Single-joint and multi-joint exercises. Multi-joint, local and isolation exercises

The main HIT exercises can be divided into two categories: single-joint and multi-joint. In single-joint exercises, as you might guess, only one joint is involved (or two identical joints on different limbs). These include, for example, raising hands with dumbbells, since only shoulder joints... The overhead press is a good example of a multi-joint exercise, as this movement involves the joints of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists.

Both types of exercise are essential for building muscle, but for different reasons. Movement in single-joint exercise isolates much better specific group muscles such as the deltoids in the dumbbell extension example. In multi-joint exercise, different muscle groups perform specific work, although none of them receive the full load. The overhead press works on your triceps, deltoids, and trapezius muscles, but none of these muscle groups make a full range of motion. This requires good triceps extensions, dumbbell or deltoid exercise and trapezius shrugs.

But this does not mean that the overhead press is a defective exercise. It activates more muscle mass than any single-joint exercise. This means that you can work with much more workload and provide more fast growth musculature.

So, exercises of one type are intended for an overall increase in muscle mass, and exercises of another type are for training and development of individual muscles when they are subjected to a load over the maximum range of motion. The right combination of these exercises forms the best workout routine.

Best single-joint exercises

The best polyarticular exercises

Dumbbell press on horizontal bench

Best second-tier exercises

Exercises to Avoid

The following exercises are not safe and are therefore recommended to be avoided:

Barbell clean and jerk

Jerk with dumbbells

Snatch with a barbell

Dumbbell snatch

Dumbbell lunges

Jump squats with dumbbells

Barbell Front Squat

"Bridge" with a barbell

The push, snatch and press of the bar with two hands are popular exercises for Olympic weightlifters and are necessary in their training, since these movements with the heaviest equipment are included in their competition program. However, the "explosive" nature of such exercises puts a huge strain on the working muscles, joints and connective tissues. In addition, in all these exercises, the inertia of movement is too great. so that they can serve to effectively build up muscle mass... Some football coaches recommend that players do jerk exercises with a barbell, but this does not benefit the players. Refrain from these and any other harsh, explosive movement.

Barbell or dumbbell lunges are another dangerous exercise. Reciprocating with a heavy weight creates too much inertia. Plus, barbell squats are more effective and much safer.

Jumping squats with dumbbells are another risky exercise. A sharp straightening with repulsion from the floor threatens with sprains and traumatic damage to muscle tissue.

Front squats with a barbell are uncomfortable and limit mobility, as the projectile is above your collarbones during the movement. Barbell squats are again more effective.

The "bridge" with a barbell across the chest is a favorite exercise for many wrestlers. However, when doing it, too much pressure is created on cervical spine spine. The special Nautilus, Hammer and MedX neck muscle trainers are better suited for this purpose.

Lecture 1

Physiological classification of exercise


1. Physiological classification of physical exercise

2. General physiological classification of exercise

2.1. Local, regional and global exercises

2.2. Static and dynamic exercises

2.3. Strength, speed-strength exercises and endurance exercises

3. Energy characteristics of physical exercises

4. Physiological classification of sports exercises

4.1 Classification of cyclic exercises

4.2 Classification of acyclic exercises

Introduction to the subject.

Sports physiology is the second part of the physiology course taught at the institutes of physical culture. The main content of this course is the physiology of human muscular activity, a special case of which is sports activity. In the course of sports physiology, two central issues can be distinguished - the physiological characteristics of various types of sports, activities and the physiological mechanisms of adaptation of the body during sports training.

WITH Portal activity is associated, as a rule, with the limiting or almost limiting stress of the leading physiological systems that ensure its implementation. The main task of sports physiology is to give a quantitative characteristic of the physiological reactions of individual systems and the whole organism for different types of sports activities.

IN of his daily activities - in everyday life, at work, during physical culture and sports - a person performs a wide variety of motor actions: ) is an exercise.

IN competitive sports exercise, the set of motor actions (movements) is aimed at achieving the maximum possible sports result (examples sports exercise: high jump, javelin throw, shooting, sports game, running or swimming a certain distance).

O the huge number of physical, including sports, exercises necessitates their classification. Physiological classification groups physical exercise with similar functional characteristics. On the one hand, these are such exercises, for the successful implementation of which, to a certain extent, similar modes, means and methods of physical education (sports training) can be used. On the other hand, physical exercises are combined into one group, which can be equally used in the system of physical education (sports training) to increase the functional capabilities of the same physiological organs, systems and mechanisms, and, consequently, the same physical quality. ... So, the possibilities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which determine the level of endurance development to the greatest extent, can be successfully increased when using different physical exercises of the same group: long running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing.

H The most general physiological classification of physical exercise can be carried out on the basis of identifying three main characteristics of muscle activity:

1 ) the volume of active muscle mass;

2 ) a type muscle contractions(static or dynamic);

3 ) strength or power of contractions.

2.1. Local, regional and global exercises

IN Depending on the volume of active muscle mass, all physical exercises are classified into: local, regional and global.

TO local exercises include exercises in the implementation of which less than 1/3 of the total muscle mass of the body is involved (archery, pistol, certain gymnastic exercises).

TO regional exercises include exercises in the implementation of which approximately 1/3 to 1/4 of the total muscle mass of the body takes part (gymnastic exercises performed only by the muscles of the arms and girdle of the upper extremities, muscles of the trunk, etc.).

G Lobal exercises are called exercises in the implementation of which more than 1/2 of the total muscle mass of the body takes an active part (running, rowing, cycling, etc.). The vast majority of sports exercises are global.

2.2. Static and dynamic exercises

IN in accordance with the type of contraction of the main muscles performing this exercise, all physical exercises can be divided respectively into static and dynamic.

TO Static exercises include, for example, maintaining a fixed posture while holding a handstand (for gymnasts), at the time of a shot (for a shooter).

B Most physical exercise is dynamic. These are all types of locomotion: walking, running, swimming, etc.

2.3. Strength, speed-strength exercises and endurance exercises

At classification of physical exercises according to the strength of contraction of the leading muscle groups, two dependencies should be taken into account: "strength - speed" and "strength - duration" of muscle contraction.

IN According to the relationship "force - speed" (Fig. 1) during dynamic contraction, the displayed force is inversely proportional to the speed of muscle shortening (the speed of movement of the moving link of the body): the greater this speed, the less the displayed force. Another, the formulation of this dependence: the greater the external load (resistance, weight), the lower the speed of shortening (movement) and the greater the force shown, and vice versa, the lower the external load, the higher the speed of movement and less muscle force. The product of force by the speed of muscle contraction determines its power (see Fig. 1).

Z The dependence "strength - duration" of muscle contractions is expressed in the fact that the greater the strength (or power) of muscle contractions, the shorter their limiting duration. This is true for both local and regional static and dynamic work (Figure 2) and global work (Figure 3).

By By the strength and power of muscle contractions and the associated maximum duration of work, all physical exercises can be divided into three groups: strength, speed-strength (power) and endurance.

WITH Silt exercises can be considered exercises with maximum or almost maximum tension of the main muscles, which they exhibit in a static or dynamic mode at low speed - movement (with high external resistance, weight). In fig. 1 strength exercises correspond to the left part of the curve "strength - speed". The maximum duration of exercises with the maximum manifestation of strength is calculated in a few seconds. Strength is the main motor quality that determines the success of strength exercises.

WITH Cortex-strength (power) are dynamic exercises in which the leading muscles simultaneously exhibit relatively large strength and speed of contraction, i.e., great power. The maximum power of muscle contraction is achieved under conditions of maximum muscle activation at a shortening rate of about 30% of the maximum for an unloaded muscle. On the force-speed curve, speed-strength exercises occupy a middle position - up to 50-60% of maximum speed(see fig. 1). Muscles develop their maximum power with external resistance (load), which is 30-50% of their maximum (static) force. The maximum duration of exercise with a high power of muscle contractions is in the range from 3-5 s to 1-2 minutes - inversely depending on the power of muscle contractions (load). Power plays crucial role in speed-strength exercises.

Have endurance exercises are such exercises, during which the leading muscles do not develop very large in strength and speed of contraction, but are able to maintain or repeat them for a long time - from several minutes to many hours (inversely depending on the strength or power of muscle contractions) ... Endurance is leading physical quality for the exercises of this group.

NS the energetic value is the most important characteristic of the exercise. To determine the energy value of physical exercise, two indicators are used: energy power and gross (total) energy consumption.

NS energetic power is the amount of energy consumed on average per unit of time when performing of this exercise... It is usually measured in physical units: watts, kcal / min, kilojoules per minute, and also in "physiological":

with the rate of consumption of O2 (ml O2 / min) or in MET, ah (metabolic equivalent), i.e. the amount of O2 consumed in 1 min - per 1 kg of body weight in conditions of complete rest lying. 1 MET equals 3.5 ml O2 / kg min).

IN Red (total) energy expenditure is the amount of energy expended during the entire exercise as a whole. Gross energy expenditure (total energy value of an exercise) can be defined as the product of the average energy output by the duration of the exercise.

At running, the gross energy consumption for overcoming the same distance within certain limits does not depend on the speed of movement. The fact is that with an increase in speed (energy power), the time to overcome a given distance decreases, and with a decrease in speed, on the contrary, it increases, so that the product of energy power and time, i.e., the total energy consumption, remains unchanged. The total energy cost of overcoming the same distance is higher when running than when walking (up to a speed of about 8 km / h): for each kilometer of distance when walking, an average of 0.72 kcal / kg of body weight in women and 0.68 kcal is consumed / kg body weight in men, and when running, respectively, 1.08 and 0.98 kcal / kg body weight.

By In terms of energy capacity, physical exercise is usually divided into light, moderate (medium), heavy and very heavy (Table 1).

Table 1. Classification of physical exercises by energy expenditure (kcal / min) in men and women of different ages.

Gender and age


moderate (average)

very heavy

At In assessing the severity of an exercise in terms of energy indicators, it is necessary to take into account a number of other factors: the nature of the work performed (static or dynamic), the volume of active muscle mass (local, regional or global exercise), body size or weight, age, gender and degree of fitness (physical fitness) the person performing this exercise, the external conditions for performing this exercise.

T So, if very hard local work is performed, which can last only a few tens of seconds, the rate of energy expenditure of the body does not exceed 1.2 kcal / min (Table 2). The same rate of energy expenditure is typical for regional work of medium (moderate) severity, which can be performed for many tens of minutes, and for global, but very light work (extremely slow walking on flat terrain), which lasts for many days in a row. Very hard global work for women aged 50-59 years with an energy consumption of more than 5.5 kcal / min, which can last only tens of seconds, is moderate for men 20-29 years old and can be done by them for several hours (see Table . one).

Table 2. Classification of the severity of local, regional and global exercises by energy expenditure (kcal / min)

O Especially large differences in the energy assessment of exercise severity exist between untrained people and highly trained athletes. The latter are able to carry out loads with such energy costs that are inaccessible to untrained people. In athletes in the overwhelming number of sports, the severity of physical exercises in terms of energy (and other) indicators exceeds heavy or even very heavy loads for untrained people and is inaccessible for the latter (Table 3).

Table 3. Energy cost of various types of physical culture and sports activity (according to E.M.Berkovich, N.V. Zimkin, N.I. Volkov, etc.)

Kind of activity

Energy cost (kcal / min)

Rest: lying down

18 km / h (5.0 m / s) **

23 km / h (6.3 m / s) ***

26 km / h (7.2 m / s) ****

32 km / h (8.8 m / s) *****


roll 0.9 m / s

on the back 0.6 m / s

breaststroke 0.8 m / s

Skiing 13 km / h

Ice skating

Bicycle riding

more than 30 km / h


flexion of the trunk

turns on the crossbar,

Volleyball (entertainment)


Sport games

(football, basketball, handball)

* Corresponds to jogging speed. ** Corresponds to the speed of a marathon running with a result of 2 hours. 20 minutes. *** Corresponds to a running speed of 10,000 meters with a result of about 28 minutes. **** Corresponds to a running speed of up to 1500 m with a result of about 3 minutes 40 seconds. ***** Corresponds to a running speed of 400 meters with a result of 45 seconds.

WITH From a physiological point of view, the severity of one and the same physical exercise varies greatly depending on the conditions of its performance (for example, in the mountains or at elevated temperatures and humidity), although its energy value remains almost or completely the same as in normal conditions.

T Thus, the assessment of exercise severity based on energy criteria alone is insufficient. Therefore, many classifications of physical exercises, along with energy characteristics (referred to weight or body surface), also take into account a number of other physiological indicators (Table 4): the rate of O2 consumption, heart rate (HR), pulmonary ventilation (PV), body temperature, respiratory coefficient - (DC), the content of lactic acid in the blood, etc.

Table 4. Classification physical work according to energy and physiological indicators (according to data from untrained men)

The severity of the work

Energy power

Physiological indicators

Activity (working time limit)

kcal / min *


VO2 ***, l / min

Heart rate, beats / min

Rectal temperature

Blood lactate, mg%

Easy job:


Indefinitely long


Ordinary work activity (up to 8 hours per day)

Average Job: Optimal

Intensive labor activity (8 hours a day for several weeks - seasonal work)

Hard work: strenuous

Physical education (1 - 2 hours a day, 3 times a week)

Very hard work:


Intense workout (up to 1-2 hours per day)


Competitive exercise (several minutes)

    1 kcal / min = 426.85 kgm / min = 69.767 Watt = 4.186 kJ / min. ** 1 MET = 3.5 ml, O2 / kg * min - 0.0175 kcal / kg = 0.0732 kJ / kg. *** 1 liter of O2 consumption = -5.05 kcal = 21.237 kJ

Hello everyone, the ABC of Bodybuilding project is in touch! Well, the long-awaited spring has come - the snow is melting, the birds are singing, the clothes are getting smaller. Before the beach season, there are only a few 3-4 months, which means that now has come the hottest time for those who decided to lose weight, pump up and acquire the proportions that he always wanted. Today's topic is basic exercises.

Spring is felt not only on the street, but also in gyms and fitness rooms. In particular, if earlier such establishments were empty, now there is simply nowhere for an apple to fall, wherever you spit, everywhere new bodies and faces. The female half simply brings down an endless stream, and beginners arrive with every workout. Of course, on the one hand, all this cannot but rejoice, however, on the other hand, it is clear that people do not know what to grab onto, how and where to start their training. This is exactly what we are going to deal with today, i.e. we will learn how to properly organize your training process, what exercises and how to perform it technically correctly. in general, we will get acquainted with the basic exercises in bodybuilding, or, more simply, we will work on the base.

So, we sit down more comfortably, prick up our ears and listen, let's go ...

Basic Exercises: A Beginner's Guide

I am always glad to new faces in gyms, fitness rooms, and since in the spring-pre-summer season, the movement rises unreal, then doubly glad. A lot of green, inexperienced people come to the gym, whose eyes simply run up from the number of simulators and from the fact that there is so little time ahead, and the results were needed yesterday.

I would like to say that most of those who pass are very actively involved in the work at the first stage. They rush headlong from one simulator to another, trying to fit into 1 hour workout exercises on all simulators at once. And what do you want, time is running out, and you have to do a lot: to develop your shoulders, and remove your stomach, and press in 6 pump up cubes and still a lot of everything. There are, of course, a minority who have already heard about glands, training programs and go with their specific goal - for example, to try out the program of some eminent athlete live.

That those of others have the same question scrolling through their heads: “Where should I start?”, “What exercises should I do first?”. And I must say that this question requires the most thorough answer. In order to find a solution to the problem, let's plunge into theory.

In one of our previous articles (here in) we talked about the anatomy of human muscles and muscle groups. As we remember, the human muscle frame is made up of various muscle groups (both small and large), and some particular exercise involves one or another of them. Some exercises involve two or more muscle groups.

Now the question is: "If we want a comprehensive (from head to toe) to influence the whole body at once, what exercises will help us with this? ”. It's very simple: those exercises that bring into work (use) the maximum possible number of muscles will help. In bodybuilding, they received a special name - multi-joint, basic exercises, or, in the common people, the base.


Many coaches say these words to newbies: “Don't know where to start? Get the base. ”

Very often, beginners are tempted to jump on the simulators and “score” on the base, because in their understanding, this is something incomprehensible, complex, and they just come to mind - I came to the gym to swing biceps, and not to do some kind of base. Often, those who come to the gym think: it would be necessary to pump up the chest, otherwise it lags behind other parts and begins to do exercises specifically for the chest, but, often, all the muscles lag behind for beginners, and therefore local training is far from the most effective. So, the moral - for a beginner to start building a body with a local impact on some muscle - is fundamentally wrong.

To make it completely clear, I will explain in a popular way: exercises on simulators are isolating movements that polish our body (like a cherry on top), and multi-joint exercises are the cake itself, which must first be knocked out of your body.

So the basis strength training any beginner - basic free weight exercises. It is they who simultaneously affect different muscle groups. (each of which does its job) though none of them get the full load. Thanks to this, a greater volume of muscle mass is activated than during the performance of any isolating, single-joint exercise. This makes it possible to work with greater loads and provide faster muscle growth.

To completely dispel all doubts about the benefits of the "base" on initial stage workouts, I will give the advantages that this has:

  • These exercises are more physiological than isolating (local) ones - i.e. movements in them correspond as much as possible to the anatomy of the human osteoarticular system, therefore the risk factor (at correct technique) reduced to a minimum;
  • When they are executed, less energy consumption occurs, because several muscle groups work at once, which redistribute the load on themselves;
  • There is a rapid strengthening of the ligamentous and articular apparatus, due to the cumulatively greater load of the body, which makes it possible to achieve muscle growth in a much shorter time.

It should be remembered that without a correctly set technique for performing basic exercises, all your efforts will come to naught. In addition, you can easily get injured and disconnect from the training process for a rather long period.

Therefore, we will pay close attention to the technique, read on.

Basic exercises: technique

A classic set of basic exercises (who, by the way, moved to bodybuilding from the discipline) the following are considered: lying on a horizontal bench, squats with a barbell on the shoulders.

Also to polyarticular (not classic) include the following: (barbell press from the chest), pull-ups on the horizontal bar, barbell pulls in the slope, push-ups on the uneven bars, well, a couple of others. In general, as you already understood, these are all those exercises in which a large number of muscle groups are involved. (from largest to smallest)... Let's take a closer look at the technique for performing these three golden exercises in bodybuilding. Gold because it is on them that all your training process and lay the foundation for future muscle volumes.


If you think that recognized bodybuilding stars (For example, Schwarzenegger or Dorian Yates) you are neither in bed nor in spirit familiar with the base, the technique of its implementation and have pumped up only due to your genetics and some special training programs, then you are deeply mistaken. Almost all athletes work with basic exercises, so for a beginner, these exercises should be like a balm to the soul.

It depends on how well you master the technique of performing multi-joint exercises (how well will you perform them), the whole further progress of training depends and the time period that you need to move to the next level in building the body.

Now about the technique itself. And we will start with ...

1. Deadlift

Despite the fact that newbies devote too little time to the base (or do not pay at all), that's half the trouble. The other “gender” is the lack of correct technique for performing the exercise. Very often in the gym you can observe quite depressing pictures - a person performs an exercise, thinks that he is doing it absolutely correctly, and then one fine moment one of the trainers "herits" all of his technique (and “herit” for the cause).

And all because over time, the initially incorrect performance ceases to be a habit and the body is already on the machine, every workout repeats this inherent program. As a result, we have that the person seems to be already experienced (1-1,5 years went to the hall), and performed the basic exercise incorrectly, thereby robbing himself during the entire training period. Therefore, in order not to step on such a rake, but immediately give yourself an installation and do everything correctly and correctly, you need to study all the nuances of the execution technique.

Well, let's get started.

The first of the big three exercises is deadlift... It is a great, stimulating overall muscle growth, a basic free weight exercise.

The main employees here are (see image):

  • Hip biceps ( 1 ) ;
  • Buttocks ( 2 ) ;
  • Spine straighteners ( 3 ) ;
  • Latissimus muscles ( 4 ) ;
  • Muscles of the upper back ( 5 ) ;
  • Quadriceps ( 6 ) ;
  • Leading muscles ( 7 ) ;
  • Forearms ( 8 ) ;

Starting position (see image)

So, a step-by-step sequence of actions (preparation for execution) as follows (see image):

  1. Come close to the bar, the feet are narrower than the shoulders and parallel to each other ( 1 ) ;
  2. Sit down and grab the bar with a straight grip, slightly wider than your shoulders. The arms are vertical, the shoulders are under the bar, the gaze is directed straight up ( 2 , 3 )


There are two types of grip: power (raznogo grip) - allows you to hold much larger weights and classic - two hands with palms facing you.

Execution technique

After you have moved to the starting position, i.e. completed all the steps and stood in a rack, you can proceed to the exercise. The sequence of actions will be as follows (see image):

  1. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, begin to pull the barbell. The separation is smooth and even (no jerking off the floor), the bar slides along the legs ( 1 ) ;
  2. After passing the knees with the barbell, you should fully straighten and slightly reduce the shoulder blades ( 2 );
  3. Return to starting position.

So, an illustrative step-by-step series will be as follows.

During the deadlift, the muscle that straightens the spine performs the function of strengthening and stabilizing it, and gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh - unbend the spine in the lower back.

What you should pay attention to:

  • You need to lower and raise the bar rather slowly and smoothly;
  • The downward movement must be started by pulling the pelvis back;
  • The bar should slide along the thighs throughout the movement;
  • The loin should be arched;
  • After passing the knees (bottom movement), it is necessary to lightly touch the pancakes to the floor bar.
  • Imagine that instead of lifting up, you press your feet into the floor;
  • Breathing: on inhalation - slowly downward, on exhalation - upward.


Because multi-joint exercises are heavy, then it must be done 1 once a week. If you are a beginner, then you should not take heavy weight (hang a lot of pancakes) enough practice with bar weights or lighter weights (on 10 kg on each side of the boom) to hone the execution technique and the delicacy of the movement. When handling large weights, use weightlifting belt, in order to protect the spine from unnecessary stress.


Despite the fact that I tried to explain everything in as much detail as possible and illustratively demonstrate, very often there are following errors: rounded back ( 1 ), hitting the barbell off the floor ( 2 ), when lifting - the pelvis overtakes the body ( 3 ) (see image).

Try to catch errors (fix your attention) performed in the process of execution, as well as memorize the movement to automatism and perform everything technically correctly from the very beginning. At first, a mirror, or rather your reflection in it, can become a non-illusory assistant for you. Look at yourself from the side (in the mirror) when doing the deadlift, and then mistakes will be minimized, if any.

Execution options

In addition to the classic version, there are also the following options. This is the deadlift: straight-legged, sumo style and block deadlift. (we will talk about them in our next issues)... It should be said that this multi-joint exercise not only develops the strength of the athlete "from head to toe", but also causes a neuro-endocrine response in the body - the release of anabolic hormones (including testosterone)... So after the execution of the deadline one feels a surge of strength, “male” as well.

Actually, the deadlift is over, let's move on to ...

Barbell bench press

It is a multi-joint free weight exercise that is used to develop strength and increase muscle mass in the upper body. We can say that the barbell press is the most favorite and most popular exercise for all times and peoples. The main load in it is received by: (see image):

  • Pectoral muscles ( 1 ) ;
  • Deltoid muscles ( 2 ) ;
  • Triceps ( 3 )

Starting position(see image)

So, the step-by-step sequence of actions is as follows (see image):

  1. Lie on a bench and grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders; head - press firmly against the bench ( 1 ) ;
  2. Bring the shoulder blades together, in the lower back - deflection, spread your legs wide, let your feet firmly rest on the floor ( 2 ) ;

Execution technique

(see image):

  1. Remove the barbell and bring it to your chest, then gently (on inhalation) lower it until it touches the lower chest ( 1 ) ;
  2. As you exhale, squeeze the bar up and return to the starting position. The width of the grip should be such that at the lowest point of movement, the forearms are vertical ( 2 ) ;
  3. During the exercise, the bar should move strictly in a vertical plane, and the elbows should be under the bar ( 3 ) ;
  4. The shoulder blades remain brought together throughout the entire movement, the lower back is bent. Breathing: on inhalation - slowly downward, on exhalation - powerfully upward.


There are various options for setting hands - classic, it is also medium. Narrow - the load is shifted to the sternum and requires more effort from the triceps. Wide - the load is shifted to the sides of the chest, reducing the effort of the triceps. You can press not in full (shortened) amplitude - this allows you to load the pectoralis major muscle more, relieving tension from the triceps.


When performing the bench press, the following errors often occur: raising the head / turning it to the sides, separating the pelvis from the bench ( 1 ), incomplete range of motion ( 2 ) (see image).

Execution options

There are various options for doing the bench press: classic ( 1 ), with a curved back ( 2 ), with raised and curved legs ( 3 ) (see image).

Although this exercise is secretly the most favorite among bodybuilders, however, not all athletes can feel the work of the pectoral muscle, in this regard, some simply exclude it from their training program.

Everybody is here, next exercise next in line ...

Squat with a barbell on the shoulders

This is a basic leg workout. It is best used to increase muscle mass and strength throughout the body, but it is mostly used to achieve a bulging buttocks. (girls are your part :))... The maximum impact is on (see image):

  • Quads (quadriceps hips) (1 ) ;
  • Hip biceps ( 2 ) ;
  • Buttocks ( 3 ) ;
  • Lower back muscles (static voltage) (4 ) .

Starting position (see image)

The step-by-step sequence of actions is as follows (see image):

  1. Go to the power rack / rack where the bar is located (the bar with pancakes), grab wide grip and go under it, then put the barbell on your shoulders, and bend your lower back ( 1 ) ;
  2. Remove the barbell from the racks, take a step back and put your feet shoulder-width apart, pull your elbows back, bring your shoulder blades and tighten your back muscles, look up ( 2 ) .

Execution technique

After you have taken the starting position, you can proceed to the exercise. The sequence of actions will be as follows (see image):

  1. Take a deep breath and slowly squat down to the parallel of the thigh with the floor (or slightly lower), as you exhale, stand up to the starting position. Remember, your knees should not go beyond the socks and you should not fully straighten them at the bottom ( 1 ) ;
  2. While moving down, take your pelvis back (shifting body weight to the heels and outer edge of the foot), balance will help you to keep the body tilt forward ( 2 ) ;
  3. The back is arched throughout the entire movement. Breathing: on inhalation - downward, on exhalation - upward. The gaze is directed in front of you ( 3 ) .

So, an illustrative step-by-step series will be as follows.


There is a small trick that will help you perform the exercise better, it sounds like this: you should take the bar strictly in the center, and you need to go under it with the shoulder blades fixed in advance. Thus, a special layer of tense muscles is created on the upper back and above the shoulder blades, which eliminates the unpleasant sensation of the pressure of the bar on the back.


Very often in this exercise, the following errors occur: round back ( 1 ), knee reduction ( 2 ), separation of the heels and bringing the knees forward behind the socks ( 3 ), a barbell on the neck ( 4 ) (see image).

Execution options

There are various options for doing barbell squats, and they depend on both the stance of the legs ( 1 ), and from the location of the bar - front squats (2 ) (see image).

When the legs are narrower than shoulder-width apart ( 1 ), the lateral vastus and abductor muscles are loaded. When your feet are shoulder width apart ( 2 ), all the muscles of the thigh are worked out as much as possible. When staging exceeds shoulder width ( 3 ), the emphasis shifts towards more elaboration of the inner part of the quadriceps, tailor and adductor muscles.

In addition to doing squats with a barbell on your back, you can also do it with a barbell located on the collarbone. (upper chest), in this case, the load is shifted from the gluteal muscles towards the quadriceps. If you are still new to bodybuilding (experience up to 1 of the year), then the ideal option for you may be to perform squats in the Smith machine. This machine will provide better control over technique and overall body stability.


To technically correctly perform a squat with a barbell, you must first use the "lock" technique. It consists in sequential and simultaneous execution 3 actions: inhaling with a full chest and holding the breath, tension of all abdominal muscles, deflection of the lower back. All this allows you to avoid excessive inclination of the body forward and possible negative impacts. large weights on the spine.

Actually, we finished with squats, and somehow imperceptibly our article also came to its logical conclusion. (what, really? well finally), but before I say goodbye, I will give interesting statistics, which speaks about the value of basic exercises. A scientific experiment was conducted, during which it was found that muscles grow more from hormones than from training. (see image).

Exercises that maximize the production of testosterone and growth hormone are just these three classic, basic ones. So herachte :) base! So, as always in conclusion, some results are waiting for you on all of the above.

Basic exercises: F.A.Q.

In order to assimilate all the material as much as possible and put it on the shelves, remember the following benefits that basic exercises will give you.

  • When performing basic exercises, the production of growth hormones and testosterone increases, which has the most beneficial effect on muscle growth;
  • By gradually honing the technique of execution and adding weight, you can achieve constant progress in training;
  • Maximum simultaneous involvement of a large number of muscles in the work;
  • The colossal energy consumption will inevitably lead to the "melting" of excess subcutaneous fat;
  • All muscles will grow evenly
  • There is no need to “hammer” your body with grueling approaches and huge repetitions;
  • The period of implementation of the "base" should be provided with appropriate support from the outside.

Remember these benefits when you do your next multi-joint exercise, and progress will be in the face!


So, dear readers, today we got acquainted with the big three, or basic exercises: deadlift, squat with a barbell and bench press - these basic exercises are exactly the foundation on which you have to build your initial muscle frame. From this moment on, it is multi-joint exercises that are your initial task in training and that reserve for the future, which will allow you to further progress, therefore, pay close attention to the above exercises and especially the technique of their implementation.

PS. Yes, I completely forgot, do not try to perform the exercise like this ...

PS2. If you have any questions, something is not clear or other miscellaneous, write in the comments, I will be glad to help.

There are countless different barbell, dumbbell and machine strength exercises in bodybuilding - however, only a few are basic and all are secondary. In order to train effectively and, you must first of all learn the technique of these particular basic exercises.

The key difference between basic strength exercises is that they are multi-joint and load all large muscle groups of the body at once - as opposed to isolating ones, which work only on one muscle group (for example, biceps or abs). In addition, basic exercises are most often performed with a barbell.

Basic Barbell Exercises

Scientific studies show that the more different muscle groups are simultaneously involved in the performance of a certain strength exercise, the more actively this exercise affects the body's production of growth hormone, and other anabolic hormones that the body needs for muscle growth and mass gain (1).

In other words, if you really want to gain muscle mass, you should approach training your body in a comprehensive manner, and not just "swing biceps" or "swing chest". A beginner who has learned how to perform basic exercises correctly is quite capable of increasing body weight by 5-7 kg in the first months.

Multi-joint basic exercises

When performing multi-joint basic exercises with heavy weights, the entire body of the athlete is subjected to stress. In addition to the muscles of the arms, body and legs, the respiratory and even the central nervous system are involved in the work - this is what provides a significant hormonal response, leading, ultimately, to muscle growth.

Most beginners are unable to exert willpower on a specific muscle (let alone consciously engage that muscle during training), which suggests a weak neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy basic exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

Cons of basic exercises

The main disadvantage of basic exercises is that they really require perfect knowledge of the correct technique. Performing these exercises with a lot of weight significantly increases the risk of injury even with the smallest mistakes - which is why it is best to learn the correct technique for these exercises with.

In addition, many beginners tend to progress too quickly, unnecessarily increasing their working weight and doing more frequent power training than their body needs. It must be remembered that basic workout must be performed. Otherwise, chronic overtraining will result.


The most important for gaining muscle mass are multi-joint basic exercises, which increase testosterone and other hormone levels through a complex effect on the body and the central nervous system... Five of these exercises are highlighted in the basic group - deadlift, squats, bench press, standing barbell press and deadlift.

In bodybuilding, there are different kinds exercises that can be divided into:

  • polyarticular- work with a barbell, free weight, own body weight;
  • isolated- work on simulators, blocks, frames.

They differ from each other in that the first are basic exercises for gaining mass, and the second - grinding / polishing, cutting specific parts from the total mass.

The classic basic exercises in powerlifting are:

There are more basic exercises in bodybuilding, full list basic exercises for muscle groups in bodybuilding are presented below.

The bench press is a basic free weight exercise. To perform it, lie down on a bench, lower the bar of the bar until it touches the chest, and then raise it until it is fully straightened elbow joint... The grip should be wide enough, wider than shoulder width. In bodybuilding, the bench press is used as an exercise to develop the muscles of the chest, triceps, and also the front delta beam.

Bench press on incline bench allows you to work out the upper sections of the chest muscles (if performed in the "head above the legs" position) or their lower sections (in the head down position).

With a dumbbell press, the bottom point of movement is much lower than with a barbell press, which allows you to perfectly work out the pectoral muscles. In addition, you can change the trajectory of movement, squeeze parallel dumbbells, bring them at the top point to each other, which involves new muscle bundles and has a slightly different effect on them.

Due to the fact that lying dumbbell breeding involves the same muscles as the bench press, the load is focused on the inner edge and the middle of the pectoralis major muscle. At the same time, the chest is given a convex shape, a clear separation between its muscles is achieved. The routing is also done to improve the relief. pectoral muscles By performing this exercise, you can improve your results in wrestling, tennis, boxing, gymnastics, acrobatics, basketball, badminton.

This auxiliary exercise is aimed primarily at strengthening the pectoral muscles, latissimus back and, indirectly, triceps. Pullover is usually performed as additional exercise when working on the pectoral muscles.

One of the main exercises for strengthening the back muscles. For execution, a horizontal bar or crossbar is required, which is easy to make even at home. This is the simplest exercise, but its value lies in the fact that it is basic and allows you to use a large number of different muscle groups.

In the deadlift, as in a complex movement, almost all muscles are involved: either to stabilize the position or to lift the weight. This exercise is used to build strength and mass in the muscles of the legs, back, and indeed the whole body.

By regularly doing this exercise, you can develop the lats, large round muscles, as well as affect a number of others, which will allow you to achieve visual and actual thickening of the back. This exercise is used as a supplement to different options deadlift in order to fully work your back muscles.

This exercise creates an aesthetic V-shape for the torso. In this case, the hands should not go back, but move strictly in the plane of the body. The grip should not be wide, optimally when at the lowest point the forearm is perpendicular to the crossbar. The back should bend, and the legs should be in support.

already described above

Squatting with a barbell primarily involves the quadriceps, the synergists (helping in movement) in this case are the gluteal muscles, soleus muscles along with the adductor muscles of the thigh. The calf and thigh muscles act as stabilizers. Back extensors, muscles also work abdominal and others.

Exercise is great for developing calf muscles... You can perform both sitting and standing. For achievement better result it is reasonable to combine both options.

This exercise requires very simple equipment - bars. You can find them in almost any yard, not to mention gyms... For the development of the triceps and pectoral muscles, this is perhaps the most best exercise... This also applies to a large number of auxiliary muscles located in the shoulder girdle. Push-ups allow you to work out the triceps and chest with high quality, but the degree of load depends on the position of the arms.

In order to increase the strength and volume of the triceps, use French press... It affects all triceps bundles, especially the upper and long. It also allows you to visually increase the volume of your hand.

To develop upper part triceps and increase its strength and volume, it is worth using a bench press narrow grip... At the same time, despite the highest working weight in comparison with other exercises for triceps, this exercise is used, as a rule, as an addition to the pumping of the triceps. The reason is simple: in addition to the triceps, the front delta bundle and the upper pectoral muscles work. Another advantage of the narrow grip bench press is that you can work out the shape of the triceps very well. When this muscle goes into failure, and the performer continues the exercise with the help of the anterior deltoid muscles and chest muscles, it is these repetitions that allow excellent resurfacing of the triceps.

With this basic exercise, you can build strength and biceps mass. The load is distributed evenly over both biceps beams, the muscles of the inner surface of the forearm and the shoulder muscle.

If you change the width of the grip, you can shift the load to different biceps beams. The narrower the grip, the more the internal beams work. And vice versa.

In order to develop biceps the shoulder and forearm, a dumbbell lift is applied to the biceps. The exercise involves turning the hands outward during lifting. This allows for maximum contraction of the biceps and synergistic muscles. For biceps training, this exercise is considered one of the best, since turning the palm while flexing the elbow adds efficiency.

This is the basic exercise most bodybuilders use for development. shoulder girdle... It loads well the middle and front deltoid muscles as well as the upper part of the trapezius muscles.

For the development of the triceps and muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is recommended to perform a dumbbell or barbell press overhead in a standing position. Here, the main load falls on the deltoid muscles with the main emphasis on the anterior region, as well as on the triceps.

With the help of this exercise, the posterior deltas, the rotator cuff muscles and the trapezius muscle are pumped. Bent-over dumbbell breeding is best for developing the shape and definition of the deltoid muscles.

Exercise is suitable for working out the middle delta, top and middle of the trapezoid. Also, the pull to the chin separates the trapezium from the deltas, allowing you to draw and hone the shape of the trapezius muscles, as well as outline a clear line between the deltas and the trapezoid.

Shrugs are used to develop the trapezius muscle. The exercise is quite simple: holding the weights in straight arms, lowered along the body, the shoulders are lifted as high as possible, after the shoulders are lowered back without bending the arms at the elbow. Usually, shrugs are performed with weights, dumbbells, barbells or on special simulator... In this case, the bar can be placed both in front of the hips and behind the body.

Basic Exercises and Techniques - Video

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