Exercises for stretching the legs: the effect will be! How to properly stretch your leg muscles at home using specific exercises? Stretching your legs at home. Types and basic rules of leg stretching


Stretching is a training technique that allows you to make muscles more elastic and the body more flexible. The literal translation of the word "stretching" is stretching. But the technique got its English name due to the fact that it is practiced separately from fitness and athleticism, in order to improve the body's health and make it more flexible.

Stretching is especially popular among middle-aged and elderly people. According to statistics, people who after 35 years began to engage in fitness and stretching, by the age of 70, they look better and their level of flexibility is higher than that of "passive" individuals.

There are several types of stretching- static, ballistic and proprioceptive muscle relief (PPMR).

Static stretching- This is a common stretching of a muscle while keeping the trunk in a stretched position for a while.

With ballistic stretching the muscle is stretched through short jerking movements.

PPMO- this is a complicated version of ballistic stretching; in this case, the partner helps to achieve greater stretching - through gentle short pressure on the working part of the body.

A set of exercises for stretching the legs

The stretching program provides three types of exercises to stretch the leg muscles:

  • exercises to stretch the quadriceps (front muscles of the thighs),
  • for stretching the hamstrings (back muscles of the thighs),
  • exercises to stretch the calf muscles.

The legs have, in addition to the front and back muscles of the thighs and calves, many more muscles, but it makes no sense to stretch them additionally - since they are all involved in the above exercises.

Stretching the quads

Lie on your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee, and, wrapping your hand around the foot, pull it behind your back, stretching the anterior thigh muscle as much as possible. Repeat the same exercise for the other leg.

Hip biceps stretch

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Using your hands, pull your legs towards you without lifting your back off the floor.

Stretching the calf muscles

Stand one step away from the wall. Take a step with one foot forward, rest your toe against the wall. While pressing the whole body against the wall, do not lift the heel of the "working" leg. Increase your stride width little by little every day.

Back stretching exercises

The back is the muscles of the lower back and lats, plus many small muscles connected to them. By doing exercises to stretch the major back muscles, you are doing prophylaxis to everyone else.

Stretching exercises for the long back muscles (psoas)

Get down on your knees. In doing so, your pelvis should be placed on or between your heels. Leaning forward, extend your arms as far as possible. As soon as you feel that the palms have reached their maximum point, continue bending over - until you feel the peak of the stretch in the lower back.

Exercise to stretch the latissimus dorsi

Standing a step away from the door frame, bend over and grasp the door frame with your right hand. Place your left hand above it. Pull your torso back, stretching your right lat. Repeat the same exercise for the other side.

Stretching the shoulders

There are three exercises to fully stretch the shoulders. And it's better to do all three at once. Each exercise uses specific heads of the deltoid muscles, as well as the muscles associated with the shoulder joints - the rhomboid and the muscles that rotate the scapula.

1. Straighten your arm until it is parallel with the floor. Grasp the elbow of the outstretched arm with your other hand, and pull it to the opposite shoulder. Repeat the same exercise for the other shoulder.

2. Raising one hand up, bend it at the elbow, and try to reach it with the other hand, only from the bottom. Then repeat the exercise by changing the position of the arms.

3. Put the back of your hand on the lower back, with the other hand grab the elbow or slightly above. Stretch your arm forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Repeat the exercise for the other shoulder.

Stretching the muscles of the arms

By doing biceps and triceps stretching exercises, you are doing prophylaxis for elbows, traction tendons, and wrist joints.

Triceps stretch

Raising your hand up, bend it behind your head and grab her elbow with your other hand. Gently pull the "working hand downward." A similar exercise is for the other hand.

Biceps stretch

Grasp the door frame. In this case, your thumb should "look" down, and your hand should be parallel to the floor. Then turn around so that your gaze was in the opposite direction from the "working" hand. Standing in this position, turn the shoulder section of the arm up - until you feel a stretch in the bicep. Repeat the same exercise for the other hand.

Stretching the chest

Standing at the doorframe, rest your hands on it so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Press into the joint, stretching your pectoral muscles as much as possible.

Neck stretch

Neck stretching is useful not only for the prevention of diseases of the neck muscles and joints. It is useful for relieving fatigue after long mental labor, as well as for relaxing the nerves after grueling athletic training.

Three simple exercises after work or workout will help you preserve your vision, recover faster, and keep your neck muscles safe from injury.

In a standing position, tilt your head down - until your chin touches your chest, then take the starting position, and tilt your head back; 10-15 reps.

After resting for 30 seconds, tilt your head to the left as much as possible, then slowly return to the starting position, and tilt your head to the maximum to the right; 8 to 10 reps in each direction.

After a short interval, gently turn your head counterclockwise, then in the opposite direction.

The above set is stretching exercises for beginners. For those who just want to keep their muscles and joints in the right tone, this stretching is quite enough. But it is imperative to remember the conditions, non-observance of which can harm.

  • Before performing the "stretching" complex, you must complete a light fitness complex.
  • Either do one light set of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups at once, or do an athletic exercise at a low intensity before each exercise.

For example, squat before stretching your leg muscles, and swing your biceps with the lightest weight before stretching your biceps.

  • Athletic and fitness enthusiasts should know that stretching should be performed either immediately after the end of the workout, or not earlier than a day after it.
  • If you perform stretching earlier than a day after training, it will only increase the damage and can lead to microtrauma and joint problems.

Stretching and flexibility exercises

The complex presented below includes exercises due to which you can make the body more flexible.

In order for the body to become more flexible, a simple complex to relieve fatigue or muscle tension is not enough. More dynamic movements are needed, performed by their own effort, or with the help of a partner.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Stand in the doorway. Place your forearms on the door jamb so that your shoulders are in line.

Make a few stretching movements, pressing your chest into the doorway.

Then ask your partner to press down on your back and hold your torso at the point of maximum chest stretch.

Perform 3 of these holds.

Do a light set of push-ups before stretching.

Back Stretch Exercise

Sitting on your heels, bend as far forward as possible with your outstretched arms in front of you. At the bottom point, linger, and with a light jerk movement, bend even more in the lower back. 8-10 reps.

Before this exercise, perform a standing bend or hyperextension approach.

When you get bored and find it easy to stretch your long back muscles, make it harder. Do a similar exercise, but not sitting on your heels, but sitting on the floor with your legs straight.

Hip Biceps Stretch Exercise

Stand straight with your feet together. Lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your fingers. Make 6 to 8 measured bends.

Then straighten up, inhale and exhale deeply, and begin the ballistic hamstring stretch. Lean as low as possible with jerky movements, touching the floor with your fingers, and stay in the bottom position for as long as possible. 5-6 reps.

Do a squat set before stretching. If you have stiff leg and lower back joints, do the first set of hind leg stretch after squatting.

Stretching is an essential part of any workout routine. Experienced athletes recognize the importance of stretching and never embark on challenging exercises without first stretching. Exercises for stretching the legs and back stimulate blood circulation, improve tissue trophism (nutrition), make muscles and ligaments elastic and strong. They can be done in the gym with a trainer or at home.


Stretching is useful at any age. There are practically no health restrictions for this sport (with the exception of especially severe conditions). For some diseases and after injuries, stretching is used in a complex of rehabilitation measures. Stretching before training is equally important for beginners and professionals alike.

  • relaxes and relieves fatigue after training;
  • improves overall well-being, improves mood due to the production of endorphins - the hormone of pleasure;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • increases joint mobility;
  • trains body flexibility;
  • gives ease of movement;
  • sports, dance or swimming workouts are much easier;
  • the risk of injury during exercise is minimized;
  • keeps fit;
  • is admirable - it's beautiful.


With the wrong approach to stretching, there is a risk of damage to joints, sprains, rupture of ligaments and muscles.

For example, you cannot immediately start doing twine and other difficult exercises. The fabrics are not yet sufficiently elastic and flexible, you can get injured.

It is advisable that the first lesson for beginners be conducted under the supervision of a trainer. The first place in achieving a positive effect is the correctness of the execution, and not the number of repetitions.

Stretching rules

Starting a workout without preparation is hazardous to your health. In order not to harm your body, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • the first step is to warm up, the best way to warm up the whole body is to do cardio training (this can be jumping rope, running, stationary bike);
  • jerking should not be done during stretching, movements should be slow and even, the muscles at this time are relaxed;
  • it is recommended to stay in one position for at least 30 seconds;
  • the pulling force should increase gradually;
  • the transition from simple to complex should be phased, without abrupt "jumps";
  • during the lesson, there should be no pain, if it appears, you need to reduce the load;
  • breathing should be even, you can not hold it, take a breath, and during stretching - exhale;
  • tensile complexes are done not only before training, but also at its end;
  • regular training is the key to successful and safe training.


Stretching can be done in two ways:

... Muscles during such exercises do not contract, but only stretch. Exercises are performed without active movements, in one position, for a long time. This stretching is suitable for beginners and mobile people.... It implies active movements for maximum stretching (swinging legs, rolling from one type of twine to another, etc.). It is used by experienced athletes with good flexibility, for example, in gymnastics.

Dynamic activities are contraindicated for beginners.


Leg workout will tighten the buttocks, make the thighs and lower legs elastic. For beginners, the easiest and safest activities are selected that are convenient to perform at home.


We sit on the floor, bend our left leg at the knee and press our foot under the buttock, straighten our right leg and take it aside as much as possible. Straighten your back. With the whole body we bend to the right leg, hands are trying to grab the heel. We stretch for at least 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.


A slightly more sophisticated version of the previous stretching exercise. We sit on the floor, push our legs as far as possible to the sides, the socks “look” up, the back is straight. We bend the whole body to the right leg, trying to reach the heel, and stretch, lingering in the extreme painless position for 30 seconds. Do not bend your back. Then we also bend to the left leg and forward in front of us.


Another exercise in this complex. In the same position, move the straight legs together. Make sure your back is straight. We bend our chest to the knees, hands are trying to reach the socks or heels. We "hang" in the lowest position for 30 seconds, then you can do a few gentle swings back and forth.


We get up. We put our right leg in front of us, bending at the knee, take the left leg back and put it on the toe. The knee of the left leg rests on the floor. Hands can be placed on the right knee or rest on the floor. Gradually lean forward. When sensitivity appears in the muscles of the thighs, we freeze for 30 seconds. After the expiration of time, on the exhale, we stretch even lower and freeze again. We do the same with the other leg.


In the same position, we straighten the right leg. We completely redistribute the weight to the left knee. The back is straightened, the hands rest on the floor. We tilt the body down to the maximum possible height, freeze in this position for 30 seconds. We go down on the exhale. We change legs.


Sitting on the floor. The legs are bent at the knees. We put them with the outer side of the thighs to the floor (in the form of a butterfly). The feet are pressed together. The back is straight. The hands lie on the ankle joint, the elbows rest on the knees on the inside of the legs. The elbows press on the knees, while the torso bends down. At the border of the onset of pain, we stop in this position for 30 seconds. We stretch even lower. We repeat the exercise several times. Such bends are effective for stretching the muscles of the thighs and groin ligaments.


Supine position. The right leg is raised up, the left leg is slightly bent. With our hands we hold the right leg in the area of ​​the upper third of the lower leg. We exhale and try to lower our leg to ourselves as low as possible. The leg is straight. At a bearable point, we stop and hold on for 30 seconds. Do not strain, the muscles should be relaxed. Repeat with the other leg.


In order to sit on a transverse twine, we perform the following exercise. We get straight. We spread our legs to the sides, each time farther apart, until we feel the tension of the muscles of the inner surface of the thighs. Lean forward, keep your back straight. We try to reach the floor with our elbows. Freeze in peak position for 30 seconds.

How to do twine at home? It is within your power to learn to do the splits at home! A chic bonus - a beautiful outline of the thighs and the absence of cellulite!


Athletes and professional dancers know how to do splits at home after a long break. If this is your first time deciding to do a split at home or just tighten your figure (especially the legs) - my special exercises will help you with this!

I will describe a super effective leg stretch popular with the pros. It will allow you to sit on the twine at home, a detailed description will be the impetus for this achievement!


You may now have three important questions:

  1. how to sit on the twine at home;
  2. why do you need it;
  3. and is there any sense for an unprepared person to strive for this.

Definitely - there is a sense! Stretching the legs, leading to a chic split, has a "side", amazing effect - flexibility and fit of the figure, lightness and activity of the body.

The assumption that such stretching is the prerogative of people associated with sports and choreography is wrong! For you (a teenager, a young or already established personality), stretching and a climactic split will bring muscle tone, moral satisfaction. This is also facilitated by classes aimed at how Lose weight with yoga .

More about everything ...

________________________________ *** Your motivators *** _____________________________

  • The leg muscles get stronger with each exercise, creating a strong musculoskeletal system. Running, overcoming obstacles in emergency situations will no longer cause difficulties.
  • Being active during training becomes the guarantor of proper blood circulation and functioning of the whole body. Longevity without frequent "sores" is guaranteed!
  • Pretty legs will soon be your dignity.

How to get the cherished horizontal straight line, sliding your feet on the floor in different directions?

Move from simple to complex. Throw away attempts to jerk down, enduring the pain - you will tear your ligaments, and two months of real estate in your limbs are guaranteed!

Are you waiting for miracles? I will disappoint: they will not be - you will not sit on the splits in 10 days! The only exceptions are small children and amazingly flexible adults, gifted by nature. If you are faced with stretching or gymnastics for the first time, then it will take months to master the desired position ...

Are you in despair now? In vain - the further the goal, the brighter the joy of defeating oneself. Fall in love with daily exercises, compare your progress, and it will certainly be, and train!

___________________ *** Learn to do the splits at home with

professional stretching - really! *** ____________________

There are many stretching methods, I will focus on those exercises that are used by professional dancers and athletes. A beginner who dreams of learning how to do splits at home will be able to complete each of them. We throw away the panic, and proceed ...



Important! It is forbidden to go to stretching without warming up, you do not strive for torn ligaments and muscle strains? Arrange a "jog" (2-3 minutes) in place, perform 15-20 kicks to the sides and forward. Experts recommend taking a hot shower 10 to 20 minutes before exercising to relax the muscle fibers.

______________________________ *** Forward to straight split *** __________________________

Exercise 1

The front of the thighs directly participates in a straight split, when one leg slides straight forward and the other back. Therefore, let's start with the impact on this area:

  • Standing on a solid surface, we bend the knee of one leg, grabbing it with the same hand for the instep;
  • We press the heel to the priest, while the hips and knees are in close contact with each other;
  • We stand like this for a few seconds, then we strain the buttocks and start the pelvis slightly forward and upward - the muscle tension will increase.

In a minute we change legs. You can do 2 approaches.

Exercise 2

We turn our attention to the back of the thigh and popliteal ligaments, with their elaboration, the full split will become “closer”. Subsequence:

  1. Keeping the top of the body straight, we go with the right leg into a deep lunge in front of us until the final phase, in which the angle of the knee bent in front will be 90º.
  2. We increase the pressure with the pelvis down, helping with the weight of our own body (the more the body is relaxed, the more mass affects the legs). We remain motionless for 16-25 seconds.
  3. Then we release the chest down, moving it slightly to the left so that it is possible to put both elbows on the floor next to the right heel. We stay in this position for 25-30 seconds. (Gradually, you can complicate the task of this phase by placing your right hand under your foot, as if you are going to crawl under this rectangular "fence").
  4. We get up and move to the left leg.

Exercise # 3

It affects the same muscle groups as the previous one, only calves and Achilles are also wedged into the work.

  • We place our feet at a 30-centimeter distance - in parallel, without inversion positions.
  • We bend down to the limit, directing our palms to the center of this segment on the surface.
  • If we put it, we freeze, it didn't work out - not in jerks, but smoothly pull ourselves lower.
  • Time - 30 seconds.
  • The option is more difficult - with legs connected.

Exercise 4

This stretch assignment targets all longitudinal muscles, from the glutes and inguinal ligaments to Achilles and the lift. Ready?

We stand on the mat with one knee (the shin is on the floor and the thigh is a right angle), the other leg is left in a straight position in front of us (the heel is on the floor, the foot is shortened).

We try to lie on it with our chest, clasping our foot with our hands. A minute passed - a change of legs.

Exercise 5

Getting down to difficult tasks, be patient, perform at the level at which it is still available.

Exercise # 6

An important step towards full twine - efficiency is the highest.

The best option is to have a machine. But in the conditions of home training, we will choose the usual stable support (sofa back, high windowsill, chest of drawers) - it will be our choreographic "stick".

_______ *** Is it possible to quickly sit on a cross twine at home? *** ________

We have already found out that it will not work to quickly sit on the split at home (and even in the gym).

But if you try ... Then the result will be faster. A few more photos with stretch variations:

The effectiveness of them will only increase!

If you have completed this complex to the end, it means that now the muscles are the "hottest", try to slide down smoothly in the split. Ignore the primary pain, sink down and freeze. Count to 10 and cross to the other leg. Remember the distance to the floor, its gradual "melting" will motivate you day by day!

In modern fitness, cardio and strength training are the main exercises, but judging by the reviews, stretching for weight loss is equally beneficial. This concept comes from the English "stretch", which translates as "stretching". The stretching technique is based on the alternation of rest and muscle tension. This direction of fitness is allowed even during pregnancy, just the load should be slightly less. If stretching helps you lose weight and how to do it, you will find out below.

What is stretching

The stretching technique itself is more similar to oriental approaches to wellness. It complements the main types of physical culture, is used as a warm-up or end of training, especially aerobic. Stretching is a system of exercises to increase body flexibility, strengthen joints, stretch muscles and ligaments, lose weight and improve body contours. Such a complex can be not only an addition to the main activities, but also a full-fledged workout.

Benefits of stretching

Stretching has many benefits for the body, which is why it has become popular. By practicing stretching regularly, you can increase the flexibility of the body, become more plastic and slimmer, improve posture and blood circulation in the tissues. The latter effect helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The benefits of stretching for the body also include relaxing muscles, reducing tension and pain, especially after strength training. Regardless of gender, stretching gymnastics helps:

  • prevent the deposition of salts;
  • saturate the brain with oxygen;
  • improve the mobility of the spine;
  • produce growth hormone;
  • strengthen the heart;
  • tighten the figure, make it beautiful;
  • give a boost of vivacity;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • get rid of fatigue, get in shape;
  • reduce excessive muscle definition;
  • improve health, mood, gain self-confidence;
  • reduce the manifestation of certain chronic diseases;
  • reduce the manifestation of edema.

For women

The fair sex appreciates stretching more because it slows down aging. It is achieved by improving the condition of the skin, its elasticity. Due to flexibility, movements become more graceful. The benefits of stretching for women are also in the elimination of such a defect as the "orange peel". Stretching refers to aerobic exercise that has the best effect on body fat. Stretching problem areas, for example, sides, abdomen, buttocks, you can quickly correct them. Stretching also helps to get rid of negative emotions.

For men

Although the flexibility of the body is more inherent in the female sex, stretching for men is no less useful. It helps you get the most out of your workouts, relaxes the muscles after heavy exertion and warms them up before exercise, thereby preventing injury. In addition, stretching expands the range of motion, reduces back pain, relieves fatigue, and strengthens the tendons.

Does stretching help you lose weight

Stretching is considered to be very effective as a way to lose weight. Thanks to it, digestion improves, lymph and blood circulation is enhanced. This leads to a tightening of body contours and a reduction in cellulite. Thanks to stretching, the muscles tone up, but at the same time they do not become too bulky. You can lose weight with the help of stretching by 2-3 kg per week, and with persistent exercises for a month - by all 10 kg.

Stretching exercises

For beginners, 2-3 workouts per week are enough. Stretching exercises have several things in common. When performing it is necessary to observe the direction of the socks - they should "look" in the same direction as the knees. It is equally important to keep your back straight. So that there is a natural deflection in the lower back. This reduces the risk of injury. Before stretching, you should warm up your muscles - run in place or stretch in another familiar way.

Morning stretch

The entire stretching complex is recommended to be performed in loose clothing. It is better to start exercising from the neck to "release" the muscles of the shoulder girdle. To do this, tilt to the right and left, back and forth. Then you can smoothly roll your head, alternately with your left and right hands press your head against your shoulder to feel the stretch. Morning stretching for weight loss includes exercises for the main muscle groups:

  1. Arms and legs. A good exercise is cat pose. In this position, it is necessary to stretch the arm forward and back the opposite leg to make a diagonal. After holding for 10 seconds, return to the starting position.
  2. Press. A simple stretching exercise will help strengthen and stretch your abdominal muscles. You need to lie down on the floor or rug face down, bend your legs at the knees and try to grab your ankles with your hands. Then it remains to tear off from the surface of the thigh. At the same time, the legs rise up.
  3. Back. The best option for stretching it is a horizontal bar. If it is not there, then you can just stand against the wall, leaning back against it. Then slide down, squatting slowly. Again, linger for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.

Stretching for slimming legs

There are many different stretching exercises you can do to improve the contours of your legs. Each of them is aimed at working out certain muscles of the lower extremities. Any convenient time is suitable for training. It is important to exercise regularly. The slimming leg stretch includes several movements:

  1. Downward Looking Dog. Take a position using your hands and knees. Then exhale and slowly straighten your legs and arms. To do this, you need to tear your knees off the floor, only the heels and hands should remain pressed. Then you need to step with your hands to your legs in order to fully straighten. Perform such a complex again at the end of the workout.
  2. "Active pigeon". Get into a push-up position, just lean on your elbows at a right angle. Next, pull up your left leg so that the heel touches the right thigh. Feel the tension, tighten the abdominal muscles, then carefully lower your chest down to the floor, stretch your arms forward. Then the leg can be straightened, repeat 5 times with each.
  3. "Leg up to the head." Stretching the back of the thigh. You will need a towel - roll it up and put it under your head. Lying on your back, you need to pull one leg to your chest, pressing your hands to yourself. Do it 5 times for each.
  4. "Raising to half-toes." It is necessary to perform a lunge with one foot forward. Further, in this position, each foot alternately rises to the half-toes. Then you need to take your hind leg back as much as possible so that the back of the thigh is stretched.

Leg stretching exercises are essential to prevent muscle imbalance and posture problems associated with it. Thanks to stretching, the body gains flexibility, movements become more agile, coordination of movements in everyday life and during sports improves.

A good leg stretch will come in handy for more than just showing off beautiful splits. Boxers need it to carry out some punches, dancers - to perform dance elements, swimmers - for a correct jump into the water and fast swimming. For a person who is far from sports, stretching the muscles of the legs will help protect the joints from hardening, improve blood circulation in the legs, and make the gait easy.

There are many motives for doing leg stretching exercises, and each has their own, the methods of stretching the muscles are also different. The choice of methodology is determined by the level of training of a person and his goals.

The Beginner Leg Stretch consists of a few simple exercises that can be done regularly to get you into a good split. The main thing is regularity and caution. For successful training, it is enough to have the necessary minimum of information about and a responsible approach to business.

Stretching the legs

  • Exercise 1

Bend your torso forward as low as possible, stretch smoothly, “spring” with a small amplitude, return to the starting position.

  • Exercise 2

Starting position - sitting on the floor, straight legs spread as wide as possible.

Holding the lower leg with your hands, perform the lowest possible slope to the right leg, “spring” from 10 to 50 times, return to the starting position. Repeat with the left leg.

  • Exercise # 3

Starting position - sitting on the floor, straight legs are shifted.

Bend as low as possible, pulling your torso to your legs with your hands, "spring" 10-50 times. Ideally, you should touch your knees with your head.

Stand up straight. Slowly move your legs to the sides so far that you feel the tension in the muscles of the inner thighs. As a result, an angle of 120-140 ° should form between the legs.

Then tilt your torso down and put your elbows on the floor or slowly, without jerking, stretch to the floor. The back is straight. Feeling the tension, fix the position for 5-30 seconds.

Every day try to spread your legs wider and increase the interval of immobility.

The end result of this exercise for should be a cross twine.

Starting position - stand on the floor, keeping your body straight.

Extend your right leg backward and your left leg forward as far apart as possible. Bend your leg forward at the knee, dropping down. The angle of the bent knee should be 90 degrees. The back is straight. As soon as you feel a stretch in the muscles, relax your core, putting more pressure on your legs, and stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

During the exercise, connect your hands to the lock behind the body, or place them on the thigh or floor.

Repeat the exercise with the other leg in front.

Starting position - standing with a straight body.

Step back to the side with your right leg, bending it at the knee and thereby lowering the torso down. The foot of a perfectly straight left foot should be completely flat on the floor and pointed toe first. When you feel a sufficient stretch of the muscles, fix the pose for the maximum possible time (up to a minute).

Repeat the exercise with a symmetrical lunge.

Starting position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart.

Without bending your knees, perform at least 12 springy downward bends, trying to put your palm on the floor.

Starting position - sitting on the floor with bent knees and feet tightly pressed together. Palms on the feet. Elbows rest on knees.

Slowly press on your knees with your elbows, tilting your torso forward. The back should be straight at all times. Having reached the maximum possible stretch of the muscles, fix the position for a few seconds, gradually bringing the tension time to a minute.

Repeat the exercise several times.

Starting position - sitting on the floor with straight legs shifted.

Stretch your arms forward as far as possible. Lock in position of maximum tension.

Repeat the exercise several times.

Standing straight, use your arms to bend one leg at the knee so that the heel is pressed against the buttock. You can lean against a wall with one hand to maintain balance. In this case, the knees should be in one line, and the hips should be tightly closed.

Roll the pelvis forward and upward, linger for one minute.

For more tension, bring your knee back.

Repeat with the other leg.

Lying on the floor, bend both knees, relaxing your upper body. Grasp your right knee with both hands and place your left ankle on your right knee.

Slowly pull your right knee toward you.

Repeat the exercise for the left leg.

Starting position - facing the wall, resting your palms on the wall.

Take your right leg back half a meter without lifting your foot off the floor. If you feel tension in your calves and ankle, pause for one minute.

Repeat the exercise for the other leg.

This set of exercises should be performed daily or at least three times a week. This home stretch will benefit everyone.

Video: leg stretching exercises

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