Energy gymnastics in zealand. Tibetan energy gymnastics for women from norbekov, zeland and alena starovoitova Energy gymnastics

Energy gymnastics is a few simple exercises which take about 5 minutes. They can be done while lying in bed or standing. However, they cannot be underestimated.

There is a legend about this gymnastics that everyone who does it in 5 minutes is able to work miracles, and if he does it regularly, then he gets younger by leaps and bounds. Energy gymnastics allows you to dump energy waste and open up channels for fresh energy. This gymnastics allows you to increase the coefficient of emotional intelligence. Those who do these exercises develop self-healing abilities on a daily basis.

Doing lying (or standing)

Exercise 1.

Circular rotations of the feet (alternately if standing) 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 2.

Circular rotation of the lower leg of the legs, with bent knees(alternately if standing) 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 3.

Circular rotations hip joint, alternately right and left, 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 4.

Previously, having raised the buttocks, we make rotational movements with the pelvis 4 times in different directions.

Exercise 5.

Rotational movements with the hands of both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 6.

Rotational movements elbow joints both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 7.

Rotational movements shoulder joints both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 8.

Rising on our elbows, we tilt our head 4 times back and forth, then circular rotation head clockwise and counterclockwise also 4 times.

Exercise 9.

Rotational movements of the eyes 4 times forward and backward and also clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercise 10.

Leaning over the bed, provided that it is sufficiently rigid, resting on the feet and shoulder blades, the legs are bent at the knees, we make progressive alternate movements with our knees, as if we are moving forward, while our hands are on the pillow under the head. The spine is twisted and the vertebrae fall into place from the lumbar to cervical... This does not happen immediately, but after a while of training.

If we do while standing, then these exercises are performed on legs slightly bent at the knees, with toes slightly inward, at shoulder level. 10 Exercise in a standing position is like a "mower" that mows from different sides each time.

At the end of energetic gymnastics, we rub our hands well, rub our feet - foot on foot, (if standing, then we make movements on toes, on heels, on the inside of the feet and on the outside), rub the ears, wrists, do, as it were, washing the face from below up, a couple of massage movements on the head and clap our hands! Energy gymnastics is best done when you feel most comfortable. As you gradually get used to it, you will feel better and better, younger and more fun!

Be healthy and happy! published by

Energy gymnastics is one way to increase internal energy person. Regular energy gymnastics can quickly and significantly increase the level of free energy necessary to strengthen health, achieve your goals and fulfill your desires.

This is the most "natural" and natural way to gain energy.

There is a huge amount of free energy around us. The energies of the Cosmos and the Earth surround us in unlimited quantities, take it, don't want to, but most people get only a small, insignificant part of it.


The amount of free energy of a person directly depends on the width and purity of his central energy channels or flows. Through these channels, we assimilate and process energy coming from outside.

For most of us, over time, they wear out, become dirty, or even overlap. Hence all our problems arising from weak energy - depression, illness, dissatisfaction with life and lack of motivation.

The energy is amplified at times, the energy holes and holes in the etheric body, through which the energy previously flowed out, are quickly tightened. Many sores go away, problems disappear, a huge surge of vitality is felt, mood and general vitality improve.

You can strengthen the effect of energy gymnastics by simultaneously saying out loud positive affirmations:

  • I am a powerful energizer!
  • My energy is intensifying!
  • The energy of life is beating out of me with a key!

Energy gymnastics (video)

This wonderful hormonal energy gymnastics came to us from distant Tibet more than 30 years ago. It is made by Tibetan monks in one of the monasteries, and once they passed on their secret to a person from Russia as a token of gratitude. Only after long 20 years he was able to appreciate its amazing impact!

Exercising for only 5 minutes a day, you will maintain your glands and hormonal levels at the age of 25-30 years, at the same time you can increase the life span and prolong youth by the same amount.

Watch this video, in which the famous healer Elena Eisenberg will share with you the history and technique of this priceless energy gymnastics.

If you like energy gymnastics, you can download it by sharing an article on social networks.

Be energetically strong!

Arthur Golovin


Many Eastern religious and philosophical dogmas are based on the fact that each person can heal himself and live a long time with due dedication, purity of thought and the amount of knowledge.

There are many legends that Tibetan monks were able to maintain health and active longevity, as well as independently heal their own ailments. What was the secret of their longevity? First of all, probably because they have moved away from a number of worldly sins: dependence on money, bad habits, junk food, pride, envy.

In addition, the spiritual improvement of the monks of Tibet was combined with the development of physical abilities, which were achieved not only by martial arts, meditation, but also special exercises... Over the centuries, they have accumulated, systematized their experience and knowledge and created various complexes wellness gymnastics, which are still practiced in oriental medicine. And Western medicine is showing increasing interest in these practices.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed is one of the most common wellness practices in the world. It is often written about as a panacea for all diseases. But it is not so. Of course, it will not save you from all diseases, but it will strengthen your health, improve your work internal organs, reduce the lability of the nervous system and increase resistance to stress with the help of the exercises described below you can. Daily execution this complex will allow you to feel in a week that the morning rise is easier, the work is better, the mood is more joyful.

In Russia, this gymnastics became familiar only in the 80s of the last century thanks to the publication in Komsomolskaya Pravda. But for many years she was not given due attention. And at present, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is experiencing a rebirth with our country, and many Russians have become convinced of its unique healing properties from their own experience.

Miraculous influence hormonal gymnastics Tibetan monks on the human body is explained by the fact that it has a positive effect on the hormonal system. It is well known that the hormones of external, internal and mixed secretion and the work of internal organs are closely interconnected, and the slightest failure of one of the glands leads to disruption of the activity of the rest and the development of many diseases.

The benefits of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Effects on physical condition

Thanks to the exercises of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, the function of the thyroid gland is regulated, which is directly related to the pancreas, adrenal glands, testes (ovaries), prostate, that is, the glands responsible for carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism, sexual function, and digestion. People who do gymnastics have a decrease in appetite, the desire to eat something sweet gradually disappears, because the body begins to receive energy through other channels, and energy-intensive carbohydrates become unnecessary.
The condition of the skin changes, it acquires a healthy color, becomes more elastic and elastic, because the circulation of blood and lymph improves. A person becomes more resilient, his working capacity increases.

Influence of hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks on feelings

Gymnastics of Tibetan monks is perfect for people with a changeable mood, including teenagers. After several months of training, the person who takes this practice is more relaxed about external stimuli, copes with negative feelings and stressful situations more successfully, since systematic exercises help to neutralize negative energy and dump it and at the same time replenish the supply of positive energy.

In five minutes to complete gymnastics of tibetan monks due to its influence on the work of the pituitary lobe and hypothalamus, the release of endorphin is stimulated - the hormone of happiness that affects the mood of a person, the stability of his emotional state, which makes a person more cheerful.

The Impact of Tibetan Morning Gymnastics on the Mind

Gymnastics of Tibetan monks has a positive effect on mental activity, because in the process of exercising the brain absorbs oxygen better and receives more organic and inorganic nutrients. Thanks to this, the practitioner assimilates information more easily, improves his knowledge. His long-term and short-term memory improves, concentration of attention increases.

Tibetan Monk Morning Exercises and Spiritual Level

By practicing these exercises, a person activates all energy centers that affect spiritual growth. Even after a short period of time, for example, after a week, a person feels a surge of energy, thirst for life, self-confidence. It is noticed that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics contributes to the disappearance of gray hair and the restoration of the natural hair color.

10 morning Tibetan hormonal gymnastics exercises in bed

To prepare a little for the exercises, first stretch lightly while lying on your back, relax, take a few breaths in and out, and proceed to the first exercise.

Lying in bed, rub your palms to get hot. It only takes 7-10 seconds. So you can find out a little about the state of your own biofield:

  • Dry and hot palms indicate a complete energy shell, which is the norm;
  • If the palms are warm, but moist, the biofield is slightly weakened;
  • If the palms do not warm up, but remain cold with the release of sweat, the body gives an energy failure and has obvious problems.

But no matter what this simple diagnosis shows, proceed to next exercise Tibetan morning hormonal gymnastics.

Put your warm palms on your eyes and 30 times perform light springy pressure on the eyeballs at a speed of one pressure per second.

After thirty clicks, do not rush to remove your palms, but leave them pressed to your eyes for another 30-60 seconds.

However, if you have glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure, you should first consult an ophthalmologist. As the practice of using the exercise shows, visual acuity is increased by improving the energy supply of the eyes.

Place your palms on your ears, fingers pointing towards the back of your head. Perform springy presses without lifting your palms. 30 movements in 30 sec.
While doing this exercise, chronic diseases of the hearing organs may worsen, but this phenomenon is temporary. Gradually, this disease will be cured, hearing acuity will improve.

Exercise for cervical lymph nodes

Grab your ears so that thumb lay behind the ear, and four bent fingers on the front of the ear. Perform oncoming sliding movements along lower jaw from ear to chin and back to ear 30 times.

This exercise will help heal the entire ear-pharyngeal lymphatic ring, middle and inner ear by increasing blood flow to the face and neck and outflow of lymph from these areas. The oval of the face will be tightened, the body will be rejuvenated.

Place your right palm on your forehead and your left palm on top of your right. Perform 30 rubbing movements from the right temple to the left and back.
This exercise cleans the frontal and paranasal sinuses, relieves sinusitis, sinusitis, activates the activity of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the function of the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal and genital). And also gives an excellent cosmetic effect, as it smoothes expression and age wrinkles.

Exercise of non-contact massage of the parietal region back and forth

Hands folded in the same way as in the previous exercise, raise above your head at a level of 3-4 cm and perform 30 straight movements from the forehead to the crown and back.

Exercise of non-contact massage of the parietal region

The starting position of the hands is the same as in the previous one. Perform 30 overhead movements from right to left and back.

These two exercises can be performed both while lying down and in a sitting position. They normalize arterial pressure in both hypertensive and hypotensive patients, as well as heal the shoulder joints and have a beneficial effect on the fight against cellulite on the inner surface of the shoulders.

Place the palm of your right hand on top of the thyroid gland (Adam's apple) and your left palm on top of your right. Right hand hold on the gland area, and with the left perform 30 movements from the thyroid gland to the navel and back. Putting your palms together on the area of ​​the thyroid gland, hold the movement for 5-7 seconds. After the thirtieth movement, lower both hands from the neck to the stomach.

Abdominal Massage Exercise

The position of the hands is the same, but on the stomach. Perform 30 clockwise abdominal rubbing movements.

Exercise is aimed at normalizing the functioning of both the organs of the digestive system as a whole, and the glands involved in digestion, affects the carbohydrate balance in the blood. It is recommended for people to do:

  • having bowel problems (frequent constipation);
  • with the liver and gallbladder;
  • in which the activity of the pancreas is disrupted.

To complete this exercise, you need to move from the bed to the floor or some other hard surface.

  • Lying on your back, lift your arms and legs up without lifting your pelvis.
  • First, perform 30 flexion-extension movements with your hands and feet at the same time.
  • And then 30 circular movements outward and 30 circular movements inward with the feet and hands at the same time. And finally, do small shaking movements with your arms and legs for 30 counts.

This exercise will “wake up” your circulatory system after sleep, will have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, especially the capillaries of the arms and legs, and will open small energy channels.

Exercise "Massage of feet and legs"

After completing the complex of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed, sit in a comfortable position for you and rub your feet, then light movements stretch your toes, stroke the tops of your feet. Focus on the arches of the feet, as there are many nerve endings coming from the organs.
Then perform light stroking movements on the inner and outer lateral surfaces. right leg, then left. Rub lightly in a circular motion knee joints, make several stroking movements on your thighs from the outside to the inside. These final movements will help improve the health of the lymphatic system. If your feet are dry, use an oil, preferably olive oil, to exercise.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed, video:

It takes no more than 10 minutes a day to complete the complex of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, but these ten minutes will put in order the work of the glands of external, internal and mixed secretion. And this will have a very beneficial effect on your health and well-being. Daily practice will give you vivacity, fill you with energy, a sense of joy and harmony, because a well-functioning endocrine system provides good energy tone.

Be healthy and physically active!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 30 2017 Nov.


Tibetan monks are the "pioneers" of unique and effective energy exercises. Such gymnastics was invented several millennia ago, but it remains relevant today. The complex of classes has a rejuvenating effect, strengthens health and prolongs life.

Tibetan energy gymnastics

There are many ways to improve your condition, improve your health, transform into better side... The energetic gymnastics of Tibetan monks is considered one of the most effective and proven techniques in this area. It has more positive reviews and is significantly more effective than yoga. For its correct execution and receipt positive results it is worth adhering to these rules:

  1. Exercise for body and mind should be regular.
  2. It is recommended to practice only in comfortable, loose clothing. It should not constrict, press, hinder movement.
  3. Energy charging in progress early morning, before the first meal (from six to eight in the morning is the most optimal time).
  4. Special attention one must pay attention to breathing. It must be deep and correct. Otherwise, instead of the benefits of training, there will only be negative consequences.
  5. The surface for performing the practice should be as hard as possible.
  6. Another important rule of energy Tibetan gymnastics- body and soul are in a relaxed state. If a person's thoughts are occupied with negativity, he is experiencing stress, anxious, then it is better not to start doing the exercises. First you need to get trained. To clear the inner world of negative energy and only then proceed to practical exercises.

Exercising Tibetan monks helps to achieve the following results:

  • withdrawal muscle tension;
  • psychological relaxation;
  • elimination of nervous tension is also the result of energetic Tibetan gymnastics;
  • improving concentration of the mind;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • energetic gymnastics is responsible for work stabilization of cardio-vascular system;
  • maintenance of libido and flow sexual energy;
  • fills the body with energy, vigor;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • improves mood, gives a burst of energy;
  • guarantees the restoration of harmony of all systems of human life.


If you need to reset excess weight and improve the body as a whole, then the energy Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss will become excellent option... The Qigong technique is physical activities, which must be done in conjunction with breathing exercises... Qigong actively restores emotional, physical and intellectual harmony, activates the physiological abilities of the body, helps cleanse blood vessels, enhances immunity, and normalizes metabolism.

The basis of Qigong gymnastics is the following exercises:

  1. Frog. You need to sit down on a chair. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Then collect the fingers of the left hand into a fist. Wrap your right hand around it. Lean forward, place your elbows on your knees. Lower your head on your hands, abdominal muscles relax. Take deep breaths and exhales, straining the peritoneum so that it swells.
  2. Energy wave. Lie face up on a hard surface. Bend the lower limbs at the knees, press the feet tightly. One upper limb is located on chest, the second - on the stomach. Inhale, while pulling in the sternum and inflating the abdomen. Perform 20-25 repetitions.
  3. Lotus. It is necessary to sit on the floor in the "lotus" position, close your eyes. Exactly, inhale / exhale deeply for five minutes. This kind of energetic gymnastics is done for 15 minutes with a short break.

In the bed

This energy-gymnastic complex is recommended to be performed right on the bed, almost immediately after waking up. The ideal time for morning Tibetan gymnastics in bed is until six in the morning. For classes to be effective, 10 minutes a day is enough. The most important thing is to do the exercises in a certain sequence, without missing any of the practices. You need to do 30 repetitions. With help morning complex you can achieve the following successes:

  • reinforce immune system;
  • recharge the body with energy for a long time;
  • improve brain activity;
  • cleanse the human body of toxins, toxins;
  • get rid of excess belly fat and correct posture.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room well. In the morning, after waking up, open your eyes, take a deep breath, stretch.
  2. Rubbing hands, palm to palm (10 seconds). The skin should be warm. If no heating has occurred, then this is a signal of malfunctioning in the body. In any case, continue with the complex. After a few days, the body should return to normal.
  3. Warm palms need to be pressed to the eyes, while performing 30 gentle springy movements (palming). Hold upper limbs in this position for one to two minutes.
  4. Cover the ears with your hands. Press the pads of the thumbs to the area behind the ears. Make 30 pulsating movements (1 per second).
  5. Thumbs up put under the ears, and the rest - on the auricles. Move the palms down the chin. Next, move your palms back to your ears, gently tightening the skin.
  6. Then put your palms together (left - on top), attach to the forehead. Rub the entire area above the eyes with active movements from left to right.
  7. Do not separate your hands. Move to the top of the head, lift it above the hair. Move the folded palms from the back of the head to the forehead, without disturbing the skin. Then perform thirty repetitions from one auricle to the other (above the head).
  8. Put the right palm on the neck, closer to the thyroid gland, cover the right with the left. Upper hand perform active movements over the body from the neck to the navel and back. Do not move the lower palm.
  9. After completing 30 repetitions of the previous energy exercise, connect the upper limbs, lowering them to the navel. Placement of palms: right palm under the left. Make circular motion rubbing belly with light pressure.
  10. Upper and lower limbs lift up (vertically). Keep your palms and feet in a horizontal position. Describe 30 laps with legs and arms at a time. Then bend and straighten the hands and feet the same number of times.
  11. Sit on the bed. Perform a light massage of the feet and toes.
  12. With soft, gentle movements, stroke the lower extremities from the thighs to the knees, and then to the feet.
  13. After that, do a more intense massage. Rub the skin of the legs until warm.
  14. Morning exercises from Tibetans will give guaranteed first results in a few days.

Gymnastics of Hermes Trismegistus

Another popular technique of rejuvenation and healing, which belongs to the oldest popular complexes, is the gymnastics of Hermes Trismegistus. It is named after an ancient Egyptian priest and doctor. When scientists discovered a papyrus with a detailed description of it, they were very surprised by the effectiveness and physiological validity. Many people have already tried this unique technique on themselves, the reviews about it are only positive.

The most optimal age category for performing is from 23 to 70 years old. This is due to the fact that at a young age and after 70 overvoltage and breathing practices can harm the human body and body. In the process of performing the ancient Egyptian technique, you must breathe correctly and strictly follow the instructions. Unusual gymnastics of Hermes for women and men consists of three steps. Strength exercises are performed first.

  1. Starting position - spread the lower limbs shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms along the body, relax. Breathing is calm and free.
  2. Take a sharp breath through your nose, clenching your fingers into fists. In this case, the upper limbs must be quickly spread apart and brought behind the back.
  3. Throw your head back, bend the body to the maximum, strain all the muscles strongly.
  4. Hold your breath in this position for four seconds.
  5. Noisy, exhale quickly through the mouth. On exhalation, sharply bend the body forward so that your hands practically reach the ground.
  6. This is followed by a criss-cross swing of the upper limbs and a return to the starting position.

Gymnastic exercise "Ax":

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lean forward a little.
  2. Hands are free, hanging. The body is completely relaxed, breathing is even.
  3. Breathe in air sharply with your nose, straighten your back. Connect the upper limbs into the lock, throw it up behind the head in a circle through right side.
  4. Bend back, throw your head back, tighten the muscles of the body. Stop breathing for four seconds.
  5. Exhale loudly through your mouth, with relief. Quickly lower your arms in a circle, with a turn through the left side.
  6. Return to starting position.
  7. Do two repetitions on the left and right sides.

Gymnastic exercise "Discobolus":

  1. The starting position is the same as in the first two exercises.
  2. You need to relax as much as possible, to even out your breathing. Take a swift breath with your nose, clenching your fists.
  3. Right hand in a little bent position throw forward to the level of the forehead. Take the left upper limb down and back.
  4. Expand the torso towards the simulated throw. Take the position of the person who is about to throw the disc.
  5. Tighten the muscles throughout the body to the maximum, do not tear the lower limbs off the floor. Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  6. Take the initial pose on an instant exhalation, while turning along the helical line to the right side.
  7. Make two "throws" with each hand.

Four gymnastic exercises for an even distribution of energy are also an integral part of the complex. The first lesson is done as follows:

  1. Spread the lower limbs shoulder-width apart. Tilt the body forward slightly.
  2. Place the palms together and pull them forward.
  3. Inhale vigorously, gently through your nose (about 4 seconds) as if the air were being pumped in. At this moment, gently spread the upper limbs to the sides, bend the body back.
  4. By the end of the inhalation, it is necessary to achieve maximum tension throughout the body. Hold the air for four seconds.
  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth (for four seconds). As you exhale, move the body forward slightly, returning the upper limbs to their starting position.
  6. When performing the exercise, breathing should be calm, even.

The second exercise of the ancient complex:

  1. Starting position - the lower limbs are spaced shoulder-width apart.
  2. Upper part tilt the body forward, lower your hands freely so that the fingers of the palms touch the fingers on the feet.
  3. Do not bend your knees, relax your body to the maximum.
  4. Take a smooth four-second breath while straightening your body.
  5. Slowly stretch your arms forward, stop at the level of the chest.
  6. Then immediately raise them above your head, bending back. In this case, all the muscles of the body must be tense.
  7. Hold your breath for four seconds.
  8. Exhale softly, smoothly, through the mouth, uttering the sound "XO". Return to the original exhalation position.

Third energy exercise:

  1. The initial position of the body is identical to the previous one. Only the upper limbs must be parted to the sides.
  2. Relax the body, calm down, even out breathing.
  3. Inhale through your nose for four seconds, gradually filling your lungs.
  4. At the same time, turn to the right as much as possible so that you can see the objects behind your back.
  5. The lower limbs must not be lifted off the floor. At the same time, strain the body to the maximum.
  6. Hold the air for four seconds.
  7. Then slowly exhale it with your mouth (for 4 seconds), uttering the sound "XO". Return to starting position.

Fourth exercise:

  1. Lie face up on the floor. Bring the lower limbs together.
  2. Put your hands under your head in the back of the head.
  3. Slowly but vigorously inhale the air in four seconds. At the same time, raise your legs up (at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor).
  4. Tighten the muscles as much as possible.
  5. Hold the breath for four seconds, while performing two rotational body movements with the lower limbs clockwise.
  6. Slow exhalation for 4 seconds.
  7. On exhalation, return the legs to the starting position.
  8. It is necessary to make two rotational movements clockwise and two counterclockwise.

The third step of the energetic ancient Egyptian gymnastics is the stabilization of the acquired energy in the body. This will require a contrast shower. In order to properly and reliably fix the energy inside, it is necessary to take alternately hot and cold showers (two minutes each). The contrast of the water flow should increase slightly. After three months of doing energetic gymnastics, having reached the maximum indicator, it will be constant. Total time water treatments will naturally double.

Energetic gymnastics in Zeland

Next effective method to heal and strengthen the body, develop skills to improve the personal energy level - this is energy gymnastics in Zeland. The basis of this method of improving appearance and inner peace is an effective filling technique human body flows of free energy that is in the environment.

Thanks to this complex, it is possible to free the subtle and central channels as much as possible for the unhindered circulation of energy throughout the body. It is stored in the energy sphere that appears around a person. As a result, the previously damaged shell, which caused the loss of energy, is restored. The new sphere will protect against problems, troubles, and the emergence of disease. She is also responsible for the surge of strength and the appearance of absolute inner harmony.

Exercises in Zeland are performed as follows:

  1. Take a smooth breath, imagining that at this moment a powerful flow of energy from the ground follows into the groin area. Then he slowly moves along the spine, reaches the head and goes into space.
  2. With a leisurely exhalation, you need to imagine the following picture: a stream of energy moves from heaven, which penetrates the head, and from it, through the back and lower limbs, goes back to the ground.
  3. Then you need to imagine that these two pillars of energy simultaneously move towards each other, but do not intersect.
  4. Next, you need to maximally feel your skin with all your insides, turning this wonderful sensation into a sphere.
  5. Zeland energetic gymnastics will give results within a week of regular exercise.

Energy gymnastics- These are some simple exercises that take about 5 minutes. They can be done while lying in bed or standing. However, they cannot be underestimated.
There is a legend about this gymnastics that everyone who does it in 5 minutes is able to work miracles, and if he does it regularly, then he gets younger by leaps and bounds.
Energy gymnastics allows you to dump energy waste and open up channels for fresh energy. This gymnastics allows you to increase the coefficient of emotional intelligence. It is used by many healers to restore energy balance, improve the functioning of all organs and systems.
Diagnostic devices that can measure the energy of a person's field and the colors of his aura show changes immediately after performing these exercises. The contours of the aura are leveled, covering evenly the whole body and acquire white-blue colors.
Those who do these exercises develop self-healing abilities on a daily basis. Doing lying (or standing)

Exercise 1.
Circular rotations of the feet (alternately if standing) 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 2.
Circular rotation of the lower leg of the legs, with bent knees (alternately if standing) 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 3.
Circular rotation of the hip joint, alternately right and left, 4 times in both directions.

Exercise 4.
Previously, having raised the buttocks, we make rotational movements with the pelvis 4 times in different directions.

Exercise 5.
Rotational movements with the hands of both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 6.
Rotational movements of the elbow joints of both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 7.
Rotational movements of the shoulder joints of both hands forward and backward 4 times.

Exercise 8.
Rising on elbows, we tilt the head 4 times back and forth, then circular rotations of the head clockwise and counterclockwise also 4 times.

Exercise 9.
Rotational movements of the eyes 4 times forward and backward and also clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercise 10.
Having risen above the bed, provided that it is sufficiently rigid, leaning on the feet and shoulder blades, the legs are bent at the knees, we make progressive alternating movements with our knees, as if we are moving forward, while our hands are on the pillow under the head. The spine twists and the vertebrae fall into place from the lumbar to the cervical spine. This does not happen immediately, but after a while of training.
If we do while standing, then these exercises are performed on legs slightly bent at the knees, with toes slightly inward, at shoulder level. 10 Exercise in a standing position is like a "mower" that mows from different sides each time.

At the end of energetic gymnastics, we rub our hands well, rub our feet - foot on foot, (if standing, then we make movements on toes, on heels, on the inside of the feet and on the outside), rub the ears, wrists, do, as it were, washing the face from below up, a couple of massage movements on the head and clap our hands!

Energy gymnastics is best done when you feel most comfortable. As you gradually get used to it, you will feel better and better, younger and more fun!
Be healthy and happy!

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