How to make a good fish trap. Homemade fish trap

As long as there are fish in the water, fishing will remain an effective tool for survival. Another thing is that not everyone can sit for hours with a fishing rod, waiting for a bite. In a stationary survival environment, for example, there are many other urgent matters, so spending time on active fishing is not rational. But - a completely different matter.

Passive fishing differs in that human participation in it is minimal - established fish trap, added bait and went about his business. After a while he returned and collected the catch. Saves a lot of time and effort, however. But there is one difficulty - you need to know where to set traps and how to properly equip them. This is what will be discussed in our article.

Traps for fish can be conditionally divided into portable and stationary. Stationary - this is when a heavy wood-bast structure is installed on the bottom of a shallow river, or even completely blocks it. Obviously, it requires a lot of work both during construction and during installation. But once built, it can bring a stable catch every day, which is especially useful for stationary survival. With portable traps, everything is much easier, but, accordingly, they bring less prey.

Portable fish traps

They are also called tops. How these fish traps simple. Something edible is placed in the middle, and the trap itself is placed near the shore. The fish swims in, but cannot swim back, because the inlet is suddenly difficult to reach. Fish have real problems getting through such holes, because when in a confined space, they start to panic, fuss and poke anywhere but the exit. After that, the top is taken out, the far edge is untied and the catch is collected.

To make a simple top, we need thin but strong branches. Willow is perfect in this regard, since its bark (bast) can be additionally used to fix the nodes. First, we make a frame. For this we need 4 long poles and 4-5 thinner poles, which will need to be rolled into rings. They need to be assembled in such a way that an oval structure is obtained, open on one side. After this is ready, we intertwine the frame with thin willow branches so that the fish cannot come out through the impromptu cells. At this stage, you can adjust the approximate size of the catch - if you make the slits larger, then every little thing can slip out.

Now we need to do something with the exit. You can gently bend the ends of the long poles inward and tie them in such a way that a funnel with a round hole is formed. You can break the ends of the poles so that they are at least held on the bark, but this will weaken the structure. You can also initially choose poles with lateral processes, which will form the funnel. The size of the entire structure should be about a meter.

There are also other design options. fish traps. The simplest one, with the help of which you can only catch fry on the ear, is a plastic bottle with a cut off neck and inserted backwards backwards. Exactly the same funnel, exactly the same top. Only small. Also, if you're lucky, you can find a hollow log, hollow it out, and close one edge with a lid with a hole in the middle. But still, the option with weaving is the most normal, since the design is light, durable, roomy and quite comfortable.

Stationary baffle traps

The principle is the same as for conventional top. The only difference is in scale. Such traps usually completely block small rivers, completely controlling the movement of fish along it. They consist of two parts - a partition wall and two sides of the "funnel". The main problem will be to catch fish that cannot get out of the pen anywhere. Various nets, fabric cuts and small nets are suitable here.

There are several options for the construction of partitions. The simplest is a pole fence. To do this, you will need thick and not very willow branches, from which you will need to weave a fence so that its height is sufficient to the bottom of the river. And for this, accordingly, it will be necessary to measure the depth. That is why stationary traps are often set up on shallow rivers, since it is extremely difficult to weave massive structures.

Stationary dam traps

More complex option fish traps, because it implies the construction of a dam and the formation of a difference in water levels "before" and "after". The shallow river is blocked by a high dam so that the level rises by at least a meter. This is already difficult moment, since it will require a large amount of resources, and it is difficult to make a stable dam. But if you succeed and the level began to rise, forming a small dam in front of the fence, then you can proceed further. The water will drain through several holes, so the areas underneath need to be fenced off with a pole fence installed at the bottom of the river. You can even make the cells larger in it so that little things can slip out, and large fish remain.

Stationary side branch traps

There are two options. Simple, implying blocking part of the stream and forming a cage from a part of the river, and more complex, involving digging a deep flooded hole or cage arm. Both options are very effective, especially for deep rivers that are difficult to block completely. The construction of these fish traps in the following way.

Part of the river is blocked by a high fence, set at an angle to the side opposite to the current. To this fence with inside another approaches, thereby forming a small passage, which can be partitioned off in case of need. And then all that remains is to catch fish from the enclosure. To facilitate this task, you can dig a small but deep hole where the fish will need to be driven by noise and loud cries from the fenced off part of the river.

You can also use the artificial channel option. To do this, we do not make a pit, but a channel, which is blocked off by a fence on one side, and at the other end just goes into the built corral. We drive the fish into the channel, after which we block the filling entrance. The water will quickly go away and the fish can be collected from the bottom.

All of these options are quite effective, but they require a lot of labor costs at the construction stage. Therefore, they only make sense if you do not plan to leave this territory anywhere. In addition, the effectiveness of fish traps decreases slightly during the cold season, as the fish are not very active.

A river fish trap is essential if you want to catch fish intact. If fishing is a pleasure for you, you need a fish to release it, if you fish for further resale live, do not want to injure it, then you need to use simple, effective and easy-to-use traps. They can be created from a variety of materials.

How to make a plastic bottle fish trap?

Manufacturing plastic traps are in demand because this homemade a model variant can be created anywhere. In plastic bottles we take clean water, they can be found in nature, purchased at the nearest store, or borrowed from people vacationing nearby.

Fish trap from plastic bottle differs in size. If you are planning a small catch, then take a base of 1.5-2 liters. If expected big booty then the 5-liter models will suit you.

  1. Washing the bottle. First plastic the attribute is washed thoroughly. It is important that there are no foreign odors on it. Remove any existing stickers. If design is prepared from a bottle of vegetable oil, you do not need to rinse it. This smell attracts fish.
  2. Remove 1/3 part. Remove the part of the bottle from the side of the neck. The area of ​​the structure to be liquidated depends on the volume of the future catch. As a rule, cut off 1/3 of the part, turn it over, insert it with the neck inside the bottle.
  3. Fixation. Homemade the model must be fixed on starting position... For this, wire is used. It is desirable to create 2 to 4 anchor points. It must be borne in mind that this neck will then have to be removed. So don't overdo it.
  4. Small holes. Fish traps on the river should have relatively small holes. Then the bottle can quickly sink to the required depth.
  5. Place the bait. Into the created tackle a small amount of bait is placed. This allows you to speed up the fishing process.
  6. Adding cargo. It is best to place it inside the bottle. Such a weight allows you to avoid snags during the diving and fishing process.

Everything, your fishing the attribute is ready to be applied. The ways its uses are varied. You can throw the model upstream, fix it with a rope on the shore. Can be omitted in standing water in any position.

How to make a fish trap from the network?

The fish will have no chance of survival That is, if you create a trap from the network. It needs a frame. You can create it from any solid materials at hand. It can be plastic, aluminum rods, corners, etc.

  1. We stretch the mesh. A do-it-yourself fish trap is created from a mesh in which the cells do not exceed 1 cm.
  2. Funnel formation. It is necessary to create funnels from the same mesh as the shape wrap.
  3. We insert the narrow part of the funnel into the mesh on the frame. This must be done from two opposite sides.
  4. Bait. When a fish trap is created, there should be no questions about how to use it. It is important to be sure to put the bait inside and lower the model into the water.
  5. We lower the model into the water. If the frame of the trap is metal, then the immersion process should go very quickly. With a wooden frame, it is recommended to place additional weight on or into the trap.

Types of fish traps

There are many different traps that you can purchase from specialized stores or make your own. Let's consider briefly the most popular ones.

  • Stationary traps. They are made once and serve for many years. They are not immersed in water - they are constantly in it.

  • Tunnel traps. This is a death maze for fish. After the prey swims inside, it gets confused in the labyrinth, does not find a way out of it.

  • Spider trap. Consists of a screen and several arcs connected to each other at the highest point.

Going to fish on a natural body of water, do not forget about waterproof fishing backpacks. You can save the bait in them. Even if there is a heavy downpour, all things that are located will be safe and sound. You can always change into dry clothes, keep your health and enjoy the exciting fishing process.

The waterproof bag is the ultimate companion for any fisherman. If comfort and coziness are important to you, if you want to feel free near any body of water, then take care of the accessories in advance that will turn the usual fishing process into an exciting hobby that you cannot refuse.

First, try making a fish trap with your own hands in your familiar home environment. Here you have all the necessary items and materials at hand. Choose a trap that you would like to use outdoors. After the skills are brought to automatism, you can try to make a trap near the reservoir, just before you start fishing.

The method of fishing with a plastic bottle does not require much effort and time from you to make a simple fishing tackle.
Such a trap can be used to fish in almost all regions and in all continents where there is a river with fish.
All you need is a plastic bottle, hot glue gun, soldering iron, knife, fishing line or rope.
We take a five liter plastic bottle.

Cut off the top.

Turn the top over and insert it into the same base with the other side.

We fix it with hot glue. You can take a stationery stapler and staple the pieces with it, but I was afraid the staples might scare the fish away.

Further, from all sides with a heated soldering iron, we make holes 1-0.5 cm in diameter. 6-8 pieces on each side.

We need one more bottle, from which it is necessary to cut off the neck with a lid.

We lean this neck against the bottom of our trap, circle it with a marker.

Cut out a hole.

We insert the neck with the lid.

We fix it with hot glue.

Through this neck with a lid, we will take the catch and throw in complementary foods.

We tie the fishing line, well, if not, the rope. Better, of course, the fishing line, since it is not visible.

That's all. Let's start testing. First of all, we throw the bait inside. It can be crushed bread, or some other tasty bait for fish.

Carefully throw in the trap. We are waiting for her to dive under the water. And we are waiting for about 15 minutes, it all depends on your area.

We take out the trap and wait until all the water is drained through the side holes. Then we unscrew the side cover and pour out the catch with the rest of the water.

Of course, you cannot catch a large fish with such a trap, but nevertheless it can be useful to you for various needs. Although, if you take a bigger bottle like from a cooler for 50 liters, it can become a trap for big fish.

Fish trap from a small bottle for fry

Another trap. We take two bottles (I took them with a volume of 0.6 liters). And we repeat with them everything the same as in the first case with a large bottle. With the exception of the side hole for the lid, we will not cut off the top, but the bottom of the first bottle.

One of the first, fish traps were born, and only then, familiar to us, fishing gear... But anglers to this day use primitive traps, especially if the question is about how to stock up on live bait. You will not catch with a fishing rod, because the fish is injured, after which it will not live on the hook for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to use non-traditional methods of fishing.

  • 1 How to make a trap
  • 2 Simple trap from a plastic bottle
  • 3 Net Crate Trap
  • 4 Conclusion

How to make a trap

The principle of operation of the trap is that the fish must freely fall into the trap, and it would not be able to swim out of it due to the design of the trap itself. Using this clever design, most of the trapped fish can be picked up.

Nowadays, anglers use a variety of improvised or unnecessary things for this. Some fishermen weave traps from a vine, others use various nets stretched over a wire frame, and still others use plastic bottles as a trap.

Simple plastic bottle trap

Human living space is literally stuffed with plastic bottles of various shapes and capacities. It is very easy to build a simple but effective fish trap from such bottles.

If you need to catch small live bait, then a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters is suitable for this. If you need to catch more large sizes, then you should take a 5-liter bottle.

Making such a trap requires a tool and several items such as wire, line, and rope.

  • for a start, the paper label is removed from the bottle and washed thoroughly so that there are no foreign odors in the bottle. Water or vegetable oil bottles are best used for this purpose. You don't need to wash a bottle of vegetable oil: it will attract fish with its smell anyway;
  • then, the neck of the bottle should be cut off, about a third of the body (depending on the size of the fish) and inserted with the neck inside the bottle;
  • after which, the inserted part of the bottle is fixed with a wire in its place. You can fix it in 4 places no more, so that later you can remove the neck to take out the fish from the bottle.
  • in the bottle itself, you should make many holes, of a small diameter, so that the bottle can quickly submerge in water, especially since with holes it will not resist water so much if the trap is supposed to be installed on the current;
  • after the trap is ready, bait is placed inside it, and a rope and load are tied to the trap. The load can be placed inside the trap so that there are no snags. The trap is ready for use;
  • the trap will be thrown upstream. If fishing is done in calm water, then it can be cast and set in any position, and the rope can be fixed on the bank.

Video tutorial on making a trap from plastic bottles:

For more large fish there is a trap of another kind:

Net Crate Trap

The frame for the box can be made from any material at hand: wood, water pipes (plastic or aluminum), aluminum corners, etc.

  • a mesh of any material is stretched onto the frame, the size of the cells lies within 1 cm. You can use a metal mesh;
  • two funnels are formed from the same mesh;
  • from both sides of the box, such funnels are installed and fixed. Funnels should be installed with the narrow end inside the box;
  • in the trap, you can place some kind of bait, depending on the type of fish that you can catch.

After that, the trap can be immersed in a body of water. If the trap is metal, then you will not have to immerse it, and if it is wooden, then you will have to tie a good load so that it sinks to the bottom of the reservoir.


If you analyze the above, then you can make a similar trap yourself and without much effort, showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, especially since a lot of interesting things lie under our feet, but which we do not notice.

The first way to catch fish was using traps. The first of these were muzzles, snouts, and similar traps. You can leave such traps for a long time and do other things. From time to time, the traps just needed to be checked. The design of the traps implies their purpose. For example, there are muzzles for small fish and large ones. The former are mobile. They can be made of mesh fabric and are easy to roll up so that they can be easily moved. Large traps, such as muzzles, are made from flexible branches with large rings.

They move with great difficulty. Usually the fisherman leaves their muzzles in the water, and then simply takes the prey. After that, the muzzle is again submerged in the water. Thus, traps can be divided into stationary and mobile. The former are easy to move and can be carried with you, while the latter always remain in place fishing... Mobile traps can be divided into tunnel and screen traps.

Stationary traps can be entire huge structures. One of the traps may look like a fence erected in the lake. It can be a tricky fish maze. It can be created in place of ebb and flow. The fish swims there, and after a while the damper closes. So she finds herself inside the trap. Some poachers block small river passages with nets. The fish gets there and is trapped. Such a labyrinth is called katiska. There is a portable version of it, called a hedgehog. It is made of mesh fabric.

Above, little has been said about the top, besides it, there are such portable traps as a box, a muzzle, a head. They are used in all fish places Russia. The fish enters them through a narrow mesh tunnel, which narrows as they enter.

Screen traps are a type of tackle designed for catching small nimble fish. These include tiny crucian carps, bleaks, top-melts. The mesh is stretched between the wire arches. The mesh on the wire arcs bends downward so that the fish become entangled in it. The following technique can be used. The bait and weights are placed in the center of the net. In places where fish are collected, it sinks into the reservoir. This can be done in the bushes. The food is also thrown from above into the water. Then you need to wait a while for the fish to gather. Suddenly the screen goes up. Now is the time to collect the fish in the jar.

The trap can be made from a large plastic bottle. In such containers, clean drinking water is sold in stores. The neck of the plastic bottle is cut off. Then holes are made in its body along the entire length. In the glass obtained after cutting, the neck is inserted backwards. A door for retrieving fish can be built in the bottle body. A strong cord is threaded through these holes or through the neck of the bottle. By the way, in one of the manufacturing versions, instead of the door, you can make a large incision on the body and use it to extract fish. The bait is also placed inside through the door. As a result, it turns out to be a good device for fishing. It is better to place it against the stream or in places where crucian carps accumulate. Coastal wetlands of rivers or stagnant ponds and lakes are well suited. You can observe the behavior of fish in a pond or lake. Find out the places of their greatest concentration.

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