Yoga in bed: Morning complex “Charge of energy. Mudra of energy centers

Sports and fitness


09.08.15 10:46

Morning work-out is able to activate all body systems, energizing for the whole day, only very few resort to this method. Most people prefer to soak in a warm bed before last minute, dooming yourself to a bad mood and a breakdown. Yoga in bed is a direction that allows you to combine business with pleasure. If every morning you devote no more than 15-30 minutes to such activities, you can rebuild your regimen and make drastic changes in your well-being, mood, and level of performance.

  1. People who practice yoga in the morning do not experience physical, mental and emotional fatigue during the day.
  2. Yoga involves a gradual transition from a state of sleep to wakefulness, allowing you to avoid stress and keep only positive energy.
  3. Despite the fact that all direction manipulations are based on smooth and measured movements, metabolic processes are launched. This provides intensive calorie burning throughout the day and allows you to keep fit.

Yoga in bed - simple but effective exercises (can be performed in any order and combination)

  • Lying on your back, stretch your arms up and stretch with your whole body. Then we lower our hands along the body, pull the toes of our feet towards ourselves and bend the lower back.
  • Without changing position, we raise one leg and strain our muscles, pull the toe, do several circular motions around a small circle. We change legs. We raise two legs, hold, spread apart and bring them together again.
  • In the same position, pull one leg towards you, trying to reach your chest with your knee, while pulling in your stomach. Hold this position for a few seconds, change the leg.
  • Lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest and grab them with your hands, stretch your chin to your knees. In this position, we swing back and forth, you can try moving to the sides.
  • We turn over on the stomach, legs are straight and slightly apart, hands are on the forearms, shoulders are perpendicular to the floor. We stretch back with our feet, trying to stretch our legs, and bend our back slightly, tearing our stomach off the bed.
  • From the previous position we move to a new one - we straighten the elbows, deepening the deflection in the back. We do not raise our shoulders, we move our hands as close to the body as possible.
  • Lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Slightly lift and bend upper part body, trying to "get up" on top.
  • We sit on the bed with a straight back and legs, pull the toes towards us, rest our hands on the bed next to the hips. We sit in this position and breathe deeply until the back muscles get tired.
  • We lie down on our back, bend our legs at the knees, put our feet as close to the pelvis as possible. We take hold of the ankles with our hands, we gradually tear off the body from the bed, bending in the lower back and lifting the pelvis, back, and shoulder blades.
  • We lie down on our side, turn the upper leg with the knee up, take it by the toe (first you need to bend it at the knee) and begin to raise it as high as possible. Ideally, you need to ensure that the leg is straightened at the top point. Change side and work with the other leg.

Performing actions from the complex, you do not need to try to adhere to the purity of movements and postures, on a soft surface it is almost impossible. Manipulation should not cause discomfort or discomfort. The lesson is considered successfully completed if after its completion there is a surge of vivacity, Have a good mood and there is lightness in the whole body.

Many people wake up in the morning and like to stretch to stretch their body after a long time without movement. But what if you take morning sipping to a radically different, advanced level? The review contains a photo-master class on morning yoga in bed - these simple exercises will help you get a charge of vivacity not previously driven for the whole day. The body after them will be ready for exploits in the truest sense of the word.

Gentle hamstring stretch

You should start by kneading the muscles of the legs, since blood circulation during sleep slows down significantly. It is known that in REM sleep a person is completely motionless for a long time (“sleep paralysis”). First you need to bend one leg at the knee and press it in the chest. From this position, the leg should be straightened at any available and comfortable angle. If you can’t reach your toes with your hands, you can hold on to the calf or just below the knee - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the leg is straight. Then everything should be repeated for the second leg. This is a great exercise - and in bed it is no less effective than on the mat in the fitness room.

half bridge

The next step is to warm up the muscles of the lower back and pelvic region. An ordinary half bridge will not only help warm up the body, but, being one of the simplest “inverted” asanas, will provide a rush of blood to the brain - and this is a very important goal for the body in the morning. It has been proven that performing inverted yoga asanas in the morning improves attention and performance for at least the first half of the day.


It is especially convenient to perform halasana in bed if the bed has a flat or relatively flat back. Legs can be fixed anywhere - on the back of the bed, on the wall - or just hold them on weight. A feature of the plow pose on the bed is that the softness of the support will allow any beginner to easily lift the pelvis up to perform the inverted asana. You just need to help with your hands to tear off the pelvis - and now the inverted asana works!

Super efficient spinal twist

From the illustration, it may seem that this is not physical exercise and rest in a comfortable position. But it is not. in the chest and lumbar going on very effective twisting. This morning twist is especially indicated for those who suffer from pain in the back or lower back after sleep. Important point: lie in a twist in each direction, preferably at least a minute. Better - 2-3 minutes.

Upward facing dog in bed

The classic “upward looking dog” asana on the bed is of course not as effective as when performed on a hard floor, however, it is a compensation for the twists and deflections performed earlier. It perfectly kneads the back, lower back, as well as the muscles of the arms. Thus, a set of exercises after sleep has already involved all muscle groups of the human body.

Sipping for absolute vigor and peace

And you need to complete the complex while sitting, performing a strong sip up. The fingers are connected into a lock - this is how a person pulls himself up with the effort of his hands. There is a very effective stretching of the muscles of the body. After this exercise, which completes the complex, you really want to move mountains!

Simple yoga-based exercises that can be performed right in bed will help you recharge your energy and good mood for the whole day.

It's no secret that yoga helps to wake up, stretch muscles that have become stiff during the night and recharge your energy for the whole long day at work. We do not advocate for the “clean” performance of asanas: it would be difficult for an unprepared person, and even on a soft surface, to do this.


Stretch the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Lie on your back, arms along the body. Bend your left knee and, clasping it with your hands, slowly pull it towards your chest. Pull the toe. Repeat with the right leg.


We tone the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, lower back.

Lie on your back, arms along the body. Bend both knees and pull to chest arms folded and, raising your head and shoulders, touch your knees with your nose. In this position, you can sway slightly from side to side.


We strengthen the spine, stretch the muscles of the shoulders and abdomen.

Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and lean on your forearms so that your hands, palms down, are parallel to each other, and your elbows are exactly under your shoulders. Gently arch your lower back, lifting your belly off the floor. Stretch your feet back.


We increase the flexibility of the back, strengthen the spine.

Lie on your stomach with your toes together and extended. Place your palms at about shoulder level and, leaning on your hands, as you inhale, begin to lift your shoulders and chest, reach forward and up with your chin. Make sure that your palms remain motionless during the entire movement.

Stand on top

Expanding chest, tone the neck and back.

Lie on your back, legs together, arms along the body. Raise your back and, bending it and stretching your neck, try to touch the bed with the top of your head.


We stretch the muscles of the legs, strengthen the muscles of the waist.

Sit straight, put your hands on both sides of the thighs, connect your legs, toes pointing up. Straighten your shoulders, open your chest, look forward. Do not bend your arms, do not fall over: the spine is perpendicular to the floor.

Half twine

We stretch the hamstrings, train the muscles of the legs and back.

Lie on your left side left hand put it so that it continues the line of the body, bend at the elbow and prop your head. Bending right leg at the knee, grab the toes with your right hand and, straightening the knee, stretch the leg vertically upwards. Try not to bend it and keep it upright. Repeat with the other leg.

Yoga practice helps to get rid of annoying thoughts, relieve nervous excitement, tension, stress. Developed by yoga teacher Virginie Cohen, this simple routine can be done lying in bed, right in your pajamas, without special training and special effort. You can relax your body, calm your breathing, improve blood circulation with the help of three simple postures practiced right before bedtime. However, you can choose from them and one or two of the most comfortable - the effect of these exercises will not take long.

half bridge

Lying on your back, stretch out in bed; knees bent, feet shoulder width apart. “Spread out” the lower back so that the kidney area is as close as possible to the mattress. Slowly lift your lower abdomen up; then - the pelvis as a whole; then - gradually back, vertebra by vertebra, to the level of the shoulder blades, until the chest touches the chin. Remaining in this posture, take seven inhalations and exhalations in a natural rhythm, then slowly, vertebra by vertebra, return your back to initial position. Lie still for a few moments, then repeat everything from the very beginning three times. This posture restores harmony to the whole body. It helps to relax the legs and pelvis and stimulates the upper body organs. With it, you can relieve tension from the back and relieve pain in the spine.


Sitting twist

Sit in a Turkish position with a straight back. Slowly turn the upper part of the body together with the head to the right, resting on the fingers right hand in the mattress behind you, near the left buttock; Hold onto your right knee with your left hand. Breathe deeply through your nose, noticing how your belly and lower chest fill up as you inhale and fall down as you exhale. Take a deep breath, stretching your spine up, and as you exhale, twist. Try not to raise your shoulders. Take seven breaths in and out and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on the other side. This posture “opens” the chest and releases the solar plexus area, where tension often accumulates at the end of the day. Twisting relieves the spine from the stress that it experiences during the day.

Mudra of energy centers

The word "mudra" in Sanskrit means "posture of hands". Lying on the bed, put a small pillow under the back of your head; legs apart to the width of the pelvis. Close your eyes and put your hands on your pubis - right to left, thumb right hand on the thumb of the left. Inhale deeply, hold the air in your lungs for three seconds, and exhale slowly. Repeat seven times. Then put your hand on your stomach just below the navel, changing hands (left to right, left thumb to right thumb), and again take seven breaths. Continue to breathe in the same rhythm, placing your hands on the solar plexus; then - on the chest at the level of the heart; then - on the throat, each time changing places of the right and left. Stretch your arms along your body, close your eyes and imagine the blue sky. Light clouds float on it, a light breeze blows you, you inhale pleasant smells ... and slowly fall into a dream. This pose relaxes the heart and calms the mind. The five lower chakras are again filled with lightness and energy. It is better not to work with the upper chakras (forehead and crown) in the evening, so as not to stimulate brain activity before bedtime.
