I know how to swim how to learn. Swimming for beginners: how to breathe and stay on the water correctly with video

In the pool. It has several serious advantages over open water bodies.

  • Calm water. Even small waves will make your training much more difficult.
  • Pure water. At first, you will periodically slurp it with your nose and mouth. It is better to swallow water with bleach than with any infection.
  • Bumpers and swim aids. For execution different exercises you will need to hold onto the edge of the pool and use the planks and balls found in any such establishment.
  • Availability of instructors. You will not drown. Anyway.

What to take with you to the pool

If this is your first time going to the pool, be sure to take with you:

  • medical certificate;
  • swimsuit or swimming trunks;
  • towel and shower gel / shampoo;
  • swimming cap;
  • rubber or plastic slippers;
  • Goggles.

1. Exhale into water

YouTube channel Sikana English

  • Put on your glasses. Make sure they fit snugly against your face. If there are cracks left, water will pour into them and it will be very unpleasant.
  • Stand next to the pool wall, put your hand on the side. Take a deep breath through your mouth.
  • Go under the water and slowly release the air for three counts. You can only do this through your nose or through your nose and mouth at the same time.
  • Ascend and take a sharp deep breath again through your mouth.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

2. Float

Global Triathlon Network YouTube Channel

Be sure to do this exercise if you are afraid to dive into water. It will help you practice breathing and feel yourself.

  • Put on your glasses. Take a deep breath and submerge yourself in the water.
  • Bring your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them and calmly sink to the bottom of the pool, exhaling slowly through your nose and mouth.
  • When you hit bottom, head up for another breath.
  • Repeat 10 times.

3. Exhale into the water with the movement of the legs

SwimUP RUS YouTube channel

  • Put on your glasses. Grab the edge of the pool, straighten your arms and lie down in the water.
  • Inhale through your mouth, lower your head down and exhale into the water for three counts.
  • Work with your legs as you exhale. Move from the hip, keep your legs almost straight, but without enslavement c. Pull back your socks, wrap your feet a little inward, thumbs to each other.
  • Raise your head above the water, inhale, and lower your face into the water again.
  • Repeat 10 times.

4. Exhale at the side with a turn to the side

  • Put on your glasses. Grab the side of the pool right hand, press the left to the side, lie on the surface of the water.
  • Submerge your face in water and exhale for three counts. It is important not to hold your breath in the water, but to constantly release the air.
  • Turn your body and head to the left, raise your face above the surface of the water and take a deep breath. Do not lift your head: the right ear should remain in the water.
  • Lower your face back and repeat.
  • Do it 10-12 times, then do the same by changing hands.

How to move with an exhalation

Now that you've relaxed enough in the water and learned how to exhale into it, it's time to master the exhalation movement. We will show you exercises for mastering the basic swimming style: crawl on the chest.

1. Swimming on feet


  • Put on your glasses. Take your swimboard by the bottom edge.
  • Straighten your arms, lie on the water.
  • Move forward with your footwork. Move from your hip, gently and freely.
  • Breathe as you would during the Exhale Into the Water with the Move Your Legs Exercise: Take a deep, sharp breath above the surface, exhale slowly slowly with your face in the water.
  • Swim this way for 100 meters. Rest when needed.

2. Inhale to the side

Love Swimming YouTube Channel

During swimming, the head does not completely come out of the water. This provides streamlining and shortens inhalation time. will help you work out correct position heads in motion.

  • Put on your glasses. With your right hand, grasp the far edge of the board. Press the left one to the body.
  • Exhale smoothly into the water while working with your legs.
  • Turn the body and head to the left, towards the clasped hand, lift your head out of the water and take a breath. Do not raise your head too high: the right ear remains in the water.
  • Lower your face into the water again and as you exhale, move through the work of your legs.
  • At the end of the lane, change hands: now you will hold onto the board with your left hand and turn your body and head to the right to inhale.
  • Swim 100 meters with each hand.

3. Inhale for each stroke

YouTube channel Skills NT Swimming

  • Put on your glasses. Take the swim pad with your left hand by the bottom edge.
  • Lie on the water,. Dip your face into the water, exhale, work with your legs.
  • Take a stroke with your right hand. When the hand comes out of the water near your thigh, turn your body and head to the right, stick your face out of the water and inhale. Then put it back in the water and exhale. Repeat.
  • Swim 100 meters. Change your hand every time at the end of the pool.

4. Inhale every three strokes

  • Put on your glasses. Inhale with your right arm as in the previous exercise. Make sure that your head does not fully rise above the water, turn your body to the side.
  • Dip your face into the water. As you exhale, stroke with your left hand and then with your right. Do not lift your face out of the water, exhale.
  • Simultaneously with the next stroke with your left hand, turn your body and head to the left, raise your head and take a breath.
  • Lower your face into the water and stroke with the right and then the left. Take the next breath with right side... Thus, you will breathe in from the other side each time.
  • Swim 100 meters. You can start the exercise with a board, and when you get used to, swim without it.

How to learn to swim faster

  1. Don't strain yourself. Your body should be relaxed, movement free and smooth. While you tense, you drown and spend much on movement more strength than necessary.
  2. Don't forget your legs. Often beginners swim on the same hands, and lower limbs practically do not work. Make sure that the latter also participate in the movement. Try counting kicks. For example, do three strokes for each stroke.
  3. Master the technique. Even if you are swimming for the soul and not for the records, watch the swimming technique in your chosen style. You will not get to some of the subtleties on your own. Correct technique will help you swim faster and enjoy your activity more.

Swimming is a special sport that is beneficial for almost all body systems. Swimming develops endurance, improves blood circulation, improves performance, strengthens cardiovascular and respiratory system, increases the metabolic rate and promotes faster fat burning in the body. Swimming builds a lean, muscular figure as it engages all major muscle groups.

Learning to feel the water (preparatory exercises)

Let's take a look at the most simple ways stay on the water, feel their buoyancy, understand the density of the water. These exercises will be useful for those who still cannot swim at all, even like a dog. Our task is to learn how to relax, since the water does not let those who are overly stressed out.


This exercise will help you feel the body being pushed out by the water. All you need is to go into the water up to your chest, breathe in as much air as possible, hold your breath, quickly squat down and clasp your legs bent at the knees, pressing your head to your knees.

After a few seconds, your body will float up and your back will be on the surface of the water. When you feel that the air is running out, get to your feet, catch your breath and repeat another 8-10 times.


Standing waist-deep in water, take a deep breath, hold your breath, and simply lie facedown on the water with your arms and legs relaxed.

Star on the back

The task is the same - at a shallow depth, breathe deeply and lie down on the water, but now face up, throwing your arms and legs out to the sides. The back is completely relaxed, the water holds itself, we do not make any effort. When you feel confident, try to take a horizontal position and just lie on your back with your arms at your sides.

Slip on the chest

Now your task is to feel that your legs are heavier than water. To do this, inhale deeper and squatting down to push off from the bottom. Try to straighten your body by keeping your hands at the seams or pointing them with the arrow forward. The force of your push will help the body to rise and begin to move, however, soon you will feel the legs sinking down, bringing you into an upright position.

Back slide

For many, this exercise is easier than sliding on the chest, because it is easier to catch balance on the back, but otherwise everything is very similar. Take a deep breath, we deflect the body back, push with our legs, fold our arms with an arrow, direct it forward and calmly move on our back. It is with this movement on the back that classical training swimming.

Learning to breathe correctly while swimming

Before you start learning swimming techniques, you need to learn how to breathe properly.

Competent swimming technique on the chest, that is, crawl, breaststroke and butterfly, implies full immersion heads into the water. Swimming like most swims, with your head sticking out above the surface of the water, is ineffective and simply wrong.

The first thing to learn is to breathe out under the water. A very common mistake for beginners is to hold your breath while your face is underwater. For many, this happens purely reflexively, diving to puff out cheeks like a hamster and not breathe. Probably, in some cases in life it can come in handy, but not while swimming. Therefore, we repeat once again, one of the main rules is to learn how to properly exhale under water. It is better to hone this skill in shallow water and not during the swimming itself, but simply standing and lowering your face into the water.

We inhale with our mouth, lower our face into the water and begin to exhale slowly through our nose, open our eyes. The exhalation should take at least three seconds, after which we raise the chin up and forward, as when swimming with a butterfly or breast stroke, we raise our face out of the water in order to pat our eyes and let the water drain from the face itself.

Inhale again and repeat the exercise. At the same time, it is important to hold onto the side of the pool in order to exclude the desire to wipe your face with your hands. Imagine that you are floating. It is necessary to make several consecutive inhalations and exhalations, lowering the head - to the exit, and raising - to inhale. The most important thing is calmness. We breathe out into the water, we do not wipe our face, even if at first you feel discomfort, it will go away in a maximum of two days.

Over time, you can get to more dynamic squats with an exhalation under the water. At one time - take a powerful breath and sit under the water, for two, three, four - release all the air under the water. Then quickly rise out of the water, immediately take another deep breath and immediately sit under the water again to exhale. The main thing is not to hold your breath or exhale too sharply. It is important for you to learn how to inhale deeply and quickly through your mouth, and then exhale slowly, smoothly and completely through your nose.

How to learn to swim in one day?

Let's take a look at one of the methods for quickly learning to swim.

1. Step one

Go into the water about waist-deep and face the shore. Then you need to plunge into the water, lean forward and stretch your arms forward so that only your head remains above the water. After that, we push off with our feet from the bottom so that the body moves forward, and not up. Immediately we rest our hands on the bottom, leaving our legs suspended.

We repeat the attempt, only we do not lean on the bottom immediately, but after a short pause after pushing with our feet. At the same time, we try to slip a little in the water. At each attempt, we try to slip in the water a little longer than the previous time. After a few tries, you will be able to glide longer and easier in the water before placing your hands on the bottom.

2. Step two

3. Step three

We add work with our hands. There are different options, the easiest and most ergonomic way is like a dog, although this is not necessary, the main thing is that the trainee is comfortable.

That's all, you swam! Subsequently, the style can be changed as you like, this is at your discretion. The main thing is that you have learned to stay on the water and are no longer afraid of it.

There is no shame in not knowing how to swim as an adult. When it comes to learning, there is no word "late", so you can get the hang of staying on the water at any time.

To learn how to swim, you will need not only a pond or pool, but also several recommendations and instructions. Take them into account and successfully conquer the waves! This article will show you how to learn to swim as an adult.

Tips for those wishing to learn to swim

Of course, you should not take a gadget with you to swimming lessons in order to follow every recommendation. Just pay attention to the tips and remember the most important things.

Learning to swim in the pool is a productive idea

If you want to learn these skills with the pool, you are making the right decision. The process implies many advantages, for example, convenience. Learning in such an artificial reservoir is more relaxed, since a person feels protected.

Don't start with a deep pool.

And so, you entered the pool and do not know where to start. The first and simplest exercise is leg hold. You should grab the support and make movements with your legs that will help keep them on the water. After this begins to work out, you can try to tear off from the support and act with them.

When performing the exercise, do not lower your legs. If you cannot swim with your hands from the support, grab it again, but do not step on the bottom.

The next exercise is pushing off the support. It is advisable to rely on what is above the bottom. You should push off sharply and try to swim in any convenient way.

If you have auxiliary items in your arsenal, that is, bouncy balls and "bagels", you can hold onto them and then release them smoothly. If you fail, grab them again and try to swim.

Feeling afraid of water? The simplest exercise "asterisk" will help. Inhale deeply and lay your face in the water, placing your limbs in the shape of a star. Hold on until you feel the need for air.

Learning to swim breaststroke

photo instruction

The essence of the technique is the execution of synchronous movements of the limbs. This type of swimming is often called frog swimming, since the technique is similar to the swimming features of the green representative of the fauna.

First, fold your palms in front of you, and then spread your arms wide and return them to their original position.

But you don't need to fold your hands - your palms should be parallel to each other only for a split second.

Video: How to properly swim breaststroke?

Krolley is a simple technique

crawl technique

The basic principle of the technique is special hand movements. Imagine they are oars.

You should take turns doing the strokes, while helping the lower limbs.

The legs only need to be raised and lowered in turn to keep them on the water.

You can also crawl on your back. The point is unsophisticated - do the same exercises that you did in the position facing the water.

Video: How to properly crawl?

Butterfly - an unusual type of swimming

butterfly for experienced swimmers

The difficulty lies in the fact that both legs should be at the same level, and both hands should be done simultaneously circular motion... It turns out that hands should be in the water, then high in the air, but you just need to help a little, acting with them the way a mermaid's fin wags in children's cartoons.

Before learning this technique, master the previous two.

Is it easy to swim on your back?

learning to swim on the back

This type of swimming is often considered the easiest. Its feature is freedom of movement. You should lie on and try to do everything to stay on the water. It will be convenient if you find support for your legs, since it is the movements of the hands that are important here. You need to choose the optimal technique yourself.

Work on bugs

There are several common mistakes beginner swimmers make:

    Sharpness of movements. It may be possible to swim, but it is very tiring.

    High head position. This error leads to the same consequences as the previous one. Moreover, it is difficult to breathe.

    Raising your legs high up. The higher you place them, the lower will be top part torso.

swim properly

Before "conquering" the reservoir, you should read the simple recommendations:

    Make a nutrition plan. Eating food right before visiting the pool will harm your digestive system. You can only eat a couple of hours before sailing.

    Prepare your body. Before entering the water, you need to do a few simple exercises or take a contrast shower.

Many adults who have already mastered basic techniques swimming, strive to learn to swim fast, master new styles. In order to develop existing skills, it is necessary to train in three areas: endurance, swimming speed and the specifics of open water. It is important to draw up a regular training plan here, since only constant training, both in water and on land, will allow short time achieve good results.

Why learn to swim fast?

In any sport, you need to constantly improve, and if you have mastered the basic swimming techniques, it is worth moving on to building up speed and working out the technique to the ideal.

What problems can an adult face?

  1. Lack of self-discipline. Only regular training, both in the pool and in gym will allow you to develop enough good speed to swim 50 meters breaststroke in 25 seconds. Losing self-discipline is a major problem faced by most aspiring athletes.
  2. Muscle pain. Intense training can lead to muscle strain, which affects the body as muscle pain... In this case, you need to stop training for a while, or reduce the intensity of training. As soon as the body recovers, you can resume sports exercises.
  3. Narrow focus. When an athlete wants to increase his swimming speed, for example, breaststroke or crawl, he begins to train intensively in these techniques. But, each workout should include mastering new techniques, new movements with arms and legs, which can be additionally used when swimming in already known styles.

Only when you get used to not making such mistakes and going towards your goal, then you can learn to swim quickly.

Research on the speed of development

The maximum swimming speed for an adult is 9 km / h. In 2008, this world record was set at a distance of 50 meters. The person who has mastered the crawl starts with a speed of 1 km / h. A month later intense training it is possible to reach speeds of up to 2-3 km / h. The average speed of a trained person at distances from 200 meters to 1 km by crawl is 3-4 km / h. These results can be achieved after 3-4 months of intense training, both in water and on land. All data applies only to men. For women, the rates will be much lower.

Basics of swimming

You can only increase speed after a person (adult or child) has mastered the basics of swimming, which include:

  1. Elimination of the fear of water. It is this fear that blocks a person's ability to learn to swim, therefore, first of all, it is worth directing all efforts (exercises, trainings) to eliminate the fear of water.
  2. Setting the correct breathing. Correct breathing is the key to successful swimming. Initially on land, then in the water, you need to perform exercises that will allow you to breathe correctly when using different styles.
  3. Swimming technique. Correct coordination on the water is a major skill for any swimmer. Exercises for movements with arms and legs are performed both in water and on land.

In order to learn how to swim quickly for a person who has recently mastered the basics, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To the pool, river, lake, body of water, take a friend with you who will follow the process of your training, suggest what you need to correct, in a new position, which aspect you should pay special attention to.
  2. Courses. Swimming courses are conducted under the guidance of a trainer for both adults and children. Regular training with people who pursue the same goal as you will be much more effective than alone, and the trainer will select exercises that will develop your swimming skills.
  3. Each lesson must begin with getting used to the water. As soon as the body feels the water, gets used to it, further training will bring much more results. Start all exercises at a shallow depth, gradually going deeper and deeper. After that, you can learn to quickly swim underwater. Regularly, it is worth starting a lesson with exercises that make you understand that water will keep the body on the surface even without your efforts. For example, you need to take the pose of an embryo, draw air into your lungs and sink to the bottom. Then you will feel that the water itself pushes you to the surface. This allows you to get rid of the fear of the fear of water, which prevents you from learning to swim fast.
  4. Breath. Correct breathing technique is the key to successful swimming.

IMPORTANT: you must always take the deepest possible breath with your mouth above the surface of the water; it is necessary to exhale carbon dioxide from the body simultaneously with your nose and mouth into the water so that you can see the bubbles.

  1. Learn to lie on the water. As practice shows, the ability to swim lying on your back, just to lie on the surface of the water, is achieved only through frequent training. Why is it so important to be able to lie on the water? In the process of learning new techniques, when fast swimming or in any emergency, this skill will save energy and recuperate.
  2. Vertical swimming. Another useful skill that is necessary to restore strength, normalize even breathing. You can train vertically to swim as follows: the body is in the water in an upright position, the legs, at the same time, make active movements on the principle of cycling. Exercises should be performed lightly, without overstraining the muscles of the legs.
  3. Practicing leg movements. The legs play a key role in a particular swimming style. Before you start practicing a familiar style or learning a new one, you need to carefully train your legs. The easiest way to do such workouts is in the pool, holding the side with your hands.
  4. Try to constantly learn new stroke techniques. You can practice with a coach, you can learn the strokes of other swimmers in the pool, famous athletes- the main thing is not to stand still, try to hone the skills of the strokes you already know and learn new ones.
  5. Regular exercise. Only constant training will give an adult swimmer effective results... Necessary all year round attend speed swimming trainings at least 1-2 times a week. Then it will be easy to master high-speed distances in the pool.
  6. Farther and farther. Learning how to swim long distances is especially important for beginners. To do this, each workout needs to increase the distance you swim. Let it be one meter, but with each workout, you must learn to swim further, while developing high speed.

10 Tips for Swimmers: Improving Swimming Technique for Middle Ages

Despite the fact that you have already advanced from the "beginner" level, you need to regularly improve in this craft and adhere to the following tips:

  1. During the summer time, it is certainly best to train outdoors, whether it be a river, lake, sea or ocean. But the rest of the time it is best to visit the pool, where several times a week there is an opportunity to work out well on a track with a minimum length of 20 meters.
  2. Sections and schools. In almost every modern fitness the pool center has a set of groups led by a swimming coach. Each visitor can enroll in a group according to their skills. It is much more effective to train in a team than alone, the team spirit is an excellent stimulator, in addition, you can always discuss issues related to new techniques, new exercises with your “colleagues” in the shop. This exchange of experience is useful, and training under the supervision of a trainer is productive.
  3. If you have the opportunity to become a member of the swim team, that's great. Great option- enroll in a group of athletes, which has the goal of teaching swimmers practically professional swimming.
  4. Learn new swimming techniques. Only if you constantly learn something new: new hand strokes, movements in the water with your feet, coups, then you will constantly move forward technically. The ability to swim in different styles is a skill that will always be necessary, especially if you decide to learn how to confidently stay on the water and swim quickly.
  5. U-turns. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the technique of turns. Such maneuvers improve your swimming skills, both at short and long distances. Correctly perfect pivot at the end of the pool lane will give you the perfect opportunity to get into the correct body position for the first, powerful reverse stroke.
  6. Try to attend, if not as a participant, then at least as a spectator of the competition, see international competitions, follow the technique carefully professional athletes, since all this will allow you to realize yourself as an excellent swimmer in practice.
  7. Time each exercise and try to shorten it gradually.

IMPORTANT: Trying to perform this or that exercise faster, the body will tune in to a fast rhythm, respectively, the speed of overcoming the distance will also increase.

  1. Time each of your swims. This is necessary so that you can over and over again reduce the time, or increase the distance. This method is great for stimulating athletes.
  2. New goals. Each lesson needs to set new goals. In sports, you cannot be satisfied with what has already been achieved. Let each lesson you swim the same distance 0.5 seconds faster, but this will already be your personal achievement.
  3. Arrange competitions between swimmers. Nothing is more stimulating than the desire to be first. Competition, even with your friend or acquaintance who visits the pool with you, is an excellent indicator of how effectively you train, how much energy and desire you put into swimming.

10 tips for the pros: Learn to swim fast. Advanced level

Even if you have already become quite an advanced athlete in the field of timed swimming, you should not stop there, since there is no limit to perfection. Therefore there is helpful advice designed just for such swimmers:

  1. Trainings under the guidance of a trainer. If you decide to go practically on professional level in the field of swimming, it is necessary that a knowledgeable person watches your workouts, he could suggest the existing shortcomings that need to be corrected.
  2. Video. If it is not possible to work with a trainer, then it is best to record your technique on video, in order to later personally view, highlight the shortcomings that are worth working on carefully.
  3. Find a balance between long and short strokes. This is necessary in order to use both types of strokes during the movement, since for short distances short strokes are great, but long strokes are effective at long distances.
  4. Continuously ask for information on whether there are any timed or long distances that you would like to take part in. Also, you can independently arrange mini-competitions among your acquaintances or friends and test your own strength.
  5. Use quality equipment that will help you develop your swimming skills. Take the time and money to choose and purchase swimming goggles, caps and fins. All this will allow you to comfortably perform even complex swimming techniques and be on the water for a long time.
  6. Properly fitted swimming suit. The speed of sliding in water depends on the material and model, therefore, if you plan to spend a lot of time in training, then it is best to go to a specialized store and find a suitable model.
  7. Regular exercise. If you regularly attend training and try to improve, your skills will get better and better every time.
  8. Trainings on land. Not only training in water is effective, but also on land. A visit to the gym with loads on the muscles of the arms, back and legs is an additional plus to training in the pool.
  9. Swimming boards. This equipment is extremely rare, only if the swimmer has received any limb injury. Swimming boards will allow you to continue training, while eliminating the load on the injured part of the body.
  10. Water. Do not allow dehydration of the body. During training, you must drink at least a liter of water, so you should always have a bottle with mineral water without gas.

  1. Training in the gym must be constantly adjusted, since the athlete's body quickly gets used to the exercises, and they are no longer as effective.
  2. Any exercises on all walls of the pool should not be aimed at building muscle mass, but on the development of strength, which will increase the speed.
  3. It is recommended to work out in the gym with a trainer who will draw up an individually suitable program and will constantly adjust it to achieve maximum results.
  4. Elastic tapes. Such equipment can be used both in the gym and at home. Such equipment will allow the body to feel resistance, exactly the same as the resistance of the waters while swimming.
  5. Cardio training. Running, riding a stationary bike, dance exercises- all this has a beneficial effect on the endurance of the body, so your body will always be ready for swimming.
  6. The most effective for training on land is the summer season, which begins in early April and ends in late September. In April, you need to work hard on endurance, the next two months are powerlifting, June, August and September are months for increasing speed exercises.
  7. There should be at least two days of rest between workouts in the gym, as the muscles need to be given rest. During this period, it is better to limit yourself from physical activity.
  8. Before doing exercises in the gym, you need to warm up thoroughly, since good body flexibility is an important factor for the swimmer. Insufficiently warmed muscles can cause injury.
  9. Particular attention should be paid to training the upper body, since by training the muscles of the back, biceps, triceps, strength and endurance increase, which is necessary for large and powerful strokes.
  10. Massage. After performing a series of intense exercises, the muscles should be allowed to relax. The best remedy- this is a massage, therefore, it is advisable to have a massage session after each dry workout.

How can you speed up even more if you want to swim the fastest in a short amount of time?

There are several aspects that you should pay attention to if you have set yourself to develop your swimming speed:

  1. Developing speed while swimming from side to side in the pool. Many swimming champions used this method to achieve the highest possible speed.
  2. We always remember about technology. If your goal is to learn how to swim quickly, this does not mean that you need to forget about the correct technique.
  3. Tune in in advance that you will swim as quickly as possible for a known section of the water path. Review this moment in your head before training. Swimmers who can think quickly can also swim fast.

How to learn swimming techniques quickly and easily?

How to quickly and correctly learn to crawl swimming?
How to correctly and quickly learn to swim breaststroke?
How to correctly and quickly learn to swim on your back?
How to quickly and correctly learn to swim underwater?

How to teach a child to swim fast?

A child or teenager who does not know how to stay on the water, first of all, must master the basics of swimming, overcome their fear of water and depth. Only after the child has mastered the elementary swimming techniques (like a dog) and is confidently staying on the water in them, it is possible to proceed to active training in new styles (breaststroke, crawl, butterfly, on the back, under water) with the development of greater speed. But this entire process is best done under the guidance of a coach. The coach will be able to tell the child in detail how to quickly learn to swim and how to learn to swim quickly and will tell you what is needed for this.


To learn to swim in famous techniques at high speeds, you need to train a lot and thoroughly. This includes both water training and land training. Exercises should be designed to develop endurance, speed and hone already familiar swimming techniques. Only persistent and regular strength training will be effective for the swimmer. By observing all of the above recommendations, you can achieve success in a fairly short time. By applying these tips, you can learn to swim quickly and easily, and eventually overtake powerboats!

Swimming can seem like an unconquerable summit for people who are not experienced in it. However, if we put aside fears and doubts, everyone can learn to swim. Below are some tips for beginners.


Get used to the water

    Do not be afraid ! Many people avoid trying to learn to swim for fear of drowning. Of course, this happens, but in most cases due to non-compliance with safety regulations. Therefore, in order to, if not exclude, then greatly reduce the risk of drowning, adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Don't swim alone. Always stay close to at least one experienced swimmer, preferably several.
    • Learn to swim only in standing water... If, for some reason, you have to do this in a river or sea, then be careful: watch the current carefully and ask a more experienced swimmer with the skills of a water rescuer to look after you. Also read how to behave if you are caught in a rip sea or strong river current (below in the text).
    • Don't swim too deep. If you are just learning to swim, you should not swim deeper than your height. Make sure you can touch the bottom with your feet without sinking your head. In this case, you can always breathe, even if you fail to stay afloat.
    • Don't swim in bad weather. Drizzling rain, of course, can be ignored, but if you feel that a storm or thunderstorm is approaching, leave the reservoir immediately. This rule applies even to the most experienced swimmers.
    • Don't swim in too cold water... A sharp temperature drop can lead to the fact that blood stops flowing to the extremities in full, and your movement becomes stiff and strained.
  1. Learn to float . As you plunge into the water, grab the side of the pool or the pier with your hands, if you are at sea, relax your legs and let them float. Do the same, rolling over onto your back and onto your side, until you feel that you are controlling your body well enough in this position.

    • When you feel ready, repeat the same thing, but without support. Stay shallow so you can get back on your feet if you fail. At first, the feeling that your head is half submerged in water may not sound very pleasant, but you will soon get used to it. To increase buoyancy, spread your arms out to the sides so that they form a T with the rest of your body.
  2. Never panic . In the event of force majeure, for example, if you swim too deep or your limbs are cramped, you have always there is a backup plan - to roll over onto your back and thus keep afloat. You shouldn't give in to intense excitement and randomly try to do something - just lie down on the water and let it hold you until help arrives or until you calm down and collect your thoughts.

    Learn to exhale underwater . It is better to do this at a shallow depth. To do this, inhale full lungs of air, submerge your head under the water and exhale slowly through your nose until the air runs out, and then emerge.

    • If water gets into your nose when immersed in water, you can use a special nose clip. In this case, you will have to exhale with your mouth.
  3. Use swimming goggles (optional). Swimming goggles allow you to open your eyes underwater to look around. Choose ones that fit snugly around the eye area. Before putting on the glasses, immerse them in water, this will help to achieve more stable contact with the skin. Then adjust the length of the strap so that the glasses do not dangle.

    Master the basics

    Practice the technique of moving your legs. If you have already learned how to float or still need the support of the skirting board, you can start practicing your leg movements. (Use a swim board if you want to try a particular technique in action. It will help you not think about how to stay afloat, allowing you to concentrate fully on practicing the movements).

  • Learn the kicking technique. It is she who is used in the crawl. Straighten your legs with your socks extended as much as possible. After that, start moving your legs, pounding due to the movement of the hips and trying not to bend your legs at the knees. If you do everything correctly, you will be able to move in the water this way and soon you will feel a strong tension in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe feet.
  • Try the following technique as well, which can be used for breaststroke. At the beginning of the movement, keep your legs together along the entire length. Next, bend them at the knees so that you get a right angle between the thigh and lower leg of each leg, then sharply straighten them, making a circular motion with your feet in the direction of the body, so that each of them outlines a semicircle. When, having outlined a given semicircle, the feet meet again, repeat everything from the beginning.
  • Learn swimming leg techniques in place. In doing so, you will remain upright and your head and shoulders above the water. Bend your knees slightly and spread them slightly wider than your shoulders. Now start rotating your legs as you would when riding a bicycle, with the only difference being that they should rotate in opposite directions: one leg "pedal" forward, the other back. You will have to try to master this technique, but it will certainly come in handy in the future in order to be able to rest at great depths.

Learn to crawl . The crawl is not the most difficult style for beginners, and besides, it allows you to move quickly enough in the water. Here are some tips for a successful study:

  • Start with a back crawl. Start swimming on your back, moving your legs, alternately raising and lowering them. Hands, also alternately, raise up and then lower them into the water, stretching them as much as possible. In the water, paddle so that the hand makes a semicircle, touching the thigh, then bring it out into the air, repeating everything from the beginning. During the strokes, the fingers should be closed together, and the palms should be straight.
  • Move on to the study of an ordinary crawl on the stomach. To do this, lie face down on the water and begin to move your legs, as in the previous style, while simultaneously making movements with your hands. Bring one hand out into the air, pulling it forward, then lower it into the water and make a stroke with your palm folded into a "bucket" towards the thigh. Continue repeating the movement in a circle, alternating arms. To breathe, bring your head out of the water for every second swing, turning it towards the hand that moves above the water. Try to take as deep a breath as possible - for the crawl you will need a lot of energy and oxygen.
  • Learn to swim in place . This style will help you take a break or just stay afloat at a certain point. You can familiarize yourself with the technique of leg movement in the previous section. You will need your hands to maintain balance. To do this, place your forearms on the surface of the water and begin to make circular movements with them in the direction from the body, that is, the left one is counterclockwise, and the right one is clockwise. While driving, do not change the angle of inclination of your hands, keeping them straight and not immersing them deeply in the water.

    Help yourself with your hands as you ascend. In order to emerge from a great depth, use the strength of your hands. Begin the movement by straightening them together over your head, then sharply and forcefully spread them and lower them down until you touch your hips.

    Explore More Complex Styles

    Start learning more advanced styles. Once you get used to the water and master the basic technique, start trying something new. There are many styles that will allow you to move faster or spend less strength and energy. Here are the main ones:

    • sidestroke;
    • swimming at a distance (in a circle).
  • Learn to dive . Diving skills will allow you not only to enter the water correctly before the swim, but also simply to have fun. Start with the simplest jump with your head down, and then try to master the more complex ones - with your back to the water, with a turn (half turn) and with a screw (half screw).

    • Always check the depth of the reservoir before jumping! It should be at least three meters, and if your height is above average - at least four.
  • Swim at an angle. You should not immediately strive to get to the shore: instead, swim parallel to it for a while.
  • For swimming, use a style that allows you to breathe normally. Stick to a style that is powerful and fast enough, but at the same time that does not leave you breathless. This can be side swimming, breaststroke or crawl.
  • Continue swimming until you completely stop feeling the flow. This may take a long time, but this should not stop you, otherwise you risk not getting ashore.
  • If possible, call for help. Try to give signs to rescuers with your hands, or call loudly for help. However, be careful, if there is a possibility that these actions will complicate your subsequent movement, it is better to refrain from them and continue to swim.
  • Learn to get out of strong current on the river. If you are caught in a strong river current or a sinkhole pulling to the bottom, follow the guidelines below to save yourself.

    • Don't panic or twitch. Just like in the case of the wave crush, erratic, ill-considered movements will make you plunge into the water even faster. Try to breathe regularly and not lose your composure.
    • Swim to the shore at an angle. If you swim against the current at right angles to the shoreline, you will be exhausted very quickly. Instead, swim diagonally and along the current to the shore.
    • Don't try to swim against the current. You will expend a lot of strength and energy to cover even a short distance. The only one a time when you should try to do this is when there is a threat to life downstream (for example, sharp rocks or a waterfall).
    • If you are quickly carried downstream, roll over with your feet forward. This will prevent you from bumping your head against rocks or other obstacles.
  • Advice

    • Dedicate a lot of time and energy to swimming. In order to learn to swim well, you have to work hard.
    • While in the pool, stay close to the side to grab onto it in case of need.
    • In many swimming pools there are groups for all ages.
    • If you are afraid to dive into water, try starting with your feet and continuing slowly lowering the rest of your body.
    • Use a diving board, life jacket, or inflatable rings until you get used to the water.
    • Using swimming goggles, earplugs and a nose clip will help you feel more comfortable in the water.
    • Swimming goggles are very handy.
    • Remember that you can always go to the bottom if something goes wrong.
    • Swimming actively engages almost all muscle groups, so be prepared to be sore at first.
    • Wear a life jacket if you're just learning to swim.
    • Dive only if there are lifeguards or other experienced swimmers near you.


    • Take special care when swimming in non-stagnant water bodies such as rivers and seas. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of a funnel or strong current.
    • Never swim alone ... Even if you are an experienced swimmer, dive into the water only if there are people nearby who can save you, or go swimming with a partner.
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