Andrey Meshcheryakov: If you focus on teaching doctors early cancer diagnostics, the result will not be long in coming. It's not that hard

Andrey Mikhailovich Meshcheryakov

Andrey Meshcheryakov - photo from the criminal case
Birth name:

Andrey Mikhailovich Meshcheryakov


« Balashikha maniac», « Impotent killer»

Date of Birth:

Russia, Russia


25 years in prison

The murders
Number of victims:
Killing period:
Main Kill Region:


Date of arrest:

Andrey Mikhailovich Meshcheryakov(b. February 9, 1978) - Russian serial killer who killed 5 women in the Moscow region in 2002.


The murders

Arrest and trial

Meshcheryakov was first detained on suspicion of murder at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow, where he tried to sell the belongings of those killed. However, the maniac insisted that he bought these things from an unknown man. There was no evidence against him, and the police officers had to release him. On November 12, 2002, Meshcheryakov's car was stopped by a traffic police post on one of the highways in the Moscow region. The windshield and front panel were broken in the car. As it turned out, the maniac tried to strangle the sixth victim, but she damaged his car. As a result, Meshcheryakov agreed with her about silence, but was still detained.

Initially, Meshcheryakov confessed only to the attempted murder of the last victim, but soon to other murders as well. In September 2003, the Moscow Regional Court sentenced him to 25 years in prison, instead of life imprisonment required by the prosecution. Meshcheryakov cried in his last word and asked for forgiveness for the 5 murders he had committed, fully admitting his guilt. The Supreme Court of Russia upheld the verdict. Currently Meshcheryakov is serving his sentence.

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Notes (edit)

An excerpt characterizing Meshcheryakov, Andrei Mikhailovich

- So they write from Potsdam? - he repeated the last words of Prince Vasily, and suddenly, getting up, went up to his daughter.
- You cleaned up for the guests like that, huh? - he said. - Good, very good. You have a new haircut in front of the guests, and I tell you in front of the guests that you dare not change your clothes ahead without my demand.
“It’s me, mon pire, [father] is to blame,” the little princess stood up, blushing.
- You have complete freedom with, - said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, bowing to his daughter-in-law, - and she has nothing to disfigure herself - and so bad.
And he sat down again, not paying more attention to the tearful daughter.
“On the contrary, this hairstyle suits the princess very well,” said Prince Vasily.
- Well, father, young prince, what is his name? - said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, referring to Anatoly, - come here, let's talk, get to know each other.
“That's when the fun begins,” thought Anatole, and with a smile sat down with the old prince.
- Well, here's what: you, my dear, they say, were brought up abroad. Not like the sexton taught me and your father to read and write. Tell me, my dear, do you now serve in the Horse Guards? - asked the old man, looking closely and intently at Anatole.
- No, I went to the army, - Anatole answered, barely restraining himself from laughing.
- A! good deal. Well, do you want, my dear, to serve the king and the fatherland? War time. It is necessary to serve such a fellow, to serve. Well, at the front?
- No, prince. Our regiment set out. And I'm on the list. What do I have to do with, dad? - Anatole turned with a laugh to his father.
- Serves gloriously, gloriously. What do I have to do with! Ha ha ha! - Prince Nikolai Andreevich laughed.
And Anatole laughed even louder. Suddenly Prince Nikolai Andreevich frowned.
“Well, go,” he said to Anatol.
Anatole with a smile approached the ladies again.
- After all, you brought them up there abroad, Prince Vasily? A? - the old prince turned to Prince Vasily.
- I did what I could; and I'll tell you that the upbringing there is much better than ours.
- Yes, now everything is different, everything is new. Good fellow! well done! Well, come to me.
He took Prince Vasily by the arm and led him into the study.
Prince Vasily, left alone with the prince, immediately announced his desire and hopes to him.
“What do you think,” said the old prince angrily, “that I am holding her, that I cannot part? Imagine yourself! He said angrily. - I’m even tomorrow! I'll just tell you that I want to know my son-in-law better. You know my rules: everything is open! Tomorrow I'll ask you in front of you: if she wants, then let him live. Let him live, I'll see. The prince snorted.
“Let it come out, I don’t care,” he shouted in that piercing voice with which he shouted at parting with his son.
“I'll tell you straight,” said Prince Vasily in the tone of a cunning man, convinced of the uselessness of cunning before the discernment of his interlocutor. - You can see right through people. Anatole is not a genius, but an honest, kind fellow, a wonderful son and dear one.
- Well, well, well, we'll see.
As it always happens for single women who have lived for a long time without a male company, when Anatol appeared, all three women in the house of Prince Nikolai Andreevich equally felt that their life was not life before that time. The power to think, feel, observe instantly multiplied tenfold in all of them, and, as if they were still happening in darkness, their life suddenly lit up with a new light full of meaning.
Princess Marya did not think at all and did not remember her face and hair. The beautiful, open face of a man who might be her husband absorbed all her attention. He seemed to her to be kind, brave, decisive, courageous and generous. She was convinced of this. Thousands of dreams for the future family life appeared incessantly in her imagination. She drove them away and tried to hide them.
“But am I not too cold with him? - thought Princess Marya. - I try to restrain myself, because deep down I feel too close to him; but he does not know all that I think about him, and can imagine that he is unpleasant to me. "
And Princess Marya tried and did not know how to be nice to the new guest. “La pauvre fille! Elle est diablement laide ”, [Poor girl, she is devilishly ugly,] Anatole thought about her.
M lle Bourienne, also cocked by the arrival of Anatole to a high degree of excitement, thought in a different way. Of course, a beautiful young girl without a certain position in the world, without family and friends and even a homeland did not think to devote her life to the services of Prince Nikolai Andreevich, reading books to him and friendship for Princess Marya. M lle Bourienne had long awaited that Russian prince who would immediately be able to appreciate her superiority over the Russian, bad, badly dressed, awkward princesses, fall in love with her and take her away; and this Russian prince finally arrived. M lle Bourienne had a story she heard from her aunt, finished by herself, which she liked to repeat in her imagination. It was a story about how a seduced girl introduced herself to her poor mother, sa pauvre mere, and reproached her for giving herself up to a man without marriage. M lle Bourienne often moved to tears, in her imagination telling him, the seducer, this story. Now this he, the real Russian prince, has appeared. He will take her away, then ma pauvre mere will appear, and he will marry her. So it was in M ​​lle Bourienne's head that all of her future history while she was talking to him about Paris. It was not the calculations that guided m lle Bourienne (she did not even think for a minute about what to do), but all this had long been ready in her and now only grouped around the emerging Anatole, whom she wished and tried to please as much as possible. Details 28 March 2018

Top scorer not only MHC "Lipetsk", but also of the entire regular championship of the NMHL was, without options, recognized as the best player of our team in the 2017/18 season. Andrey Meshcheryakov is now not in Lipetsk, and therefore to the questions of the correspondent of "LSG" Denis Konyakhin answered through communication on the social network.


- You - the best player season according to the media. Do you agree with this opinion?

I can't say that. We played with the whole team. Good personal performance is also a merit of my teammates.

- Then name your top three.

This will be too subjective, and I do not want to offend anyone. Everyone played, everyone tried.

- Your link scored the lion's share of the team's goals. How long have they rubbed themselves against each other?

Not right away. At the beginning of the season, we Alexander Kovalsky as center-forward tied Alexander Arzamastsev... Skumatov joined the team during the season, and then we were united into one unit, and Arzamastsev returned to defense.

Gradually they began to get used to each other. Perhaps the secret of our troika's success is that we began to communicate a lot outside of hockey. We realized that everyone is like a person, and mutual understanding on the ice became excellent, which resulted in a large number of goals.

- Which link is stronger: Meshcheryakov - Vlasov - Manyakhin or Meshcheryakov - Skumatov - Kovalsky?

It is very difficult to compare, almost impossible. Different seasons different teams... I felt comfortable playing in all combinations. Two years ago, my partners were Evgeny Vlasov and Pavel Dvurechensky, and that link was also strong enough. So thanks to all my partners!

- What did you remember more: the bronze medal of the regular championship or the elimination in the first round of the playoffs?

Still, "bronze". For all the time that youth team plays in this league, she has achieved such a result for the first time.

- Why couldn't you pass Rossosh?

We made a lot of our own mistakes and scored less than necessary. So one of the main reasons for the defeat is the poor realization of one's own moments. And the opponent, as they say, caught the wave during the series.


- How did you manage to withstand serious loads when playing three links?

Coaches organized well training process, because we were drawn into the desired regime already from the pre-season training camp. It also affected the fact that the team got close-knit, everyone came to trainings with a great desire. When it was necessary, they rested, then resorted to loads again. Personally, I have never accumulated severe fatigue.

- You are the leader not only in terms of points scored, but also in terms of penalty time. How did it happen?

As for the leadership in the dispute between the scorers, then, as I said, this is the merit of the entire team, and especially of the teammates. Plus, the coaches gave me a lot of playing time.

But the penalty time is only my "merit". When a team loses, it becomes difficult to control themselves. At some moments he just freaked out.

- What is the best and worst game of the season?

I can not single out one game in a positive way - I will name the best whole the final departure of the regular season. In the games against SKA-Varyags and Tverichi we gave ourselves to the maximum and played efficiently and effectively.

The worst game was a loss in the repeat away match to Polet - 2: 6. We underestimated our opponent and made a lot of mistakes.

- What are the reasons for parting with the Silver Lions before the start of the season?

I was fired. They decided that I was not helping the team, and went without me during the season.

- What did you remember about your stay in the SKA system?

This was my first time away from Lipetsk, so everything was new for me. My friend played there Efim Mishkin which helped me a lot to adapt. Thanks to him, I did not experience any discomfort.


- How it all began? At what age did you start skating?

My older brother Gennady was sent to hockey at the age of seven, and I was with him for company. So I started skating at the age of four. I rode with them, and when a set of my age appeared, I began to study with them.

- Didn't you have a chance to leave Lipetsk during your school years?

There were offers, but I always stayed in my hometown.

- What is the most memorable moment of the period of study at the CYSS?

Probably the prom night of the hockey department. We went for a walk with my brother and Pasha Dvurechensky, met our coach Alexey Alexandrovich Synkov and went into a cafe. We recalled the best hockey moments. For some reason, this particular day was deposited in my memory.

- Who is your idol in hockey?

My relatives: dad, uncle, brother. I looked and tried to be like them. All of them graduated from hockey at one time, but they are still a reference point for me both in sports and in life.

- Have you decided on your future hockey plans?

Now I'm going through training camps in one of the teams, but I can't open the veil of secrecy yet. We athletes are superstitious people. I hope we can make it to the squad.

- How do you spend your free time from hockey?

Resting. I listen to different music, play PlayStation and X-Box. We organize video game tournaments with friends.

- What about your personal life?

I've already found my soul mate. My heart is busy, which makes me incredibly happy.

- What can you convey and wish to the Lipetsk fans?

I want to say a huge thank you for the support from myself, other players and coaching staff! Even when during the season the entrance to the stands was paid, the number of spectators did not decrease. I think with you we would be among the leaders in terms of attendance in the VHL if we played there. We are very grateful to you!

Dossier "Championship48"

Andrey Meshcheryakov. Born on August 18, 1998 in Lipetsk. He began to play hockey in SDYUSSHOR No. 11. The first coaches - Andrey Mnikhovich, Alexey Synkov... He played for HC Yelets (2014/15), MHC Lipetsk (2015/16, 2017/18), SKA-Silver Lions (St. Petersburg, 2016/17). In the NMHL (MHL-B) played 165 matches, scored 149 (67 + 82) points, earned 168 penalty minutes. In the MHL played 27 matches, scored 7 (3 + 4) points, earned 16 penalty minutes.

Mikhail Abramov (Lipetskaya Gazeta). 1. Meshcheryakov. 2. Skumats. 3. Kowalski.

Evgeny Arutyunov (LSG).

Ivan Afanasov (LSG). 1. Meshcheryakov. 2. Skumats. 3. Kasitsky.

Natalia Bukatina (Lipetsk MCC Press Service). 1. Meshcheryakov. 2. Donchenko. 3. Skumats.

Alexander Gudkov (LSG).

Andrey Gulyaev (LSG).

Yulia Isanova (Lipetsk Press Service). 1. Skumatov. 2. Meshcheryakov. 3. Kowalski.

Denis Konyakhin (LSG). 1. Meshcheryakov. 2. Safronov. 3. Skumats.

Sergey Rogov ("36th studio"). 1. Meshcheryakov. 2. Kowalski. 3. Safronov.

Ksenia Roldugina (Lipetsk Time). 1. Kasitsky. 2. Meshcheryakov. 3. Donchenko.

Survey results

1. Andrey Meshcheryakov - 30 points (8 first places, 3 second, 0 third).

2. Pavel Skumatov - 16 (2, 3, 4).

3. Alexander Kovalsky - 6 (0, 1, 4).

4-5. Ilya Donchenko - 5 (0, 2, 1).

4-5. Egor Safronov - 5 (0, 2, 1).

6. Evgeny Kasitsky - 4 (1, 0, 1).

Photo: Natalia Bukatina, Gennady Logunov

Meshcheryakov, Andrey Mikhailovich

Andrey Meshcheryakov

Birth name:

Andrey Mikhailovich Meshcheryakov


« Balashikha maniac»

Date of Birth:



25 years in prison

The murders
Number of victims:
Killing period:
Main Kill Region:


Date of arrest:

Andrey Mikhailovich Meshcheryakov(b. February 9, 1978) - Russian serial killer who killed 5 women in the Moscow region in 2002.

Life before the murders

Kill streak

Then Meshcheryakov committed four more murders in the next six months. All were committed with the same handwriting, but later the maniac told his victims that during the installation of gas equipment in his car, an error occurred, and he needed to sit in the back seat to tighten the screws. Sitting in the back seat, Meshcheryakov, threw a towing cable that was in the car around the victims' necks and strangled them. He took money and valuables from all those killed.

Arrest, investigation and trial

Meshcheryakov was first detained on suspicion of murder on April 7, 2002 at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow, where he tried to sell the belongings of those killed. However, the maniac insisted that he bought these things from an unknown man. There was no evidence against him, and the police officers had to release him.

Initially, Meshcheryakov confessed only to the attempted murder of the last victim, but soon to other murders as well. In September 2003, the Moscow City Court sentenced him to 25 years in prison, instead of the life imprisonment required by the prosecution. Meshcheryakov cried in his last word and asked for forgiveness for the 5 murders he had committed, fully admitting his guilt. The Supreme Court of Russia upheld the verdict. Currently Meshcheryakov is serving his sentence.

Notes (edit)


  • Personalities alphabetically
  • Born on February 9
  • 1978 births
  • Serial Killers alphabetically
  • Russian serial killers
  • Persons: Moscow region
  • Born in Voskresensk
  • Serial killers of the 2000s

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Oksana Galkevich: In the new May decrees, Dear friends, 13 main directions, 13 large national projects, and health care, if you remember, are one of them are highlighted.

Konstantin Churikov: And within this national project, such an offensive, a rush to oncology, will really be directed to the fight against cancer, serious forces and resources will be allocated as a priority. If this year it is planned to allocate 85 billion rubles (precisely for the fight against cancer), then by 2022 this amount should practically double.

Oksana Galkevich: Recently, the President met with the head of the Ministry of Health Veronika Skvortsova and approved the fight against cancer in Russia presented to him. Skvortsova, speaking about this program to the President, noted that it was developed by more than 60 leading specialists, professors high level... “In fact, this program is aimed at bringing all Russian medicine to a higher quality level,” the minister said.

Konstantin Churikov: Well, within the framework of this program, it is planned to form interdistrict outpatient cancer centers in order to detect cancer on early stage, and in 6 years the death rate from cancer is planned to be reduced by 5.5% to 17%, this is the average figure of the European Union today.

Oksana Galkevich: They said that if we succeed, we’ll go even lower. But more often than not, what do Russians get sick with, if we talk about oncology? - This is breast cancer, cancer of the bronchi, trachea and lungs, as well as stomach cancer. The Ministry of Health is very, very determined: announced, as Kostya said, an attack on this terrible disease. Veronika Skvortsova also told the president that, for example, unique drugs will be produced in our country, for example, a personalized cancer vaccine.

Konstantin Churikov: It is very interesting what it is, I think that our today's guest in the studio will tell us about everything. Andrey Meshcheryakov is next to us, head of the chemotherapy department of the N.N. Blokhin, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Andrey Albertovich, hello.

Oksana Galkevich: Hello Andrey Albertovich.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Hello.

Konstantin Churikov: You know, what Veronika Skvortsova said is just some kind of fantasy. Something like that reached my ears, but I didn't think it was already in such a clinical stage of use. Please tell us more about this vaccine.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: I want to say that today, despite the fact that little information has arrived, it seems that the information field was just like that. Nevertheless, the vaccine has been developed for a long time, at the moment, at the present time, including in our country, not one vaccine, but several types of vaccines are being developed, all of them are aimed at the treatment of oncological diseases, for the treatment of cancer. The approaches in vaccines are different, there is a vaccine that is based on oncolytic viruses; there is a vaccine based on synthetic peptides; there is a vaccine that can be called cardotherapy, which is now widely in all Western news outlets. Therefore, such therapies are being developed under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, including in our institution. I want to say, firstly, thank you very much for paying attention to oncology, some time ago it was not so great attention... Secondly, thanks to the Ministry of Health for making such great efforts, and Veronika Igorevna in particular.

Oksana Galkevich: Well, this is not the first time we talk about this in live.

Andrey Albertovich, please tell me ... Kostya, I'm sorry ...

Konstantin Churikov: I can take the initiative.

Oksana Galkevich: Catch it up, yeah.

Konstantin Churikov: That's about the vaccine, because it's completely new in our life.

Oksana Galkevich: Yes, it just flew out of my head, I wanted to ask: are these our own developments, or is it all, so to speak, international cooperation?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: What we are doing now is our own development. The point is that everything applies ...

Oksana Galkevich: And what was Skvortsova talking about?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Yes. The fact is that immunotherapy, firstly, is completely unique, and secondly, a huge area for development, there are not even tens or even hundreds of approaches, I mean specific solutions to how to activate immune system to fight a specific cancer. Therefore, there are really a lot of approaches, so each country and each research institute can use its own approaches, which are the most promising from their point of view.

Oksana Galkevich: And what does “personified” mean? I just want to understand, it will be, so to speak, a cocktail of active, potent ingredients that will be personally selected in accordance with the problem of a particular patient? What does “personified” mean?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Including cocktails, but this is not the most important thing.

Oksana Galkevich: Maybe I am phrasing incorrectly, correct me, I am not an expert.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: The fact is that cancer, as it turned out, has long been known - it is not one disease, but a huge number of individual diseases. Including if we take breast cancer, which you mentioned first, we now, as clinicians, divide into 5 subclasses for drug therapy, in fact, each subclass can be distinguished depending on the level at which we look at the tumor ... In fact, each the tumor is inherently unique. Tumors of a certain class have common features, we can do therapy for certain groups of tumors, but in general, almost every tumor is unique, so a personalized approach is needed in order to find the key to a particular tumor in a particular patient.

Konstantin Churikov: Madam Minister told the President that this whole thing, all this development allows a person - we are talking about cancer, attention - to get out of the disease. That is, here's the injection and that's it?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: This approach is also possible.

Konstantin Churikov: No, here ... This is so new and still unrecognized by the majority, we do not know about it. Tell us, is it at the genetic level? How was this done? How many years has this work been carried out? Who are these people?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: The point is that there are still many approaches. If you look at the list drugs that are approved, then you will not find a vaccine today, in particular, in our registry, so that there is a specific vaccine that is used in order to destroy a tumor in a specific patient. But in general, the approach is that you need to first study the characteristics of a specific tumor and then create a vaccine against a specific tumor. Thus, a vaccine is created on the basis of a specific tumor in a specific patient.

Oksana Galkevich: Andrey Albertovich, tell me, what are the factors in the first place of the reasons for the high incidence of cancer? We looked at statistics for other countries, the incidence rate there per 100 thousand of the population, the death rate from cancer per 100 thousand of the population, for example, in Hungary there are 313 people, and in Macedonia there are only 6 people. In general, they are not so far from each other, but such a huge difference. And here are the data for our country. What factors are involved? Why is the picture so different?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: There are many factors. It is known that some tumors ... In general, most tumors arise from harmful environmental factors ...

Oksana Galkevich: Ecology, right?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Ecology in particular, yes. There are tumors that arise as a result of, for example, viral carcinogenesis. But on the whole, there is the most important factor, the most toxic is our age: the longer we live, the longer, in fact, we are exposed to harmful factors, the higher the likelihood of a malignant tumor forming. Thus, this is a problem of age, because in general, a tumor is formed from initially normal cells that function, and then under the influence of harmful factors, if the repair system, restoration of genetic material is disturbed, since this system is constantly tested by the external environment throughout our life, in this case malignant tumors occur.

Oksana Galkevich: And no healthy image life in this situation ...

Andrey Meshcheryakov: A healthy lifestyle helps people really live, live longer. Another thing is that in the end, despite any healthy lifestyle, a person will get sick. It's another matter whether he gets sick when he is 100 years old, or gets sick when he is 40 or 50 years old.

Konstantin Churikov: Let's listen to Olga from the Stavropol Territory. Hello Olga, what is your question?

Viewer: Hello. I am 49 years old, I am 60 years old, I have been suffering from cancer since 49 years old. I underwent 20 radiation treatments, 10 packs, after this illness I lost my gallbladder, I now have osteoporosis, I have blood pressure. Is that why they don't give me a ticket to a sanatorium so that I can heal my health? Why am I being denied treatment at a spa resort? I live in the Stavropol Territory, we have Essentuki nearby, we have Pyatigorsk nearby - can’t you give me a ticket so that I can heal at least my pancreas?

Konstantin Churikov: Thanks Olga.

Oksana Galkevich: Yes thank you. This is to the question that in this strategy, in this national project, in these enormous sums that will be allocated for the fight against oncology, are there any articles that will finance rehabilitation, health support measures after treatment?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: There will undoubtedly be rehabilitation. But in this case, the patient asked - the former, I hope, the patient, everything is fine with her - about the fact that she has other diseases, most likely, she wanted to heal, for example, the pancreas. I am an oncologist, unfortunately, I cannot answer your question, why in your particular case you cannot get a referral. Most likely or not ... Those resorts that are offered deal with other diseases, or you have any contraindications in order to undergo spa treatment.

Oksana Galkevich: Andrei Albertovich, we took this terminology at the very beginning, you know, militaristic - an offensive, a battle of oncology. So, let's say, on what fronts, on what positions are we still weak now? Where do we need to strengthen the country? Maybe, I don't know, primary diagnostics, work in remote regions, maybe some kind of medical logistics in this area?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: You have essentially answered the question you asked. In general, of course ...

Oksana Galkevich: Well, I said offhand, you still know better.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Of course, oncology is more developed in large cities, and you know where national centers are located, they are located in large cities, including those with large human resources of scientists who can help, doctors who deal with the problem of oncology. The farther from the central, large cities, the fewer oncological institutions, the fewer oncological departments; if we take some very small cities, towns, villages, of course, there are no oncologists in these places, they need to go to large cities for the treatment of oncological diseases.

Konstantin Churikov: I would like to return to what Skvortsova said to Putin during the last meeting: she said that within the framework of this program of combating cancer in the primary care, “total alertness through cancer screenings” will be formed. I have a question: but before that, until now, doctors did not have total vigilance?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: All medical knowledge requires that from time to time doctors are reminded ...

Konstantin Churikov:"You need to heal."

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Not "you need to heal," but pay attention, Special attention for some kind of pathology. The fact is that we really had total vigilance, but I think that nothing bad will happen because doctors will take advanced training courses. They will be told about modern approaches to early diagnosis of cancer, I think that in this case they will better detect cancer at an early stage.

Konstantin Churikov: We all go to polyclinics, God grant everyone health, so that there is no such terrible diagnosis, but nevertheless we know that there is a difference between a doctor and a doctor. Doctors sometimes make completely different diagnoses, sometimes they cannot figure it out.

Oksana Galkevich: For the same analyzes.

Konstantin Churikov: There is an excellent state program, everyone is only “for” it, we really need to fight this, but everything will rest on a specific specialist in a specific place. How to avoid this human factor by implementing this important matter?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: I think that it will be impossible to avoid it completely, because the human factor will remain a human factor. Nevertheless, with good training, including at central institutes, where the main specialists in the field of cancer treatment are concentrated, I think that as a result of such advanced training, unified approaches will indeed be developed in terms of early diagnosis. In general, there is nothing particularly difficult in this, you just need to work out this purposefully, learn, and I think that the results will not be long in coming.

Oksana Galkevich: For retraining, for the training of specialists, your colleagues, I mean, from the regions, including, certain amounts are also allocated.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Oh sure.

Oksana Galkevich: Let's listen to Marina from Ivanovo. Marina, hello, you are live.

Viewer: Hello. I am now on a course of chemotherapy for the 2nd year. Do you know what I ran into? With a surprising phenomenon: four relatives around me are simultaneously suffering from the same disease, two have already died, unfortunately. Because for some reason the diagnosis was made to them, it seems, and early, but they delayed with the time of treatment, and I have a feeling that this is like a conspiracy. In my situation ... due to the fact that there are a lot of really sick people, I see this in my second year in the hospital.

As for the money that Skvortsova spoke about, all these percentages are completely incomprehensible. I would like this money to really be used to train young specialists, because I know for sure that in institutes they do not teach oncologists, the professionalism of doctors in the Ivanovo hospital is very different. As I had to face a doctor, who just like an official just shifts the papers of my tests, and with another, who reacted more carefully, changed different chemotherapy drugs.

But I am most interested in ... We wanted to contact the Institute of N.N. Blokhin for consultation, but refused it, although our hospital gave a referral, due to the fact that there is simply no strength to get there. Faced with the fact that our Ivanovo dispensary does not carry out an analysis, maybe your guest will correct me, I don’t remember the name, for immunity.

Konstantin Churikov: Marina, you immediately, let's come to an agreement, please leave your contacts, your phone number to our editors.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Good.

Oksana Galkevich: Ivanovo is actually not that far from Moscow.

Konstantin Churikov: If possible, let's help the woman.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Oh sure. We have the possibility of telemedicine consultations, the Ministry of Health is introducing this system throughout the country, so I think that doctors ... It is always better for the consultation to take place primarily between a doctor and a doctor. If the doctors in Ivanovo do not know or they have any difficulties how to treat a specific patient, I think that at least at the first stage it is better for us to talk with the doctor so that we understand what, in fact, the problem is. If there is any problem that cannot be solved in Ivanovo - yes, of course, please, we will help this patient.

Oksana Galkevich: Andrei Albertovich, there in the program, the national project "Healthcare", there is still such a task to organize or again bring to a sufficiently high percentage, a high level of the nationwide, so to speak, medical examination. Some time ago in our history, there was already a massive medical examination in the country, it was necessary. Then, with the identification of complex and dangerous diseases, in particular oncology, things were better than now, when some time ago it was all left simply to the discretion of the population?

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Each program of mass screening of the population, mass diagnostics has a certain algorithm, and I think that at the moment special algorithms aimed specifically at oncology will be introduced. You know that the main cause of death in the whole world, not only in our country, is cardiovascular diseases.

Oksana Galkevich: By the way, this is a separate article, a separate item in the national project, but we are talking today ...

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Yes, that's right. You can make a clinical examination, mainly aimed, for example, at the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and the prevention of complications from these diseases. But you can make a program, an additional number of tests, which are directed precisely from the point of view of early diagnosis of cancer. This is what I think is planned to be done.

Konstantin Churikov: Let's imagine an average Russian, I don't know, middle-aged, who is now looking at us and thinking: “Well, yes, I have it, I am not that old yet, I probably don’t have it, but I won’t go to the clinic, I don’t have time” ... A person who does not go to prophylactic medical examination can somehow understand that he has some rudiments of cancer, does this disease make some reminders of himself at the first stage?

Oksana Galkevich: Bells.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: That's just the point of medical examination or screening, early diagnosis of cancer is that there are practically no early bells. The essence of all screening in oncology is aimed at detecting a tumor before it begins to make itself felt. If a disease is found at this stage, it is the easiest to treat, the results of treatment are the best.

Konstantin Churikov: Here is one SMS from the Tomsk region, a spectator writes: “My mother has a third oncology, they made sure that the vaccine came under the quota, I had to wait a long time. But when a second vaccine was already needed, doctors at the medical board are reluctant to help with this, they say, an expensive medicine, and they are playing for time. "

Andrey Meshcheryakov: You know, this is a question for drug provision, for a specific one ... I am a doctor, I need to prescribe the medicine correctly, this is mine the main task, but there are some tasks associated with some organization, in particular, in a specific place. I cannot answer the question of what to do with this.

Konstantin Churikov: I understand, yes. But here's more about the vaccine, there are a lot of questions: how much does it cost, when will it be massive ...

Oksana Galkevich: Will it be available when, and so on.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Vaccine therapy or immunotherapy will treat a very large percentage of diseases, and completely different ones. This vaccine therapy, immunotherapy, is not a panacea, so in this case, as soon as we manage to create the necessary vaccines for the treatment of specific diseases, when they are suitable for a particular patient, we will apply them accordingly. But so, to say that tomorrow we will treat breast cancer in its entirety, this will never happen from the point of view of immunotherapy, because, as I said, breast cancer has a huge variety of separate diseases, each person, in fact cases are a separate disease, they can simply be formed according to some criteria into groups.

Konstantin Churikov: But excuse me, Veronika Skvortsova, what she told the president is just like this fantasy, I will quote directly: “We see the result (she talks about a case with one person), it was about glioblastoma, already about a coma, about edema brain. With this preparation, the edema went away, then the tumor decreased, the person went to work, almost a year has passed since then, ”that is, such a healing of Lazarus is practically.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Quite right. In particular, we are participating, our center is participating in the development of this vaccine, and it is great that in this particular case we managed to get exactly to the point. But there is still a lot of work to be done in order for this process to be fast, so that we can quickly make a vaccine individually for each patient.

Oksana Galkevich: Well, actually it inspires hope.

Let's hear one more call, these calls can always be very important for a person. Svetlana from Novosibirsk is on our line. Hello, we are listening. If possible, briefly.

Viewer: Hello. I'm short. Such a dilemma, I think you met with it, when you have elderly patients, in particular, a patient of 88 years old, accidentally revealed a highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the lower third of the esophagus. Radiation therapy is offered. Naturally, a patient at this age, a person has a bunch of concomitant pathologies. Here is the dilemma - to leave everything as it is or still treat, but with a very high risk of complications of concomitant diseases? How do you solve this for yourself in your clinic?

Oksana Galkevich: Thank you, Svetlana.

Konstantin Churikov: Thank you, Svetlana.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Svetlana, we decide how it is supposed to be solved, that is, we assess the risks associated with treatment, we assess the natural course of the disease. In this case, in the lower third of the esophagus with adenocarcinoma, either surgery, but the operation is quite large in this case, therefore, as a rule, they resort to treatment, namely to treatment, mind you, because many patients say that this simultaneously affects other organs negatively, this is not entirely the case today.

Therefore, in this case, we assess the risks associated with the treatment, in this case it is radiation therapy; if these risks are small, the person is generally healthy, then, of course, I think that preference should be given to treatment, rather than watching how the tumor grows. If a person is healthy enough somatically, then for sure the tumor in the near future (6 months, a year) will make itself felt seriously, therefore, in order to prevent such cautions, you still need to follow the doctor's recommendations and undergo treatment.

Konstantin Churikov: And medical centers like N.N. Blokhin should be not only in Moscow.

Oksana Galkevich: That's for sure. And the level of specialists should be in medical centers throughout the country the same as in the N.N. Blokhin.

Thanks to our guest. In the studio of the Reflection program was Andrey Albertovich Meshcheryakov, head of the chemotherapy department of the N.N. Blokhin, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Konstantin Churikov: Thanks.

Andrey Meshcheryakov: Thanks.

Konstantin Churikov: Just a couple of minutes and we'll get back to you.

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