How to make your own fish trap. Types of fish traps: how to make homemade bait

One of the first, fish traps were born, and only then, familiar to us, fishing gear. But anglers still use primitive traps to this day, especially if the question is how to stock up on live bait. You won’t catch with a fishing rod, because the fish is injured, after which it will not live on the hook for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to use non-traditional methods of fishing.

How to make a trap

The principle of operation of the trap is that the fish should freely fall into the trap, and it would not be able to swim out of it due to the design features of the trap itself. Using such a cunning design, you can pick up most of the fish caught in the trap.

Nowadays, anglers use a variety of improvised or unnecessary things for this. Some fishermen weave traps from a vine, others use various nets stretched over a wire frame, and still others use plastic bottles as a trap.

A simple plastic bottle trap

The living space of a person is literally crammed with plastic bottles of various shapes and capacities. From such bottles it is very easy to build a simple but effective fish trap.

If you need to catch a small live bait, then a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters is suitable for this. If you need more capture large sizes, then you should take a 5-liter bottle.

To make such a trap, you will need a tool and a few items such as wire, fishing line and rope.

  • to begin with, the paper label is removed from the bottle and washed thoroughly so that there are no foreign odors in the bottle. It is best to use bottles of water or vegetable oil for this purpose. You don’t have to wash a bottle of vegetable oil: it will attract fish with its smell anyway;
  • then, you should cut off the neck of the bottle, about a third of the body (depending on the size of the fish) and insert the neck into the bottle;
  • after which, the inserted part of the bottle is fixed with a wire in its place. You can fix it in 4 places no more, so that later you can remove the neck to take the fish out of the bottle.
  • in the bottle itself, many holes should be made, of small diameter, so that the bottle can quickly sink into water, especially since with holes it will not resist water so much if the trap is supposed to be installed in the current;
  • after the trap is ready, bait is placed inside it, and a rope and a load are tied to the trap. The load can be placed inside the trap so that there are no hooks. The trap is ready to use;
  • the trap is thrown with its neck against the current. If fishing is done on still water, then it can be cast and set in any position, and the rope can be fixed on the shore.

Video tutorial on making a trap from plastic bottles:

For larger fish, there is a different type of trap:

Net box trap

The frame for the box can be made from any material at hand: wood, water pipes (plastic or aluminum), aluminum corners, etc.

  • a mesh of any material is stretched onto the frame, the size of the cells lies within 1 cm. You can use a metal mesh;
  • two funnels are formed from the same grid;
  • from two sides of the box, such funnels are installed and fixed. Funnels should be installed with the narrow end inside the box;
  • in the trap, you can put some kind of bait, depending on the type of fish that you can catch.

After that, the trap can be immersed in a pond. If the trap is metal, then you won’t have to immerse it, and if it’s wooden, then you will have to tie a good load so that it sinks to the bottom of the reservoir.


If we analyze the above, then we can make such a trap on our own and without much effort, showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, especially since we have a lot of interesting things lying under our feet, but which we do not notice.

The method of catching fish with a plastic bottle will not require much effort and time from you to make simple fishing tackle.
With such a trap, you can fish in almost all regions and in all continents where there is a river with fish.
All you need is a plastic bottle, hot glue gun, soldering iron, knife, fishing line or rope.
We take a five liter plastic bottle.

Cut off the top.

Turn the top over and insert the other side into the same base.

Fix with hot glue. You can take a stationery stapler and fasten the parts with it, but I was afraid that the staples might scare away the fish.

Next, on all sides with a heated soldering iron, we make holes 1-0.5 cm in diameter. 6-8 pieces on each side.

We need another bottle, from which you need to cut off the neck with a lid.

We lean this neck to the bottom of our trap, circle it with a marker.

Cut out a hole.

Insert the neck with a lid.

Fix with hot glue.

Through this neck with a lid, we will take the catch and throw in lure.

We tie a fishing line, well, if not, a rope. Of course, a fishing line is better, since it is not visible.

That's all. Let's start testing. First of all, we throw the bait inside. It can be crushed bread, or some other bait that is tasty for fish.

Throw the trap carefully. Waiting for it to submerge under water. And we wait 15 minutes, it all depends on your area.

We take out the trap and wait until all the water has drained through the side holes. Then we unscrew the side cover and pour the catch with the rest of the water.

Of course, such a trap cannot catch a big fish, but still it can be useful to you for various needs. Although, if you take a larger bottle of the type from a 50-liter cooler, it can turn out to be a trap for big fish.

Fish trap from a small bottle for fry

Another trap. We take two bottles (I took them with a volume of 0.6 liters). And we repeat with them everything the same as in the first case with a large bottle. With the exception of the side hole for the lid, and we will cut off the first bottle not from the top, but from the bottom.

A fish trap on a river is necessary if you want to catch a whole and unharmed fish. If fishing is a pleasure for you, you need a fish to release it, if you are catching fish for further resale in a live form, you do not want to injure it, then you need to use simple, effective and easy-to-use traps. They can be created from various materials.

How to make a fish trap from a plastic bottle?

Manufacturing plastic traps are in demand because this homemade model variant can be created anywhere. In plastic bottles we take clean water, they can be found in nature, purchased at the nearest store, borrowed from people vacationing nearby.

The plastic bottle fish trap is different in size. If you are planning a small catch, then take a base of 1.5-2 liters. If expected big booty, then 5-liter models will suit you.

  1. Bottle washing. First plastic attribute is thoroughly washed. It is important that there are no foreign odors on it. Remove existing stickers. If design prepared from a bottle of vegetable oil, then it can not be washed. This smell attracts fish.
  2. Remove 1/3 of the piece. Remove part of the bottle from the side of the neck. The area of ​​the structure to be eliminated depends on the volume of the future catch. As a rule, cut off 1/3 of the part, turn it over, insert the neck into the bottle.
  3. Fixation. Homemade the model needs to be fixed starting position. For this, wire is used. It is desirable to create from 2 to 4 fixation points. It must be borne in mind that this neck will then have to be removed. Therefore, do not overdo it.
  4. Small holes. Fish traps on the river should have relatively small holes. Then the bottle can quickly sink to the required depth.
  5. Bait room. In the created tackle a small amount of bait is placed. This speeds up the fishing process.
  6. Adding cargo. It is best to put it inside the bottle. Such a load allows you to avoid hooks during the dive and the fishing process.

Everything, your fishing attribute is ready to be applied. Ways its uses are different. You can throw the model against the current, fix it with a rope on the shore. Can be dropped into standing water in any position.

How to make a fish trap from the network?

The fish won't stand a chance survival e, if you create a trap from the network. It needs a frame. You can create it from any solid improvised materials. It can be plastic, aluminum rods, corners, etc.

  1. Stretching the mesh. A do-it-yourself fish trap is created from a grid in which the cells do not exceed 1 cm.
  2. Funnel formation. It is necessary to create funnels from the same mesh as the fitting of the form.
  3. We insert the narrow part of the funnel into the grid located on the frame. This must be done from two opposite sides.
  4. Bait. When a fish trap is created, there should be no questions about how to use it. It is important to place the bait inside and lower the model into the water.
  5. We lower the model into the water. If the frame of the trap is metal, then the immersion process should be very fast. With a wooden frame, it is recommended to place additional weight on or in the trap.

Types of fish traps

There are a large number of different traps that you can purchase from specialized stores or make your own. Consider briefly the most popular.

  • Stationary traps. They are made once and serve for many years. They are not lowered into the water - they are constantly in it.

  • Tunnel traps. It's a deadly fish maze. After the prey swims inside, it gets confused in the maze, does not find a way out of it.

  • Trap "spider". It consists of a screen and several arcs connected to each other at the top point.

Going for fish on a natural reservoir, do not forget about waterproof backpacks for fishing. In them you can save the bait. Even if there is a heavy downpour, all things that are will be safe and sound. You can always change into dry clothes, maintain your health and enjoy the exciting process of fishing.

A waterproof bag is the main assistant for any fisherman. If comfort and coziness are important to you, if you want to feel free at any body of water, then take care of accessories in advance that will turn the usual process of fishing into an exciting hobby that you cannot refuse.

Try making your own fish trap first in a familiar home environment. Here you have at your fingertips all the necessary items, improvised materials. Choose a trap that you would like to use in nature. After the skills are brought to automatism, you can try to make a trap near the reservoir, just before you start catching fish.

Archaeological excavations aimed at the study of ancient civilizations confirm the fact that fishing tackle for fishing, such as fishing rods or donks, appeared much later than nets, seines and simple fish traps.

After all, fishing has become an entertainment for a person quite recently.

Most of the time, people fished primarily in order to get food for themselves and their families, so they used devices for catching that allowed them to catch a lot of fish at once with minimal human participation.

At the moment, almost all fish traps are considered poaching gear. The use of nets, and more modern tools for the destruction of fish - electric fishing rods, in my opinion, is completely unacceptable from the moral side.

If everyone shamelessly destroys fish stocks in our reservoirs, then our children and grandchildren will be able to contemplate big fish only in pictures...

Well, for those whose moral principles poaching fits very organically, I warn you that the use of various nets and electric fishing is strictly punishable by law, and sometimes by lynching on the part of the right fishermen. So that…

However, some types of traps can be used, and sometimes even necessary. Mesh nets and small nets allow you to quickly catch small live bait fish. Their use is absolutely legal and justified, because. not always traditional sports ways you can catch enough fry.

Below, I will tell you how to make a simple net-painter, and a simple bottle trap with your own hands.


This fish trap is known to many under the names "spider" or "mesh-lifter". Nets of this design are used for commercial fishing at sea and freshwater reservoirs.

The use of classic spiders without special permission is prohibited by law. But here is a smaller version - a painter, with a working area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 sq. m. can be used to catch live bait.

Now painters are sold in fishing stores. Prices for them vary between 800-1500 rubles. So you can just buy a mini spider. But you can make this trap yourself.

For manufacturing you will need:

Manufacturing process

How to use?

Arriving at the pond, we collect the little guy. Then, we tie a strong rope to the ring. We knit its second end to a thick stick-lever, about 3 meters long.

We throw a lump of fine-grained bait into the net of the painter, and lower the trap into the water 2-3 meters from the shore.

We are waiting for 10 minutes until the small fish gather near the bait. Then, you need to pull the little fish out of the water as quickly as possible, and collect all the live bait from it.

The simplest merezha

Merezha is the oldest fishing trap, one of the first invented by man. The first meshes were woven from flexible twigs, then frame structures with a mesh appeared, which are actively used to this day.

Merezhi are sold in fishing stores, but you can also make them yourself.

The simplest can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle or eggplant.

Below, I will detail how to make a trap.

Tools and materials

  • plastic bottle,
  • rope,

How to do?

Everything, the mesh is ready! Bait is laid in the net, the trap is lowered into the water. The fish, lured by the smell of the bait, swims in, and, not finding a way out, remains in the trap. The fisherman only needs to sometimes get a home-made line out of the water, and extract a catch from it.

If there is a desire, you can make a larger merezha by making it not from one, but from two identical eggplants. How to make such a trap with your own hands, you can peep in the article about. The design is the same!

The bottle trap is good because there is always material for it, and literally under your feet.

And if you came fishing and found out that you forgot the painter at home, or you just can’t catch the live bait, you can find a couple of plastic bottles on the shore of the reservoir (unfortunately, they are almost everywhere), and in a matter of minutes you can make effective trap.

How to catch a lot of live bait?

Now that you know how to make a fish trap, you need to learn how to lure fry into it. To catch a lot of live bait, first of all, you need to choose the right place.

Small fish usually keep in the coastal zone, in shallow waters overgrown with grass. Therefore, it makes no sense to throw a merezha and a painter a long distance from the coast.

In order for a fish to fall into a trap, it must be lured into it.

To do this, it is advisable to use various bait.

Choose bait mixtures with a fine fraction so that it is convenient for the fry to eat a treat.

In order for the fish to gather faster in right place, you need to add flavorings to the bait, and even better - attractants. One of the best and strongest attractants currently on the market is FishHungry.

It contains special substances - pheromones, which have an exciting effect on nervous system fish, luring her, thus, at the physiological level.

Groundbaits that contain FishHungry work much more efficiently than mixtures with conventional flavors: the fish enters the trap faster and actively absorbs food without trying to find a way out of the trap.

Finally, I would like to wish all anglers to be conscious and use traps only to catch live bait. Take care of nature, and then our children and grandchildren will also be able to enjoy sport fishing. No tail, no scales!

What to do if the fish do not bite in the summer?

How many times did you have to return home without a catch, and if you caught something, it was only enough for a cat. Bad place, not the weather, you should have come yesterday...

A homemade fish trap, the article briefly talks about how to make a fishing “muzzle” out of pasture material. You will definitely catch it in your ear.

There is such a category of people who are ready to live in the natural environment while having a minimum of means for survival. There is some kind of extreme in this. And until you try this lifestyle yourself (or games, whichever is more convenient for you), you won’t understand all the charm of this lifestyle until then. For example, our team has the most different people: from very young (18-19 years old) to adults under 60 years old, who occupy almost all social niches in "urban" life (students, managers, directors, etc.). But we were united by the fact that several times a year we get together, plan a common route for several days, and hit the road. The main rule that everyone in our group follows is that we get food ourselves. We take almost nothing with us, only the most necessary, as situations are different. So, the ability to get food in a forest or on a pond is the key to survival in a difficult situation. Many people who in ordinary life did not believe in themselves, after such trips, gain some confidence in their abilities, which as a result affects their later life.

There are many ways to get food in nature. I will try to tell a simple method of extraction (capture), provided that you only have a great desire to stay with food, a desire to live, and trees growing nearby (ideally, spruce, pine, etc.). If there are trees nearby, you can build several devices with which you can actually catch fish. I'll tell you only about one thing - about the face. The snout is a fishing trap that is loosely a cylindrical lattice structure with the neck pointing inward. The neck gradually narrows towards the base, not reaching the last by 20-30 centimeters. The fish swims into the neck, gradually moves towards the bottom of the structure, passes through the narrow part, and is no longer able to get back. A person can only pull his muzzle out of the water and collect the catch. Under normal circumstances, the bottom of the muzzle opens up to make it easier to reach the fish, but we will make the muzzle a more primitive type.

Making a homemade fish trap

So, the first step is to cut down a few young branches that bend well and twist them into a circle. The ends can be tied with thinner branches and pinched into a split. Then, from thinner branches, freeing them from needles or leaves, you need to connect the finished circles to each other so that the distance between them is about 30-40 cm. To give density to the structure, you can use several thick branches, which are fixed with thin ones along the round branches . The result should be a kind of mesh cylinder, the bottom of which is also covered with thin branches.

Now let's make the neck. To do this, you need to stick several dense sticks into the ground so that they form a kind of circle with a diameter of about 10 cm near the ground, and their top forms a circle comparable to the diameter of our cylinder. After that, you need to tie sticks with thin branches to get a mesh structure. Special care is not required here, the main thing is that the design has some strength. When the neck is ready, it is tied with thin branches to the upper part of the cylinder, not forgetting to fasten the lower part of the neck to the middle circles of the cylinder. Everything, homemade trap for fish for fishing is ready. Ideally, the muzzle is tied with a rope and thrown into the water. But, you can do without a rope, just in this case you will have to climb into the water behind the muzzle to get it. Sometimes, in order to get the structure out of the water, we also use a pole, it all depends on the situation. Practice shows that such a home-made fish trap catches quite well, it is enough for it to stay in the water for about 3-10 hours. For those who are fond of the topic of survival, this skill will be interesting and useful, the trap making schemes are just below.

All the best to you.
