Head coach of water polo. Water polo coaches: training with the pros

In the mixed zone, it was a pity to look at the Spanish women: they could not give interviews normally, because they were crying. Our girls and the head coach had opposite emotions, explaining the reasons for the sudden success. According to the bookmakers' quotes, the probability of victory for the Spanish national team was estimated at 1.46, and for the Russian national team at 5.60. In other words, few people expected such a result.

Photo: Grigory Telingater, "Championship"

- For many, the victory of the Russian national team was a big surprise. How did it become possible?
- Game discipline! This is the backbone of the basics. Today the girls adhered to it. We have fulfilled almost one hundred percent of what was discussed at the installation. We have been analyzing the Spanish national team for two or three months - since the draw for the Olympics took place. We immediately roughly identified our rivals in the quarterfinals. We figured out the rank, the strength. We imagined who we were going to. We have learned the Spanish national team one hundred percent - although, of course, we cannot say so. In general, we knew them very well from the stages of the world league. All our hope was that they would not come up with something new.

- Did the Spaniards take us so seriously?
- Talking to the coach of the Spanish national team Megel, it was clear that they were seriously tuned in to us. By the way, they also wanted to meet with us in the quarterfinals. Probably they thought that we would leave everything as it was before. But we have prepared a couple of new schemes.

- Do our girls head spin after such a success?
- We came here to fight for medals. While we are performing our task. Hopefully, we will continue further.

- Who can you single out from the girls?
- Perhaps, the goalkeeper, she played just great. God grant that she will play the remaining games at the same level. And I would not like to single out anyone else. They all worked well. It was a real team game.

- Who would you like to get in the semifinals?
- Of course, I would like the Chinese team, but I think it will be Italians. Most likely, we will have a rematch. It's my opinion.

- You said that the trump card of the Russian women's team is character. Another time they said that you are trying to put smart game... Today was a victory at the expense of character or mind?
- I would say that this is both character and a smarter tactical game. You can see that modern women's polo is developing in such a way that all the girls are big. It turns out, almost a man's water polo. Our girls have more model appearance... You have to think with your head, wiggle your convolutions.

- Spain has one of the girls - under a hundred kilograms ...
- She was born in 2000.

- How to compete with such?
- Only an active game and a search for loopholes through which you can play. Today, the Spanish national team had numbers 11 and 10 - the two leading players we singled out Special attention... I think we managed to neutralize them. Hence the result.

- You talked with Milege. Did you get the feeling that the opponent underestimated the Russian national team?
- We hoped so. And in the group it's all ... Someone will say - "fooling around." We'll say "trick". As I say, we originally planned to get the Spanish women as rivals. You can beat everyone if you are two heads stronger or if you are a little more cunning. We took the second path.

- At what point did you find out that this game was moved both in time and to another arena?
- This morning, on the day of the match, I learned that the meeting was postponed for an hour. The game was originally set at 19:40. We clarified it the evening before. And only at the morning warm-up we were informed that the game would start at 18:20. We had where to go.

- In general, was there a difference?
- By time - no. Maybe even this hour helped us. I didn't have to languish.

The head coach of the women's water polo team - about the secrets of our team, which helped her to win the bronze medal of the Olympics in Rio.

Alexander GAYDUKOV, born on January 10, 1974
As a player he played for the Volgograd "Spartak", was a six-time champion of Russia (1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2010, 2011)
As part of the Kazakhstan national team, he participated in the 2004 Olympics in Athens.
From 2012 to 2015 worked as a head coach women's team"Spartak-Volgograd".
In October 2015, he was appointed acting, and in January 2016 - the head coach of the Russian women's team.

The third place of water polo players has become one of the main Russian sensations in Rio. After the group stage defeats to Australia (4:14) and Italy (5:10), it was impossible to believe in such an outcome. As well as 30 seconds before the end of the match for third place, when our team was losing and there were rivals in the attack. But the Russians managed to turn everything upside down. One of the main creators of the "bronze" miracle - 42-year-old Main coach Alexander Gaidukov.


After two devastating defeats in the group, the second coach Andrei Belofastov and the girls said that everything was going according to plan. Now admit: you were cunning?

If you start dashingly, chances are good to be blown away to decisive games... And our main task was not to give our best in the group stage. We have already stepped on this rake and on the previous major tournaments, and youth teams. Therefore, for a long time, they set the team up for the fact that the Olympics will start with the quarterfinals.

- It turns out during group stage did you deliberately hold back the teams at peak form?

Now I can admit: after the crushing defeats in the group, we were a little afraid that we had overloaded the girls, and there was not enough time to "dissolve" them. But practice has shown that we got it right. Plus, psychologists worked with the team. It helped a lot.

- After 4:14 from Australia, they probably had to do a good job?

We approached the Games with such an attitude that the group stage does not mean anything at all. We win - great, lose - to hell with him. But neither should there be any emotion. They had to be systematically accumulated for the playoffs. And now there - to throw everything out.

- I heard that even before the start of the group stage, you dreamed of getting to the quarterfinals in Spain. Why?

Simple calculations. China was the clear underdog in the parallel group, and the US was the favorite. There was a high probability that we would go either to Spain or Hungary. But we knew the Spanish team much better. Besides, we beat them in the last two matches. Although at the beginning of the season they lost about 6-7 goals. We have prepared a number of surprises for the quarterfinals. They did not play according to a well-established, familiar scheme, but personally adjusted to each of the Spanish women. And they hoped that the rivals, in turn, would not invent anything new.

- After our expressionless performance at the group stage, they hardly saw the point in this.

That's it. And for two months we purposefully prepared for this particular game. Disassembled from and to it was Spain and Hungary.


- Ekaterina Prokofieva said that, in an amicable way, it was necessary to win in the semifinals.

Then we watched that game and were amazed at how many chances we didn’t realize. At the same time, they conceded a large number of optional goals. This says one thing.

- About bad luck?

About psychological insecurity. We didn’t believe in our strength. Although everything was in our hands. We could have climbed a notch higher.

The Russian national team qualified for the Olympics, having equalized the score 4.6 before the end of the match with Greece, and then won on penalties. In Rio, in the match for third place, they managed to recoup at all with the final siren. Both times the decisive goals were scored by 21-year-old Anastasia Simanovich. To excel twice in six months is not an accident?

Probably, she is the luckiest one with us. The magic wand! I must ask if Nastya tried to play the lottery.

These two key games were won on penalties. In football, some teams don't train this element at all. What about water polo?

Someone is training. But we adhere to a different principle. Although the girls were sometimes asked to pay attention to the free throws.

- Why didn't you agree?

Because penalty training is about programming yourself. You get used to hitting one corner, and in a stressful situation you will certainly throw it there. Why give your opponent extra trump cards? At the same time, I tried to convey to the girls that they need to throw on horseback. By no means the bottom!

- Based on your own experience?

And that too. But to a greater extent - from observations. We followed the trainings, kept statistics. It turned out that kicks to the bottom are often pulled out by goalkeepers. But when you throw on horseback, then the throw is ineffective only if the penalty taker misses. It took only a little bit of analytics to figure this out.


- What does this Olympic medal mean for you, as a young coach?

I would like to believe that this was only the first step. Olympic bronze for me is not a comfort, but on the contrary - a huge incentive for further work. It is necessary to plow and plow. The semi-final showed that not everything is so smooth with us. We got a good school in Rio.

When in 2015 after a disastrous for Russia home championship of the world you were offered to lead the national team, did you agree right away? After all, it was quite realistic that the team would not have qualified for Rio at all. And in case of this, all the dogs would be lowered precisely on you.

I was immediately warned about this. But I took a conscious step, because I had a clear vision of how to build training process and all the work in general. Of course, there were fears, because only complete idiots are not afraid of anything. But inside there was a feeling that if I did everything right, we would succeed.

- Have you changed a lot?

First of all, the mood of the girls needed changes. Losses in major tournaments recent years negatively affected the psychological state of the team as a whole and each player separately. Our main task was not to teach girls to play differently, but to convince that their talent and skill are enough to win. To do this, you just need to add a little there, tighten something here and slightly correct it here. What they managed to convince them, they got to something themselves.

- Did you bring psychologists to the team?

A long time ago they worked with the national team, but then they were abandoned. However, in my opinion, in women's game types sports psychologists are essential. Not every coach is a good psychologist. And the support of professional specialists is only for the good.

- I remember you were going to get to the women's handball final. Succeeded?

We really wanted to, but we didn't have enough tickets. We were sick on TV.

I ask, because I want to know if you have learned something for yourself, looking at the manner of work of Yevgeny Trefilov?

We managed to communicate with Evgeny Vasilievich in an informal setting. Of course, it was me who asked mostly. Something he suggested to me, but somewhere he got lost in the answers. He threw up his hands and said: "Well, these are women. Much depends on instinct." At the same time, Trefilov manages to feel his girls 100 percent. This is not given to everyone.

- Do you think that it is possible to study coaches from other sports?

Necessary! Necessarily. Moreover, it is necessary to listen not only to honored coaches. Young people also have very interesting ideas. The most important thing is to hear what is necessary, which can really help, to separate the wheat from the chaff.


- The US women's team is now head and shoulders above the rest. How can this be explained?

Let's start with the fact that they have all the preparation being carried out on the highest level... On the eve of the Olympics, we were at the training camp for 10 days. American women trained there in parallel. We talked a lot with their head coach Adam Krikorian. Very open guy! He told and showed such things that others in his place would be silent, and even set up guards so that no one would see. Thank him very much for that. I will not go into details, but believe me, their training process is at a crazy level.

Plus to this - the psychology of winners. They cannot even come to terms with the thought of a possible defeat. But this is also their weakness. And you can play on this. They feel too confident, and this should be used.

- So, you are already thinking about how to throw them off the top?

We now have a clear understanding of how exactly they work. We will try to take on board all the best from their process and build it into our training system.

- But is this a task for the future? Can I enjoy the medal a little now?

It was resting on our laurels that led to the deplorable situation in which our water polo found itself. When everyone relaxed and decided that now we are the greatest of all time, we were immediately hit in the nose. A whole generation of very strong rivals has grown up on this basis. And now we are heroically trying to catch up with them.

This is exactly what can be used to catch the United States now. Victories are always a little relaxing. And we need to work, work and work again. If we stop even a little, we will immediately slide down.

2004 Athens: 3rd place

The Russian national team is approaching the Olympics in the status of one of the favorites. In 2001 our water polo players became the thirdand at the World Cup, and in the summer of 2002 won the World League and World Cup.
On Olympic tournament in Athens, they played according to a changed scheme: the first places in the groups automatically went to the semifinals. 2 and 3 teams advanced to the quarterfinals, among them was the Russian national team. In ¼, our team pretty easily dealt with the German national team 12: 5. The current Olympic champion Hungary blocked the way to the final for the Russian water polo players. The defeat was 5: 7 and the hosts of the Olympics were waiting for us in the match for the 3rd place. Revaz Chomakhidze scored four goals in this match, which allowed the Russian team to lead with a score of 4: 2. Towards the end of the meeting, the Greeks leveled the score - 5: 5, but the last word remained with the wards of Alexander Kabanov. Marat Zakirov threw the decisive goal into the gates of the Greek team two minutes before the final whistle. Bronze of Athens became the 10th and so far the last Olympic medal of the national water polo.

1. Maximov Nikolay
2. Fedorov Alexander
3. Vitaly Yurchik
4. Kozlov Nikolay
5. Roman Balashov
6. Eryshov Alexander
7.evaz Chomakhidze
8.Mitri Stratan
9. Gorshkov Dmitry
10.Arat Zakirov
11.Sergey Garbuzov
12. Zinnurov Irek
13.Ndrey Rechechinsky

2000 Sydney: 2nd place

At the 1996 Olympics, domestic water polo was left without medals for the first time in 44 years. At the games in Atlanta, a new competition format was introduced, when the teams met in elimination matches already in the quarterfinals. The Russian national team took 4th place in the group and lost 1/4 to Italy, which took first place in the other six. The victory in the consolation tournament brought our team 5th place. It should be noted that for the first time in the Olympic water polo tournament took part as an independent national team of Ukraine. Zhovto-Blakitny took 12th place, but in almost all games, including with the leaders, they imposed an equal fight.
The Spanish national team finally became the champion. Olympic gold became a well-deserved award for one of the best water polo players of all time, Manuel Estiarte, who, with 126 goals in 6 Olympiads, is absolute record holder for this indicator.
At the preliminary stage in Sydney, the Russian national team took first place in the group, drawing with Italy, and scoring four more victories. The path to the final was very difficult: both in 1/4 and 1/2, our team was able to win by only one goal. The semi-final turned out to be especially difficult: the main time and two additional periods did not reveal the winner - they had to play until the “golden” goal. It was impossible to watch this match without validol. In the 10th minute, in the last seconds of the game, the team captain Dmitry Gorshkov scores the winning goal. This battle took away a lot of strength from our water polo players, and in the final the Russian national team failed to resist the Hungarians, who, 24 years later, regained the title of Olympic champions.

The composition of the Russian national team:
Irek Zinnurov
Dmitry Stratan
Revaz Chomakhidze
Marat Zakirov
Nikolay Kozlov
Nikolay Maximov
Andrey Rekechinsky
Sergey Garbuzov
Dmitry Gorshkov
Yuri Yatsev
Roman Balashov
Dmitry Dugin
Alexander Eryshov
coach: Alexander Kabanov

1996 Atlanta: 5th place

1992 Barcelona: 3rd place

At the Barcelona Olympics, our country played as a United Team. For political reasons, the undisputed favorite of those years, the winner of the last two Olympic Games, the Yugoslav national team, did not take part in the water polo tournament for political reasons.
The format of the competition was an exact copy of the games in Seoul - two groups of six teams and elimination games. At the preliminary stage, our team confidently took first place, beating all their rivals, including the offender in past Olympics team USA 8: 5. But like 4 years before that, the Russian water polo players lost in the semifinals, again by one goal, this time to the Italian national team. In another meeting, the hosts were stronger than the 1991 World Cup winner USA. The American team also lost in the match for 3rd place. OK 8: 4 US. Thus, the bronze of Barcelona became the sixth consecutive Olympic award for the national water polo.
The final match of the 1992 Olympic Games is considered one of the most dramatic in the history of water polo. The main time of the meeting ended in a draw. No one at that time could have imagined that the winner would be determined in the sixth added period. Despite overwhelming support from the home crowd, the Spanish national team, led by water polo legend Manuel Estiarte, failed to win gold. Watch the video for how the finals went. It is worth noting that although the Yugoslav national team formally was not at the games in Barcelona, ​​her school played an important role - the coaches of both finalists were Balkan specialists Dragan Matutinovic and the great Ratko Rudic, for whom this victory became at that time already the third Olympic gold.

The composition of our team:
Andrey Belofastov, Alexey Vdovin, Dmitry Apanasenko, Dmitry Gorshkov, Vladimir Karabutov, Andrey Kovalenko, Nikolay Kozlov, Alexander Kolotov, Alexander Ogorodnikov, Sergey Naumov, Sergey Markoch, Alexander Chigir, Evgeny Sharonov

1988 Seoul: 3rd place

Photos from European Championship 1987

For political reasons, Soviet athletes did not participate in the 1984 Olympics. In this regard, the USSR national water polo team had to wait 8 years to again get the right to fight for medals in the main four-year tournament. Pertwo Olympic cycles, the collection of Soviet water polo awards was replenished with a victory and third place at the 1982 and 1986 World Championships, respectively. In the 80s, our team had no equal in the European arena, which is eloquently evidenced by three consecutive victories in the continental championship (1983, 1985, 1987).
At the Seoul Olympic Tournament, 12 teams were divided into two groups. In its six, the USSR national team took second place, and according to the new format of the competition advanced to the semifinals, where the vice-champion of the OI-1984 team of the USA was waiting for it. In a bitter struggle, our team lost 7: 8. In the match for the third place, the Soviet water polo players had to play with the team of the Federal Republic of Germany. Both teams have already met in the group stage, then the German team won. Boris Popov's charges confidently started the match, leading 5: 1, but by the final period of the FRG national team they managed to equalize the score. And yet this evening the team was stronger Soviet Union... The victory is 14:13 and thus for the 6th time in a row (not counting OI-1984, where we did not participate) Soviet water polo players are in the top three.


Sharonov Evgeniy - Moscow
Giorgadze Mikhail - Tbilisi
Grishin Evgeniy - Moscow
Kolotov Alexander - Moscow
Mendygaliev Nurlan - Moscow
Berendyuga Victor - Lviv
Smirnov Nikolay - Lvov
Markoch Sergey - Moscow
Sergey Kotenko - Alma-Ata
Naumov Sergey - Moscow
Mshvenieradze Georgy - Moscow
Apanasenko Dmitry - Moscow
Ivanov Mikhail - Moscow

1984 Los Angeles: boycott

1980 Moscow: 1st place


Evgeny Sharonov
Sergey Kotenko
Vladimir Akimov
Evgeny Grishin
Mait Riisman
Alexander Kabanov
Alexey Barkalov
Erkin Shagaev
Georgy Mshvenieradze
Mikhail Ivanov
Vyacheslav Sobchenko

Victory at the 1980 Olympic Games: USSR national water polo team, two-time Olympic champion
Over the 8 years that have passed since the victory at the Olympics in Munich, the USSR national team has added one silver medal of the World and European Championships to its collection of awards. But the most important achievement was the first victory in the world championship. It happened in 1975 in Colombia. Then there was a failure - and that is how the 8th place of our team at the 1976 Olympics was named. Erkin Shagaev recalls: “after an extremely unsuccessful performance at the Montreal-76 Olympics, in the period from 1976 to 1980, the USSR national team underwent significant rejuvenation. difficulties 52 athletes have passed the qualifying sieve over the years. 11 performed in Moscow-80. It was an extremely difficult and painful time for us. At the European Championships (Sweden-77), World (West Berlin-78) and the First World Cup (Yugoslavia -79), we ended up only in fourth place, while the Hungarians won Europe-77 and the World Cup-79. official matches we lost with them.
But despite defeats in previous years, a powerful Soviet team emerged by 1980. “The boycott of the 1980 Olympics by Western countries had almost no effect on the balance of power in the water polo tournament - all the then leaders gathered in Moscow. 12 national teams were divided into three groups, two the best teams went to the final part... At the preliminary stage, the Soviet water polo players beat Italy and Spain by two goals, and defeated the Swedish national team. In the first match of the final round, our team was opposed by the then Olympic champions, the Hungarian national team. In a tense struggle, Boris Popov's wards won with a score of 5: 4. This was followed by three confident victories over Spain, Cuba and the Netherlands. The last game with Yugoslavia actually had the status of the final. The team from the Balkan Peninsula lost only one point in the match against Cuba. The winner of the head-to-head confrontation between the group leaders became the champion. In the hardest match in Olympic stadium, the USSR national team won 8: 7 and became a two-time champion of the main tournament in four years.

1976 Montreal: 7th place

1972 Munich: 1st place

In the bottom row (from left to right): V. Zhmudsky, V. Gulyaev, A. Kabanov, V. Sobchenko, N. Melnikov, L. Osipov. Top row: A. Dolgushin, A. Barkalov, A. Dreval, A. Akimov, A. Shidlovsky, senior coach A. Blumenthal, coach V. Semenov

Our water polo players approached the games in Munich in the status of one of the main favorites - in 1970 the Soviet Union national team became a two-time European champion.
16 teams took part in the Olympic tournament. The teams were divided into three groups (6 + 5 + 5) - from each the two best teams advanced to the final six. At the preliminary stage, our water polo players confidently beat all their rivals, and having two points for the victory over Italy, the USSR national team had to play with 1 and 2 places in other groups. In the first match, Anatoly Blumenthal's wards achieved a difficult victory on the Yugoslav national team 5: 4. Next game- 4: 2 victory over the FRG national team. Then there was a 6: 6 draw with the US national team, which became the opening of the water polo tournament. The fate of the gold medals was decided in the last match with Hungary. Our team was happy with a draw: both teams had 7 points, but we were one goal ahead of the Hungarians in goal difference. It became decisive - in the hardest struggle the USSR national team managed to achieve the desired draw result.

Hungary 3-3 USSR (2-1, 1-1, 0-1, 0-0) - Sharosi, Kashash, Sivosh; Osipov, Shidlovsky, Dreval
Thus, Soviet water polo players became Olympic champions for the first time. It is worth noting the equal level of the participants in the final round - only in one of the 15 games the difference in the score was more than two goals.

1968 Mexico City: 2nd place

Two years before the Olympic tournament, the USSR national team won its first international title by winning the 1966 European Championship in Holland.
At the Olympics in Mexico City again, for the 5th time in a row, all the same teams from the USSR, Hungary, Italy and Yugoslavia made it to the final four. Our team reached the top 4 with points for the victory over Italy with a score of 8-5. The last game between the USSR and Yugoslavia actually had the status of a final, since both teams have won all previous matches. Despite 7 goals of 22-year-old Alexei Barkalov, who recently made his debut in the main team country, our team lost with a score of 11-13.

The composition of the vice-champions of the 1968 Olympics:
Gulyaev Vadim- Moscow
Bovin Oleg - Moscow
Grishin Boris - Moscow
Dolgushin Alexander - Moscow
Chikwana Givi - Moscow
Shidlovsky Alexander - Moscow
Skok Vyacheslav - Moscow
Osipov Leonid - Moscow
Grigorovsky Yuri - Moscow
Barkalov Alexey - Kharkiv
Semenov Vladimir - Moscow

1964 Tokyo: 3rd place

On the picture:
Top row from left to right:
Eduard Egorov, senior coach Andrei Yulievich Kistyakovsky, Leonid Osipov, coach Evgeny Alexandrovich Semenov, Nikolai Kuznetsov, President of the USSR Water Polo Federation Vitaly Georgievich Smirnov, Boris Popov, Vladimir Semenov;
Bottom row from left to right:
Team captain Boris Grishin, Igor Grabovsky, Zenon Bortkevich, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Nikolai Kalashnikov, Victor Ageev, P. Ivanov (translator).

This time 13 teams took part in the Olympic water polo tournament. The format of the competition remained the same - three group stages, the two best teams advance to the next round, the result between them is taken into account in the new four.
It is noteworthy that, as in the previous three Olympics, the first four remained unchanged - from the first semi-final quartet, Yugoslavia and Hungary, having played in a draw, came out of the first semi-final quartet, and the USSR and Italy, but unlike the games in Rome, the victory with with a score of 2-0 was now in the asset of our team. In the final round, Yugoslavia and Hungary won two victories - the champion had to be determined by the goal difference. The best she was in the Hungarian national team, which has already become 5 times Olympic champion... Well, the USSR national team won the bronze medals. Among the Soviet water polo players, it is worth noting Viktor Ageev, who became a three-time Olympic medalist. And at the same games, an unbeaten record in men's water polo was set so far - Hungarian Dejo Gyarmati won the 5th Olympic medal, and three of them are of the highest standard. The same achievement in terms of the number of victories in 44 years will be repeated by 5 of his compatriots.

1960 Rome: 2nd place

On the picture:
(first row) N. Malin, A. Kartashev, V. Ageev, V. Novikov, V. Ushakov, V. Semenov
(second row) V. Kurennoy, Y. Grigorovsky, B. Goikkhman, E. Saltsyn, L. Gogoladze, P. Mshvenieradze, G. Chikvanaya

Participated in the Olympic water polo tournament record number national teams - 16. Teams were divided into 4 groups, of which the best two advanced to the semifinal four. The USSR national team also successfully made it there.
The final quartet also included the top two teams. Soviet water polo players came out from the secondplaces, losing to the Italian national team 0-2 - this match was already counted in the final distribution of places. In the remaining games, the USSR team won against Yugoslavia, and the match with Hungary ended in a draw. The Italians, who, taking into account the victory over the USSR, became the winners of the Olympic tournament, achieved the same results. Our water polo players won silver, the Hungarian team won the bronze.

1956 Melbourne: 3rd place

On the picture:
B. Goikhman, M. Ryzhak, Y. Shlyapin, V. Prokopov, V. Ageev, V. Kurennoy, P. Breus, N. Gvakharia, P. Mshvenieradze, G. Lezin, V. Ushakov (coach), B. Markarov

The first "international" medals of Soviet water polo players were obtained immediately at the Olympic tournament. After the 7th place at the Olympic Games-1952, this was a big step forward.
10 teams took part in the competition. In the semifinals, our team lost to the Hungarian national team. This match became the most scandalous in the history of water polo. Amid the riot in Budapest, the water polo players started a fight during the game. The match was interrupted. Hungary, which by that time was leading 4: 0, advanced to the final, where it won the fourth Olympic gold after beating Yugoslavia.

The 18th World Championship in water polo among youths under 20 ended last Saturday in Almaty. The youth team of Kazakhstan entered the top ten best teams planets. Competing with world leaders, young athletes were able to write their names in world history water polo. Vox Populi journalists will tell about how the competition went, about victories and defeats, tears of happiness and disappointment, as well as tell about the development of this spectacular sport on the territory of our country.

In total, 18 youth teams took part in the tournament. Group A includes the national teams of Croatia, Egypt, Montenegro and South Africa. Group B - Japan, Holland, Hungary, Greece, China. Group C includes youth teams from Iran, Serbia, Australia and Mexico. The water polo players of the Kazakhstan national team entered group D, where teams from Canada, Uzbekistan, Italy and Spain became their competitors.

World Junior Water Polo Championships under the auspices International Federation swimming (FINA) has been held every two years since 1981.

On the first day of the competition, our guys met with the Italian team, one of the leaders of the world water polo. Our squad failed to beat this team, but they showed an excellent game and gave battle to their rivals. The game score - 16: 9 in favor of Italy.

In the second game, the team of Kazakhstan also had a meeting with the favorites of the tournament - the Spanish national team. The opponents started the match with powerful attacks, but the water polo players of the Kazakhstan team did not allow the Spaniards to go into a large lead, keeping the minimum difference in the score with dignity until the second half of the game. In the third period, the rivals, one after the other, made accurate attacks, and brought the score to a large one. The result of the match is 21:13.

The next game of the group stage was very important for the athletes of the national youth team. A defeat in the game with Canada would have deprived our team of the chance to qualify from the group and, accordingly, the chance to compete for prizes. Thanks to perseverance and excellent preparation, our guys turned out to be stronger - 16:13. The first victory in the piggy bank of the youth team of Kazakhstan.

For our water polo players, this tournament was not without troubles. In the game with Canada, the team captain was injured. They put six stitches on his eye, but he returned like a captain and continued the next day to play and lead the team.

The final game of the group stage was the confrontation between the teams of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Our squad was full of determination and was determined only to win this match, because this duel determined which of the teams would continue to fight for prizes and who would go to the consolation tournament. By the way, the rivalry between the two neighboring republics has been going on for more than one year, and the Uzbek athletes show an increasingly tough game against the teams of Kazakhstan every year.

In this match, luck was with our athletes, and in the second period, the wards Knezhevich already had a two-goal lead. In the third eight-year round, they increased the handicap by one more goal. Believing in their victory early, the owners of the pool tried to finish the game with the most comfortable advantage for themselves, but the Uzbek water polo players showed persistence and reduced the score to a minimum. 13:12, victory of the national team of Kazakhstan.

After the end of the group stage, the teams met in accordance with standings... Thus, the water polo players of Kazakhstan faced one of the leading teams in the world water polo - the national team of Montenegro. It was the most difficult match for our athletes. The game ended with a score of 17:11 - ahead of the water polo players from Montenegro.

Thus, having lost to Montenegro, Kazakhstan automatically lost its place in the top eight teams in the world. Our squad started fighting for 9-12 places.

The match with the Mexican national team ended with a crushing score 18:11 in favor of our water polo players.

The domestic youth team had not yet occupied such high positions in the standings of the world championship, and they were going to the match with the Egyptians, as in the last battle... Forgetting about the fatigue of the previous six most difficult meetings, the owners of the pool from the first minutes of the match imposed their game - 4: 1.

In the second half of the match, the rivals, realizing that it would be difficult for them to win, began to play a "dirty" game. Hard fouls, rudeness and challenging the actions of the referees. All this did not go unnoticed, and immediately followed by red cards to several players of the Egyptian team, meaning removal.

However, this did not stop them either. The Egyptians continued to resent the actions of the judges from the stands. And at the end of the game, they almost showered the judge with flasks and bottles. Not the most sports behavior, in my opinion.

Our water polo players didn’t react to the obvious provocation of the opposing team, and won a landslide victory in this match - 18:10.

The youth team of Kazakhstan won the ninth place at the 18th World Championship in water polo among youths under 20.

Altai Altayev, team captain:

- This championship was quite difficult. The opponents are very well prepared. All the guys in our team did their best in every game. We tried very hard, fought to the end, and this is the result.

Dmitry Khodzinsky, assistant coach of the youth team:

- Preparations for the World Championship were started in two years. We knew that, being the hosts of this tournament, we had to perform with dignity. In addition, new rules were introduced, by which even Europe has not yet played. Therefore, we had to rebuild the guys a lot. If earlier they played six on six, now, according to the FINA rules, the game is five on five. We had to find a lot of new solutions, to come up with tactical guidelines specifically for our team, but we, as you can see, are not such Hercules. It was necessary to increase the speed, prepare the players functionally and pay a lot of attention to tactics.

- The players of the team also had to reorganize under the new rules, but still they are still quite young, they have not played so much official competitions so it wasn't too late to return them. At this tournament, the guys showed one of the most beautiful games in motion, and according to some indicators - the correct provision of the central striker with the ball, the closure of the counterattack - they even took first place among all teams.

- In general, the championship was successful for us. TO key games we prepared very seriously with the national teams of Canada and Uzbekistan. We tried to play with dignity with the leaders - Italy, Spain.

- The big discovery at this championship was the young player Stanislav Shvedov, the leader of the team, Altai Altayev, distinguished himself, and also scored a large number of goals.

Sergey Drozdov, coach of the national water polo team.

VOX: This is the third international competitions on water polo, which are held in Almaty. What difficulties do organizers face when holding such large-scale events?

- As you rightly noted, this is already the third international competition that we hold, therefore, by and large there are no organizational problems. And if earlier only eight teams participated in the World League Superfinal and the World Cup, now the number of teams has increased to eighteen. Despite this, there were no problems, since all services clearly know their responsibilities. FINA President arrived Julio Magleone and stated that everything was well organized. Participants of the competition - coaches and athletes - were also satisfied with the organization, comfortable living and dining conditions. I think this is the main indicator that the organization has been successful.

VOX: As a coach of the national team, who can you mention among the young water polo players?

- I watched this championship and was very pleased with the guys' performance. First of all, this is Maxim Zhardan, Altai Altayev, Julian Verdish... These players were leading the team. The goalkeeper was a little upset by his instability Valery Shlemov... He also had good moments - he defended his first game with the Italian national team very well. Then, for some reason, his game worsened. And in the game with the national team of Uzbekistan, the coaches were forced to replace him - he began to concede completely unacceptable goals. With the Egyptian team, he defended well enough, instilled confidence in the guys and helped the team.

- We were also pleased with the young players: Stanislav Shvedov and Ruslan Akhmetov... They showed themselves very worthy: Stanislav scored a lot of goals for this tournament, and Akhmetov, not possessing outstanding physical data, more than compensated for the situation with his other qualities - quick thinking, goals scored on time.

As a coach of the national team, I am very pleased that we have a good shift, and in two or three years the guys, fully trained and prepared, will be able to join the ranks of the national team. Gradually, young guys will be involved in the training camp and training of the national team of Kazakhstan.

VOX: In general, how do you assess this tournament for the youth team?

- The task was to get into the eight. We took ninth place, got into the top ten teams. I believe that this is also a success, and a big enough success.

VOX: What is needed for our water polo players to fight for medals?

- We need to continue to develop the school that Nemanja Knezhevich is currently studying. And if earlier we were in 19th place, now we have already become ninth. And not to say that we were being sued here, because we played at home. Some games were judged very clearly, without condemning or helping anyone. But in other games there were very big questions for the referees, but blame for panel of judges makes no sense - they do not create the game. At home, walls also help. It's a pity that our viewers are not too active yet. But there were also those who came to rejoice for our team and to support the guys. And these are not only families of athletes, but also completely strangers. Many thanks to the audience for this. And thanks to the guys and coaches for showing an excellent game.

If the competition was over for the national youth team, then for the leaders of the championship the last day of the competition was decisive. On the ninth day of the tournament, it was decided who would become the world champion in water polo among juniors.

There were some surprises here. The teams of Greece and Hungary entered the field to compete for the third place. For three periods, the Hungarian team confidently held the advantage, but at the end of the match the Greeks showed remarkable persistence and reduced the score to a minimum. On last minute of the game, taking advantage of a mistake made by the Hungarian defender, the Greek team equalizes the score. The main time of the game ended in a draw - 9: 9. Penalties are awarded. 12:13 - luck was on the side of the Hungarian team. They become bronze medalists of the World Championship.

In the final game for the title of champions, the national teams of Serbia and Italy met. It was one of the most beautiful matches of the tournament. The teams demonstrated a bright and uncompromising game. The water polo players of the national teams, one after another, made precise throws into the opponents' goal. By the end of the final period, the score on the scoreboard is 12:12.

The fate of the gold medals decides Drasco Gogov- his accurate throw brings the Serbs forward. 13:12 - Labor victory of the Serbian national team.

To summarize: athletes from Hungary won bronze, silver was taken to Italy, and water polo players from Serbia became champions.

Also awarded best players tournament. The title of the most valuable player was won by a member of the Serbian national team, Gavril Subotic... Best goalkeeper - Lazar Dobozanov(Serbia). Bombardier of the tournament - Kirill Rustamov(Uzbekistan).

The water polo players of Kazakhstan at this tournament have shown that they are able to fight and win even against the most famous teams. We will expect new victories and achievements from our athletes. We wish success to the children of 98 years old who will take part in the Asian Championship in Bangkok, as well as the national team, which will compete for the Olympic license for Asian Games in Sapporo.

We are grateful to Andrey Neklyudov for his help in preparing the report.

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Water polo is a fascinating and very beautiful sport, which at least once was not a competition, or just saw nice pictures and videos on the internet.

People who practice water polo keep themselves beautiful physical form while having a wonderful figure. And the parents who sent their children to sports schools never regretted it. Good is one of the most important factors in your sports career, as good coach this is the guarantee of your victory.

Water polo coaches: training with the pros


Before signing up for a water polo training session, you will need to meet a coach. You should find out as much as possible about him, what he finished, how long he worked as a coach, what achievements he has. He may have many awards, but at the same time he is just starting to train, and he does not know all the skills you need.


Therefore, you should know his work experience, as with an experienced coach, you will achieve great success. A qualified trainer will select for you personal training looking at your physical development... He will also make a diet for you, according to which you will eat right, removing unhealthy foods, and add more useful ones.

National water polo coach Russia, coaches the best athletes, and they already need a special approach. Athletes are already professional and with great experience, and it is very difficult to teach them something new.


If you don't know where to send your child, then water polo is a good option. Having given them to the water polo section in Moscow, they will train your child there Russian water polo coach, they will teach your child all their skills.


To sign up for classes, you need to provide the trainer with a certificate that your child is healthy and does not have any medical contraindications, as well as a certificate that there are no skin diseases. After that, the coach will see what kind of load you can give your child, and will make a personal training program. If your child is still too young, then training will take place in a playful way.

  • Such training will psychologically develop the child, and he will become more self-confident and bolder. And at the expense of constant physical activity, he will have immunity to diseases and viruses.


The choice of a coach is a very crucial moment, since your future depends on the choice. sport life... To get started, you will need to attend the first training session, in most sections it is free. If the first workout is paid, then just ask to watch the workout. If you were refused, then you should look for another section with other coaches.


If you have already signed up for the water polo section, and not very professional sportsman then you shouldn't argue with the coach, as the coach knows what to do. You can ask around athletes who have been training for more than one day in this coach, and they will tell you in more detail. Also, you should not have any questions about what to do for training, if such questions arise, it means that the coach is either paying attention to you, or even an amateur, and therefore you need to change the coach or even the section.

Also, every workout should be in good physical condition, if your coach does not pay physical fitness then it is not at all good sign... Technique, of course, is good, but you also need strength and endurance to win. Your coach is also an educator and must find the right approach to training, and to all athletes in order to attract them, and not vice versa.

Yartsev Yuri Vasilievich water polo coach, he brought up more than one champion, many novice athletes want to sign up for him for training, with sports career is just beginning.

Yartsev Yuri Vasilievich coach of the champion teams in water polo

Yartsev Yuri Vasilievich is an honored coach of Russia, as well as a master of sports. Yuri Vasilyevich has more than once brought his country prizes for Olympic Games... Last year we celebrated the day of the coach and Yuri Vasilievich congratulated on the Day of the water polo coach.


Water polo coach vacancies, a sufficient number, and therefore it is not very easy to start training athletes. You will need a special certificate that you have completed sports school, or a document which shows that you graduated from the Academy of Physical Education or something like that. If you have awards in water polo, then this will be welcomed to you, especially if these awards international level.


You will need to decide what age category you work with. If you are just going to become a coach, then it is best with the middle age category, since you need too much responsibility with children, and you may not be ready for this, and it will be difficult with adults if they are older than you.

If you have a great desire to become Russian water polo coach, then you will need to read special literature, since you still have to communicate correctly and find an approach to athletes, constantly taking into account their character and mood. Also, you do not need to tell anything superfluous from your life, in training you should only tell what to do and show how to do them.

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