Dorian Yates now. Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates is known to all fans and amateurs of bodybuilding since the 90s as an athlete with extraordinary muscle volumes, a bodybuilder who introduced into fashion the "pursuit" of a large mass on a par with ... He became the best 6 times at "Mr. Olympia" in 1992-1997 and gathered a lot of fans around him.

Is Dorian Yates not the same now?

But time is ticking and Dorian Yates is now 55 years old. I wonder what was left of Dorian's huge car of the late 90s, what form is the former bodybuilder in today, how he trains now and what he does in life, is he successful?

Now Dryan Yates has moved with his relatives to a town called Morbel, which is located in Spain. The former bodybuilder began to have a great love for animals and started two boxers, Samson and Conan, at home.


As for career and work, Dorian opened a fitness club, which is referred to as "Temple", as well as founded sports school for kids and adolescents, in which future champions and champions are brought up.

Yates is now engaged in the production, or rather the development of exercise equipment for gyms under its own brand "DY" - an abbreviation of the name and surname. Recently Dorian opened a new one gym in Spain. Now Yeats Hall is not only in Birmingham, but also in Spain. It is different from English and more modern, not hardcore. The bodybuilder approached everything with caution, there are very high-quality exercise machines in the gym, as well as a restaurant with a sea view. Dorian's son Lewis is now in charge of Birmingham Hall. He trains in his father's philosophy in a hardcore style.

Photo. Dorian Yates now

In addition to making simulators, the legend took part in the development of the line sports nutrition"Double H" which is very popular in his country. This is not the case when the athlete invests, and someone else does everything. This is Yeats' personal company, whose processes are controlled by the owner, delves into all the subtleties, works on quality for the sake of consumer confidence.

Dorian Yates has developed more than one methodology and training program that is now being sold all over the world via the Internet. One of the most popular were his step-by-step video courses, in which Yates personally demonstrates the exercises and prepares athletes for performances.


Naturally, now Dorian Yates does not work out so often and intensively in the gym, does not give all his best, because the goals are not the same. However, he keeps himself in decent shape and looks fit in the photo. Occasionally conducts demonstration workouts for the press with famous bodybuilders of our time.

Currently Dorian focuses on cardio in his workouts, body mobility, muscle stretching, practicing yoga. In strength training, he tries not to use critical weights, because with such a load, I begin to remind of myself of injuries. In his youth, he tore the supraspinatus muscle when he forced the load. He is now 55 and we are already talking about the health of the body and the mobility of muscles, whose activity decreases every year.

Photo. Dorian Yates and Phil Heath

Dorian states that after years she plans to stay active and play sports. Priorities have changed, once he wanted to become the most muscular and huge in the world. These were the goals in my youth. Now he is older and the goals are different, but Dorian loves to train, just like in his youth.

  • Height - 178 cm.
  • Competition weight 121 kg, in the off-season 131 kg.
  • The size of the bicep is 54 cm.
  • Thigh size - 81 cm.
  • Girth chest- 148 cm.
  • The waist is 86 cm.
  • Shin size - 56 cm.

The full name of the bodybuilder Dorian Andrew Menges Yates is Dorian Yates. Yates was born on April 19, 1962 in the small village of Staffordshire, which is located near the city of Birmingham, England. Mother famous athlete worked as a riding instructor, and his father died when Dorian was 13 years old from heart disease. His father was then only 42 years old. A year later, the family moved to Birmingham, where after some period his mother met a man. Unfortunately, they were not condemned to be together, since the man died before the wedding. Having received a strong moral shock, his mother left Birmingham and returned back to Staffordshire, and Dorian was stuck in Birmingham for 16 years. During this period, Yates did not work with anyone and wherever he tried himself, since the bills had to be paid by someone. During this time, he became a skinhead and dressed accordingly, and also constantly walked with a shaved head. Dorian even worked in the slaughterhouse at one time to earn his living.

This period of his life was also marked by the fact that at the age of 19 he ended up in the Wotton Correctional Center for Youth. He received 6 months of corrective labor for participating in the riots. In the UK, persons under 21 years of age are considered youth, so he was sent to this center.

Here he went in for sports. This was the only thing that could be done without restriction in such conditions, as many other prisoners did. Due to the presence of strength and fitness, he managed to win universal recognition. While in custody, Dorian often thought about his future. He had few options: either to take up his mind, or to spend the rest of his life behind bars, sitting in one or another prison. Realizing this, he chose the first and promised himself that he would be an exceptionally law-abiding citizen of his country.

As the future has shown - it was the right decision and, after a certain time, he found gym located in the basement and signed up there. It was good in this room sport equipment for that time. He trained independently and at the age of 21 he took part in competitions. In 1986, Dorian Yates was the first in the British Championship, performing in the 100+ category. At this age, he had dry muscle mass in 100 kg, which few people have achieved, and even more so such a success. Already in 1987, Yatsu managed to acquire his own gym. In the same year, Yatsu was very unlucky, and he injured his thigh muscle. Such failures often happened to him. It would seem that everything! You can forget about training for a long period, but he did not give up even for a short time was able to return to training. It was very important for him to regain its former shape and gain the lost weight. It was important for him to fulfill what he had promised himself.

In 1990, the athlete went to New York, after which he took part in the "Night of Champions" tournament. Dorian managed to take second place, passing ahead only Mohammed Benaziz. At that time, Benaziz was very popular among fans of this sport, and it was no coincidence. After that, he managed to get a PRO card, which allowed him to take part in professional competitions. In 1991, he competes in the Mr. Olympia competition, where he also won the second place, and the winner was Lee Haney, eight-time winner of Olympia. Despite this, Dorian was constantly aiming for victory, although the second place in this prestigious tournament cannot be considered a defeat. For the first time, at such competitions, few people managed to achieve such a serious result. Already in next year he achieved his goal by winning the Mr. Olympia. This fact indicates that Dorian Yates was one of the most gifted athletes.

In 1997, he again took part in this tournament, but not without problems, since before that, three weeks before the start of the competition, he injured his triceps. Despite the strong sprain, the athlete did not stop training and took first place. But this did not pass without a trace for Yates. Due to the severity of the injury, he had to retire from the sport. Over the entire competitive period, 15 first places and 2 second places were submitted to him, which testifies to the unique data of the athlete.

Dorian Yates has earned two nicknames during this time, thanks to his fans. Basically he was called "Shadow". This nickname was invented by the editor of the British edition Peter McGoach in 1988. He was also called the "Birmingham Lion", which is associated with his hometown.

In 1991 he married and had a daughter, Tany, and a son, Lewis. He lived with his whole family in Sutton Coldfield. After a while, he divorced. He is currently coaching his son Lewis. As you can see, the example of his father had a very positive effect on Lewis. Many children follow in their parents' footsteps and sport is no exception.

Major achievements

Dorian Yates is one of the most famous and titled bodybuilders around the world. He won prestigious tournament Mr. Olympia 6 times in a row, from 1992 to 1997. At the missile defense competitions, he took part 17 times, losing only 2 times, and then only at the beginning of his sports career... It happened in 1990, at the "Night of Champions" tournament, where he lost to the then famous Mohammed Benaziz. The very next year he became the first. He also took second place in 1991, taking part in the "Mr. Olympia" tournament for the first time, losing only to Lee Haney. The next year, no one could compete with him. Until 1997, he had no worthy rivals, and he did not lose a single competition. He participated in the Grand Prix tournaments of Spain, Germany and England, and won them several times. In 1998, he ranked first in the IFBB professional rankings for men, although 1997 was Yates' last competitive year in bodybuilding. Not many people know that he won most of his victories thanks to his mentor, Mike Mentzer, who developed his own method of training bodybuilders.

Each exercise is performed in one working approach, but before that it is necessary to carry out a couple of warm-up approaches with small weights. A warm-up is necessary to prepare the muscles for more serious loads. This athlete did not make unnecessary heavy approaches, although for the sake of fairness it should be noted that this philosophy of approach to training process owned by Mike Mentzer, who coached Dorian Yates.

All phases of movements are performed at a slow pace. In this case, it is important to do the exercises correctly, since you have to deal with serious weights. The slightest ignorance of the technique of performing the exercise can lead to injuries, which often happened to Dorian himself.

Split Dorian Yates performs when the muscles are fully restored, so you should take a little more time to rest. In addition, you must have a healthy state of mind and body. If the condition does not predispose to training, then it is better to postpone it, but you should not completely abandon training.

To obtain the desired effect, the weight must be increased with each workout, since the muscles increase after each load. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the weight of the shells gradually and carefully, not forgetting about the execution technique. Some exercises do not require a significant increase in weights, especially when it comes to small muscle groups.

The optimal weight is one with which you can perform from 6 to 8 repetitions, adhering to the ideal technique. If the weight is increased or decreased, then no effect will follow from this. This can damage your health.

You shouldn't reinvent the wheel because there are basic, proven exercises. Some novice athletes, who get information from nowhere, begin to come up with something, experimenting with movements. As a rule, this does not lead to anything good, and athletes leave the sport in bewilderment, having not achieved any results. The athlete is only required to carefully and wisely perform basic exercises, not forgetting about the technique, which leads, in the end, to the desired results.

You should never work with excessive weights, as this will not allow you to develop good coordination movements and will not allow you to perform the exercise technically.

Dorian Yates training program (1995-1997)


Day 1: deltas, traps, triceps, abs

Day 2: back, rear deltas

Day 3: relaxation

Day 4: chest, biceps, abs

Day 5: thigh, lower leg

Day 6: relaxation

Workout day 1

Warm-up: 10 minutes for, then stretching for all groups that will train today (this is before all workouts)

  • Press on deltas in the Smith machine: 1 * 15 (54kg), 1 * 12 (108kg), 1 * 8-10 (153kg)
  • Sitting to the sides: 1 * 12 (2 * 35kg), 1 * 8-10 (2 * 32kg)
  • Leaving the hand to the side on the block: 1 * 20 (16kg), 1 * 8-10 (32kg)
  • Dumbbell Shrugs: 1 * 12 (2 * 63kg), 1 * 10-12 (2 * 83kg)
  • Triceps on the block: 1 * 15 (36kg), 1 * 12 (60kg), 1 * 8-10 (80kg)
  • EZ Bar French Press: 1 * 12 (45kg), 1 * 8-10 (64kg)
  • Triceps on a block with one hand: 1 * 8-10 (32kg) or Extension of one arm in the Nautilus machine: 1 * 8-10 (maximum weight)
  • Twisting on the press: 3 * 20-25
  • Reverse curls: 3 * 12-15

As you can see, the first approach with a reduced weight is a warm-up.

Workout day 2

  • Back on the Hammer machine: 1 * 15 (60kg), then deadlift vertical block: 1 * 12 (100kg), 1 * 8-10 (128kg) or (change at each workout) Nautilus pullover: 1 * 15 (100kg), 1 * 12 (144kg), 1 * 8-10 (198kg)
  • Bent over barbell pull: 1 * 12 (128kg), 1 * 8-10 (169kg)
  • One-handed Hammer Row: 1 * 8-10 (110kg)
  • Thrust horizontal block: 1 * 8-10 (maximum weight)
  • Rear deltas on Hummer: 1 * 8-10 (2 * 25kg)
  • Incline dumbbell breeding: 1 * 8-10 (2 * 43kg)
  • Hyperextension: 1 * 8 (140kg - body weight)
  • Deadlift: 1 * 8 (182kg)

Workout day 4

  • Bench press lying on incline bench head up: 1 * 12 (60kg), 1 * 10 (100kg), 1 * 8 (140kg), 1 * 8 (191kg)
  • Seated Hummer Press: 1 * 10 (100kg)
  • Bench press: 1 * 10 (100kg), 1 * 6-8 (158kg)
  • Dumbbell spreads lying on an incline bench with the head up: 1 * 10 (2 * 34kg), 1 * 8 (2 * 50kg)
  • Crossovers: 1 * 10-12 (2 * 40kg)
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on an incline bench: 1 * 10 (2 * 23kg), 1 * 6-8 (2 * 32kg)
  • EZ Bar Biceps Curls: 1 * 10 (45kg), 1 * 6-8 (63kg)
  • Curls of arms in Nautilus: 1 * 6-8 (54kg)
  • Twists: 3 * 20-25
  • Reverse curls: 3 * 12-15

Workout day 5

  • Leg extension in the simulator: 1 * 15 (60kg), 1 * 12 (90kg), 1 * 10-12 (122kg)
  • Leg press: 1 * 12 (347kg), 1 * 12 (470kg), 1 * 10-12 (570kg)
  • Hack squats: 1 * 12 (198kg), 1 * 8-10 (297kg)
  • Lying Leg Curl: 1 * 8-10 (59kg), 1 * 8-10 (81kg)
  • Flexion of one leg in the simulator: 1 * 8-10 (23kg)
  • Shin in a standing machine: 1 * 10-12 (405kg), 1 * 10-12 (585kg)
  • Seated Calf: 1 * 10-12 (112kg)

Anthropometric data


The full name of Dorian Andrew Menges Yates (Yates) is Dorian Yates. Born in the village of Staffordshire, near the city of Birmingham, England. Date of birth: April 19, 1962. Yats's mother worked as an equestrian instructor. Dorian lost his father at the age of 13, he died at 42 from a heart attack. At the age of 14, Yates moved with his mother and sister to live in Birmingham. After a while, his mother met a man, but, unfortunately, he died before their wedding. After such a shock, she went back to Staffordshire, but Dorian remained in Birmingham for 16 long years. This period of life was not the best for the young Yats. He became a skin-head, dressed according to this fashion: jeans, boots with suspenders, walked with a shaved head. He had to work a lot, because all the bills had to be paid somehow. Dorian Yates worked in many areas, for some time he even worked in the slaughterhouse.

As we said, this period of living in Birmingham was not the best in Yates' life. At the age of 19, he was arrested for participating in riots. He received 6 months in the Wotton Correctional Youth Center (persons under the age of 21 are considered "youth" in the UK, so he was sent there).

In this correctional center, he began to train, however, like many other prisoners. Quite quickly, he managed to earn respect and a good reputation there thanks to his strength and his fitness. While still in custody, he thought for a long time about his future, because in the future it could not have developed in the best way for Dorian Yates, if he did not take up his mind. So he could spend the rest of his life - moving from one prison to another. He made a promise to himself that he would never break the law again, that he would never go to jail.

This decision was very correct. Soon he enrolled in a small basement room with gym equipment, which was quite good for that time. Training took place under his own control, and after a while he even took part in competitions - then he was 21 years old. In 1986 he won the British 100+ Championship for the first time. Agree, for this age, very few people managed to have a lean muscle mass exceeding 100 kg at the age of 21, not to mention such success in competitions at such an early age. In 1987, Yates bought himself a small gym. In the same year, something unpleasant happened: Dorian Yates tore his thigh muscle. This meant that training would have to be paused for quite some time. The fighter did not give up and soon returned to the iron to catch up with lost time and gain the lost pounds.

In 1990, Yates went to New York and took part in the "Night of Champions" tournament, he finished second after Mohammed Benaziz. Having received a PRO card and the opportunity to compete in professional tournaments, Dorian Yates competed at Olympia in 1991, finishing second and losing only to Lee Haney, eight-time winner of Mr. Olympia. But he was aimed only at victory, the motivation was precisely his loss, although for the first Olimpia it was very honorable to take the second place and very few people succeeded. The next year he returned to win. The goal was set, the goal was achieved.

The last performance at Olympia in 1997 was the most difficult for Yats. Three weeks before the tournament, he tore his triceps, but Dorian Yates did not stop training and he was ready to fight on stage. The labors were not in vain - 1st place. Due to a serious injury, he had to end his career as a professional bodybuilder. 15 victories and 2 second places for the entire competition period - I don't even know if there are still such gifted athletes.

Dorian Yates had a nickname, even two, although the first is the most popular. "Shadow" - so he was christened by a fan, the nickname was invented by the editor of the British edition Peter McGaugh in 1988. The second nickname is associated with his hometown, his name was "Birmingham Lion".

Yates married in 1991, have children: daughter Tany and son Lewis. He lived in Sutton Coldfield with his wife and two children. He is currently divorced. Dorian trains his son Lewis, apparently the father set a good example for his son, thanks to which he also began to study.

Best Achievements

Dorian Yates is one of the most successful and award-winning bodybuilders in the world. He won the Mr. Olympia tournament 6 times in a row (from 1992 to 1997). Taking part in 17 missile defense competitions, he lost only 2 times, then taking second place at the beginning of his career. In 1990, Yates became the second in the "Night of Champions" competition, losing only to Mohammed Benaziza, who at that time was very popular and famous. The next year, at the same tournament, he already became the winner. Also in 1991, Dorian performed at Olympia, eventually taking second place after Lee Haney. But the next year he came to win. Until 1997, Yates did not lose a single competition. He won the Grand Prix of Spain, Germany and England several times. In the 1998 IFBB men's bodybuilding professional ranking, he took first place. 1997 was the last year for Yates in competitive bodybuilding.

Dorian Yates Chest Workout Program

In the first exercise, Dorian performs incline press on the top of the chest. The angle of inclination is 30 degrees, it is this option that will allow you to maximize the use of the upper chest, if you increase the angle to 45, then the front deltas will take most of the load. The exercise can be performed with a barbell, in a Smith machine, or in a Hummer. Yates starts with light warm-up sets and goes up to working weights, with which he performs 6-8 reps.

The next exercise will be the Hammer press. The advantage of the Hammer press is that the risk of injury is minimized, and you can also exercise more isolation on the pectorals. This bench press will also protect your shoulders, biomechanically, this movement will be safer. In this exercise, you do not need to try to bend in the lower back - this way you will only reduce the load on the pectorals. The main thing when performing such a bench press is the flattened shoulder blades throughout the entire amplitude, correct location the seat of the simulator (you need to adjust it to your height so that the handle is at chest level for the desired section - top, middle or bottom), and your elbows should be spread apart, and not pressed to the body.

The third exercise in Dorian's chest workout program will be dumbbell breeding. Here's what Yates notes for this movement: when dumbbell dilutions you do not need to work at maximum amplitude, at the bottom you stretch pectoral muscles, and then lift the dumbbells, but not completely, working in two-thirds of the range. The upper phase (going to the end) will be simply useless.

It looks like sample program chest workouts from Dorian Yates during the offseason. Of course, this scheme is not permanent / basic, versions may be different. This is just one very good mass-building workout.

Dorian Yates training system

He performs each exercise in one working approach, and before him 2-3 warm-ups with light weight are performed. Dorian Yates believes that there is no need to do a lot of hard and working sets.

All phases of the movement (both negative and positive) must be performed very slowly. It is the execution technique that is important. And since working weights are very large, then you need to work extremely technically, because the slightest deviation from the technique can lead to serious injury.

Dorian Yates' split is fickle. The training takes place when the muscles are fully recovered ( muscle group on the day of training). Also, when you have an excellent body condition, if you did not sleep well or you have a bad headache, then it is better to postpone the workout, but in no case miss it (unless the case is critical).

The working weight should increase from training to training, because it is due to the increase in the load that the muscles will grow. The increase in the weight of the projectile should be smooth and careful, the main thing is that the technique remains invariably perfect. In some exercises, weights can increase very slightly, or over a long time - this applies mainly to exercises for small muscle groups.

The weight should be selected so that you can do the exercise with it for about 6-8 repetitions with ideal technique. Too much or too little weight will not do the job well.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Often, beginners, after reading obscure magazines and crazy articles, begin to come up with some new exercises or training methods. You only need to do basic exercises and quite a few isolated ones (often only a basic one). The movements themselves were also invented a long time ago.

Work preferably with free weights... This will allow you not only to work out your muscles in the best way, but also to develop coordination in yourself. First of all, you need to learn how to do all the exercises correctly.

Videos featuring Dorian Yates

Dorian's performance at Olympia 1996

Dorian Yates High Intensity Training Secrets

Anthropometric data of Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates biography

born April 19, 1962 in Hurley, rural Starfordshire, a suburb of Birmingham, England. He also had a sister, Lisa, 5 years younger. The family owned a small farm, commonly referred to as estates in Britain. She consisted of several heads of cattle and horses. Mom Dorian earned by teaching people to ride. Unfortunately, at the age of 13, Dorian lost his father. His dad died of a heart attack when he was only 42 years old. It was difficult to maintain the estate without a father, so when the boy turned 14, his mother took the children and moved to Birmingham.

Photos by Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates performance history

In Birmingham, Dorian's mother is getting married for the second time. But her second husband also died soon after. It was not easy to survive the tragedy, and therefore the mother decides to return to her estate. But Dorian decided to stay. At that time, the young man was already 16 and he contacted a bad company of skinheads and fell under their influence. The lifestyle of this group was very cruel. They were all shaved and wore steel-toed boots to make it easier to hit. Despite the fact that the future athlete tried to find a job and tried himself in different fields, he grew up on the street and was brought up there. At the age of 19, the young man was detained for violation of order. He was sentenced to six months in prison. This confinement took place at the Watton Correctional Center for Adolescents. If Dorian was older, his term would have been much longer.

But ironically, this is what connected him to sports. In the colony, he first tried weight training. His first hobby was powerlifting. Even the law enforcement officers were amazed at the guy and his strength.

Dorian Yates workout

Having freed himself, he continued to play sports. Dorian signed up for a small, dark gym in the basement. By the 21st year, the athlete had acquired a good shape and tried to perform. In 1987, Yates suffered a thigh injury that led to surgery that interrupted his training for a year. But, nevertheless, he managed to recover and at the end of the same year won the championship of England in heavy division... For the prize money, he decided to buy his own gym in the capital of England - London. Dorian Yates loved to teach training, often doing it completely free of charge.

Having received the card of a professional bodybuilder IFBB, Yatz became the silver medalist at his first "Night of Champions" tournament in 1990! At the first Olympia, the athlete also manages to become the second, leaving ahead. After leaving the sport of the great Lee, Dorian headed the throne of the winner "" and reigned on it for a long six years. The athlete had to leave the sport due to multiple injuries that made the preparatory process impossible.

Over the course of his long bodybuilding career, Dorian Yates has earned quite a few nicknames. He was called the "Birmingham Beast", "British Bulldog", "Birmingham Lions", but the most popular nickname was "Ghost". The fact is that the athlete has never been a public person. For a whole year, no one knew anything about him. He came to the podium, won and again went into the shadows for a whole year. This nickname was coined by the publisher of the popular Fitness Magazine, Peter McGough.

Apparently early years life on the farm was not wasted. The champion loves animals. He has two "boxers" named Samson and Conan. His sister and her mother are fond of horses and built a small business on this. Lisa once competed in the national equestrian championship.

Dorian Yates now

Since 1998, the athlete himself has worked in one of the companies producing sports nutrition, and a year later he released his line of supplements "Approved by Dorian Yatz". Dorian Yates currently lives in Wallee, Sewton Goldfield, England. He has a wife, Debbie, whom he married on November 2, 1991, and a son, Lewis. It was rumored that Dorian was currently training his son.

Dorian Yates anthropometry:
Height - 178 cm,
Competitive weight - 121 kg,
Off-season weight - 131 kg,
Chest - 145 cm,
Biceps - 57 cm,
Waist - 86 cm,
Thigh - 77 cm,
Shin - 56 cm,
First place in the championship Mr. Olympia - 6 times.

Biography of Dorian Yates (Dorian Yates)

Dorian Yates (Yates) was born in Heli, Staffordshire, England. At the age of 13, his father dies of a heart attack. A year later, Dorian moved to Birmingham with her mother and younger sister. In order to somehow help his mother pay the bills, he gets a job.

At the age of 16, Dorian joined a skinhead gang, and at the age of 19 he was arrested for participating in riots. He is sentenced to 6 months in a juvenile correctional facility. If Dorian was two years older, then the sentence would have been much harsher. But it was in the colony that he first began weight training.

Released, Dorian vows never to return there again. To do this, he visits a small gym, which was located in the basement. Possessing good inclinations, Dorian progresses rapidly, gaining muscle mass. Three years later, he wins the Mr. Birmingham 1984 Junior Championship, taking 1st place. And a year later, he becomes the winner of the West Coast Championship also among juniors. This is how Dorian Yates's stellar career began.

For the first time, Dorian performs at the “Mr. Olympia ”in 1991, and took the 2nd place, inconceivable for a beginner. Having conceded only, at that time already 8 times winner of this championship.

On November 2, 1991, Dorian marries a girl named Debbie. In the future, 2 children, Lewis and Tany, are born in their family.

For the entire relatively short career of performing on stage, and this is 13 years, Dorian Yates won the English Grand Prix twice in 1991 and 1994, the German Grand Prix in 1994 and the Spanish Grand Prix also in 1994. But his main achievement was winning the title "Mr. Olympia" for 6 years in a row, from 1992 to 1997. At the last championship in 1997, Dorian competed with a serious injury (triceps rupture), which he received three weeks before Olympia. It was his last performance, after which he announced the end of his career. Many experts considered this victory very dubious.

Today Dorian Yates is promoting his line of sports nutrition called "Dorian Yates Nutrition". Also, after a divorce from his first wife, Dorian marries the Brazilian fitness model Glaci Ferreira, whom he met at the Arnold Classic in 2008, for the second time.

Video with Dorian Yates:

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