Breast and pop fitness workout. How to pump pectoral muscles in the gym: the best exercises

© Jale Ibrak -

    What is required

    Powerful chest plates - business card any serious athlete. And you can endlessly repeat about the importance of pumping the whole body - most beginners lean primarily on shoulder girdle... The exercises given in the article for pectoral muscles in the gym will help to create massive and beautiful muscles. Movements and complexes are designed for men, but girls are also recommended to use the "classics" to form a harmonious and attractive figure.

    The general strategy for working in the gym should be based on an understanding of the technical issues and an adequate assessment of your own physical condition.

    Follow these expert guidelines to get things done:

    • Priority is given to basic chest exercises in the gym. The muscles are built by multi-joint movements that involve several muscle groups at once. With the help of isolated exercises, the muscles are polished, certain areas are worked out in detail (the pectoral muscles are divided into upper, central and lower zones).
    • Basic should be done at the beginning of the workout and isolation movements at the end.
    • In general, the number of weekly "chest" workouts (when working on split) is 1. Two sessions per week are allowed for experienced athletes specializing in this muscle group. But even here, at least 3 days should pass between trips to the gym - the muscles need to.
    • The number of approaches and repetitions is variable and depends on the goals and capabilities of the athlete. The general recommendation is 2-5 exercises in one workout, 3-4 sets, each of which has 8-15 repetitions. But experiments are welcome here - some grow from the "pump", others require a forceful approach.
    • Most athletes have a lagging upper chest area, so you should not perform all exercises on a regular bench without an incline.
    • When training with a barbell, work with different grip widths. At wide grip the outer areas of the chest are more loaded, with a narrowing of the location of the arms, the load goes to the inner area, too narrow setting arms are no longer developing the chest, but the triceps.
    • When performing any exercise, make sure that the elbows are slightly bent at the top point, otherwise there is a high risk of injury. It also increases the emphasis on working out the chest rather than the triceps.
    • Before performing working approaches, a thorough warm-up with a small, gradually progressive weight is required. Otherwise, injury is inevitable. In addition, insufficiently warmed up muscles are not capable of maximum results.

    The best pectoral exercises

    These chest exercises in the gym are among the best for a reason. There are over a hundred pectoral exercises for the gym. But for the development of muscles, those that are given in this article are quite enough.

    However, following a very ascetic program is also impractical - a balanced chest is the result of training variety. We advise you to use all the movements described (of course, not in one workout). And it is desirable to add something of your own to the program.

    Bench press

    Basic and basic exercise. As a rule, it is done first, but bringing the lagging zones to mind may involve replacing the horizontal press with other positions in the complex. Only in powerlifting is the bench press irreplaceable. With normal work on the pectoral muscles, you may well exclude it from the program. With the help of this movement, the muscles are developed and strength is substantially increased.

    Execution scheme:

  1. The initial position (IP) is lying on a bench, the bar is on stands above the eyes at a height just below the wrists with straightened arms, the shoulder blades are brought together, the pelvis and back are pressed against the bench, the lower back is slightly bent (but not much, you do not need to bend, as in powerlifting), the legs rest firmly on the floor with the entire foot.
  2. Grasp the bar with a straight ring grip (palms away from you, all fingers). Take the barbell off the racks - at the start, the bar should be at the level of your upper chest. The arms are wider than the shoulders, but their location depends on their length and training objectives - you will have to experiment with the width of the grip.
  3. While inhaling, gently and under control, lower the barbell to your chest in the area just above the nipples. The bar should lightly touch the body. No need to do a bounce.
  4. On a powerful exhalation, squeeze the projectile up. You do not need to unbend your elbows to the end, then the chest will be in tension throughout the entire approach. But don't make the amplitude too short.

It is very important to "catch" the movement. The effectiveness of the bench press and the final strength and bodybuilding result depend on this. You need to press, starting from the legs - the effort is transmitted from the feet to the lats and from the back to the arms and chest.

Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench

Exercise similar to the previous one. The difference is that in this case stabilizing muscles are connected. When pressing the bar, the projectile is more stable, so there is no need for additional stabilization. It also allows you to stretch your pectoral muscles more. If the bar rests against the sternum and does not allow achieving the required amplitude, then a couple of shells removes this restriction, allowing you to lower your arms a little lower.

The technique is similar. First, the dumbbells are taken from the floor, then they are placed vertically on their feet (in a sitting position) and lowered onto the bench along with the shells, while squeezing them up. If the dumbbells are light, you can do it differently, but with heavy dumbbells it is ineffective to work in a different way.

The degree of stretching of the pectorals is to a point bordering on discomfort. At the top, the shells are at a short distance from each other, you do not need to knock them.

After completing the approach, the shells are dropped to the floor from a prone position. But this must be done carefully so as not to over-stretch the muscles and damage the ligaments.

Bench press at an angle

There are two options for this exercise - bench press with an up and down incline. In the first case, the main load falls on the upper chest and front deltas. With a negative slope, the lower zone of the pectoral muscles develops. The angle of inclination is 30-45 degrees to one side or the other. A larger angle is not recommended, since the load leaves the target muscle group on the deltas.

Technique for performing the "top" press with a barbell:

  • IP - the bar is in straightened arms above the collarbones, the back and pelvis are tightly pressed to the bench, the legs firmly rest on the floor with the whole foot.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower the bar to the top of your chest, under the collarbones.
  • As you exhale, return the projectile to the PC with a powerful effort.

The technique of performing the "lower" press with a barbell is similar. In this case, the bar is lowered to the lower chest. The legs are fixed with soft rollers.

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You can also perform these presses (as on a bench without an incline) in the Smith simulator:

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Incline Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell pectoral exercises in the gym involve a similar technique. As with the barbell, you can and should train on a bench with a positive and negative bias.

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Dips on the uneven bars

One of the most important movements that can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home. as with own weight, and with additional burden. The distance between the supports should be slightly wider than the shoulders. More distance makes the exercise traumatic, and less distance shifts the emphasis to the triceps.

For beginners in fitness clubs, there is a special simulator - the gravitron, where you can do push-ups with a counterweight, which makes it easier to perform:

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  • IP - on the uneven bars on outstretched arms. For beginners and athletes working with additional weight, it is recommended to use leg supports for lifting in SP.
  • As you inhale, lower yourself down and slightly tilt your body forward. Lower yourself to a level where your shoulders are approximately parallel to the floor. The tilt of the body is required - only in this variation are the pectoral muscles loaded (with a minimum tilt, they work triceps shoulder).
  • As you exhale, return to the PI. It is also possible not to fully extend the elbow joints.

It is imperative to descend smoothly. When dropping, do not overdo it with amplitude. But it's not worth doing too little - an insufficient amplitude, again, is tantamount to shifting the load onto the triceps. You do not need to press your arms to your chest.

It is advisable to start training with additional weight after you can do 15-20 repetitions without weights without any problems.

Press in the simulator

Most of the halls are equipped with special simulators for the pectoral muscles in which the bench press is performed in front of you. This is also considered a basic exercise, but should be done after barbell, dumbbell, and parallel bar movements.

The technique is quite simple:

  1. Adjust the height of the harness so that the focus is on the pectoralis and not on the deltas.
  2. Load the machine with pancakes on both sides. Sit down with your back firmly pressed against your feet.
  3. As you exhale, squeeze the handles of the simulator, you do not need to fully unbend your elbows. Try to focus on your chest, don't use your triceps.
  4. As you inhale, smoothly return to starting position but don't bump into the restraints.

In some gyms, the simulator may look like this:

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Hand information in the crossover

it isolated exercise, which makes sense only after operating certain volumes. Beginners often "attack" simulators, ignoring the base. This is wrong - you cannot shape and polish what is not. But work in the block can also be advised for neophytes, if they are not chasing after muscle volumes, but simply strive for full muscle tone.

The details of the arms detail the musculature and focus mainly on the central and lower chest regions (although this depends on the position of the arms - upper or lower). The main exercise - standing - develops the outer zone. A rarer option - lying down - is designed for an internal area.

Technique for performing a standing movement from the upper handles:

  • IP - standing between the blocks, the divorced hands hold the handles of the simulator, the body is slightly tilted forward, the legs are shoulder-width apart. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows.
  • As you exhale, bring your hands together as much as possible and hold this position for 1-2 seconds.
  • Return smoothly to the IP.

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In the case of performing the exercise from the lower handles, the upper parts of the pectorals are more involved:

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Technique for performing the lying movement (the bench is located between the blocks):

  • IP - lying on a bench, hands holding handles, slightly bent.
  • Bring your hands together and hold this position for 1-2 seconds.
  • Return to the IP under control.

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Try to load the elbow joint as little as possible. This is one of the pectoral exercises for men in the gym, in which you do not need to chase large weights... If the presses are performed in both multi-repetitive and power styles, then the information is done only in pumping mode.

The peculiarity of the crossover is that the simulator is perfect for everyone: advanced athletes, beginners, athletes recovering from injuries, girls.

Information in the simulator "Butterfly"

An alternative name for the simulator is Peck-Deck. The movement is similar to the previous exercise, but here it is performed sitting and without bending.

The technique is almost the same - you need to smoothly bring your hands in front of you as you exhale, hold for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position under control.

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Incline Dumbbell Pullover

This is one of the rare exercises. Unlike a pullover on horizontal bench, the oblique option minimizes the inclusion in the work latissimus. the main task this movement - load top area breasts. This is an alternative to the incline bench press. But unlike the latter, when performing a pullover, the front deltas do not help the pectoral muscles.

Execution technique:

  • IP - sitting on a bench, the back of which has an upward slope of 30-45 degrees, both hands hold a dumbbell by one of the sides above the head. The arms are almost fully extended - the elbows are slightly bent for safety.
  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head without bending your arms. The end point is the position of maximum stretching of the pectoral muscles, while it should not be brought to painful sensations.
  • Return your hands to the PI.

Experiments with the angles of the backrest will be appropriate here. It is important to choose the angle at which the voltage in target zone will be the maximum.

The first option is a classic combination of chest and triceps for a three-day split (chest + triceps, back + biceps, legs + shoulders):

The next option is suitable for fairly experienced athletes who need a specialization in the chest. The program is designed for two chest workouts per week. The first is aimed at working out the upper chest and deltas. The second is the emphasis on the middle and lower sections and triceps. The muscles of the back and legs are worked out in two other workouts in a supportive mode.

Workout 1:

Workout 2:

Want to perfect your chest workouts? Try these 5 pectoral programs from real professionals!

Muscles can be such picky guys sometimes. You can bench press 100 kg, and your chest will still not be a wheel, because pumping your pectoral muscles is a little more than just lifting Weight Limit... These fellow trainers can testify that the chest needs to be trained at different angles in order to improve and achieve the best.

Do you think how to do this in the conditions of the hall? Don't worry, these elite athletes will teach you what to do. Try one of these killer combos to spice up your chest program.

Nick Twam

Variability is the key to Nick Twam's chest growth program. "To achieve results, the chest must be trained under different angles- says Nick - it will give all the conditions for muscle growth. "

Nick prefers to start out with heavy, challenging exercises to gain weight in his upper chest regions. "Most people have a clear flaw in the top section, the most difficult," he explains.

"To achieve results, the chest must be trained at different angles, - says Nick, - this will give all the conditions for muscle growth."

Once finished with the top section, Nick moves on to the middle section. He makes a superset - a special set of two exercises that are done one after the other - of many repetitions to maximize fatigue.

"By focusing on high reps, I get better muscle contraction," he says.

And although after that the pectoral muscles are simply fried, he ends up with a crossover and push-ups.


Incline Chest Press (2-3 warm-up sets, 4-5 sets of 6-12 reps, with an increase in weight after each set).

Straight chest press (3-4 sets of 6-12 reps)


Bench press in an incline on the simulator (4 sets of 12-15 reps)

(4 sets to failure)


Crossover (4 sets of 12-20 reps)

Push ups (4 sets to failure)

Jimmy Everett

The MuscleTech sponsored athlete insists that the secret to strong pectoral success is prioritizing form. “Take the weight you can afford, even a little more, and focus on feeling your muscles contract,” he says. "A lot of people neglect it and just press without thinking."

"Make sure you warm up well before you start," he recommends. "Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy prefers the "10x10" protocol in all exercises, which makes his workout very hard. "Make sure you warm up well before you start," he recommends. "Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury."

Jimmy's program starts with heavy basic exercises, and then, when the muscles reach failure, he moves on to isolated exercises.

Jimmy's Minutes:

Incline Chest Press

Butterfly with dumbbells (10 sets of 10 reps)

Dumbbell Pullover(10 sets of 10 reps)

Crossover(10 sets of 10 reps)

Weighted Dips (10 sets of 10 reps)

Push ups(3 sets to failure)

James Pulido

Magazine cover model James Pulido echoes Jimmy when it comes to shoulder health. " Shoulder joint- the most mobile in the body and it is easy to damage it, so it is very important to warm up well "- he says.

James' program always starts with a serious warm-up, which includes numerous dumbbell lifts in different directions for 12-15 reps. "When lifting the dumbbells to the sides, start with the arms lowered along the body. Raise the arms 45 degrees, thumbs looking up, then overhead. ”This warm-up exercise is a must-do for everyone, but unfortunately it is often neglected.

"While pectoral machines have significant potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees."

Interestingly, James does not use any simulators. "While pectoral machines have significant potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees." He claims that all muscle tissue is engaged at these angles, leading to greater muscle potential.

Pectoral Workout Program from Cover Man

Push ups (2-3 sets to failure)

Butterfly on incline bench (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Dips with body weight or weights (5 sets of 8 slow reps)

Eirin Goli

If you want to build your pectoral muscles, you need to visualize - he says. It also includes a 1 second pause at the end of each press movement. A wide range of motion is critical for muscle growth. He does not bring the movement to straighten the arms in order to maintain muscle tension throughout the entire set.

When doing an incline dumbbell press, he focuses on the widest possible range of motion, using not only the pectoral muscles, but also the triceps.

His program also includes the classic completion - push-ups. A 100-rep set - intermittently if necessary - will bring your chest to the handle. “I like to end the program like this because my breasts are filled with blood and the maximum pumping is obtained,” he says.

Eirin's "pumping" program

Chest press (6 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps, last set triple dropset)

Butterfly with dumbbells(5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 8 reps)

Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets of 12 reps, the last set is a triple dropset)


Butterfly on a bench at a right angle (3 sets of 25, 20, 20 reps)

Weighted Dips (3 sets to failure)

Dumbbell Pullover (4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps)

Push ups (100 times)

Dave Drys

The upper thoracic region is the most the main objective Dave Drys, magazine cover model. "A lot of people don't pay much attention to the upper section at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object."

Dave also thinks it's important to lengthen the time the muscles are under pressure as long as possible during the bench press. "I almost never fully straighten my arms to keep my muscles tense all the time."

"A lot of people don't pay much attention to the upper section at all," he notes, "so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object."

Finally, Dave makes the most of his reps to push his own muscles through multiple levels of intensity.

Dave's upper chest workout

Dumbbell press on an incline bench (5 sets of 6-8 reps)

Crossover wiring on the bench (4 sets of 10-12 reps)

Press the chest in the simulator(5 sets of 8 reps)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 reps)

Dumbbell Push-ups(3 sets to failure)

Exercises for the chest for each girl take a different place in training complex... Someone considers it a waste of time, someone avoids it for fear of becoming Hercules in the flesh.

Both the former and others are slightly mistaken in their beliefs. The chest needs to be pumped just like the rest of the muscles. This is not about the breast itself (as a direct object of admiration for all men), but about the pectoral muscles that support the breast, add shape, firmness and prevent it from sagging.

Yes Yes. Even the owners ideal forms it will not be superfluous to add a chest exercise to your workout. At least as a preventive measure.

So, today we will look at the best exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women, possible mistakes in execution, as well as recommendations for their elimination.

A little about the structure of the pectoral muscles

In short, the chest consists of two muscles: the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. Finding them is easy. Pectoralis major muscle is deployed on the entire surface from the clavicle to the sternum (it is also big muscle chest) and is attached to the humerus.

Its main function is flexion and adduction of the shoulder, i.e. in fact, the control of any of his movements.

Pectoralis minor located immediately under the large muscle, being its kind of complement.
When performing exercises for the chest, you focus on precisely these muscles; girls / women cannot pump the chest itself, no matter how much you want it.

Everyone, without exception, pumps their breasts. Of course, men pursue slightly different goals when pumping their breasts (they perform other exercises as well), and all due to the fact that a wide chest has been considered a sign of courage and heroism since ancient times.

For information on how to pump up this muscle group for a man, see the article "Exercises for the pectoral muscles for men."

By the way, the most famous fitness trainers, bodybuilding experts and other experts pay great attention to the breast pumping complex. And, judging by their popularity on Instagram and endless posts of admiration, it is not in vain.

Many chest exercises are universal in nature, so they can be done with ease in the gym, or at home. The best would be to conduct the very first classes under the supervision of a professional trainer.

On the other hand, if you adhere to all the recommendations and perform the exercises in front of the mirror, you can do without visiting the hall.
So here a few recommendations on how to pump up the pectoral muscles for a girl at home:

The best pectoral exercises for girls

Push ups

No wonder this exercise is in the first place, since push-ups are the simplest and at the same time the most effective exercise for pumping chest muscles for women. In addition, for this you do not need any improvised means, only your own weight will help you.

Note: the arms should be shoulder-width apart (or even slightly wider), with the elbows moving away from the body, not along it. Otherwise, you will be pumping triceps. Also watch your back!

It should remain level and motionless (avoid lumbar bends!), Only the arms and chest muscles should work. As for breathing: exhale with maximum muscle tension (i.e. at the lowest point of the trajectory), leave the inhalation on the rise.
The light version is a bent knee push-up.
Better to do an even number of repetitions (6, 8, or 10 times) in 3 sets.

Breeding dumbbells on a bench

(This exercise is also called "butterfly"). It is quite effective, although for maximum effect requires a kind of elevation. An ordinary bench, step platform or fitball will be optimal.

If you do not have a similar sports equipment, use the sofa cushions, placing them one on top of the other (but make sure that you do not "drown" in them, the emphasis must be firm).

So, lie with your back on the bench (or your incline), the lower back should be pressed, while the hips should remain "suspended". Hands with dumbbells are divorced. As you exhale, raise your hands in front of you, lingering at the top point for a couple of seconds, while exhaling, lower your hands.

Do not coast. If you do not feel how the pectoral muscles are tightening, then you are doing the exercise wrong!

It is better to alternate hand raising with push-ups. But do not overdo it! In the history of bodybuilding, there have been times when in pursuit of quick results the girls swayed with such force that the next day they needed help even at the stage of getting out of bed (they just “didn't feel” their hands!).

Leading the arms back with dumbbells

To do this, without changing the previous position on the bench (or on the fitball), raise your arms in front of you, bending them at the elbows (the elbows should be at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other). While inhaling, bring your hands behind your head (as far as you can), while exhaling, "lead" your hands to your stomach.

It's important not to stop and do not straighten your arms to the end. Perform an even number of repetitions (12, 14, or 16) in 2 sets.

Ball Exercise

Can be done while standing, can be done in a sitting position. To do this, take the ball in your hands and raise it to chest level, spreading your elbows to the side. As you exhale, squeeze the ball with all your strength, straining your pectoral muscles. When you count to 6, relax and take a deep breath. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

How to pump up breasts for a girl at home - instructional video

In the video below, you will find the best chest exercises. In addition, the necessary exercises are shown as a warm-up, and also as a "reminder" the inscriptions periodically "pop up" indicating the number of repetitions and approaches. As a bonus - pleasant, unobtrusive music and sensible comments from the coach.

Pectoral exercises are essential at any age! For strengthening, lifting the breasts, as well as preventive measures against age-related changes! Performing these exercises just a couple of times a week, you will become the owner of beautiful, toned forms!

Have you tried chest exercises yet? What results have you achieved? What turned out to be more effective - to practice at home or in the gym, under the guidance of an experienced coach? Leave comments and share your achievements with us!

Chest and butt are the two most attractive parts female body so it is important to keep them in in the best possible way! If you want to tone your breasts and butt with easy exercises, you have come to the correct page!


Part 1

Exercises for elastic butt

Squats. Squats should be your favorite exercise if you're hoping to tighten your thighs and glutes. For correct execution of this exercise:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms straight out in front of you.
  • Begin to lower yourself as if you are about to sit in a chair. Try to lower yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, but keep your knees in line with your feet.
  • Keep your back straight, look forward, and try to distribute your weight evenly across both legs.
  • Slowly return to the starting position, and then repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times.

Lunges. This is another great glute exercise. To complete this exercise:

Raising the legs. Raising the legs is carried out from a position lying on its side. This exercise is very effective as it allows you to work simultaneously on the muscles of the butt and lower back. For execution:

  • Lie on your right side with your head resting on your right elbow. Bend your right knee up to right angle but keep left leg straight and in line with your back.
  • Keeping your foot parallel to the floor, lift your left leg as far as possible without moving hip joint... You can support the hip joint with your left hand to make sure it doesn't slide back.
  • When lifting your leg, tighten your glutes and abdominal muscles. Slowly lower your leg to the starting position. Repeat the lift 8 to 10 times, then change legs.
  • Lead back. This exercise will tone the muscles in your butt and lower back. For correct execution:

    • Get on all fours so that your hands are in the same vertical line with your shoulders, and your knees are in the same vertical line with your hip joints.
    • Keeping a 90-degree bend in your leg, lift your right leg as high as possible behind you. Tighten your glutes as you lift.
    • Keep your neck in line with your spines and do not try to lift your head. Do not arch your spine when lifting your leg.
    • Lower your leg to the starting position and repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise on your left leg.
    • To make this exercise more difficult, you can lift your leg straight instead of your bent leg.
  • Bridge. Being pretty easy exercise The bridge is nonetheless very effective and is an essential part of any butt workout. For execution:

    • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet shoulder-width apart. You should be almost touching your bottom with your heels, and your hands should be flat on the floor parallel to your torso.
    • Lift your pelvis up, contracting the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. Continue lifting until your body is in a straight, diagonal line from knees to shoulders.
    • Keep your chin close to your chest and remember to lift with your glutes, not your hamstrings. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, and then repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times.
  • Side steps on the steppe. This is another simple exercise for a tight butt. To do this, you will need a step platform and a set of 2kg dumbbells (optional).

    Deadlift. This exercise is great for full body workouts, but is especially effective for tightening your glutes and thighs. For deadlifts, you will need dumbbells; Typically, 2kg dumbbells are good for normal loads, but you can also use 4-7kg dumbbells if you want a more intense load. To complete this exercise:

    Pilates or yoga. If you're looking to make your butt - and the rest of your body - firm, start doing Pilates or yoga.

    Aerobics. You don't have to lift dumbbells and stretch in a pigeon pose to achieve a firm and toned bottom - you can train your buttocks during aerobic exercise!

    • Easy running and walking uphill will provide best training for buttocks and thighs, so go outside! If you prefer not to exercise outdoors, you can exercise on the step machine at your fitness center, or set the incline on the treadmill.
    • You can also train on an elliptical trainer or bicycle trainer, which are great for aerobic exercise and at the same time tone up your legs and buttocks.
    • Remember that short high-resistance workouts build muscle, while long lower-resistance workouts will tighten muscles.

    Part 2

    Exercises for firm breasts
    1. Push ups. Push-ups are one of the most effective species exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles. For correct execution:

      Reversal in plank position. This exercise will help you stretch and develop your pectoral muscles and tone your arms. For this exercise, you will need two dumbbells weighing 2 - 4 kg. For correct execution:

      • Take one dumbbell in your hand and stand in the plank position (resting your hands on the dumbbells lying on the floor). Place your feet hip-width apart for more stability.
      • Lift up right hand up, pivoting so that your body forms the outline of the letter "T" from the raised hand to the palm of the left dumbbell.
      • Return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise with your left hand. Continue doing the exercise until you reach 10 reps on each side.
    2. Dumbbell bench press. This exercise will strengthen your breasts and make them firm, and will also help you develop your arm muscles. You will need two dumbbells weighing 2-4kg.

      • Lie on your back on the floor or on an incline bench, holding one dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing up to you.
      • Bend your elbows 90 degrees, keeping your forearms parallel to your shoulders.
      • Slowly extend your arms towards the ceiling, keeping them straight over your ribcage.
      • Slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Do 15 to 20 repetitions.
    3. Breeding hands lying down. This exercise develops your pectoral muscles, which will make your breasts look bigger and firmer. Again, you will need two 2-4 kg dumbbells.

      Squeezing the elbows. This simple exercise develops your chest muscles, helping you achieve firmer breasts. As before, you will need two dumbbells for this exercise.

    • Get enough sleep and drink plenty of water to stay alert during exercise and risk dehydration.
    • Stretch often to keep your muscles toned and healthy!
    • Exercise regularly. This is the most important part of the whole process. If you don't exercise at least once every couple of days, your body will begin to lose muscle mass and your buttocks and breasts will lose firmness. Develop a training regimen and always stick to it!
    • Use dumbbells in all pectoral exercises to get the desired result faster.


    • Given that you need to train regularly, do not overdo it with too frequent and difficult workouts so as not to damage your muscles.
    • Be careful not to try to train harder than you can to avoid injury. If you feel unwell during your workout, take a short break before continuing with your workout.
  • This article suggests exercises, glutes and strengthening of the chest muscles.

    The workout program helps to lose weight in the abdomen, shape the figure, strengthen the muscles of the chest, buttocks, and abs.

    Any girl dreams of beautiful figure! Someone has been endowed by Mother Nature with ideal proportions such as 90-60-90, but someone is forced to strive for perfection in other ways: through various diets, surgery, or.

    If you are for the gym, the presented exercises for the abdomen, buttocks and chest muscles are for you!

    This complex designed for 2 workouts per week with the involvement of all muscle groups, but with an emphasis on the buttocks, abs and chest. You can devote to training three times a week, but alternating between them. The duration of the workout is 1 hour 30 minutes. If you perform exercises for the abdomen, buttocks and chest muscles without skipping classes, then the first results will be noticeable in a month and a half.

    Rules before, during and after training

    • Warm up before starting your workout to prepare your muscles for the challenge.
    • At the end of your workout, stretch the muscles you were loading.
    • Do one warm-up session with a lighter weight before doing a resistance exercise.
    • If you are a beginner, recently came to gym, you should not immediately perform the specified number of approaches. Start small, do 1 - 2 sets on the first day, and bring the workout to the end.
    • The weight for strength training should be selected in such a way that the extreme repetition is refused. This means that you will not master more repetitions. If you chose weights and were able to do more than the recommended repetitions in one approach, then the weight of the weights must be increased in order to complete the number of repetitions that are recommended in the exercise.
    • Rest between exercises for 1-1.5 minutes.
    • All exercises are performed slowly, without jerks, smoothly.
    • Be sure to control your breathing.

    Exercises for the abdomen, buttocks and chest muscles

    Day # 1

    1. Twisting (lifting the trunk) on an incline bench 3 sets of 12-20 reps (hereinafter 3 * 12-20).

    Technique for performing the exercise: as you exhale, we raise the body to the knees, tighten the abdominal muscles. We make a short pause, hold our breath for 1-2 seconds. Then, while inhaling, we slowly lower the body.

    Perform 4-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions (further 4-5 * 10-15).

    Technique for performing the exercise: while inhaling, slowly lower the platform, bending your knees. Pause for 1-2 seconds. As you exhale, slowly straighten your legs, take the starting position.

    3. Standing lunges with dumbbells. Run 3-4 * 10-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: standing, take a step forward right foot... While inhaling, sit down without bending at the waist and keeping your back straight. Pushing off the floor with your foot, as you exhale, rise and return to the starting position. Perform the required number of repetitions, change legs.

    4. Breeding legs in the simulator. Run 3 * 12-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: as you exhale, slowly spread your legs. To have a break. On inhalation, slowly return to the starting position.

    5. Reducing the legs in the simulator. Run 3 * 12-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: as you exhale, slowly bring your legs together. To have a break. While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

    6. Push-ups. Run 4-5 * 8-15.

    Option 1

    Option 2

    Technique for performing the exercise: while inhaling, slowly lower yourself, almost touching the floor with your chest. To have a break. On exhalation, slowly return to the starting position.

    7. Traction top block Per head. Run 3-4 * 8-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: keep the body motionless, do not bend over. As you inhale, slowly pull the bar behind your head. To have a break. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

    8. Pullover with a dumbbell lying on a horizontal bench. Run 3 * 10-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: while inhaling, slowly bring the dumbbell behind your head. To have a break. On exhalation, slowly return the dumbbell to its original position, raise it above the chest.

    9. Raising the legs in the simulator with elbow rests. Run 3 * 10-20.

    Technique of the exercise: the exercise should be performed without jerking and swinging the body. As you exhale, raise your knees up to your chest. To have a break. On inhalation, slowly return to the starting position.

    Day number 2

    1. Raising the legs while lying on an incline bench. Run 3- * 10-20.

    Technique for performing the exercise: while exhaling, slowly raise your legs up, while tearing the pelvis off the bench. Touch your chest with your knees. Linger in this position, pausing. While inhaling, lower your legs.

    2. Hyperextension. Run 4-5 * 8-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: keep your back straight all the time. As you inhale, slowly bend forward, bending at the waist. As you exhale, slowly raise your torso to its original position.

    3. Deadlift with dumbbells or a barbell. Run 4-5 * 8-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: standing with dumbbells in hands, knees slightly bent, back bent at the lower back. While inhaling, we slowly lean forward, lower our hands down. To have a break. On exhalation, straighten the torso, return to the starting position.

    4. Press in the simulator. Run 4 * 8-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: while inhaling, slowly move your arms back. On exhalation, push the handles away from you and fix this position. Then return to starting position.

    5. Reduction of hands in the simulator. Run 3 * 10-15.

    Technique of the exercise: arms are slightly bent at the elbows. As you exhale, slowly connect the arms at chest level. To have a break. While inhaling, slowly return your hands to their original position.

    6. Squat with dumbbells. Run 3-4 * 8-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in the arms along the body. Do not lower your head. The back is straight. Sit down slowly while inhaling. To have a break. As you exhale, slowly stand up, return to the starting position.

    7. Pull of the handle on the lower block. Run 3-4 * 8-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: arms with a handle extended in front of you, knees slightly bent, bend the lower back and lean back slightly. The back is straight throughout the entire execution. As you exhale, slowly pull the handle towards you, touching the press with your hands. To have a break. On inhalation, slowly return to the starting position.

    8. French press dumbbells sitting. Run 3-4 * 10-15.

    Technique for performing the exercise: hold the dumbbell with both hands on outstretched arms above your head. While inhaling, slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head, lie down and your elbows are motionless. To have a break. as you exhale, raise the dumbbell, return to the starting position.

    9. Twisting (lifting the torso, lying on the floor). Run 3 * 15-20.

    Technique of the exercise: hands behind the head, fingers on the back of the head and do not close. As you exhale, slowly raise your shoulders no more than 10 centimeters. The loin is pressed to the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles. To have a break. On inhalation, slowly return to the starting position.

    We hope these exercises for the abdomen, buttocks and chest muscles will help you achieve desired results and acquire the required form.

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