Correct punches and kicks. How to strike with the palm of your hand: execution technique

Every smart person must find a true friend who will always go first. Either to check the strength of the ice, or to find a way through the swamp, or to make sure that the water in the well is not poisoned.


The main attacking technique, which is the most rational to study at the “second stage”, is the technique of delivering “single blows. And accordingly, a combination of this technique with biting blows, blows and, as well as with already studied methods of defense. ("Quick defenses" and stands)

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with "single" punches - as, so to speak, one of the foundations for understanding real hand-to-hand combat. Again, the most detailed technique of applying “single punches with hands” is discussed in the book.

The chapter "Technique of applying" uniform "punches with hands" from


"Single" punches are performed with a rigid hand-forearm-shoulder-body ligament and are based on the body turning about its vertical axis, which makes it possible to put more force into the punch than when applying “wave” punches. And although such blows are slower than blows based on the "wave" principle - the simultaneous single movement of the body and hand makes it possible to deliver powerful blows, practically without swinging, which, accordingly, allows, due to a shorter trajectory, to compensate for their lack of speed. In this case, the following conditions are decisive in the technique of applying "single" blows with hands:

  1. The base of the palm is used as a striking surface, which, due to its bending when striking, makes it possible to create a single rigid structure - hand-forearm-shoulder-body. (By bending the arm in elbow joint and the tension of the hand clenched into a fist, the same rigid structure can be created when striking with the base of the fist).
  2. When applying "single" blows, due to the bending of the palm, the hand, in order to maintain the rigidity of the shock structure, always remains somewhat bent in the wrist and elbow joints, and tense in the shoulder.
  3. At the end point of the blow, it is necessary to bend the palm, by moving the back of the hand to the outer part of the forearm with the adoption of a shock form, aimed at giving the hand a reverse movement, reflexively sharply tighten and fix the hand, thus creating a rigid shock structure immediately at the time of application blow. At the same time, due to a sharp stop of the striking surface, the body also reflexively strains, which ultimately gives the strike the necessary speed-power qualities.
  4. Body weight, when applying "single" blows, as a rule, is transferred to opposite leg, which, on the one hand, makes it possible to maintain balance, and on the other, due to the transfer of mass in the direction of the impact, significantly increase its strength.
  5. "Single" blows are inherently powerful blows, therefore, to maintain balance during their application, it is necessary both to increase the support area - by taking a step with the forward leg, and to lower the center of gravity - by bending the knees. At the same time, on the one hand, in order to maintain general mobility in hand-to-hand combat, and on the other hand, for a more precise inclusion of the leg muscles in the strike, the substep and bending of the legs in the knees are performed directly at the moment of striking.
  6. To perform a balanced rotation of the body at the moment of striking, it is necessary that the center of gravity of the body remains within the area of ​​support, which in turn requires, so to speak, strict maintenance of the vertical position of the spine, both at the moment of striking and immediately in front of it.

Base of the palm strikes

Direct blows - It is applied by a straight-line throw of the hand - by pushing with the body, turning it around the vertical axis. At the same time, in motion, the hand turns into an attacking position, and at the final moment the base of the palm bends into a shock shape.)

Direct blow with the palm turned up

Left hand straight punch(fig. 1)

Direct hit right hand (fig. 2)

Direct blow with the palm outward

Left hand straight punch(fig. 3)

Direct blow with the right hand(fig. 4)

Direct hit to the body

Left hand straight punch(fig. 5)

Direct blow with the right hand(fig. 6)

Straight kick to the groin

Left hand straight punch(fig. 7)

Direct blow with the right hand(fig. 8)

Overhead strikes - are applied by throwing the hand in an arc from top to bottom, in a vertical plane (the trajectory of such blows resembles the contour of an elongated drop: from the hand in the starting position - to the opponent's head), by pushing with the body - by turning it around the vertical axis. In this case, in motion, the hand turns into an attacking position, and at the final moment the base of the palm bends into a shock shape.

Direct blow from above with palm turned up

Straight from the top with the left hand(fig. 9)

Straight from above with the right hand(fig. 10)

Side-top blow with the palm turned outward and towards oneself

Left hand punch(fig. 11)

Right hand punch(fig. 12)

Side impacts - applied by ejection of the arm bent at the elbow - in an arc in a horizontal or diagonal plane at an angle of not more than 30 0, to the vertical axis - by turning the body around its vertical axis. In this case, in motion, the hand turns into an attacking position, and at the final moment the base of the palm bends into a shock shape.

Side kick with palm turned forward

Left hand punch(fig. 13)

Right hand punch(fig. 14)

Side kick with palm turned up

Left hand punch(fig. 15)

Right hand punch(fig. 16)

Side blows - are applied by ejection of the arm bent at the elbow along an arc in a horizontal or diagonal plane, at an angle of not more than 30 0, to the vertical axis - by turning the body around its vertical axis. In this case, in motion, by raising the elbow, the forearm turns parallel or at an acute angle to the horizontal plane. The hand unfolds into an attacking position, and at the final moment the base of the palm bends into a shock shape.

Side kick, palm up

Left hand punch(fig. 17)

Right hand punch(fig. 18)

Side blow with palm turned towards itself

Left hand punch(fig. 19)

Right hand punch(fig. 20)

A blow from below to the head - applied by ejection of the arm bent at the elbow along an arc in a vertical or diagonal plane at an angle of not more than 30 0, to the horizontal axis by turning the body about its vertical axis. At the same time, in motion, the hand turns into an attacking position, and at the final moment the base of the palm bends into a shock shape.

Left hand punch(fig. 21)

Right hand punch(fig. 22)

A blow from the bottom to the body or groin- is applied by throwing the hand in an arc from bottom to top, in a vertical plane (the trajectory of such blows resembles the contour of an elongated drop from the hand in the initial position to the opponent's head) - by pushing with the body, turning it around the vertical axis. In this case, in motion, the hand turns into an attacking position, and at the final moment the base of the palm bends into a shock shape, determined by. depending on the chosen target: when hitting in the groin, the palm is turned with the fingers downward, when hitting the body - with the fingers outward.

Blow from below to the body

Left hand punch(fig. 23)

Right hand punch(fig. 24)

Bottom kick in the groin(this blow can be applied both with various percussion forms of the palm or fist, and with a different ratio of speed-power characteristics - the main thing is to damage the groin area in the most convenient and effective way)

Left hand punch(fig. 25)

Right hand punch(fig. 26)

Base fist blows - when striking with the base of the fist, fixation at the end point is performed by twisting the fist in the wrist joint: when striking from above and from the side, turning its base inward, and when hitting with a backhand, turning it outward, respectively.

Base-fist blow from above - is performed by throwing the arm bent at the elbow in an arc in the vertical plane (the trajectory of such blows resembles the contour of an elongated drop from the hand in the initial position to the opponent's head) - by turning the body around its vertical axis.

Base-fist blow from above(fig. 27)

Side punch with the base of the fist(fig. 28)

Side punch with the base of a fist - performed by ejection of the arm bent at the elbow along an arc in the horizontal plane, by movement from outside to inside - by turning the body around its vertical axis. (fig. 29)

A blow with the base of a fist backhand - is performed by throwing the arm bent at the elbow in an arc in the horizontal plane, moving from the inside-out - by turning the body around its vertical axis.

Base blow fist backhand(fig. 30)

Base blow fist backhand-overhead(fig. 31)

One of the most popular questions for a novice fighter is how to punch correctly. "Remember that your crown is straight!" (C) Vladimir Vysotsky. Vladimir Semyonovich, in a comic song, quite rightly singled out this technique: a well-placed direct strike should be in the arsenal of any fighter who owns striking technique. Let us analyze how to deliver a straight punch with a hand, the technique of applying from both hands from a place and in motion.

First of all, how to clench your fist correctly. The thumb covers the second phalanges of the middle and index. At the moment of impact, the fist clenches strongly, backside located in line with the forearm.

General principles of impact. When hitting from a standstill, push strongly with the same foot. The hand flies into the target relaxed (however, we always hold the fist tightly), in the final phase of the blow we strain our back, shoulders, and arm. The blow is applied on exhalation. After the blow we do not "stick", we immediately return the fist to the head, not forgetting to cover the ribs with the forearms. Almost all beginners get an error when hitting a direct hit. We do not fly with our head forward, the projection of the nose should not go beyond the knee of the front leg, otherwise you will lose your balance and risk missing the oncoming blow. Insure your head instead correct position(head down, glance at the opponent from under his brows) and with the second hand. Bring the shoulder of the beating hand forward, but do not "reach" for the head blow. We do not unbend the elbow with a direct blow to the end, we leave the arm slightly bent, otherwise in case of a miss, you can be injured.

Direct punch with the front hand (jab). For the sake of clarity, let's assume we are working in a left-hand stance. We push with the left foot, transfer the weight to the right, the knee with the left a little inward. The kick follows the pelvis and shoulder. The right shoulder moves back a little. We throw our hand at the target, in the final phase of the blow we twist the hand so that the knuckle of the middle finger is slightly higher than the knuckle of the index. It is with them that we strike, at the end we strain. The shoulder is brought forward, the head is slightly lowered, the right hand insures against an oncoming direct blow.

Direct strike with the far hand he is right straight... We push ourselves with the right foot, the weight on the left. The leg pulls the pelvis and shoulder behind it, we simultaneously throw our hand at the target. The shoulder in the final phase of the strike is brought forward, the hand is turned, as in the jab, we strike with the knuckles of the index and middle fingers. With the left hand we insure the head and body from the oncoming blow. The elbow when striking a direct blow is always directed downward, the blow is struck without a swing and elbow extension. As they say in our hall, "The elbow flew to the side - the direct blow became noticeable and long." When struck, the hand flies relaxed, tense only in the final phase.

Direct blow with the front hand in the substep. The length of a safe step is equal to the width of the foot, there is no need to throw at the opponent, risking a counter blow. The step can be either the front foot (side step) or the back foot (cross). Let's analyze the direct kick on the step with the front leg (the crosses will become clear after studying the section "combination of strikes"). We push with the right foot, give the body forward. With the left foot, we step from the toe to the full foot. The moment of placing the leg coincides with the final phase of the strike. This synchronicity, combined with the extended shoulder, is the key to a good hard hit, watch the video. We do not fall headfirst forward, we keep the weight on the far leg.

The right straight line is one step forward. Typically this shot is performed after a left feint, step defense, or dodge. We push with the right foot, step with the left, weight on the left. We do not fly with our head forward, we insure ourselves with our left hand, the moment of setting the foot (from toe to full foot) coincides with the defeat of the target. As usual, the hand flies relaxed, straining only at the end.

The right straight line is one step to the left. It is used for a counter attack of an opponent, usually it works well as a counter strike, when the opponent attacks with a jab or other blow with his left arm or leg. The technique is simple, we step with the left foot to the left, while simultaneously throwing out the right hand, the moment of setting the foot coincides with the defeat of the target. We comply with all the above principles. After completing it, it is reasonable to continue the attack with the left hooks.

Direct strikes on a step back. They are used to stop the advancing enemy. Rule: left hand hits - step with the left foot. We hit with the right - we walk with the right foot. Synchronize your hands with your feet and your kicks will be effective.

An important point. Some athletes lightly hit from the front hand, preparing the main attack from the far. However, in a real battle, the opponent must be instantly incapacitated, and not replayed. When training punches on paws, bags and other apparatus, as well as in sparring, strive to hit hard with both hands. This skill will be useful both in sports and in real hand-to-hand combat.

Direct strikes on a step forward and backward

Right straight one step to the left

Exercises to increase the strength of punches

Exercise is not about magnification muscle mass, but on the development of the ability to push sharply with your legs for a good investment in the impact of body weight.

Exercise 1. Pushing with legs. Stand frontally. Push out sharply with your left foot, transferring your weight to your right. At correct execution a push of the leg twists the pelvis and the whole body, bringing the left shoulder forward. This is exactly the mechanics of impact. For a good hard straight punch (and not just a straight punch), it remains to place the beating hand correctly. Take-offs with the right leg are performed in the same way. This exercise was suggested by my good friend Sergey Kuzminykh, who has trained several Russian kickboxing champions. For a better understanding, watch the video below.

Exercise 2: Ejection with a partner. Stand with your partner opposite each other, take fighting stances. With your left hands, rest each other on the left shoulder. At the same time, push out sharply, using the mass of the bodies, as if hitting. The exercise is not so easy to describe, watch the video for clarity.

Exercise 3. Strikes with dumbbells. Take 1-2 kg dumbbells in your hands and leave the blows in the air. Hit the blows as sharply as possible, as if pushing the dumbbells and stopping the movement, straining at the end. You can work with shadow boxing on morning exercises, you can arrange training for evening TV, throwing out 20-30 punches with each hand, completing 10 approaches. This exercise can be practiced both at home and in basic training. After completing, "spread" your arms, beating blows in the air without dumbbells. The exercise is illustrated in the video.

Exercise 4. Squats with a partner. In addition to good development of the leg muscles, this exercise helps to increase the impact force. Place your partner on your back, as in the photo, with your legs wide, socks out. We squat shallowly, there should be no discomfort in the knees.

In the next tutorial, we'll look at the side impact technique:


Learn the different types of kick and arm punching techniques and how to train properly to develop strength and speed when striking.

The content of the article:

IN street fight often it is enough to deliver one precise strong blow to emerge victorious from the situation. Some professional boxers are gifted from birth with this ability, but this does not mean that striking technique cannot develop at home. This is what the conversation will be about today.

What is percussion technique and how to develop it at home?

If you want to develop striking technique at home, then the classes should consist of two stages. Let's get to know each of them in detail.


If you have done a good job of stalling, you can catch your opponent off guard by not allowing him to react in time to the blow. Relaxation is at the heart of a quality breakdown. Simply put, your muscles should be relaxed and your head should be light. You should not think that you are going to strike, because an experienced opponent will be able to predict it from your actions. To practice stalling, we recommend doing the following exercises:
  1. Beep on beep- take a fighting stance and relax. Your comrade is out of sight and, at different time intervals, beeps, for example, with a clap. At this moment you need to strike. To complicate the exercise, we recommend using two sound signal... One of them allows you to strike, and the second forbids.
  2. Hit on touch- similar to the previous exercise, but the partner's touch is used as a signal to attack.
  3. Working with paws- a comrade holds the boxing paw and constantly changes its location. This applies only to the vertical, but also to the horizontal plane.
  4. Hits to the body of a partner who must rebound- you must have time to reach your comrade with a blow before he leaves the reach zone.
  5. Blows on the newspaper- the partner must hold the newspaper sheet by the upper corners, and you strike at it. If you manage to punch through the newspaper, then you have been able to get far along the path of stall training.


The second stage of mastering striking technique at home is called fist acceleration. Here great importance It has speed-strength training fighter. It is important to develop both components, and not dwell on one of them. Many athletes believe that vigorous resistance training can reduce speed. However, a weak hit can only come in handy in amateur boxing for scoring. In a street fight, he won't be of any use. Here are some exercises to help you increase your punching power:
  1. Various types of push-ups.
  2. Bench press in a prone position - perform the movement without pauses at the extreme points of the trajectories, and the weight should be selected so that you can perform from 10 to 12 repetitions.
  3. One-handed kettlebell snatch at a fast pace.
  4. Working with a punching bag - try not to just hit the surface of the bag, but perform a blow as if you are trying to punch Sports Equipment.
  5. Paw work is a great tool for improving your striking technique at home.

How to temper your hands for powerful punches?

Your hands must be prepared for hard blows. To do this, we recommend that you use the following training methods.

Push ups

Untrained people outer part brushes are extremely vulnerable to damage. This is due to the absence of large muscles on the phalanges of the fingers that could protect bone tissue... As a result, after striking, you can fail yourself by breaking your wrist. To prevent this from happening, do push-ups on the knuckles and phalanges of the fingers. Start working on a soft surface and gradually move on to push-ups from the floor.

Working with a bag

Another great way harden fists - work with a boxing bag. Note that most of the bags sold in stores sporting goods, designed to be worn with gloves. The best option there will be an independent production of this type of sports equipment. You will need to sew a cylinder with a diameter of 50 to 60 centimeters from a double layer of tarpaulin or leatherette.

In the upper part, 2–4 straps are sewn to it for fastening to the ceiling. Insert a bag of sugar or cereals inside and fill it with dry grains. We recommend using wheat or barley. To prevent the grain from moving in the bag, tie it tightly with a string. As a result, the bag can serve you for more than ten years. Don't forget. That the cost of such inventory will be much lower in comparison with the store.

Correct striking technique

The force of the blow largely depends on correct technique, and it is worth starting precisely with its consideration:
  • The feet are slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints.
  • First, the heel comes off the ground.
  • During the impact, the foot turns in the direction of the movement of the hand.
  • If you hit with your right hand, your left foot stays in place and your right foot works.
I also want to give a few useful tips that can make it easier for you to master the percussion technique at home:
  1. The knee joints should be slightly bent, and the body weight at the moment of impact is transferred forward.
  2. The hips must rotate towards the opponent simultaneously with the movement of the attacking arm.
  3. With a close throw of the arm, a full body movement should be made.
  4. Do not reach forward and turn the body sharply.
  5. During the swing, you should not take your hand back so as not to show your opponent the moment of hitting.
  6. The fist should be clenched as tightly as possible.
  7. During the attack, you should exhale.
We recommend that you constantly improve your hitting technique in order to achieve high skill.

Striking Technique: Exercises to develop speed, strength and explosive energy

  1. Kicking the ball. You will need some free space to do the exercise, and if you live in an apartment building, the downstairs neighbors will not be very happy with your workout. We recommend using a special weighted ball used by boxers. If you don't have one, you can use a basketball one. Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. Raise the ball over your head and throw it forcefully to the ground. You should do at least 15 repetitions.
  2. Jump squats. The starting position is similar to the previous movement, but you don't need any additional sports equipment. Just do deep squats and jump out of the bottom of your trajectory. We recommend that you work until you run out of strength. To complicate the exercise, you can do it with dumbbells in your hands.
  3. Pull-ups. Hands on the bar are located slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints. Follow maximum amount once.
  4. Push ups. The position of the hands is as narrow as possible. It is best to do the exercise with your fists instead of your palms in mind.
  5. Reverse push-ups. Position yourself with your back to a bench or other similar stable surface. Put your hands on it, and stretch your legs forward. From this starting position, go down.
  6. Kettlebell Raises Forward. Hold the kettlebell with one hand between your legs. From this starting position, make a sharp dash forward, raising your arm to its parallel with the ground. Each hand should be performed 8 repetitions.
  7. Jerk. The exercise resembles the previous one, but the jerk of the sports equipment is performed upward.
  8. Jerk and jerk. The kettlebell is located between the legs. Take it with your hand, while putting your pelvis back. With a sharp movement, move the projectile to the shoulder joint, then push it up. Do 9-10 reps for each hand.
  9. Sitting kettlebell lifts. Squat down and place the projectile on your shoulder joint. To make it easier to maintain balance, you should stretch your free hand in front of you. Begin to lift the kettlebell in a vertical plane. During the exercise, you need to ensure that the calf muscles and buttocks are in constant tension.
  10. Lifting kettlebells from a prone position. Take a supine position and raise your hand with the kettlebell up. Begin to rise from this position. The exercise is performed in 10 repetitions.
  11. Jerk of two weights. Two sports equipment must be held on shoulder joints... After inhaling air, use a jerky motion to lift them up. Reverse movement should be slow and controlled. Also watch out. So that the abdominal muscles are tense throughout the set.

Where should you strike?

No matter how powerful a blow you have, it should be applied in certain places. You must remember that a knockout is a consequence of a concussion of the cerebellum, after which nervous system turns off the body. To knock out an opponent, a blow must be delivered to the jaw, temporal region, or the back of the head.

There are also other vulnerable points on the body:

  1. Liver- in the area of ​​this organ there are reserve blood reserves, and a strong blow can cause spasm, as well as loss of consciousness.
  2. Solar plexus- a large number of nerve fibers are located here and an accurate hit on them can cause a temporary breathing problem.
  3. Under the heart- if the blow was strong, then it is even possible to stop the work of the organ with a subsequent death.
  4. Groin and lower abdomen- everything is clear here and without explanation.
The knockout threshold indicator for each person is unique, but we can say for sure that an unexpected blow with a force of at least 150 kilos turns off almost any opponent. It is only important that it be applied suddenly. Scientists often do interesting research. Today we will talk about two of them. In the first, the punching force of famous boxers was measured:
  • Mike Tyson can hit 800 kilos.
  • Wladimir Klitschko is somewhat behind, but the power of 700 kilos is worthy of respect.
  • Dmitry Spirichev surpasses even Tyson in this indicator - 850 kilos.
  • Michael Zambidis slightly fell short of the impact force of 500 kilos and his figure was 498.
Also, studies were carried out on the strength of blows with various limbs in representatives of several types of martial arts:
  • Muay Thai knee - absolute winner, because the force of impact can reach 1600 kilos.
  • The foot in karate is one of the most modest indicators equal to 450 kilos.
  • The fist in boxing has a similar punching force to the karate kick.
  • But representatives of taekwondo kick harder than karate fighters - 650 kilos.
Of course, all these indicators are averaged, but interesting to study. If you constantly develop your striking technique at home, you can achieve good results.

How to practice striking technique at home, see below:

As you can already understand, this article will talk about punching. Anyone who wants to first should learn punching. Why did I say that? Because kicks are more spectacular, and, for example, for me, there is no more spectacular kick than a kick to the head. Yes, this is a beautiful blow ... But you have to come to everything with time, and not knowing how to hit with your hands, you are unlikely to get high-quality kicks. After all, the main thing is not to "kick", but to understand the movement, to understand the sequence of muscle work, and to make the body work harmoniously. If you look at people who do not know how to hit, then you can immediately identify a lot of mistakes, and, moreover, there are much more mistakes in kicking, and this is understandable, since there are still very important role balance plays. Due to inexperience, people simply lose their balance and almost fall.

Experience and technique are very important, but despite this, even with a well-placed kick, on the street, you can create unnecessary problems... Naturally, it is worthwhile to objectively assess the opponent, and not to make the first blow - with a foot, but the probability of loss of balance remains, and a person lying on the ground is more than an easy target. This is not to mention the fact that there can be two rivals - here it is even more dangerous to carry out kicks. It is for this reason that punches are more suitable for street fights, but this does not mean that kicks should be completely eliminated. Of course, the “savory” low kick will not be superfluous in the end, but not at the beginning of the fight. But here is also an interesting moment ... You can use Lowe at the beginning, but it depends on what kind of opponent you are. If you see that the opponent is no different physical fitness, then you can punch low on the move, and let him think about his actions.

Working with your hands, you will not lose your balance, but, nevertheless, you can lose if you stumble over something, but this is the case ... You can move skillfully and resist against several opponents, while maintaining steadfastness and "firm" stance. Also, punches are faster and more invisible.

Let's look at punching and elbowing.

Fist punches:

  1. Direct punches
  2. Side kicks
  3. Uppercuts
  4. Roundhouse kicks
  5. Lower fist punches (from the little finger)

Elbow strikes:

  1. Side elbow strikes
  2. Kick from the bottom up
  3. Blow from top to bottom

Of course, let's look at punching first.

Direct blows. The most common strikes. Punch with the front hand - jab, back - cross. You can use both a series of straight strikes and in conjunction with side strikes. Direct punches have serious power provided. A blow with the front hand is done with a sub-step, and everything should happen quickly so that the opponent cannot understand what happened. The front leg steps in the same place, only slightly forward, and the hand flies out with it. Then comes the continuation of the series or a quick return of the arms and legs. Naturally, in outdoor conditions it is better not to use single strikes. You can run a series: left straight, right straight, left side.

The right straight line has more serious power, and this is logical, but this is for right-handers. The opposite is true for left-handers. A blow with the right hand is more noticeable, and it is not reasonable to use it first. He must follow the left straight line. After the right straight, you are fully charged for the left lateral.

Side impacts. Side kicks are often more powerful and can be started with them. The left side can be applied with a step, from two legs and from a place. Naturally, the most difficult one is from two legs, but at the same time it is very powerful, due to the additional acquisition of speed. But first of all, you need to learn the side one from a place and from a substep. To perform the left side, you need to charge like a spring, while tightening right leg and the body. After that, how the same spring straightens, unfolding the right leg, and directing the toe of the left leg towards the blow of the fist. In side kicks, the main thing is not to swing your arms too much. The fist should come from the temples, not from the belt.

During the right lateral, there is a turn of the foot of the right leg, pelvis, respectively, and, in principle, the whole body, as in any strike. The hand is sent from the temple in an arcuate path.

Remember that the whole body must be involved in any blow. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article "".

A very good option is a series of side impacts, from 3 to 5-6. If the blows are delivered and the fists are "stone", then after such blows the opponent will not be sweet. The position of the fist during the lateral - as if you are holding a mug

Uppercuts. Headshot uppercuts are good punches, but they are not very suitable for fighting without gloves, as you can injure your own fingers on the opponent's jaw. They are applied from below, while the striking surface of the fist is directed upwards. They are quite good at repaying an opponent's attack. There are also uppercuts to the body that can be applied to the solar plexus or liver.

Roundhouse kicks. These include punches with the back of the fist. You can hit from a full turn, or you can hit while standing sideways to the opponent, even from lowered hands. The blow from the lowered hands can be continued with the right side.

Blows with the bottom of a fist. The blows with the lower part of the fist are most often applied when the opponents are on the ground, and, accordingly, blows are delivered from above to the opponent's head.

Elbow strikes

Lateral elbow strikes. Lateral elbow strikes are delivered with the same body movements as during side punches. But there are certain points that must be taken into account. Lateral elbow strikes are applied at medium distance, and in general - all elbow strikes. The arm should be fully bent at the elbow joint. So that the speed is high, until the moment of contact, we relax the hand, and when a blow occurs, we strain the hand and arm as a whole. During the impact, the hand should not hang down, and always be in the beam of the forearm. In the peak phase, the hand, preferably clenched into a fist, should be at the chin. The blow is applied in an arcuate trajectory, and is applied from top to bottom. That is, the elbow is brought up, and is placed on top of the target, but this is not critical, since you can hit it well sideways.

Blow from the bottom up. Like an uppercut, but with an elbow, and beats only to the head between the opponent's hands. Body movement is similar to a fist uppercut.

Downward strike. This is very dangerous blow but it is not very easy to execute. This blow is applied from above to the head - to the crown, back of the head and upper vertebrae. Elbow strikes are powerful on their own, and striking these areas can have serious consequences. They can be carried out when the opponent is bent over, or by tilting him. Also, such strikes are carried out from a jump. Such blows can also be applied to the upper trapezium and to the clavicle, which will also be very painful. At the end point, the impact surface of the fist is directed upward.

It is best to use bundles of punches. For self-defense on the street, the best option is to turn on the streak and not stop until the victory is in your hands. Of course, best series which can be advised, these are a series of side and straight punches. Also, based on the distance, you can use side elbow strikes.

It is imperative to sharpen the blows on the bag, but do not grab onto everything. Take 2-3 strokes for a start, and study them thoroughly.


We'll start with punching. The most common are two punching techniques. One is typical for oriental martial arts(a typical example is punches in karate), another is for western boxing. What is the difference between them? And which technique is preferable?

Here you need to understand that initially such areas as traditional karate were not intended for sports fights. These were combat systems, the purpose of which was to reliably disable the enemy. That is, the fighter was tasked with killing the enemy or, at worst, crippling. And to do it as quickly as possible, ideally in one blow. The technique was adjusted to this task. Punches in traditional karate are applied with reverse and the whole body is included in the work - that is, the energy of the blow is born in the leg, passes into the hip, from there into the body, into the shoulder, and finally pours into the hand. In addition, it is applied from the chest, which allows you to more fully include in the work shoulder girdle, but the shoulder itself does not move forward - it only adds energy to the impact and is immediately pulled back. Such a blow, if performed technically competently, has destructive power. But in order to use it in a real fight, you need to stand at the makiwara for more than a dozen years.

The technique of strikes in boxing is different. The blow comes from the chin, not from the chest, there is practically no reverse, the body also takes part in the blow, but the main load still falls on the shoulder and the beating hand. What is the advantage of this technique? First, it allows you to work in quick bursts. It is almost impossible to carry out such a rapid streak in karate. And this is not necessary - the matter must be solved by one blow. Secondly, this technique allows the fighter to always remain closed at the moment of the strike, which makes it difficult for the enemy to counterattack. Third, put the correct one, effective hit it's easier in boxing than in karate. Minus - it is more difficult to break a brick with a punching punch. Although for a knockout and this technique is enough for the eyes and ears. And you don’t need any more, you’re not going to pierce the armor with your bare hand, right?

Boxing uses straight punches, side punches and bottom punches. They are applied with both the right and left hands, to the head and to the body. In addition, they can differ in amplitude - for example, short sideways and swings.

In addition to these basic punches in a street fight, you can strike with the elbows, the back of the fist, the open palm, fingers, the edge of the palm, and similar delights. Forget about finger strikes right away, I will repeat it again. I have heard hundreds of times how completely unprepared citizens are advised to beat hooligans in the eyes or in the face with their fingers. They say that you don't need strength for such a blow, but you can easily shock the enemy. I don’t know about shock, but the fact that you can easily and simply be left with crippled fingers is for sure. Even experienced, trained fighters sometimes injure their hands when punching their opponents in the face with their bare fists. What can we say about the gentle fingers of a humanities student? So no finger bumping. The edge of the palm is more reliable, but we will not get carried away with this either. Strikes like these require good preparation. For the edge of the palm to become a dangerous weapon, you need to spend more than one year stuffing this part of the hand. If the edge of the palm is not pre-hardened, then on impact, you can easily injure the hand, hitting the hard part of the opponent's body. Do you need it? We will focus on punches, open palm, elbows. At first, this will be enough. Leave the rest to professionals or courageous experimenters who do not value their health.

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