Create a chest press program. How to pump up voluminous pectoral muscles for a man in the gym

Professional approach to chest training

Kit muscle mass pectoral muscles, from a professional point of view, this is a fairly simple process. There are muscles, over the development of which you really have to sweat seriously. A massive, wide, well-designed chest is no longer a gift from the Gods and not a whim of nature. It's high tech modern sports based on scientific research. To pump up your chest and turn it from a lagging muscle group into a source of pride, you just need to train it according to the same rules as professional bodybuilders.

Classic barbell bench press horizontal bench This is really a basic chest exercise. And in the arsenal that recently came to the gym, it stands in the chest training complex in the honorable first place.

But professionals rarely use it for its intended purpose, because the lion's share of the load during this exercise goes to the bottom of the chest. But other parts of the pectoral muscles are almost not included in the work. Therefore, for most amateurs, the bottom of the chest is overdeveloped, and the top, on the contrary, is far behind. Naturally, only the naive can dream of winning the competition with such a muscular composition of the chest.

The complex of chest training for professionals begins with and sometimes takes more than half of the lesson. Chest exercises performed upside down in the complex of performing athletes very often come first.

Output: working out the top is a priority task of building powerful and truly beautiful pectoral muscles. Professional bodybuilders devote most of their chest training to its solution.

Tip 2 | Use dumbbells instead of a barbell for chest training

The times when the masses decided are a thing of the past. Having just a huge, but "raw" breast is no longer enough. Symmetry, balance and proportions are what judges at competitions now evaluate first of all. The chest needs not only to be pumped up, but also to stretch it in width.

Performing bodybuilders are well aware of this, which is why most chest exercises do not use a barbell, but dumbbells. Dumbbell presses are no less effective for gaining mass than barbell exercises, but the trajectory of movement is no longer limited by the neck, which makes it possible to stretch the chest more, giving it the perfect shape.

Output: unilateral chest training is a great opportunity to shock the chest muscles with an accentuated load and at the same time equalize both sides of the body in development.

Tip 6 | Pay more attention to the development of the middle of the chest

In addition to the top of the chest muscles, competing athletes pay close attention to another area of ​​​​the chest - the middle. Those who stand on stage know that the well-developed middle of the chest adds visual volume to the muscles, dividing them into two powerful halves. Therefore, chest exercises aimed at developing this small but extremely important department always occupy an honorable second place in the professional’s training complex after presses upside down.

The muscles of the middle of the chest in ordinary life take very little part and, thanks to this, respond to a targeted load very willingly. Only 1-2 exercises performed after the main chest mass training complex will make it possible to swing the middle of the chest quite quickly. Various options hand information in the crossover, in the butterfly simulator, yes, that's all the specialized exercises for this department.

But despite all its simplicity, the training of this muscular department should take place with the utmost mental concentration. The muscles of the middle of the chest are included in the work on a very small interval of the trajectory, so holding the hands in front of the chest at the point of peak contraction is the main condition for building a powerful and well-developed middle section.

Output: the middle section of the pectoral muscles is a small but extremely important area that adds power and volume to the chest. Therefore, any chest training should include exercises for the middle section without fail.

Now that you have learned the main rules for training breasts by professional bodybuilders, it remains only to make changes to your set of chest exercises and go to the gym for a workout. May the force be with you. And mass!

The pectoral muscles are conditionally divided into three zones: top, middle and bottom. In bodybuilding, chest muscles are used to train various exercises, which are divided into basic and isolated.

If you have recently started bodybuilding (less than a year), then it is best to use basic exercises, because thanks to them, you will progress faster and chest. And when you already have more or less developed pectorals, then you can already connect isolated exercises (no more than two).

What grip to use when training the pectoral muscles?

For safety, it is best to use a "closed" grip when thumb arms wrap around the neck (under the letter B in the figure). This way you will insure yourself against the fact that the bar can simply slip out of your hands (the palms will sweat and the bar will “go”). In addition, don't grab the bar too much. wide grip because that's how you'll create additional load for shoulder joints, which is not good. The best option- The grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. When laying under the bar, make sure the bar is at eye level. This is the correct position.

Correct technique

If you are doing pressing movements, then make sure that your elbows do not diverge to the sides and are not pressed to the body. Correct position elbows - approximately 45 degrees in relation to the body. At the bottom, your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.

If you are doing wiring, then make sure that your arms are slightly bent at the elbow joint throughout the exercise.

Do not tear your lower back off the bench and rest your feet on the floor.


In all benching exercises, it is better to use the help of a partner or ask someone from the gym to insure you. So you can better focus on the exercise and not think that if you can’t squeeze the bar again now, then it will crush you.

Also, be sure to put locks on the bar so that if the bar is skewed, all the pancakes do not fall.

How often to train chest muscles?

Through many studies, it has been concluded that optimal amount chest workouts - once a week. But there are exceptions, because each person reacts to training differently.

How many reps and sets to do?

In all basic exercises do 6-10 reps, 2-3 work sets and 2-3 warm-up sets. In isolation, do 10-12 reps and 2 working sets (warm-ups can be omitted).

What exercises to use to train the pectoral muscles?

First of all, as mentioned above, you need to use basic exercises. First of all, this is a bench press from the chest lying down and its various variations (on incline bench, head down, dumbbell press). Also great exercise to work out the bottom of the chest, these are push-ups on the uneven bars.

Try to use in combination to achieve maximum results in breast development.

The best exercises for chest training: video

You should also remember that no matter what you train, you need to eat right to gain muscle mass and well. Then your results will be an order of magnitude higher.

A set of exercises with dumbbells to increase the pectoral muscles

If you want your pecs to act like Roman armor, you should try this two-dumbbell workout. gym or at home with a bench press bench. This workout is so good because it first stretches the pecs, then you add weights to increase strength, then you end up with chest pumps to pump as much blood through the pecs as possible.

  • 4 sets, 12-15 reps
  1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
  • 4 sets of 12-15 reps

  1. Breeding hands with dumbbells on an incline bench
  • 4 times 12-15 repetitions

  1. Bench press with dumbbells on a horizontal bench
  • 4 sets of 12-15 reps

  1. Reduction of hands on a bench with a negative slope
  • 4 sets 12-15 reps

The exercise can also be performed on block simulator without using dumbbells to give the muscles a constant load and stimulate their growth.

Pullover with dumbbells

Although the pullover loads and latissimus dorsi back, this variety of it also pumps the chest. As you pull the dumbbell forward, imagine that you are squeezing it and pushing it away from you. This may take a little practice, but this tactic will keep the load on the pectoral muscles. You will feel that the chest is working.

Feel the characteristic tension in your upper body. Hold it for as long as possible as you pull your arms back. Just don't let your hands get past your ears.

It is advisable to reduce the muscles of the chest as much as possible, if you go too far, then the latissimus dorsi will already tighten, and we do not need this here.

If necessary, reduce the weight or slow down the exercise until you feel a full contraction of the chest during the pullover.

Incline Dumbbell Press

Use the first set as a warm-up or stretch to prepare your muscles. heavy weights save for the next three sets. The dumbbell has its advantages over the barbell - it will allow you to go a little further in the lower part of the amplitude, stretching the muscles after each contraction.

You will have to reduce the weight a bit, but it will only benefit your chest as you will get a slight stretch after each rep. Resist the temptation to immediately increase the weight after completing a rep. You can only increase the weight when you can easily complete 15-20 repetitions.

Breeding hands on an incline bench loads upper part chest as well as the front deltoid muscle. If you feel like your biceps are doing most of the work, turn your palms in or out, whichever works best for your chest.

Dumbbell Isolation Press

Another plus of dumbbells is that you can work each side of the body separately. In this exercise, you will raise both dumbbells, then hold one hand while lowering the other, turning your palms as you lower the dumbbell. Make sure the dumbbell is right at chest level before you lift it back up.

You can take more heavy dumbbells if you can do 15-20 reps. Choose a weight with which you can complete the specified number of repetitions.

Doing the exercise with one arm also engages the stabilizing muscles. But the exercise must be done carefully. Strictly follow the technique.

Reduction of hands on a cable simulator with an inclination down

Want to perfect your chest workouts? Try these 5 programs for the development of pectoral muscles from real professionals!

Muscles can be such finicky guys sometimes. You can bench press 100 kg from the chest, and the chest will still not be a wheel, because pumping the pectoral muscles is a little more than just lifting Weight Limit. These trainer guys can attest that chests need to be trained from different angles in order to improve and achieve the best.

Thinking about how to do it in the hall? Don't worry, these elite athletes will teach you what to do. Try one of these killer combos to spice up your chest routine.

Nick Twam

Variation is the key to Nick Twam's chest growth program. "To achieve results, the chest must be trained under different angles, - says Nick, - this will give all the conditions for muscle growth. "

Nick prefers to start with heavy compound exercises to gain mass in the upper pecs. "Most people have a clear deficiency in the upper section, the most difficult," he explains.

"To achieve results, the chest must be trained from different angles," says Nick, "this will give all the conditions for muscle growth."

Having finished with the top section, Nick moves on to the middle section. He does a superset - a special set of two exercises that are done one after the other - for many repetitions in order to achieve maximum fatigue.

"By focusing on high reps, I get better contraction," he says.

And while his pecs are fried afterwards, he ends up with crossovers and push-ups.


Incline Chest Press (2-3 warm-up sets, 4-5 sets of 6-12 reps, increasing weight after each set).

Straight chest press (3-4 sets of 6-12 reps)


Incline chest press on the simulator (4 sets of 12-15 reps)

(4 sets to failure)


crossover (4 sets of 12-20 reps)

Push ups (4 sets to failure)

Jimmy Everett

The MuscleTech-sponsored athlete insists that the secret to the success of developed pecs is to prioritize form. "Get the weight you can reach, even a little more, and focus on feeling your muscles clench," he says. "Many people neglect this and just press without thinking."

"Make sure you warm up well before you start," he recommends. "Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy prefers the "10x10" protocol for all exercises, which makes his workout very hard. "Make sure you warm up well before you start," he recommends. "Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy's program starts with heavy basic exercises, and then, when the muscles reach failure, he moves on to isolation exercises.

Protocol from Jimmy:

Incline Chest Press

Butterfly with dumbbells (10 sets of 10 reps)

Pullover with dumbbells(10 sets of 10 reps)

crossover(10 sets of 10 reps)

Push-ups on bars with weights (10 sets of 10 reps)

Push ups(3 sets to failure)

James Pulido

Magazine cover model James Pulido echoes Jimmy when it comes to shoulder health. "The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body and is easily damaged, so it's important to warm up well," he says.

James' program always starts with a serious warm-up, which includes numerous dumbbell curls in different directions for 12-15 reps. "When doing dumbbell raises to the sides, start with your arms lowered along the body. Raise your arms 45 degrees, thumbs look up, then over your head. This warm-up exercise is a must do for everyone, but, unfortunately, it is often neglected.

"While chest machines have great potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees."

Interestingly, James does not use any machines. "While chest machines have great potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees." He claims that under these angles all muscle tissues which leads to greater muscle potential.

The man on the cover chest workout program

Push ups (2-3 sets to failure)

Butterfly on an incline bench (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Push-ups on the bars with own weight or weights (5 sets of 8 slow reps)

Eirin Goly

If you want to build your chest muscles, you need to visualize, he says. It also includes a 1 second pause at the end of each pressing movement. A wide range of motion is critical for muscle growth. He does not bring the movement to the straightening of the arms in order to maintain tension in the muscles throughout the approach.

When doing dumbbell incline presses, he focuses on the widest possible range of motion, using not only the pectoral muscles, but also the triceps.

His program also includes the classic completion - push-ups. A set of 100 reps - with breaks if needed - will push your chest to the brim. "I love ending the program like this because it fills the chest with blood and gives you the maximum pump," he says.

"Pumping" program from Eirin

chest press (6 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps, last set is a triple drop set)

Butterfly with dumbbells(5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 8 reps)

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 sets of 12 reps, last set is a triple drop set)


Butterfly on a bench at a right angle (3 sets of 25, 20, 20 reps)

Push-ups on bars with weights (3 sets to failure)

Pullover with dumbbell (4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps)

Push ups (100 times)

Dave Dries

The upper thoracic region is the most the main objective Dave Dries workouts, magazine cover models. "Many people don't pay attention to the upper section at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object."

Dave also thinks it's important to extend the time that the muscles are under pressure during the bench press as long as possible. "I almost never fully extend my arms so that the muscles are under tension all the time."

"Many people don't pay attention to the upper section at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object."

Finally, Dave makes the most of the reps to get his own muscles through multiple levels of intensity.

Dave's upper chest workout

Incline Dumbbell Press (5 sets of 6-8 reps)

Wiring on a crossover on a bench (4 sets of 10-12 reps)

Chest press in the simulator(5 sets of 8 reps)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 reps)

Push-ups with dumbbells(3 sets to failure)

The higher the intensity of the workout, the greater the increase in muscle mass it will give. This is a well known fact. Meanwhile, the intensity directly depends on our working weights - the higher they are, the higher the intensity of the load, respectively. However, you can’t just increase working weights, especially if you are already working at the limit - this requires a special training program and a special regimen.

Our article today will be entirely devoted to the issue of increasing working weights in chest exercises, and in particular, the issue of increasing the strength of the pectoral muscles.

Principles of chest strength training

Before starting to write a training program, it is necessary to formulate the basic principles of the future complex:

  • Cyclical increase in working weight with a decrease in the number of repetitions

It will not work to increase from workout to workout, so we will use microcycles with increasing working weights every second week and working out the increased working weight with a small number of repetitions.

  • Emphasis on basic exercises

The mistake of many athletes is the desire to increase working weights in isolated exercises, while many of them perform these movements as basic ones - they do not pay due attention to technique and use a small or medium number of repetitions. Such training is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to work on increasing the working weight only in basic exercises, while isolation exercises should always be performed with perfect technique and in a large number of repetitions. As the strength of the pectoral muscles in the base increases, the weights in isolation will also increase.

  • Creatine intake

Since chest strength training involves high intensity, necessary condition efficiency is acceptance. If this is not done, its reserves in the muscles will be used up quickly enough, which will lead to the impossibility of maintaining high level workout loads.

Training complex on the strength of the pectoral muscles

Based on the above principles, we will compose training program. A detailed methodology for its implementation will be described below.

Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7

Weeks 2, 4, 6

Program execution methodology

  • Every second week (2, 4, 6) it is necessary to increase the working weight in the first two exercises by 2-2.5 kg and perform 4 repetitions with it.
  • In weeks 3, 5, 7, we work out the increased working weight, trying to complete not 4, but already 6 repetitions with it.
  • Do not try to add more than 2.5 kg in weeks when you need to complete 4 repetitions. Keep in mind that with this weight you will be doing 6 reps in the next week.
  • The total duration of the complex is 7 weeks.
  • This program can be performed on back or bicep days.

What results can be expected from the program?

When done correctly this complex, observing diet, training and rest, you are guaranteed to increase the working weights in basic exercises for the pectoral muscles by about 7.5 kg.

At the end of the complex, you can switch to any program for mass - due to the increased strength of the chest, such a program will be intense and, as a result, more effective in terms of gaining muscle mass.



Do you want your breasts to cause a complex about the size of girls and that you have no equal on the beach? Then read on. How to build impressive chest muscles is the topic of this article.

Do you think that the heavier the bar, the greater the growth? This is mistake. Working with a lot of weight - first of all, strength, and only then mass.

Look at powerlifters. Strong guys. Press, pull and squat with exorbitant weights. But then why are they smaller than bodybuilders who don’t even have such numbers on the shells? It's all about specialization.

Before moving on to the main part of the article, let's remember why we need pectoral muscles.

Functions of the pectoral muscles

If the biceps consists of two bundles, then the pectorals are an array of muscles, the parts of which perform various functions. They are divided into deep and superficial. The deep external and internal intercostal muscles help us breathe by expanding and contracting the chest.


  • Large chest. turns shoulder joint inside, participates in the respiratory process.
  • Small chest. Moves the scapula up and down.
  • Anterior gear. Pulls the scapula away from the spinal column.

In general, the chest muscles are needed to breathe and push things away. For hypertrophy, we are not interested in deep ones, but let's take a close look at superficial ones.

What exercises to train

Training of the pectoral muscles in the gym is carried out using a set of simulators and exercises. The lion's share of them is performed with free weight - barbells and dumbbells. Of the simulators, the hummer and the "butterfly" are popular.

Exercise machines to train the pectoral muscles are ineffective, especially for beginners. After all, in order to work them out well, a developed neuromuscular connection is necessary, and it comes with age.

By mastering the technique of exercises with free weights, you will accelerate the increase in mass. Of course, if you follow the diet and the rules for working on hypertrophy. I’ll talk about these rules later, but for now, take a look at the list of exercises that you need to master first.

Exercises to train the pectoral muscles

  • Barbell and dumbbell presses at various angles.
  • Wiring on a horizontal bench.
  • information in the crossover.
  • Push-ups on bars with weight.
  • Pullover.

These exercises pump the upper, middle and lower parts of the pectorals, and also develop the lateral dentate muscles. In addition, they involve other pressing groups, such as triceps and delts.

Features of training the pectoral muscles in the gym

During the approach at the bottom point, you need to stretch the muscle well, and at the top point, achieve peak contraction. It is necessary that the main part of the load falls on the target muscle group and does not go into the stabilizing muscles. To do this, study the technique of exercises and during the approach, concentrate on the muscle, think about how the chest pushes the bar up.

On the example of the bench press, lowering the barbell or dumbbells, we turn the pectorals, stretching them at the bottom point. Squeezing the projectile up, additionally strain working group for peak contraction. At the same time, do not straighten your arms to the end, so you will keep the load in the chest, not allowing it to partially go into the triceps.

About the load and approaches

Mass-building training of the pectoral muscles is different from strength training. The differences relate to intensity and volume. Power training runs using 75-90% of the weight of the rep maximum, 1-2 exercises of 3-5 reps each.

Bodybuilding training is characterized by medium intensity and high volume. The work uses a weight of 50-75% of a one-rep maximum, 2-5 exercises per muscle group, 4-6 sets of 8-12 reps each. When training in this manner, rest between sets is 30-90 seconds, while strength athletes work at intervals of 5-10 minutes.

A one-rep maximum is the maximum weight with which an athlete is able to perform one repetition.

To achieve growth, use 2 to 5 exercises per muscle group per workout. Do 4-6 sets of each exercise, 8-12 reps. Rest 30-90 seconds between sets.

Don't use the same exercises. Perform incline and horizontal presses, wiring, change types sports equipment. A bench with a 30-degree slope will allow you to pump the upper chest. Bench press with a negative angle engages the lower part of the target muscle. Classical horizontal press loads the middle part of the sternum.

Alternate exercises for chest and other muscle groups. So you will avoid excessive release of catabolic hormones, which literally eat up the accumulated mass. Less destruction, more growth.

chest muscle training program

Do two workouts per week muscle group. The interval between them is no more than 72 hours.

An example of the training scheme "Chest + Back":

  • Horizontal bench press - 4 * 8.
  • Vertical thrust of the block - 4 * 10.
  • Bench press on the bench head down - 3 * 8.
  • Tilt pull - 4 * 9.
  • Dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30 degrees - 4 * 8.
  • Shrugs with a barbell / dumbbells - 4 * 12.
  • Horizontal wiring on the bench - 4 * 8.

Working weight - 50-75% of the one-rep maximum in a particular exercise. The number of sets and repetitions depends on the preparation of the athlete and the weight of the projectile.

The range of repetitions 8-12 is conditional. For hypertrophy, the time spent under load is important. To gain mass, complete the approach in 15-30 seconds.

Why do girls train pectoral muscles

Girls need to train the pectoral muscles to maintain the overall physical form. It’s not worth working for mass and strength if the girl is not a performing athlete. Doing a high-volume, low-weight workout once a week is enough.


Gaining mass for the pectoral muscles is not a problem if you correctly apply the rules described in the article. In general, they are valid for each muscle group. Therefore, if you want not only huge chest, but back and legs, feel free to project these rules onto them. That's all, I hope the article was useful to you.
