Exercises for a 7 month old baby. Basic massage techniques according to B

We give a massage to a child of 7 - 10 months.

Good day, our dear visitors! A lot of words have been written on our site about massage and gymnastics for babies.

Today, continuing this topic, we bring to your attention another article on massage and exercise for children.

Physical exercise and massage for a child of 7 - 10 months.

As always, let me remind you - before giving a child a massage, please read about massage and gymnastics.

I would like to note that in comparison with the previous complex of massage and gymnastics (for children 5 - 6 months old), new exercises appear here. And in the existing ones, new additions are being introduced, which are designed to prepare the baby's musculoskeletal system for new loads.

After all, very soon the baby will have to learn to stand on his feet, and he will begin to take the first independent steps in his life. And already acquired skills to crawl, sit down, etc. with the help of new exercises, they will confidently be fixed. In addition, massage and gymnastics exercises will improve your baby's mood, invigorate him and bring a lot of pleasant sensations and emotions!

Remember! The baby's body must be strengthened all the time with the help of water quenching, air baths, walks on fresh air, massage and exercise.

So, let's start mastering physical exercises and massage for a child of 7 - 10 months.

1. We will do the exercise of our complex from 1 to 4, putting the baby on the back. We take the crumbs by the handles, putting our own thumbs into his hands. It will be great if the child grabs your fingers tightly. We spread his arms to the sides, and then we cross them on the chest (the baby "hugs" himself). We do it 8 - 10 times.

2. We bend and unbend the arms of our crumbs. Also, we do it 8 - 10 times.

3. We take the baby by the feet and unbend - bend his legs. We do it 8 - 10 times. Then 2 - 4 times we bring together - we part the baby's hips.

4. We turn the child from the back onto the tummy, first through the left side, then through the right. The kid can already do this exercise on his own and you just have to help him a little.

5. Back massage. We spread the baby on the tummy. Direction - along the spine from the sacrum to the shoulder blades. Here, as in the previous complexes, we will apply stroking, rubbing and kneading, pressing effortlessly with our fingertips. We do 4-6 reps.

6. After that, we give our baby a couple of minutes to lie on his tummy. He will diligently bend the back, rise, turn his head, so that the load will go on the muscles of the neck, back, buttocks, and a little - the hips.

In no case leave the child during the massage and exercise alone for a second!

The following exercise in our gymnastics and massage complex for children 7 - 10 months old:

8. We massage the chest and tummy, stroking in a circular motion clockwise 10 times. At the same time, the child lies on his back.

9. We put our thumbs in the baby's handles. He must grip them tightly. And little by little we sit down the baby. He does this exercise almost independently. Do 2 reps.

10. Circular movements of the handles. This is where the muscles are loaded shoulder girdle child. We put the crumb on the back and help him in performing this exercise, in turn, in each direction. 8-10 reps.

11. Raise the straight legs pressed to each other and up to 45 degrees. In this case, the child lies on his back, and you take him by the feet. Do 5-6 reps.

12. Initial position- the baby lies on the tummy. We bring our palms under the tummy and chest crumbs. He will raise his head and bend his back, thereby contributing to the development of his muscles. We repeat 3 times.

The above-described complex "Exercise and massage for a child of 7 - 10 months" should take 5 - 6 minutes (if carried out regularly).

A baby at 7 months needs to do massage and gymnastics 2 times every day. Don't forget this!

Massage has a positive effect on blood and lymph vessels, improves blood and lymph circulation, enhances the function of the glands - sebaceous and sweat. With its help, the condition of the skin improves - it becomes more elastic and resistant to external factors, old cells of the epidermis are removed.

Children's massage helps to strengthen the child's musculoskeletal system, improves muscle tone, their elasticity and contractility, flexibility and mobility of the ligaments.

If the mother systematically massage her baby, then the baby's sleep will noticeably improve, and even the baby will grow and develop better.

I think the advantages of gymnastics and massage for a 7-10 month old child are obvious to you.

Elena Medvedeva.

When a child turns 6 months old, he can sit on his own, roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa. If he is pulled by his arms, he will try to get to his feet.
By this time, as a rule, he already knows how to crawl. At this age should be given great attention such exercises that stimulate coordination of movements and the development of the musculoskeletal system.
Since the baby can already actively respond to the voice of an adult, he can be given commands: lie on his back, on his stomach, sit down, roll over, etc. However, it is worth remembering that these commands should be given in an affectionate form so that gymnastics classes are a joy for the child , and the exercises were performed with pleasure.
Technique of massage and gymnastics
Reduction of hands on the chest
I. p.: Lying on your back.
The technique for performing this exercise was described above. However, for a 6-month-old child, it needs to be slightly complicated: the child may not hold onto the hands of the masseur, but some round toy, for example, a rattle, a ring for teeth, etc.
Pulling the round toy, spread the child's arms in different directions and cross them on the chest. This exercise should be repeated 8 times, while crossing the child's hands periodically alternating: first, the left hand should be at the top, then the right, etc. The exercise should be done vigorously, but carefully so as not to injure the child.
Alternate and simultaneous leg flexion
I. p.: Lying on your back.
massage for children from 6 to 9 months
Figure 34.
Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the legs. To perform it, you should take the child by the shins and first together, and then in turn bend and straighten them at the knees: bend and straighten right leg, left leg and then both legs together (fig. 34). All 3 steps must be repeated 6 times.
Flip from back to stomach
I. p.: Lying on your back.
To perform the exercise, the child should be ordered to turn on his stomach. To help your child do this exercise, you need to slightly rotate his buttocks and pelvis in the direction in which the flip is performed. The exercise is performed once a day.
Back and buttocks massage
I. p.: Lying on his stomach.
The procedure helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks. Its implementation consists in the alternate application of stroking, rubbing, sawing, gripping, beating and pinching. As always, start the massage procedure with a few strokes. After that, you need to start rubbing the muscles of the back with your palms and sawing them with the ribs of the palms. Rubbing and sawing should be finished with stroking. After rubbing, sawing and stroking, you need to go on to gripping kneading. It starts in the area long muscles back and continues on the buttocks. After kneading, you should again do a few strokes and only then proceed to tapping and pinching. The entire procedure must be completed with a few strokes. All techniques are recommended to be repeated 3 times.
I. p.: Lying on his stomach.

Figure 35 Back and Buttocks Massage
Exercise helps the child develop crawling skills. To perform it, you should take the child's heels with your thumb and middle finger. In this case, the forefinger of the masseur should be between the feet of the baby.
Gently but vigorously bend the child's legs, and after 1-2 seconds, unbend. After performing this movement 3-4 times, the child will push off from the hands of the masseur and crawl on his own (Fig. 35). When the child gets used to the exercise, the leg curls will not need to be done simultaneously, but alternately.
Belly massage
I. p.: Lying on your back.
The procedure consists in alternating stroking, rubbing, sawing and pinching techniques.
At the beginning of the procedure, you need to do a few strokes. After that, you can start rubbing. It should be done with the pads of the fingers. Then again do a few strokes and proceed to sawing, which is performed with the ribs of the palms along the rectus abdominis muscles. After sawing, you need to return to stroking. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to do a few pinching of the skin around the navel. The latter method is a good preventive measure against the development of a hernia. The massage ends with stroking the rectus abdominis muscles. Each technique should be repeated 3 times.
Back squat
I. p.: Lying on your back.
Baby belly massage

Figure 36.
Exercise helps the child develop crawling skills. The method of its implementation has been described in detail above. However, due to the fact that at 6 months of age the child becomes more independent, the exercise can be slightly complicated. To do this, you need to support the child's knees with one hand, and thumb the massage therapist's free hand should be in the baby's palm.
Take the baby's hand aside and ask him to sit down. When the child takes the desired position, the masseur should smoothly move his hand from the bottom up along his spine. In this case, the baby's back will be straightened. At the end of the procedure, the child must be carefully lowered so that he lies on right side(fig. 36). This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Raising straightened legs
I. p.: Lying on your back.

Figure 37 Straightened Leg Raises
Exercise helps to develop and strengthen the muscles and joints of the child. To complete it, you need to take the child by the shins, and the thumbs should grab the lower leg, and the rest should be on the kneecaps.
The child's legs should be straightened, held in this position for 1-2 seconds and gently lowered. This exercise is repeated 7 times (fig. 37).
Flip from back to stomach
Detailed description of this exercise given above.
Raising the torso from a prone position
I. p.: Lying on his stomach.

Flip from back to stomach
Figure 38.
Exercise helps develop the muscles in your back and abdomen. To perform it, you should put the masseur's thumbs in the palms of the child and force him to clench his fists. The rest of your fingers need to support the child by the wrists.
Raise the child's arms over the sides and pull slightly. In this case, the child's head, reflexively thrown back, will rise up, and his heels will rest against the masseur. You need to pull up the child until he gets down on his knees (Fig. 38).
This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Breast massage
I. p.: Lying on your back.
This procedure helps to strengthen and develop the muscles of the chest. Its implementation is associated with the alternate use of stroking and vibration massage. The massage begins with several circular strokes, which should be carried out in the direction from the ribs to the shoulders. After that, you need to do stroking along the intercostal arches. After stroking, you need to start vibration massage. The whole procedure ends with circular strokes. All massage techniques must be done 3 times.
Squat with support for bent arms
Starting position: lying on your back.
Exercise helps develop and strengthen the joints in the arms and legs. To do it, you need to put your index fingers in the child's palms and force him to clench his fists so that he can hold his fingers on his own. Spread the child's arms wide to the sides and, slightly pulling his arms, ask him to sit down. If the baby does a good job, after a while the exercise can be complicated by using not fingers for support, but a round toy (rattle, etc.), convenient for gripping. This exercise should be repeated 2 times.
Circular rotations by hands
The methodology for carrying out this exercise is described above. When the baby is 8 months old, the exercise should be harder. The baby should do it from a sitting position, holding onto the rings placed in his hands (Fig. 39). Squatting with support for bent arms massage the baby

Baby massage 6, 7, 8, 9 months, useful tips and massage techniques for parents who will teach you how to do massage correctly on the site Your child.ru!

Brief description of skills and capabilities.

The child has crossed the important age limit of 6 months. He has matured a lot. A six-month-old baby independently turns from the abdomen to his back, sits without support, and rises to his feet when pulling on the handles. And, most importantly, it crawls.

If a baby is crawling by 6-7 months, then this is a good indicator of his development. But you probably know children who skipped this stage, and it is believed that crawling is a stage of human development that has lost its meaning. It would be a big mistake to agree with this opinion, because crawling is that natural exercise that gives a lot of pleasure to the child, thanks to which all the muscles in the body are strengthened, especially the muscles that provide normal posture in the future.

It is desirable that children learn to crawl before sitting down and getting up, since the quality of these acts depends to a large extent on the exercises preceding the transition to an upright position. " it is even more important how he sits and how he walks, because improper sitting disfigures the chest, and improper walking deforms the legs. Great importance it also has the quality of crawling: in the position on all fours it is more perfect and becomes, as it were, a "pre-walk". At some point in the first year of life, a baby crawling on its stomach makes one very important discovery. He discovers that he is able to get on all fours and move forward without crushing his stomach on the floor. For some time he can crawl on all fours, throwing both hands forward together, and then pulling his legs to them in the same way.

It will be very similar to bunny jumping; this mode of movement is called homologous. A newborn can move like this: by simultaneously stretching his right arm and leg forward, he puts them down, and then he also simultaneously pulls up his left arm and leg. This movement is called homolateral. And finally, he can move by the most effective way... The infant rests on the left arm and right leg and at the same time pulls the right arm and left leg forward. He then shifts his center of gravity onto them and begins to pull up his left arm and right leg. This is called cross movement and is the most effective crawl method.

After 6-7 months, the limits of the arena, and even more so the crib, no longer provide all the growing needs of the baby in movement. The child needs more freedom, so give him the opportunity to crawl on the floor, on low wide sofas, armchairs: build a slide for him so that the baby can climb in and go down on his own, get up and walk with support. The child must learn to navigate in the space of a familiar room, if possible, do not limit his curiosity. Crawling on all fours on a smooth surface is hard (and harmful), so it is better to lay a carpet on the floor. Naturally, the floor must still be clean, warm and safe. In advance, remove from the path of the baby all objects and types of furniture that are not too stable. Remember, your child's motor skills are developing rapidly, tomorrow he will crawl to those things that today seem to you inaccessible to him. "It's good if there is a minimum of furniture in the room, but maximum free space. To stimulate the thirst for knowledge in your child, leave various interesting objects in the far corners of the room.

Every day he has to crawl on all fours more and more. Start by letting him crawl a little, but as often as possible. And then - further and further, because he needs to study the world around him and improve his body. In the second half of life, the child is already able to coordinate, correctly distribute the work of his muscles (the flexors and extensors of the limbs are already completely balanced), so the movements become more purposeful and economical. So, for example, at 5 months, a child who has completely mastered grasping takes the toy offered to him with two hands, and at 6-7 months he takes it with one hand, transfers it from hand to hand, taps the toy on objects, etc. Only after 6 months, children are capable of straining one muscle group, for example, the back muscles, at the same time relax the muscles of the opposite action (antagonists), the abdominal press. In this regard, more complex exercises for coordination of movements are already possible.

All exercises are accompanied by short, clear request-instructions: sit, turn, etc., which should always be the same and exactly correspond to the required action.

Thus, the main goal of working with a child aged 6 to 9 months is:

  • teach a child to crawl on all fours;
  • to educate coordination and rhythm of movements;
  • develop understanding of speech.

This requires:

  • communicate often affectionately with the child using short, precise verbal instructions during class;
  • give the child the opportunity to move freely outside the playpen or crib;
  • introduce new, more complex movement coordination.

As for massage, then in the second half of the year you can no longer massage the arms and legs of the child. The massage of the back, abdomen and chest becomes more energetic and varied, all familiar techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, etc.

The fourth set of exercises for massage of children aged 6, 7, 8, 9 months

Lesson plan

1. Crossing the arms on the chest 6-8 times.

2. Exercises for the legs:

  • simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs, 4-6 times;
  • flexion and extension of the legs, alternately 4-6 times with each leg.

3. Turn from back to stomach (one way). 4. Back and gluteal area massage:

  • stroking, 2-3 times over the entire surface;
  • rubbing: over the entire surface 2-3 times;
  • stroking - each reception 2-3 times over the entire surface;
  • kneading: over the entire surface of the back 2-3 times;
  • stimulating techniques: tapping, pinching of the gluteal muscles.

5. Crawling on all fours.

6. Belly massage:

  • stroking - all techniques 2-3 times;
  • rubbing: with fingertips, 2-3 times;
  • sawing on the rectus abdominis muscles, 2-3 times;
  • tingling around the navel;
  • stroking - all techniques 2-3 times.

7. Sitting down with flexion of the spine, 2 times.

8. Circular motions with hands, 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage.

10. Raising straightened legs, 6-8 times.

11. Raising from a prone position, 1-2 times.

12. Breast massage:

  • stroking, 2-3 times;
  • stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down for bent arms, 1-2 times.

14. "Boxing", 5-6 times with each hand.

15. "Wheelbarrow".

Methodical instructions for conducting classes with a child at the age of 6, 7, 8, 9 months

1. Crossing the arms over the chest. Complicate this exercise well known to you (see III complex, exercise 2) by placing rings or other convenient toys in the child's hands. Gradually accelerate and decelerate the pace of movements, repeat the exercise 6-8 times under a rhythmic count.

2. Exercises for the legs. Perform the simultaneous flexion and extension of the child's legs 4-6 times (see III complex, exercise 5). Flexion and extension of the legs are alternately done as follows: grasp the child's legs in the lower leg area. Then bend and unbend your legs alternately at different rates, simulating walking and running. This exercise is passive; all the muscles in the legs and feet work if you provide support for them with your little fingers.

3. Turn from back to stomach. After 6 months, the turn is performed without hand support at the request: "Turn on your stomach." You can help the child by slightly turning the pelvis and showing the toy from the side where he should turn.

4. Back massage. The massage of the back and buttocks is preserved and carried out according to the previous plan (see, III complex, exercise 7):

  • stroking all over the back and buttocks, 2-3 times;
  • rubbing with fingertips, sawing over the entire surface of the back and buttocks, rubbing with the back of bent fingers;
  • stroking, 2-3 times;
  • kneading the back muscles;
  • kneading the buttocks with the right and left hand alternately (5-6 movements);
  • stroking 2-3 times;
  • tapping or pinching the gluteal region.

5. Crawling on all fours. I. p.: The child lies on his stomach. The child leans well on straightened arms and may already be trying to stand or crawl on all fours. If not, help him by putting the baby on all fours, and, having interested him in the toy, encourage him to crawl. Crawling is a passive-active exercise, it is an excellent workout for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and shoulder girdle. After the child learns to crawl on his own, this exercise can be completely excluded from the lesson, but given the opportunity to crawl on the floor.

6. Belly massage. Follow the familiar plan (III complex, exercise 9):

  • stroking: circular, counter and oblique abdominal muscles 2-3 times each method;
  • rubbing: with fingertips, sawing along the rectus abdominis muscles 2-3 times;
  • tingling around the navel;
  • stroking - all techniques 2-3 times each.

7. Sitting down with spinal flexion. This exercise is already familiar to you (see III complex, exercise 10). After 8 months, you can sit down the baby with one hand. I. p.: The child lies on his back. Support the baby's knees with your left hand. With your right hand, take the child by the right handle and with the words "sit down, sit down", etc., encourage the child to sit, resting on the elbow. While the child is sitting, slide your fingers along the spine from bottom to top until the back is extended. Then slowly place the baby on his back, more precisely, on his left side. This exercise is active muscle training. abdominal... Performed 2 times, and the second time you need to hold your knees right hand, and with the left support the child by the left hand and lay him on his right side.

8. Circular movements with your hands. Complicate this exercise familiar to you (see III complex, exercise 15) by placing rings or toys convenient for gripping into the child's hands. Perform arm movements slowly, under rhythmic counting, as this is a difficult exercise in coordination. Repeat 4-6 times. 9- Foot massage (see, II complex, exercise 11).

9. Raising straightened legs. I. p.: The child lies on his back. With thumbs and forefingers, palms facing the child, grasp his lower legs; Place the rest of your fingers on the kneecaps. Raise your straightened legs to an upright position and slowly lower them. Then raise your legs alternately (fig. 106). Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

10. Raising from a prone position with support for straightened arms. I. p.: The child lies on his stomach. Let your child wrap your thumbs around while supporting them with the rest of your fingers. Take the child's straightened arms to the sides (to avoid bending, rest your palms on your elbows), then raise your straight arms to your head at ear level. The baby raises his head back and up and rests his feet on your stomach. Continue to lift it up to a kneeling position. After 8 months, this exercise is performed with rings, and the child can rise to a standing position. Lifting the trunk is an active movement, the muscles of the arms, back and legs work intensively. The exercise is done 1-2 times; remember to keep your child's hands at ear level to prevent damage to the shoulder joints.

11. Breast massage. It is carried out according to the following plan (see II complex, exercise 14):

  • stroking the upper chest, 2-3 times;
  • stroking the intercostal space, 2-3 times;
  • vibration massage, 2-3 times;
  • stroking, 2-3 times.

12. Sitting down with bent arms. And, n .. the child lies on his back. Let the child clasp your index fingers so that - - the child's palms are facing him. Spread your arms just shoulder-width apart, then ask: "Sit down *, and gently tugging on the arms, encourage the child to sit down. And so 1-2 times. If the baby is capable of such tension, then he raises his head and torso and pulls himself up, bending his arms. If the child's arms remain straightened, then the exercise should be considered premature.In the future, you can put rings in the child's hands.

13. "Boxing". This exercise, which is well known to you (see III complex), after 8 months can be done in a sitting position.

14. "Wheelbarrow" (walking on hands). At the end of the lesson, lift the child horizontally above the table so that he rests on straightened arms, it is more convenient to grab the legs with a "fork", with the other hand you can support under the stomach. In this position, the child raises his head and walks forward in his arms.

so , children's massage and gymnastics according to the method of Irina Krasikova for a healthy child at the age of 6-9 months.

Before that, it will be useful for you to read, "", and also, the author periodically refers to them.

IV set of exercises for baby massage and gymnastics for a child at 6-9 months
Lesson plan

1. Crossing the arms on the chest 6-8 times.

2. Exercises for the legs:

Simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs, 4-6 times;

Flexion and extension of the legs, alternately 4-6 times with each leg.

3. Turn from back to stomach (one way).

4. Back and gluteal area massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Rubbing: over the entire surface 2-3 times;

Stroking - each method 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Kneading: over the entire surface of the back 2-3 times;

Stimulating techniques: tapping, pinching of the gluteal muscles.

5. Crawling on all fours.

6. Belly massage:

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times;

Rubbing: with fingertips, 2-3 times;

Sawing on the rectus abdominis muscles, 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times.

7. Sitting down with flexion of the spine, 2 times.

8. Circular motions with hands, 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage.

10. Raising straightened legs, 6-8 times.

11. Raising from a prone position, 1-2 times.

12. Breast massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down for bent arms, 1-2 times.

14. Boxing, 5-6 times with each hand.

15. "Wheelbarrow".

Practice of baby massage and gymnastics for a healthy child aged 6-9 months by Irina Krasikova
1. Crossing the arms on the chest

Complicate this familiar exercise (see. III set No. 2) by placing rings or other convenient toys in the child's hands. Gradually accelerate and decelerate the pace of movements, repeat the exercise 6-8 times under a rhythmic count.

2. Exercises for the legs

Simultaneous flexion and extension perform the child's legs 4-6 times (see. III complex number 5). Flexion and extension of the legs are alternately done as follows: grasp the child's legs in the lower leg area. Then bend and unbend your legs alternately at different rates, imitating walking and running (Fig. 66). This exercise is passive; all the muscles in the legs and feet work if you provide support for them with your little fingers.

3. Turn from back to stomach

After 6 months, the rotation is performed without support by the hand at the request: "Turn on your stomach." You can help the child by slightly turning the pelvis and showing the toy from the side where he should turn.

4. Back massage

The back and buttocks massage is maintained and carried out according to the previous plan (see. III complex number 7):

Stroking the entire back and buttocks, 2-3 times;

Rubbing with fingertips, sawing over the entire surface of the back and buttocks, rubbing with the back of bent fingers;

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Kneading the back muscles;

Kneading the buttocks with the right and left hand alternately (5-6 movements); -

Stroking 2-3 times;

Nodding or pinching of the gluteal region.

5. Crawling on all fours

The child leans well on straightened arms and may already be trying to stand or crawl on all fours. If not, help him by putting the baby on all fours and, having interested him in the toy, encourage him to crawl.

Crawling is a passive-active exercise, it is an excellent workout for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and shoulder girdle. After the child learns to crawl on his own, this exercise can be completely excluded from the lesson, but given the opportunity to crawl on the floor.

6. Belly massage

Follow the familiar plan (III complex number 9):

Stroking: circular, counter and oblique abdominal muscles 2-3 times each method;

Rubbing: with fingertips, sawing along the rectus abdominis muscles 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times each.

7. Sitting down with spinal flexion

This exercise is already familiar to you (see III complex number 10).

After 8 months, you can sit down the baby, supporting one hand (Fig. 68).

Support the baby's knees with your left hand. With your right hand, take the child by the right hand and with the words: "sit down, sit down," etc., encourage the child to sit, leaning on the elbow.

While the child is sitting, slide your fingers along the spine from bottom to top until the back is extended. Then slowly place the baby on his back, more precisely, on his left side. This exercise is an active workout of the abdominal muscles.

It is performed 2 times, and the second time it is necessary to hold the knees with the right hand, and with the left support the child by the left hand and lay him on his right side.

8. Circular movements with hands

Complicate this exercise familiar to you (see III set No. 15) by placing rings or toys that are comfortable to grip into the child's hands. Perform arm movements slowly, under a rhythmic count, since this is a difficult exercise in coordination. Repeat 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage(see II complex No. 11)
10. Raising straightened legs

AND . p.: the child lies on his back.

With thumbs and forefingers, palms facing the child, grasp his lower legs; Place the rest of your fingers on the kneecaps. Raise your straightened legs to an upright position and slowly lower them (fig. 69). Then raise your legs alternately (fig. 70). Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

11. Raising from a prone position with support for straightened arms

I. p.: The child lies on his stomach.

Let your child wrap your thumbs around while supporting them with the rest of your fingers. Take the child's straightened arms to the sides (to avoid bending, rest your palms on your elbows), then raise your straight arms to your head at ear level. The baby raises his head back and up and rests his feet on your stomach (Fig. 71). Continue to raise it to a kneeling position (fig. 72, 73).

After 8 months, this exercise is performed with rings, and the child can rise to a standing position. Lifting the trunk is an active movement, the muscles of the arms, back and legs work intensively. The exercise is done 1-2 times; remember to keep your child's hands at ear level to prevent damage to the shoulder joints.

12. Breast massage

It is carried out according to the following plan (see II complex No. 14):

Stroking the upper chest, 2-3 times;

Stroking the intercostal space, 2-3 times;

Vibration massage, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down with bent arms

I. p.: The child lies on his back.

Let your child wrap your index fingers so that the palms of the child are facing him. Spread your arms just shoulder-width apart, then with a request: "sit down," and gently tugging on the arms, encourage the child to sit down (Fig. 74). And so 1-2 times.

If the baby is capable of such tension, then he raises his head and torso and pulls himself up, bending his arms. If the child's arms remain straightened, then the exercise should be considered premature. In the future, you can put rings in the child's hands.

14. "Boxing" This is an exercise you are familiar with (see. III complex) after 8 months can be done in a sitting position.

15. "Wheelbarrow" (walking on hands)

V at the end of the lesson, lift the child horizontally above the table so that he rests on straightened arms, it is more convenient to grab the legs with a “fork”, with the other hand you can support under the stomach. In this position, the child raises his head and walks forward on his hands (Fig. 75).

We looked at a set of exercises children's massage and gymnastics at 6-9 monthevaccording to the method of Irina Krasikova.

Health to you and your children

The time for massage and gymnastics, which is done to the baby at home, increases significantly after 6 months. Now we spend at least 30 minutes on various exercises with the child. What is it for? Children need to strengthen the musculoskeletal system: the muscle tone of the legs should be normal, the support reaction of the feet should be developed, the baby should be able to hold objects well and actively move. At the age of one year, development is so intense that not a single day should be missed. We use a variety of techniques: all kinds of exercises, swimming, toys and exercise equipment for the development of physical activity, as well as massage. The video shows how it looks in practice. In our article, we will describe in detail all the techniques.

After six months of life, the child sleeps less time and is more awake. The duration of gymnastics and massage also increases markedly, the baby perceives such activity with pleasure

Remember to regularly see your child at the pediatrician. Light massage also has contraindications, if physical development any abnormalities were found. The likelihood of even the slightest risk must be ruled out. Any practice is meant to be beneficial. If careless movements can harm, all techniques should be canceled before the specialist again approves massage and exercises.

If up to six months baby massage was simple, now more complex techniques will be required, and therefore it is advisable to receive qualified training from a specialist in order to correctly perform all the exercises. It is better to conduct the first sessions under the supervision of a masseur, who will control your actions, give recommendations and correct mistakes. All this is needed for safety and greater efficiency... Competently working with the muscles of the back, arms and legs, we will help the child's body, which is not yet fully strengthened, to develop correctly, shape posture, etc.

Gymnastics and massage classes with 6-month-old babies begin with the techniques that we have already used before - (for more details in the article :), and then new exercises are gradually added. When the abdomen and buttocks are massaged, not only strokes are used, but also pinching around the navel. It strengthens. Tingling on the lower back is not recommended. The massage ends with relaxing and soothing strokes - they relieve tension and have a relaxing effect.

Classes are conducted in the form of a game and are accompanied by funny jokes, nursery rhymes, rhymes, songs. The mother herself needs to be in a great mood for the child to feel it too - a positive emotional attitude will maximize the benefits of the lessons.

Baby massage at 6-7 months

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From 6 to 7 months, babies are very active and try to sit and crawl. We do the following:

  1. Hand stroking.
  2. Boxing (5-6 times). Lay the child on their back and reach out to him - he will grab your thumbs. Simulate boxing movements, but without jerking. Bend one handle, straighten the second, then straighten the bent handle, and bend the straight one. Move the handle closer to the center so that the shoulder rises slightly. In this case, it will slightly turn over on one side, then on the other (we recommend that you read :). The exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.
  3. Foot massage.
  4. "Sliding legs" (5-6 times). Laying the baby on the back, grab his legs so that your thumbs are on the front of the lower leg, and the rest are on the back. The child's leg needs to be straightened, and the other to make sliding movements along the surface, as if he is skiing - this helps to strengthen the leg muscles and develop a support reaction. If the muscles are tense, you can start with stomping, gradually moving to sliding.
  5. Active stretching (4-6 times). Encourage your toddler to reach for the toys by hanging them a little further than usual.
  6. Flexion and extension of the legs (6-8 times). It is done in turn and at the same time.
  7. Circles with legs (3-5 times). It is necessary to perform the child's legs bent at the knees and hips circular motion clockwise and back.
  8. "Swallow" (2-3 times). Lay the baby on his stomach with arms outstretched. Grasp his torso from below by the sides and lift, resting his legs on your stomach.
  9. Belly massage.
  10. Rollover. When the baby is lying on his stomach, turn him over on his back, and then again on his stomach (3-4 times).
  11. Back and buttocks massage.
  12. Sitting down for the divorced arms (3-4 times). The baby should lie on his back and rest his legs against your stomach. Holding his hands, spread them apart and gently lift, giving him a sitting position.
  13. Crawl.

Many begin to sit down before six months. You should not support the baby in this, since the musculoskeletal system is not yet ready for such loads.

Massage program at 7-8 months

When the stage of self-acceptance of a sitting position has passed, the children try to crawl. To support this desire, they are spread on the floor. New massage techniques and exercises are being added, but you should not ignore the already familiar ones - they will also be useful. How can motor activity, coordination of movements and rhythm be developed in a child:

  1. "Boxing".
  2. Active pulling of the handles upward for the object (4 or more times).
  3. Flexion and extension of the legs (8-10 times). It is done in turn and at the same time.
  4. Circular leg movements (6-8 times).
  5. "Bridge" (2-3 times). It is done only with the help of mom.
  6. Tummy massage.
  7. Turns (4 or more times). At 6-7 months, the child himself turns from tummy to back and back. If he still does not quite succeed in a full turn, you can help a little - slightly push under the ass, pull the handle out from under the side, or put the toy as additional incentive on the side where the baby turns over.
  8. Sitting on the handle. The child is holding onto you, as already described, but not with both hands. You grip the handle with one hand and hold your knees with the other. It is necessary to slightly raise the baby so that the elbow of the second handle rests on the surface, trying to rise. You can briefly hold him in a half-sitting position on one buttock, and then gently lay him on his side. The exercise is repeated 2 times with each handle.
  9. Back and buttocks massage (we recommend to read :).
  10. Hand rotation. When the baby is sitting, draw circles with his pens clockwise and counterclockwise 2-4 times.
  11. Crawling for an object.
  12. "Martin". Vaping options vary. So, a 7-month-old baby can be circled around the room, supporting it under the chest. "Swallows" and "Airplanes" train well the vestibular apparatus and muscles of the entire back surface of the body.

Crawling for a toy - too physical activity, and considerable. Such an exercise can be offered to a child when he is already a little tired of ordinary gymnastics.

The desire for activity in children should be maintained, but the kids should be left alone for a second. Parents need to be very attentive to all movements so that, through negligence, the child does not receive even a slight injury.

Supplements at 8-9 months

The more the child moves, the less massage he needs. At 8-9 months, it is no longer necessary to do it every day, but still up to a year, periodic repetition is useful (see also:). This is especially true for massage of the abdomen, back and buttocks.

Stroking is necessary to relax the muscles, and pinching, rubbing, patting and kneading - to strengthen them. It is imperative to combine these two types of load so that the development takes place evenly.

We continue to use the previously mastered skills and add new ones:

  1. "Boxing".
  2. Flexion and extension of the legs in turn and at the same time (8-10 times).
  3. "Kucher" (8-10 times). It is done while sitting, imitating the swaying of the coachman.
  4. Slopes (from 4 times). Having laid the baby on the back, his legs need to be bent and connected with his knees. The knees need to bend rhythmically to the right and left along with the pelvis. From such movements, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are strengthened, and the child learns to independently turn to the right and left.
  5. Belly massage.
  6. Back and buttocks massage.
  7. "Swallow" (2-3 minutes).
  8. Crawling on all fours. You can arrange a catch-up or competition.
  9. Turns of the body after the ball (from 4 times). For this exercise, the baby must be seated.
  10. "Wheelbarrow". An exercise loved by all children. It cheers you up and trains your muscles well. It is recommended to perform it both as part of the massage program, and separately, whenever there is free time... First, the child must be laid on his stomach, and then raised. upper part torso with emphasis on handles. The mother also raises and holds the legs herself, and the baby walks on straight arms.
  11. "A bike". When the child lies on her back, the mother makes movements with her legs, as if turning the pedals of a bicycle. Change the direction - now towards yourself, then away from yourself.

Normally, 8-month-old babies already sit confidently, crawl quickly, and the most active ones try to get up and even walk, holding onto the support. Of course, such activity pleases the parents, but there is nothing wrong if the baby has not yet begun these attempts. Over time, everything will come, but now the main thing is to prepare him for further achievements and discoveries, and the result of his efforts will please you very soon.

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