Rules for crossing the road by cyclists. Which side of the road should cyclists ride on? And what about the fact that you sweat a lot on a bike? And the dirt flies

You bought a bike, and you ride it only in the park. Over time, other needs also appear: many people have a desire to ride a bicycle to work, someone wants to ride it on vacation. Before you start cycling around the city, you should figure out where you can ride, as well as what conventional signs and rules exist.

Before you start riding a bike, you should carefully check it:

Safety: cycling rules

City streets are saturated various types vehicles and pedestrians, a cyclist should know how to interact with them and where to ride. There are three possible options:


    bike path;


Often cyclists ride on sidewalks because they are afraid of cars on the roads. , and it is prohibited to ride it on footpaths. But there are exceptions to every rule: only children under 14 years old are allowed to ride on the sidewalks under the supervision of adults, as well as an adult who carries a child under 7 years old in a bicycle seat.

If you still went to the footpath, contrary to the rules traffic, then move closer to the roadway, watch your speed, because many pedestrians are much more unpredictable than cars, and do not honk demanding to give way.

If you are worried about yourself and those around you, it is better to get off your bike and walk part of the way, holding your "two-wheeled friend" behind the wheel.

On the road, you are a cyclist-driver who, from the age of 14, has the right to be a full participant in the road.

To drive safely on the road, you need to know the traffic rules that apply to you as a cyclist:

    Move in the direction of the flow.

    Give signs to other road users.

    Obey road signs and traffic lights.

    Slow down at intersections and exits from yards.

    Pass cars on the right when crossing an unregulated intersection.

    On the zebra cross the road on foot.

    These are the basic rules that you should follow when driving on the road. But the safest option for the movement of a cyclist is bike paths. The city authorities actively support their creation within the city.

    Conditional signs of cyclists

    Cyclists must notify other road users of their intentions.

    There are a number of generally accepted hand signals that should not be neglected:

    1. Stop - a sign in the form of a raised hand.

      Right turn - extended right hand parallel to the ground with an open palm or extended and bent at the elbow left.

      Turn left - extended left hand parallel to the ground with an open palm or extended and bent at the elbow right.

    If a group of cyclists is riding, they should also exchange information. The leader gives the first sign, and the group members repeat it, warning the next participant in advance:

      The pit on the right is the right hand lowered down.

      The pit on the left is the left hand lowered down.

    Signs must be given in advance so that motorists or group members have time to respond to them.

    Many people think: why spend money on cycling clothes if you can wear what is at hand. The answer is simple: convenience, practicality and safety.

    When creating, the conditions for its operation are taken into account:

      does not hinder movement while driving;

      protects from wind and rain;

      wicks away moisture.

    Cycling shorts have a special diaper that softens the fit. There is a pocket on the back of the sweaters, in which you can put every little thing and not take a backpack with you, for which a dry back will thank you. It also has bright inserts to make you more visible on the road at night.

    The rules do not oblige cyclists to wear cycling clothes, this choice is purely individual. If you ride your bike often and for a long time, convenience is paramount.

    Bicycle helmet

    An important attribute of cycling equipment is. It is optional according to traffic rules, but make the decision yourself based on personal comfort criteria. Remember that safety is not achieved by wearing a helmet, but by slowing down in road conditions. This accessory, hated by many cyclists, is an element of protection in case of a fall. But for kids, it's a must.

    You can feel comfortable on a bike and in casual clothes, especially if you ride short distances. But in the dark and foggy weather, it is worth adding reflective elements to it or a backpack. And also do not forget about the flashlights, which must be present on the bike.

    In rainy weather, they will come to your aid: a raincoat, special shoe covers for shoes and properly selected fenders for a bicycle. If the bike breaks down on the road or you get tired of riding, then you will be allowed into public transport without any problems. Place it so that it does not interfere with the entry and exit of passengers.

    If you want to ride a bike to work, but your boss has forgotten about the shower, the only way out of the situation is to arm yourself with a change and wet wipes. It is also worth protecting yourself from riding with a backpack on your back, put it on the trunk or basket. You don't need to go very fast, plan enough time on the road to drive at a relaxed pace.

    Of course, in order to completely protect yourself from bike theft, it is better not to have one at all. But we are not looking for easy ways!

    To begin with, let's figure out what not to do, so as not to lose your beloved "iron horse":

      Leave the bike unfastened unattended even for a couple of minutes.

      Leave cycle computers, bags, pumps, etc. on the attached bike.

      Park the bike without fastening it in the vestibule of the store or near it, and ask the security guard to look after it.

      Fasten the bike to fragile structures.

    There is a serial number on the bike under the frame, rewrite it for yourself if you do not have a passport for the bike. It is also worth taking a few photos of your bike transport. This will all come in handy in case it gets stolen.

    People always leave their bikes unattended when they go about their business. But you need to do it wisely. Now there are more and more bike racks, try to fasten your bike to them.

    If there are no bike racks nearby, use sturdy railings or railings. Avoid flimsy structures and do not hope that in a crowded place no one will covet your bike.

    How to attach a bike

    If you often leave your bike unattended for a long time, buy a U-shaped metal lock. It is heavier and shorter than a conventional cable lock, but it cannot be broken with wire cutters, and it will take a long time to cut. Such a process takes too much time, so thieves prefer not to mess with such locks.

    If you are using a cable lock or chain, wind the frame several times and attach to the parking bar. The tighter you make it, the harder it will be to bite it.

    For reliability, purchase: Use the U-shaped to secure the frame to the parking space and rear wheel, and fasten the front wheel with a thick cable lock.

    Remember that God saves the safe. Follow traffic rules, respect other road users, and you will be happy!

Summer's soon. You and your children will go rollerblading, scooters, bicycles. Each parent, before explaining to the child where he can ride according to the traffic rules, must find out for himself whether it is possible to ride a bicycle on the sidewalks, on the road.

Now the laws change almost every day, and it will take a lot of time to follow them. In this article, I will tell you whether a cyclist can ride on sidewalks and where he generally has the right to ride.

Basic concepts you need to know

The wording accurately says “TC,” which means that all the rules that apply to cars also apply to bicycles.

If you are riding a bicycle, you are a direct participant in the traffic, and you are not allowed to ride on the sidewalk, and if you are walking next to a bicycle, then you are a pedestrian.

Where can you ride a bike?

Since 2014, there are six points where you can cycle through:

Over 14 years old:

  1. Extreme right lane;
  2. roadside;
  3. Sidewalk.

You need to look from top to bottom, that is, if there is no bike path, then you should drive on the rightmost lane of the road. If you can’t go there either, then you can go along the side of the road, and if it is busy or not, then you are guided by the fourth point - the sidewalk!


  • You can drive along the road if the width of the load is more than one 100 cm;
  • If you are traveling in a group, then you can go along the road.

Since 2014, dedicated lanes for cyclists have been equipped. And since 2015, cyclists have received the right to ride in dedicated lanes on the road!


Traffic police officers are quite loyal to cyclists, but the law provides for fines for them too!

If you look closely at this wording, then any violation that the cyclist made should be punished by a fine of 800 rubles. If he was not sober, then a fine from one thousand rubles to one thousand five hundred rubles!

Fines for cyclists cannot be compared with fines for motorists. For the latter, driving while intoxicated is fifty thousand rubles!

Despite the fact that there are fines for cyclists, in Russia they are rarely fined.

In Poland, prisons are overflowing with drunken cyclists

Ride a bike, have fun and do not violate traffic rules!

This story happened to my friend. (Further narration from his face)

Once I went on a bike ride with my friends. On the first day we had planned to get to Ryazan. It's not far. We all already had a lot of experience in such events. I alone have a decade of cycling experience behind me.

When we were not far from Voskresensk, a traffic cop stops us and starts telling us that we have no right to drive along the highway. We begin to tell him that we are moving in a group, that we have good reason for this, but he claims that we still have to drive along the side of the road. As a result, we argued with him for about five minutes, then we realized that he just needed money. We chipped in and it turned out that the nine of us gave him five thousand rubles.

We continued the route, reached Ryazan, stopped there for a couple of days, drove around the city and drove further towards Ufa through Penza.

It also happens that sometimes they stop and just take the money, although my friends tried to tell him something, but the traffic cop did not even want to listen to them.

There was a time when young people started smoking to appear cool. Now, 20-30 years later, it's ridiculous. Fortunately, everything has turned upside down, and today girls prefer healthy guys who have everything in order with priorities. Bicycle, roller skates, skateboard, hoverboard - no matter what you ride, you are definitely in trend. Unless, of course, you drive safely for yourself and others.

Rules for cyclists

Let's talk briefly about cycling: it is safe only under certain conditions, and they cannot be ignored.

So, before you leave home, you should make sure that everything is in order with your transport.

When not to ride a bike:

  • unless you are sure it is correct. Carefully check whether the steering wheel and signal are in order, whether brake system;
  • if there is no rear-view mirror;
  • if there are no reflectors (reflectors). Whites should be in the front, reds in the back, and orange on the sides.

If at least one point is not observed, it is dangerous to ride this bike.

Where can you ride?

On the bike path, and if there is none, on the side of the road, on the sidewalk or footpath, but carefully, without interfering with pedestrians to move safely.

If these paths are not available, then you can drive along the carriageway, but not driving further than 1 meter from the right edge. You can drive further than 1 meter from the right edge of the road only if you need to go around an obstacle. And also if you turn around or turn left.

If you are under the age of 14, then you can only enter the roadway if accompanied by an adult.

How can you ride a bike?

If there are several cyclists, they must move one after another, in one row. At the same time, large groups are divided into subgroups, each of which has no more than 10 people.

You need to move at a distance of at least 100 meters from the previous subgroup.

If you are driving on the road, then do not cross the horizontal white line along the roadway - it should be on your left. Thus, you are safely driving on the side of the road.

If you are driving along a cycle path, and it intersects with the roadway, and there are no traffic lights, then you must give way to cars.

Well, and one more holy rule that everyone knows about, but few people follow, creating a bunch of problems: you need to dismount to cross the roadway at a pedestrian crossing.

And finally, the five golden rules:

  1. bicycle helmet- it's not only cool, it's also a real means of protection. You can fall and break your arm - it will heal over time. And you can fall and break the skull - and here there will be a completely different ending.
  2. Flickers never redundant. Of course, the bike is equipped with reflectors, but if you add several reflectors to your backpack and jacket, you will be visible in the dark not from 20-25 meters, but from 200-400 meters (depending on the low or high beam of the car headlights).
  3. Is your phone always with you? Use Bluetooth headset, and if you don't have one, just don't answer calls while driving.
  4. If you like to listen to music on the road, then do it through one earpiece, the second ear should hear what is happening around. Be especially careful in crowded places- Loud music is distracting.
  5. In cities, cyclists often share the same lane as pedestrians, separated by a line. Don't overclock in such places, even if you drive in your own half, a child can run out under the wheels, or a dog, or an adult will ignore the dividing line ...

You can read more about the rights and obligations of cyclists in the Rules of the Road (Chapter 20).

Excerpts from Chapter 20:

Cycling must be carried out along the cycle path, and in its absence - along the roadside, sidewalk or footpath, without creating obstacles for the safe movement of pedestrians.

Thus, the Rules of the Road directly prohibit cyclists from creating obstacles for the safe movement of pedestrians if cycling is carried out along road elements used by pedestrians.

Only in the absence of a cycle path, shoulder, sidewalk or footpath or the impossibility of moving along them, cyclists are allowed to move along the carriageway in one row no further than 1 meter from its right edge.

Persons under the age of fourteen are prohibited from driving a bicycle on the road without being accompanied by an adult (except for pedestrian and residential areas, sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian paths).

It is important to remember the following important requirements, the Rules of the Road for a cyclist:

  • driving further than 1 meter from the right edge of the carriageway is allowed only to bypass an obstacle and, in permitted cases, to turn left or make a U-turn;
  • columns of cyclists when moving along the carriageway must be divided into groups of no more than 10 cyclists. The distance between groups should be at least 100 meters;
  • if there is a horizontal road marking line 1.2 on the carriageway, indicating its edge, this line should be located to the left of the cyclist (that is, the cyclist should not enter the carriageway, but move along the side of the road).

Outside of intersections at an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, a cyclist is obliged to give way to vehicles moving on this road.

In particular, you need to make sure that the exit to the carriageway is safe.

In addition, it is prohibited:

  • linger and stop on the carriageway, including on the horizontal road marking line separating oncoming and passing traffic, with the exception of stopping on safety islands;
  • enter the carriageway of the road because of a standing vehicle or other object that limits the visibility of the road, without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

When approaching a vehicle with blue or blue and red beacons turned on, it is forbidden to cross (cross) the carriageway, and a pedestrian on the carriageway must leave it, observing safety measures.

When driving at night and (or) with insufficient visibility of the road, regardless of its illumination, the bicycle must be switched on: in front - a headlight (lantern) emitting white light, in the rear - a lamp emitting red light.

It should be remembered that Night time- a period of time that begins after sunset and ends with sunrise.
Insufficient visibility of the road - the visibility of the road in the direction of travel is less than 300 meters, due to weather (meteorological) conditions (rain, snow and other precipitation) and other factors that reduce the transparency of the atmosphere (dust, smoke, fog, smog).

The cyclist is prohibited from:

  • use bicycles that are technically faulty, as well as those equipped in violation of the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts;
  • move without holding onto the steering wheel and (or) without keeping your feet on the pedals (footboards);
  • turn left or turn around on a road with a tram track and on a road with more than one lane for traffic in this direction;
  • drive on the road in conditions of snowfall and (or) sleet;
  • to transport passengers, except for the cases of transportation of children under the age of seven on a bicycle on an additional specially equipped seat;
  • transport goods that protrude more than 0.5 meters in length or width beyond the dimensions of the vehicle, as well as goods that interfere with the control of this vehicle.
  • it is forbidden to tow a bicycle and a bicycle, except bicycle trailer industrial production.

It must be remembered that all of the listed violations entail administrative liability.

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More and more cyclists appear on our roads and off-road, since the weather in summer favors this. The bike becomes folk remedy transport, both for movement and for maintaining optimal physical form.
You don't need a driver's license to ride a bike like you do with most other vehicles. Therefore, often, the majority of cyclists, despite the fact that they are drivers of two-wheeled vehicles, have a very poor understanding of traffic rules and drive unprepared roads.
But cycling for adults, with the exception of some types of cycling, involves movement on roads and streets.

Consider the traffic rules for cyclists in force in 2018 year.

Some dry information from traffic rules about terms.

"Bike" - vehicle, except wheelchairs, which has at least two wheels and is set in motion, as a rule, by the muscular energy of the persons on this vehicle.
"Driver"- a person driving a vehicle.
"Cyclist" is the person driving the bike.
"A pedestrian"- a person who is outside the vehicle on the road or on a pedestrian or bicycle path and does not work on them. Pedestrians are treated as persons who are cycling.
"Bicycle lane"- a road element (or a separate road) structurally separated from the carriageway and sidewalk, intended for the movement of cyclists and marked with the sign 4.4.1.

"Bicycle lane"- the lane of the carriageway intended for the movement of bicycles and mopeds, separated from the rest of the carriageway by horizontal markings and marked with the sign 5.14.2.

Answers to the main questions, based on the definitions presented in the SDA.

Question: Is a bicycle a vehicle?
Yes, a bicycle is a vehicle.

Question: Is the cyclist a driver?
Yes, a cyclist is a driver, so all the requirements of the rules that are necessary for the implementation of drivers of vehicles apply to the same extent to cyclists.

Question: When can a person with a bicycle be a pedestrian?
If you get off the bike and roll the bike next to you, then in accordance with the traffic rules, you are already a pedestrian.

General rules for cyclists, as for any drivers of vehicles.

A bicycle, like a vehicle, must be in good working order.
In conditions of poor visibility, in the dark, in tunnels on a moving bicycle headlights or lanterns must be lit. Thus, in these conditions, light reflectors alone are not enough for cycling, there must be lighting devices.

The cyclist while driving on the carriageway is obliged to inform other road users with certain signs if he is going to make any maneuver.

Before starting to move, turning, changing lanes and stopping, it is necessary to give signals with light direction indicators if available, and if they are not available, then by hand. When performing various maneuvers, the cyclist must not interfere with other road users.

This is not noted in the SDA, but for the safety of both the cyclist and other road users, it seems necessary that the person on the bike be clearly visible. Therefore, it is necessary that he be in bright, noticeable clothes, and at night, reflective elements should be placed on his clothes.

In accordance with the traffic rules, the permitted speed of a cyclist is the same as for other vehicles. In the city it is not allowed to exceed the speed of 60 km/h, in courtyards and residential areas - 20 km/h. At the same time, a cyclist can develop a speed above 25 km / h only with the help of his own efforts.

The requirements of traffic rules for cyclists are set out in a separate chapter No. 24.

Who can ride a bike and where

If you are over 14 then you must ride on cycle paths, cycle paths or cycle lanes. That is, traffic on other elements of the road is prohibited by the rules, in particular, on the sidewalk. But there are exceptions to this rule.

Question: Can you ride a bike on the road?
If you are a cyclist under the age of 14, you are prohibited from driving on the roadway.

If you over 14 years old, then you can, as an exception, drive along the edge of the carriageway when:
There is no lane for cyclists, cycle or cycle paths or traffic on them is impossible.
When the width of the bicycle or trailer to it is more than 1 meter.
When cyclists move in a column.

Question: Can you ride a bike on a sidewalk or footpath?
Yes, if your age is between 7 and 14 years old, you can only ride a bike on footpaths, bike and bike paths, sidewalks, and within pedestrian zones.

Yes, if the cyclist is under 7 years old. Cyclists at this age can only ride on pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the side for pedestrian traffic), sidewalks, and within pedestrian zones.

Question: Where can children from 7 to 14 years old ride a bike?
Children between the ages of 7 and 14 may ride bicycles only on bicycle, pedestrian and bicycle paths, sidewalks, and within pedestrian zones.

Question: Where can children under 7 ride a bike?
Bicycling of children under 7 years of age should only take place on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the side for pedestrian traffic), as well as within pedestrian zones. That is, they should move only on the section of the road intended for pedestrian traffic.

In this way, cyclists under the age of 14 are prohibited from driving on the side of the road and the carriageway.
If a cyclist, moving along a footpath, sidewalk, roadside or within pedestrian areas interferes with the movement of other persons, then he must get off the bike and become a pedestrian, that is, roll the bike next to him.

Traffic on the carriageway

Those cyclists who are allowed to drive on the carriageway, in accordance with the traffic rules, must move along its edge in the direction of traffic flow.

But moving along the edge does not mean that you need to move close to the curb. It is necessary to leave a small place on the pavement between you and the roadside for maneuver. Drivers cutting right turn and opening doors of cars parked on the side of the road can pose a danger.

Question: On which side of the road should a cyclist ride, or what is the right way to ride a bike on the road?
The cyclist must move on the right edge of the carriageway in the direction of traffic(clause 24.2 of the SDA).

Apparently, the frequency of this issue is related to the fact that pedestrians, in the absence of other traffic rules, are allowed to move even along the edge of the carriageway (of course, driving along the edge of the carriageway for pedestrians is a significant danger, therefore it is not recommended), but Pedestrians must move in the opposite direction of traffic.

If the cyclist gets off the bike and rolls it next to him, then in accordance with the traffic rules he becomes a pedestrian and, accordingly, must move along the edge of the carriageway towards the movement of vehicles.

There are prohibitions in the SDA that apply only to drivers of two-wheeled vehicles.

Question: Is it possible for a cyclist to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars with his hands?
It is forbidden to control a bicycle without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand.

Question: Can a cyclist cross the road at a pedestrian crossing?
No. A cyclist cannot cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.

The cyclist is prohibited from:
motorway traffic;
transport children under 7 years of age, if there are no specially equipped places for their transportation;
turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction;
cross the road at pedestrian crossings. In this case, the cyclist has no advantage over vehicles. That is, you cannot cross the road on a bicycle, you must dismount, i.e. get off the bike and roll it around. In this case, you become a pedestrian and use pedestrian crossing when crossing the road with all the advantages over motorists that pedestrians have when moving along a pedestrian crossing.

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Everyone who gets behind the wheel of a bicycle becomes a road user. Therefore, the requirements for it are as strict as for car drivers and motorcycle drivers.

To ensure the safety of themselves and others, the drivers of these vehicles must follow the rules.

Number of wheeled vehicles that are driven muscle strength man, is growing year by year. They are bought in specialized stores and rented: they go to work, take kids to kindergarten, take walks and shopping trips, and simply use them to maintain health.

Therefore, in order to avoid confusion on the roads, cyclists must follow the rules.

In European countries, this type of transport is perhaps the most popular. Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium are leaders in their passion. There is a developed network bike paths, special traffic lights are installed, which confirms the attention of people to a mobile vehicle. In Denmark, for example, a car is now considered a luxury, and the bicycle has occupied a significant niche among the means of transportation. This is explained by the introduction of a high tax on the purchase of a car, which exceeds the cost of the car itself. Added to this was the introduction of parking fees. So this means of transportation has gained popularity, which is used to travel to places that cannot be reached on foot and by car, it is allowed to drive into the center of large cities. Riding on such transport is also good for health.

The benefits of this vehicle:

  • price - it is much lower than for other modes of transport;
  • there is no need to buy gasoline, the prices of which are quite high;
  • small dimensions;
  • there are no problems associated with traffic jams on city roads during peak hours;
  • speed. It, in comparison with motorcycles and cars, is lower, however, thanks to mobility, it is faster to get to the right time by bike;
  • pedaling turns into a kind of plus: it helps to pump up the muscles of the legs;
  • stay on fresh air(where there are no exhaust gases) turns into another plus for health;
  • riding focuses attention, helps a person to concentrate.

The list of main advantages turned out to be rather big.

But the same cannot be ignored about the shortcomings:

  • storage problem;
  • insufficient number of parking lots in cities and equipped paths;
  • seasonality, i.e. in rainy weather and winter time this transport is inefficient.

China dominates among the main manufacturers - a huge number of factories for the assembly and production of cheap and mobile vehicles are concentrated there. But, do not rush to find fault with the manufacturer - a lot of good words have been said about its products, moreover, in comparison with eminent European manufacturers, mobile transport costs much less.

The fact that there are up to a billion fans in the world to ride "with the breeze" testifies to many things, and that people have thought about the environment and thus are fighting air pollution.

Negative consequences of the popularity of cars

  • pollute air;
  • require significant financial investments, including for current and scheduled repairs;
  • make a lot of noise;
  • long time spent behind the wheel is the cause of the development of certain diseases;
  • low mobility of the driver leads to the same problems.

These problems are not familiar to those who have chosen mobile transport. If it is further popularized, it will become the transport of the future, especially considering how quickly production is developing, how many new models and gadgets have been developed for it.

Excerpts from chapter 6 of the rules for cyclists

The chapter spells out the rules that must be clearly observed when leaving your own home, when the driver turns into full member road traffic.

What are the rules for cyclists

The rules of the road (Chapter 6 "Requirements for drivers of mopeds and bicycles") clearly regulate the behavior of cyclists who have left their homes and find themselves on the roads.

Consider the basic rules prescribed in this chapter:

6.1 On bicycles on the roadway, the rules are allowed to move citizens who have reached the age of fourteen.

Children over the age of 14 may ride alone on the roads in accordance with the rules. The rules allow minors to move only on sidewalks. And for those who are not even 7 years old, you can ride only under the supervision of adults.

6.2. mobile transport, which in question must be equipped with reflectors- this is another rule of the cyclist. The color of the reflector installed in front is white, the reflector is mounted at the back red, on the sides - orange. The rules require that in addition to reflectors, there should be an audible signal.

6.3. If the traffic takes place in conditions of limited visibility, in particular at night, the rules require that the use of lights installed in front and behind, which will help to mark the vehicle on the roadway.

6.4. The following rule: in order not to interfere with traffic participants when moving in a group, you need to go in a chain, i.e. one after another. If the column is moving, then the cyclists are divided into groups, 10 people each, and move, keeping a distance of 80-100 meters between groups. According to the rules, the distance between the “drivers” themselves is maintained at least 1.5 meters. Compliance with this rule will help drivers of other vehicles move freely, avoiding traffic jams.

6.5. It is allowed to transport loads of such dimensions that do not interfere with the control of the bicycle. The rules allow the transport of goods on a special trunk or trailer, but do not provide for the transportation of oversized cargo.

  • drive vehicles with a faulty signal, brakes, no lighting (at night), as well as in poor visibility;
  • You can’t ride on the roadway if there is a bike path nearby;
  • move along the paths for pedestrians (except for children's bicycles);
  • hold onto another vehicle while driving;
  • drive without holding the steering wheel or taking your feet off the pedals;
  • transporting adults (children under 7 years old) on an additional seat is allowed, provided that
  • that the seat is equipped with footrests);
  • it is not allowed by the rules of cyclists to tow bicycles, mopeds, trailers (except as specified above).

Rules: where the vehicle is allowed to go

On the roadway, you are required to drive (according to the rules) as close as possible to the right side of the road. Often parked cars that need to be bypassed prevent this rule from being fulfilled, which is very risky from the point of view of traffic moving behind and from the side of the driver of a parked car, who can open the door in front of the cyclist’s nose without noticing his approach.

If during the trip a breakdown occurs, an injury occurs, or just a person is tired and wants to walk, he turns into a pedestrian, even walking with a vehicle. Now he must move according to the rules along the edge of the left shoulder - towards moving vehicles, so that in case of danger, he can quickly react.

How is the bike lane marked?

If there is a bike path, you need to move only on it.

Its presence is indicated road sign provided by the rules:

In the absence of a sign, markings are applied to the bike path indicating the direction of movement (stated by the rules).

If it is, then the rules of cyclists prohibit movement on the roadway. So far, there are few paths in our country, so cyclists roam along with trucks and cars, so the issue of personal safety is extremely relevant.

What you need to know to stay safe on the roads

  • Driving on the roads is dangerous because cyclists may not be seen at night. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to wear brighter cycling clothing and equip your vehicle with reflective elements, as required by the rules for cyclists, section 6.2. The taillight must be turned on in accordance with paragraph 6.3 of the rules for cyclists. A bicycle lamp is attached to the handlebar, powered by a battery or batteries.
  • The headlight will help you notice vehicles from afar and illuminate the path.
  • Headlights often have different functions: continuous glow, flashing.
  • In order not to risk turning back, equip your mobile vehicle with a rear-view mirror by attaching it to the steering wheel. This simple accessory will help you focus on the road.
  • Another point of the rules aimed at maintaining the health of the cyclist is the mandatory wearing of a helmet that will protect the head in case of a fall, from which even an experienced driver is not immune. After all, circumstances do not always depend on his experience and skills.

Do cyclists need a license?

Until now, this has not been required, but the State Duma has already raised this issue, to which the owners of the "iron horses" reacted ambiguously. Most of them reacted negatively to this decision. But, the measures were caused by a global violation of the rules, unwillingness to equip your vehicle accordingly, neglect of safety rules - wearing reflective clothing and a helmet.

The rights will help improve the culture of these drivers, as well as apply fines to them for violations. But, not only they are to blame for accidents on the roads, so it would be desirable to start building bike paths, about which there is no news yet.

When the law is passed, it will be possible to move around only with a certificate similar to the rights of a motorist. But, given the increased interest in bicycles, the introduction of compulsory training for obtaining a license could be the reason why the demand for bicycles will fall.

The rules for cyclists provide gestures to help determine which maneuver they will perform.

Hands act as car headlights:

  • when they lift her up right side- there will be a turn to the right;
  • raising his hand up, the driver will continue to move in a straight line;
  • do not turn left - it is forbidden.

What to do if you can't turn left. In this case, they reach the nearest underground or ground crossing and cross the road, dismounting. If you find it difficult to make signs with your hands, get an electronic system that indicates turns. Inform your colleagues on the road in advance about upcoming maneuvers so that they can find their bearings in time.

Video: Cyclist standing in a traffic jam
