Rare types of horses. What does the rarest horse on Earth look like? They can be of different suits.

Welcome to the extensive section on horse breeds. It's no secret that all horses differ in different ways. To group breeds, many classifications are used based on origin, structure, economic and productive use, distribution areas, and so on.

In our country, breeds are traditionally distributed according to zootechnical classification proposed by A.S. Krasnikov (1978):

  • Forest.
  • Gorskie.
  • Steppe.

Factory and transitional:

  • Horse.
  • Horse and harness.
  • Trainers.
  • Bald.
  • Heavy-duty.

Any breed can easily be attributed to a certain group according to the sum of its characteristics, often even in the names of the breeds the belonging according to the classification is indicated. For example, the Ukrainian horse breed, soviet heavy truck, Belarusian harness.

Some horse breeds have been known for a long time, but the main variety of breeds appeared in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Since the second half of the twentieth century, sports breeds have acquired the greatest prospects, this is due to the decrease in the value of cavalry and the development of mechanization.

In modern horse breeding, it is known about 300 horse breeds, less than half of which are the most numerous and popular. In Russia, widespread about 50 breeds horses.

To choose a horse breed, you should thoroughly study all the features that depend on the history of origin, on the features of use and maintenance, on the current state of the breed, and much more. All this information is fully contained in the descriptions of the breeds in this section of the site.

The history of the origin of a breed is important for understanding some of the characteristics of a particular breed. So, for example, knowing the colors of the breeds participating in the development of a new breed, you can say for sure which colors will appear in the breed, and which cannot be. Or taking into account the peculiarities of aboriginal breeds, for example, the strong hoof horn of the mountain ones, one can expect the appearance of these signs in the transitional and factory breeds, which carry the blood of those local breeds.

Each breed has a purpose, a trait by which the selection was carried out... Therefore, when choosing a horse breed, its economic importance plays important role... Indeed, using a thoroughbred riding horse for transporting logs is unlikely to occur to anyone, as well as demanding high results from a Percheron in show jumping. But there are quite versatile breeds that can perform various tasks with good performance. So, friezes are good in the harness for which they are derived, and are comfortable under the saddle. Often such versatility is inherent in draft breeds and aboriginal breeds.

Horse breeds also have external differences, such as height at the withers, characteristic colors and many others. So, friezes can only be black, the mavari has a very remarkable shape of the ears, some of the horses of the Trans-Baikal breed are distinguished by curly hair, and they are found mainly in golden colors. The average height of farm horses is 155-180cm, aboriginal 130-150cm, but there are exceptions. Shires, Brabancons, Percherons are huge, and the Falabella are the tiniest horses.

Horse breeds differ in character and temperament. This is also an important indicator for choosing a breed. they are considered ardent, hot, horses - persistent, honest, friendly, most and phlegmatic breeds.

Photos of typical breed representatives provide a visual representation of the horses. Exterior photographs, photographs in motion and at rest, as well as those that help to evaluate the breed in different ways are presented.

The breeds also differ in terms of maintenance and care. So, in the Akhal-Teke and breeds comfortable temperatures environment different. Some breeds thrive on a poor, meager diet, while others are demanding on the nutritional value of feed.

All these and some other characteristics and features of the breeds are described in detail in the section and will help you determine your breed preferences or choose your favorite horse breed.

The rarest horse breed in the world is called Sorraya. Today there are about 200 such horses. The breed has a long and very interesting history.

Sorraia horses were first examined and studied by a zoologist named Rui d "Andrade in 1920. He saw a herd of these horses near the Sorraia River. The animals were completely untamed by people, which interested the scientist very much. It turned out that the Spanish aborigines knew about this breed and They called her Marisno. Translated, this word means “horse of the swamps.” Horses of Sorraya lived in places that were difficult for people to reach, so they were not tamed.

The zoologist began to study wild horses in more detail. He found references to sorraya dated back to the 4th millennium BC. e. Images of the ancestors of these horses were found in the Escuriala cave in Portugal. Sorraya are also the ancestors of the Andalusian and Lusitanian horses. Rui d'Andrade decided to restore this rare breed and began collecting wild animals. In 1930-1942 he collected 11 Sorraya horses.

The rarest horse breed on earth is still under threat of extinction, although painstaking work is underway to restore it. The largest number of heads can be found in the Alter do Schau stud farm. The selection of foals born here takes place. Those individuals that are suitable for breeding become breeding ones. Those who do not suit breeders for any qualities become simple riding horses. But out of the entire population, only a few foals are usually suitable for breeding, so the Sorraya is still a rare breed.

Features of the appearance of a horse are associated with their habitat. They are not very tall - about 145 centimeters, with long neck and thin bones. The head of a horse is of medium size. There are individuals of the mousey or savras suit, but the latter is more rare. You can recognize Sorraya horses by the specific dark stripes on the legs.


Among all the animals in the world, the horses are the most graceful, noble and kind in relation to people. And surely none of the horse lovers will be able to answer for sure which is the rarest horse breed is more beautiful.

There are many breeds and colors of these animals, which are characteristic of one or another distinctive features and signs. Many information sources offer their ratings of the most beautiful breeds and colors of horses, each of which is unique and unique in its own way.

The rarest horses: 5 top breeds

Based on the most popular horse breeding sources, such as http://zoohoz.ru/loshadi-i-koni/poroda-i-mast/, you can make a rating of the top and rare horse breeds today.

The determining factor in the high cost, beauty and value of a horse is considered to be its thoroughbred and its pedigree. Therefore, the compiled list of rare breeds will also be based on what pedigree a given horse color has and what merits it is famous for.

Friesian horse

The rarest horse breed in the world, which is in overwhelming demand in America. Little foal an American can cost more than $ 10,000, the maximum cost of an animal was $ 25,000. An adult horse that has gone through a series of horse racing training is often valued at a million dollars. Is famous for Friesian horse strong powerful physique, the individual reaches a height of up to 65 cm.


Sorraya is an endangered horse breed. To date, experts have recorded the number of individuals - no more than 200 heads. And only thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, the breed continues to exist. In 1920, in Spain, near the Sorraia River, a zoologist named Rui d'Andrade discovered a herd wild horses... In subsequent years, breeders bred new heads of this breed, among which strong stallions were selected to continue their tribe.

English thoroughbred

English thoroughbred, which is also called the English racehorse. Speaking about its rarity, we can mention that the horse is the most expensive in the world. The stallion's price is about a million dollars. Typically, these rare horses are sold through auctions.

Arabian horse

It is famous for its incredible endurance, strong muscles and health, is in great demand, but it is not so easy to find and get it.

Oryol trotter

The Oryol trotter, which has no close analogs around the world. In the past, such stallions were used in Russian troikas, besides, all horse breeders and horse lovers knew this breed at auctions in the world. The breed was bred by Count Orlov by crossing, where expensive Arabian horses were involved. Many ratings of the most beautiful horse breeds call this breed the best.

Rare colors of horses

  1. - truly the most amazing breed of horse, distinguished by delicate pink skin and blue (azure) eyes. About 5000 years ago in Turkmenistan. This suit is recognized as the standard due to such qualities as obedience, obedience, trainable, hardy, fast.
  2. - a horse that combines white and any other solid color. More often piebald there are black and white variegated colors. The legs also have a variegated color, and the hair and tail can be monochromatic. The piebald in this color of the horse is partial albinism. The eyes of horses of a pinto suit are blue, sometimes only one eye can be light.
  3. - such a rare horse color was obtained by artificial selection. But after the lapse of time, all horses of a given color turn from gray to white. The spots according to the horse code are scattered randomly with a diameter of 2-5 cm. Young individuals have more spots of "apples", over time, mature horses become darker in color, apples gradually disappear. There is a legend among horse breeders that the depicted apples on the horse's body copy its blood vessels. Experts, however, argue that specific nutrition will increase the number of apples according to the horse's code, if it receives the right amount of minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

It is possible to determine the value, rarity of a particular horse breed according to such criteria as the purebredness of an individual, its value at auctions, strength and endurance, health and talents of its genetic kind. Due to the horses' unique training abilities, many specialists are involved in the maintenance of endangered breeds and the artificial breeding of rare horse species.

The rating of the most beautiful horses includes at least 25 breeds. Some breeds are the result of selection. Others were created by nature itself. In addition to their visual appeal, these horses are distinguished by many other qualities for which their owners love them.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of the Arab tribes. The Bedouins used horses for military purposes. For armed conflicts not only beautiful horses were needed. The animals had to be very hardy.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of the Arab tribes

Arab tribes of nomads moved from one place to another, therefore they considered horses their main wealth. The animals could be easily driven during the move. The wealth of the family was determined by the number of individuals in the herd. Fine horses were to remain a national treasure. It was forbidden to sell them to neighboring peoples on pain of death. In addition, they could not be crossed with other breeds. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to achieve the purity of the blood.

In Europe, Arabian horses appeared during the time of the Crusades. Going on a long journey to free the Holy Sepulcher, the Europeans were looking for animals that could survive in the climate of the country to which they were heading. One of the main advantages of the Arabian horses was that these animals required much less food than the horse breeds common in European countries. During the Crusades, representatives of the Arab breed were smaller in comparison with their modern descendants.

Thanks to the Arabian purebred breeds such as Lusitano (bred in Portugal), Shagia (bred in Hungary), Andalusian (bred in Spain) arose. In Russia, from the Arabian horses, the Strelets breed originated, from which the Terek breed originates.

The most incredible and beautiful horses in the world (video)


After looking at a Knabstrupper horse, many people can agree that it is the most beautiful horse in the world. The color of this animal resembles the color of a Dalmatian dog: black spots on a white background.

Denmark is considered the birthplace of the Knabstruppers. According to legend, a butcher named Klebe bought a horse, which he brought to a small town called Knabstrup. The animal was distinguished by its agility and endurance. The offspring that the mare gave were endowed with the same qualities. Thus, a new breed of horses arose, named after the village in which the butcher Klebe lived.

Knabstrupper is considered a rare breed not only because of its color. When the village that gave it its name fell into disrepair, the Knabstrupper population plummeted. They were saved from complete extinction by an ordinary veterinarian from Denmark, who founded the association of spotted horses. A series of experiments aimed at improving the breed led to the fact that the Knabstruppers not only survived, but began to look significantly more attractive.

Today, not all representatives of the breed are similar to Dalmatians. Among them there are individuals with a leopard color (red spots on a light background). Horses with trout and marbled color (admixture of white hair and small spots on the main background) are popular.

Marwar horse

Otherwise, this beautiful breed is called Malani. You can recognize its representatives by the unusual shape of the ears, which can turn 180º. A beautiful horse appeared in India and was named after one of the regions of this country. Tradition says that once off the coast of India, an Arab ship was wrecked, on board of which there were 7 Arab purebred horses. The animals left the site of the shipwreck and were found in the Marwar region. Arabian horses mingled with Indian ponies. It is highly probable that Malani mixed with horses from Mongolia.

It is believed that marwari breeding began in the 12th century. Traditionally, the breed has been used in agriculture and for horseback riding. To obtain universal horses suitable for both work in the field and for transporting people, Marwari are often crossed with thoroughbred horses. The breed is suitable for playing polo. Several centuries ago, Malani were used as war horses.

In the 30s of the last century, the number of Marvar horses dropped sharply. However, by the end of the twentieth century, the livestock was restored. The export of representatives of the breed outside of India has long been prohibited. However, in the early 2000s, an exception was made for US citizen F. Kelly. Since 2008, the export of Marvari has been tightly controlled.

Friesian horse

Some of the most beautiful horses in the world include the friezes. The breed originated in Friesland (northern province of the Netherlands). You can recognize the frieze by the long pile of the hooves. The breed was developed during the occupation of the Netherlands by Spain. Local horses were crossed with Spanish horses. The Friezes were on the verge of extinction on several occasions. However, horse breeders have always managed to save the endangered livestock.

The Frisians are among the most beautiful horses in the world.

The first mention of the representatives of the breed dates back to the XIII century. In honor of the friezes in early XIX century Frisian races were established. The winner of the competition received a golden whip as an award. Currently, friezes are used as a decorative breed. They are often used for royal carriages, which must be harnessed to the most beautiful horses in the world. The use of friezes in sports is limited. Horses are allowed to participate in the driving. Attractive appearance forces photographers to use friezes for photo shoots. Only the most beautiful individual should be in the frame next to the top model.

Friezes are human-oriented. Their ease of training makes them easy to train. The horses are taught the so-called carriage ride. Animals should move gracefully and beautifully when they are driving a carriage or rider.

Norwegian fjords

Fjords are not only the most attractive places for tourists in Norway, they are also called the most beautiful horses in the world. An individual of this breed is considered the oldest heavy draft on the planet. The fjords are notable for their peaceful nature, which did not prevent the Vikings from using them during hostilities. But then the representatives of the breed began to be exploited exclusively for peaceful purposes - for riding and in agriculture. In modern Norway, fjords are used for certain sports.

There is speculation that some horse breeds in Iceland and England trace their origins to Norwegian fjords... The Vikings brought their horses to a foreign land, which interbred with local horses. Norwegian horses are unpretentious, and their thick coat allows them to endure cold weather. Due to their compact size, fjords are often referred to as ponies rather than horses. The harsh nature of Norway does not provide enough food for herbivores. Fjords don't need a lot of hay or grains. You can even feed them dried fish.

Presumably, the fjords originate from wild horses that were tamed 2 thousand years ago. Animals have retained a considerable number of features in appearance and character from their wild ancestors... The main feature of the breed is the mane with black hair in the middle and white on the sides. The mane is usually cut very short to emphasize unusual coloration.

The rarest and most beautiful horses in the world (video)

Iberian breed

Some Spanish horse breeders are inclined to believe that the Iberian horse breed was formed independently in the territory of modern Spain. The animals are completely purebred, as they were constantly in isolation. However, it is very difficult to believe in such a version.

In the 8th century, the Moors came to Spain with campaigns of conquest. They brought with them horses of the Berberian and Arabian breeds, which were mixed with the Spanish horses. The modern Spanish riding school was influenced by the style of the Moorish occupiers. After the liberation of the country from the conquerors, Spanish horse breeding began to flourish. The Iberian breed was valued no less than the Arab and Barbary horses. Representatives of this breed are beginning to replace the heavy friezes on which the knights moved. After the discovery of the Americas, Spanish horses set out to conquer new continents. On the northern mainland today you can find the descendants of English and Arab horses. V South America Iberians are much more common.

In the 18th century, baroque came into vogue. During this period, tastes change dramatically. Obese horses with heavy croup are in great demand. Representatives of the Iberian breed looked too graceful and did not fit into the idea of ​​an ideal horse. In the 19th century, the Spanish riding school gradually fell into decay. They are no longer interested in the Iberians, since the English purebreds received recognition.

Until the end of the twentieth century, the Iberians preferred to be used for agricultural purposes. However, by the end of the century, the Spaniards began to show interest in the breed, which was popular with their ancestors. Equestrian sport is becoming fashionable. He is preferred by many residents of the country. In the early 1970s, the Royal Andalusian Riding School was established.

The Iberian breed was able to win the hearts of modern Spaniards thanks to horse bullfighting. The skill that the rider demonstrates is no less spectacular than playing with an angry bull.

Gallery: the most beautiful horses in the world (25 photos)

Falabella horses

Falabella horses became popular in the 1970s. These horses are often confused with ponies due to their compact size. However, the Falabella is an independent horse breed that has significant differences from the pony. One of the main ones is that Falabella has the constitution of an ordinary horse: massive croup, graceful limbs, an elongated muzzle, etc. The ponies have dense short limbs. The croup is not as massive as that of an ordinary horse, and the muzzle is not elongated.

The breed got its name from the surname of Argentine horse breeders, who were the first to breed mini-horses. There are several versions of the origin of Falabella:

  1. The ancestors of small horses were found in one of the remote valleys of the Andes. All animals and plants in this valley were miniature in size due to the peculiarities of the local climate.
  2. Wild horses were isolated in one of the canyons by a landslide. The animals were unable to return to the habitat to which they were accustomed. The only food available was cacti. Due to the lack of mineral components, each subsequent generation of horses became smaller in relation to the previous one. As a result, serious genetic changes took place. A herd of mini-horses was discovered by the farmer Jose Falabella. He freed the animals and drove the herd to his farm. Despite good nutrition, new generations of horses have not been able to regain the growth of their ancestors.
  3. For unknown reasons, the great-grandfather of Jose Falabella drove his horses to land that was not suitable for pasture, and left there forever. He bequeathed to his descendants to return the herd. When Jose and his family went in search of horses, he was able to find individuals of small size. Probably, just such animals managed to survive in harsh conditions. Small horses did not require large amounts of food.
  4. The Irish settler Newton, who was distinguished by his love of horses, saw a small horse in a strange herd. Despite its size, the animal did not look sick or inferior. Newton stole the horse and then presented it to his daughter for her wedding. Miss Newton was going to become the wife of one of the representatives of the Falabella family, whose surname gave the name to the breed.

A graceful horse is not the result of just one genetic mutation or the successful experiment of a breeder. The beauty of an animal largely depends on care, balanced nutrition and a good attitude of the owner towards his pet.

Attention, only TODAY!

1. Akhal-Teke horse, or (Turkm. Ahal-teke aty)

Akhal-Teke horse known for its incredible color, which has a metallic sheen. Due to its lean body, this breed is called the "super model" among horses. This hardy breed was developed in Turkmenistan.

Photo: Olga_i

Photo: Penella22

The beautiful mane of this breed resembles a poodle, which is especially beautiful in winter time... The Bashkir horse comes in different colors. Some scientists claim that this breed is hypoallergenic, that most people with allergies can work with this breed.

Photo: Lindsayanne

3. Black Forest horse

The bushy mane and tail perfectly match the muscular body of the Black Forest horse. The breed is known for its dark chestnut color and light mane.

Photo: Monica Dobry, Rickenbach

4. Camargue (fr. camargue)

The Camargue is considered one of the oldest breeds in the world. Today they are bred in semi-feral conditions under strict supervision.

Photo: Neil Burton

5. Exmoor pony(eng. Exmoor pony)

photo: Graham

Another very rare breed that lives in semi-feral conditions. These small horses are native to the British Isles. In World War II, this breed was used as food for soldiers, which led to a decrease in the population.

photo: Julia Livesey

6. Falabella

Photo: Alexia Khrushchev

Falabella is one of the smallest horses in the world. The breed was developed in Argentina in the mid 1800s. They perform in the circus, and can pull carts and even roll very young children.

Photo: Olga_Phoenix

7. Norwegian Fjord

Photo: Ron Rowan Photo

The Norwegian Fjord has a lovely grayish brown color with a two-tone mane. It is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

photo: docentjoyce

8. Gypsy Vanner

photo: Elizabeth Sescilla

The breed is known for its beautiful black and white coloration (there are different colors), and hairy legs below the knees.

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