Conspiracies for a good catch and successful fishing. Conspiracy: Corruption to fish Corruption to fish

Spoilage on fish is a negative magical effect on a person's energy, which has unpredictable and dangerous consequences. To protect yourself from otherworldly influence, you need to control the access of ill-wishers to personal space and regularly read prayers.

Corruption of the fish bubble to poverty is a strong black influence on the human aura. Negative energy impact takes away success in life and health. Poverty, provoked by the curse on the fish, leads to apathy and depression.

Performing such a sacrament is a grave sin.

In the old days, poverty was associated with the activity in the house of an impoverished person of malevolent creatures - evil ones. The owners of such a house slept poorly at night, lounged all day, perceived life in dark colors.

Experienced sorcerers can divert streams of wealth from the victim to the client's side. Warlocks know how to qualitatively influence the energy of people.

Using a swim bladder to spoil is an effective way. The outgrowth on the front wall of the intestine of the fish was dried and grinded, various ingredients were added and the mixture was added to the host's food or drink. The victim's existence became as empty as a bubble.

What kind of fish is suitable for the ritual

Damage greatly affects a person's financial situation. The magical program suppresses energy centers, provokes negative changes, and takes away wealth. The victim is disconnected from the egregor of life, she has to work hard for a modest remuneration.

The effect of the magic of the fish leads to a noticeable decrease in family income.

A witch can provoke poverty, make a person a beggar. The manifestations of spoilage are systematic drunkenness, addiction to gambling and a pointless waste of time and money. People say that such people are wasting money.

Ruin and bankruptcy are often correlated with karmic debts by lineage.

In a spoilage plot, differently prepared fish are used. Common forms of the ceremony:

  1. With dried or dried fish, which is burned over a fire of 13 logs. The black ritual of corruption takes health from the victim. The Slavs often used the sacrament to punish an unfaithful spouse.
  2. The rotten one, in whose stomach a photograph of the enemy is sewn up, is pierced with a needle 13 times. The belly of the fish is sewn up, the resulting stuffed animal is thrown to a person.

Frozen pollock is suitable for the ceremony.

The danger of the dead fish ritual is the duration of exposure. An enemy can spoil at any time of the year.

Fish is a symbol of fertility, spiritual development. In many nations, she personifies cosmic forces. Japanese mythology claims that the Earth is supported by a catfish that lives in the waters of the oceans.

Using a sign in black magic, you can influence the main energy flows of a person. You can only get rid of the effects of corruption with the help of powerful ordinances.

Aiming instructions

For maximum damage result, you need to firmly believe in the power of magic. If the ritual is carried out passively, with neutral thoughts, the black program may not work.

Rules for casting a curse with a fish:

  1. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon.
  2. When the damage has worked, you can not lend a person. Having the sorcerer's thing, you can return the magic back.
  3. A short conspiracy is pronounced aloud three times. This form of the evil eye cannot lead to death.
  4. You need to believe in impunity, the correctness of your deed.
  5. Be clear about the purpose of the intervention.

For the ceremony, buy fresh fish, put it on the windowsill, cover with damp gauze. When heated, the carcass will start to deteriorate.

You can use a balyk, into which a photograph of the victim is carefully sewn. At the end of the ceremony, you need to pierce the fish with a gypsy needle thirteen times. Sewing up, you need to say a prayer.

The herring or hake must be taken to the field and buried in a pit - a symbolic grave. Leave three pancakes on the spot, whisper the words of the conspiracy.

Witchcraft associated with the power of demons, the devil, is based on making a deal. In return for the soul, a person receives supernatural powers. He can damage it with the help of a combination of words.

A variant of the ritual is through dried fish. For this purpose, the essence is set on fire at the stake of thirteen logs. During its burning, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy aloud. Collect the ashes in a black rag and take them to the cemetery. The ceremony is accompanied by an appeal to the forces of evil.

Damage to the eyes is equated in terms of the strength of the impact with a curse on the human soul. The destruction of the organs of vision symbolizes the destruction of the victim's aura. The text of the conspiracy must be read backwards, then take a live fish and pierce its eyes. Give the creature to a pet - a cat or a dog. When the carcass is eaten, the victim will lose sight.

Consequences and how to protect yourself from rollback

The use of magic in most cases has negative consequences that destroy the usual course of events.

Under the influence of spoilage with the use of fish, the victim's life gradually falls apart: failures at work, in the family, in relations with friends and relatives begin to haunt. Health deteriorates, depression prevails, addiction to alcohol and drugs develops. Craving for suicide is formed.

For the customer, the consequences are no less dire. Protection against the return of the fish curse does not always work.

Signs of the reverse effects of spoilage:

  • constant nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • high body temperature that is difficult to bring down;
  • unexplained anxiety;
  • acute reluctance to enter the temple.

In the event that the victim turned to a strong magician to instantly get rid of corruption, the black magic of the fish returns twice. Troubles and misfortunes constantly haunt a person, the negative impact of a rollback can affect all generations, be inherited.

The system of protection against the return of magic consists of several options for the rite.

Reliable and popular ways to protect yourself from spoilage:

  1. Cleansing thread. Carry with you a piece of thread 4.5 cm long, soaked in your saliva or blood. After a week, make a wax candle, use the thread as a wick. Burn in the early morning.
  2. Transfer to a tree. Tie a red thread around the wrist of your working hand. After three days, remove and tie to the tree with three knots.
  3. Protective amulet. Product in the form of a ring or medallion with a magic stone. Precious minerals reliably protect the wearer from damage and store energy. The thing needs to be charged with its energy before use.
  4. Earth. A drop of blood must be given to the soil, pronouncing the words of a conspiracy from damage to fish.

How to identify and remove

Determining spoilage on fish is easy. Usually ill-wishers make linings. There are often stories on the network where newlyweds are secretly given a dead cursed carcass for a wedding. The relationship ended in divorce.

Black magic has a powerful force that changes the energy of a person.

Symptoms of the evil eye on fish and spoilage:

  • loss of strength, deterioration in health;
  • apathy, depression;
  • the development of unreasonable fears;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • poor sleep, lethargy, dizziness;
  • a premonition of trouble in the soul;
  • the emergence of groundless pride, star fever.

If in the process of diagnostics several coinciding points are revealed, there is a reason to think about the magical effects of fish.

Search your apartment or house. In case of finding foreign objects, you need to contact a psychic for professional help.

An effective technique to remove spoilage from young people is a sacrament in which a married couple must catch three fish in the river and take them to the church as a donation. Then read the conspiracy three times:

The Lord gave people five fish,

And we give three.

Lord Jesus, take off the corruption, save,

Save and defend

Bless our married marriage

For now, for eternity and for eternity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

When performing a ritual from the magic of fish, the main thing is to believe in its power. With the right actions, a reliable protection against the black energy of spoilage is formed. It is necessary to determine the order of actions and risks under the supervision of a white magician.

Every person needs food in order to recuperate and stay in good health. Food is a source of nutrients that are distributed throughout the body. Therefore, food products, often self-prepared meals, become an ideal tool for spoilage. The negative program inherent in the treat acts literally from the inside, worsening the well-being of the object.

Rules for targeting food spoilage

The sorcerer must be clear. If the ritual is carried out passively or with neutral thoughts, the negative program may not work. The rules for guiding food spoilage are standard:

The ritual is performed during the waning moon.

  1. Only high-quality products are used, from which delicious food is prepared. The more treats the object eats, the faster the conspiracy will take effect.
  2. After the spoilage for food is done, nothing can be given to the spoiled person from his house. Even salt is forbidden to borrow. Having a thing, you can get it by performing an appropriate ritual.
  3. Food is used mainly in cases where they plan to spoil the enemy's digestion, increase appetite,
  4. The hex (short text-wish) is pronounced aloud 3-9 times.
  5. If you have to work with dead water (after washing the deceased) or bread that was prepared for the deceased as the last treat, you should wear rubber gloves, do not touch with your bare hands.
  6. You can't taste spoiled food. If it is not possible to feed a person with charmed snacks so as not to eat for the company, it is better to pour a few drops of charmed or dead water into the glass.

Food spoilage options

To negatively affect the enemy through food, you can use various food products:

  • meat;
  • Salo;
  • baked goods;
  • fish;
  • sweets.

Regardless of the ritual chosen, the key to its implementation is feeding the victim.

This will require close contact with the enemy - making sure the subject has tasted (or completely eaten) the food prepared for him.

The easiest option

This method of inducing damage is used if it is necessary to spoil a person's health in a short time. The ritual uses the water left after washing the deceased. A dish is prepared on it, which is treated to the "victim". By itself, such food is already harmful to the person who has consumed it. But to enhance the intended effect over the spoiled treat, they read the conspiracy:

“The deceased (the name of the deceased) washed and dressed in a different light. His relatives collected it completely and put food on the last journey. The deceased has no companions on the road, no one can keep him company. You do not wake up, servant of God (name) after sleep. You will eat food, and it will be across your throat. Send you to the ground and never return. Return what you took from the deceased in body. Leave your soul to me. A dead place with the dead. I will live and experience everyone. For a long time I will not go to the next world. My words will become a lock. They can never be changed or overcome. Let my words be a call. Amen".

Having eaten necrotic food, a person soon begins to suffer from the main symptoms of poisoning - nausea, vomiting, high fever, weakness. It is difficult to determine that damage is to blame for a sharp deterioration in health.

Spoilage for excess weight

Bread spoilage includes a wide variety of rituals. If the witch has no intention to worsen the health of a person, but only to spoil the figure, you can use one interesting ritual that is performed on the growing moon. In the classical interpretation, damage is induced during the waning month. But in the old days this ritual was used for the splendor of the body, which was considered a sign of health, prosperity.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • (fresh, no older than a year).
  • Self baked bread.

The recipe is arbitrary, but it is necessary that the dough rises well.

The photograph is placed on the table. Put a bowl on top of it and knead the dough. In the process of mixing the ingredients, you need to read the plot 9 times:

"As my dough swells, rises, so (the name of the object) gets better, does not subside."

When the dough has come and it's time to send the bread to the oven, a photograph of the person who is being damaged is wrapped in foil so that the paper does not burn out during baking. The package is placed on the bottom of the mold, then parchment is covered and the dough is spread on top. While the bread is baking in the oven, the plot is read 9 times:

“(Name )'s body is like a pie, rounded, it turns out magnificent, it will remain so, it will not return to its former shape. Amen".

The finished bakery product must be treated to the enemy. This type of spoilage is good in that most of the protections against negative effects pass it. And it is difficult to determine that a person began to recover under magical influence.

Spoilage on bread so that the person does not leave

Food spoilage is used for a variety of purposes. White magicians attribute a love spell to a negative magical effect that subdues the will of a person. Using food and correctly selected conspiracies, you can perform a ritual for a specific person.

When preparing food, best of all is a fish dish, it is necessary to read "Our Father". Then, when a person eats, looking at him, you need to whisper 9 times:

“I am sending you (name) alarm. Blocking your way! Stop turn around and do not move there! As she said, she tied it! I close the door to you boldly. ”

Then you need to call the object by name. As soon as he responds (not just raising his head, but certainly making some sound), it is necessary to say:

"Amen. Amen. Amen".

The main signs of spoilage on food

For a person who ate dishes spoiled by magic, the consequences can be the most unpredictable. In most cases, a negative program begins to manifest itself as poisoning:

  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea, accompanied by increased sweating.

If the damage is very strong, a high temperature rises, weakness, and joint aches. Diagnostics and treatment by traditional medicine methods are ineffective.

If you do not turn to a healer (magician, witch) in time, the consequences of damage will be dire - up to the death of a person. Especially if the ritual used necromantic energy.

How to neutralize spoilage on food

To remove the negative impact from a person sent through food, it is necessary to turn to a practitioner. An integrated approach is needed here, starting with determining the type of damage and ending with the setting of special protection.

If an ordinary person who is not connected with magic has suspicions that they have been spoiled through food, and there is no way to turn to a magician, you can try to remove the negative yourself. To do this, use the power of Epiphany waters, or the energy of holy water. In the process of taking water from the church, you need to whisper a conspiracy:

“I take water to get rid of the disease. The disease must soon be taken from me, the servant of God (name), and will never be given it to me again. I ask the water to help me and save me from black spoilage. Let the strength return to me and never leave. Amen".

It is necessary to collect a sufficient amount of water so that it is enough for a full cleaning cycle. Each morning begins with a holy water wash. During the procedure, you must whisper:

“I remove water from my face, I restore my health. The enemy shines with health, and this is what I want ”.

After breakfast, lunch and dinner, water is poured into the palm and drunk from there. Left or right hand - it doesn't matter.

The ritual is performed at least 12 times.


Spoiling and sending through food is a powerful tool of magical influence with the most unpredictable, unpleasant consequences. To protect yourself from such negative programs, you need to limit the access of enemies to your kitchen. And as a minimum protection before eating, they always read prayers (at least "Our Father" and "Virgin Mary").

In magic, there are a huge number of types of damage to a person. Black ritual for health, love, loneliness, trouble at work, death - not a complete list of areas that can be affected using magic. It doesn't matter what kind of damage a person bears. Any of them is aimed at the destruction of its energy, the development of diseases, the emergence of dangerous life situations, family strife and failures in business or at work. If we talk about what types of spoilage are, then first we should highlight the negative that is induced by the development of diseases that are difficult to treat with traditional methods. They can be different - from the common cold or scabies to psoriasis, various injuries and oncology. A characteristic feature of this type of damage is that the disease occurs unexpectedly and is difficult to diagnose. Another sign is the simple name of the disease, since usually sorcerers practicing black magic are poorly oriented in medical terms.

Carminative damage

Such damage of the master is also called "damage to bzdeh". They do it in the wind, shouting out the name of the one they want to harm. In an open space, when the wind is blowing (preferably in the direction where the enemy lives), take a bunch of dried wormwood, set it on fire, bring down the fire (hold wormwood in your left hand) so that the smoke goes and read:

"I stream these words to the wind, I let it go badly through the bitter smoke, I send it to (name) now, I send it into his gut, inflate it in this insides. I scoffed at (name) a mile away, now people will be scared away from him two miles away. Bitter smoke stretches out on him. , the wind will drag on, one (name) will remain, people will turn away from him. My words will be fastened, forever bad in the insides of (name) will be fixed.

Read 13 times. Throw what remains of the wormwood under the threshold.
This ceremony is based on personal power. You must be protected. If you make a call to the Dark Forces before the ceremony, then you leave them at the crossroads as soon as you finish the work. If you do, observing all the rules of work, nothing bad will happen to you

Here is a letter from a man who had to face this corruption personally.

"... I met a girl, and she got pregnant from me. I didn't want to take a burden on myself, I thought, why should I be doing diapers and undershirts from such and such years? And I will have to work hard to feed my family. after all, they only know what to command: go to the store, clean it up, bring it ...
I turned myself on in full, but I didn't say anything to her, I kept looking for an excuse to quarrel. And I found it. Persuaded a friend to invite her to dance at the birthday party. I honestly confessed to him why I needed it. In general, I pretended to be jealous, and with an offended look went home, slamming the door.
That same evening, I told her on the phone that I did not intend to endure this. She began to cry, apologize, but what's the point?
Two days later, her grandmother called. She spoke calmly, they say, which does not happen with lovers, if you quarrel, reconciliation will be sweeter.
- The granddaughter is crying, harassed. Don't you feel sorry for her? After all, she wears your child ... If you love, make peace, please!
I'm not in any. Of course, he didn’t hang up the phone, the old man didn’t give up on his own. Then the grandmother says:
- But you, guy, are cunning! You invented her guilt. The granddaughter is not to blame in front of you, a dog. You just don't want to get married. In general, you don't know me, guy, but you will still recognize me. After every third word, you will fart like a sick old man. People will shy away from you, but you will not change anything, you yourself will not be happy with your life. I'll give you three days. In three days, if you don’t come, we will have an abortion for our girl, and I will punish you, as I promised, you should take that into account!
Three days have passed. I didn't go anywhere. Then she had an abortion. She never called me again. But there was no peace in my soul. Something incomprehensible was happening to me. It seemed that every cell inside was aching and crying. And then the stomach began to twist, so much so that no medicine helped. Proctologists cannot explain anything, they say that I have flatulence in an advanced form. I have no friends or girlfriends. I sit at home alone.
Will I have to pay for the mistake of my youth all my life? "

On a waning moon, step over the droppings of a milk sucker dog and say:

"The stench is not in me, but in the dog's shit."

Leave without looking back.
From this day on, carminative damage will leave you. But do not bring grief to people in the future!

Diarrhea to the enemy

For this ritual, you will need ... cat feces. It's best not to use your cat's feces. Then our ingredient must be spoken with the words:

“As three coffins stand, and in them the womb is as heavy as a stone, the boards break, (the name of the victim) is smeared. I close my word with a lock. So be it!".

The charmed excrement must be thrown under the door to the victim, or the handle must be stained with it - a person must touch them. This is a one-time conspiracy that lasts from several hours to a day. If another person touches the charmed material, it's okay, because the ceremony was not carried out for him. So you can take revenge on a malicious boss or a hated neighbor.

How to spoil lice

If someone's thick hair haunts you, you can settle in a small zoo. For the ritual for lice, we only need fallen dry spruce needles. We take needles, burn them and take away the ashes. Ashes must be spoken with the words:

“The old woman's hair is greasy, she sits through her hair, and lice run over them. She throws off the lice, but throws them on the head (name). My word is as strong as flint. So be it. "

We throw ashes to the person on whom we send damage. After this rite of passage, it is very difficult to remove lice.

How to make a strong spoilage - a rite of passage for nightmares

With this rite, you can cause nightmares in a person. How to make strong spoilage so that it is effective? When you pronounce a spell, you need to concentrate on a specific person, to accurately imagine his face. If you can't concentrate and keep the image of the right person in your head, keep a photograph of him before your eyes.
For the spell on nightmares, we need a white chicken egg. Imagine the image of the person you are casting on, put his name on the egg. The ceremony is performed only when the moon is full. You can find out the exact date of the full moon using the lunar calendar, such a program is very easy to find on the net.
Bury a chicken egg in the ground at night, saying:

“Witches and devils, mermaids and kikimors, gallows and drowned men flock to the hellish egg under the bone roof. They got together and say: we will come to (name) at night, as soon as he closes his eyes, so he will see us. There will be no restful sleep for him. My word is as strong as a stone. As soon as the egg falls into the ground, the nightmare will come to (name). "

Buried photo

From a letter:

"I still don't believe that such a disaster happened to us. We quarreled with our neighbors over a complete trifle. The children were playing football in the yard, and my son accidentally broke the glass with a ball. A neighbor ran out and began to shout that if we didn’t we put glass in them, then she also breaks all the glasses for us. I promised that the next day the MRK would fix everything. But the next day my husband came home late from work, and on the third he got drunk and again did not insert the glass. Every day, as luck would have it, there were some Some reason ... On Saturday and Sunday, the stall where the glass was sold did not work. On Monday, my husband bought glass, but did not take it home: he broke it while getting off the tram.
The neighbor came running every day and screamed.
On the one hand, I understand her: it's October outside, the windows have long been sealed, but here - on you, my son broke the glass. They don't heat well in the house, it's cold ...
On Tuesday night, we were awakened by a rumble: someone threw a brick through the bedroom window. The glass bounced off and cut her husband's hand. He, half-naked, ran to the neighbors, confident that it was they who broke the window. The scandal was terrible. Our husbands had a fight, someone called the police, and they were taken to the police station. Then I had to pay a fine. The husband out of spite decided not to insert glass at all. And so they lived - a day did not pass without a squabble.
My son at school began to be beaten by boys, friends of the neighbor's son. The boy received a concussion. In the end, I sued the neighbors. The court recognized us as the injured party and ordered them to pay us a certain amount within a year.
Suddenly Petya, my son, fell seriously ill. His head became very bad. Kind people told me that, they say, they saw how a neighbor tore apart a photo of my boy and threw it into the grave during the funeral. Scraps of photographs fell directly onto the coffin. At the same time, the neighbor whispered that now I will finally pay for everything that happened. "

Collect a handful of soil from seven graves with the name of the sick person. Then find a grave with a wooden cross and the same name. Place half of the earth behind the cross and the other half in front of the cross. Stick a candle into each of these piles. Light the candles, then hang a new waffle towel on the cross and say this:

"Seven dead people bow to you, they send greetings to you, the slave (name) is not invited to their churchyard. The dead are here, the dead are here, and the living (name) will live in this world. A century, and throughout the ages, from now on and will endure. forever and ever, Amen. "

Damage to a sharp object (how to remove a gypsy spell)

From a letter:

“We live in a private house. There are many houses next to us where gypsies live. First, one gypsy bought a house, then another - and so it went ... Our children grew up together, went to school together, played together on the street. my son was a Gypsy friend, Roman. When Roman decided to marry, he invited my son to the wedding. If I only knew how it would end, I would never let my Sasha go.
According to Sasha, the wedding was rich and cheerful, the wine flowed like a river. In the midst of the fun, the son went out to smoke and accidentally saw how an old gypsy woman was thrusting several blades into the gap in the floor. Sasha told his fiance, Roman, about this, and he apparently told his mother. Disassembly began. The gypsies shouted loudly both in their own way and in Russian, and the next day that same gypsy came to our house and said:
- Your son got into not his own business. What's his dog business, what's going on with us? I see, you have him too big-eyed. To make him go blind for it altogether. Well, now you’ll wait for me! - And she left.
A month later, the son fell ill. It all started with the fact that he began to ask:
- Mom, why did you screw these weak light bulbs? You can't see anything ...
I tell him that the bulbs are ordinary, 100 watts. He did not believe it and unscrewed the light bulb, put another one - for 150 watts. And he kept repeating that it was dark in the room, nothing could be seen. Further - more, he began to complain of pain in the eyes and in the bridge of the nose. The hospital said he needed an urgent operation. But the operation did not help either, the son was catastrophically losing his sight.
In the newspaper, I read an advertisement for a clairvoyant and went to see her. I took a photograph of my son with me.
The clairvoyant said:
“This young man is your second son. He went blind. He was spoiled with a sharp object. I think the trouble comes from a non-Russian woman. Who she is, unfortunately, I cannot say, since there is a talisman on her. And I cannot help your son. Diagnostics - diagnostics, and God did not vouch for me. "

Types of damage to blindness

First of all, it can be damage that directly affects human health. In this case, the victim's vision deteriorates so much that after a certain period of time she may become completely blind.

In the second case, a person becomes blind not only in the literal, but in the figurative sense of the word, he is not able to reasonably assess the situation, make decisions, he simply becomes also crazy.

Such damage is powerful, since it combines elements of cemetery damage and a conspiracy from a photograph. Before embarking on the ritual, you always need to think about what the consequences will be for the victim, and decide whether there is a willingness to accept a rollback in return for this. If in doubt, you can proceed.

You will need a black candle and a photograph of the victim, in which she will be depicted alone, it may not be in full growth, but the face and eyes should be clearly visible. It is important that the image was taken no more than six months ago.

At midnight, you need to light a candle, pick up a photograph and fill the eyes of the person in the photograph with wax. Next, holding a candle in your right hand and a photograph in your left, go to the cemetery. You need to come to the tomb of the deceased, whose name is the same as the enemy. Then, put the photo on the ground, saying three times:

"Find the darkness of the grave in the eyes of (name),
As a dead man lies, he sees nothing,
So (Name) does not see anything, he lives as a blind man without eyes. "

The candle can be extinguished immediately in the cemetery after reading the conspiracy. Then go home without turning around. From this night exactly 13 days must be counted.

On the 13th day, go to the cemetery, pick up the photograph and pierce the victim's eyes with a needle. Then bury the photo and the used needle at the intersection. After that, the enemy will begin to lose sight. The stronger the strength of the one who reads the conspiracy, the faster the desired result will come.

Rotten fish spoilage

On the waning moon to buy a fish, let it die down. Sun-dried will also work. A photograph of the victim, previously pierced 13 times with a needle, is sewn into it. When we sew, we say;

"Samsai the devil and Raguel! Behold (name) is rich and cheerful, do not give him a breath, strangle him with troubles and sorrows. On the first moon he will get sick, on the second he will decay, on the third he will be worn out. He has no way, no way, only a stench and a pillar grave. Nima. Truly! " Take the fish to the grave with the name of the victim. Leave 3 pancakes at the mercy and at the same time say; "Get up ghoul, eat, feast, and (name) get rid of it. Nima!"

How to plant a boil on a person

We need a large portrait of the enemy's face and thirteen small candles from the church. At the beginning of the waning moon with the onset of evening closer to midnight, one candle is lit up and down and reading the slander until the candle burns out, and dripping wax is sprinkled one by one drop into the nose tip of the enemy's portrait:

"The candle blazes from the blasphemous fire
The devil sighs with joy
drop by drop
yes to the slave (name) with a keel sore yes on the nose
Yes, no one whispered to my business
Yes, I didn’t demolish it.
May it be so! May it be so! May it be so!"

the next evening repeat and so on until the candles run out. Throw a portrait to the enemy. Reading a slander in your thoughts, clearly represent what you want.

Corruption Mansour for impotence

It is necessary to tie the pork tail in three places with a black thread.
Yes, bury it on that man's grave. Yes, the count is buried to say.

"Like a pig screeching at death
Tako zhyla (name) oval
Yako this tail in a sling
Taco women from (name) untied
Yako this tail is rotten here
Taco (name) in the world with shame
Wouldn't stand up straight
Then lie crooked
Then wrong
Then uncorrected
Not to talk
Taco (name) to be timed to be

Pick up a handful of dust from that grave. And pour it under the door to that peasant.
Desecrated will be strong

Damage to madness

With this ritual, in addition to loss of reason and blindness, the victim will begin to have hearing problems, and she will experience regular malaise throughout the body. For the ceremony, you need to prepare the grass "night blindness". Collect it in July and store it until winter. Damage is imposed only when there is enough snow on the street from which you can blind something.

The ceremony is held at midnight at the crossroads. It is important that no one sees, accompanies, or interrupts the reader. Otherwise, manipulation won't work. It is necessary to spread the grass of night blindness (grass) in the center of the intersection, ignite and, while the fire is blazing, repeat:

"As the demonic grass burns with the name of night blindness, so would you, slave (name), be sick, sicker every hour. My conspiracy cannot be taken away either by an old man or a young man, not old, not small, not beautiful, not crooked, not smart and none. I conjure a pole, a witch's tail. Amen. "

You need to wait until the grass turns to ash. Now on this place from snow and ash to mold a doll - a snowman. It is absolutely not necessary that at least he somehow resembles your opponent. The main thing is that the figure should have clearly distinguished eyes. Bend over, look at the figure's face and say three times:

“I put it in the hall for five years. All my words are a devil father, all my thoughts are a snake mother. As you, slave (name) lived, so now you would howl from dashing. Amen."

Destroy the snowman completely and walk away. In the text we say that the gym is set for 5 years, which means that a person will be ill for 5 years. You can specify any number.
But remember, if you are not yet experienced enough, not very strong energetically, then most likely the conspiracy will not work for 5 years, but a little less or a little more. Only a professional can set the exact deadline.

Mortal mail

What kind of damage is this and how it is damaged by the mortal chain mail often calls it a mortal chain. The essence of this name partially reveals the answer to the question of how such a negative is induced. He is guided only into the cemetery through dead iron - a fence at the grave or a monument, if he has iron parts. It is believed that dead iron, like other cemetery "artifacts", has a powerful force, but it can only be directed towards an evil deed, such as damage.

In order to bring such damage through the cemetery, an iron cross is required. It can be of any size, only the material is important. The cross is attached upside down to the dead iron in any way, but it is important that there is nothing between the cross and the iron. Even if you know for sure that there is dead iron under a layer of, for example, concrete, you will have to look for another place so that the iron is available.

This damage to death in the cemetery is done with remembrance, that is, the magician remembers the person to whom the rite is directed. At the same time, they remember not only at the grave where the dead iron was found for damage. A certain number of graves with the same name as the victim of witchcraft should be bypassed.

After this, the enemy is buried in three churches. They do not light a candle for the repose, but they order a funeral service. Now it is called in absentia, and earlier such a funeral service was ordered to people whose bodies are inaccessible due to drowning, fire, etc. In modern churches, in order to order an absentee funeral service, a death certificate is required, but this applies, rather, to large temples. In churches, after the correspondence funeral service, a prayer, a chaplet and earth are given. From this they make a lining for spoiling the person who was buried.

It is known that after a funeral service for a living person in the church, he will not live long. However, here the funeral service is only part of a ritual aimed at destroying the enemy. The sorcerer who brought such damage can be sure that his victim will not live long. The consequences of corruption in a cemetery are the death of the spoiled one. It is directed only when they want to destroy their abuser or rival. Among healers and magicians, such cases are considered very difficult. Not everyone will undertake to shoot such a negative. However, it is very difficult to direct it, so this damage is not so common.

The origin of the damage called "mortal chain mail" or "chaining" is associated with the rites of Mansur. Mansour is a semi-legendary personality, you can hear a lot about him. Some modern practitioners believe that he is a charlatan who sells rituals that he has invented. Some of the magicians are sure that Mansur found a book with rituals in Siberia and sells exactly them - the real working practices of a certain Siberian sorcerer.

Opinions differ regarding Mansur's rituals. There are mentions on the network that they differ in power and quickly work. Mortal mail is a rite believed to have belonged to a sorcerer whose book went to Mansur. In total, he received the texts of 500 rituals, which he sells to this day.

The famous author Natalya Stepanova, a hereditary Siberian healer who enjoys the confidence of the majority of the inhabitants of the CIS countries, also mentions the death chaining.
How to remove damage death chain mail
If you are asking a question about how to remove the damage of the death chain mail, most likely you are in serious danger. This is a fatal corruption, which is usually done in order to knock the enemy out of the light, to put it simply, to kill. Removing it is even more difficult than pointing it. You will have to spend a whole year on this, so it is not worth losing time to a person spoiled in this way - this spoilage can act quite quickly. The victim begins to hurt and lose strength, as the negative leaves after each ritual to remove it, the condition will improve. However, the work on the destruction of the mortal chaining is considered fully completed only after a year.

Removing the mortal chain mail is called a work of remembrance. This is how the most difficult negative programs are filmed, except for the still rather effective rituals to destroy damage to the cemetery. During the year, the ritual is performed five times - on the first day, ninth, fortieth, six months and a year. In order not to get confused, you can mark the dates on the calendar. You cannot skip days, it negates all the work.

Before starting to perform the funeral rites, the spoiled one must give a substantial amount of money to the monastery. Otherwise, the corruption can go to the one who is trying to cure it or to the descendants of the corrupted one. So, you need to give money to the monastery before starting work, as well as on the ninth day, the fortieth and the year.

There is one more condition for the spoiled one - you cannot give away bread and salt from home throughout the year, during which work is underway to destroy the negative program. If the spoiled one gives bread and salt from the house, the spoilage will return, and it will be much more difficult to remove it. It is undesirable to give away bread and salt even after the damage has been removed. Remember the people who came to ask for these products, there is a high probability that the sorcerer will personally come for the items that are needed for their own protection from a backstroke and to continue trying to destroy you.

Each designated day during the year is supposed to make commemorations for seven people. You need to serve kutya, which should then be taken to the cemetery, soup, main course, jelly or compote, pancakes. Village sorcerers call such a commemoration a year-old.

Prayers from corruption to death through cemetery iron

There are five prayers that are recited on certain five memorial days to remove the death bond, sometimes other especially difficult negative programs. These are special prayers for death damage done on dead iron in a cemetery.

On the first day, the following prayer is read:

"Three angels sat, played with their wings. They said:" The Lord is with us. We are not playing, but God's servants. " help. Whoever served the funeral service, he took the shackle on himself. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

On the ninth day, a short prayer is read from damage to death:

"13 sisters of Herod, come, remember the fetters of God's servant (name). Amen."

On the fortieth day, read the following prayer:

"Jesus Christ is coming, Forty Saints meet, they are surprised at the meeting." Lord, where are you going? Lord, to whom are you carrying? " "I go to the slave (name) to help, carry the cross, remove the mortal forging. I remember that the forging would come off the slave, so that the mortal chain mail would let her go. I close the word with forty keys, I remember forty prayers." Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

Prayer for six months:

"There is an iron smithy. They do not forge knives and swords or spears, but remove forging. Blacksmiths' mouths, damask hands, copper crosses on them. They put white candles, soft wax, clear fire. hourly days, but six months, not in the lying ground, but on the ground of a walking slave (name). Amen. "

Prayer for the year:

"Mother the Most Holy Theotokos,
You do not walk, but on land and not on water,
not on this side.
A bright angel is walking with you to God's servant (name).
You remember her year, bless her in prayer,
you take off the iron shackle.
Help, Lord, the slave (name).
Lord, help, take off the shackle,
from this hour, from this order:
one day - amen,
nine days - amen,
forty days - amen.
Six months and a year will take everything from her.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

In general, the mortal chain mail is one of the most terrible and difficult types of negative programs to remove. Everyone should know how to eliminate such an impact, even though such difficult damage to target is extremely rare.

How to spoil a girl for fornication

To arouse in our rival an irresistible desire to walk right and left, we need her photograph, a bottle of valerian and a little honey. The ceremony is performed on the growing moon or on the full moon. The ritual is performed at night at an intersection (the road must be earthen, without asphalt and concrete). Before the ceremony, it is better to wear gloves so as not to get dirty with honey or valerian, otherwise the spell will partially affect you.
We take a photograph of our rival, on the one hand we smear it with honey, on the other hand we smear it with valerian. Holding the photo in our hands, we say:

“Lustful peasants, run to (name), like cats to this valerian, push her to fornication so that she does not refuse anyone, and she gave to the first, and the second, and the third, but did not let her husband come to her. So that the men, like flies at the honey (name), looked, and her bosom burned with lust for them. "

You don't need to bury the photo, just leave it at the intersection and throw away the gloves. After this spell, your rival will walk like a March cat. But over time, the power of the spell will weaken, then the ceremony will need to be repeated.

Western corruption

This corruption is done while facing west. They say this:

To complete the ceremony, you will need a red thread about 20 centimeters long and a box of matches, which has been in your house for more than sixteen days. Taking a string and a box, you need to buy a new box of matches, go with it at the crossroads of three roads (paths are also suitable), open the purchased box, stir it up and choose a match that seems to you the thickest, most powerful, strong, "fattened". Throw out all the other matches where you are standing, tie a loop on a thread, make a noose and tighten it on the selected match as tightly as possible in the middle. Now turn your face to the west and start a conspiracy:

“The sun is to the west, the day is on the way out, the servant of God (the name of the victim) is out. I will lay him in a grave, in a deep hole, in damp earth, under a black stone. I will go into the open field and find three elders. Their beards are black, their eyes are empty, and their teeth are sharp. To the first I will give the soul of the servant of God (the name of the sacrifice), to the second I will give the body of the servant of God (the name of the sacrifice), and to the third I will give the life of the servant of God (the name of the sacrifice). "

As you say these words, you must tie on a thread

first knot. Then you can express all your personal additional wishes, tying a knot each time. The number of knots is not limited, they can be knitted not only in free space, but also on top of old curse knots, but the last slander should be like this:

“Just as a dung fly buzzing does not stop, so it would still be there in this house. Amen".

Having finished the spell, take out your box, strike a tied match about it, say:

"On fire from me, from me and go out"

and put out the match. That's it, you have a ready-made load that is able to achieve all your goals. Now you need to throw it into the victim's house in some way.

After this spell, the person falls ill and dies. The patient feels especially bad at sunsets, when the sun is in the west. Corruption at this hour reigns over the condemned. The patient's face is flushed, he is very chilly. Hands and feet become wadded, fear is intensified by pain.
You can cure a patient like this. They collect thirty-three pebbles from the middle of the road with their left hand. The road should not be driven, but walked, that is, one that only people walk on. When collecting stones, you cannot go back, you cannot look back and look around. The main thing is to correctly determine where is the west and where is the east, because you need to go strictly to the east. After collecting thirty-three stones, lay out a cross from them. Turn your face to the west and read the conspiracy above this cross. Leave without looking back home. On this day, they do not eat meat, do not drink milk.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother Mother of God went out, bred four sisters-dawn: one go north, one go south, one go west, the last go east. As You, Mother Mother of God, walked with four sisters, as You separated them into four paths, so would I, the servant of God (name), talk to them. As all these dawns in their hour lie down, as they all go out in due time, so all illnesses would disappear from the servant of God (name), all the lights from his body would go out. From a pure body, from a zealous heart, from playful legs, from a violent head, from clear eyes, from a liver-tyaz, from mighty hands, from viscous veins. Go, western corruption, to the west, there is your life, there you live. As the Lord descended from the cross and ascended to the holy throne, so you, thirty-three stones, drive away the Western corruption from the servant of God (name). Now and forever and forever and ever, Amen. "

Bear fat spoilage

If you smear the threshold or door with bear fat, while saying the necessary spell, then the people living in this house will constantly conflict and even more, they will hate each other with animal hatred.

Separate from damage like this. Go out at dawn on the porch of the house, look towards the sunrise and, crossing yourself three times, say nine times without rest:

"They are going far away blacksmiths, carrying far away hammers. They will forge a shooting range, bullets, fiery bullets, a golden cross. Go and expel a roar: a bear roar, a dog roar, the roar of every fierce beast. They did not spew fierce words. The meekness of King David, go to the servants of God (names): to their court, to their doorstep, to their fateful road. Now and ever and forever, Amen. "

And the one who opened the roar, who spoke to my threshold in anger, would have shaken you as if it were spinning. Key, lock, tongue, Amen.

Spoilage through a hornet's nest

Basically, the spoilage forged on the aspen nest is aimed at stirring up scandals in the family. Each master has his own techniques. For example, they take, line an empty hornet's nest with pieces of wood found in a cemetery, and carry it to the house where people whose marriage is supposed to be broken. At three o'clock in the morning, the nest is set on fire, accompanied by a spell of thirty-three words. The next day, a scandal will inevitably occur in the family, and where there is a scandal, there is a stone's throw to divorce.

Is it possible to remove this damage? It is not only possible, but also necessary! Because, first of all, in families, children suffer, who do not understand why dad is fighting with mom. The child wants everything to be the same. This means that the cause of hatred must be eliminated.

They do it like this: buy honey without bargaining, find a place where wasps nest, put honey and say three times:

"Queen-wasp, you fly to heaven, there are many servants around you, order them not to shake the nest, not to sting or bite God's servants (names). Remember, mother-queen wasp, with sweet honey for the sweet life of God's servants (names). Now and forever and forever and ever, Amen. "

Then go without looking back to the doorstep of the church. On the way, you cannot talk and stumble. In church, put three candles for the health of all family members. When ordering a healthy one, write all the names on one sheet. When you leave the church, give alms first to the men and then to the women. Change money for alms in advance, immediately after you buy honey for wasps.

“My brother was trying to get his girlfriend for a long time. Then she sincerely fell in love with him, just as he loved her - it became clear at once, it was enough just to look at their joyful, happy faces. But after a month they broke up. You should only see them - implacable enemies. My mother showed their photo to one healer, and she said: "They were spoiled at the wedding with the help of fish, and therefore they will never be able to live together, like a fish pulled out of water does not live." When she said this, my mother and I looked at each other, because on the wedding day, among the gifts we found a bag in which we found a fish. The fish was raw, but who gives raw fish for a wedding? We began to ask the guests, but everyone, as one, said that such nonsense would never have occurred to them.

After the fortuneteller's words, we felt uncomfortable, and we asked her what can be done to get rid of this damage. And then she advised me to write to you. This is how we learned about your conspiracies.

How can you fix the spoilage done at a wedding with the help of fish? "

If you need to remove this damage from the young so that they reconcile and love each other again, then you need to do the following. Let the young go to the river together and catch three fish there. Then they will take this fish to the church and give it to the beggars, having read this conspiracy three times in a row:

The Lord gave people five fish,

And we give three.

Lord Jesus save me

Save and defend

Bless our married marriage

For now, for eternity and for eternity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

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