Different techniques of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss. Losing weight in Japanese: a simple and effective set of exercises Why do the Japanese recommend doing exercises in the morning

You do not like going to gyms, stubborn sports training until the seventh sweat is not for you. Perhaps Japanese gymnastics for weight loss will help you. Of course, you cannot lose fat in this way, but the waist will become thinner, the chest will rise, posture will improve, and even growth will increase by several centimeters. Static spinal stretching exercises were developed by the Japanese physician Fukutsuji. His book, describing this technique, very quickly sold in the countries of Asia in millions of copies. So what's so special about it?

The author's main idea was that the cause of the wide waist is the displacement of the bones of the pelvis and hypochondrium. With age, posture deteriorates, a person slouches, lumbar lordosis decreases in the same way as the distance between the vertebrae. All this negatively affects not only the figure, but also the state and work of internal organs.

For a daily workout, it is enough to allocate 5 minutes. Do not do gymnastics before or immediately after eating. Prepare a large towel and roll it into a wide roller. Please note that the width of the roller should correspond to the lower back. For convenience, the rolled up towel can be wrapped with a thin ribbon or twine, then it will not unfold. At first, the roller can be made with a diameter of 10-12 cm, and when you get used to it a little, increase it to 15 cm. Larger people need a more voluminous shell.

To visually see your progress, measure your height near the wall and waist circumference with a centimeter in advance. After completing the exercise, repeat the measurements. Now lie down on a flat, hard surface - on a hard couch or rug. Place the prepared roller under the lower back. Note that it should lie under your back along a line through your navel and perpendicular to your spine. We relax the back, and stretch our legs and spread them shoulder-width apart. The distance between the heels resting on the floor should exceed 20 cm. We tilt the feet towards each other so that the thumbs touch. Do not be discouraged if at first it does not work out, tighten your fingers with an elastic band or put a small pad on the lower part of your legs.

We stretch our hands behind the head and put them on the floor, palms down, so that the little fingers touch. Lie in this position for 5 minutes. If the discomfort does not allow you to relax, start with a couple of minutes and gradually bring the time to the right time. Then everything will work out by itself.

Once you are comfortable with this exercise, you can place a roller under the lower ribs and under the shoulder blades. After the first option, the waist will be better defined, and the second method improves posture and lifts the chest. Each type of exercise is also done for 5 minutes.

Remember not to get up right away after finishing your workout. This can lead to pinching of the nerve roots of the spine. First, turn on your side, lie down for a couple of minutes, then sit down and slowly get up.

This technique is not suitable for people who have even minor problems with the spine, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and others. If you want to try this technique, it is best to first consult with an orthopedic surgeon, and then experiment.

Losing weight thanks to these static exercises for stretching the spine will not work, since the fat will definitely not go anywhere, but the royal posture will appear.

Japanese method of losing weight from Katsuzo Nishi

He started from the postulate that a person with a healthy back has no health problems. Niche recommended sleeping on a firm mattress, without the use of springs. Under the head, at the level of 3-4 cervical vertebrae, there should be a hard roller, and not a volumetric pillow. Only in this position can the back tired during the day be properly restored.

This technique includes exercises aimed not only at weight loss, but also at comprehensive recovery - they accelerate blood circulation, stimulate metabolism, train all muscle groups, improve the functioning of the intestines, heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.

The first exercise is called the "Goldfish". It normalizes metabolic processes and significantly improves blood circulation. Lie with your back on the mat and put your hands behind your head. Place your feet perpendicular to the floor and assume that your legs are a fishtail. Now you make vibrating movements with your tail that go over the whole body, like a small fish. Start with one minute and then work your way up to 4-5 minutes.

The second exercise, Baby Joy, is more difficult. Lie on your back and place a folded towel under your head. Raise your arms and legs at right angles to the floor and make them vibrate. Such training not only removes cellulite, but promotes good lymph renewal.

The third exercise "Closing the palms and feet" is performed slowly, it improves the metabolic processes of the pelvic organs and normalizes blood pressure. Lie on your back and bring your fingertips together over your chest. Spread your legs, bend at the knees, and close your feet. Now, lying in this position, connect the pads of the fingers of both hands. Repeat 5-10 pressing and relaxing. Now do the same amount of increased counter pressure with the fingers of both hands.

Next, put your palms together and perform 5-10 vertical movements above the body and behind the head. With closed palms, make several downward movements from the solar plexus to the groin, and then chopping swings from the head and down. At the end, with closed feet, move down and up to the groin. Perform all movements, if possible, more than 5 times. After exercise, rest for 5-7 minutes and restore breathing.

The fourth exercise is called Abdominal Breathing. It develops the muscles that support the spinal column. Throughout the gymnastics, you need to breathe with your stomach, and not with your chest. Get on your knees and sit with your pelvis on your heels, while straightening your spine, and keeping balance on your tailbone. First, tilt your head back and forth, right and left. Next, stretch your arms forward and keep them parallel to each other. Turn your head to the right and try to see your tailbone over your shoulder, repeat the same with the other shoulder. Do some repetitions. Now raise your arms up, bend your elbows at a right angle, and clench your fingers into a fist. Tilt your head back with your chin facing up. Pull your elbows behind your back, as if you want to connect them. Keep pulling your chin up. Sway slightly left and right without bending the spine. The exercise is performed for 10 minutes, making leisurely meditative movements.

Towel Exercise - Japanese Imabari System

This gymnastics has no contraindications and will help women lose weight after childbirth and operations. This technique does not create strong stress, but it is excellent for restoring health at first.

As a sports equipment, you need a towel, which is used as an expander.

Here are some simple exercises:

  1. Take the edges of the towel in your hands and stretch it out at chest level. Now pull the fabric firmly in different directions. Exercise helps develop the muscles in your arms and chest.
  2. Hold the towel in your hands and lift them up, stretching the expander. Bend left and right. Systematic exercise fights fat accumulated in the waist area.
  3. Stretch the towel behind your back to improve your posture.
  4. To strengthen the muscles of the thighs and abdominals in the supine position, the towel is stretched across the feet.

Izumi Tabata Technique

This method of losing weight is suitable for physically strong people who can tolerate large physical activities, squeezed into a short period of time. 4 minutes workouts consist of 8 30-second cycles, where 20 seconds is active work, and 10 is relaxation. You will definitely lose weight if you can withstand this load.

Those wishing to lose weight can find any methodology among the Japanese health improvement systems according to their data and physical capabilities. You simultaneously lose weight, meditate, restore metabolism and the correct functioning of internal organs. To achieve the greatest effect, exercise must be combined with a special diet.

The main thing is systematic classes without failures and omissions.

Then the Japanese gymnastics for weight loss will give a good result, and then you can switch to a more complex system.

Good day to everyone who is losing weight, gaining weight or simply taking care of health! I am often asked questions about how to quickly lose weight in the waist without making a lot of effort, especially if there are problems with the spine and some exercise is categorically contraindicated.

It was invented by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, the dreaming one. Studying the human skeleton, dealing with patients in rehabilitation, he came to the conclusion that with age, the bones of the pelvis and chest deform and diverge, and the vertebrae sag.

To solve this problem, he came up with an interesting method, the implementation of which does not take much time and is even suitable for doing at home. After 10 years of numerous experiments and studies, a general improvement in the figure was noticed, as well as an increase in height by a couple of centimeters.

The whole essence of Fukutsuji gymnastics is to gently stretch the vertebrae, stretch the hypochondrium, and allow the bones and internal organs to take the correct position. It is thanks to these processes that the metabolism is improving, weight loss occurs, and posture is also leveled, the chest is lifted.

All this happens under the condition that the statistical roller exercise is performed on a daily basis. What does it mean? You will have to learn how to lie properly using, for example, a rolled towel. The result depends on its location. During execution, the entire skeletal system of the back, pelvis and chest works, and the muscles of the back are also involved.

Technique and exercises

So let's get down to the exercise? There are several technicians, all of them differ only in the location of the roller.

Preparation for execution: from improvised means, we twist a roller about 40 cm wide, but not less. The diameter can be adjusted, guided by your feelings, about 7-15 cm. A towel tied with a ribbon is perfect for the role of a roller.

Exercise number 1 - a roller under the lower back.

  1. We lie down on a hard surface (no, the sofa does not fit at all).
  2. Place the device under the lower back, exactly opposite the navel.
  3. We straighten, stretch our legs and arms.
  4. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, while bringing the thumbs together.
  5. Hands are even at the elbows, palms to the floor, little fingers touch each other.
  6. Breathing is even and deep.
  7. We are in this position for 5 minutes.

Due to the alignment of the lumbar region, the organs are correctly displaced, the stomach is tightened, metabolic processes are accelerated.

Exercise number 2 - a roller under the breast.

  1. As in the previous exercise, we lie down on the floor.
  2. Place the roller at chest level, but from below, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  3. We stretch out the limbs, the head is straight, we look forward.
  4. The legs are extended, the knees are not bent, the thumbs are together.
  5. Palms down, little fingers close.
  6. We lie for no more than 5 minutes.
  7. We get up carefully, do not rush, do not make sudden movements.

This exercise is more suitable for people prone to scoliosis. Helps to keep the posture level, lifts the chest.

Despite the seeming simplicity, it is difficult to withstand 5 minutes in such a static and unnatural position. Therefore, my advice: do not torture yourself, start with a minute, gradually adding 30 seconds.

By the way, getting up abruptly after training is categorically contraindicated. I join the opinion of experts: lie on the floor for a while, and while getting up, do not make sudden movements.

After the first classes, the norm is the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the back. This is how the skeletal system responds to your attempts to guide it into the correct position. Usually, everything goes through a couple of sessions.

It is important to follow the correct technique and breathing. Also here, as in sports, regularity is important. Make it a goal for yourself to devote a couple of minutes each day to exercise.

Contraindications, as well as the benefits and harms of gymnastics with a towel

Like any other type of physical activity, the Fukutsuji method has its pros and cons, allows you to get rid of some problems, but sometimes it can have side effects. In order not to harm the body, consider the contraindications:

  • Back pain, which are acute, for example, exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
  • Pregnancy and the postpartum period.
  • Fractures and cracks of the vertebrae.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Osteoporosis, significant thinning and deterioration of the vertebrae.
  • High body temperature.
  • Hypertension.
  • Tears and sprains of the ligaments.

Gymnastics does not cure serious diseases of the skeletal system, but it is effective and has a number of advantages:

  • Increases the elasticity of the ligaments.
  • It works the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms and legs.
  • Teaches you to keep your posture correctly.
  • Strengthens the spine.
  • Improves respiratory processes.
  • Cheers up.
  • Doesn't take long.
  • Does not require special equipment, shells, simulators.

Exercise can be harmful in rare cases if you neglected the contraindications or did the exercise incorrectly. To avoid negative consequences, consult your doctor.

Techniques of Katsuzo Nishi

I will briefly tell you about one more Japanese - a fan of rollers. This healer also developed a complex for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system, considering that many diseases are associated with disorders in the spine.

Katsuzo Nishi created a whole philosophy, the main principles of which are:

  • No pillows - just a special head bolster.
  • Performing light 15-minute exercises to strengthen your back.

Some of his gymnastics also require a roller, but here it is placed under the head (more precisely, the neck).

Morning exercises in Japan

Get ready to charge!

Japan is a country that always honors, preserves and observes its traditions and customs. Especially good, traditions associated with a healthy lifestyle are taking root here. No wonder there are so many long-livers in Japan, and this is not the best ecological situation in the country! One of the interesting parts of Japanese culture is morning radio gymnastics, which has been broadcast every morning on local radio stations in Japan for almost a century (since 1928). The secret to this ethereal longevity lies in a well-thought-out set of exercises and, in all likelihood, in the conservatism of the Japanese people.

Radio gymnastics consists of two alternating sets of exercises, which take only 3 minutes 15 seconds to complete. In this short period of time, the participants manage to do 13 exercises of different types: aerobic, which involves many muscles and consumes a lot of oxygen, stretching and coordination exercises, and exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles. The result of such daily gymnastics is to increase endurance and plasticity, and to strengthen the whole body as a whole.

If you are looking for a well-chosen and proven set of exercises for morning exercises, give it a try! Maybe these quick exercises are exactly what you need right now ?!

The first set of exercises for charging - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YZZfaMGEOU

The second set of exercises for charging - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi1TbzML2cU

Gymnastics for everyone (which can be done even while sitting at the computer) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MGsuinRElk

Charging in Japan is popular with all segments of the population. It is made by children and adults, office workers, workers in factories, medical staff in clinics, teachers in schools. It is believed that gymnastics promotes rapprochement and increased cohesion in a team.

During the summer holidays, many district parental committees arrange “morning exercises” for children right in the courtyards of houses or near schools. Each child is given a membership card, which must be filled in with stamps, one stamp for each day. Anyone who has not missed a single lesson and filled out the entire card will receive a prize at the end of the holidays in the form of sweets, juices and stationery.

Previously, such children's gymnastics was carried out everywhere, in almost every yard, but recently its distribution has declined. This is largely due to the general aging of the population in Japan. Elderly people are also happy to take part in morning exercises, which are carried out for them in parks and special institutions.

Morning exercises begin early, at 6:30 in the morning, but the Japanese are used to getting up even earlier and by this time they have already managed to redo almost all the important chores around the house.

Many Japanese women manage in the morning not only to water the flowers, load the washing machine, do the cleaning, but also make a herbal foot bath and devote about an hour to their beloved (ritual of washing, cleansing and moisturizing the face and body). At the same time, they also manage to prepare a traditional breakfast for the whole family, which includes a huge variety of dishes. (We wrote about what the Japanese eat for breakfast in this article - ).

Physical inactivity is considered a serious problem of our time. The human body developed under conditions of severe physical exertion. We inherited from our ancestors such a metabolism, which assumes that we will constantly move.

Ancient people hunted and ran away from predators, so they did not suffer from obesity. A modern person spends most of his life sitting in front of a monitor or TV screen. Therefore, the issue of losing weight has become very relevant. A strict diet can cause serious harm to the body. And the gym is not accessible to everyone, because classes take so much time!

A way out of a difficult situation is offered by Japanese gymnastics, the exercises of which can be performed at home without special simulators. Equip yourself only with a roller and exercise mat.

Originally, the Japanese roller gymnastics, the author of which was Dr. Fukutsuji, was developed as a set of exercises for the spine. But it turned out that correcting posture, a person also improves his figure.

Firstly, due to the incorrect position of the vertebrae, bone expansion can be observed, which makes the abdomen larger.

Secondly, poor posture leads to an incorrect redistribution of the load on the muscles. In the correct position, the abdominal muscles are tightened, which means the silhouette of the waist is thinner. Due to the incorrect redistribution of weight when walking, the load is on the lower back. The abdominal muscles become weaker and the abdomen bulges out. Even very thin people can face such a problem.

Among other things, due to a sore spine, a person becomes lower. Correct your posture and your figure will get better!

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made sports equipment to perform the exercise. You can make a roll out of a regular towel. Tie up the roller with tape or threads. They shouldn't be felt on your back when you place the roller under your lower back. Start on the smallest roller. When you get used to it, take a larger towel.

Perform the exercise on the floor or on a gym mat. Don't do it on a soft surface!

Lie on the floor with the roller perpendicular to your spine, just below your belly button. Draw a line from your belly button with two fingers on either side, your hands touching the towel.

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and touch your thumbs to each other. In this case, the heels will be located apart.

Raise your hands above your head and place your palms down so that the little fingers touch each other. It may be difficult for you to keep your arms straight at first. You can spread your elbows a little, but do not separate the little fingers. Try to stay in this position as long as possible. Start with 1-2 minutes and work up to 5. To avoid confusion, you can set a timer on your phone. After the end of the exercise, lie on the floor for a few more minutes in a position comfortable for you, and only then get up.

You only need to spend a few minutes each day to maintain your health and good posture. Agree, not too difficult. The result will appear only after a month of regular training. Over time, you will get rid of muscle tightness and curvature of the spine. The Japanese claim that good posture also has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Even if you don't do other exercises, your waist will become thinner. Once you have corrected your spine, you can move on to other workouts. Now they will pass easier, because it will be easier for you to correctly distribute the load on the muscles.

The dream of all women - to have an excellent figure without much effort, was embodied in the technique of the Japanese healer Fukutsuji. The doctor has been dealing with overweight problems and treatment of the spine for 20 years. The Japanese is the founder of not only the advanced technique named after him, but also owns the hospital. All her patients practice gymnastics with an ordinary towel, and positive results have been achieved in 95% of cases. To start classes, you need to study the rules for performing the exercise, the presence of contraindications for these classes and the effectiveness of Japanese gymnastics.

Fukutsuji method for weight loss

The Japanese Towel Slimming Method is essentially a static exercise with the effect of stretching the spine. Initially, gymnastics was designed to solve problems with the back, bones and joints. Only after a while, Fukutsuji noticed that after the anatomical restoration of the spine, there was a decrease in the waist, straightening of posture and an increase in the growth of a person.

The principle of action of gymnastics with a roller is to form the correct posture. The Japanese methodology is based on the theory of studying the causes of excess weight gain. Fukutsuji identifies two factors:

  1. Human bones are constantly exposed to negative effects - incorrect posture, sitting at the computer, childbirth, excessive stress. This leads to the divergence of the rib and pelvic bones, and then to the accumulation of fat in the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.
  2. Displacement of bones causes the wrong position of internal organs, which leads to metabolic disorders and weight gain.

The mechanism of influence of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller to reduce the waist and hips is to stretch the pelvic bones and hypochondrium, the effect of exercises on the spine. If it functions normally, then the internal systems of the body are also working well. If there are problems, then there is a violation of the entire process of life.

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller on weight acts conditionally. Exercise stimulates the production of brown fat, which is not stored like white fat, but is burned to maintain body temperature. The process is explained by the construction of the brown cage. Its cytoplasm contains mitochondria that stimulate fat oxidation. The increased blood supply, due to the large number of capillaries, helps to increase the amount of oxygen for burning fat. As a result, energy is generated.

In other words, the exercise itself does not burn “problem” fat - it helps it not to be postponed, to correct posture, to put the pelvic bones in place, which will eventually lead to a decrease in the waist, straightening of the shoulders, ie. the figure will visually become slimmer. Supplementing gymnastics with a healthy diet, physical activity, will help you use the technique to reduce weight.

Japanese towel roll technique - rules and principles of action

Before you start lying on a towel, you should study the basic rules and recommendations to achieve an effective result from gymnastics. The rules include:

  • Firm surface - for a clear fixation of the spine.
  • Observance of exercise time - exceeding can be harmful to health.
  • Breathing should be slow and even.
  • Training time - gymnastics is carried out 2 hours before or after meals.
  • Schedule - Exercises should be done at the same time every day.
  • The dimensions of the roller are 7-15 cm in diameter, at least 40 cm long. It should correspond to the width of the back or be 2-3 cm larger.

To do the exercises correctly, you must follow the recommendations. They are as follows:

  • After completing gymnastics, you should not make sudden movements - you need to smoothly roll to one side and lie down for a couple of minutes.
  • At the beginning of the session, you will have to overcome the pain from the load on the incorrectly positioned bones.
  • If after 5-6 workouts the discomfort does not go away, you should temporarily stop doing gymnastics.
  • It is necessary to study according to the method only with a positive attitude.

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller assumes compliance with the measure. The first days of classes, lying should not exceed 1-2 minutes so that the load is gradual. In this case, it is better to use the diameter of the roller no more than 7 cm. It can be increased by 2-3 weeks of exercise. It is important to listen to your feelings. If everything is done correctly, then the person feels how the bones take a natural position, and the stomach and sides are drawn into the abdominal cavity.

The effectiveness of gymnastics

The use of the methodology of Dr. Fukutsuji in combination with the regularity of classes, proper nutrition, allow you to achieve excellent results. These include:

  • decrease in waist volume by 5-7 cm in 3 months;
  • strengthening the spine, correcting posture;
  • increase in height by 2-3 cm;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • improvement of blood circulation, due to which blood pressure is normalized;
  • reduction of pain in the joints, neck, lower back;
  • correction of the shape of the breast;
  • normalization of sleep.

In confirming the effectiveness of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller, it is recommended to monitor the changes occurring in the body. To do this, you can use photos before and after several sessions, keep a diary of observations with measurements of volumes, a description of the current state. So you can visually assess how much the stomach is drawn in, the chest is raised, the posture is leveled. These methods will be a great motivation to continue gymnastics.

Execution technique

The location of the roller determines which zone will decrease in volume. Correct performance of the exercise is the guarantor of positive changes in the body. Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller provides for starting a lesson from 1-2 minutes, gradually bringing it to 5-10 minutes. The roller can be rolled out of a terry towel by wrapping it tightly with tape or strong thread. The diameter of the device must be varied so that the person does not experience severe pain.

Japanese Back Exercise with Roller

The back exercise is simple. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Place your body horizontally, place a roller under your lower back, clearly above the level of the navel.
  2. Legs should be straight, heels should be apart and firmly pressed to the floor, and thumbs should be connected.
  3. Place your hands behind your head, palms down. In this case, the little fingers should touch each other.
  4. Then you should relax and lie there from 30 seconds to 5-10 minutes.
  5. After that, you need to gently roll to one side and lie down for a minute.
  6. Then get on all fours and slowly get up.

In order to get rid of the problems caused by cervical osteochondrosis, you must resort to the following method. Its description:

  1. Make a roller with 2 ping-pong balls, which are placed inside the sock, then tied together with an elastic band.
  2. Next, lie down on the floor and place your neck between the balls.
  3. The exercise time is 3-5 minutes. The first results will be visible in a couple of days.

Gymnastics to reduce the volume and improve the shape of the breasts

To correct the chest, it is necessary to perform the exercise in the same manner as back gymnastics. In more detail, the process looks like this:

  • Lying on your back, place the roller under the sternum in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • The arms should be extended behind the head, palms down with the touching little fingers.
  • Legs are extended, heels are spread apart and pressed to the floor.
  • The feet should be directed inward so that the thumbs constantly touch each other. You can tie them with a ribbon.
  • You need to lie down for 3-5 minutes, in a relaxed state.
  • Breathing should be even.
  • You can't get up suddenly - you need to roll onto your right side, and then slowly get up.

Slimming exercises for thighs and cellulite

You can reduce the volume of the thighs, get rid of cellulite in 2-3 months of constant training. This requires:

  • Lie with your left side on a hard surface.
  • Place the roller under the thigh, leaning on your hands.
  • The right leg should be brought in a bent position in front of the left, which should rest on the side of the foot on the floor.
  • It is necessary to roll your hips up and down the roller for about 3-5 minutes.
  • Next, the left thigh must be changed to the right one, and similar exercises must be done on it.

Pros and cons of the technique

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller has its positive and negative sides. The pluses include:

  • Ease of use - exercises do not take much time, even a child can do them.
  • Accessibility - No gym equipment, massage or gym needed for gymnastics. All you need is a towel roll tied with a strong thread.
  • Complex action - the exercise affects all parts of the spine, removes cellulite, raises the chest, reduces the waist, hips.
  • Safety - the risk of injury is absent if caution is observed, the technique of performing the exercise.

Inherent in Japanese gymnastics and relative disadvantages. These include the following factors:

  • Discomfort at the beginning of workouts or with incorrect body posture.
  • Low efficiency of weight loss - you can only lose weight by reducing the volume, and the weight practically does not change.
  • The need for a diet - to obtain lasting weight loss results, you must not exceed 1400 kcal per day.

Contraindications and side effects

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller does not require specific indications and is suitable for almost everyone. If there are any problems with the spine, a consultation with an orthopedist or chiropractor is necessary before starting classes. It is contraindicated to perform gymnastics with the following diagnoses and conditions:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • hernia;
  • scoliosis;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • hypertension;
  • neurological pathology;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • problems in the work of the hip joints;
  • internal and external bleeding;
  • increased body temperature.

Exercise on rare occasions can cause some complications. In this case, it is necessary to stop gymnastics, consult a doctor if the pain has not stopped. The list of complications is as follows:

  • acute pain syndrome in the back due to compression or inflammation of the nerve roots of the spine;
  • clouding, loss of consciousness;
  • spasm of the back muscles that does not go away even after the end of the exercise;
  • increasing migraine;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • malaise 10-20 minutes after gymnastics.


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