Morning yoga for beginners. How to wake up fast with yoga

Controlling body, spirit and mind. All three of these components contribute to the achievement of harmony and enlightenment, which is difficult to achieve in any other way.

The benefits of yoga

Many people think about the question of whether yoga is useful at home? The morning complex has many advantages, the main of which are listed below:

  1. The body will become strong, healthy and flexible. After exercising regularly, each person will experience flexibility that they could not achieve before. With yoga, muscles and ligaments become more elastic and make it possible to freeze in a pose that seemed simply impossible a month ago.
  2. Relaxation guaranteed. The mind will calm down, all unnecessary and disturbing thoughts will go away. After a few sessions, the body will become resistant to stress and any external stimuli.

Where to start classes

Yoga is a morning exercise routine that doesn't require spending money on equipment. All you need to do the exercises is comfortable clothing and a sliding surface. The room should be chosen spacious, with the most suitable temperature. Special music for classes will help you relax and remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head.

Exercises for beginners

Yoga (morning complex for beginners) is necessary for every person. If you perform elementary exercises, the charge of positive and cheerfulness will not leave you throughout the day. And even the most unpleasant news will be perceived more easily and without aggression.

The simplest yoga, a morning or evening complex, consists of 4 exercises, which will be enough to get the first positive results:

  1. Standing straight, legs shoulder-width apart, feet and torso turn to one side. Then you should tilt your torso parallel to the floor, and stretch your arms forward.
  2. Upright again, but legs are slightly wider apart. Hands fall to the floor as much as possible. The head should stretch down and the tailbone up.
  3. In the previous position, the feet turn outward, and the arms rise up (you can parallel to each other or join your palms). Then the legs are bent at the knees, without dropping to form a right angle.
  4. The final pose is relaxation. To do this, you just need to lie on the floor, forming a straight horizontal line with your whole body, and relax for at least 3 minutes.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory yoga is a morning complex for beginners that will help you establish a connection with your own consciousness. After mastering the inner consciousness, each person will be able to control thoughts and remain calm in tense situations.

  1. Purification. Standing in an even position, you should take a deep breath through your nose, and then, depicting a wide smile on your face, exhale in small portions through your mouth.
  2. For voice development. In the same position, inhale through the nose, and then exhale sharply and quickly through the wide open mouth.
  3. Morning. Respiratory yoga is a morning complex that contains an exercise that relieves drowsiness. To do this, you need to stand straight on the mat, straining all the muscles as much as possible. Rising on toes, take a deep breath, and after 3-4 seconds, lowering again on the feet, exhale completely.

Evening complex

Basic Rules

The first step is to find out at what age classes will benefit:

  • the smallest children need fresh air and regular walks in the park;
  • from the age of 6, you can start teaching your child correct breathing and try out the simplest yoga exercises;
  • from 10 years old it is allowed to relax in the Lotus position;
  • at the age of 17, it's time to start mastering complex static and dynamic exercises, as well as learn how to control your own breathing;
  • up to 40 years old, you should regularly practice skills and improve them, but after passing this line, in addition to yoga, it is best to add walks;
  • after 50 years, it is advisable to slow down the pace, but not to stop training.

Women are fans of yoga and consider it to be the best sport and way to relax, but there are some limitations for them:

  • during menstruation, it is strictly forbidden to perform exercises upside down, it is better to replace them with breathing exercises;
  • instead of strength elements, beginners should often walk in the fresh air or visit the swimming pool;
  • in the first days of pregnancy, it is allowed to perform absolutely all asanas, but before that it is better to consult a doctor;
  • after childbirth (the first couple of months), it is forbidden to engage, and after the expiration of time, the exercises should be started with the simplest ones.

In addition to the above precautions, you should also know what general (for men and women) restrictions yoga has. The morning complex for harmony and beauty will definitely give a result that will be noticeable pretty quickly. But you cannot overdo it in order to quickly achieve the desired goal.

Everyone must follow simple rules:

  • after spending a long time in the heat, it is not recommended to practice;
  • people with blood pressure or cardiovascular problems cannot exercise without consulting a doctor;
  • it is prohibited to combine several sports, performing them at the same time;
  • in the presence of frequent dizziness, exercises with a head tilt should be replaced by forward bends.


Energy yoga (morning complex) requires special preparation before starting a lesson. First of all, you should pay attention to clothes (it should be loose so that it does not hinder movement) and shoes (if possible, it is best to practice without shoes). In addition, there are a few more simple rules:

  • 20 minutes before the start of the workout, an invigorating contrast shower will not be superfluous;
  • the ideal time for yoga is 5-6 o'clock in the morning;
  • it is not worth exercising on an empty stomach, but at least 2 hours should pass between eating and exercising;
  • outdoor exercise will be easier, and a calm outdoor environment will help you concentrate.

Five invigorating asanas

  1. Asana Tarudasana (interlacing of hands)... It is performed in a standing position: one leg is intertwined around the other (so that the fingers are on the calf muscle). The arms are intertwined at chest level to connect the palms. After 20 seconds of being in the pose, you should take a short break and repeat, changing legs and the direction of twisting the arms.
  2. Asana Vrikshasana (tree pose)... In an upright position, the foot of one leg is placed on the knee of the other, and the hands are raised upward, joining the palms. It is recommended to stay in for at least 20 seconds, after which the legs change.
  3. Asana Virabhadrasana (warlike pose)... Standing straight, one leg is lifted back, forming a straight line with the body, and a perpendicular with the other leg. Hands reach forward and interlock with each other. The balance must be kept for about 30 seconds, and then change legs.
  4. Asana Ardha Matsyendrasana (twisting of the spine)... Sitting on the mat, one leg is bent and pulled to the body (heel and knee on the floor), and the other leg, bent at a right angle, is placed with the foot behind the knee taut. The body itself twists in the lower back. In this position, it is allowed to relax for no more than a minute.
  5. Asana Gomukhasana ("cow's head")... One hand rises straight up and bends at the elbow so that the palm reaches the shoulder blades. The second hand does the same actions, only from below, that is, it goes down, bends at the elbow. Then the fingers of both hands interlock. When doing it, you should keep your back straight (not stooping or bending over). In total, you can hold out in this position for about 20 seconds, alternately changing hands.

In its original form, yoga is an ancient Indian philosophy that combines work on the body, spirit and mind. It is the harmonious development of all three components that contributes to the achievement of enlightenment. In Western culture, yoga has lost its original meaning, it has become more popular as a form of physical activity. However, even so, the benefits of yoga at home for beginners are undeniable.

The benefits of yoga

With regular yoga, the body transforms, becomes healthier, more beautiful and more enduring. Let's take a closer look at exactly how yoga practice affects our body.

  1. The body becomes more flexible, strong and healthy.

Many beginners believe that in order to practice yoga, you need to be extremely flexible. It's a delusion. Anyone can practice yoga, and it is completely safe if you cannot reach your toes during the first lesson. With regular practice, your muscles, tendons and ligaments will become more elastic and soon your limits will expand. You will be able to stand in asanas (take postures), which you could not even dream of before.

At the heart of yoga is not only stretching, but also a static load. It is the long-term retention of asanas that promotes the whole body, due to which diseases of the musculoskeletal system are prevented. Also, the advantage of the practice is a positive effect on the spine and, therefore, on a person's posture. Most of the asanas are aimed at aligning the spine, opening the chest and hip joints. This is why yoga is a great cure for back pain and stoop.

  1. Calmness and relaxation.

Yoga practice helps to calm the mind, relax, let go of disturbing thoughts. Regular practice will help you cope with stressful situations more resiliently and become less susceptible to external stimuli.

Shavasana is aimed at deep relaxation, together with meditation and breathing exercises, it helps to relax the nervous system. Regular practice helps chronic fatigue and prevents depression from occurring.

Where to start at home?

So yoga, where to start at home? In order to practice yoga, no specially equipped place or equipment is required. A good non-slip mat and comfortable, non-restrictive clothing are enough.

It is best to do yoga in the morning on an empty stomach. You are still full of energy and your mind is calm. Such activities will give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day. If morning workouts are difficult for you and bring more discomfort than pleasure, then the practice can be postponed to the evening. The main condition is not to eat later than three hours before the start of the class. Drinking water, juices and tea is allowed.

The practice room should be spacious, well ventilated, and the air temperature comfortable. It is advisable to turn off your phone and remove any distractions. For better relaxation, you can play soft music. Consider how yoga classes are for beginners at home, morning exercises, breathing exercises and whole for beginners.

After you have prepared and tuned in to practice, you can proceed directly to performing asanas. Consider a sun salutation or morning yoga set for beginners. This series of asanas can be used both as an independent complex and to warm up the body during long hours of yoga.

  1. Pranamasana

Stand up straight with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Raise your arms and fold in front of your chest, palms pressed together, in a greeting "Namaste". Keep your back straight, aim for the sky with the top of your head. Breathe in with your chest while tightening your stomach.

  1. Hasta uttanasana

Raise your hands up without opening your palms, reach for your hands, but your feet are firmly on the floor, we stretch the spine. Gently move our hands behind the head, bending in the thoracic spine. Bend as far as your physical capabilities allow at this stage of practice.

  1. Padahastasana

With an exhalation, we bend forward, press our stomach to our legs, with our hands we try to reach the floor, ideally, put our palms next to the feet. Concentrate on stretching your back. If your flexibility does not allow you to reach the floor, then you can bend your knees a little, but gradually straighten.

  1. Plank

In the jump, put your feet back on your toes and stretch into a plank position. Hands straight, body is even, do not bend at the hips.

  1. Downward dog

Stretch your tailbone towards the ceiling, tilt your head between your hands. The feet should be firmly pressed to the floor. Stretch your back and the back of your legs.

  1. Bhujangasana

Lower your hips down and, resting on your palms, bend at your chest. Stretch your spine.

  1. Ashtanga Namaskara

Now we lower ourselves in such a way as to touch the floor with eight points: toes, knees, chest, palms and chin.

  1. Downward dog

Raise your pelvis, straighten your knees. We feel the stretching of the spine and the back of the legs. The feet are firmly pressed against the mat, the shoulder blades are straightened. The head is between the outstretched arms.

  1. Plank

Lower your pelvis, return to plank position again. Jump, move your legs to your arms.

  1. Padahastasana

Bring your left foot to your right and tilt. Place your palms on both sides of the feet, straighten your back, press your stomach and chest to your straight legs.

  1. Hasta uttanasana

Straighten up, fold your palms at chest level and stretch your arms up. Now put your straightened arms behind your head and bend over.

  1. Pranamasana

Lower your hands to heart level and fold in greeting. Keep your back straight, stretching up.

This is how one circle of the complex looks like. To warm up the body in front of the main complex, it is enough to perform two such circles. As an independent complex, sixteen repetitions should be done.

After you have done two circles of the complex for warming up, your body is prepared for further practice and you can move on to more complex asanas and balances. Below is a sample yoga set of exercises for beginners.

  1. Triangle pose

Stand up straight with your arms out to the sides. Now spread your legs so that your feet are under your palms. Expand the right foot and bend so that the right palm is next to the right foot, and the left hand is pointing straight up. Hold this pose. Repeat on the other side.

  1. Bend with legs wide apart

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Legs wide apart, raise your arms, stretch your back, bend forward. Place your palms on the floor between your legs, stretch your head towards the floor and your tailbone towards the ceiling. The back should be straight. Ideally, place the top of your head on the floor.

  1. Head knee pose

Sit on the mat with both legs extended forward. Make sure your back is perfectly straight. Bend your right leg, place your right foot on the inner thigh of your left leg. The knee of the left leg should be on the floor. Without bending your back, stretch to the toe of your left leg, wrap your arms around it. If stretching prevents you from reaching that far, stretch to the best of your ability. Repeat with the other leg.

  1. Seated bend with feet wide apart

Sitting on the mat, spread your legs as wide as possible to the sides, your knees should remain straight, and your toes should look at the ceiling. Bring your body and arms forward. Without bending your back, reach for your arms. You will feel a stretch on your inner thigh and hamstrings. Ideally, lie on the floor with your chest and stomach.

  1. Inverted tilt of the head to the knee

From the previous pose, bend your right leg and press your foot against the base of your left leg. Straighten your back, stretch your arms up and tilt towards your left leg. The left side of the body should be pressed against the leg, the chest is directed forward, do not twist towards the floor. Grasp the left foot with your hands. Repeat the asana with the right leg.

  1. Shavasana

Any set of yoga exercises should end with a relaxation pose - Savasana. Lie on the floor, relax every muscle in your body, breathe calmly. After the end of the complex, you must spend at least three minutes in Shavasana.

Yoga breathing exercises for beginners - Pranayama

In addition to asanas, yoga also contains breathing exercises that are no less useful for the body - pranayama. Yoga and breathing for beginners, correct and rhythmic, allows you to establish a strong, inextricable connection with our consciousness. Having mastered the breath, it becomes easier for us to control our inner state and the flow of thoughts.

The best way to wake up and prepare for an exciting new day is morning yoga. With regular performance of morning yoga exercises for beginners, the well-being of the body as a whole will improve, the back will straighten, the muscles will become more elastic, and blood circulation will improve.

The benefits of morning yoga

To provide the body with an effective load at the beginning of the day, experts recommend regularly performing simple morning yoga exercises. Why you need to do yoga after waking up:

  1. If you want to lose weight, practicing yoga morning complex for beginners, you need to know that morning asanas have a more beneficial effect on weight loss compared to evening ones.
  2. The charge of vivacity and good mood after the lessons will be provided for the whole day.
  3. Exercising in the morning helps you build a clearer daily routine. With constant exercise, waking up and going to bed at the same time will become habitual for the body. Sleep will become sound and healthy, and awakening will be easier and more joyful.
  4. Simple asanas in the morning are soothing and relaxing.
  5. Morning exercises improve metabolic processes in the body.
  6. The level of self-discipline increases. Waking up at the same time every day, the practitioner trains endurance and willpower.
  7. There is a pleasant feeling of an important task well done.
  8. Yoga asanas add physical and mental strength.

Gradually, such yoga classes in the morning for beginners bring more benefits to the evening activities.

Correct breathing

Performing the listed exercises of morning exercises with yoga for beginners, it is important not to forget that yoga trains not only the physical capabilities of a person, but also makes him morally stronger and more purposeful. In all exercises, the technique of correct measured breathing must be observed.

To master this technique and constantly apply it in the future, you can perform the following tasks. They must be performed in the classic lotus position:

  • take slow, unhurried breaths, after a while slow down your breathing a little and make a sharp exhalation;
  • inhale as much air as possible, do not hold your breath, make a long, measured exhalation.

If you spend a few minutes every day practicing these simple techniques, then after a while the practitioner will notice how much easier it will become for him to perform asanas.

Things to Remember

Morning yoga for beginners includes a wide variety of postures that are aimed at maintaining the flexibility and endurance of the body. You should not be too active in stretching in the morning, for this there are evening hours for classes.

It is impossible to become healthier, stronger and stronger in spirit by doing yoga exercises from time to time. The whole point of classes lies, first of all, in regularity and self-discipline. If you practice yoga every day for several months in the morning, the practitioner will notice an improvement in his inner state, increased stress resistance and self-control.

Instead of a cup of invigorating coffee during morning yoga classes, experts recommend drinking purified water. From the very morning, the practitioner's body will be filled with life-giving energy, which will help him to be vigorous and active during the coming working day.

Yoga is not gymnastics or acrobatics, as uninformed people often think. These are specific exercises aimed at increasing the elasticity of the body. The methodology of the ancient system of physical and spiritual culture consists in adopting certain postures. Yoga poses have a strong effect on the endocrine system, internal organs, muscles. Beginner exercises are available for people of all ages, even with minimal fitness levels. Yoga in the morning includes some simple postures and breathing exercises. From the very first classes, there is an increase in tone, vigor, recovery from the state of stress. People who practice yoga are always calm and optimistic.

There are many preconceptions about yoga. Many people think that this is an extremely difficult set of exercises that are not available to everyone. Yoga is associated with religion. In fact, the teachings, rooted in the sixth millennium BC, do not apply to any of the religions of the world. It involves spiritual and physical improvement for the purpose of healing. The system includes training, special advice on nutrition, hygiene, relaxation.

The modern world of physical education knows 12 types of traditional yoga and many modifications. Experts recommend that beginners practice hatha yoga. This is the very first stage of teaching that gives a person good physical well-being. prepares a beginner on a gradual basis. Exercise will not overexert, but will make the body flexible.

There are many opinions when it is best to train. The best options are an hour and a half after breakfast or lunch. But it is inconvenient for working people. Morning yoga for beginners - time half an hour after waking up.

Yoga followers say that physical training without spiritual training is of little benefit. Therefore, before practicing yoga, it is necessary to read special literature, to cleanse the body of the accumulated toxins in it - to give up smoking, alcohol, and do not eat fatty meat. Yogis give the following advice:

  • You cannot combine exercises with gymnastics and strength exercises.
  • You need to do it in a well-ventilated room or on the veranda in the garden.
  • Exercise is best done on soft bedding, such as a double-folded woolen blanket or animal hide.
  • Do not shower or bathe immediately after exercise.
  • Clothes for classes should be loose, lightweight.
  • You should rest between asanas (postures).
  • You need to perform the exercises slowly without jerking.
  • Do not exercise if pain is felt in some part of the body.
  • New exercises should be introduced gradually, when the previous ones are already well mastered.
  • You can't train on a full stomach.
  • Before mastering asanas, you should take a course of preparatory exercises.

Yoga: morning complex for beginners

Preparation exercises provide individual benefits and simultaneously prepare the body for more difficult positions.

1. Rocking. You need to lie on a mat, bend your head to your legs bent at the knees. Clasp your hands under your knees. The essence of the exercise is to swing back and forth on a rounded back. When moving backward, the knees are straightened slightly. On the backward movement - inhale, forward - exhale. You need to swing 5-6 times. This exercise perfectly massages the spine and makes the back muscles elastic. It helps to relieve drowsiness, so you must definitely include it in the morning complex.

2. Squatting. Fold your arms over your head as for prayer. Sit on your heels slowly and stay in this position for as long as possible. Then straighten up to rise on your toes. Repeat 4 times. Beginners can do this asana while holding onto a chair or door. Exercise stimulates bowel movements and prevents constipation, which is very important in the morning.

3. Stretching the legs. Sit on the mat, straighten your legs and back. Take a deep breath, raise your arms up, tilt your body back. On exhalation, take the starting position. Grasp the calves with your hands and bend all the way forward. After exhaling, return to the starting position. Perform 2-3 times, add one slope every week until the number reaches six. Stretching makes the spine, neck and back healthier.

4. Fours. Get on all fours so that your toes rest on the floor. Bend the body up. Hold on for a few seconds. Young flexible people can complicate the position - in a backbend, lower the heels to the floor, gradually moving the legs towards the head. A workout like this is good for strengthening the muscles in your legs and abdomen.

To check if it is done correctly, you can search the Internet for "morning yoga: video".

Breathing exercises

The morning yoga complex must necessarily include breathing exercises. Beginners need to master the simple options. They are performed in the "lotus position". The position is difficult enough, but necessary for anyone who intends to practice yoga. The technique is as follows - sit on the mat, straighten your back and legs, bend your right leg at the knee and use your hands to place your right foot on your left thigh. Place the left foot on the right thigh. The heels should be pointing up and touching the lower abdomen.

In this asana, slow breaths are taken through the nose. In the middle of inhalation, slow your breathing slightly and exhale quickly. Then increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation, with a second ratio of 10/4, 15/6, 20/8.

Another option can be practiced. In the "lotus position" inhale and exhale without delay. The ratio in seconds is 2/12.

Performing these exercises every morning, after a couple of weeks you can master the basic asanas of hatha yoga. There is not a single person who, practicing yoga, would not feel its beneficial effect on his life. It heals the entire body, helps to lose weight, cope with depression, and gain a wise outlook on life.

Have you decided to do yoga? That's right! The morning yoga complex will help you recharge your energy for the day ahead, start the morning right, cheer you up and improve your health. Perform these asanas slowly, remember to breathe deeply - and the listed benefits will surely overtake you!

  1. Tadasana(Mountain pose)... Stand up straight; Press the surfaces of your feet firmly and evenly against the mat. Tighten your thigh muscles and pull in your stomach slightly. Close your eyes and smile inwardly at your endeavors. Breathe deeply without straining your body or holding your breath. Warm up the body with your breath, this will help you practice deeply and without trauma. When you feel ready, move on to the next asana.
  2. Urdhva Hastasana(Stretching the arms up while standing)... Stretch your arms up, palms facing each other. Retract your shoulder blades. Without compressing your neck, tilt your head back slightly and look at your thumbs. Stay in the pose for 8 breaths.
  3. Virabhadrasana I(First Warrior Pose)... Stand in the center of the mat and spread your feet about 130 cm apart. Turn your right leg outward 90 °, and turn your left leg inward about 60 °. Lower your arms along the body and unfold your pelvis towards your right leg. As you inhale, bend your right leg at the knee so that the angle between the thigh and lower leg is 90 °. Extend your arms up at the same time, palms facing each other. Try not to lift your left heel off the floor. Look straight ahead or tilt your head back slightly and look up at the space between your palms. Remain in the asana for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Inhale out of the pose and do it on the other side.
  4. Virabhadrasana II(Second Warrior Pose)... Begin to rotate your right leg so that the foot is turned out to the right. Turn your left leg so that your foot is slightly forward. Align your right heel so that it faces the center of your left foot. Feel how you literally grow into the ground with your feet. Inhale and spread your arms out to the sides, exhale and bend your right knee, lower your right hip towards your right foot. Be careful not to let your knee go beyond your ankle line. The back foot is firmly on the mat. Take 5 breaths in this position. Inhale and pushing off with your right leg, straighten it and get out of the pose. As you inhale, stand up straight. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  5. Parshvakonasana(Intense lateral traction)... Without leaving the Second Warrior Pose, place the locle on your bent leg. Extend your other hand up and lower it over your ear. Unroll the ribs towards the ceiling. Stay in the pose for 5-7 breaths.
  6. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)... Straighten the leg that was in the Lunge. Keeping the original distance between your feet, bend over and touch the outside of your right hand to the inside of your right foot. Reach the ceiling with your left hand. Look at and out of your left arm as you stretch your back. Repeat on the other side.
  7. Downward dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)... Get on all fours. Keep your hands exactly shoulder-width apart and rest them completely on the floor. Place your toes on the ground, straighten your knees and enter Downward Dog Pose. Actively push off the floor with your palms to transfer some of the weight to your legs. The tailbone looks up. Take 5-10 breaths in this position.
  8. Forearm plank. Place your forearms on the floor and lock your fingers. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders. Straighten your legs, actively pushing back with your heels. Stay in the asana for 30 to 60 seconds.

  9. Ardha Bhujangasana(Half-breasted pose)... Lie on your stomach with your legs stretched back, toes pointing to the wall behind you. Place your forearms under your shoulders strictly parallel to each other and spread your fingers to the sides. Squeeze your hips and press your pubic bone against the mat. As you inhale, lift the body up to form a slight bend. Do not push off with your hands, hold the pose with the back muscles. Take 3-5 breaths in this pose.
  10. Balasana(Baby pose)... Sit comfortably on your heels. Tilt your torso slightly forward and lower your forehead to the floor in front of you. Stretching your arms forward, lower your chest to your knees. Maintain a pose and breathe into your torso. As you exhale, relax to fold even more.
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