Isotone exercises for burning fat. Wellness systems - isoton

Isotone is a system of wellness physical culture, developed in the Problem laboratory of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture in 1991-93. Isotone exercises have as their ultimate goal the improvement of well-being, performance, " physical health», Appearance (body shape, body composition), social, household and labor activity of men and women of a wide age range.

The system received the name "isotone", firstly, by the type of physical exercises that occupy the central

place in the class - isotonic, i.e. those in which a constant tension is maintained in the muscles and according to the main effect that is achieved as a result of its use - a constantly high "vitality" of a person engaged in isotone.

This system is based on the concept that the basis of a person's biological well-being (as a decisive condition for health) is, first of all, the normal state of the endocrine and immune systems, as well as other physiological systems of the body (muscular, cardiovascular, etc.), which, however, play a subordinate role in solving health problems.

When developing and substantiating the basic principles of the isotone, computer simulation of the functioning of physiological systems and biochemical processes of the body was used, as well as an analysis of a wide range of physical effects on humans. Then the most effective means and methods of improvement were developed, selected and combined into a single system. physical condition(physical health) by increasing the functional capabilities of the vital systems of the body (hormonal, immune, digestive, cardiovascular, muscular, etc.). As methodological basis experience in the field sports training, achievements of eastern health systems (hatha yoga, qigong), modern western techniques (all types of aerobics, callanetics, bodybuilding, etc.), as well as domestic physiotherapy exercises and wellness work with the population (including non-traditional methods of recovery).

Isotone is a holistic complex of health-improving effects, each element of which is logically connected with others. The guaranteed effect is achieved only if all requirements are met. This, of course, does not mean that you cannot use individual components of the system, for example, physical training or the principles of nutrition, but in this case the final effect will depend on the qualifications of the student and, to a large extent, on the class of his instructor.

Isotone is commonly used for two purposes:

1. Rapid (2-3 months) improvement of well-being, performance, body composition (the ratio of mass of fat and muscle tissue), normalization of organs

digestion and other vital systems of the body, improving the psycho-emotional state, etc. 2. Maintaining good physical condition and appearance with relatively little effort and time. There are several forms of isotone training:

1. Classes in health centers, health clubs. The duration of the lesson is 50-80 minutes, similar to how it is carried out in the halls of aerobics and shaping. The condition is monitored by functional and anthropometric computer testing.

2. Classes in offices and industrial premises. They can be carried out on shortened training programs, the alternation of which allows to achieve a pronounced improvement in well-being, physical condition and performance of people engaged in sedentary work associated with large neuro-emotional stress.

3. Individual sessions using teaching materials, video tapes, audio tapes.

Isotone as a system includes:

A combination of types of physical training (isotonic, stretching, aerobic, respiratory);

Means of psychological relaxation and adjustment;

Physiotherapeutic agents (massage, sauna, etc.);

Hygienic cleaning and hardening measures;

Organization of rational nutrition;

Control methods physical development and functional state... The central place in the system is occupied by isotonic (static-dynamic) training, which distinguishes isotone from other systems related to health-improving physical culture and ensures its high efficiency.

The main components of the isotone system

1. Testing. Like any physical training, isotone exercises require the determination of the initial indicators of physical condition and control over its change. Monitoring the state of those involved involves the use of computer programs and tools developed for these purposes and includes:

Anthropometric study to determine the constitution, type of constitution, tissue composition (bone, muscle, calamus), body proportions;

Functional testing to assess the condition of the cardiovascular vascular system, muscle endurance and the calculation of the so-called index of physical condition (IFS) - in essence, an integral indicator of "physical health".

2. Physical training. In the isotone, it can include five main components:

a) Isotonic training (I.T.), in which is

use isotonic, static-dynamic and static exercises, i.e. those in which there is no muscle relaxation phase. I.T. takes center stage and is used: to increase or decrease the volume

muscles, changes in their strength and endurance, improvement of hormonal mechanisms responsible for the response to stressful influences, reduction of fatty halls, the creation of a general, so-called "anabolic" background to ensure positive rearrangements in the body; reflex and mechanical impact on internal organs in order to normalize their work; training of vascular reactions and improvement of tissue nutrition; improving the trophism of the intervertebral discs and reducing the hypertonicity of the deep muscles of the spine, creating a "muscle corset" to prevent its injuries, etc.

b) Aerobic exercise(A.T.) of various types: cyc

personal exercises, basic, funk-, step- and other types of aerobics, sports games, etc. A.T. is used to improve aerobic performance of muscles, activate metabolism, improve coordination of movements, and choreographic training.

c) Stretching - as a means of improving flexibility, elasticity of muscles and tendons, "gymnastics of joints", a way of regulating the volume of muscle and fat mass; the activity of the endocrine glands, internal organs and the nervous system - by reflex; relaxation.

d) Asanas (postures) - borrowed from hatha yoga and adapted to the requirements of the isotope training program. Used to regulate the activity of the central nervous system, CVS, internal organs and psychoregulation.

e) Breathing exercises are used to normalize the work of the abdominal organs, prevent pulmonary diseases, and psychoregulation.

3. Power supply system. It is known that rational nutrition is one of the most important factors in improving the health of the human body, improving its performance, activity, body shape, condition of the skin ... The isotone emphasizes that the combination of physical training and nutrition, organized in a certain way, is key point systems.

The principle of catering is as follows: selection and

the dosage of exercises determines, firstly, the object of influence (i.e. on which system of the body, muscle or part of the body the effect is directed), and secondly, conditions are created for the synthesis or catabolism of tissues; the organization of food, in turn, ensures the flow of processes that ensure the "ordered" changes.

For example, various tasks can be set, namely: normalization of the work of a particular system of internal organs, a decrease in the fat component, a decrease in muscle volume, an increase in muscle volume, an increase in muscle strength and endurance without changing their volume and the fat layer above them, etc. NS. Often these tasks can be solved with the same set of exercises, but with a different selection of food. In some cases, you can go through changes in physical training with a fairly stable diet.

This interpretation of the ratio of training and nutrition contributions is unconventional. The ego is explained by the fact that isotone training was purposefully designed with the aim of creating an exclusively "anabolic background" as the main condition for a healing effect.

Regulation of nutrition in the isotone usually implies not a simple limitation of the amount of food and its calorie content, but a certain selection of foods and their combinations to ensure, firstly, a balance in the intake of various food ingredients (mainly essential amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins and minerals), and secondly, to stimulate and provide the required rearrangements in the body.

4. Non-training isotone components.

There are many known ways of influencing the body, improving

physical condition and appearance person. Ego is the most different types massage, sauna, electro- and biomechanical stimulation, hardening, psychoregulation, etc. The problem is how to combine these types of influences with physical training to obtain the desired effect.

Isotone, developed on the basis of taking into account the internal mechanisms of functioning human body, allows the use of the above methods of influence expediently, within the framework of unified system, taking into account the summation or, conversely, blocking the effects of other influences.

Healing factors of the isotone effect

1. Isotonic training creates a state of so-called “controlled stress” in the body, which together with a targeted effect on muscular system and ligamentous apparatus, effective way increase the functional capabilities (productivity) of cellular structures, on which the level and "feeling of health" directly depend. These include:

Various parts of the hormonal system, on which the resistance and adaptive capabilities of the body depend on any impact (physical, thermal, hypoxic, toxic, psychoemotional), as well as physical, emotional, sexual activity;

Bone marrow and organs of the immune system;

Contractile elements of muscles (their strength), oxidative capabilities of muscles; structures serving muscle contraction: microvascular bed, reserves of energy substrates, etc. All this applies equally to the muscles of the small pelvis, respiratory and cardiac muscles;

Bones and joints (primarily the spine) and the ligamentous-tendon and muscular apparatus serving them.

2. The selection of exercises in isotone, the entire system of movements and postures provide a consistent study of all major muscle groups, fasciae, ligaments, tendons and can be considered as "soft", the most physiological mechanical and reflex effect on

internal organs and the main nerve centers, reflexively connected with them. Neurogenic activation of these organs, together with the creation of an "anabolic hormonal background" in the body, accelerates regenerative processes in them. Thus, isotonic training can be considered as a "reflexology session" to normalize the work of the central and peripheral nervous and vascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, genitals, hormonal glands responsible for metabolism, as well as the immune system in general.

3. Creation of local hypoxic areas in the body and bringing working muscles to fatigue promotes the release of acidic metabolic products into the blood and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. It is a means of regulating the reactions of the peripheral vascular system, improving blood microcirculation.

4. The normalizing effect on metabolic processes, on the one hand, and the maximum possible degree of stimulation of the mechanisms that mobilize fat depots during training, on the other hand, make it possible to actually change the amount of fat reserves in the body. And the high anabolic potential of isotonic training together with the targeted regulation of nutrition or the use of "catabolic" methods of local action (for example, stretching tired muscles) allows you to change the volume of selected muscles (increase or decrease). The ego brings the isotone closer to bodybuilding in terms of the effectiveness of shaping the figure of the practitioner.

The listed points make it possible to characterize isotonic training as a program of sports training, physiotherapy exercises, corrective gymnastics, massage and reflexology combined. In the isotone, the most natural means of influence are used, and the effect itself is carried out comprehensively. This largely eliminates the threat of creating various kinds of imbalances and disturbances in the body that may arise from local exposure to any other means (especially pharmacological).

Isotone practice

The above effects of isotone exposure are provided mainly by physical training

coy, the central part of which is the so-called "isotonic training", built in accordance with the following rules:

1. Departments are of a local nature, i.e. at the same time, a relatively small muscle mass is involved in the work. The lower the readiness, the fewer muscles should be involved in each control.

2. Muscle tension within 30-60% of the maximum should be observed in all exercises. The mode of muscle contraction is isotonic, static-dynamic or static (the latter is sometimes), i.e. without muscle relaxation. This is achieved by a slow pace of movements, their smoothness, but constant maintenance of muscle tension. For example, an exercise like this: starting position- standing, legs are slightly wider than shoulders, socks are maximally divorced, arms are stretched up and intertwined, shoulder blades are brought together, back is straight, pelvis is brought forward, buttocks are tense. Without relieving muscle tension, slowly sit down, spreading your knees as much as possible, slowly stand up, without completely straightening your legs. Continue the above actions until the muscles of the thighs are severely fatigued.

3. Exercises are performed "to failure", i.e. the inability to continue due to muscle pain or inability to overcome resistance (this condition is the main factor in creating stress). This moment should occur strictly in the range of 40-70 seconds after the start of the exercise. If fatigue has not come, the exercise technique is incorrect (it is likely that there is a phase of muscle relaxation). If the failure occurred earlier, the degree of muscle tension is above 60% of the maximum (see item 2).

4. All major muscle groups.

5. Exercises in each series (8-25 minutes) are performed, as a rule, non-stop, ie. no pauses for rest. The rest is filled with stretching in series. The duration of the workout is 15-75 minutes.

6. In most cases, it is recommended to use a kind of isotonic super series, used in two versions: 1) alternation of two or three approaches for two muscle groups; 2) changing the starting position or the exercises themselves, reload the same muscle groups for a more complete study of them.

7. During the exercise, attention is maximally concentrated on the working muscle group.

The Isoton system is a complex wellness exercises for adults, which was created in the 1990s by Professor V.N. Seluyanov.

The Isoton system is built and works in much the same way as callanetics. Isoton is good for people mature age and older, because when performing the set of exercises "Isoton" there is no holding of breath, and, as a result, blood pressure does not rise. Among other things, adults often have cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which, with high blood pressure, with a strong blood flow, break off and clog the vessels in a narrow part, which often leads to strokes or heart attacks.

How the exercises of the "Isoton" system are performed.

Exercises in the "Isoton" system are performed in a static-dynamic way.

The essence of stato dynamic exercises lies in the fact that the movements in the exercises are performed within a small amplitude. Such movements are performed until a burning sensation and slight pain in the muscles appear, after about 1 minute. This effect must be achieved without holding your breath and straining.

The fact is that patience with burning and pain in the muscles causes severe mental stress and, as a result, anabolic hormones (testosterone and growth hormone) are released into the bloodstream. Hormones circulate through the body in the blood and getting into the cholesterol plaques break down cholesterol in them and convert them into fatty acids. Fatty acid enter the bloodstream and are used by the body, cholesterol plaques disappear and the body gets rid of atherosclerosis in about 3-4 months.

Of course in gyms there are no special instructors who can help you perform the Isotone exercises, but these exercises are so simple that you can do ordinary squats with a small amplitude until a burning sensation appears regularly, anywhere to get rid of atherosclerosis.

If you try to remember at least one training system, which would be aimed at strengthening not only the physical, but also the psycho-emotional state, perhaps yoga comes to mind. But there is also a Russian system that has several directions, it is called "Isoton", VN Seluyanov is its developer. Passion for foreign trends pushed the technique to the background. But in recent times it is increasingly being used for training.

"Isoton" - a wellness system

This technique was developed in 1992 at the institute (now GTSOLIFK), in a scientific laboratory. The author of the system was Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov. Time has proven the effectiveness of the development. Several generations of athletes preparing for sports universities applied it in practice and showed good results.

The scientifically grounded work is the Isoton system. Seluyanov conducted research with his colleagues for several years. They managed to create a methodology that covers several goals at once:

  • Improving performance and well-being, physical health and appearance.
  • Increased activity in women and men of all ages.
  • Psycho-emotional rise.

The system is based on a scientific concept based on human biological well-being. First of all, this is the health of the immune and endocrine systems, as well as the cardiovascular and muscular systems, the latter play a subordinate role.

The name "Isoton" was coined on the basis of the fact that isotonic exercises, in which constant muscle tension is maintained, are central. This effect allows you to achieve a high vitality, this is the essence of "Isotone".

Isotone programs

A lot of programs include the "Isoton" system. Seluyanov has developed several techniques, each of which has its own goals:

  • Isoton Intro. This program is considered an introduction to the "Isoton" system. Designed for beginners. It appears here basic technique and the peculiarities of the technique. the main objective- health-improving effect. Isotonic static-dynamic exercises are performed.
  • Isoton Base Level Program. Classic isotonic program. The complex includes strength training, stretching, are used breathing exercises, nutritional recommendations. This program is an excursion to muscle groups, the principle of extreme stress is applied. The program does not increase systolic blood pressure, restores muscle-nerve connections, controls the percentage of fat and muscle in the body, and eliminates sensory-motor amnesia.
  • Isoton Power Stretch. This is antagonistic stretching, strength training. The result is a decrease in the amount of fat, an improvement in the protective functions of the body, adaptation systems. The program includes exercises for those muscle groups that strengthen the hypothalamus and develop muscle relaxation.
  • Isoton Minus FAT. Power training on local areas of fat reduction. The buttocks, thighs, waist, abdomen, armpits are involved. Specially designed exercises improve muscle endurance and burn fat. Combination of aerobic and strength work. Nutritional recommendations.

Total Health Program

While developing Isoton, Seluyanov included the Total Health health program in the system:

  • ISO Health. The program is aimed at improving the body: physical, psycho-emotional, at finding harmony with oneself. Combines strength work and stretching. Exercises have a reflex effect on the internal organs, at the same time they are massaged. Wellness builds have different directions.
  • Stretch Relax. Work deep muscles pelvis and back. The technique is specially designed in such a way as to improve the mobility of the joints, accelerate metabolic processes in them, restore muscle sensitivity, and enhance their nutrition. At the same time, the condition of the vessels is much improved, the prevention of their injuries, varicose veins is ensured. There is a removal of pain syndromes by relaxing and stretching the muscles.

Healthy back

This wellness program has two main parts:

  • "Back health" Health Back. Specially designed exercises designed to treat and prevent deformities of the spinal column. The complex combines exercises that affect the center of gravity of our body. The deep muscles of the pelvis, the inner, back of the thigh are strengthened, the muscles of the legs are stretched, the position of the feet and hip joints adjusted. At the same time, the posture is corrected, the blood supply to the pelvis improves, the pathological curves of the spine disappear, and back pain disappears.
  • "Beautiful posture" Fine Spine. Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich also developed a complex for beautiful posture... These exercises improve mobility. upper limbs and the spine, accelerate metabolic processes, improve the nutrition of the joints, contribute to the release of salts and toxins. At the same time, the state of blood vessels, blood supply and muscle sensitivity are improved, and stagnation in them. The complex is an excellent prevention of injuries. The skills of correct gait and posture are formed and developed, stiffness and stiffness of the ligaments disappear, pelvic muscles, shoulder and pelvic joints.

Tasks of "Isotone"

The wellness system has primary tasks:

  1. Improving activity, performance. If you follow all the rules of training, this task can be completed in two months. During the same time, body weight is normalized, muscles are strengthened, and the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases.
  2. Maintaining excellent physical condition with a minimum investment of time and effort.

Modern cities with their poor ecology and eternal stresses have a bad effect on our body, do not allow us to cope with infections, toxins. Trainings on "Isoton" will allow to increase efficiency, improve well-being.

Advantages of Isoton training

Seluyanov's training system "Isoton" has undeniable advantages:

  • The work of the endocrine, immune systems, cardiovascular systems improves, health is strengthened, the psycho-emotional state rises.
  • In the morning - a slight awakening; by the end of the working day, no loss of strength is felt.
  • Noticeable fat burning - both general and local.
  • The ability to control your own body.

Basis - technique

The training is based on static and static-dynamic performance techniques. Muscle relaxation is completely absent, the muscles are always tense. When the exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, the muscles are deliberately kept in tension.

Each exercise must be performed "to failure", to or to the point where there is no longer any strength to overcome resistance. This is an indicator of the effectiveness of classes. With a decrease in body weight, do not forget about proper, balanced nutrition.

The system also provides for the avoidance of post-workout pain sensations, this contributes to the safety of training and quick recovery of the body. This technique can be used by different age categories. It is worth refraining from classes in case of diseases in the acute period, in case of chronic forms. It is better to devote the first few trainings to exercises with a local character.


If you have chosen the "Isoton" system for training, training should be performed according to the following requirements:

  • A burning sensation should be felt in the muscles. Exercises are performed according to the 30/30 scheme (30 seconds - load, 30 seconds - rest). If it's hard, you can cut it 20/40. One exercise is performed according to this scheme three times.
  • Here are some introductory exercises. Over time, you can complicate them - add more complex ones, use weights, barbells, dumbbells.
  • As soon as you feel that your level has increased, try circuit training... That is, perform all the exercises presented for 40 seconds without rest, one after another. After completing a circle, rest for 2 minutes and do again. So do 4 laps optimally.
  • If you work out in the fitness room, the ideal program is Isoton strength 2 times a week and cardio exercises 2 times a week. The latter are performed on a stepper, exercise bike, ellipse (40-50 minutes each). The pulse rate should not exceed 110-130 beats per minute.

Exercises for major muscle groups

1. "Isotone" leg exercises include mandatory- squats. Stand straight, hands on the waist, knees slightly bent, muscles in constant tension. Squat slowly, deeply, to the floor. Standing up slowly, keep the muscles tense, do not straighten the knees.

2. Lunges. Hands on the belt. Take a step forward and freeze, bend your knees slightly - this is the starting position. Slowly we go down, practically touching the floor with our knee, we return. Do not extend the knees to the end, the muscles should be tense.

3. Lying on your back, raise your pelvis. Lying on the floor, bend your knees, press your heels to your buttocks. Hands parallel to the body on the floor. We tighten the buttocks strongly and raise the pelvis all the way. We return, but we do not touch the floor with the buttocks, they must be in constant tension.

Push-ups, press

1. Push-ups from the floor from the knees. Keep your pelvis, hips and torso in a straight line. We lean on our knees. Hands on the floor are slightly wider than your shoulders. We go down extremely low, almost to the floor, return, but we do not unbend our arms at the elbows to the end, there should be tension in the arms and pectoral muscles.

2. Reverse push-ups are performed from a stool or chair. Sit down, rest your hands on a chair, then transfer your body weight. The legs remain slightly bent at the knees, we lean on the heels. The pelvis is hanging. Smoothly approaching the floor, we go down, then we return. The elbows remain bent.

3. Straight twists. Lying, cross your arms over your chest, knees bent, pelvis pressed to the floor. Raising smoothly shoulder girdle straining the abdominal muscles. We carry out until a burning sensation appears.

4. Reverse twisting. Lying on your back. The legs are bent at a right angle at the knees and raised up. The pelvis and back are firmly pressed to the floor. Lift your pelvis off the floor and stretch your knees towards your chest, then return to the starting position. The press should always be in tension.

5. Plank. Lie on your stomach, rise on your elbows so that a right angle forms. Legs together, emphasis on socks. The body is a straight line. The abdominal muscles are as tense as possible.

Perform these exercises strictly according to training requirements, increase your physical endurance and move to a higher level.

Seluyanov Victor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, specialist in the field of biomechanics, anthropology, physiology, theory of sports and health-improving physical culture, sports adaptology, author of a number of scientific inventions and innovative technologies, creator of the wellness system isotone.


Isotone, this is a health-improving system, which was created by Professor VN Seluyanov, in the mid-90s of the last century.

The name itself- isotone comes from Greek- isos tonos, which means tone, tension, and if we talk about isotonic exercise, then you can translate the word isotonic as equal muscle tension during movement. as it happens with a simple raise of the hand. It is already becoming clear that the exercises must be done with the same muscle tension.

Purpose of the system

The goal is very simple - to make a person, improve his health and performance, change the body composition, that is, normalize the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue, increase the activity of men and women of a wide age range, increase immunity, and normalize the work of internal organs.

This system was developed on a scientific basis, that is, first, scientists studied how strength exercises affect the human body, then all Western training methods were subjected to deep analysis, this is bodybuilding, aerobics, sports games. Eastern health systems were also studied, this is yoga, qigong, something was taken from ours, That is, all the most popular systems were studied from the point of view of improving the body.

Then, with the help of computer modeling, it was studied how and what kind of load has a beneficial effect on our body, how the physiological systems of the body react to the load, what biochemical processes occur in the body during bodybuilding and aerobics. callanetics and other activities.

After the research and acquaintance with scientific publications, he convinced the scientists that none of the systems listed above has a significant theoretical basis. In addition, publications were found in which the very low effectiveness of the most popular health improvement systems, such as various types of aerobics, was experimentally proven.

As a result, a wellness system was created or developed. isotone, which is based on the concept, according to which the basis of a person's biological well-being (as a decisive condition) is, first of all, a normal state endocrine and immune systems, as well as other physiological systems of the body (cardiovascular, muscular, etc.), which, however, play a subordinate role in solving health problems.

Basic principles of the isotone wellness system

The concept of "ISOTON" has two ideas in its origin:

The first- the main tool physical education the bulk of almost healthy people, with the highest health-improving efficiency, are power static-dynamic, or isotonic exercises.

The second- regular use of static-dynamic exercises in a person's life creates conditions for increasing adaptive reserves, creates an increased and constant vitality.

The implementation of the ideas of IZOTON is achieved by observing the following principles:

The principle of minimizing the rise in systolic blood pressure It is clear that for individuals with signs, it is contraindicated to perform exercises that cause an increase in blood pressure of more than 150 mm Hg. Therefore, when constructing training session the following requirements must be observed.

Warm up. Before the main part of the exercises, before strength exercises, it is necessary to achieve the expansion of the arteries and arterioles with the help of a warm-up. In this case, peripheral resistance decreases, the work of the left ventricle of the heart is facilitated.

Exercise while lying down... In a standing position, the heart must build up the blood pressure in the arteries and arterioles to such an extent that it overcomes the weight of the blood in the venous system and raises the blood to the level of the heart. Therefore, preference should be given to exercises performed in the supine position.

Use the minimum amount of muscles in strength exercise... When doing dynamic exercises, tense and relaxed muscles make it easier for the heart to work. When performing strength exercises, when the pace is slow, the role of the muscle pump is minimized, and when a large mass of muscles is active, with vascular occlusion, the work of the heart becomes difficult. Therefore, in strength exercises, you should use the minimum amount of muscles, especially if they work in a static-dynamic mode.

Alternate exercises for relatively large muscles with training of muscles with low mass. When building a set of exercises, it is often necessary to activate a large mass of muscles, which creates conditions for an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, the execution next exercise for muscles with low mass are removed possible problems with an increase in blood pressure.

Perform stretching after each strength exercise or series. Stretching does not present any particular difficulties to the cardiovascular system, therefore there are 10-40 seconds to reduce the activity of its activity. At the same time, stretching the muscles stimulates muscle protein synthesis.

How to do the exercises

Exercises should be performed with constant muscle tension, without a relaxation phase, "to failure" or until a burning sensation in the muscles. This is a signal to stop exercising and rest. The range of motion is small. The exercise lasts 30-60 seconds, the rest between exercises is about 30 seconds. Here, everyone fits individually, depending on their condition. The exercises are performed at a moderate pace and without holding the breath.

For example. do squats - 10-20 times, rest 30 seconds, then repeat again 10-20 times. again rest for 30 seconds, repeat the same for the third time. This is one circle. Then rest on this muscle group for 5-10 minutes. At this time, you can work out, for example, the press, back or biceps in the same way. In one lesson, you can do 3-4 circles, if you are well prepared. then 5-8 circles.

Work no more than 2-3 muscle groups in one lesson. We are all different, so each person should have their own individual approach. There are basic principles. and these principles must be followed.

Another important point is that the exercises should be performed like this. so that there is no strong acidification of the muscles. Lactic acid or hydrogen ions with strong acidification simply destroy the cell. Therefore, rest between exercises is important so that the lactic acid disappears and the synthesis of new cells begins.

Isotone consists mainly of strength exercises, because the strongest release of hormones into the blood occurs during strength exercises when physiological stress is reached. And this happens best of all when you perform exercises in a static-dynamic mode.

Isotonic exercises for every day for a wide age range

What happens in the body when doing isotonic exercise

Here's what happens. With muscle tension, our body experiences short-term stress, and stress refers to everything that is unpleasant for our body, in this case muscle tension.

Mental stress arises in the cerebral cortex, which excites the pituitary gland, and the pituitary gland is the gland of the endocrine system, which is located in the brain under the main cortex.

Other glands of the endocrine system also begin to activate. The glands of the endocrine system begin to secrete somatotropic hormone or growth hormone, this hormone promotes synthesis processes in the body and activates protein. lipid, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism. The hormone builds muscle. bones, ligaments, tendons of the body.

Such an important hormone for men is released as -. In women, estrogen. The main role is to perform two important functions:

  • Growth stimulation muscle mass, burning fat and maintaining optimal bone density. Being an anabolic steroid in its chemical structure, it activates the formation and renewal of cells and muscle structures
  • . The formation of secondary sexual characteristics in a man, ensuring the full activity of the organs of the reproductive system.

Estrogens in women are steroid hormones that affect the growth and development of the genitals, preparing women for motherhood. If the female body contains enough estrogen. then the first. what catches the eye is beautiful figure with thin waist and beautiful thighs, velvety skin.

Here are two important hormones for us - growth hormone and which begins to secrete endocrine system when doing isotone. Hormones enter the cell, and as described above, the construction of new cells and muscle structures begins, they are burned body fat... The body is being renewed. It is the endocrine system that is responsible for the healing of the body and plays an important role in human health.

  • It should be noted that hormones do not enter the passive tissue, but the active one, the one that is being worked out,
  • Hormones only appear when there is mental stress or stress
  • If you are engaged with a barbell, then the weight should be 30-60% of maximum weight which you can pick up.
  • Exercises should be performed without holding the breath.
  • There should be a rest of 5-10 minutes between exercises so that the muscles recover and lactic acid leaves the muscles.
  • With the help of secreted hormones, blood vessels can be made clean.
  • Be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes and stretch before class

Theory of atherosclerosis or how to make blood vessels clean

With the help of jogging, you cannot get rid of it, since there are no conditions for the release of hormones, there is no stress or mental stress. Jogging is an easy, comfortable run without muscle tension.

Proper nutrition and regular secretion of hormones helps to get rid of the hormone penetrates into the plaque, stays there for about a week, as a result, cholesterol will turn back into fat, fat will be released into the bloodstream and go away.

Exercise leads to the activation of various tissues, strengthening the processes of anabolism and catabolism in them. Depending on the diet, it is possible to direct the course of adaptation processes in the desired direction, for example, to increase muscle mass (intake of high-grade protein above the norm), (intake of carbohydrates and fats below the norm).

Why not holding your breath while exercising

When a person, during exercise, especially an unprepared or aged person, begins to hold his breath, he essentially deprives the heart of blood flow, the heart beats. and the blood does not flow properly.

After completing the exercise, the person gets up and begins to breathe intensively, the heart beats furiously, the pressure increases, powerful blood flow hits the vessels, and if there is, this blood flow breaks it off and somewhere something clogs up and a micro-stroke is obtained. Therefore, holding your breath is unacceptable.

Isotonic exercises

Isotone is intended for all categories of people who want to escape from a stroke or heart attack, Feel like people. The usual physical exercises, which people usually forget about with age and hope for a miracle - a pill.

As Seluyanov says, the isotone is designed for men of sixty years old who are ready to die tomorrow.

Nevertheless, isotone is a wellness system with an evidence base Seluyanov can tell what changes occur in the body with regular isotone exercises.

Isotone is that you can do anywhere, it would be your desire.

As an example, check out several exercises of the Isotone Wellness System. Exercises can be tailored to each person. regardless of his physical condition.

For some, lighter exercises are suitable, exercises can be done while lying or sitting. This is for people over fifty, whose muscles have already atrophied.

Other exercises are more difficult, this is for those who are younger and have not lost everything. The number of repetitions of the exercise is also individual. But physical activity is necessary for everyone, this is the truth.

A set of static-dynamic exercises

Statodynamic exercises for beautiful posture

Statodynamic training

Seluyanov Victor Nikolaevich. Biography

Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov - was born in 1946.

In 1970 he graduated from the State Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture

1979 - candidate of biological sciences. Senior Researcher

1992 - defended his doctoral dissertation

1995 - received a patent "A method for changing the proportion of tissue composition of the entire human body and in its individual segments", developed mathematical models that simulate urgent and long-term adaptation processes in the body of athletes.

Recently, he was the head of the scientific and educational laboratory of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 〈 Information Technology in sports〉, Deputy head of the department for scientific work.

Professional interests - sports anthropology, physiology, theory of sports training and health-improving physical culture.

Seluyanov Victor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov Victor Nikolaevich

Seluyanov has published over 100 scientific works, including: the monograph "Biomechanics of the motor apparatus of athletes" (1981, co-author), " Physical training v sports games"(1991, co-author)," Isoton, foundations of the theory of health-improving training "(. 1995, co-author) and others.

In 1981, he was a laureate of the USSR Sports Committee Prize for the best research work in the field of visual culture and sports.

According to the Siluyanov system, many famous judo athletes have been and continue to do: the 2001 world champions Makarov, Mikhailin, bronze medalist Olympic Games 2004 D. Nosov, honored masters of sports in sambo D. Maksimov, Martynov, R. Sazonov.

2004 Olympics, Athens. Dmitry Nosov

World Judo Championships - 2001, Munich, Vitaly Makarov-Zamora David

Full lecture by Professor V. N. Seluyanov

The "Isoton" training system is the author's development of Professor V. Seluyanov, intended not for athletes, but for ordinary people who want to train just a couple of times a week and pursue goals such as getting rid of excess weight, back pain, posture correction, scoliosis and improvement of well-being. Gymnastics is structured in such a way that exercises, if desired, can be done at home without weights, but they are engaged according to similar principles and with equipment in the halls.

The system has its own certification of coaches and official halls, in addition, those interested are advised to familiarize themselves with the work of Seluyanov himself.

How isotone differs from shaping and fitness

Shaping is a training system based on the use of a multi-repetition method. Its authors creatively reinterpreted the same legacy of Soviet sports medicine as Professor Seluyanov. The only difference with shaping is that it is aimed at a female audience and therefore is aimed more at correcting weight than correcting muscle mass. Exercises in both systems are performed in similar modes, until "failure", complete fatigue, burning sensation in the muscles.

The multi-repetition method is good in that it helps to get, in addition to the conditionally strength, an aerobic load. More modern studies prove that an athlete who performs exercises in a multi-repetition mode has a priority cardiovascular system, and the muscles only tone up, but there is no particular growth. This served as the basis for the application of variable techniques in modern fitness... Simply put, non-professional training does not have to be multi-repetitive all the time.

Hobbyists can apply almost the same cycling of an annual training process, as well as professionals and are not obliged to always work in a mode on strength endurance... What's more, cycling helps avoid common problems for aerobic fitness enthusiasts:

  • reduced muscle mass compared to the norm;
  • high risk of injury to joints and ligaments due to the abundance of repetitive stress;
  • overload of the heart muscle due to large volumes of work (this applies to those who combine isotone and running training);
  • significant loads on nervous system due to the large amount of work of the same type.

Professor Seluyanov believes that in the training of amateurs in low volumes, these disadvantages aerobic work do not manifest themselves in any way. Western studies prove that when the volume is exceeded, similar training will contribute to a decrease, not an increase in muscle mass, and the occurrence of the so-called slowdown in metabolism. It is worth noting, however, that all this does not threaten the ordinary fan of the isotone, because he will perform the exercises only twice a week. But if you train in this way every day, you can face significant health problems.

Why isotone gained second popularity

The system has been known since the 90s of the last century, but has never been as trendy as classic fitness, shaping or aerobics. The thing is that the static-dynamic style of work proposed by Seluyanov is rather poorly tolerated by amateurs who are not accustomed to sensations muscle pain and burning. If, in the same shaping, the exercises involve the muscles mainly in isolation, and the discomfort with multi-repetitive leg kicks is not as severe as it manifests itself in squats in the same style. In general, the isotone, with all its focus on amateurs, is quite serious in terms of load.

The popularity of this system in modern world associated with only three news stories:

  1. article in the magazine "Iron World", in which prof. Seluyanov announced to the whole world that local fat burning Maybe. He bases his claim on studies of groups of athletes in strength-speed and cyclic sports. Examples are runners who have almost no fat deposits on their legs and skiers who have this quality all over their bodies. The article gained immense popularity in social networks, because she actually tells us: "Do statodynamics, and you can get rid of fat faster than if you do not exercise in this style, but begin to adhere to the classic strength training schemes";
  2. the growth and development of numerous channels on YouTube, the authors of which need to come up with some "tricks" to attract the target audience and really want to come up with something that would help, for example, lose weight only in the legs and stomach, but not in the chest and arms;
  3. popularization of statodynamics as a method by a number of bodybuilding stars. Several athletes are filming videos about this, as they are in a difficult situation due to the influence of this sport on health.

In fact, to argue that it is isotone that will help to lose weight in problem areas and will not do anything about "problem-free" - too broad a generalization. Gymnastics has completely different advantages:

  • there is no need to involve complex equipment. Exercises for the whole body can be done any gymnastic (squats, push-ups, pull-ups on a low bar and simple twisting on the press will be a complex for an amateur for all muscle groups), or "isolating" with an expander or small weights, in general, you can start with what is already there;
  • training regimen allows you to get some load on cardiovascular system, therefore, if there is no special goal to develop endurance, you can do with this gymnastics as the only type of physical activity;
  • isotone can be done at home, you only need a timer.

The protocol is very simple. You need to do a joint warm-up, and then do the usual gymnastic exercises in the "spring" style in the zone of maximum muscle contraction for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 of these approaches, after that - 5 minutes of walking on the pulse of 100 beats per minute. Then - again a cycle of 3 sets of the same exercise, again rest, and another cycle.

The workout can be done in 3-4 exercises for the whole body, and there is no need to isolate small muscles;

Isotone has another advantage over traditional species fitness - virtually eliminates stress on the joints and minimizes - on the spine and ligaments. There are no jumps, at the same time, you can train both the heart and local muscle endurance.

Disadvantages of isotone gymnastics

The most essential is a rather painful protocol, many are simply not psychologically ready for this type of load "just for the sake of fitness." Gymnastics practically does not affect the strength indicators, "pumping" the strength endurance of the muscles as the main physical quality... It will not help if the goal is to increase strength, such as jogging. short distances... And the calorie consumption per session, compared to regular fitness, will be quite average.

Isotone is difficult to use as the only way to create a calorie deficit, so losing weight will still have to additionally follow a diet and not rely only on gymnastics.

Among the shortcomings, the authors of the reviews also note rather monotonous training, the absence of an element of surprise and play. However, if you want more isotone complexes, you should read a book about it, or attend classes in fitness clubs, or specialized clubs for this gymnastics, fortunately, there are a lot of them today.

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

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