Correct cardio training. Cardio training programs for beginners and advanced

Cardio Guide: Telling Who, When, and How to Do Cardio.

Do I need to do cardio in general, when exactly do I need to do cardio and in what volumes? The zozhnik understands everything related to cardio.

What is cardio

The name "cardio" actually comes from the Greek word kardio - heart. Therefore, in theory, cardio training is training of the cardiovascular system. However, in fitness gyms, any aerobic exercise began to be referred to as "cardio": running, walking on an ellipse, cycling, and most group activities.

Actually, cardio training, namely training of the heart and cardiovascular system, is most effective at a certain heart rate range, so you need to constantly monitor it.

Your personal range can be determined accurately and individually by passing a test on a gas analyzer (here).

Or just use a rough formula: 220 - your age = your maximum heart rate ... Your cardio workout should be in a heart rate range of 60% to 80% of your maximum heart rate. Accordingly, for a 30-year-old person, this range is approximately 114-152 beats per minute. If you train below the lower limit, training will not bring tangible benefits, if higher and without proper preparation, it can do harm.

This is how the "cardio" and "fat burning" zones are marked on the simulators, but do not rush to believe them.

Another very popular topic about heart rate zone fat burning (perhaps because it is often noted on cardiovascular equipment in fitness rooms): this zone is also determined individually on a gas analyzer test and it is slightly lower: about 60-70% of the maximum heart rate (115-135 beats / min for an average 30-year-old person ).

However, the most important thing in this is that cardio training for fat burning can be effective, like any other activity, but strength training is best of all (see below: why cardio training is not The best way lose weight).

Who needs cardio and for what purposes?

But first, we will tell you to whom and in what cases. cardio recommended:

1. Actually, regular moderate cardio training specifically to keep the cardiovascular system in order and in general to prolong life.

Cardio helps during the period of fat burning, and interferes with when you gain mass. Take your pick.

2. If you are building muscle mass, then vigorous cardio training is not recommended, as its effect on muscle growth is somewhat opposite to hypertrophy. However, while “drying”, the presence of cardio in your training plan(but only in conjunction with strength) will make fat burning even more effective.

3. If you are losing weight, then add cardio to strength exercises - also good idea... Ultimately, anything that increases calorie expenditure is beneficial to weight loss. But remember that cardio is not the best effective method exercises for weight loss.

4. If you are involved in cyclic sports and you need to develop your endurance - cardio will help you.

5. Cardio as recovery. Light loads have a beneficial effect on the speed of recovery - we are reading about overtraining and its dangers.

Cardio is not the best way to lose weight

This is generally the most common misconception: women, fearing to “swing” and hoping to lose weight, storm ellipses in all fitness rooms in the world. However, fears about "swinging" are completely groundless and we have written more than once that this is completely impossible without steroids and hormones. But using exclusively cardio workouts for weight loss is quite a working option, but it is even more effective to add strength training.

Yes, indeed, say, 45 minutes of cardio can “burn” more calories than during equal time strength training, but the overall effect on weight loss may be worse.

But strength training burns your fats not only during exercise, but mainly during rest, after your workout, significantly raising your overall metabolic rate. In addition, even a small amount of muscle that you can get from strength training (for example 5 kg) requires additionally 50-75 kcal per day to your usual diet is just for their maintenance, and this is without taking into account their work, for which they also need more energy. This increase in calorie intake makes it a little easier for you to maintain a slight calorie deficit and burn fat on a consistent basis.

The best effect on fat burning is provided by a combination of complete strength training and cardio training. In order to lose weight, fitness experts recommend flavored 2-3 strength training per week with 2-3 cardio workouts for 45-60 minutes. Moreover, it is advisable to carry out them on different days, and even such a volume of training can not be afforded immediately, but at least with an average level of readiness for loads - that is, if you already regularly go to the gym and manage to recover.

How long does it take to do cardio

Experts advise doing cardio for at least 30 minutes in order for the workout to have at least some effect. But do not forget that if you are a complete beginner in the gym, then you need to start with light 10-15 minute workouts and gradually increase the load.

Keep in mind that doing cardio for more than an hour can negatively affect muscle growth. Scientists have found that although aerobics "burns" fat, but after an hour of exertion, the body switches to muscle tissue. After 2 hours of cardio training, the body loses up to 90% of leucine, an important amino acid, including essential for muscle growth.

Multiple "Mr. Olympia" Jay Cutler does not hesitate to cardio during the period of fat burning.

Here is what one of the most famous jocks in the world, Jay Cutler, says: “ in preparation for the competition, I decided to put pressure on aerobics and lengthened aerobic training to one and a half hours. Immediately I noticed that there were less strength, the muscles "shrank" and lost their usual elasticity.Since then, I have been doing cardio for no longer than 45-50 minutes.“.

Cardio + power

We repeat that muscle building and fat burning are in many ways competing for the body, which means that cardio is not recommended during the period of muscle building, but vice versa during the period of "drying".

In this case, it is recommended to do cardio on a separate day, but if you have to combine it, then it is better to do cardio training after strength training. If you start with cardio, you will use up glycogen, and this will lead to a decrease in muscle strength, which means you will not be able to load the muscles enough in the "strength" part of the workout.

But remember that fat burning is not a type of workout, but a set of measures. First of all, you should eat less than you spend, and so that muscles do not leave your body along with fat, you should maintain them with strength training and a high protein diet (1.8-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day).

Striving for a healthy, beautiful body, we all understand that we cannot do without sports. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym and train with an instructor, but the good news is that cardio workout at home, done correctly, is as effective as training with a professional trainer using special equipment.

The proposed sets of exercises are easy to understand, even a child can cope with them on their own. The main rule is the regularity of execution and perseverance, then everything will work out.

Cardio training, or aerobic exercise, is long-term exercise of moderate uniform intensity aimed at increasing air flow to the lungs and muscles, training endurance, burning fat, and improving the work of the heart muscle.

This type of training includes sports such as:

  • running (athletics)
  • swimming
  • bike
  • rollers / skates
  • cross-country skiing
  • rowing
  • game sports (football, tennis, hockey, etc.)
  • dancing

From the inventory (if space permits) at home, you can use a rope, a hoop, an exercise bike, treadmill... If you live in an apartment, please remember about the silence regime adopted by law in your city, do not violate it, be a good neighbor.

Basic principles of exercises to be chosen for cardio training:

  1. high exercise speed
  2. jerks (jerks, instant effort)
  3. duration (at least 30 minutes excluding warm-up)
  4. Fresh air. Exercises in nature, such as running in the park, are ideal, but just open the window to allow air to flow. Breathe through your nose, exhale with the effort of the exercise through your mouth.
  5. make a plan, workout formula and strictly adhere to them.

Cardio workout - pros and cons

The benefits of regular, correctly performed cardio workouts are undeniable: healthy cardiovascular and respiratory system, cheerfulness, reduced stress levels, youthfulness, beautiful body, endurance, you will be proud of yourself.

It is difficult to call this the disadvantages of training, rather it will be the disadvantages of laziness and incorrectness of the exercises performed. If you are overly zealous and the pulse readings are higher than the recommended ones, you can "plant" the heart. At first, you will be very tired.

The results will be noticeable no earlier than after 3 weeks (when practicing 5 days a week). You can burn all the excess fat only with a combination of strength and cardio exercise. If you exercise cardio for more than an hour, proteins and amino acids will begin to be burned instead of fat.

If we talk about the pros and cons of home workouts, then home workouts will be favored by convenience and accessibility, few distractions. The most serious argument "against" is that you will need remarkable willpower and self-discipline in order not to miss workouts and do all the exercises very well, you also need to take teaching exercises very seriously and study the issue as fully as possible to avoid injury and overload.

Cardio workout program

To draw up a competent training program, you should decide on the duration of the workout, the exercises themselves, the number of repetitions, the time to complete the approaches and the rest time, all this should be based on the recommended heart rate readings for you.

You need to decide what you are training for. If your goal is to lose weight, aerobic cardio will only be effective in the beginning to tone your muscles and build endurance. After the body gets used to new loads, fat will stop burning. Here anaerobic exercise and interval cardio come to the rescue, more on them later.

Calculate your optimal heart rate, that is, your heart rate.

The simplest formula:

  • for men HRmax = 220 - age,
  • for women HRmax = 214 - age.

The heart rate during training should not fall below 75% of the calculated value, otherwise it is wasted time. Fat starts to burn at a frequency of 60-70%. Avoid exceeding 90% to avoid heart damage. For example, for a 29-year-old woman, the heart rate during an effective workout should be between 111-167 beats per minute. Great if you have a heart rate monitor, it will allow you to be less distracted. If not, read your heart rate after each lap.

Pick up exercises. There are many videos and pictures on the net describing various types of exercises. Many stars share their favorites. Start with a simple lesson plan. For example, use 3-4 pilometric exercises: swings, bends, jumps, push-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups, twists, etc.

Decide on the frequency of your activities. For muscle tone, vitality and overall strengthening health is enough 1-3 workouts per week. For drying, burning fat 3-5 times, for gaining muscle mass 1-2 times.

The complex should consist of 15-20 repetitions of each exercise, performed in 3 circles. When training the heart, the duration of the cardio session should not be more than 20 minutes, the pulse rate is 85%. To burn fat, you need at least 40-60 minutes, pulse 65%.

Morning hours are suitable for less intense training, with a pulse of 110-125 beats per minute. Evening hours are conducive to tougher workouts, 130-140 beats.

After a month, you can see how, with the same intensity of training, the pulse has become slower, you can even be able to talk calmly during exercise, this will mean that it is time to increase the load.

Cardio for beginners

Follow all the guidelines listed in this article

  1. don't exercise more than necessary
  2. have a rest, adjust the pace and time of execution according to your well-being
  3. be sure to warm up for at least 10 minutes
  4. don't feel sorry for yourself too much.

An example of a simple workout:

  • Warm up. Perform 15-20 repetitions of neat and slow tilts and rotations of the head alternately in different directions, tilts of the body (do not move the pelvis), rotations and swing-jerks with arms, legs in hip joint, knee rotations. Stand in the plank for at least 30-60 seconds.
  • Rope 10-15 minutes. You can jump evenly, or you can turn on intervals, accelerating for a minute and then slowing down again.
  • Lying crunches with a straight back. The legs are bent, we do not lift the lower back from the floor, hands behind the head, elbows to the sides, raise upper part torso, return to the floor. 3 sets of 15-20 reps.
  • Jumping into the bar. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. One - sit down, hands on the floor, two - legs back, 3 - an emphasis lying on the bar, 4 jumping back to the squat, 5 jumping to the starting position, arms sharply up. Repeat the circle 15-20 times without stopping. You can just do a squat and jump in starting position.
  • Walking on all fours, raising your knees high, touching with opposite hands and feet of the floor ( left legright hand). 30 seconds walk, 15 seconds break, 3 laps.
  • Lunge forward and sideways. Hands on the belt, legs wider than shoulders. Bring your leg forward, bending it, bend the back one too, do not touch the floor with your knee. return to starting position and lunge to the side with one leg extended and the other bent. The third position is a backward lunge. Return to starting position and repeat the circle. On one leg 40 seconds and on the other 40 seconds, rest for a minute.
  • After class, do a “cool down”, that is, stretching exercises, 5-10 minutes.

Cardio exercises at home without exercise equipment

Home cardio exercises without equipment are already listed above swings, bends, jumps, push-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups, crunches, and the like.

With regular training without equipment, effective training cardiovascular and respiratory system, increasing the general tone of the body and libido. Reduces stress, increases mental capacity.

Exercises for men

To build muscle, you will have to increase your calorie intake and use additional weights at work, this is true for athletic men.

Here are some conventionally masculine home cardio exercises:

  1. Pilometric push-ups with cotton
  2. Jumping out of the bar
  3. Male squat
  4. Push ups
  5. Pull-ups
  6. Press with a barbell or dumbbells
  7. Ab exercises, various crunches
  8. Various combinations of the above

3 sets of 6-15 repetitions of each exercise are performed.

Exercises for girls

Girls might find it a little easier to do cardio. It is believed that they are more capable of routine activities, and also like dancing and aerobics. Arms should take exercises such as:

  1. Squat
  2. Raising the legs lying on the back and on the side
  3. Swing your legs
  4. Running in place with knee bends or overlaps
  5. Slopes
  6. Lunges
  7. Jumping
  8. Exercises for the press

Of course, gender divisions are conditional; when choosing an exercise, you should be guided not by whether it is male or female, but by your athletic training and what part of the body you want to get in shape and how quickly.

In general, it is important for men to work with weights, choose a more intense pace, and women are advised to use more aerobic loads.

Exercises for the abdomen

For beautiful belly Cardio is very beneficial in the form of running, cycling, swimming, and targeted ab exercises. Cardio improves metabolism and normalizes digestion, and exercise to work out the muscles will give a beautiful relief to the abdomen when the fat is gone.

It is better not to eat for 2 hours before cardio for weight loss of the abdomen. Do not forget about the pulse, keep it during training at a level not lower than 150-170 beats per minute. Exercise in the morning to make it easier to stick to your diet.

When the fat remains 9-15%, you can work on the cubes. To do this, use different options twisting, lateral, straight, horizontal bar, hyperextension, etc. The basic rules are that the back is straight, there is no deflection in the lower back, a large amplitude, do the exercise slowly. Swing the press for 40 minutes at intervals of 10-15 seconds.

Cardio and power loads

The option of combining cardio and strength loads is suitable for those whose goal is to increase muscle volume and strength, and improve relief.

Cardio is performed on a rest day or after strength training. Only if you are a professional athlete or have an excellent sports training, you have almost no excess weight, it is advisable to include cardio before strength training.

Cardio after strength training will also require a lot of strength and good preparation. For those who have just started training, the best solution would be to spread these two types of trainings every day.

The duration of the strength training is 40-60 minutes, the number of repetitions is 6-12, 3 sets each. Choose your weight wisely so that you can do the required number of reps and circles. The fewer repetitions, the more minutes there is a pause. 5 reps - 5 minutes pause, 13 reps - 1 minute pause.

In strength training, it is important to avoid the following mistakes:

  • work out the amplitude completely. No matter how difficult it is, the exercise must be performed inside and out, if it is very difficult, then it is better to remove a little weight.
  • don't do it too fast. Focus on correctness, be aware of your body at every second, do everything smoothly.
  • there should be a break of 1-2 days between strength training. During the break, the cardio day rises well.
  • change exercises and work all muscle groups.

What to eat after training

"You can't eat after exercise" is an unhealthy myth. You can and should eat to avoid muscle breakdown.

Within 20 minutes after a day's workout, a banana or a banana-milk (banana-protein) shake is useful, in the evening - protein, egg white or low-fat cottage cheese (or boiled white meat). Banana will replenish the supply of glycogen in muscles and potassium in the body, which in large quantities goes away with sweat, relax the body by increasing serotonin. It is better not to eat it before going to bed so that carbohydrates do not turn into fat.

Fat will go away more actively if you eat food rich in amino acids or take special preparations (for example, lipoic acid, isolate, or egg white) before training (45 minutes).

Be sure to drink water during your workout.

After training, in addition to protein, slow carbohydrates will be required: cereals, buckwheat, and vegetables are especially useful.

Slimming Cardio Mode

If you are already in more or less athletic form, you will need to use a more intense cardio training regimen to lose weight, combining and alternating it with power anaerobic loads.

During interval training, we alternate the pace and level of load, which increases the volume of the heart muscle and "shakes" the body's capabilities, as a result of which they grow. Thanks to this type of workout, calories are burned not only during the workout itself, but also for a long time after it.

The heart rate will need to be kept at 90%, the training itself will take less time.
For example, a high-intensity 30-second sprint run in several sets will burn 9 times more fat than an even, calm 30-minute run. Or alternate a minute of brisk running and 2 minutes of walking.

Use the following workout pattern: 10 minutes of quiet jogging, 90 seconds of running at the limit, 30 seconds of rest, again 90 intense seconds, such 9 intervals, the last being the hardest and most intense.

Or organize "steps" - increase the speed every 5 minutes, after the peak at 25 minutes, gradually reduce the speed also every 5 minutes.

The peak intensity at the limit should not exceed 90 seconds.
If you have been training for a long time and the weight has stubbornly stood up (the so-called plateau), you need to diversify your workouts.

Are you going to run to lose those extra pounds? Be sure to read this article so that cardio weight loss does not become a disappointment.

No, running, of course, like other types of cardio training, plays important role in weight loss, for example, they burn calories. And subject to the rules rational nutrition the result (in the form of lost kilos) can be seen pretty quickly.

However, the effect of them will not last long and the cherished figure on the scales or centimeter tape may not appear if you do not follow simple rule: for effective weight loss you need a combination of a variety of physical activities and proper nutrition.

What is cardio workout

Cardio training is a form of dynamic physical activity lasting 20-60 minutes with a relatively low intensity of performance, aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing endurance. This type of training is needed to keep fit.

Conditionally all physical exercises can be divided into aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (strength). It should be emphasized that this division is very arbitrary. You cannot call any type of exercise aerobic or anaerobic in its pure form.

As with any other form of physical activity, before training, you need to do a warm-up, which will warm up the muscles, and after that - a hitch, several stretching exercises to relax them.

Cardio workouts include brisk walking, climbing stairs, running, dancing, swimming, different kinds games, aerobics, fitness, skiing, rowing, exercise machines and more.

Maintaining a target heart rate throughout your workout is an important prerequisite for cardiovascular exercise.

The benefits of cardio

During exercise, blood circulation increases and the heart pumps more blood in one contraction, as a result, the work of the cardiovascular system improves.

If such workouts are carried out regularly with the same intensity, the body gets used to them, increased endurance when doing exercises. If it's hard for a beginner to train for 20 minutes, then a trained person will get tired from the load later.

Your body needs more oxygen during exercise, so increased lung capacity, which also has a positive effect on endurance. Consequently, breathing will become deeper and more correct, which will help burn more calories.

Reduced levels of anxiety and stress: During exercise, the amount of endorphin, the hormone of joy, increases. And if the mood is good and there is no stress, then you do not need to "seize" anything.

Weight Loss, by burning subcutaneous fat, and strengthening muscles.

Rules for performing cardio training

  • Before starting classes, you need to consult a doctor, especially if you have health problems or a lot of excess weight.
  • The duration and intensity of the load should be increased gradually, then the body will not have time to get used to it and the process of losing weight will not stop (plateau phase).
  • Before training, be sure to warm up, and then stretch. This will prepare you for the stress and speed up recovery from it.
  • During exercise, you need to monitor your heart rate using a heart rate monitor, for example. This is important, since a low heart rate will not bring results, and a high heart rate can harm your health.
  • Training should be fun. Feeling bad? Cancel exercise.

How to exercise to lose weight

Cardio workouts for weight loss are good because they can be performed in gym, outdoors or at home, and are suitable for both beginners and professional athletes.

The benefits of cardio workout for many girls is gaining the perfect figure.

To lose weight, you need to do cardio 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Subcutaneous fat begins to burn only 20 minutes after the start of the workout, provided that the heart rate remains in the range of 60–80% of the maximum allowable heart rate.

take away your age from 220 beats per minute;
the resulting number is multiplied by 0.6 - the lower norm;
the resulting number is multiplied by 0.8 - the upper heart rate.

For example: 220-37 = 183; 183 * 0.6 = 109.8, round up to 110 - this is the lower heart rate;
183 * 0.8 = 146.4, rounded up according to the laws of mathematics and you get 146 - this is the upper norm.
It turns out that a person aged 37 without special problems with health, you need to train within these limits - 110-146 beats per minute.

The average heart rate during training is in the range of 120-130 beats per minute.

The intensity of the exercise and the training time must be gradually increased, as the body gets used to the load and stops burning fat - a plateau effect. To speed up metabolism, it is highly desirable to add to aerobic exercise anaerobic ( power loads), then the process of burning calories will continue after the workout.

Cardio exercises can be done at any time of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. It depends on your daily routine and personal preference.

Cardio training is carried out in a well-ventilated room or outdoors, since oxygen is actively used during exercise.

Types of cardio workouts

The best type of cardio workout for beginners and those with a lot of overweight... To start losing weight, you need to walk quite quickly and for a long time, since the intensity of this exercise is low. Beginners should start by walking at a normal pace, gradually building up their speed. Or alternate walking in fast pace with a regular step - interval loads.

You can practice outdoors and in the gym. Probably the most popular view workouts. It can be running on the machine, on the spot, interval or jogging - depending on your capabilities and preferences. There are restrictions: not suitable for overweight persons, as this can lead to serious injury. When running, it is important to monitor your pulse, breathing and well-being.

Dancing- good because they suit any person. Dancing lessons - great option for girls who have recently given birth. You can do such cardio workouts in a group or individually, in the gym or at home.

Zumba is very popular - a fun and energetic workout that includes elements of various dances. During the lesson, the maximum number of muscles is worked out, including the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis.

Tested on myself: the training is quite intense, at first it is difficult to memorize the movements. But the result is worth it - the mood improves immediately, the heart rate is suitable for burning fat. There are no restrictions for classes. You can dance in the hall or at home, since it is not difficult to find a video course. I have been training for two weeks, there is no result in the form of lost pounds yet.

(treadmill, exercise bike, rowing, ellipse)- it is better to work on them with a trainer. It is easy to get injured when working on your own. In addition, the instructor will give recommendations and monitor the correctness of the workout.

Suitable for almost everyone. All the muscles in the body are developed. Minimum load on the spine. To achieve the goal, you need to do 3-4 times a week for an hour.

Bike helps to strengthen the heart, leg muscles, develop endurance. You can also do it on the simulator. At the same time, the load on the knees is less than when running.

What cardio training gives

The main thing for which cardio is needed is great way get in shape, improve health, increase stamina, gain good mood and self-confidence.

In order for the classes to bring results, choose the kind of load that will cause pleasure from the classes. If running is too boring and monotonous for you, choose group lessons dancing, fitness, step aerobics and more. It is good that many types of physical exercise belong to aerobic activity.

Don't forget about proper nutrition even when playing sports.

Watch your well-being, a beautiful figure is good, but health is more important.

They are types of such loads. Cardio workouts can even be performed using bodyweight exercises, the peculiarity of which is in the execution mode and in certain.

What is cardio workout

Cardio is a type of exercise that helps to raise the heart rate within a certain range, increasing blood circulation, forcing the heart to work harder, thereby improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, ensuring the burning of fat for energy.

Such training is accompanied by an aerobic load, in which the exercises are performed with the supply of oxygen for a long time. Usually, cardio training is carried out in the heart rate zone from 60 to 80% of its own maximum (220 - age = MHR).

This heart rate helps to strengthen the cardiac system, while fats are used to obtain energy. In the case of a lower heart rate, the cardio system receives a health improvement, but not training load... And when the pulse exceeds 80-85%, oxygen access and fat burning cease, and the load on the heart increases and becomes anaerobic.

Why do cardio workouts - what are the benefits

  1. Firstly, such a load improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthening and improving their elasticity. Thus, blood pressure is normalized, the heart muscle and blood vessels function normally with an increase in blood circulation due to an increase in heart rate. Such training is the prevention and treatment of vascular dystonia, and prevents the appearance of hypertension.
  2. Secondly, training increases skeletal muscle tone. Dynamic loading involves performing cardio exercises in endurance mode. This is facilitated by a load such as, and or. All types of such loads are performed at a fast pace with a heart rate not exceeding 80%.
  3. Thirdly, classes contribute to the burning of subcutaneous fat, which means weight loss. By keeping the heart rate in the correct zone, the energy for training is spent from fat.

Types of cardio: what are cardio loads?

There are different types of cardio, despite the popularity of cardio equipment.

  1. Walking- also cardio, depending on the pace, keeping the heart rate in the aerobic load mode. Workouts are made more difficult by walking uphill or.
  2. Running, cycling, skiing and skating- this is also cardio, of course, subject to the required heart rate. Such training is performed on fresh air and are long-term - from 40 to 60 minutes. Fresh air provides the greatest oxygen supply and fat burning, in contrast to closed rooms.
  3. Cardio equipment- sports equipment that can simulate some types of outdoor cardio workouts right in the room. These include:, orbit tracks, rowing machines.
  4. Sport equipment like slides, providing an imitation of sliding from side to side, jumping rope - also refer to cardio loads. Even the hula hoop belongs to the equipment for cardio, increasing the heart rate during rotation for a long time, the hoop helps to burn fat and train the cardiovascular system.
  5. Bodyweight Exercises, which refer to plyometric, jumping movements, such as jumping out, jumping on a hill or with a rolling pin, sprinting, and the like. While these exercises are used to increase explosive strength, they can also develop endurance.
  6. Interval loads- alternation of cardio (running or cardio equipment) with plyometric and strength exercises with equipment, with multiple repetitions, are also a type of cardio.

How and when to do cardio

The time of the classes depends on the type of cardio chosen and the availability of equipment or simulators.

Morning time

This is the best time of day for cardiovascular exercise, jogging, or fasting. The duration of such sessions should not exceed 30 minutes. Choose any machine without resorting to interval training with strength training or with your own weight.


Any type of cardio can be done at this time of day, especially interval training.

  • Meal time before training is no later than an hour.
  • After eating, it is necessary to provide in the near future, using proteins and complex carbohydrates.

The workout should last no more than an hour.

Evening time

Suitable for any type of cardio, the difference from daytime will consist in nutrition. At night, the body does not need to stock up on carbohydrates so as not to accumulate subcutaneous fat. Therefore, after cardio, lean protein foods are sufficient.

Two cardio - morning and evening

Another cardio option that increases metabolism, accelerates the process of fat burning. Each of these workouts should last half an hour. The morning can be performed on an empty stomach, and the evening can be performed before bedtime and not eat at night.

Weekly cardio workout program

Day 1

An example of an interval cardio workout to be done outdoors or indoors.
Warm up: 5-10 minutes.

  1. Running - 3 minutes.
  2. Air squats for speed - 1 minute.
  3. Running - 3 minutes.
  4. Air attacks - 1 minute.
  5. Running - 3 minutes.
  6. Burpee - 1 minute.
  7. Running - 3 minutes.
  8. - 1 minute.
  9. Running - 3 minutes.
  10. Jumping to a height or in length - 1 minute.

Calm walking to restore heart rate - 5-10 minutes.

Day 2

An example of a gym workout with cardiovascular equipment.

  1. 20 minutes on a treadmill, starting with interval walking.
  2. 20 minutes for elliptical trainer- interval load.
  3. 20 minutes on a stepper - interval load.

Day 3

An example of indoor skipping rope training - at home or in the gym.

  1. Jump rope - 2 minutes.
  2. - 1 minute.

Do 10 rounds, ending with stretching exercises.


By doing aerobic exercise, such as alternating with jogging intervals or cardiovascular equipment, you can strengthen your heart and also burn a lot of calories from fat. The main thing is to monitor the pulse.(60-80% of the mhss) and the duration of the classes is at least 40 minutes, but not more than one hour. Do cardio 3-4 times a week without forgetting to do it.

In this article, we'll learn more about what proper cardio training means, what it is, what it includes, and what exercise is for. If you want to get rid of body fat while maintaining muscle mass, be sure to engage in aerobic practices. Strength involves the production of energy anaerobically, while aerobics helps you lose weight through completely different processes. A person simultaneously trains muscles and the cardiovascular system, increasing its efficiency, endurance and improving the body as a whole.

Cardio training functions

The main task is to increase endurance. This explains the huge range of different physical activities: running, swimming, skiing, snowboard, jump ropes and so on. During classes, the work of the heart improves, the metabolic process is activated, and the heartbeat increases.

Why do you need cardio training? They are helping:

  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • calm the nerves;
  • train breathing, increasing a person's endurance;
  • get rid of excess weight, this is especially true in winter, when energy is not spent on long walks - it is better to practice in warm clothes, which you can buy in the Stayer online store;
  • strengthen the heart system, the pulse will return to normal, the condition of all organs will become better.
Such loads are great for athletes, they serve as preparation for heavy training. They are often used for weight loss, especially popular with women. If you visit a gym, then surely use an exercise bike and a treadmill.

If you practice regularly and according to a pre-compiled program, aerobic exercise can help in burning subcutaneous fat. During intense exercise, lipids begin to actively oxidize, gradually turning into energy, which allows the body to withstand prolonged aerobics.

Types of exercise for burning fat

The popularity of such exercises is due to the huge number of their varieties. Most do not know what cardio training includes and how to do it correctly, and are limited to one type of load. But this sport involves many types of movements, each of which has its own characteristics and is aimed at solving a specific problem.


The perfect way to tone yourself up in the morning, recharging yourself with energy for the whole day. You don't have to go to the gym, buy a treadmill, or buy an expensive sports uniform... Comfortable clothes, shoes and a place to run - nothing else is needed. It should be remembered that this is also a sport. If you have problems with the heart, musculoskeletal system or varicose veins, consult your doctor before exercising. When running in winter, it is imperative to dress warmly. You can buy a jacket and trousers with insulation in the Stayer online store.

Why do you need such a cardio workout? Running helps you lose weight. In pursuit of weight loss, many decide to immediately start running long distances for several hours. For efficient combustion fat should be given 50-60 minutes for this, but starting workouts immediately after an hour is dangerous to health. If you have never done physical activity or took a long break, first run at a distance of 1-2 km, after adaptation - 3-4 kilometers. Regularity is important, otherwise it will take a very long time to wait for impressive results.

For the first couple of weeks, devote about 10-15 minutes to the stadium. After that, double the time to half an hour and continue to gradually increase the duration. After this time, you will warm up well, fat will begin to be burned most efficiently. Sometimes do small accelerations for 20-30 seconds, then go back to jogging. Remember to breathe correctly: 3 steps inhale, 4 exhale.


Riding this shell in the fresh air brings much more use than the simulator in sports hall... Not only will you strengthen your cardiovascular system, but you will also have incredible pleasure riding along familiar streets or exploring new places. Just do not drive too many kilometers, otherwise the next day you will have severe muscle pain. In this way, you will only harm the body.

It's worth starting with 15 minutes. After the first two weeks, gradually increase the time. Give this activity a maximum of 2-3 hours. We recommend doing a little, but regularly, then the effect will be much better. Start at 3 times a week, gradually increasing the amount.

Cycling has undeniable advantages:

  • all muscle groups are involved at once, heart function improves, joints are activated;
  • coordination of movements becomes better, endurance increases accordingly;
  • let you dump overweight, form beautiful figure;
  • outdoor exercise allows you to use your lungs, which further contributes to weight loss.
Don't try to put new record, it is important to keep the driving speed low. Stop immediately if you notice joint pain.

Avoid eating an hour before exercising. The body during cardio exercises uses energy from body fat, which will allow you to lose excess weight. After training, refrain from eating for 30-60 minutes, during - periodically drink water.


An amazing device that is very popular. This is a kind of hybrid of an exercise bike and a classic running. Ideal for people with joint or spine problems. If you have a diagnosis related to cardiovascular system or asthma, such a sport is contraindicated for you.

If you do not know what cardio training is, it seems that the simulator is very simple. Difficulties arise as soon as a person is on the orbit track. The main task is to learn how to use all muscle groups. During the adaptation period (from 7 to 30 days), work for about 30 minutes in one set. After that, you can gradually increase the time up to an hour. Just don't try to chase perfect figure engage in exhaustion. This not only will not help you lose weight, but will also lead to problems with various organs.

With correct and regular exercises, you will see how the abs will begin to tighten, the state of the body will improve, and fatigue will go away. The result of regular use of the Orbitrek is an improvement in blood circulation. The advantage of the simulator is the ability to independently set the parameters. The shell allows you to lose from 3 to 5 kilograms per month.

These are the main types of cardio training. It is important to choose an option that will not only tone you up, help you lose extra pounds, but also give you pleasure.

How to choose a load

A separate mode is set for each type. If you work on sports equipment, the parameters are set automatically. To do this, you must indicate the number of kilograms, gender, age and other basic data. At strength training you will have to control your heart rate on your own. If it is below 120 beats per minute or above 160 beats, take a break.

When to train

It is important to get the timing right. During the night, we deplete all glycogen stores for basic needs. This explains why most people choose to exercise in the morning, especially weight loss aerobics. The body is depleted, there is a deficiency nutrients, so the energy will come from fatty deposits. Experts advise taking a small portion of protein before doing cardio exercises, which will preserve the muscles under heavy loads. It is useful to exercise in the morning not only for burning fat, but also for the appearance of a feeling of vigor.

During the day, it is worth strengthening the heart system. You have already managed to eat several times, the strength has been preserved, so there will be no problems at all when performing some movements. If your goal is to lose weight, it is better not to exercise during this period. You will first have to spend glycogen, only after 30-40 minutes the fat will begin to be burned. Exercising in the evening has the same effect.

How much to train

The age-old question is how long a cardio workout should take. It should be at least 30 minutes long. Most often, only after 20 minutes of training, the effect is felt, this is especially important when losing weight. If you are just a beginner, it is best to gradually build up the time, starting at 10-15 minutes. The body must get used to the stress, and abrupt start will only worsen the condition of the whole organism.

You don't need to overdo it either. More than 60 minutes - muscles are burned, since there is no more glycogen in the body. In 2 hours, you can lose up to 90% of the amino acid responsible for muscle growth- leucine.

How to determine the optimal heart rate

It is imperative to focus on this indicator. Beginners try to practice as long as possible, not paying attention to the condition. This is the wrong approach, which can only worsen health. You need to constantly check your heart rate.

Have professional athletes he is low. If there are no other serious symptoms, such as tiredness, weakness, or dizziness, this is completely normal. In adults, the average resting pace should be 60 to 100 beats per minute. Professionals have 40-60.

To calculate the extreme limit, it is worth using the general formula: 220 minus your age. This will be the maximum frequency that cannot be exceeded. Much depends on the specific area during classes:

  • Warm up. You are just starting to wake up, so the heart rate should be in the 50% zone of the maximum.
  • Burning fat. In this zone, the indicator is 70% of the line. When exercising, 85% of calories are considered fat.
  • Aerobic. At this stage, the lungs are actively working. Oxygen consumption gradually increases. The parameter is 80% of the limit. In this zone, the respiratory system is actively developing, which contributes to an increase in strength.
  • Anaerobic. 90% of the maximum. The condition improves, muscles develop.
  • The border is considered to be 100%.
Now there are special fitness trackers that allow you to automatically track your heart rate. They can be in the form of a wrist bracelet or even worn over the ear.

You have learned how to do cardio properly. It is important to remember the basic tips:
  1. When doing cardio, be sure to monitor your health.
  2. Don't try to set new records, control the intensity.
  3. Increase the load and exercise time gradually.
  4. When exercising in the winter, buy warm clothing from the Stayer online store.
If you follow all the rules, you can bring the body into a state of vigor, recharge with energy and lose weight.
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