Breathing exercises in bronchial asthma. Exercise therapy for bronchial asthma: basic exercises and their benefits

Very often, people who suffer from bronchial asthma are forced to give up sports and any physical activity on the body as a whole, so as not to provoke an attack. However, there are a number of exercises that can, on the contrary, help to cope with suffocation and shortness of breath - the companions of this not a simple disease. Exercising in comfortable conditions, such as air humidity and temperature, reduces symptoms.

Now there are already modernized technologies that do not require exhausting classes for several hours. Moreover, there are simulators that allow you to achieve incredible success in the fight against incurable ailments. And in order to have a positive effect, you need to practice for 25-35 minutes daily. Of course, it is still too early to talk about complete healing, but you can return to a normal and healthier life.

Teach the patient to breathe correctly - and eat the main task breathing exercises. What are the rules for performing therapeutic exercises:

Firstly, so that there is no irritation of the tissues of the bronchi, breathing should be only superficial.

Secondly, in order to prevent another attack of inhalation-exhalation, it is necessary to carry out only through the mouth, and not through the nose, in order to avoid the contents of the nasopharynx from entering your bronchi.

Thirdly, the effectiveness of exercises is observed only when they are systematically performed.

Fourthly, if sputum has accumulated at the bottom of the respiratory tract, then perform them in the interval between inhalation and exhalation.

Types of gymnastics:

At the moment, there are 2 most popular therapeutic breathing exercises for bronchial asthma.

Let's look at each of them.

Therapeutic gymnastics according to Buteyko

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is one of the most outstanding Russian doctors and physiologists of the last century. It was he who developed a unique therapeutic gymnastics for people suffering from bronchial asthma. It aims to reduce the depth of breathing as well as to improve nasal breathing. Thanks to his developments, Konstantin Pavlovich cured himself of this disease, and with the success of his knowledge, many patients still use it today.


  • people suffering from bronchial asthma and diseases respiratory system;
  • patients suffering from: atherosclerosis, hypertension and many similar diseases.

Buteyko breathing exercises are based on the following principles:

1. It is necessary to increase the pause after exhalation;

2. Reduce the depth of inspiration (inhalation is incomplete and shallow).


1. Exercise one. Within 5 seconds, you need to inhale and exhale with as much muscle relaxation as possible and stop. Repeat - no more than 10 times (approximately in time from 2 to 3 minutes).

2. Exercise two. Within 7.5 seconds, the patient takes a breath. Starts with the diaphragm, ends with the chest. Then exhale, holding for about 7.5 seconds, starting with upper region lungs, and ending with the diaphragm. 5 second pause. Repeat the cycle - 10 times (per this exercise take no more than 3-4 minutes).

3. Exercise three. We massage the points of the nose of the reflexogenic type, holding the breath if possible. We breathe like this 1 time.
And remember: If you decide to do therapeutic gymnastics, it is unacceptable to be distracted or talk, your breathing should be quiet and without third-party noise. It is also not recommended to exercise on a full stomach, because this can only harm you. After each session, make it a habit to write down your sensations and record your pulse in a special notebook.

Consult your doctor before starting classes!

Therapeutic exercises according to Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova is a Soviet singer who lost her voice due to a lung disease. This fact prompted her to create a whole set of exercises for the respiratory tract, which both a child and an adult can perform. Her medical complex not only reduces the frequency of attacks, but can also interrupt an asthma attack in asthma patients.


  • runny nose and sinusitis;
  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma
  • skin problems;
  • neurosis, stuttering and throat diseases;
  • injured spine or;
  • problems with the urinary system.


1. Waking up, without getting out of bed, lie on your back and pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, while exhaling long through your mouth. Do as many reps as you want.

2. Putting your hands on your waist, you need to inflate your stomach to the limit while inhaling with your nose, and then exhale with a sharp movement, pulling it back.

3. Breathe alternately through the right and then the left nostril. Blocking the left nostril with your finger, inhale, and then, closing the right nostril, you can exhale. Repeat this exercise in reverse order.

4. Sitting, put your hands on your knees. Inhaling, spread your arms in different directions, and exhaling, pull your right knee to your stomach with your hands. Then repeat, pulling up your left knee.

5. Inhale sharply, jerkily through your nose, counting to yourself "one, two, three." Gritting your teeth, make the sounds "sh" and "s".

6. Next exercise called "Woodcutter". Stand straight, fasten your hands in the castle. When you inhale, raise your hands up; when you exhale, lower them with a sharp downward movement, making the sound “uh” or “ph”.

In conclusion, I would like to add: These exercises have many advantages and they are all designed to learn how to breathe correctly. After all, our breathing depends on the processes taking place deep in the body, in every cell and every molecule. Be healthy!

Breathing exercises during the development of bronchial diseases, contrary to the prevailing opinion that any physical and respiratory stress is prohibited in asthmatic diseases, have the most positive effect on the patient's condition.

Reasonable dosed exercises help to improve breathing and relieve the symptoms of suffocation, which often accompany asthmatic diseases. Breathing exercises in asthma is one of the alternative species treatment of asthmatics, but in no case does this technique replace drug treatment, being only an auxiliary method in the treatment complex.

Benefits of exercising for asthma

With the help of regular gymnastics, it is possible to reduce the acute symptoms of the disease and achieve significant improvement. In addition, the following positive impact is noted:

  1. Respiratory membranes are actively cleared of mucous contents.
  2. The lumen of the airways increases, which enhances bronchial and pulmonary ventilation.
  3. Thanks to gymnastics, the functionality of the respiratory apparatus is normalized.
  4. The incidence of bronchospasm is reduced.
  5. Diaphragmatic and muscular strengthening is noted, which are responsible for the work of the respiratory muscles.
  6. The normal activity of the cardiovascular system is restored.
  7. Due to the normalization of the respiratory organs, the frequency of asthma attacks is reduced, especially in children.
  8. Thanks to gymnastics, the patient learns to control his own breathing, independently reducing the intensity of attacks.

In addition, with breathing exercises, as the general condition normalizes, stress is relieved, which is a common cause of the development of a bronchial attack.

Contraindications for gymnastics

It must be remembered that, like any treatment, breathing exercises may have contraindications, so it must be abandoned in the following cases:

  • if the patient has an acute attack of suffocation, accompanied by a strong cough and bronchospasm;
  • in the event that external weather conditions (frost, heat, rain, wind, etc.) do not allow doing gymnastics;
  • the lack of the possibility of good ventilation of the training room;

  • immediately after strenuous walking or jogging, which can cause shortness of breath;
  • symptoms of increased fatigue and stressful situations;
  • recent pneumonia and acute bronchitis.

In the event that there are no contraindications to breathing exercises, you can start exercising. However, even in this case, certain rules must be followed.

Gymnastics rules

  1. One of the main rules is breathing through the mouth during the breathing exercise. V otherwise possible entry of nasopharyngeal contents into the bronchi. This can provoke an acute attack of the disease, which is especially dangerous for children. But it must be remembered that some techniques involve breathing mainly through the nose.
  2. In addition, with the complication of asthma and excessive accumulation of sputum in the pulmonary and bronchial systems, it is necessary to perform exercises only in the intervals between inhalation and exhalation. Otherwise, bronchospasm and a strong cough are possible.
  3. Another important point is the ability to breathe shallowly, as deep breathing can provoke new asthma symptoms. In addition, you need to be able to control your emotions.
  4. Respiratory gymnastics can have a full therapeutic effect only if it is performed on a regular basis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the age of the patient.

Breathing exercises techniques

To date, there are 2 main methods that most effectively treat bronchial asthma. These include gymnastics according to Strelnikova and Buteyko.

These 2 varieties gymnastic exercises recommended even for children and elderly patients. Gymnastics is performed no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating, and the temperature in the room should not be excessively humid and cold.

In the event that discomfort occurs during the lesson, it is necessary to consult and adjust further treatment with the attending physician, since if the gymnastics is carried out correctly, discomfort should not occur.

In order to correctly perform the gymnastics of Strelnikova or Buteyko, it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of actions. Only in this case, the Strelnikova complex will give a positive result.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Breathing exercises are of great importance, so you need to get acquainted with the development of A.N. Strelnikova.

Strelnikova's technique has been used for a long time in the complex treatment of patients with respiratory diseases. The effectiveness of this method has been confirmed by numerous positive results.

The gymnastic complex consists of several exercises that are performed without special preparation. As a rule, such activities require compression chest on the inhale. It is with the help of this technique that you can stop asthma attacks. Moreover, breathing exercises allow to treat not only asthma, but also chronic bronchitis.

Positive feedback received an exercise called "pump". It provides the removal of an attack, including among children, so it is necessary to study in advance the correctness of its implementation.

1. Exercise "Pump". It is performed standing or sitting on a chair. When sitting, it is necessary to rest with both hands on the knees. The exercise is performed in a series of 2-4 sharp short nasal breaths. It is not recommended to straighten up very much and lean back. Next, you should take a newspaper rolled into a tube or an oblong object in your hands and a movement is depicted, as if a car tire is being inflated with a pump. When tilting, inhale is taken, while unbending, exhalation is performed.

Tilts are performed calmly, often and easily. In this case, the head should be slightly bowed, as if the patient is looking at the pump. Tilts should be carried out not below the waist area, and the back should be round. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. It is important to observe the rhythm of movements (like a military march). It is necessary to take at least 8 breaths in a row with a break of 5 seconds, after which a repetition occurs, another 10 breaths. It is important to note that treatment in this way can be carried out not only in relation to bronchial asthma, but also cardiac, as well as to relieve hepatic colic.

2. "Tilts". This exercise is also effective in preventing an asthmatic attack and has received the most positive feedback from patients. To perform it, it is recommended to lean forward slightly, lowering your head. The arms should be bent at the elbow. At the same time, a noisy short breath is performed. With slow straightening, it is necessary to exhale and repeat this algorithm 2-3 more times with a break of 5-7 seconds. Be sure to perform 2 breaths (when moving with an inclination) and 4 breaths.

It is not at all necessary to count the number of actions, they are repeated until a feeling of slight fatigue sets in. It is important to count the number of breaths in a set of exercises (2 or 4). The average duration of the exercise is no more than 15 minutes.

With a severe development of the disease, it is quite difficult for the patient to take breaths on an inclination, it is allowed to sit on a chair. In this case, the body leans slightly forward, and the head is lowered, the back should be round, and the elbows should be placed on the knees. This position is accompanied by a noisy nasal breath at least 2 times. After every 2 breaths, you need to rest for 5 seconds. It is important to consider that in this exercise, of course, there is an exhalation, but it is done very calmly and easily, unlike inhalation, which is performed to the entire depth of the lung.

3. "Hug your shoulders." When performing this exercise, you should bend your arms at the elbow and raise them at the same level with your shoulders. The palms must be turned towards the face at chest level. One hand must be sharply thrown towards the other hand. One hand should touch the opposite shoulder and the other should touch the opposite armpit. Hands should work in a parallel direction. A sharp noisy breath must be repeated with each such “hug”.

In addition, when practicing Strelnikova, the following skills are required:

1. CORRECTLY EXECUTION OF THE INSP. In order to understand the principles correct execution breath, it is necessary to imagine the situation that there is a smell of burning in the room. In accordance with this situation, it is necessary to sniff the air, as well as inhale the air noisily. This will be the correct inhalation tactic according to Strelnikova.

2. EXHALE. Inhalations and exhalations should be performed through the nose. You should not strain and wait for the onset of exhalation. It will come on its own. For the best effect, the mouth should be slightly opened on exhalation, which contributes to better respiratory activity.

3. TEMP. For better breathing, it is necessary to mentally count the rhythm while “inflating the tire”. The rate of breaths should be at least 60-70 movements in 1 minute. The inhalation should be loud, and the exhalation should be quiet. The norm is the performance of 100-200 breaths with a pause of 3 seconds. In the event that exercise does not contribute to the normalization of respiratory activity, it is recommended to use drug therapy with traditional bronchodilators.

Benefits of breathing exercises for asthma in children

For children, it is recommended to form group lessons according to exercise therapy, since the emotional state of the child allows you to better assimilate knowledge among peers. And only when the child masters in the team respiratory complex along Buteyko or Strelnikova, it is allowed to conduct self-study. However, it should be remembered that adults should always be nearby, and if they conduct joint classes, this will become additional incentive for kids.

To prevent the development of an asthmatic attack in children using the Strelnikova technique, frequent and rapid breathing through the nose and mandatory execution pump exercises.

Many patients are interested in the question of the fundamental difference between Buteyko and Strelnikova's gymnastics. With the help of the Buteyko technique, it is possible to teach children to control their respiratory activity in the shortest possible time. In this case, breathing is performed on a hold, which is much easier to track than inhalations and exhalations. Both methods provide effective treatment asthmatic diseases, and competent treatment, in turn, reduces the number of attacks and neutralizes the symptoms of the disease.

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko

Buteyko classes help to optimize the lungs during inhalation and exhalation. In the normal state, the following indications are observed:

  • inhale 2-3 sec;
  • exhalation must be done between 2 and 4 seconds;
  • the pause should not exceed 4 seconds.

Buteyko classes are allowed to be done while sitting. In this case, the chest should be as straightened as possible, and hands should be placed on your knees. The main Buteyko breathing exercises include:

  • superficial nasal frequent breathing for 10-12 minutes;
  • inhalation should be done slowly, just like exhalation, when all groups of respiratory muscles should relax;
  • it is necessary to perform successive breaths so that all parts of the lung are included, from the lowest, with the maximum opening of the chest. Exhalation should be done as long as possible (at least 5 seconds). If at the very beginning it is not possible to achieve the necessary breathing parameters, you can perform the Buteyko complex as it turns out, but in no case should it be interrupted;
  • inhalation should be carried out gradually, using different lung sections with the help of both nostrils. To prevent the ingress of excess air, it is allowed to pinch one nostril;
  • all respiratory movements are performed by nasal breathing with the diaphragm retracted, which allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Each movement is performed from 9 times;
  • the strongest breath or full exhalation should be performed at an accelerated pace. Repetitions can be done after 1 minute. It is important to consider that increased ventilation of the pulmonary system can manifest itself as slight dizziness;
  • the required inhalation time is 1.5 - 2 seconds with a pause between breaths of 5 seconds, after which a quick breath is taken. A full cycle should not exceed 4 minutes. In the future, classes are allowed to be done both sitting and standing, as well as in combination with squatting and light running.

Bronchial asthma is a severe lesion of the respiratory system, which is accompanied by bouts of severe lack of air. Treatment of such a disease is long and not always effective. Specialized breathing exercises for asthma will help reduce the number and intensity of attacks. Exercises are easy to perform at home, just remember a few basic rules.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for asthmatics become safe and effective method improve health. Regularly performing the complex simple exercises you can achieve the following effect:

  • The respiratory organs are cleared of accumulated mucus and sputum in them..
  • The lumen of the airways becomes noticeably larger. This results in easier breathing. More oxygen enters the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the work of all internal organs.
  • The incidence of bronchospasm is reduced.
  • The muscles of the respiratory system are strengthened.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • The psychological state of a person improves. Exercise helps you relax and relieve stress.

Anyone can learn the principles of breathing exercises. This does not require any special knowledge or devices.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting regular exercise. The specialist will help to identify the presence of contraindications and determine the most appropriate technique.

Main contraindications

For some people, breathing exercises in bronchial asthma can cause complications in the course of the disease. Among the main contraindications to such activities are:

  1. A severe attack of suffocation, which is accompanied by an excruciating tearing cough and severe bronchospasm.
  2. Past acute diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia or bronchitis.
  3. Being in a state of stress, mental or physical strain.
  4. Thrombophlebitis in acute form.
  5. Tendency to spontaneous internal bleeding.

Doing gymnastics is not recommended immediately after jogging or physical activity.. They lead to inconsistency in breathing, which will negatively affect the state of health. best result can be achieved by exercising outdoors. Do not do this in cold, rainy or too hot weather.

In order for breathing exercises for asthma to bring the expected result, it is necessary to properly prepare for the classes. An important role is played mental attitude. If you train without desire, through force, then this will bring little benefit. It is important to do gymnastics in good mood . Also follow a few simple guidelines:

  • If it is not possible to conduct classes outdoors, then this should be done in a well-ventilated room, open all windows wide open. This will ensure a full flow of oxygen.
  • The room must be quiet. Extraneous sounds and music interfere with concentration. You will not be able to understand how correctly you perform the exercises.
  • Strangers can also interfere, so it is better to conduct a lesson all alone.
  • The only benefit is regular exercise. Make it a rule to allocate for this half an hour in the morning and in the evening every day.
  • Do not exercise immediately after eating.

If you are not sure that you can independently study all the rules for conducting classes, for the first time, sign up for group classes with a specialist. You will be able to master all the basics that you will later apply at home.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are becoming one of the most popular methods. It is based on the principle of increasing the depth of inspiration, which allows you to better saturate the blood with oxygen.. The head, limbs, pelvis and abdomen take part. This achieves general strengthening body and increase the protective functions.

The main rule of the technique: concentrate only on inhalation. It must be as sharp and intermittent as possible. You don't have to worry about exhaling.

The set of exercises consists of the following procedures:

  1. Stand with your back straight, legs apart shoulder girdle. Bend your arms slightly and turn them palms forward. Take four short, noisy breaths. With each breath, clench your fists, as you exhale, straighten them back. Stop for a couple of seconds. After that, repeat the complex. As a result, 96 breaths are performed in one session.
  2. Accept initial position: the legs are located at the width of the shoulder girdle, we stand straight. Squeeze your hands into fists and press them to the body at waist level. While inhaling, make a jerky movement down with your hands. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Eight such cycles should be performed.
  3. Stand up straight. Tilt your body forward, but your hands should not touch the ground. Take a short breath in through your nose. The end of the breath should coincide with the end of the movement. After that, slightly raise the torso, bend over again, and take another breath. The movements should resemble using a hand-held tire pump. 8 breaths are taken in one cycle. The number of approaches is 12.
  4. Stand with your legs apart. Feet should be firmly on the floor. Squat down, slightly turning the body to the side. The movement should be accompanied by a sharp short breath. Return to starting position. After that, repeat the exercise, while turning the body to the other side. You will need 12 sets in total.
  5. Grab your shoulders. At the same time, try to make sure that the hugs are very strong. Breathe in while moving. Lower your arms as you exhale. Repeat the movement by changing the position of the hands. Do a cycle of 12 sets.
  6. At the same time as tilting the body forward, take a breath. As you exhale, straighten up, lean back. Repeat 12 sets of 8 breaths.
  7. Stand up straight. Inhaling the air, turn your head to the side. Exhale and return to the starting position. On the next inhale, turn your head to the other side. Continue until you have taken 96 breaths.
  8. Move your head vertically up and then down. With each subsequent movement, inhale a little air noisily. Do 12 sets of 8 breaths in total.
  9. Stand on one leg, bend the other in knee joint and secure at waist height. Squat down lightly as you inhale. Change your leg and repeat the movement. A total of 12 sets of 8 steps are done.

Breathing according to Strelnikova with bronchial asthma is very effective. The main thing is to strictly follow all the rules of gymnastics and the principle of 96 entries for each exercise..

Gymnastics Buteyko

In 1952, the Russian physiologist Konstantin Buteyko developed the principle correct breathing which helps to cure many diseases. According to him, people often get sick because of too deep breaths.. He proposed his method of breathing exercises, which consists of the following exercises:

  1. Inhale for five seconds, then exhale and relax completely. After a couple of seconds, repeat this complex. You will need 10 sets in total.
  2. Log in within 7 seconds. After the same amount of time exhale the air from the lungs. Take a five second pause. Repeat the cycle 10 times.
  3. Within 7 seconds, enter only one nostril, hold the other with your finger. Dedicate the next 7 seconds to a smooth exhalation. The cycle is repeated 10 times.
  4. Inhale and exhale in the same way as the previous exercise, but keep your stomach in a retracted position.
  5. Do 12 deep, quick ins and outs. Spend no more than 2.5 seconds on each of them.
  6. Take a sharp, shallow breath that takes a second. Exhale and pause for about 5 seconds. Repeat 4 times. The fifth time the breath should take 2 seconds. Do 6 reps already. Thus, constantly increase the duration of the inhalation until it reaches 5 seconds.
  7. Stop breathing while inhaling. After that, exhale and linger on the exhalation as much as possible. Such exercises are done only 1 time.
  8. Stop breathing for as long as you can sitting position, when walking in one place, while running and squatting.
  9. Sit in a chair and try to relax. Breathe deeply and measuredly. Gradually decrease the depth of inhalation. At the end of the asthma exercise, you should feel short of breath. The total duration of its implementation is from 3 to 10 minutes.

When performing all exercises, try to breathe silently. It is forbidden to be distracted and talk. Buteyko recommended that after each session, record the pulse and your own feelings. If they change for the worse, then classes should be stopped and seek help from a doctor..

Yoga gymnastics

Yogis have created their own breathing exercises for bronchial asthma. They will help to effectively stop seizures.. Perform the following exercises:

  1. Sit on a flat surface in the lotus position so that the right leg is resting on the left thigh, and the left, respectively, on the right. Place your palms on your thighs. Straighten your spine. If you can't sit in the lotus position, just cross your legs. Fix your gaze on the tip of your nose. Take a calm breath, and then exhale, repeat 8 times. Then pull in maximum amount air and stop breathing. Exhale slowly. Repeat the whole complex four times. If you experience discomfort during the exercise, stop immediately.
  2. Stand up straight. Breathe in slowly through your nose without making any noise. Close your lips with a tube and exhale smoothly without puffing out your cheeks. The air should come out in small portions. This will tense the abdominal muscles. If the exhalation is too soft, the effectiveness of the exercise is sharply reduced..
  3. In a standing position, take a measured breath. Exhaling slowly, lift upper limbs and fix them over your head. Stop breathing for three seconds. Lean forward sharply, inhaling the air. At the bottom, exhale sharply with the sound “ha”. Do not use your vocal cords to perform it. Gradually straighten up and raise your limbs above your head. Relax completely as you exhale.
  4. Relax in the supine position. Breathe in as much as possible. At the same time, begin to raise your arms until they touch the floor behind your head. Stop breathing for two seconds. Raise lower limbs while bending them quickly at the knees. Embrace your legs with your hands and try to bring them as close to your stomach as possible. Breathe out. Fix for three seconds in this state. As you inhale, raise your limbs above your head, place your feet on the floor. After a couple, relax your hands.

It is necessary to perform the exercise with maximum concentration. At first, they may seem complicated, but after a couple of workouts, everything will turn out easily and simply.

They developed their own set of exercises for people suffering from bronchial asthma and Tibetan monks. They used centuries-old knowledge in the field of relaxation and wellness breathing. The following exercises are effective:

  1. Stand up straight. Inhaling slowly, raise your forelegs above your head so that your palms touch each other. Stop breathing for five seconds. Then slowly exhale while lowering your hands down. When performing the exercise, the diaphragm and abs should be tensed.
  2. Evenly taking in the air, stretch the front limbs in front of you. Point your palms down. Stop breathing. At the same time spread the limbs in a horizontal direction, and then bring them together. Then inhale the maximum portion of air through your mouth.
  3. Stand up with your spine straight. Extend your arms forward in front of you. Take a measured deep breath and linger for three seconds. Rotate your arms in both directions with vertical movements. Inhale sharply and relax your hands.
  4. Sit on a flat surface, lying on your stomach. Lock your palms under your shoulders. Inhale as much air as possible and stop breathing. Regularly straighten your arms and lift your torso, leaning on the fingers of the limbs. Your movements should resemble push-ups. Finish the exercise with frequent breathing.
  5. Stand exactly near the wall, rest your forelimbs against it. Spread your palms to the side for a long distance. Inhale deeply and hold for three seconds. Start shaking your hands elbow joints until the head touches the wall. Then push your torso away from the wall with a sharp push. This exercise is repeated four times.
  6. Stand straight, fix your hands on your hips. Inhale deeply and stop breathing for two seconds. With a measured exhalation through the mouth, tilt the body forward. As you inhale, straighten up, hold your breath for a while. This exercise is done as measuredly and smoothly as possible.

Breathing exercises - simple and affordable way cope with the symptoms of asthma. By studying a few effective exercises, you can strengthen your immunity, reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve the body as a whole.

Our compatriot, Russian singer Alexandra Nikolaevna, became the author of many techniques. Strelnikova's gymnastics was developed by this singer and vocal teacher for the fastest possible recovery. vocal cords.

But in the process of application, it turned out that this gymnastics has a healing effect not only on the vocal cords, but also on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems as a whole. Provides therapeutic and healing effect with some diseases.

Basic principles of gymnastics

The basic principle of gymnastics is fast, forced inhalation and passive exhalation. At the same time, it is not recommended to take a deep breath, it is described as “sniffing” the smell of burning. Suppose a person has smelled some disturbing smell. To better distinguish it, he breathes quickly and shallowly (wants to drive as much air as possible through the organ of smell).

It is recommended to exhale both through the mouth and through the nose, but passively, so that the air itself leaves the lungs. All exercises are performed in four counts (invented by a music teacher), rhythmically, quickly and are accompanied by active gymnastic movements.

Gymnastics Strelnikova for asthmatics

Since gymnastics is actively used for patients with global problems in the respiratory system and helps them, special rules have been developed for asthmatics.

  • In this case, inhalation and exhalation is performed through the oral cavity to prevent mucus from entering the bronchial tree from the nasopharynx, which can provoke an attack.
  • If gymnastics is done during exacerbation, with inflammation, it is better to do active movements not on inspiration, but in between them, so as not to provoke a cough.
  • You can't take deep breaths.
  • Gymnastics should calm, make breathing rhythmic.
  • Breathing exercises are usually done in the morning instead of regular exercises and in the evening before bedtime.
  • Exercises that Strelnikova herself developed

    1. Palms - a warm-up exercise. Stand up straight, calmly, freely. Lower your elbows, raise your palms and open. Take an active breath and at this moment clench your fists. Exhalation is accompanied by the opening of the palms. After four such breaths, you can pause for a few seconds, then continue.
    2. Shoulder straps. In this exercise, the hands are at waist level and clenched into fists. When inhaling, a person pushes his hands down, as if doing push-ups. When exhaling - IP. It is advisable to take eight breaths in a row, then pause for a few seconds.
    3. Pump. IP: straight with hands down. Inhalation is performed while tilting, the person pretends to “sniff the floor”. It is important that the back is round, as relaxed and free as possible. The neck should be lowered, not tense. Exhalation is done when the person straightens up.
    4. Cat. The movements are slightly similar to dance ones: a semi-squat is performed with unclenching and clenching fists. Inhalation also corresponds to squeezing the palms, and exhaling to unclenching.
    5. Hug your shoulders. The exercise is as close as possible to the name: each hand reaches for the opposite shoulder, clasping itself in front. Inhalation, as usual, takes place at the moment of the hug, and while exhaling, hand swings are performed.
    6. Big pendulum. A combination of two exercises: "Pump" and "Hug on the shoulders."
    7. Head turns. Inhalation is carried out when the head is turned 90 degrees relative to the straight position, that is, the chin and shoulder should be on the same line. The shoulders themselves are motionless.
    8. Ears. Now the head nods, for one movement - two breaths at the top and at the bottom.
    9. Small pendulum. Now the head moves like a pendulum. The ear touches (or almost touches) first one shoulder, then the other. The shoulders should not move. . Inhale both at the left shoulder and at the right.
    10. Rolls. IP - right foot forward. The exercise is to carry weight with right foot to the left. It goes well with active inhalations and passive exhalations. The person seems to be swaying, standing still. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise.
    11. Steps. Walk in place with knees high. Inhale with the knee up, exhale with the knee down.

    What to do at the beginning of an attack?

    If an asthmatic feels the approach of suffocation, it is not necessary to wait for the development of a full-fledged attack. In this case, the "Pump" will help best. The palms can lie on your knees, it is not necessary to act with your hands: the main thing is that the body is as relaxed as possible. Exhalation must be done calmly and freely, and in this case strictly through the mouth. An attack is prevented in a quarter of an hour.

    During the attack, the most effective were "Hug your shoulders", "Turn your head." If within five minutes the attack is not stopped, it is necessary to use an inhaler, take medication. But this does not mean that gymnastics does not work at all on this patient. Firstly, with prolonged sessions, the likelihood of such an outcome increases, and secondly, if one attack has not stopped, another may stop.

    Gymnastics Strelnikova is a method developed in the middle of the twentieth century. Initially, the exercises were designed to restore the condition of the vocal cords. The method turned out to be very effective not only for restoring the condition of the ligaments, but also for strengthening the respiratory system in general. As a result of superficial, but intense respiratory movements, the outflow of lymph improves, the mucous membrane is cleared. The method is effective for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia.

    - a disease that usually requires serious drug therapy. Moreover, if the disease is severe, then inhalations for the relief of seizures are supplemented with basic therapy. But it turns out that there is a special gymnastics for pulmonary patients and asthmatics. This is gymnastics according to Strelnikova. In fact, this is the usual simple gymnastics, accessible even to a child, which is accompanied by specific breathing exercises. This method has already helped many patients.

    Gymnastics technique according to Strelnikova:

    Respiratory dysfunction is a fairly serious disorder, since breathing is important aspect life of any living organism. Breathing is something we do not consciously control. However, there are diseases that can disrupt the system. Restoring them requires various exercises and taking medications.

    In bronchial asthma, breathing exercises are often prescribed, which helps to reduce symptoms and improve a person's well-being. Not only hormonal therapy improves the course of the disease. Medicines are the main way to treat this pathology, however, alternative methods such as special breathing provide stable remission even for those who have been sick for a very long time.

    Benefits of exercising for asthma

    Bronchial asthma is a rather serious disease. However, it is definitely treatable. Asthma is manifested by shortness of breath, cough. Breathing in bronchial asthma is very heavy, difficult. It often becomes too heavy, which threatens human health.

    For the prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma, doctors prescribe specific breathing exercises that help improve a person’s condition, in addition to serious drugs.

    Breathing exercises are an alternative method for curing an ailment. It is one of the important methods for any asthmatic.

    Breathing exercises help improve general state of a person with asthma, due to the activation of blood circulation, improvement of work immune system and stress relief.

    Benefits of breathing exercises:

    • Can be performed at any age.
    • Special conditions are not required.
    • There are practically no contraindications.
    • With regular practice, a long-term remission of the disease is ensured.
    • Improves lung ventilation.
    • The manifestation of allergic reactions of the body is reduced.
    • The frequency and correctness of breathing is restored.
    • The amount of oxygen in the blood increases, and the amount of carbon dioxide decreases.

    Contraindications for gymnastics

    In addition to the advantages, classes, of course, have their own characteristics. Contraindications include:

    • when changing weather conditions;
    • with stress and depression;
    • with viral infections and high fever;
    • refrain from exercising with a strong cough.

    Proper breathing improves the condition of a person in case of illness. It is very important to select breathing exercises individually, especially with bronchial asthma, so as not to harm the body. Classes should be performed only in a ventilated area, with access to clean air. If the air is too dry and cold, the situation can only get worse.

    Gymnastics rules

    There are certain rules that should be followed during classes, especially if a person has bronchial asthma.

    • It is best to listen to the inhalations and exhalations based on their sound. If a person does not hear the sounds of inhalation and exhalation, the lesson will be complicated. Therefore, carry out in a quiet place, without additional unnecessary noise.
    • Don't talk during class.
    • The regularity of doing classes.
    • The best effect can be obtained only in conjunction with physiotherapy and special drugs prescribed by doctors for bronchial asthma.

    Rules for performing breathing exercises

    With regular gymnastics, a person notices an improvement in well-being after a few sessions. It is important to follow all the rules so as not to harm the body.

    Breathing exercises techniques

    Breathing asana for bronchial asthma

    One of the simplest techniques are ordinary inhalations and exhalations, carried out by different parts of the abdomen and chest. A popular pose is Vajrasana, in which you need to hold on to the other with one hand, placing them behind your back, while inhaling, you need to move back, and on exhalation - forward, making a deep tilt.

    Gymnastics provides a lasting positive effect with regular exercise. It has not only a local effect on the ENT organs and lungs, but also a general strengthening effect on the entire body as a whole. Bronchial asthma is successfully treatable. The basis of its treatment is complete control over the lifestyle of a sick person. Only the right lifestyle will reduce the symptoms of the disease, up to their complete disappearance.

    People suffering from asthma note a large number of advantages of the gymnastics technique, even in children, despite some difficulties in its performance by babies.

    Contraindications to breathing exercises for bronchial asthma are so small that almost everyone can use it for their own benefit.
