When will there be virtual reality with full immersion. Full immersion in virtual reality: present and future


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Hello friends! Today in the "Questions and Answers" section we will consider an interesting topic of full immersion in virtual reality. In this topic, there are several issues that interest people. Including the most important one - “ is there a helmet virtual reality full immersion". I invite you to read the information I know on the topic of full immersion, in which I will also touch on other issues.

Before you head down below, I want to mention that many people screaming full immersion, while implying by this something completely different... The embryo of total immersion, if it becomes clearer. Perhaps you came here in search of this? Then I suggest reading an article about. Many questions are reflected in it. If you are 100% sure that you are looking for information specifically about full immersion in the virtual world then read on.

First, I propose to figure out what is generally meant by the phrase - full immersion in virtual reality... Full-immersion technology is a scientific invention of high-tech devices that feed computer-generated signals directly to the human brain.

At the same time, there is a kind of movement of the user of the technology of complete immersion into the virtual world. The virtual world, in this case, is usually a kind of game space, completely programmed on a computer and does not exist in our reality.

Usually, when you mention technologies of full immersion in the virtual world, it is customary to think about immersion games. Since the entertainment industry in modern world has priority. These include games with full immersion in virtual reality and MMORPGs with full immersion and various reality shows for adults, where the player becomes a direct participant in the porn with full immersion.

Frame from the anime Sword Art Online

Summarizing the above, I repeat that the technology of full immersion in the virtual world involves deceiving all human senses, immersing him in a kind of dreamlike state. Using the full immersion mode, the user is transported to a place that does not exist in reality.

At the same time, he realizes where he is and is able to completely control his nonexistent body there - an avatar, consciously performing certain actions. The user's body in the fictional world may not look like it. You can "put on" an avatar of a typical orc, goblin or elf - everything that will be programmed by the developers of the virtual world. Highly advanced immersion technology emulates gustatory and olfactory sensations and allows play in and instead of sleep. You've probably heard of lucid dreaming? Here's something similar, but much more advanced.

Is there a full immersion virtual reality headset?

The main question that worries many is whether a helmet exists, or rather,. And the answer will disappoint you - no, this full immersion headset does not currently exist on the market. So far, all the necessary concepts are only on paper and in projects of scientific minds. Scientists of different years have long predicted that sooner or later a full immersion neurohelmet will appear. Few people know that a neuro headset for full immersion games is only the first step in the technology of full immersion, predicted by science fiction writers and having a real chance of becoming a reality.

Full Immersion Nerve Helmet from Sword Art Online Anime

Full immersion capsule in the virtual world- the next evolutionary step in the development of full immersion technology. If the (neuro) full immersion virtual reality helmet is worn on the head, then the player's body is completely placed in the virtual reality capsule. The difference here is that the virtual reality capsule has more power and is capable of affecting all human senses, which is not possible with a fully immersed neurodrive. The player's body is safe.

You can play in a capsule of full immersion for much longer than in a neurohelmet, up to, sorry, automatic fulfillment of natural needs in a special container. Feeding can also be carried out automatically using nutrient mixtures. Good nutrition is not a substitute, but it will allow you to live in the game for a day or two without any special consequences.

This is what a basic level full immersion capsule might look like.

You can get the best idea of ​​how these devices work by watching an anime about virtual reality or reading a genre called LitRPG. In the first case, I can recommend a very famous anime Sword Art Online, which demonstrates the operation of the neurodrive with full immersion.

What the industry offers today for a complete immersion in virtual reality

Almost everything that is today is either the rudiments of full immersion, or some kind of crutches. An example of the latter is a set of devices for virtual reality. One of the options looks like this: a controller for a helmet in the form of a weapon from the game and a special treadmill... In the video below, you can watch the operation of such a pair of devices.

The Virtuix Omni treadmill (the one in the video) is one of the first developments in this area, primitive but compact. There are also more advanced versions, which, however, due to their cost, are not very accessible to mere mortals. =)

The main problem of such ahem ... "total immersion", which is presented in the video, is the inability to fully control your body. You cannot jump, bounce, do a somersault. Many "intuitive" actions will have to be retrained, according to the technical capabilities of the track. Even looking from the side, you can see how uneasy and uncomfortable he runs. The weapon (controller) is one, while in the game there are a lot of them. Plus, swinging a sword on such a "path" will be very inconvenient and traumatic. What if a game about the world of sword and magic in virtual reality? How to manage to remove the sword to the side for casting a spell and where to look for it blindly?

However, I am too strict. Of course, such a realization of what already exists has its right to life. AND solves those problems that face the virtual reality industry right now- the problem of wires and the ability to move, albeit implemented so far at a basic level and with bugs. But, full immersion how some people position this approach, it is not even close. It's just pale shadow from shadow what awaits us when full immersion technology becomes available for purchase.

When the full immersion neurohelmet is invented.

Of course, we are all interested in a secret question - when they invent a full immersion neurohelmet... Well, when will the game with full immersion come out, which you can play, controlling the body as in life.

Unfortunately, today it is impossible to say for sure when full immersion virtual reality will appear. It is only in its infancy. There are virtual reality helmets that can try to clumsily deceive our organs of sight and sound. But don't be discouraged. Some science fiction writers predict the appearance of a virtual reality helmet with full immersion in 2022 - all in 5-6 years.

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To date, there are several developments in the technology of full immersion in virtual reality. Most of them are classified and there is almost no information. But on the other hand, there are already actually working prototypes of feedback devices. Already today, scientists have managed to build a device that allows you to control electronic devices using brain impulses. This means that the day is not far off when for the first time it will be possible to do the opposite, having constructed the world's first full immersion helmet.

How much will a full immersion VR headset cost?

Expensive. Very expensive. Even those that exist today cost about $ 600-800. At the same time, requiring a computer for 1000+ US dollars and a number of virtual reality accessories to work. In other words, even today the simplest virtual reality technology (with its best and most expensive version) costs the buyer almost $ 2,000.

Oculus Rift price at the time of pre-order

Imagine that in such neuro helmet for full immersion in the game equipment will be crammed several orders of magnitude more complicated and expensive. Let's talk about numbers closer to 10 thousand US dollars, least. Capsules in general thousand under USD 50-100 will cost. So, it's time to think about a pleasant old age in a full immersion game, where you will be young, handsome and playful again. We begin to accumulate on the sly =)

Perhaps all the topics of full immersion were covered, if you still have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments... In turn, if there are any development news on the topic of virtual reality full immersion, I will definitely tell you about them on the blog pages. See you in the next article in the "Questions and Answers" section.

Terry Laughlin, John Delves

Full immersion. How to swim better, faster and easier

Information from the publisher

Reprinted with permission from Fireside, Simon & Schuster and Andrew Nurnberg Writing Agency

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Terry Laughlin and John Delves, 1996, 2004

© Russian translation, Russian edition, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2017

* * *

Preface to the Russian edition

After reading this book, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the author is thinking and talking about such intricacies of technology. sports swimming, which the vast majority of coaches and specialists do not know and do not think about.

Movement in water, hydrodynamics and many other things that need to be taken into account in swimming can be discussed by a person who truly loves this sport and thinks about how to do better, faster and most importantly - with the least effort.

With deep respect to the author and to all readers,Alexander Popov,fourfold Olympic champion swimming


Dear friends!

I am very glad that "Full Immersion" is coming out in a new Russian edition, and even with a very beautiful and inspiring cover.

Who is this book for?

You may have heard of Full Dive from a friend or colleague swimmer and are curious to know more. Or you may have never heard of Full Immersion, but you are already an experienced swimmer - or are about to become one. If so, then you will not find a better guide that simply and clearly says how to swim easily, joyfully ... and constantly improve your skills.

Or, as we say, “swimming is better, easier ... and faster

This book was first published on English language in 1996, and a year later topped the list of the most popular books on swimming. Since then, it has been translated into many languages, earning it the title of the most popular swimming book of all time.

The reason Full Immersion has become so successful is because it explains in simple and clear language the most common problems that all swimmers face. This book also provides solutions that anyone can use to as soon as possible to develop an effective stroke and increase the distance that you can swim without getting tired - in other words, not just swim a kilometer or two, but come to the finish line, charged energy, and not depleting it to the limit. And while enjoying every stroke to the goal.

But as all those who have read this book before have discovered, Total Immersion is more than just an effective swimming program. Is it a system - or method, - different from anything offered in swimming science. By floating on the PP system, you will learn study... You will learn how to solve problems and overcome difficulties.

You have no idea how many readers admitted: "This book changed my life." I hope you will experience the same as you expand your swimming knowledge and skills. Welcome to the global community of dedicated, continual improvement-oriented PP swimmers!

May your distances bring you as much happiness as I do!

Terry Laughlin

I dedicate this book to three gentlemen from the world of sailing who have immeasurably enriched my life:

Dick Krempecki, who coached me at St. John's University and inspired me to become a swimming coach;

Bill Irwin, who coached me at the Manhasset Swimmer's Club and inspired me to become a coach who really teaches;

Bill Boomer, who opened my eyes to new method learning.


Ask yourself three questions:

Do you like to swim, do you enjoy this activity?

Do you know how to train to ensure that you improve your swimming technique and improve your performance?

Are you seeing progress in your swimming technique?

If you cannot answer these questions positively, feel dissatisfied or annoyed about your progress, or have had bad experiences with the “wrong” coach, then it’s not about you. Chances are, you were taught incorrectly and misconceived about your swimming technique.

Almost every swimmer went through a stage of uncertainty. The problem is that humans, unlike fish and marine mammals, are not designed for natural movement in the aquatic environment.

As a rule, the first attempt to swim causes fear of a very real threat to life - drowning if it fails. The second attempt is often no better than the first, as are the third and fourth. This is despite the fact that the ability to swim is one of the essential life skills. Swimming technique has never been taught rationally, and this is the main reason for the bad experience.

Traditional teaching methods (for example, the Red Cross method) are more likely to be taught to float in order not to drown.

The Total Immersion Technique - a Revolution in Swimming Learning

The first edition of this book was released in 1996. In just a few months, without any advertising, it became a bestseller among books on swimming in the United States. Why? Because people began to achieve results, swim better and, naturally, get more pleasure from it. Many swimmers realized their mistakes and began to demonstrate steady progress.

Over the past six years, many readers have repeatedly expressed their gratitude to me. I am very pleased with these emails as they show that I have achieved my goal of making good swimming technique available to everyone.

I confess that by following my method, I myself have reached a level comparable to nirvana. I enjoy every stroke. Maybe because I have never been a natural athlete, I came to the conclusion that everyone can learn to swim and this skill is by no means a special talent with which to be born.

The enthusiasm for the Total Immersion technique was shared with me by many swimmers. It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you can swim, a child or an adult, this technique will teach you how to swim better.

For several years it has become very popular. Everyone who met her, having read a book, attended a seminar, or simply watched a swimmer who applied our technique in practice in the pool, admitted that it made a revolution in their minds.

The Total Immersion Technique (abbreviated as PP) teaches swim like a fish... This approach can be described as meaningful swimming because it is based on a person's ability to analyze what is happening. Traditional methods of teaching swimming involve endless tedious exercises. In our view, this approach does not develop the skills needed to achieve long-term results.

We teach balance, improving the position of the swimmer's body in the water, sliding in it, which ultimately makes his movements rational and develops automatic skills.

Here are the main points of the technique:

You will learn to swim like a fish. Instead of grueling workouts for a while, you will learn to glide in the water with the ease and grace of a fish. Your classes will become meaningful from the first swim.

You will master the technique of rational and harmonious movement. The speed will definitely increase if you swim with ease.

You will change internally by learning gliding strokes. The PP technique can be compared to the spiritual practices of yoga or tai chi. You will improve spiritually and physically, improve your health and learn to overcome stress.

You will learn to swim through your creative journey. The PP methodology is based on the same principles of harmony and balance that are taught martial arts... You will start with simple skills and gradually develop them.

After the first lesson, your attitude towards swimming will change. Instead of just swimming along the path, you learn to swim and meditate at the same time, enjoying not only every movement, but also mental relaxation. If you swim with pleasure, and not from under the stick, you will gain favourite hobby for life. And if you want results in competitions, then, as practice has shown, sliding that brings joy can bring victory.

Chris Madsen moves towards the wide open door down the corridor with dust particles flickering in the air. Having crossed the threshold, he finds himself balancing on the edge of a cliff and barely keeps himself from falling. Bending down, he looks into the abyss, which has opened hundreds of meters down: there, in a greenish haze, steep cliffs are visible. A sharp gust of wind throws open his jacket and pushes Chris backward from certain death. With trembling knees, Chris takes off his VR headset, remaining in a 10m x 10m room - the Void VR center near Salt Lake City. The name of the center is a play on words: Void translates as "emptiness", and stands for Vision of Infinite Dimensions, "Images of infinite dimensions." Additional special effects - air currents, water splashes and thermal curtains (to simulate rain and fire) - create a feeling of complete immersion in virtual reality.

One of the main factors that gives rise to a sense of presence is the ability to move in space. This is the thought behind the Void technology by its creator, Ken Bretschneider. He analyzed weak spots modern VR technologies and focused on developing its own Rapture platform. Finding a way to track the movements of several players became an important task. Considered various options: using cameras, lasers or an electromagnetic field, but no system provided sufficient reliability. In the end, Ken found the solution in an article on locating NASA rovers using radio frequency triangulation. Void modified NASA technology to fit its needs - now the system determines the position of the player with millimeter precision.

Void is far from the first VR project. In January 2015, the Virtuix Omni booth was shown at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, allowing the player to run and shoot. In this case, the player is constantly "tied" in a device that looks more like a baby walker. Not the best solution for a fast-paced first-person shooter.

Another challenge that the Void engineers had to solve was how to adapt the platform for walking and running in a limited space of 20 x 20 m. Creative director Void Curtis Hickman - the illusionist who took part in the creation of the David Copperfield show - came up with the concept of an "endless corridor". His clever trick is based on a curious feature of our brain: in the absence of visual and sound cues (for example, when a VR helmet is put on his head), a person naturally begins to walk in circles, while being completely confident that he is walking in a straight line.

The Void project has many unique technologies, but despite this, many are skeptical about it. “I understand the concerns of users,” Ken comments. - Have we reached perfection? Not yet. However, the results of the beta testing of the platform, in which 2,000 people took part, turned out to be impressive - we did not have a single disgruntled tester! " The technologies needed already exist. There is little to do - they need them to lift us off the sofas!

“Like a fish in water” - now it's about you. People who have mastered Terry Laughlin's Total Immersion technique are able to swim tirelessly for hours, enjoying their every move. In this book, you will find explanations and exercises that will lead you step by step to good technique, on which, according to the author, 70 percent of swimming results depend.

This book is essential for everyone who wants to learn how to swim freely and correctly, and especially for those who are preparing for long and ultra-long distance competitions.

Terry Laughlin, John Delves Foreword to the Russian edition Introduction

The Total Immersion Technique - A Revolutionary Swim Learning How To Use This Book

Part I Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Body position in the water: the greatest energy savings Swim not on the chest, but on the side Chapter 4 The source of movement - in the hips Hands - hooks Chapter 5

Technique versus Strength: How to Develop the Right Skills Make 2,400 Heart Beats Work for Success Mastering Skills Through Successful Exercises Chapter 6 Swimming and Practice: One Piece Chapter 7

Be guided by your feelings as you swim If you feel like you're doing something well, do it over and over.

Stroke Reduction and Swimming Golf: Two Trials of Your Sensory Practice

Chapter 8 Clear Your Mind

Avoid Struggle Lesson One: Finding Balance

Lesson two: we become weightless and "slippery" Lesson three: easy extraction of power from the kinetic chain

Lesson four: mastering the compact and relaxed carrying of the hand

Lesson Five: Get to Know Your New Stroke Lesson Six: Moving to Swimming

Part II Chapter 9

So what are you training for? How to Simplify Your Workout Chapter 10 Chapter 11

Why is the watch missing a hand?

Basic series: four good way keep track of the time Ready, attention, repeat!

Chapter 12 Competitive heats: short, medium and long

How to Become Truly Competitive Chapter 13 Just Say No to the Boards

Get rid of the kolobashka Smart hands are better than stupid plastic

Fins are a learning aid, not an accelerator Ground trainers Elastic cords Upstream swimming Rubber ropes

Part III Chapter 14 Drink

Rules for Replenishing Fluid Loss Chapter 15 Preventing Shoulder Injury

Functional Strength Training On the Gymnastics Ball Chapter 16

Swimming with friends and finding someone to swim with No lanes, no walls - swimming on open water Feeling at home at sea: strategies

Afterword. Can thoughtful swimming enrich your life? Anyone can be a master True rewards of practice Enriched experience

Three Tools to Achieve Mastery From Smooth Strokes to Flow

How to Bring the Feeling of Flow to a Conscious Level Appendix Basic Balance Exercise Series

Breathing Exercise Series

Slippery Body Exercise Series Exercise Series to Combine Swimming Skills in Full Coordination

Combinations of Exercise to Develop Special Skills or Mindfulness Getting Started: A series of swims in complete coordination. We increase

stroke length Principles of golf in swimming

Going on Longer Swims: Getting Ready for the Mile Distance Recommended Reading Books Online Help

Terry Laughlin, John Delves

Full immersion. How to swim better, faster and easier

I dedicate this book to three gentlemen from the world of sailing who have immeasurably enriched my life:

Dick Krempecki, who coached me at St. John's University and inspired me to become a swimming coach;

Bill Irwin, who coached me at the Manhasset Swimmer's Club and inspired me to become a coach who really teaches;

Bill Boomer, who opened my eyes to a new teaching method.

Preface to the Russian edition

After reading this book, I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the author reflects and talks about such subtleties of sports swimming technique that he does not know about.

and the overwhelming majority of coaches and specialists do not think about it.

O movement in water, hydrodynamics and many other things that need to be considered in swimming, a person who really loves this sport and thinks about how to do it better, faster and most importantly - with the least effort.


Ask yourself three questions:

Do you like to swim, do you enjoy this activity?

Do you know how to train to ensure that you improve your swimming technique and improve your performance?

Are you seeing progress in your swimming technique?

If you are unable to answer yes to these questions, feel dissatisfied or annoyed about your progress, or have had bad experiences with “not with

meaningful from the first swim.

You will master the technique of rational and harmonious movement. The speed will definitely increase if you swim with ease.

You will change internally by learning gliding strokes. The PP technique can be

compare with the spiritual practices of yoga or tai chi. You will improve spiritually and physically, improve your health and learn to overcome stress.

◦ You will learn to swim through your creative journey. The PP technique is based on the same principles of harmony and balance that are taught by the martial arts. You will start with simple skills and gradually develop them.

After the first lesson, your attitude towards swimming will change. Instead of just swimming along the path, you learn to swim and meditate at the same time, enjoying not only every movement, but also mental relaxation. If you swim with pleasure, and not under a stick, then you will acquire a favorite pastime for life. And if you want results in competitions, then, as practice has shown, sliding that brings joy can bring victory.

How to use this book

Chapters 1-7 explain the low performance of simply “winding” endless circles in the pool, and also explains why the effect of “slipping through the eye of a needle” in water leads to better results than simply pushing water towards your feet with your hands.

When you have finished chapters 1-3, skip to Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 in Chapter 8. The balance and streamlining exercises described there are the foundation of the entire technique. Technique exercises are very simple and can be done without prior preparation, but their impact will increase - and possibly accelerate - when you understand why they work, what you should feel when you do them correctly, and how to gradually start using them in their usual activities. All of this is described in chapters 4–7.

Once you start swimming in a new way, you will train differently than you did before. Part 2 explains why and how correct technique leads to good fitness. You will see why improving harmonious movement and reducing water resistance is more important to the swimmer than simple physical strength.

People generally want to swim “like a fish” for as long as possible, so Part 3 provides advice on how to achieve your long-term goals. strength training, for weight loss and injury prevention. Let new opportunities open up for you at any level - whether it is participating in veteran open water competition or distance competition when you send your results by mail.

The main point is this: forget everything that you have been taught earlier. Traditional ways of learning to swim are difficult to understand, frustrating, and waste time and energy because they focus your attention on the wrong goals. Everyone can learn to swim well - regardless of muscle size, age, physical fitness or the degree of endurance. To do this, you will need to develop fluid movements and act intelligently to reinforce new skills. This book will serve as a guide to effective self-study.

New movements. Independent learning to swim again

Swimming from side to side: the road to nowhere

Most people fail to learn how to swim faster, farther and better, with all their might. The reason for this is obvious: they start moving towards their goal from the wrong end. “Don't worry about technique,” ​​swimming coaches and instructors assure us. “Just train harder and you’ll end up with a smooth and strong stroke.” Although it is necessary to start with technology.

I will tell you how I came to new methods of teaching swimming.

First of all, I must confess to the readers that I am truly passionate about swimming. I visit the pool almost every morning, going up at 5:30 for this. I take part in many competitions, including open water. In addition, I also earn my living by instilling such an addiction in adults.

I teach with passion because, from my point of view, swimming is a rare pleasure. Despite the fatigue after training, I feel energized throughout the next day.

Compare swimming to any other sport. Muscles ache for a day or two after running. A ride on the bicycle - great exercise while the weather is good. Classes in gym- great workout, but after it you can hardly move your legs.

And after swimming, I always feel better. Therefore, I easily leave my favorite sofa at the dawn of a frosty morning or at sunset on a hot summer evening and rush to the pool.

Probably call swimming perfect view the sport would be a bit of an exaggeration, but there is hardly a better candidate for this title. The heart and lungs work rationally, muscle endurance and strength increase, flexibility improves, and stress resistance increases. At the same time, swimming does not put a strong stress on the joints compared to other types of physical activity. Against the background of other sports, with the exception of cross-country skiing, more muscles are involved in swimming. And only swimming can create a feeling of weightlessness and freedom.

Tired of the many injuries sustained on aerobic exercise? The undoubted advantage of swimming is its relatively low trauma and the absence of vibration loads on the musculoskeletal system, from which many runners and cyclists suffer. Water spares the muscles. Relaxation and even resistance help to get rid of muscle tension and pain caused by training on the ground.

Overheating while swimming is almost impossible. Water conducts heat 20 times better than air, so you can train with increased loads. This is especially important in the summer, in the heat: it is possible to avoid dehydration and severe overheating, so noticeable when training “on the shore”.

Swimming is an equal opportunity sport. When overweight, disability

or injury - factors that interfere with active movement - you can swim. It is well known that many athletes go in for swimming after being injured in order to quickly restore strength and endurance.

Have your joints become inactive with age? Increasing the mobility of the articular apparatus is one of the most important reasons why adults should swim. A 1988 study by cardiologists and sports physiologists at the University of Texas Dallas Medical Center found that sedentary adults had markedly improved heart health after three months of regular swimming. The heartbeat slowed down, and the blood began to circulate more intensively. Systematic swimming also lowers blood pressure and increases endurance when comparing performance in the same age group. In addition, in terms of energy costs, a 1.5 km swim is equal to running a distance

The knowledge in this book was unknown when I was swimming in college. Swimming instructions were very simple: to achieve results, you have to clench your teeth and endure, and then you will win the competition. It must be painful, otherwise you are not an athlete. And before questions was it then, with the heart jumping out of the chest, and aching muscles?

But the time for questions was approaching inexorably. I started asking them when I left college, where I worked for more than thirty years, for another, clean coaching... Finally, I could watch other swimmers from the sidelines. What discoveries I have made! I found that some gifted swimmers could swim very well without panting at all. During individual training I was impressed by the ease and rationality of their movements in the water. They won because of this, not the ability to endure grueling training.

I wondered if it was an innate quality or an acquired skill. I still doubted my guesses, although there were some signs. For example, average swimmers sometimes suddenly improved their performance when I freed them from endless tedious workouts for a while and switched to sequential strength-building exercises.

In 1988, a picture began to form in my head, in which all the secrets correct technique swimming fell into place. This year I met Bill Boomer and left college to coach only adult swimmers. Bill was a swimming coach at the University of Rochester. Although Bill is not well known in the wider swimming community, he was a cult figure among varsity coaches. His ideas were considered radical and sometimes even revolutionary.

Once Boomer gave a talk at a seminar for the exchange of experiences among coaches, which I also attended. The speakers followed each other. Everyone said that it was necessary to train swimmers, figuratively speaking, “strengthening the motor and giving more fuel”, that is, developing endurance.

Then Boomer took the floor, and his speech had the effect of an exploding bomb. He asked a question that no one dared to ask in the two decades of the history of these seminars: "How can we teach you to swim faster with less effort?" His answer to himself, ingenious in its simplicity, disarmed the audience: "By changing the shape of the body." As a naval engineer, Boomer knew how to improve the streamlining of a ship's hull, and

hence the swimmer.

In Detroit, the auto industry did a lot of similar experiments, fueled by the spike in fuel prices in the 1970s, but only Boomer proposed a similar approach to sailing. He thought creatively, he had a fresh look to the problem. Boomer was not a professional swimmer, but studied biomechanics before becoming a coach. In other words, he came to sail in an unconventional way, but at the same time he had a deep understanding of the peculiarities of the movement of the human body.

I embraced his approach, my work with adult swimmers provided a unique opportunity to experiment, develop and complement his ideas. My workshops focused the audience on swimming technique instead of tedious workouts.

The adult swimmers I trained were the perfect subjects to develop my approach. My training program gradually became more complex and eventually transformed into a training program completely new technology swimming. I had to break it down into stages, determine the sequence of exercises suitable for adults who did not play sports seriously and did not have an idea of ​​the mechanisms of swimming.

The work did not bring the expected result until I figured out how to simplify complex tasks. I've broken them down into a series of simple, logical exercises that everyone can use. My goal was to create a program that is easy to understand and easy to follow after my departure.

Since then, thousands of disciples have passed through my hands. V last years some of them became my training partners. They evaluate my instructions for accessibility and ease of understanding, discarding the unnecessary and leaving the most valuable. We are in constant creative search, experimenting with movement techniques that make swimming easier.

Over time, I realized that the old approach to training was not only ineffective, but also caused a lot of harm. Reinforcing irrational skills over time forms a habit that is difficult to get rid of.

Today it is obvious that swimming needs to be taught in the same way as tennis or alpine skiing, because technique plays a decisive role in them, as opposed to, for example, running or cycling, which is more focused on endurance.

Lou Fiorina, an outstanding mentor with whom we conduct joint workshops, once watched American swimming legends Rowdy Gaines and Tracy Colkins demonstrate their skills to children. Looking at their technique, he thought: "Such light and easy movements are an extraordinary gift." Some time later, he got to a seminar where Bill Boomer was teaching a group of intermediate swimmers, and was shocked by their results.

“As I watched them, I noticed that the swimmers began to show the same grace and lightness as my idols Gaines and Colkins. I suddenly realized that this could be taught. Ordinary swimmers can learn to swim just as beautifully and can achieve amazing results in a relatively short time. ”

Today they are learning this using the principles in this book that are available to people of all ages. Every minute of Total Immersion workout is dedicated to developing rational skills so you don't have to waste time on tedious

Reality, what we see, hear, touch, perceive with the help of our senses, is relative. It seems that this idea is already obvious for most of humanity. If we replace the signals sent to our brain by "feelings" with others generated in one way or another, we may not notice the substitution. We can only hope that the idea of ​​the film "The Matrix" has not yet found its technical embodiment. This is, of course, an exaggerated risk of virtual reality, but one should not forget about it.

The term "virtual reality" is often used in relation to a variety of systems, to the extent that it is understood as the Internet. Naturally, such a loose use of terminology causes great confusion. To be more precise, the concept of "virtual reality" (VR) means a kind of artificial world, constructed using computer technology, into which a person can completely immerse himself not only as an observer, but also as a participant. VR systems are technical devices that create the illusion of being in this artificial world and in some cases allow manipulating its objects.

The term "virtual reality" itself is far from new. Science fiction writers have long taken a liking to this topic and contributed a lot to its development. The worlds of Lem, Bradbury, the Strugatsky brothers appeared - why not virtual reality? True, only in the imagination of the reader. What does reality have to do with it? And you will remember how, after reading your favorite book, you did not notice how time flies, and if someone called you, it took a few seconds to return to reality. In other words, you were immersed in a fictional world. But for its visualization, the effect of presence is important.

By by and large, everything that we call a work of art is virtual reality in a broad sense. This is, first of all, a theater that has developed into modern interactive shows with a variety of stage effects, including laser ones. This is a fine art - even the Renaissance artists used the technique of direct gaze, when it seemed to the observer that the painted portrait was following him with his eyes. Otherwise, as magic, in the Middle Ages, this effect could not be explained. With the advent of photography, a stereoscopic camera was invented (by the way, by our compatriot Ivan Alexandrovsky in 1854). Stereoscopes appeared, which became widespread in the middle of the last century - the prototype of modern virtual reality glasses.

The hall of the Stereokino cinema in Moscow, where the audience watched stereofilms using the glasses-free method. 1947 year

A new level of visualization was brought by the invention of cinema by the Lumiere brothers. Already the first commercial film show in the basement of the "Grand Café" on Boulevard des Capucines in Paris on December 28, 1895 caused a panic in the audience at the sight of an approaching steam locomotive... Then cinema became sound, color, widescreen and stereoscopic. In Soviet times, in Moscow and some large cities, in addition to the usual ones, there were cinemas with an extended effect of presence:

1. Stereoscopic. Cinema "Moskva" became the world's first commercial stereo cinema, which used the glasses-free method of projection onto the screen, and the cinema "Oktyabr" had a stereoscopic hall with anaglyph glasses.

2. Panoramic. The Mir cinema is also in Moscow, where the projection was carried out from three cinema projectors simultaneously.

3. Circular cinema panorama at VDNKh. There the screens were located in a circle for all 360 degrees.

Nowadays we have 3D cinemas everywhere.

In 1962, Morton Heilig in the United States received a patent for a miracle of technology called a sensor.

He was a cinematographer with the goal of expanding the scope of cinema to the limit: to add taste, touch and smell to the image and sound. The sensor was, in fact, an analog simulator. By paying 25 cents and sitting on a movable seat, the viewer could watch one of five two-minute films. In addition to color widescreen stereo imaging and stereo sound, such short films, which included, for example, demonstrations of riding a motorcycle in New York or flying a helicopter, also included sensations of movement with vibration, turning the head and seat, using various scents, wind, blowing in the face. Today there are 4D, 5D, even 7D attractions and cinemas with movable seats, hot and cold winds, splashes, smells and so on.

But everything mentioned above suffers from a significant drawback - the lack of interactivity. The viewer is passive, forced to follow the script and the maximum that can be done is to interrupt the session. In the 90s of the last century, the computer game King's Bounty was very popular. The player controlled one character (whose class was chosen from the four proposed) and could open the map in any direction, complete tasks, collect artifacts in an arbitrary sequence, that is, act independently. A virtual environment without freedom of choice in an artificial world is summarized by the concept of 3D. These are the main components of modern virtual reality: immersion (an interesting plot), the effect of presence (visualization) and interactivity (the freedom to choose the development of the plot).

Such opportunities are provided by VR systems: to get involved in the action yourself, and not only in a fantastic space, but also, as it were, in a completely real world, at least from the point of view of human perception. All this, apparently, predetermined the boom of new information technologies and, accordingly, their rapid development. In addition to the gaming and entertainment industry, virtual reality systems are increasingly entering the business arena. They are widely used for practical applications, including surgical simulations, vehicle prototyping, equipment maintenance and installation, logistics operations optimization, business data visualization, military exercises, pilot training, and more. Replacing physical objects with digital models can significantly reduce time and money.

Simon Gauntlett (DTG) recently gave an overview presentation on virtual reality for the European Broadcast Union Workshop on Production Technologies. He considered it necessary to explain why the development of virtual reality will have to be taken seriously. As the first piece of evidence, he cites a wide range of cameras and glasses that have appeared over the past few months. The second piece of evidence is the opinions of analysts who estimate the virtual reality market at about 120 billion US dollars in the future until 2020. Mostly in the gaming industry, but who knows how game developers and broadcasters will interact further. The third argument was the growing number of companies and organizations involved in the virtual reality market. The main problems at the present time remain compatibility and the lack of an established terminology.

There are several main types of systems that provide the formation of virtual reality:

Modern virtual reality helmets are more glasses than a helmet, and contain one or more displays, and in the simplest case, instead of a display, a smartphone is inserted. The screens display images for the left and right eyes. In "advanced" helmets (goggles), a lens system is used to correct the geometry, as well as a tracking system that tracks the orientation of the device in space. The multichannel speaker system allows localization of the sound source, which helps the user to navigate virtual world with the help of hearing. The helmet can be supplemented with interactive gloves and a suit, which have built-in sensors that transmit information about the user's movements to the computer.

As a rule, tracking systems for virtual reality are developed based on gyroscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers. For systems of this type, the following are important: a wide viewing angle, the accuracy of tracking when tracking tilts and turns of the head, as well as a minimum delay between detecting a change in the position of the head in space and displaying the corresponding image on the displays.

Eye tracking systems monitor the movement of the pupils and can calculate exactly where a person is looking at any given time. When you change the position of the user's eyes relative to the displays, the image on them changes accordingly. Eye tracking systems determine the coordinates of the eyes in space. For this, various technologies are used: optical (determining the coordinates of the eyes in the image from the camera, tracking active or passive markers), much less often ultrasonic. These systems are actively implemented for marketing, military, scientific and other purposes.

The controlled character in the virtual world usually repeats these movements. There are two main approaches. First, a large number of sensors are attached to a person, and the computer monitors the movement of these sensors in space. The technology is widely used for filming films where an actor plays a computer or comic character, for creating 3D games, etc. The main means of interaction with the outside world for people is their hands. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating a "virtual hand" has been around for a very long time. For this, it is proposed to use special gloves that track the movement of the hands and fingers. Another approach is based on pattern recognition. To put it simply, the person is filmed by a special video camera and determines what he did: waved or, for example, jumped.

Of various kinds simulators, the prototype of which was the same sensor, but with feedback. They are used to teach driving from a car to an airplane, as well as in various attractions such as a virtual roller coaster or an overturning house. In the simplest case, helmets / goggles with a movable seat and additional controls can be used. For virtual driving, an imitation of the cabin of a car / tank / plane, etc. is better suited. with displays instead of windows.

6. At the moment, the most advanced virtual reality systems are projection systems made in the layout virtual reality rooms (CAVE)... Such a system is a room, on all walls of which a stereo image is projected. The user's position, turns of his head, the direction of his gaze are tracked by the above-described tracking systems, which makes it possible to achieve maximum effect immersion.

Virtual reality rooms (CAVE)

An output device that forms an image directly on the retina of the eye. The user places the device in front of him, the system detects the eye and projects a picture onto it using motion compensation techniques. As a result, you see the image "hanging" in the air. Devices of this type are closer to augmented reality systems, since virtual objects that the user sees are superimposed on objects in the real world. As such, a small VRD could replace a full-size monitor. VRD, projecting an image into one eye, allows you to see simultaneously the computer and the real world, which can be used to create the illusion of "X-ray vision" - display internal parts devices and organs (for car repair, surgery). The VRD system, which projects the image into both eyes, creates realistic 3D scenes. VRD supports dynamic refocusing for more high level realism than classic VR headsets.

Today mathematical models, software and graphics subsystems of virtual reality are sufficiently developed and available for mass use. Such technologies are firmly embedded in our lives in various forms. Progress in this area is moving fast enough. Does the abundance of promising technologies promise a brilliant future?

Let's go back to where we started and outline the risks of mass implementation of VR systems:

  • Physical - some people experience nausea, severe dizziness and even loss of consciousness.
  • Information security - for example, if users can change the appearance of their avatars, they could potentially impersonate other people.
  • Behavioral - for example, some game (and not only) situations can cause serious aggression of certain individuals.
  • Confidential - The virtual environment can dramatically increase the scope of potential privacy violations because every behavior can be tracked and every element can be changed.
  • Financial - spending a lot of money, you can get something completely different from what you hoped for.

So there is still work to do. An extended discussion and discussion of the problems of virtual reality, the development of terminology and the development of recommendations are expected in April this year at the NAB-Show 2016 in Las Vegas.

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