Night braces on the legs. Effective orthopedic remedies for bones on the legs

21st century medicine is familiar with a wide variety of products to aid in the treatment of valgus. The common name for this disease is a bone on the big toe. This growth not only spoils the appearance of the legs, but also leads to swelling, redness of the foot, and its appearance is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, including pain. This problem is solved mainly by a surgical method, but at the first manifestations of the disease, various correctors, big toe bone fixators and other orthopedic structures will help.

How an orthopedic fixator works for the correction of bones on the legs

The bone support is designed to reduce this kind of foot curvature when gently applied to the problem area. It is put on the foot, assuming long-term wearing. Many believe that the problem of valgus affects only women and only the first toe. This is not entirely true. The disease affects both young and mature people, regardless of gender. And the deformity can also affect the little toe.

How to treat arthrosis of the toes, interphalangeal arthrosis of the joints of the foot

Girls and women are more likely to face this problem, because they prefer high heels for the sake of fashion. Leg braces that help get rid of valgus come in a variety of shapes and designs. They are made from plastics, silicone, textiles and other materials. Their principle of action is to direct the finger towards its natural position, while reducing the pressure on the bones of the other fingers. Also, this product protects the leg from the appearance of corns or calluses.

If the retainer is used in the postoperative period, the risk of recurrent curvatures is significantly reduced. Regular use of this device as one of the methods of treating bones on the legs will prevent surgical intervention and significantly facilitate the rehabilitation period.

Types of retainers

These devices are classified according to different criteria. Most often they are divided according to the time of use and according to the materials from which the retainer is made.

There are 2 types of clamps according to the time of use:

Orthopedic support for the big toe bone
  1. Daytime. Such designs are made softer or also adjustable. Their main task is to provide maximum comfort when using shoes by reducing pain when walking and other types of movement.
  2. Nightly. They are considered the most practical, since the absence of any stress on the toes during sleep significantly speeds up the process of correcting the effects of valgus. The corrector is made rigid, which does not allow using it during the day due to the inconvenience associated with wearing shoes.

Based on the materials used for the manufacture of retainers, they are divided into the following:

  • plastic. This type of clamps is quite rigid and durable, but massive and therefore inconvenient for movement. It is not combined with shoes because of the volume. A valgus splint is put on the foot, fixing the thumb and other fingers separately. Often, a strap is included to help regulate the tension. Bandages are also made of plastic;
  • silicone. It is worth noting the undeniable advantage of silicone clamps from the bone on the foot - the combination with any shoe model, even open ones, due to the transparency of the clips and other components of the device for the bone on the big toe. This is facilitated by the softness and elasticity of the material. They are very comfortable, so they can be carried all day without feeling the slightest fatigue. It is important to note that in the absence of an interdigital stop, they do not eliminate the problem, but only allow you to avoid friction with the walls of the shoe. Protectors are made of silicone, which serve as a full-fledged retainer. They are put on directly on the finger; interdigital rollers are placed between the fingers in order to align the sore finger; foot pads relieve soreness and prevent chafing and calluses. Available in the form of insoles;

Leg Bone Brace
  • from the gel. Gel retainers are widely used for correcting a deformed thumb. They are inexpensive, hypoallergenic, and effective. In addition, they can be of different colors. Such clamps are convenient to use with any shoes, both closed and open;
  • fabric. Such products have a semblance of a sock with internal dividers. They are considered suitable for all-day use, but only if you have closed-toe shoes. Due to their low efficiency, it would be wiser to combine them with other devices;
  • combined. The device of these structures is more complex than the previous ones. They combine soft and hard materials to make them effective in application. A feature of this type of clamps is the possibility of individual adjustment.

Orthopedic footwear saves from pain and stops the progression of the disease, but is rarely used due to the limited range of choice of models.

Your doctor will tell you which thumb retainer is best for you. Need advice not only a therapist, but also an orthopedist, and in some cases, a surgeon. You cannot rely on a tip from colleagues or a neighbor, because valgus is a constantly progressive pathology that causes pain. An improperly fitted leg bone retainer can aggravate the situation.

Abduction splint for the first toe


Not many people know that with the help of these devices it is possible to significantly reduce the symptoms of pathology. Orthopedic fixators for the correction of bones on the legs, in addition to reducing deformity and improving the general condition, have a whole list of undeniable advantages:

  • A wide assortment from which we choose the right product.
  • Reduced symptoms of inflammation and pain.
  • The ability to prevent surgery when used in the initial stages.
  • Durability of rigid structures.
  • Ease of use that does not require special skills.
  • Most designs can be left on for an entire day.
  • When used correctly, big toe braces are painless and free of movement. Therefore, the selection of such an element for correcting the musculoskeletal system should be entrusted to a specialist.
  • Some of them have the necessary structural elements that facilitate a custom fit.
  • Availability of care products for correction, except for fabric, which require hand washing in order to avoid deformation.
  • Orthopedic constructions help to correct flat feet in its presence and prevent the occurrence in its absence.
  • Some types of devices are used at night and during passive rest.
  • Cost-effectiveness of treatment due to affordable prices and high wear resistance of orthopedic products.
  • Safety and hypoallergenicity of the materials from which these devices are made.

This method of treating the bone on the leg is one of the safest and most comfortable. Compared to drugs, it has no contraindications. For example, treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important for pregnant women to know that rigid structures are contraindicated for them due to swelling of the legs.

Traditional medicine recipes only relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

But surgical intervention entails such consequences as a long rehabilitation period, accompanied by joint stiffness and pain.

Considering the above arguments, it is safe to say that bone fixators on the leg are the optimal and very practical method of treating hallux valgus in the early stages. For maximum effect, they should be used in combination with therapy and do not neglect the recipes of traditional medicine. And before using any method of treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Application of products

Correctors are used not only in the presence of valgus, they are used for inflammatory, dystrophic and degenerative diseases of the first toe. In order to prevent the appearance of hallus valgus, women are advised to wear protectors after a day in heels.

Big toe corrector for valgus deformity

All orthopedic devices are easy and convenient to use. It is only important to choose a model that is suitable for the shape of the leg. Some products have a strap, which is very comfortable in order to securely, but not too tightly, to fix the leg. Sometimes the kit comes with 2 bandages, they differ in the letters R and L, which mean "right and left", respectively.

Night fixer

These toe braces, as the name suggests, are used only during rest or at night, when significant loads are not applied to the foot.

Corrective devices apply pressure to the thumb joint and surrounding tissues. Under this pressure, the incorrect growth of the foot components is corrected.

The total duration of treatment, which is determined by the doctor, can be up to 6 months. At regular check-ups, the doctor monitors the condition of the foot and the need for further treatment.

Locks for bones on the legs do not need to be worn in case of skin diseases in the modified place. The design may simply not allow the skin to breathe, and this, in turn, aggravates the course of the skin disease. Then the concomitant disease is first treated, and then they begin to wear a corrector.

Bone braces do not need to be worn for skin conditions

With the use of retainers, the first results can be seen pretty soon - after just a few weeks of wearing. The pain symptom should be significantly reduced almost immediately after using the orthopedic device. But it all depends on the severity of the condition of the valgus.


Orthopedic devices are considered the most effective non-invasive method for correcting this kind of deformity, but only in the very early stages of the disease.

Retainers have proven to be effective for:

  • reducing the degree of pain;
  • protection against unpleasant skin formations;
  • even distribution of the load on the feet;
  • reliable fixation of the fingers in their anatomically correct position;
  • aligning the arch of the foot, preventing flat feet;
  • prevent recurrence of the condition.

They can also help you feel relieved before surgery and speed up your recovery after surgery.

To speed up recovery, you must undergo a course of therapeutic massage of the bones on your feet, wear comfortable shoes, and use orthopedic insoles.

Halus valgus is a serious problem with constant pain and inflammation. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the health of the legs, namely, to choose the right footwear and give rest to the feet with the help of orthopedic correctors.

Heel spurs, corns, deformed fingers, inflamed joints, protruding "bones" - all these ailments cause painful sensations. Special help for feet and toes orthopedic correctors.

They are used as an effective prophylactic and therapeutic agent and allow:

  1. evenly distribute the load over the entire foot,
  2. protect joints from friction,
  3. prevent the formation of calluses,
  4. provide the foot and toes with a stable position.

The use of correctors is necessary for adults with deformities of the toes and feet and inflammation, as well as those suffering from diabetes with reduced sensitivity of nerve endings.

Foot correctors have a number of advantages:

  • Compactness - comfortable and lightweight, not visible under the shoes.
  • They do not cause allergies.
  • Easy to care for - they can be washed and washed.
  • There is a wide choice - for everyone, you can choose the optimal corrector, taking into account the anatomical features of the foot.

How does a toe corrector work

Among the most common diseases of the foot, it is worth highlighting the deformity of the big toe. It occurs more often in women as a result of wearing narrow shoes, high-heeled shoes.

There is also a hereditary predisposition, as a result of which the head of the bone begins to deviate to the side, forming a "bump".

In advanced situations, only a surgeon can correct the deformation, therefore, at the first symptoms that appear, it is important to start using a corrector. After a few weeks of regular wear, the first positive results will appear.

All correctors, regardless of the material used and the degree of rigidity, perform a single task - they fix it in the desired position.

There are two types of correctors:

  • Day wear - suitable for daily wear. They are made from elastic materials. They cannot be adjusted and adjusted, therefore such correctors are used for prevention. They cannot pull off the thumb, but they help it not to change its physiologically correct position.

Benefits of daytime correctors:

  1. aesthetics and lightness - do not interfere with movement, can be used with any shoe,
  2. prevent the appearance of calluses and calluses,
  3. practical, do not need special care,
  4. hypoallergenic.
  • Night - they have a rigid design, there are soft pads inside. Do not interfere with sleep, reliably hold the thumb in the desired position due to pressure on the bone. The pressure intensity can be changed. Thumb night corrector versatile, does not need to be adjusted, can be used for any foot size.


How to choose a thumb corrector

Correctors should be prescribed by an orthopedic doctor, and selected by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot. There are different types of these devices, they can be classified according to several criteria.


  • Unregulated - used not for treatment, but for prevention. Helps the finger stay in the correct position. They are made of soft materials: fabric, gel and silicone.


  1. softness, elasticity,
  2. versatility,
  3. ease of use and maintenance,
  4. invisible under the shoes,
  5. do not require configuration,
  6. affordable price.


  1. will not help in advanced cases.
  • Adjustable - they are worn at night. The hard plastic splint of these correctors holds the finger in position. For the prevention of calluses, the devices are equipped with soft pads. Velcro is used to adjust the tension.

Among the most famous are the following proofreaders: Talus, Aetrex, Variteks.


  1. good healing effect,
  2. the ability to adjust for the features of the foot,
  3. prevention of corns.


  1. only suitable for wearing at night.

Materials (edit)

  • Silicone - compact, soft and durable devices. These are molded tabs to fit between the first and second toes. This pad is securely attached and fixes the joint. Does not rub or cause other inconvenience during use.

Popular manufacturers include: Talus protect. Toe Spreader, Bort.


  1. comfortable to wear - can be used with any shoe,
  2. versatility - suitable for almost everyone,
  3. a good prophylactic agent,
  4. affordable price.


  1. will not help with serious deformations.
  • Gel - work according to a simple and understandable technology. The ring fixes the finger, but at the same time does not interfere with blood circulation, does not squeeze it and does not cause inconvenience. The ring does not have a size, so it is suitable for fingers of any thickness. A gel roller is positioned between the thumb and middle toe and helps the joint to position itself.


  1. high efficiency at different stages of the disease,
  2. the ability to customize individually, taking into account the characteristics of the foot,
  3. recommended after corrective thumb surgeries.


  1. the selection requires the help of a specialist.
  • Tissue - used in the initial stages, as well as to maintain the results achieved during treatment. Outwardly they look like fabric "socks" for the forefoot. Inside there are soft tabs to keep the joint in the correct position.


  1. comfortable to wear,
  2. can be used all day long.


  • suitable only for the treatment of deformity in the initial stages.

Overview of Orthopedic Thumb Correctors

Among the most popular proofreaders with positive reviews, the following are worth highlighting:

  • Hav Splint is a night fixer that eliminates hallux valgus and strengthens the muscles of the foot. Relieves inflammation and pain. Recommended for use within 3-6 months. The set includes two clips of universal size - for the right and left legs.
  • Talus - is prescribed for transverse flat feet for the treatment of deformities of the thumb. Can be used in a sitting or lying position without stress on the foot. Cannot be used while walking and is not suitable for permanent wear. Treatment begins at 2-3 hours, and then left overnight.
  • Aetrex are proofreaders for an American company. They are produced in different variations - for the correction of the big toe, second and third toes, interdigital, in the form of protective rings. They are distinguished by high efficiency, the cost of the devices is low.
  • Doctors recommend the following as preventive measures:

  1. give up uncomfortable narrow shoes, including high heels,
  2. self-massage, walking barefoot on the grass, pebbles, sand,
  3. physical activity - cycling, swimming, football,
  4. special exercises, such as walking on toes, lifting small objects off the floor with your toes,
  5. proper nutrition (it is advisable to reduce the use of legumes, chocolate, coffee and tea),
  6. in case of excess weight - its correction.

It is quite possible to prevent the development of foot deformities, but you cannot cope on your own, do not postpone going to the doctor and buying effective correctors.

Hallux valgus (a bump or bone on the leg) is the most common deformity of the foot, which at the initial stage of development is amenable to conservative treatment, but in a neglected state it requires surgical intervention.

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Regardless of the cause of the origin of the pathology at the first stage of the disease, when the angle of deviation of the thumb to the side does not exceed 15 degrees, it is recommended to use retainers and correctors for foot correction as the most effective and versatile orthopedic products.

Types of orthopedic products for treating bones on the leg

All orthopedic products for foot correction are retainers and correctors, as they fix the toes in the correct position and correct the resulting deformity.

The fixator for the bone on the leg can be:

  • soft (gel-tissue, silicone);
  • semi-rigid hinged;
  • hard (night).

Due to its design, the articulated bandage can be worn during the daytime.

The choice of a specific orthopedic product depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

For the correction of the big toe, the following are used:

  • Bursoprotector. It is a silicone pad that protects the affected thumb joint from further damage. Located in the area of ​​the joint (protruding bone), it is held in place by a ring that is put on the thumb.
  • Big toe support with interdigital support. Refers to spacers that return the thumb to its normal position and prevent it from deflecting.
  • A plastic bandage, which is used exclusively at night, since it is incompatible with shoes and it is uncomfortable to walk in it. This spacer allows you to fix the displaced toes in the desired position, restores the normal tone of the muscles and ligaments of the foot.
  • Cloth bandage that is comfortable when walking. This orthopedic product looks like a sock with tabs and toe dividers inside.
  • Combined bandage. This orthopedic construction consists of a plastic frame and soft silicone inserts, so this bandage can be worn throughout the day. Differs in the ability to adjust the angle of abduction of the toe and adjust the structure to the leg.
  • Gel silicone big toe corrector. Such a corrector can look like a bursoprotector with an interdigital wedge (fixed with two rings that are put on the first and second toes) or as a separate interdigital septum.
  • Special orthopedic insoles that abduct the big toe (frame and frameless).

A bursoprotector is the most common type of orthopedic device used to treat a bump on the leg.

Treatment principle

Since the bone on the leg is the result of an increase in the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones and the displacement of the big toe to the outside, the use of orthopedic products is aimed at:

  • protection of the thumb joint from damage when walking;
  • abduction of the big toe and keeping it in the correct anatomical position;
  • fixation of all toes in the correct position;
  • reducing the load on the foot;
  • maintaining the arch of the foot;
  • elimination of pain when walking;
  • preventing the appearance of corns and corns;
  • preventing the development of further deformity of the thumb.


Bursoprotectors by type of design are divided into:

  • Normal, fixed only on the big toe with a ring with a thickening (a slight thickening of the ring moves the big toe away from the second toe). Allows to protect the formed bone from friction and damage, prevents the development of bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule), but does not help to return the thumb to the correct anatomical position. Effective for the prevention of disease and elimination of pain in the bone area when wearing shoes.
  • Protector with interdigital separator and additional fastening on the second toe (bursoprotector and retainer at the same time). Thanks to additional fixation and a fairly dense partition between the rings, it not only protects the joint from damage, but also more reliably holds the fingers in the correct position. Effective for the prevention of hallux valgus and for the treatment of the initial stage of the disease (before the onset of pronounced symptoms).
  • Protector with a divider for the first and second toes and a soft forefoot brace. Protects the joint of the big toe from damage, separates the first and second toes and holds them in the correct position, maintains the arched shape of the front of the foot and helps to correctly distribute the load on the foot. In addition, the soft underside of the tread protects the foot from impact, which reduces the risk of corns.

Depending on the material used, the bursoprotector can be:

  • Gel-tissue. This protector protects the bone from increased pressure and friction, eliminates pain when walking and reduces the risk of calluses and calluses. Due to the anatomical design and elasticity of the material, the tissue bursoprotector is well held in the joint area and fixes it, but does not return the first finger to its normal position. The advantages of the gel-tissue bursoprotector include the presence of a gel, which consists of mineral oils with anti-inflammatory effects, as well as the use of "breathing" tissue (reduces sweating).
  • Silicone. Bursoprotectors made of hypoallergenic silicone easily take the required shape, are less noticeable when worn, better fix the joint and fingers.

Gel-tissue bursoprotector prevents the development of hallux valgus. helps to eliminate pain and relieve leg fatigue.

All bursoprotectors are comfortable to wear, they are inconspicuous and hygienic (they can be washed with soap and disinfected).

Correction of hallux valgus is facilitated only by a bursoprotector for the big toe with an interdigital corrector, but it is also effective only at the earliest stage of pathology development.

To reduce the degree of deformation, the bursoprotector should have a septum between the first and second toes.


A big toe corrector can:

  • Be silicone. The most commonly used retainers are Valgus Pro, which can be secured with a one-finger ring or two-finger rings. Between the first and second fingers there is a silicone insert-septum, the model for one finger always has a “petal” protecting the joint, while the model for two fingers does not always have such a part. Such a fixator for the bone on the leg reduces the load on the joint, in the presence of a “petal” it protects the bone from friction and inflammation (it is a bursoprotector), reduces the symptoms of the disease (pain, calluses), is practically invisible from the outside, does not cause allergies, and allows you to wear any shoes ... However, the elasticity of silicone does not provide a rigid fixation, therefore, these fixators are not able to correct the deformation. The main purpose of these orthopedic products is to prevent further development of the disease and eliminate pain. The products are sold as a set (for the right and left feet). When used for hygienic purposes, they require daily washing and the use of talcum powder.

Silicone clips adhere well to the foot and retain their shape even after prolonged use.
  • Be articulated. The frame of such a corrector consists of a large and a small bandage, which are made of a relatively soft material with Velcro. The large bandage is put on and fixed on the foot in the place of the rise, the small one is put on the big toe. A hinge with a pad is attached to both bandages, which allows the structure to remain mobile, fit snugly to the bone and fix it well. The arch of the foot under the metatarsal bone is supported by a teardrop-shaped pad while walking. The tire is fastened with elastic fasteners and Velcro. The design of the product allows it to be used on both the left and right legs, but with frequent assembly / disassembly, the hinged bandage wears out faster. To use such a retainer, you need to choose wider shoes. This orthopedic product is intended primarily for postoperative rehabilitation, since the design does not provide for a change in the degree of thumb deflection.
  • Be fabric. This elastic band is made of neoprene (synthetic rubber) and covered with a breathable fabric. Consists of a cuff wrapping around the foot, a cover with a shock-absorbing cushion for thumb abduction and a fixation strap. For fastening, a textile Velcro fastener is used, which does not pinch the foot. The strap reliably fixes the cuff on the foot, allows you to give the thumb the correct position and correct the degree of deflection. It is versatile (fits on both legs), washes easily, is not noticeable when worn, it is used both for the prevention of hallux valgus and for treatment and rehabilitation after surgery.
  • Be tough. A rigid fixator for the bone on the leg (valgus splint) is the most effective and at the initial stage of the disease helps to correct the deformity that has appeared. Thanks to the solid construction made of durable hypoallergenic plastic, this orthopedic product provides the most rigid fixation, which, in the absence of stress on the joint, muscles and ligaments of the foot, contributes to a change in the angle of inclination of the big toe and its gradual return to its normal position. It is impossible to walk in such a brace, therefore it is used at night. The anatomical shape of the dense frame also helps to restore the normal arch of the foot (with hallux valgus, it is disturbed). Soft inlays prevent chafing of parts of the foot and virtually eliminate the feeling of discomfort. You do not need to assemble the structure yourself - the diverting night bandage is sold in a set of 2 pieces, the corresponding designations are applied to the right and left clips. Before use, the bandage is adjusted in size to the specific parameters of the foot, the angle of deflection of the big toe is adjusted, and then the structure is fixed on the foot with soft elastic mountings. For a positive result in the process of treatment, the tension of the bandage must be gradually increased. Due to the absence of separate parts and mechanisms, breakage of the retainer is impossible, the absence of load excludes abrasion of soft elements, therefore it is more durable than its fabric and hinged counterparts. For hygienic purposes, the rigid retainer should be periodically washed with warm water and baby soap. Drying the bandage near heating devices and in direct sunlight is contraindicated.

A valgus splint at an early stage in the development of the disease allows the big toe to return to its normal anatomical position.

A separate interdigital septum gel retainer for the big toe is used to prevent further deformity of the toes (usually inserted between the first and second toes, helping to move the big toe outward). It can also be used to prevent rubbing of the other toes. The fixator is made of thermoplastic molding material (orthogel) or from a gel based on Foot Care mineral oils, easy to use, reduces pain, but does not allow to correct the existing deformation.

Gel interdigital septa are used to prevent hallux valgus.

For hammer toes, silicone separators or ComfortGel hypoallergenic separators are used, which look like three rings connected in one structure, with a pillow located under them. The baffle, which is put on with the pillow down, allows you to straighten your toes and position them correctly in the shoe. It is also possible to use protective rings, which are essentially a gel pad covered with an elastic wear-resistant knitted coating.

The guard rings help prevent hammer toe deformities that develop when the toe bone is present.

Silicone interdigital corrector Pedi Soft 107630 and similar orthopedic products do not differ in functions from the previous ones, but are attached to the 2nd finger with a soft silicone loop.

Orthopedic insoles

Treating a leg bone often involves wearing orthopedic insoles that help keep the feet in an anatomically correct position while walking, which will help to get the big toe back into place.

Orthopedic insoles help reduce stress on the foot and prevent the progression of the deformity of the big toe.

Orthopedic insoles for thumb correction can be made of genuine leather, wool, fleece, velor or cork, but most often combined orthopedic insoles are used. Thanks to the combination of materials, this insole not only provides the necessary orthopedic effect, but also has air permeability, antibacterial properties and retains heat.

Orthopedic insoles for hallux valgus correction can be:

  • Wireframe. More effective than frameless, but long-term wear causes leg fatigue. The recommended time of use is from 4 to 6 hours, therefore, their use is not desirable with an active lifestyle.
  • Frameless. Usually used for foot correction in men, athletes and people who are actively moving. Softens the supporting load on the foot and relieves pressure on the big toe joint.

In shape, orthopedic insoles can be:

  • Drop-shaped. They are placed under the metatarsus and prevent the growth of the metatarsal bone, help to get rid of flat feet of the 1st degree (it can be the cause of hallux valgus).
  • Half insoles designed to support the transverse arch. They look narrower than usual, in the upper part there is an insert-cushion for unloading the metatarsal region.
  • Half insoles designed for high-heeled shoes. They are similar in shape to ordinary half insoles.

With bones on the feet, the insoles are selected by an orthopedist individually.

Where to buy retainers and correctors

In the presence of bones on the legs, many people self-medicate up to the invention of bandages and fixators from available tools. Most often, patients, bypassing the orthopedist, turn to the Internet, which advertises a variety of gel and silicone correctors. Patients who believe in the reviews about the miraculous getting rid of a large bone buy orthopedic products intended mainly for the prevention of hallux valgus and, having not received the expected effect, consider conservative treatment useless.

Since the effectiveness of treatment depends on the degree of deformity in a particular patient, a doctor should select correctors. Gel and silicone correctors can be used with a slight degree of deformation; for the treatment of an already protruding bone, hinged and rigid clamps should be used.

You can buy high-quality orthopedic products in pharmacies, orthopedic salons, or from trusted online representatives.

The most affordable are bursoprotectors and interdigital separators, and the most expensive are combined and rigid bandages.

Important: Effective conservative treatment is a comprehensive treatment that includes the use of orthopedic products, wearing the correct shoes, and regular exercise.

This is a separate independent education. Something like a tumor or growth as a result of salts deposited on the foot. In fact, it occurs when the metatarsal bone, for various reasons, deviates from its normal anatomical position and pulls the phalanx of the thumb with it, since it forms one joint with it. To eliminate this deformation and use the braces for the big toe.

Essence of correctors

Fabric bandages

Fabric anchors can cover the leg in part, as a tape-like ankle strap applied to the front of the foot, or as a sock that is secured by the big toe and little toe and ends at ankle level. The latter option is well suited for the purpose of wearing shoes every day. But it is impossible to wash such a sock at a high temperature, as this will lead to its deterioration. These types of bandages work well in combination with others.

Clips for daytime use

The corrective bandage on the big toe can be either daytime or worn during sleep. The die-cast silicone daytime bone retainer gently deflects the crooked toe, returning it to its anatomically normal position and, thanks to the pad placed between it and the next toe, prevents toes from crossing during movement.

On a note!

Correctors made of silicone differ from those made of plastic in that they are allowed to be used for 10 hours continuously. Valgus Plus belongs to such fixators. These types are almost invisible in shoes and can be included in the complex of therapeutic measures to eliminate the curvature.

Adjustable clamps

This type includes a night bandage for abduction of the big toe. The use during sleep is explained by the inconvenience of wearing while on the move. When they are first used, they can cause discomfort and even pain. This is facilitated by the fact that physical effort is applied in order to take the correct position with the finger. The deviation angle should be changed gradually. This way you can reduce pain to a minimum.

On a note!

This type of fixator can be used even with severe curvature, but treatment with it is lengthy and requires some patience.

With valgus curvature of the feet, a deformation of a small bone located under the thumb appears. The toe gradually deviates, the bone on the foot begins to visibly protrude. A person with a similar pathology experiences aesthetic and physical discomfort.

The selection and wearing of shoes becomes torture, against the background of hallux valgus develops flat feet and pain in the joints. This change is age-related, it affects people over 35 years old. To straighten a deviated toe, a leg bone fixator is used - an invention with a corrective action.

Locks for the bones on the legs work on the basis of a gradual mechanical reduction of the bone that has moved away from the correct position. Depending on the degree of deformation, the characteristics of the acquired pathology, various designs are used. Wearing a bone corrector on the leg will work if the hallux valgus is in its early or middle stages.

The device is put on the leg for a certain time. The detached bone has some mobility.

Through regular pressure, the opposite effect is achieved: the finger assumes a physiological position, and with it the bone that bothers the person falls into place.

Types of retainers

On the modern market, various bone fixators have been released on the legs. They differ in the severity of the impact, material, time and duration of wear.

Night and day

The design of orthopedic devices for the bone on the leg varies. According to the recommended time of wearing the retainers, there are:

Clips made of different materials

Locks from the bones on the legs are available from several types of material:

There are also combined orthopedic braces for the correction of bones on the legs. The products combine the ability to regulate the pressure on the pathological zone of the foot, and are suitable for daytime wear.

Indications and contraindications for the use of retainers

Bone pads on the big toes are recommended for several diseases:

At risk are women who regularly use shoes with heels, people who are overweight and have flat feet. The onset of hallux valgus is a slow process that manifests itself gradually. The first signs of curvature may not even be noticed during a visual examination of the foot.

As a preventive measure, you can use fabric or silicone pads on the toes from the bones without rigid fixation several times a week.


Even healthy people should consult an orthopedist before selecting and using a bunion corrector.

Retainers can not be worn:

The doctor will help you not only to determine if the retainer can be worn, but also to choose the right option.

Where to buy a quality product

Corsets for underwire are sold everywhere. On the Internet, hundreds of non-existent stores sell fixatives of dubious quality. Most of these products are sourced from China, they do not pass safety checks and are made from materials that can be toxic.

High-quality bone clamps on the leg can cost about 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles. You can buy a certified product at a pharmacy or make an individual corrector to order at an orthopedic clinic.

How to use the retainer

All correctors for bones on the leg sold in pharmacies are equipped with detailed instructions for use. Additional advice can be obtained from an orthopedic doctor.

The first time you use the device, you should carefully consider several important nuances:

At the initial stage of using the corrector for bumps on the legs, the sensations will be unusual. Attention should be paid only to discomfort or slight pain - this is a signal that the product is not worn correctly. The duration of wearing a device for beginners is 6 - 8 hours a day, after a week of use, the time can be increased to 10 - 13 hours.

If a big toe bone corrector made of plastic is shown for use, you should pay more attention to the wearing technology. These products are distinguished by the markings "L" and "R" corresponding to the left and right legs.

Putting on the plastic device should be done carefully and carefully:

  • Pass the big toe into the structure and align the inner pillow with the protruding bone;
  • Using the fixing strap, fix the foot in the fixer in the position indicated above;
  • Fasten the corrector at the desired angle and in the required volume.

Even in rigid plastic clamps made using hinges, there should be no pain. The splint for the bone on the leg applies gentle pressure to the desired area without becoming a torture instrument.

5 reasons to use a thumb rest

You can use bandages for the bone on the big toe at any stage of hallux valgus, as well as concomitant diseases. This device will help:

Will a leg corrector help

After buying a product of questionable quality without consulting an orthopedist, there is a great risk for a person not to notice the result of wearing a leg bandage on a bone.

If the device is purchased from a licensed manufacturer and selected correctly, the effect will become obvious:

The positive effect occurs at different intervals, depending on the stage of deformity at the time of the beginning of the use of the device for correcting the bone on the leg.

How to speed up healing

Regularly wearing the bunion brace on the big toe will not have an immediate effect, but it will.

The desired effect when using the bunion fixator is achieved by forcibly repositioning the bones in the correct place. It is important to understand that only regular and long-term use of a quality device will lead to the elimination of deformation.

At an advanced stage, valgus curvature can only be cured by surgery. In order not to bring to the operation, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist and start treatment after the first signs of the disease are detected.

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