Exercises for the development of the barbell push. Basic Bodybuilding Exercises - Things You May Not Know! How to progress on the clean and jerk


Barbell push from the chest

Stabilizing muscles

  • The erector spine and the square loin muscle are important dynamic stabilizers that keep the spine straight. Additional stabilizing muscles include:
  • Shoulder blades: Lower and middle parts of the trapezius muscles; muscles lifting the shoulder blades; rhomboid muscles, serratus anterior muscles.
  • Torso: Abdominal group.
  • Upper legs: Rectus femoris, hamstring muscle group.
  • Lower legs: Muscle stabilizers ankle joints, tibial anterior muscles, calf muscles.

Level of preparation: medium, advanced.

One of the most important exercises in many strength sports. It is actively used in kettlebell lifting and weightlifting. V Olympic competition in weightlifting, two exercises are included that require "explosive" efforts: "push of the bar" and "snatch of the bar". "Jerk of the bar from the chest" is the second phase of the exercise, performed after "exploding and lifting the bar to the chest."


The barbell needs to be pushed out, not squeezed out. Pushing the projectile upward, try to give it more acceleration. The essence of the movement is the well-coordinated, high-speed and precise work of all the muscles involved.

Do not hold the bar in the up position. Wristbands and an athletic belt can be used to hedge against injury.

Step 1... Lift the bar off the floor or off the racks. Starting position: legs are slightly wider than shoulders, the bar is in bent arms on the chest. The width of the grip should be such that the forearms are as parallel to each other as possible. The elbows are pointing down and slightly forward. Your abs and back muscles are tense, ensuring correct posture.

Step 2... Before starting the movement, bend your knees, sitting under the barbell.

Step 3... While inhaling while straightening your legs, forcefully push the bar up to fully extended arms. Then exhale at the top of the amplitude.

Step 4... Lower the barbell while inhaling to starting position... At the end point, sit down, as the last phase of the first rep will be the starting position and the first phase of the next.

You can replace the bar with dumbbells, but this will significantly complicate the movement. Holding 2 dumbbells in your hands, say 20 kg each, is much heavier than a 40 kg barbell.

Tips regarding correct technique doing the exercise:

  • Get proper briefing and ask for a demonstration of the technique.
  • Learn the correct technique for performing movements before increasing the weight of the weights.
  • Keep your chest and shoulders straight.
  • Maintain a stable and balanced posture.


It's important to find the weight that's right for you. Properly calculated weight and properly selected equipment minimize the risk of serious injury.

Motion analysis

Joint 1

Joint 2

Joint 3

Joint 4

Joint 5

Joint 6

Directions of movement in the joints

Up - flexion inside feet

Up - extension

Up - extension

Up - extension

Up - flexion, abduction

Up - lead up

Mobilizing muscles

Of course, there are many articles nowadays about weightlifting, but in most cases they describe snatch and barbell lifting, and really little attention is paid to clean and jerk. That is why we will consider this movement today. Many athletes do the jerk incorrectly, the technique and the quality of the exercise are lame, they are not to blame for this, since the movement was not memorized correctly. After an athlete does not correctly memorize any movement, it is extremely difficult to retrain, so always follow the advice of coaches and experienced athletes. ...

Assisted Barbell Push Exercises

There are several auxiliary exercises, they are different in their performance, some are too simple at first glance, and some are strange. If you count - then there are about five of them, when distributing exercises in places, the first place should be given to the barbell push itself.

Shvung press

This type of exercise is extremely versatile, and today the benefits of it are slightly underestimated. Most athletes believe that this exercise contributes only to the development of the upper body, thereby helping to push the bar. Of course, there is some truth in this, but Schwung brings much more use body of an athlete than it seems at first glance. The phase of the squat lifting the bar is the same as the clean and jerk, so you train muscle memory, leg inertia and body balance well at the very moment when the bar pushes you down.

Coordination in time is well developed, it becomes clearer for you when to push the shell with your feet, and when you should switch to your hands. The transfer (lifting the bar over the head) of the projectile is well trained, the movements are smoother and more concentrated. Shvung ranks first in the effectiveness of auxiliary exercises for the push, so if you do not have a lot of time to try all the exercises, we recommend that you pay more attention to the shvung. Exercise can be used in several directions, on the one hand, you can train the technique, on the other hand, you can work on strength.

Shvung push

Most athletes do not like this type of auxiliary exercise, but in fact, the clean and jerk also has greater efficiency... Of course, when performing it, the athlete must have good flexibility, because it is difficult to hold the projectile over his head, not to mention the jerk with scissors. But if, you learn how to properly train with a clean and jerk schwung, positive result will not keep you waiting long. With its help, the balance, the balance of the vertical sit-up is thoroughly worked out, and the movement of the bar itself is also more correct. Performing an overhead hold of the barbell in the clean and jerk jerk, the position should be extremely clear and balanced. Another important detail is that the jogging shvung can be performed as a regulation of the correct technique, that is, an exercise, and also as a training. ...

Barbell push in scissors

This exercise helps to increase the strength of the athlete, improve technique and improve the correctness of the clean and jerk. By doing this exercise often, you will train your legs and knees, increase strength, and a sense of balance will be better manifested. The described auxiliary exercise has a whole bunch of advantages over others, with its help they train the correct holding of the bar over the head, the position and work of the body, as well as inertia in the legs. In terms of performance, the exercise is not difficult, but on the contrary a little rustic, but just as little attention has been paid to the bench press, and the benefits from it are a little underestimated.

Jerk squat

This auxiliary type of exercise is performed in the same way as it is called, you learn to sit down. The athlete squats, reaches the squat point, then returns to the starting position. During the exercise, the athlete's concentration should be at their best, complete control over what is happening. This exercise helps to push the bar correctly, developing a concentrated position of movement, and this contributes to the correct distribution of force. The speed of execution is also not great, thanks to this the athlete keeps the body in constant tension, and feels continuous pressure on your heels. ...

By performing the above auxiliary exercises, you will be able to do the push more correctly, the apparatus will more weight and the body will be protected from injury. The technique will be worked out well, and the coordination of movement, and the legs will also acquire some necessary inertia.

The snatch and clean and jerk are classic exercises performed in competition weightlifting. They demand more than physical strength, but also high level coordination. When working with large weights, a clear understanding of the physics of movements and practicing the correct technique becomes the main component of success.

Both the barbell snatch and the barbell jerk are complex multi-part exercises. Each phase of the barbell movement during their execution has its own name. This is done for convenience and the best understanding of the physics of motion. Let's consider these phases further.

Dash and jerk phases

  • The half-squat is a small squat.
  • Ejection - a sharp push of the projectile upward.
  • Squat - going under the bar.
  • Squat Rise - The final lift with a barbell on outstretched arms.
  • Fixation is the end of the movement.


This is the first exercise to be performed in weightlifting or powerlifting competition. Next, the jerk technique will be considered, including the features of the execution of each of its phases.

Exercise "jerk".


In the starting position, the athlete stands in front of the apparatus in such a way that his shoulders are strictly above the bar, and the toes of his toes are under it. At the same time, the feet are spaced shoulder-width apart, the pelvis is laid back, there is a natural deflection in the lower back, the gaze is directed forward. Minor differences in starting position are allowed depending on the height and proportions of the athlete's body.

The bar is taken with a "lock" grip. Legs, body, arms and projectile must form a single rigid frame.


The bar is lifted off the floor by the powerful force of the legs and back and rises above the knees. The bar moves along the legs, not vertically, but slightly towards itself. The arms and back in this phase of the movement are absolutely straight. The lifting of the barbell from the platform is calm, then the speed of the projectile increases sharply.


This is the moment of imparting acceleration to the projectile due to full extension of the legs and straightening of the body with access to the socks. The effort should be sharp and powerful. The arms are still straight. During the detonation, the athlete tilts the torso back and raises the shoulders.

Sitting (leaving)

Thanks to the acceleration committed during the detonation stage, the bar, as they say, takes off upward. In this phase, the athlete must have time to quickly get hooked under it. When the bar has lost its acceleration and is already moving down, it is much more difficult to take it.

During this phase of movement, the back remains arched, the pelvis is laid back. Hands actively interact with the projectile. The athlete takes the barbell on outstretched arms (when performing a snatch) or on the chest (if a push is planned further).

The athlete's legs can be in different positions:

  • Low seat (raznozhka), thighs are pressed to the stomach.
  • Scissors, one foot in front, the other in the back, as in a deep lunge.

A quick and correct squat creates an optimal "base" for the next lift.

Squat Rise

Immediately from the squat, due to the powerful effort of the leg muscles, the athlete rises to an upright position. The pelvis moves along a trajectory from the bottom up and a little back, the back remains arched.


The athlete takes the final position, clearly fixing the projectile on outstretched arms (in the case of a snatch) or on the chest (if the next push is performed).


This exercise is performed second in a weightlifting competition. To perform the clean and jerk, the athlete rises after the squat and fixes the position. In this case, the body should be strictly vertical while maintaining the deflection in the lower back, the feet are spread wider than the shoulders, the position is as stable as possible. The elbows are pulled forward and the pelvis is pulled back a little. At the same time, the bar of the bar lies on the chest, the head is slightly abducted, the gaze is directed slightly above the horizontal.

Exercise "push".


The athlete squats shallowly, pulling the pelvis back, but maintaining an upright position of the body. The movement should not be carried out too quickly, as this will cause the bar to come off the chest and there will be no powerful push. It is necessary to use the elastic properties of the projectile. A deep squat in this phase of the exercise will also significantly complicate the subsequent pushing out, so you do not need to bend your knees too much.


Immediately from the half-seat, the athlete pushes the projectile vertically upward with a sharp and powerful movement. The phase ends with almost complete extension of the legs, going on toes and lifting the shoulders. The bar is given a sharp acceleration, as in the case of the "blast" discussed earlier.


While the bar is moving up, the athlete quickly goes under it, extending his arms and taking the projectile to complete the movement. As in the case of the snatch, the position of the legs in the squat can be either "split" or "scissors".

Squat Rise

Exit to the vertical position. The bar on outstretched arms is retracted behind the head, the body is straight, there is a deflection in the lower back, the pelvis is slightly retracted. The gaze is directed horizontally.


The athlete completes the exercise.

Working muscles

In conclusion, we can say that weightlifting is named as such for a reason. The point is that both the jerk and the clean and jerk require excellent physical fitness, well-developed musculature and good coordination skills. When performing these compound exercises, the whole body works, and the muscles of the back, legs, arms and shoulders receive the greatest load.

It is better for novice athletes to refrain from performing these competitive exercises. First of all, it is worth starting to master the deadlift, bench presses and squats.

Variations of various strength exercises used in CrossFit. In particular, such an exercise as a jerk to a stand from a hang, etc. The weight is used, of course, less than in weightlifting.

Barbell push is a competitive movement in weightlifting, which is practically all muscle groups and consists of several phases. In general, all exercises in heavy athletics consist of several phases, which facilitates the process of studying technology. Barbell push consists of stripping the bar from the floor, pulling, taking the bar-gi to the chest and shvun-ga or push into the scissors. Beginners are advised to first learn the technique of getting the barbell squat and the army press, then the deadlift, after which they include the barbell lifts in the program. -no-time-me-but from-ra-ba-you-vaya all the movement is whole-lump with a stick. All this is necessary in order to develop a technical skill, there is nothing to look for in weightlifting without something.

The barbell jerk is not such a difficult exercise as the snatch, but in it the power indicators are op-re-de-la-yut, first of all, not by the strength of the muscles, but by the skill of the athlete ko-or-di-ni- to break their work, that is why it is so important to permanently improve their technical skills. The strong ha-rak-te-ris-ti-ki of the muscles are, of course, just as important, but for the most part they should be trained in exercises that are, as it were, between us-mi eta-pa-mi so-roar-no-va-tel-th movement, or in special general-development-vi-va-yu-shih exercises. This does not mean that in training cha-zhe-lo-at-le-ta there is no place for strong jerks or jerks, but they are only an element of a ready-to-go the rest of the friction process.

Muscle and joint work

Weightlifting from other power sports, for example, pa-uer-lift-ting-ga, is distinguished by the extraordinary di-na-mich-ness of all co-rev-no-va-tel movements, therefore during their absence, the load is not only taken by the fast muscular system, but also slow mice-wolves. Slow fibers, basically, con-cent-three-ro-vains in the post-tu-ral muscular layers, which in-ner-vi-ru-are entirely, so that the push for act-tvu-em all of them. Fast muscle fibers located in the upper muscles, whose work is more in-di-vi-du-a-li-zi-ro-va-na. But in this case, the athlete loads all the muscles, just the degree of their inertia is different depending on the phase of the exercise.

During the barbell push, almost all muscle groups receive the load, which, in turn, loads almost all joints, but in the first phase, more nor and the hip joint, and in the final - the shoulder and knee. It is precisely this that is the reason for the complexity of the coordination of movements, but at the same time, it is precisely because of the fact that the load ras-pre-de-la-is-Xia between a large number of muscle groups, and it is possible to lift such impressive weights. True, one cannot do without stretching, so everyone who wants to do weightlifting, or wants to include ty-lo-at-le-ti-ch-ch-ki exercises in their third no-ro-woc-no program, no-about-ho-di-mo to take time stretching .

Barbell push - scheme

1) Get into the starting position, as in the classic deadlift, only the socks look to the sides, and the barbell is locked, that is, cover the big finger with the rest of your fingers.
2) You start to "perform" deadlift, but when the bar is over the knee, there is an under-snatch, as in lifting the bar to the chest.
3) Performing a detonation, you simultaneously go out on your toes and pull up the tra-pe-chi-ei barbell, pulling it up with your feet and performing broach , and at the point when the bar is max-si-mal-but you-so-ko, you pod-ki-dy-wa-e-te up, "freeing from it" and at one time under it, under-sa-zhi-va-e-tes, in general, you perform lifting of the barbell to the chest.
4) When the bar is on your chest, you sit down a little, and push it up, as if you were not army press, but after the bar crosses the line of the eyes, it is not-oh-ho-di-mo to get hooked under it.
5) The squat is performed either as a shvung, or as a scissor split, which each at-year decides for himself individually, since, depending on the constitution, it is more convenient for everyone to push in his own way ...

Barbell push - special exercises

1) The push into a low sit is a classic push, during which the athlete, pushing the bar-gu up in the final phase, performs a full squat.
2) The push from the skirting is the execution of the classic push of the bar from the platform of 15-20 cm, for example, you can use 50 kg thick weightlifting plates.
3) The push of the chest is the execution of only the final phase of the exercise, without lifting the barbell to the chest, that is, the athlete simply removes the barbell from the rack.
4) Pause Jerk - This exercise involves a 1-3 second delay at half-time-half-time or full-time before completing the exercise.
5) A push from behind the head is, in fact, a push from behind the head, which allows you to develop mobility of the shoulder joint.
6) Jogging - performing deadlifts with toes spread apart, going out onto the toes and with scars in the final phase of the exercise.


The postural muscle layers are mainly concentrated in the limbs, therefore the strength of this muscular system correlates with the likelihood of injury, in connection with which, re-co-men-mind to single out periods for training of this particular muscular system. Also, re-co-me-do-e-xia include in the preparation training of ties and su-ho-zhi-liy , since the ability of the nervous system to produce more or less powerful nerve impulses depends on their condition. The fast muscular system op-de-de-la-ets the maximum strength indicators of the athlete, therefore, its training cannot be pre-neat. The technical skill of the athlete closes this circle and allows you to use all the or-ga-niz-ma systems to the maximum.

Summing up, it should be said that the push of the bar is effective exercise for the general development of the body, it must be performed all ty-zhe-lo-at-le-tam to work-out the technical skills and it is recommended to include it in power cycle pa-uer-lif-te-ram and bo-di-bil-de-ram. This exercise will be especially useful for age-related athletes, since with age there is a natural atrophy of the postural muscle layers, and exercises like a push can slow this process down. But to the question-ro-su of the integration of this control-of-non-tion in the tre-ni-ro-voc-ny program should be approached once-cleverly and with face-nose-ty, since-as-ku, making technical mistakes, you can inflict injuries on yourself. Be careful, but remember, only the one who does nothing is not mistaken!

Preparation young weightlifter Dvorkin Leonid Samoilovich

7.2. Jerk and Jerk Technique

The snatch technique will be considered in the following phases: initial position (start), when the athlete interacts with the bar until it is lifted from the platform (before the start of the pull); lifting the bar from the platform to the start of the squat (deadlift) - preliminary acceleration of the bar, summing up the knees and undermining; squatting and standing up; push from the chest.

Start. Before lifting the barbell, the weightlifter takes a starting position. Most athletes place their feet at the start or foot-width apart, or slightly wider. For example, the champion of Europe and the world V. Hristov at the start put his feet about the width of his feet, slightly turning his toes to the sides; N. Kolesnikov, champion of the USSR, Europe, the world and Olympic Games- slightly wider than the width of the foot, and D. Rigert, champion of the USSR, Europe, the world and the Olympic Games - about 25 cm from each other, turning his socks to the sides (R.A. Roman, M.S.Shakirzyanov).

Therefore, each athlete chooses the most comfortable starting position for himself. In this case, the projection of the bar falls on the metatarsophalangeal joints or slightly deviates from them (Fig. 7.1). The shins are slightly deployed and tilted forward enough to touch the bar slightly. The projection of the center of gravity of the body is at the middle of the feet or closer to the heels. The body bends slightly in the lower back or is straight, tilts in relation to the platform at an almost 45 ° angle. The angle in the knee joint averages 70 ° (according to R.A. Roman, 45-90 °). The arms are straight and somewhat relaxed. The shoulders are under the bar or slightly forward. The head is in a natural position, the gaze is directed forward and downward, towards the platform. The grip in the clean and jerk is about shoulder width apart, in the snatch it is wide, less often the grip is medium. Therefore, the width of the grip in the snatch should be optimal so that the athlete is comfortable holding the bar, and the effort developed when lifting the bar is the greatest.

The starting positions for the snatch and clean and jerk (for the same athlete) are somewhat different from each other: in the first case, the angle in the hip joints is less, and in the knee joints - more. The position of the weightlifter at the start depends on the height of the athlete, the proportion of his body links and the width of the grip. According to R.A. Roman and M.S. Shakirzyanov, at the very last moment before lifting the bar from the platform, the athlete must, in order to provide a large starting force, take such a position so that his shoulders are in the same vertical plane with the bar or deviate minimally from it.

The first phase of lifting the bar- before the start of the squat (deadlift). This phase is divided into two parts (A.A.Lukashev).

First part starts from the moment of increasing the vertical component of the support reaction and ends with the moment of separation of the bar from the platform (MOS).

High-end athletes begin to move through active leg extension, mainly in knee joints with a significant lifting of the pelvis up and straightening the arms in elbow joints, which, for example, is typical for V. Alekseev (A.S. Medvedev, A.A.Lukashev). Shoulder joints move slightly forward beyond the neck line. The position of the head does not change. The first part of the movement takes an average of 0.24-0.30 s.

Second part - preliminary acceleration (fig. 7.1). It continues from MOSH to the first maximum of leg extension in the knee joints. The extension of the legs stops when the bar reaches the level of the knees. The angles in the knee joints are as follows: in the snatch - approximately 145 °, in the clean and jerk (when lifting the bar to the chest) - 150-155 °. The projection of the bar goes through the middle of the feet.

The second phase of lifting the bar- "undermining". Consists of two parts - depreciation and final acceleration.

Amortization part(Figure 7.1) continues until the maximum flexion of the legs at the knee joints. During this part of the phase, athletes lift the bar mainly using the muscles - the extensors of the trunk. By the time it is completed, the angles in the knee joints are approximately 130 °. The amortization part of the phase takes 0.11-0.14 s in the snatch, 0.16-0.20 s in the clean and jerk. The shoulder joints are under the bar. This is the last position in which the athlete rests on the entire area of ​​the feet. The bar is at the top third of the thighs.

Final overclocking(Fig. 7.1) lasts until the maximum extension of the legs and trunk. After the detonation, the athlete leans back a little, stands on his toes, raises shoulder girdle, begins to actively bend the arms at the elbow joints.

Typically, high-end weightlifters are quick to explode by lifting high on their toes. By the time this part of the phase is completed, the bar is at groin level, the torso and legs are straightened.

Some experts in the analysis of technology classic exercises refer to the summation of the knees when performing a jerk and push to the period of traction, and the final extension in the ankle, knee and hip joints - to undermining. A.A. Lukashev, on the basis of comprehensive research, came to the conclusion that it is necessary to include the bringing of the knees under the barbell to the undermining. Research carried out by V.I. Frolov, showed the correctness of this conclusion.

It is known (AA. Lukashev, VI Frolov) that the faster the transition from the depreciation part to the final acceleration occurs, the more effective the detonation. It should be especially noted that it is undesirable to increase the time of flexion of the legs in the shock-absorbing part.

Rice. 7.1. Snatch phase structure and scoring

Subseat. It consists of two parts - the interaction of the athlete with the bar in the unsupported phase and the interaction of the athlete with the bar in the support phase of the squat.

First part(7.2) ends at the moment the bar is lifted to its maximum height. This part of the phase is performed in the snatch and clean and jerk for an average of 0.16-0.20 s.

Second part(7.2) lasts until the bar is locked in the seat. During this period, the barbell and the athlete himself move downward. The squat itself (bringing the torso and turning the arms under the bar) is performed as quickly as possible.

In the squat, the following positions are most beneficial: when stretching, the edges of the heels are under hip joints, the toes are turned up to 45 °, the torso is bent in the lower back and slightly tilted forward (in a snatch, the slope is greater than when lifting to the chest for a push), common center gravity - above the middle of the feet. When performing a jerk, the shoulder blades are brought together, the arms are straight, the head is pushed forward. In the clean and jerk (when lifting the bar to the chest), the elbows are brought forward as much as possible forward of the bar: it lies on the upper chest and deltoid muscles.

Getting up after sitting down. This movement is carried out mainly by the effort of the muscles - the extensors of the legs in the knee joints while maintaining the bent position of the back. In a snatch to maintain balance, the pelvis rises slightly up and moves back, and the shoulders move forward. When getting up from the squat with a barbell on the chest, most athletes use the cushioning properties of the bar.

Rice. 7.2. Impact phase structure and point evaluation of its parts

Barbell push from the chest(fig. 7.2). V in the initial position, the athlete should stand strictly upright with the elbows extended forward. The center of gravity of the athlete-barbell system is located above the middle of the feet. The head is in a natural position. The bar rests on your chest and deltoids.

Semi-sub-seated(Fig. 7.2) is performed with equal support on both feet by bending the legs at the knee joints to 100-110 °. The time spent on performing a half-seat is on average 0.4 s. Maintains a strictly vertical position of the body.In the beginning, the half-squat is performed calmly, and then the athlete abruptly stops the barbell. The amount of downward movement of the bar is from 8.3 to 11.4% of the athlete's height, on average 10% (AT. Ivanov).

Pushing the barbell it is carried out straight up very quickly (delay in the half-seat 0.01-0.04 s) due to the extension of the legs with equal support on both feet and the subsequent lifting on the toes. The position of the body is kept strictly vertical. Ejection time is 0.2 s on average.

Barbell Squat(fig. 7.2) begins with a quick placement of the legs back and forth in the scissors. Hands actively rest on the bar from about the moment the bar is at head level. The barbell is pushed upward from the chest relative to its original position to an average height of 14 to 20% of the athlete's height, usually 16%.

Getting up after the squat begins with straightening the leg in front. Then the legs are placed on one line at the width of the pelvis while simultaneously fixing the bar.

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