Slimming yoga slim waist. Yoga for slimming the abdomen and sides

Yoga for slimming the abdomen and sides - it is time to turn to proven methods, to tighten the belly and from attractive places. Adapted for weight loss, the elements of practical yoga will be very useful and effective with regular exercise and dedication. Let's try together to figure out how yoga helps to lose weight.

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Yoga is an ancient many-sided teaching, the comprehension of which requires efforts, aspirations and time.

When starting classes, you should always remember that the yoga system is formed from five basic structural elements for a person, functioning in a specific form:

  • Breath;
  • Traffic;
  • Energy;
  • Nutrition;

Before starting the workout, we turn on abdominal breathing and perform all subsequent exercises while holding the breath c. It is this kind of breathing that stimulates peristalsis, cleanses the internal organs, removes from the body excess water and fat, reduces the volume of the waist and sides, allows you to remove extra pounds.

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Second element: energy

In order to comfortably do the exercises, you need to prepare your body by normalizing the energy balance.

We perform self-massage

Even a one-day abstinence from food is an effective way to lose weight, since in the absence of nutrition from external sources, the body will immediately begin to take it from its stores. And the first internal consumed source will be fat!

Fifth element: spirit

Yoga heals and strengthens not only the physical body of a person, but also his spirit, way of thinking and the essential fulfillment of life. The spiritual practice of yoga on an unconscious level will help get rid of all that is superfluous, including the excess consumption of calories, which our body does not physiologically need.

Keeping your body clean and perfect will become an integral part of your daily spiritual life.

It is no coincidence that a tucked up belly is a symbol of beauty and health. modern man... The fat accumulated in this problematic part goes away last, and only as a result of a radical revision of the diet and stubborn exercise.

Regular yoga therapy to stretch and strengthen the abdominal muscles will improve metabolism, help clear the belly and consolidate the results.

Yoga exercises for the abdomen, in addition to the necessary level of stretching of the muscles, involve mastery breathing technique... Moderation and increasing the proportion of fresh plant foods in the diet is another prerequisite for successful exercise.

Among the many asanas described in popular literature, you can easily choose an individual set of exercises, with regular performance of which the results will be felt already in the second month.

When practicing, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • He is attentive to contraindications, and consult a doctor when choosing a complex of asanas. As a rule, their implementation is not recommended during pregnancy, acute stages of diseases of the internal organs and spine;
  • Exercise daily, without passes;
  • Begin classes on an empty stomach, at least 3 hours after eating;
  • Drink 1-1.5 liters of water per day;
  • Do a warm-up out of simple exercises to warm up the muscles;
  • Exercise in your comfort zone, avoiding pain and dizziness;
  • Start the practice with 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing repetitions and mastering new types of asanas;
  • Repeat each pose from 3 to 5 times, with small (up to a minute) breaks;

Bhunjangasana, or the pose of the cobra

This is one of the most famous asanas for abdominal and improve posture.

The asana is performed from a prone position with straight legs closed. The feet should be extended, the elbows are pressed to the body, the palms are located under the shoulders. The head is down, the forehead touches the floor.

While inhaling: slowly pull back the head and shoulders until it stops, then only gradually straightening the arms to raise the torso to the maximum, in this position try to bend your back even more, pulling your head back and pulling your chin forward to feel the tension back muscles neck, while the shoulders should be turned back.

The position should be held until discomfort appears. If you do not have enough breathing, you can exhale while lifting the torso on the arms, then inhale in the position of the raised torso. The exercise should be performed at the expense of the muscles of the trunk, the arms are only an auxiliary role. During execution, the pubic area should remain pressed against the floor.

For beginners, to develop the flexibility of the spine and achieve full straightening of the arms, you will need to practice in the Sphinx position. Complicated versions of the cobra pose are performed with the feet crosswise and turning the body left and right at the maximum point of tension.

In the final phase, the movement goes to reverse order: the neck is straightened, the trunk is lowered by a gradual bending of the arms.

Dhanurasana, or bow pose

This asana, like the previous one, is aimed at the spine and abdominals.

The execution begins lying on your stomach, the knees are bent, the heels are pulled up to the buttocks, the ankles must be grabbed with the hands, the chin must be lowered to the floor.

On inhalation, the legs are unbent in the back-up direction, while you need to shine your knees and raise your torso at the same time, while keeping your head back. Thus, the body bends in an arc, like a stretched bow.

When done correctly, the arms are straightened, the pelvic region is torn off the floor. It is necessary to hold the asana for as long as possible, performing several swings on the stomach. Muscle tension is concentrated in the legs, and the upper body is as relaxed as possible.

Navasana or boat pose

This exercise strengthens the abs and hamstrings, and the muscles will have to work hard to hold.

You need to lie on your back and raise your straightened and closed legs above the floor to the maximum possible height, while simultaneously raising your torso with your arms extended forward, trying to touch your feet.

A lighter option is to grip the shins with the hands. This position should be held for at least a count of 10.

Kubhakasana, or plank

This asana, which strengthens almost all the muscles in the body, does not require much stretching and is therefore especially suitable for beginners to practice on a daily basis. There are two main variants of this exercise: classical and complicated, which involves supporting a straight torso on the palms of straightened arms and toes.

With a simplified version, emphasis is placed on the forearms at a right angle. There are also variations of the exercise with emphasis on the knees or on the palms of the bent arms.

Starting position as in push-ups: emphasis on the knees, straightened arms - strictly along the line of the shoulders. Then the legs are straightened, the spine is pulled into line. Alternating tension and relaxation of the press on inhalation and exhalation, you need to keep the bar as long as possible.

Another more complicated type of exercise is a one-arm plank. The rise with stretching the body in a straight line is performed from a lying position on its side, the ribs of the foot and the palm become the points of support, the legs are straightened, the free arm is at the waist.

Pavanamuktasana, or wind release pose

This yoga exercise stimulates the stomach and intestines and aids digestion, relieving heartburn, constipation and gas.

Before starting the asana, you need to lie on your back and take a deep breath, then perform the first phase while inhaling: grab the bent right knee with your hands and press the thigh to the body, holding this position for 60-90 seconds with deep breathing. In this case, you need to ensure that the pelvis does not come off the floor. Repeat with the left leg, and then with both legs.

Nauli, or wave

This special technique of "shaking the abdomen", which involves compressing the oblique transverse and rectus abdominal muscles, will require careful study of performance techniques and contraindications, as well as patience and time.

Self-massage of internal organs during the practice of nauli not only burns fat, but also creates a special metabolic regime based on moderation in food consumption and cleansing the body.

On initial stage mastering the retraction of the abdomen into sitting position, or standing on bent legs. Immediately before muscle tension, a deep breath is taken and a sharp exhalation is made, then the abdomen is pulled in with a tilt of the head. This position should be held for 10 to 20 seconds, then repeat the approach up to 3 times. The exercise should be done in the morning on an empty stomach.

When done regularly, this introduction to the most complex nauli complex, combined with other yoga exercises, will help shape flat belly... Further development of deep self-massage techniques depends on the desire and state of health.

Photo of yoga for the abdomen

The lifestyle of most modern people is characterized by the fact that they move quite a bit. As a result, fat accumulates in the body, stagnation begins in the muscles, which leads to the acquisition of extra pounds. There are many exercises and techniques to get rid of body fat. Slimming belly yoga allows you to lose weight and rejuvenates the body as a whole.

The benefits of yoga

This type of gymnastics is characterized by smooth movements and absence. To receive you need to beautiful body, you do not need to carry out grueling workouts in gyms... In yoga, there is a set of exercises for beginners, with which you can quickly remove fat from the sides and abdomen. In addition, you will achieve flexibility and a leaner whole body.

Yoga is the oldest healing gymnastics. The exercises are based on correct breathing, due to which the cells are enriched with oxygen, the blood exchange process is regulated. The metabolism is activated, the body is cleansed of toxins, the burning of excess calories is accelerated. All this allows him to actively fight overweight.

When performing this gymnastics, activity is normalized gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the process of losing weight, as the body begins to work properly. In the course of yoga, you will notice that your appetite decreases, your well-being improves, your body becomes plastic and elastic.

Despite the fact that in this form of gymnastics there is no strength exercises, the muscles receive the necessary load during training. At the same time, there is no growth muscle mass as with resistance exercise. Not only the muscles of the abdomen and sides, but also of the whole body are well worked out and strengthened when doing yoga. In addition, the body receives a healing effect.

Yoga practice improves general state organism and encourage to give up bad habits. People who do this gymnastics regularly say they don't feel like smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating too much. This is because yoga has a positive effect on many body systems, including the psyche. Exercise reduces stress, which is often the cause of overeating.

Execution rules

In order for the exercises to have the proper effect and you can get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible, you should adhere to some simple rules when performing them:

  • Exercise should take place in a well-ventilated room. You can do a set of exercises outdoors.
  • It is recommended to start exercising in the morning or in the evening before bedtime.
  • When doing yoga, you need to control your breathing. You need to breathe measuredly through the nose.
  • Before training, it is recommended to warm up for a better performance of the complex.
  • Workouts should be carried out at least three hours after meals or in the morning before meals.

It is recommended for beginners to maintain control over their movements. The exercises should be performed in accordance with your capabilities. Some poses may not be easy to master the first time. Do them the way you can, aiming for correct execution... Gradually, the body will get used to the stress and you will be able to do the exercises as needed.

Warm up

Since many yoga exercises are aimed at stretching muscle tissue, a short warm-up should be done before starting the session. It is especially important for beginners. This will prepare the muscles for stress and eliminate the possibility of injury. During the warm-up, the body needs to be warmed up by performing various movements.

These are simple, well-known exercises that we did in childhood in physical education lessons. The warm-up includes swinging arms and legs in different directions, squats, head and torso rotations. It is advisable to use as much as possible more muscle body. After warming up, you can start the main workout.


The complex for beginners, during which the belly and fat from the sides are removed, includes several exercises.


This exercise activates the abdominal muscles. As a result, fat accumulations in the abdomen and sides are burned. The lower abdomen is lifted.

Stand straight, the distance between your legs is about 30-40 cm. Straighten your back, look forward. Tighten the muscles in your legs. In this case, the knee cups should be pulled up. Raise your straight arms up while inhaling. Next, bend them and grab your elbows with your hands.

Slowly begin to lower the body down. Keep your knees straight. Ideally, you should touch your knees with your head. Stay in the lower position for 1-2 minutes, then slowly straighten up.

For beginners, this exercise is quite difficult. Therefore, do it as much as you can. The main condition is not to bend your knees.


Highly effective exercise, known to many as Birch. It makes the abdominal muscles work, has a positive effect on the digestive system.

Lie on the mat, put your straight arms along your torso and press your palms to the floor. Slowly pull your legs up to your chest. Put your palms on the lower back and carefully begin to lift your legs up. The back should be straight.

Stretch your toes up, trying to raise your legs as high as possible. Ideally, your legs, back and buttocks should be in a straight line. Fix your body in this position. Then slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

Paripurna navasana

This exercise uses the lower and upper abs. The muscles of the back and thighs are strengthened.

Sit on the mat with your legs straightened. Straighten your shoulders, lower your arms along your body. Smoothly take your torso back slightly, while raising your legs, slightly bent at the knees. Straighten your legs, directing them up, while trying to fix your torso at one point.

If it is very difficult, you can support your legs with your hands. When will you achieve stable position, stretch your arms out in front of you, directing them forward. Hold on for 1-2 minutes and smoothly return to the starting position.


This is an exercise that affects the oblique muscles of the abdomen. With its help, fat is removed from the sides, in addition, it has a good effect on the spine.

Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Spread your arms to the sides and press them to the floor, palms facing down. Without lifting your arms and back off the floor, slowly turn your knees to the left and your head to the right. Try to get your knees as far away as possible while keeping your lower back pressed to the floor. Hold in this position, then gently come back. Repeat the same on the other side.


This is the last exercise in the complex, which is performed to relax muscle tissue. It is final and requires concentration.

Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body. Relax all muscles as much as possible. Breathe evenly and slowly. Lie in this position for 10-15 minutes.

With regular daily activities you can achieve your goal in a month. Fat deposits from the sides and abdomen will begin to go away, and the muscles will become elastic.

Correct breathing

In order for your workouts to be as effective as possible, you need to breathe correctly while exercising. Before starting classes, it is recommended to master the technique of correct breathing. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Get into a comfortable sitting or lying position.
  • Pull your abdominal muscles fully inward, contracting your abs. Release any air trapped in your lungs through your nose.
  • Inhale slowly as you fill your lungs with air. In this case, you should feel how the abdominal muscles rise, then the chest expands. At the very end, stop breathing.
  • Also slowly release air from the lungs in reverse order. At the end, draw in your stomach, exhale the rest of the air.


Since yoga exercises affect most human life systems, it is contraindicated to practice yoga in case of serious illnesses. In the presence of diseases such as sciatica, tuberculosis, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular, central nervous systems, training cannot be carried out. If you have health problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting to do gymnastics.

To receive maximum effect from training, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Weight loss exercises should be done on a regular basis. It is advisable to do the exercises daily or at least 3-4 times a week.
  • If you are in the mood to lose weight, you need to monitor your diet. It is not necessary to go on a diet, you need to exclude fatty foods from the menu and introduce low-calorie and healthy foods.
  • For faster fat burning, you can additionally enter physical exercise... When combining sports and yoga body fat will go away much faster.

If you want to lose weight through yoga, do these exercises every day. They are pretty basic and are good for beginners. According to people, the first results appear already after a month and a half after the start of training.

Fat deposits in the abdominal area can appear even in very thin people... The reason is in the peculiarities. human body... At the same time, it is quite easy to accumulate belly fat, but getting rid of it is a rather difficult problem. As established by doctors, fat accumulation in the abdomen, sides and waist can lead to the development of the second type of diabetes, as well as problems with the heart system. This is why shedding excess belly fat becomes so important if you want to stay healthy.

One of the most effective ways to cope with this problem, as well as remove fat from the waist and sides, is yoga. With its help it is quite possible to achieve a toned belly for quite short time... Of course, as with other types of weight loss exercises, yoga asanas (exercises) can bring visible result only in conjunction with proper nutrition and mode.

In yoga, there is a complex of five asanas, which most effectively allows you to bring your belly to an ideal state. These are the poses:

  • Cobra;
  • Plank;
  • A boat;
  • Release the wind.

Below we will take a closer look at how these exercises are performed. For greater clarity, all descriptions will be supplemented with video.

Warm up

First, before you start doing the exercises, you will need to warm up. Its purpose is to give the corresponding muscles of the abdomen, back, waist, hips a preliminary load, to warm them up in order to avoid accidental injuries when performing asanas. A warm-up may include both special exercises yoga, and general physical exercises - bends in different directions, rotation of the hips, waist, torso, etc.

Warming exercises are also recommended, which are practiced in Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga - knead all the joints with vigorous rotational movements of the hand to give them elasticity, warm up the tendons and muscles. If you decide to start performing asanas without a preliminary warm-up, you risk, at best, overstraining the muscles and ligaments of the press from habit, and at worst - injuring them. And if in the first case you have to suffer from pain for several days when performing the simplest movements in which the abdominal muscles act, then in the latter case you risk forgetting about any pressures for a long time.

Breathing also plays important role when performing asanas, one should not forget about this.

Building a lesson

For maximum effect, you need to build a class schedule as follows:

  1. Classes should be held no more than three - four times in Week. Breaks in classes are necessary for rest and recovery of the abdominal muscles. With more frequent exercises, the muscles will not have time to rest and. as a result, it is worse to perceive the load, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of classes.
  2. Each pose of the asana should be performed as follows: hold the pose for approximately 20 seconds, alternating with 10 seconds of relaxation. The number of repetitions of each asana should be no more than ten.
    You do not need any sports tools or accessories to complete your activities, except a sports mat.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

  1. Initial. Lying on the mat facing the bottom, feet connected, toes extended back.
  2. Slowly raise the body at an angle of 45 degrees while inhaling. At the same time, the hands should have a minimum of load - they only help to maintain balance. With the body raised, the arms should remain bent at the elbows.
  3. We make two slow inhalations - exhalations. And with the second breath, raise the torso to the maximum height, bending as much as possible in the back and lower back.
  4. We straighten our arms, stretch our head up, the chin is, as it were, directed to the chest.
  5. Breathing is still even, we make two more inhalations - exhalations, stretch the neck and bend our head back to the back, thereby increasing the deflection in the thoracic spine and tighten and squeeze the buttocks.

Features of execution

In the initial phase, lifting the torso should be done only at the expense of the back muscles, the arms should not be directly involved in this. They only fix the body in a raised position, maintaining balance and insuring the spine from excessive stress.

If the exercise "Cobra" gives you some discomfort, then it is better to perform its initial stage, without a full bend, until your back gains sufficient flexibility.

Throwing back the head towards the neck stimulates the thyroid gland, so the neck should not be relaxed, but actively participate in the performance of the asana.

It is not necessary to tear the pubis off the floor at maximum deflection. The chest should be maximally deployed, the shoulders should be down, breathing evenly. The video shows in detail how to correctly perform the cobra pose.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

  1. Initial - lying on the floor, facing down.
  2. Breathing is calm. As you exhale, bend your knees, and stretch your arms back and grab them with your hands on the lower legs. Perform a couple of inhalation - exhalation cycles.
  3. As you exhale, lift your knees off the floor and stretch them up as far as possible without letting go of your hands. In this case, the arms are likened to a bowstring connecting the shoulders and legs.
  4. Raise your head and tilt it back as much as possible. All the weight of the body is transferred to the stomach - the chest, like the pelvis, should be in the air (see video).
  5. Stay in this position for up to a minute, after which, as you exhale, release and stretch your legs, put your head on the mat and completely relax.

Features of execution

When raising your legs, you do not need to connect them at the knees - it will be difficult to raise them to a sufficient height. Only after you have fully raised your legs, bring them together. As the belly is taut and tense, breathing becomes rapid, which should not be a cause for concern.

Naukasana (Boat Pose)

  1. Initially - lie on your stomach, legs are brought together, arms are along the body, the head with its forehead touches the floor.
  2. We stretch the toes of the legs, at the same time we stretch our arms forward. The palms are lowered to the floor.
  3. Freeze in this position for a moment, inhale.
  4. As you exhale, raise your arms, head, legs, and torso at once. Legs are still brought together, socks and arms are extended.
  5. Raise your head as high as possible, arch your back as much as possible. It is very important to keep correct breathing and keep your toes and hands at the same height.
  6. After you have fixed in this position, you need to freeze for 5 seconds, holding your breath while inhaling. After 5 seconds, exhale and return to starting position, completely relax your body.

This is one of the best asanas to help remove body fat from the sides and waist. In the video, you can also see in detail correct technique performing the Naukasana exercise.

Kumbhakasana (Plank)

The plank pose is one of the basic asanas that can be used alone or as part of other, more complex asanas.

  1. Initial - kneeling, with support on hands. In this case, the hand should go vertically down and the palm should be located directly under the shoulders.
  2. Stretch your legs back, leaning on your toes and palms.
  3. We stretch the body parallel to the legs, so that they form a single elongated line. The abdomen is pulled up to the spine and tense.
  4. We are in this position for up to 30 seconds, sequentially straining and relaxing the abdominal muscles.
  5. We return to the starting position.

Features of execution

When holding the asana, breathing should be calm and smooth - measured inhalation and exhalation. We make the transitions from the tension position to the position while inhaling.

Pavanamuktasana (Freeing the Wind)

A feature of this exercise is its property to normalize the acidity of the stomach, massage internal organs peritoneum, while eliminating excess fat deposits in the lower abdomen.
Technique of execution (see video).

  1. Initially - lie on your back, arms extended parallel to the body, palms on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees and bring your legs up to your chest.
  3. Without lifting your palms off the floor, raise your head and shoulders above the floor.
  4. Then lift your buttocks off the floor, keeping your knees and feet clenched.
  5. Grasp the legs raised to the chest with your hands and touch your knees with your head.
  6. Hold your breath and hold this pose for a few seconds.
  7. As you exhale, relax and lower your head to the floor, while keeping your legs tucked up to your chest and keeping your grip on your hands.
  8. Release your legs and return to starting position with your arms and legs extended on the floor.

Breathing should be rhythmic and free, except for the moment it is delayed. Before you start performing these asanas, watch the videos carefully presented. This way you can avoid execution errors and achieve maximum results.


The listed exercises will help you remove fat from the abdomen and sides, however, remember that when performing these asanas, like any other physical exercise, there are contraindications. These are, first of all, injuries and diseases of the spine - displacement of discs, chronic fractures and bruises, intervertebral hernia, etc. Therefore, in the presence of such diseases, before starting a set of classes, it would be best to consult a doctor.

Yoga is philosophical doctrine which came from the ancient monks of India. Its essence lies in achieving harmony of body and soul by performing special complex exercises in combination with the technique of correct breathing and meditation. Nowadays, yoga for weight loss is spreading more and more. There is a set of exercises for beginners, which helps to touch the ancient philosophy and get rid of excess weight.

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    Basic principles of yoga

    Despite the fact that many use only exercises or asanas from ancient teachings, the basic principles of yoga include several points. The most important are the following:

    • awareness of oneself as a part of the universe;
    • the desire to be in harmony with nature and get rid of aggressive intentions towards it;
    • a strong desire to find peace of mind;
    • ensuring harmony of body and soul through meditation and asanas.

    It is unacceptable to perceive exercises as a separate element of Indian philosophy, since all its parts are inseparable from each other.

    A person doing yoga cannot be at odds with himself, harm himself and environment... In this case, the classes will be unsuccessful, since their main task is to direct the flow of energy in the right direction.

    The benefits of the technique

    Yoga not only promotes weight loss in the abdomen, sides, buttocks, legs and arms, but also has many valuable properties for the body of the person who practices it:

    • normalizes blood circulation and the functioning of blood vessels, heart;
    • reduces appetite;
    • improves metabolic processes;
    • improves the functioning of the digestive system, respiration;
    • strengthens the muscles of the whole body;
    • normalizes sleep;
    • saturates cells and tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen due to a special breathing technique.

    An important advantage of the technique is considered an extremely positive effect on the central nervous system... Regular practice allows you to normalize the psycho-emotional state, relieves stress, depression, neuroses.

    Training indications

    Technique Indian yogis is not easy to perform, so it will be difficult for beginners to master it at home. It is suitable not only for those who are losing weight, but also for those who seek to maintain their shape, maintain the condition of their muscles, and improve their physical and emotional state. The indications for starting training will be as follows:

    • excess weight;
    • muscle weakness;
    • pathology of the joints and spinal column;
    • digestive disorders;
    • chronic pathologies of the respiratory system;
    • diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • surges in blood pressure.

    One of the important indications for mastering the technique will be a failure of metabolic processes, frequent stress, emotional exhaustion, depression, and sleep disturbances.


    Despite the benefits of yoga for humans, exercise can be harmful to health. In the following cases, training is categorically contraindicated:

    • in the presence of oncological pathologies;
    • with severe heart disease;
    • with mental disorders in the acute and chronic stages;
    • with blood pathologies;
    • with craniocerebral trauma.

    Viral and infectious ailments in the acute stage, fever, and the simultaneous use of several medications will become relative contraindications to training. In this case, classes should be started after recovery or after undergoing a course of therapy.

    Yoga types

    There are several varieties of the ancient technique. Each of them helps to remove the stomach and make it flat, pump the abdominal muscles, shape the waist, butt, strengthen the hip muscles and thigh muscles:

    • Bikram-yoga. Also called hot because classes are held in a closed and preheated room with high humidity. This variety consists of 26 asanas, which are combined with breathing exercises... It is not so easy to create conditions for classes at home. Not all Sport halls and fitness clubs offer this type of workout. It is highly effective in weight loss and body shaping, but is not suitable for beginners.
    • Kundalini-yoga. Aimed at releasing energy and directing its flow in the right direction. Consists of dynamic, breathing and static exercises. Mandatory element workouts are meditation and mantras.
    • Ashtangayoga. Based on fast and dynamic exercises which are combined with special breathing practice or pranayama. There are several stages of this type of technique, each of which differs from the previous degree of complexity. The system is aimed at the formation of relief muscles without a gram of fat.

    Similar techniques are suitable for professional athletes or people who have already practiced yoga. Hatha yoga is the best option for beginners. The set of exercises is represented by static poses aimed at working out all muscle groups and preparing for more intense loads, complex asanas.

    Several rules

    Before starting workouts, you need to prepare a rug, put on sportswear made from natural fabric that does not hinder movement, ventilate the room. The best time for classes - in the morning, when the sun just rises. This will help tone the body, add vigor and energy. It is not forbidden to do it in the evening, but after eating you need to wait at least 3 hours.

    A full yoga session lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours, but for beginners this time should not exceed 20 minutes. After a while, you should increase the duration of the workout, relying on your own capabilities and feelings. It is recommended to start step by step, not trying to master all the positions at once.

    Correct breathing during the performance of asanas will be a mandatory moment in the lesson. You should learn diaphragmatic breathing, that is, during inhalation, inflate the stomach, and not straighten chest... All lifting exercises must be performed while inhaling. Poses involving downward bends are done on exhalation. During relaxation asanas, you must breathe slowly and very deeply, controlling the movements of the diaphragm.

    Exercises for every day

    In the complex of exercises for every day, there are relaxation poses that allow you to rest and restore strength, standing to form beautiful legs and elimination of fat from the back, inverted, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body and eliminating fat from the abdomen, waist, sides, buttocks.

    Paripurna navasana, or boat pose

    The exercise is aimed at eliminating fat from the abdomen and sides and consists of the following steps:

    1. 1. Take the starting position - sitting on the floor with legs straightened and brought together.
    2. 2. Leaning on the back of the body with your hands, you must raise your legs 30 cm from the floor.
    3. 3. Remove your arms from behind your back, forming a right angle between your torso and legs.
    4. 4. Remain in this position for 10 seconds.

    You need to complete 3 approaches. For trained people, 5 or more are allowed.

    Half boat

    Static exercise, similar to the previous one. The difference is that the legs are not straightened during lifting and holding, but slightly bent at the knees.

    This is a more simplified version for beginners. It must be repeated 3 times.


    It is used to shape the legs and hips. Refers to standing poses:

    1. 1. Stand on the mat and spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
    2. 2. Take a deep breath.
    3. 3. As you exhale, lower yourself, trying to touch your forehead to your legs.
    4. 4. Remain in this position for 10 accounts.

    Perform the asana 3 times. People with increased intracranial pressure are better off avoiding this exercise.

    Shavasana, or the resting posture

    Refers to relaxation poses and is recommended to be performed at the beginning and at the end of a workout:

    1. 1. Starting position - lying on the floor with legs spread apart shoulder-width apart and arms extended along the body.
    2. 2. Within a minute, it is necessary to carry out deep breaths and exhalations, controlling the movement of the diaphragm.

    Repeat 2 times. The pose helps to relax and normalize psycho-emotional balance.

    Flying eagle

    This asana allows you to improve the shape of the legs, hips, buttocks. Refers to standing poses:

    1. 1. Become straight, raise your arms parallel to the floor and bend your elbows slightly.
    2. 2. Tilt your torso forward and spread your arms.
    3. 3. At the same time, lift parallel to the floor, bent at the knee or straight.
    4. 4. Remain in position for 10 seconds.

    For each leg, repeat 2-3 times.

    Winged legs

    Best static workout to strengthen your back, hips and buttocks:

    1. 1. Starting position - standing on all fours.
    2. 2. Bend one leg at the knee while pressing the lower leg to the back of the thigh.
    3. 3. Raise the second leg in a straightened form, as well as the arm of the opposite side.
    4. 4. Bend the bent leg.

    Hold in this position for 8-10 counts, repeat for each leg 3 times.

    Swivel chair

    The best position to form a thin waist and eliminate fat in the side, abdomen, lower back:

    1. 1. Sit on the mat and raise your legs slightly bent at the knees by 20 cm.
    2. 2. At the same time, bend your elbows and slightly raise.
    3. 3. Make turns of the body in different directions, keeping the legs at a distance from the floor.

    Repeat 5 turns in each direction.

    Baby pose

    Refers to relaxation exercises allowing you to maintain correct posture:

    1. 1. Get on your knees with your buttocks down on your feet.
    2. 2. Lower your torso face down on the floor and straighten your arms along your torso.

    Exercise is believed to be effective in relieving fatigue and nervousness.

    Downward Dog Pose

    Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, legs, abdomen. Refers to inverted poses:

    1. 1. Get on all fours.
    2. 2. Raise the pelvis, straightening your legs, without lifting your hands from the floor.
    3. 3. Straighten your arms and lower your face down.
    4. 4. At this time, shape the body into a triangle.
    5. 5. Perform 10-15 seconds.

    Repeat the asana at least 3 times.


    The exercise refers to inverted postures. Helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks, thighs, back:

    1. 1. Starting position - lying on your stomach with legs connected and straightened, arms extended along the body.
    2. 2. Alternately raise the arm and leg of opposite sides and hold for 5-10 seconds.

    For each side, repeat 3 times.


    The pose is aimed at stretching the abdominal muscles, strengthening the back and buttocks:

    1. 1. Kneel down with your back straight.
    2. 2. Raise your head up.
    3. 3. Bring your arms back and try to touch your feet, while lowering your head back.
    4. 4. Hold on to 10 accounts.

    Repeat 2-3 times.

    Uttihita or Trikonasana Triangle

    Refers to standing postures. Helps shape the waist and legs:

    1. 1. Become with wide apart straight legs.
    2. 2. Raise straightened arms parallel to the floor.
    3. 3. Without lowering or bending your arms, lower yourself to one leg, trying to touch your foot with your hand.
    4. 4. Repeat for the other side.

    Perform 3 times for each side.

    Warrior, or virabhadrasana

    Refers to static standing positions. Used to strengthen the muscles of the thighs, buttocks:

    1. 1. Starting position - standing with arms extended along the body.
    2. 2. Perform forward lunge with one leg.
    3. 3. The second should straighten and not bend.
    4. 4. Raise your face up.
    5. 5. Connect straightened and joined arms above the head.

    Stay in this position for a minute. Repeat 2 times.

    The tree, or vrikshasana

    Refers to standing postures, strengthens the muscles of the legs and back:

    1. 1. Stand straight, raise your straightened arms above your head and join your palms.
    2. 2. Gradually raise your leg, bend at the knee.
    3. 3. Place your foot on the inner thigh of the other leg.
    4. 4. Remain in this position for 30 seconds.

    Perform the asana 2-3 times for each leg. It's important to keep your balance.

    Kumbhakasana, or plank

    Best Static Full Body Strengthening Exercise:

    1. 1. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight.
    2. 2. Rise on your elbows while lifting your legs together on toes.
    3. 3. Form a straight line without sagging.
    4. 3. Remain in this position for a minute.
    5. 5. It is allowed to focus on straightened arms.

    Repeat 2 times. For trained ones, it is allowed to stay in position for up to 3 minutes.

    Dhanurasana, or bow

    A position that allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back, legs, abs:

    1. 1. Lie on your stomach with your legs and arms straight.
    2. 2. Grasp your legs above your feet with your hands.
    3. 3. Raise your torso and legs.
    4. 4. Remain in this position for 10-20 seconds depending on training level.

    Run 3 times.

    Sphinx, cobra or bhujangasana

    Static exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back, arms and abdominals:

    1. 1. Lie on your stomach with legs and arms straight and connected.
    2. 2. Raise upper part torso by resting on the arms bent at the elbows, the palms of which rest on the floor beyond the shoulder line.
    3. 3. Stay like this for 10 seconds.

    Repeat 3 times.

    Shalabhasana, or crescent pose

    The best static exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles, back, legs:

    1. 1. Lie on your stomach with arms extended along the body and connected straight legs.
    2. 2. Simultaneously raise the upper body and legs by 15-20 cm.
    3. 3. Hands should not lie on the floor or exceed the level of the body.
    4. 4. The position of the hands under the pelvis is allowed. This option is more suitable for beginners.

    Repeat 3-4 times, holding the pose for 10 seconds.

    Slope to the feet

    Exercise to stretch the muscles of the back of the legs:

    1. 1. Sit on the floor with legs straightened and connected, back straight.
    2. 2. Slowly bend forward, trying to approach the feet with the forehead.
    3. 3. At the same time wrap your hands around your feet.
    4. 4. Hold for 10-20 seconds.

    Repeat the asana 3 times. During execution, tension should be felt in the area calf muscles and hips.

    The sage, or vashithasana

    Static exercise to strengthen muscles and ligaments of the whole body:

    1. 1. Lie on one side, leaning on the elbow, the other arm should be extended along the body.
    2. 2. Raise the torso, forming an angle of 45 degrees between it and the floor, and a straightened arm up.
    3. 3. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

    Repeat for each side 2 times.

    Lunch, or lunge

    Static exercise from the group of standing poses. Helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, arms:

    1. 1. Become straight, make a wide lunge with one leg forward.
    2. 2. The straightened leg should not bend, the knee of the leg, which made a lunge, forms a right angle.
    3. 3. Place your palms on the floor next to your feet.
    4. 4. Remain in this position for 10 seconds.

    For each leg, repeat 3 times.

    Refers to a group of inverted poses. Used to shape the waist, strengthen the abdominal and back muscles:

    1. 1. Lie on the floor, spread your arms along the body.
    2. 2. Raise straightened legs perpendicular to the floor.
    3. 3. Gradually lower your legs to one side, without changing the position of the body.
    4. 4. It is allowed to lower not straight legs, but legs bent at the knees.
    5. 5. Remain in this position for 10 seconds.

    Repeat at least 3 times for each side.

    Pavanamuktasana, or the release of the wind

    Static pose, implying twisting. It is used to strengthen the press, legs, back, eliminate fat from the sides and normalize metabolic processes, digestion:

    1. 1. Starting position - lying on your back with straightened legs and arms located along the body.
    2. 2. Perform a slow inhalation and exhalation, raise your head, pull your legs, bent at the knees, to your stomach.
    3. 3. Clasp your knees with your hands.
    4. 4. Remain in this position for 1 minute.

    Repeat at least 2 times.

    Nutrition principles

    The training system itself does not imply adherence to a diet, but there is a list of foods that, according to ancient teachings, will become poison to the body:

    • any kind of meat;
    • milk and other dairy products;
    • flour;
    • confectionery.

    Yoga also excludes alcohol, nicotine, caffeine. The rest of the food is allowed to be consumed in moderation, adhering to the 60/40 principle. The first digit means the amount in daily diet fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, nuts, the second - products that undergo heat treatment.

    Adhering to this principle, you can create a complete menu for every day without feeling bouts of severe hunger and providing the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

    My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight completely? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

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