculature and maximum requirements for aesthetics and attractiveness. A rounded buttocks, a flat stomach (no cubes) and a narrow waist are of paramount importance. It is this category due to the minimum requirements for physical form is the most massive.

Kids competitive bodybuilding

Quite right, don't be surprised. For many, this may seem like something excessive or inappropriate from the category of "too much", but the popularization of sports, including competitive sports, should begin, so to speak, from a young age. Federations are constantly developing participation and discipline programs for young athletes, both boys and girls, who are mainly involved in gymnastic sports due to age restrictions to exercises with weights.

Each federation in each individual country sees the popularization of children's competitive bodybuilding in its own way, and although in fact it cannot be called bodybuilding (it's more like fitness), nevertheless, children also participate in adult tournaments. The age categories approved by the IFBB in international competitions are: 8-9 years old, 10-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-16 years old, 16 and over. Height-weight criteria are approved by each federation independently.

Wheelchair Competitive Bodybuilding

As well as Olympic Games conducted separately for healthy athletes, separately for people with disabilities and healthy athletes and wheelchair athletes compete separately in bodybuilding competitions. The IFBB approved rules have one absolute category for athletes under 40 and one absolute category for veterans over 40. Competitions are held both in individual disciplines (separately men, separately women) and mixed (pair performances of men and women). Mixed disciplines also have one absolute category and are included only in the European Championship program.


Competitive bodybuilding in all its diversity is primarily created to promote bodybuilding and a healthy lifestyle. Just like any other sport, it constantly undergoes changes and adapts to the viewer, since it was created for him directly. Some disciplines are modified, others are created from scratch, others are redrawn from start to finish, but one way or another, the goal towards which literally all existing bodybuilding federations are striving is an attempt to make this sport massive, to attract as many people as possible to the classes and to give as many athletes the opportunity to perform in those categories that are most suitable for them.

In our article we will talk about such a direction as natural bodybuilding, and let's try to figure it out - is it reality or fiction... Even 20 years ago, bodybuilding was simply impossible to imagine without pharmacology. The fact is undoubtedly depressing, since the principles underlying this sports movement are based on building the body according to the Greek model. In the era of Antiquity, when science was in its infancy, athletes achieved results that their modern colleagues often cannot achieve even with the help of muscle growth stimulants. Paradoxical, but true. Famous Russian physiologist Alexander Konstantinovich Anokhin rightly noted that we have forgotten how to use power and have lost the invaluable experience of our ancestors. Fortunately, in recent years, the situation around bodybuilding has gradually changed for the better.

Natural bodybuilding principles

Basic the principle of natural bodybuilding is an complete rejection from "chemistry" in the process of gaining muscle mass. Its adherents set a goal not to build up a mountain of muscles, but to create a healthy and harmoniously developed body. Since it is practically unrealistic for naturalists to compete with their "chemical" counterparts, separate tournaments are held for them. Unlike classical bodybuilding, where doping has long become the norm, each participant in "clean" competitions is thoroughly tested for the presence of illegal drugs in the body. If necessary, a suspect in taking steroids may even be forced to undergo a lie detector test.

This trend originated in the mid-90s of the last century, when anabolic steroids were recognized as hazardous to health and banned for distribution in a number of countries. but bodybuilding without doping arose long before the start of the fight against illegal anabolic steroids. Ancestors natural bodybuilding considered legendary (Eugene Sandow) and his follower Charles Atlas who actively promoted the cult of the beauty of the human body almost 100 years ago. In addition, in the 20th century, there were other legendary athletes who promoted sports and a healthy lifestyle, for example.

Modern natural bodybuilding found many supporters around the world. Natural Bodybuilding Federation of Russia based in St. Petersburg, and the first competitions under its auspices were held in the fall of 2010. The head of this organization is Stefan Chapovsky , nicknamed for the striking resemblance to the famous Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone, "Russian Rambo". Looking at Stefan's anthropometric data, you understand that he deservedly received his pseudonym. At the same time, the 39-year-old athlete built up muscle mass exclusively on natural raw materials, having devoted 25 years of his life to strength training.

Natural bodybuilding: training features

Consider the fundamental features workouts in natural bodybuilding.

  • The load must constantly progress. Power training stimulate the production of male hormone testosterone, which has an anabolic effect, that is, it encourages the muscles to grow. However, it is not so easy for a novice athlete to achieve a hormonal surge. For this purpose, not insulating, but multi-stage exercises that include several muscle groups in the work at once. These are well known to all bodybuilders. deadlift, squats and chest presses, and the like. The number of exercises in one workout should not exceed 3-5. Moreover, each exercise is performed for 3-4 approaches, between which you need to rest for at least 2 minutes.

At the same time, the working weight should increase in order not to allow the muscles to load. Otherwise, the condition may occur training plateau often prompting athletes to quit training or switch to steroids. It is recommended to start with a load of 75 percent of the maximum working weight that the athlete can take in one repetition. Besides, work program it is necessary to change every 3 months and constantly alternate exercises in order to "shock" and not allow them to stagnate.

  • Using micro-periodization. Simply put, we train for one week on a lightweight program, and the second on a weighted one. This will allow the muscles to recover sooner and start the process. supercompensation, that is, a significant increase in mass.
  • Workout time should not exceed 40-60 minutes... Athletes using steroids can handle longer workouts than natural bodybuilders. Therefore, in order to prevent overtraining, followed by the production of catabolic hormones (mainly cortisol) classes must be carried out according to the abbreviated scheme and at a moderate pace.
  • Long rest between workouts. As we know, muscles do not grow in class, but during rest, when the body starts anabolic processes. By not giving the body enough time to recover, we run the risk of triggering a catabolic response. In natural bodybuilding, it is recommended to train every other day, and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Low reps. It is noticed that the maximum release of testosterone occurs in the range of 6 to 10 repetitions. First of all, this concerns the "fast" muscles that are easy to train (biceps, triceps, and so on).
  • Complete elimination of aerobic exercise. V natural bodybuilding this is an unshakable rule that allows you to preserve muscle potential. Athletes resort to cardio training only during the period " drying"When you need to outline the relief of the body.

Natural bodybuilding: nutrition

Far from coincidence nutrition in natural bodybuilding particular importance is attached. Athletes know that weight gain naturally is a long and painstaking process, and the slightest violation of the diet can negate the results of months of effort. Let's see how to eat if you decide to join the ranks natural bodybuilders:

  • Necessary create a calorie surplus, that is, consume more than you spend in class. To do this, you need to eat complex carbohydrates that increase the body's energy resource: pasta, cereals, legumes, cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries. But from fast carbohydrates: sweet pastries, confectionery, sugar, honey, chocolate, it is better to completely abandon it in order to avoid excess body fat.
  • Important maintain protein balance... Remember to feed your muscles with protein in time. It is found in red and white meat, fish, eggs, dairy and dairy products.
  • Divide your daily diet into 5-6 meals. This will keep your metabolism at an optimal level. And don't forget about Golden Rule bodybuilding: gain weight - eat more at one time, when "dry" - less.
  • Sports nutrition v natural bodybuilding not only permitted, but encouraged. Getting the required amount of essential and minerals, the body can better cope with physical activity and responds to the growth of muscle mass. In this regard, the sports nutritional supplement "Leveton Forte" can provide invaluable assistance to the athlete, which contains the following components: Leuzea roots, bee pollen-pollen, drone brood. Due to this, this drug has three properties: anabolic, anti-catabolic and androgenic. Using this correctly sports nutrition, you can achieve high results.

Now you know what the fundamental difference is natural bodybuilding from the classic. The best way verify is it reality or fiction- do your workouts following our advice.

Approximately 99% professional athletes at least once in their life took a course of anabolic drugs. Unfortunately, in professional bodybuilding there is such a tendency and often straight people modestly occupy the last and penultimate places in the ratings of competitions.

Bill Phillips has been athlete enough himself high level... He has trained many and trained with many, so he knows all the ins and outs. So he can be trusted when he states, “I have personally determined that 100% of all professional bodybuilders use steroids, and I would even say that 90% of all athletes performing at the national amateur level do it. It is clear that none of these athletes admit to the use of doping, especially now. Anabolic steroid use has never been considered such antisocial behavior before. The stigma of the criminal is becoming more shameful every day.
L.A. Ostapenko, M.V. Klestov
"Anabolic drugs in modern strength sports"

What if you are anti-steroid? Today we will cover this issue from an unusual perspective, namely, we will introduce readers to the Federation of Natural Bodybuilding in Russia.

It is a non-profit public organization created to popularize fitness and bodybuilding in St. Petersburg. Its difference from most other federations operating in Russia is its very strict attitude to doping drugs. By and large, the list of substances prohibited for use is very large, and the organization has a written agreement with the Interdistrict Narcological Dispensary No. 1 in St. Petersburg to check athletes. Among other things, the judging is carried out by competent specialists, in most cases, they are able to visually determine the likelihood of the use of doping drugs by the participants.

The president of the Natural Bodybuilding Federation is Stefan Chapovsky, who knows firsthand what natural bodybuilding is, since he himself has been practicing in the gym for more than 25 years of which he devoted 20 years to coaching. Stefan Chapovsky graduated with honors from the College of Bodybuilding. Ben Weider, holds an international diploma in bodybuilding and fitness. To his sporting achievements includes a victory in the fitness category at the Hollywood Best New Talent Awards, held in Los Angeles in 2008. Winner of the California Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness competition for natural athletes, also held in Los Angeles in 2009. In the men's fitness category, Chapovsky took second place, and in the bodybuilding category among tall men - third.
Since 2009 Stefan Chapovsky is a member of the International Natural Bodybuilding Association
since 2009 - a member of the International Natural Bodybuilding Association, and since 2010 - President of the Federation of Natural Bodybuilding in Russia.

For those wishing to take part in the competition, there are the following categories: women's fitness, men's fitness and men's bodybuilding. Height-to-weight ratios in the women's fitness and male bodybuilding should be as follows:

The men's fitness category is relatively new: it was added in 2014. If desired, the participant can apply to participate in both the fitness and bodybuilding categories. In men's fitness there are two categories - up to 180 cm and above 180 cm, and the calculation of weight is carried out according to the formula Height in centimeters minus 104. Unlike the IFBB nomination, competitors cannot wear elongated shorts. The bottom border should end in the middle of the thigh, swimming trunks will also be appropriate, but shoes will not. Jewelry, except for the wedding ring, will have to be left out of the stage. The skin tone should be applied evenly, using a small amount of oil is allowed. The judges pay attention, first of all, to the proportions and symmetry of the body, relief and muscle separation, special attention is paid to the presentation of the participant, image, posture, condition of hair and skin.

2015 is rich in anniversary championships. The tenth Open Championship of the Natural Bodybuilding Federation will be held on May 30 in St. Petersburg at the address: st. Rustaveli, 12, KZ Galaxy.

Text: Alexandra Serobabova photo:

The Federation of Natural Bodybuilding was created to support athletes who train without the use of doping.

On November 14, 2010 the Federation of Natural Bodybuilding of St. Petersburg, headed by the domestic Rambo - Stefan Chapovsky, held the first open championship of the city. An exhibition of retro cars of the 1950-1990s, located in the Lenexpo pavilion, was chosen as the background for the event. Perhaps those who were left in bewilderment by the championship itself were partly comforted by the magnificent spectacle of old cars of the same age as bodybuilding.

In his welcoming speech, Stefan Chapovsky spoke about the peaceful and constructive coexistence of different approaches to bodybuilding, welcomed generations of coaches and teachers - representatives of eminent and distinguished federations. The representatives named by him were present in the hall, but in return greetings they did not appear in any way.

Alas, the duration of fanfare, greetings, performances, regalia, and applause, as often happens, turned out to be inversely proportional to the content of the competition. Sometimes everything that happened on the stage seemed to return bodybuilding to the times of 20 years ago, when the participants did not have the practice of performing, and the only reference points in posing were photographs of Western magazines. In the retro environment of 1950-1990s cars, this inexperience would seem like a good trick: remember how it all began in the 1980s. However, there was no retro emotion. The laymen could still perceive what was happening as an unusual sight with many unknowns, and people experienced in bodybuilding could not resist surprise - the composition and level of the athletes were too bizarre.

Stefan Chapovsky as Rimbaud with his idol S. Stallone

There were seven participants in the championship.

In the first round, men performed 4 turns to the right and 8 compulsory poses (“frontal maximal muscularity” was added to the seven taken in FBFR). Mikhail Kryukov represented juniors. The guy showed a good home level of preparation and an unimportant ability to stay on the podium. This, however, was different for most of the participants. So, acting in the category of veterans, Alexander Shirokov, with all due respect to him, gave the impression of an elderly man of strong constitution, who suddenly took it into his head to undress on stage. And this is not at all a complaint against him, but rather against the organizers, who did not feel the line between sports and competition, good amateurism and the championship of such a city as Petersburg, by the way, the homeland of domestic bodybuilding and many dozen champions of the country, Europe and the world.

Pavel Bury, who represented the category of men under 30, looked the most prepared, dense and harmonious in the 1st round, but in the free program he lacked imagination and artistry. But Igor Almukhamedov (up to 45 years old), who looked more than modest in the 1st round, caused a storm of applause with a magnificently staged and performed number, where there was a brilliant tango with a mop and a chair, and expression, and well-honed winning poses. Of the three girls, not one, in my opinion, corresponded to the ideas about bodybuilding. During their appearance on the stage, it was difficult to get rid of the feeling of being in a nightclub. And it's not at all about provocative or vulgar costumes or body movements. It's just that these figures were not athletic enough, and the quality of the girls' training, perhaps, would do credit to the student club, but not to the city championship.

And among women, the aesthetics and meaningfulness of arbitrary compositions turned out to be significantly higher than in the first round. We must pay tribute to the junior Anna Isashina - an incendiary gypsy in her performance, the extremely expressive plasticity of her hands was simply mesmerizing, it was a genuine choreographic art. And in comparison with the 1st round, everything started to play in this dance - both calves and the tone of the legs - at least the questions about the girl's involvement in fitness were removed: yes, perhaps this is bodily beauty, formed by physical exercises and expressed in aesthetics delivered movement.

Two other girls - Christina Zazhirilo and Raziya Ramazanova - also danced dashingly, demonstrating some muscle potential and even a good study of the press, but still the feeling of not falling into the genre did not leave: with much more reason it could be a beach competition of erotic dance than fitness ...

I am deeply sympathetic to the ideology of doping-free sport and the idea of ​​the coexistence of different approaches and attitudes in looking at ways to achieve sporting success... But it’s wrong when a tournament calling itself First open championship Petersburg, is perceived as a provincial competition "Strength and Beauty".

Already by the way I have to choose the words for the assessment, it is noticeable that such a championship only arouses condescending interest, and not at all a desire to agitate everyone to follow this path. The point is not that "the first pancake is lumpy" and that there are still few participants. The point is in the discrepancy between the claims - and the level, swing - and the result.

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