Archery target with suction cups. How to shoot a bow correctly? Archery target

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Chestercheshirski 12-01-2010 20:16

Please advise, from what they can be made at home, so that the bolts do not deteriorate, and the bolts are easily pulled out, and they are not enough for ten shots? ..
Buying is a bad option, they are spent very quickly and cost a lot.
I mean, of course, not paper targets, but arrow catchers on which they are attached.
I have simple crossbows, Man Kungi and Tarantulas with a slight interference.

H-o-o-k 12-01-2010 20:49

bangbang 13-01-2010 12:39

quote: Originally posted by Chestercheshirski:
So you can suggest something better!)
I’ll only be glad.

A bag full of rags. The same Predator is stopped from any distance and the arrows reach a maximum of 20 - 30 cm.

I tried on our "rag" targets almost all available strong crossbows Darton, Excalibur, Barnett, Horton, with a sports tip stops ANY arrow. And most importantly, they are actually pulled out with two fingers, i.e. Your aluminum arrows will not be deformed when pulled out of the target.

Izolon - only for those who like to suffer and pull out arrows more than to shoot, well, it is beneficial for sellers of arrows, since arrows from that garbage will normally be pulled out from more changing a crossbow or bow, this is really heroism

Izolon justifies itself only in one cases - when it is necessary to check the broadheads, then yes, a couple of times to shoot at the shield to check how it flies is still possible, but so that half of the time spent on the shooting range I was busy pulling out arrows, well, no. I like to shoot, and I go there to do just that and not suffer from pulling arrows out.

CANE 13-01-2010 16:22

Izolon justifies itself only in one cases - when it is necessary to check the broadheads, then yes, a couple of times to shoot at the shield to check how it flies is still possible, but so that half of the time spent on the shooting range I was busy pulling out arrows, well, no. I like to shoot and I go there to do just that and do not suffer from pulling out arrows I AGREE 100%


termitpaper 15-01-2010 11:39

Damn, well, Christmas tree sticks, then they write isolon well, then it turns out to be bad, as I understand it, you still need to try.

deka81 26-01-2010 17:39

quote: Look in this list: a representative office near Omsk or okuda is more convenient for you to take out. (You, after all, in Omsk?) Isolon-block ( is the best thing that has been invented for arrow catching. The block (100X100X10) is enough for more than one thousand shots, even for 60-pound blockers.

Sale of isolon blocks in Omsk, 100x100x10 cm. [email protected]

bashnja 04-02-2010 12:07

here at the seventh minute they talk about SpyderWEB arrow catchers, as I understand the target is being restored, the hole disappears and the arrow does not enter deeply ...

waitmen 10-02-2010 14:53

As information, I drove into the market today in strict order, I barely found the isolon block, they tried to dissolve at the outlet at 900 rubles per block (they started from 1200), walked aside, called Smils, there is 360 apiece, unfortunately there is no time to go It was.

Olegus44 16-04-2010 13:41

For myself (MK-200-A2R) I found (I have been using it for two years now) an ideal option in the form of an isolon 20 cm thick + a rubber boom remover. Nothing else is needed except a removable paper target

Archery is not an easy process. Full concentration of attention is required to hit the target, correct breathing and precise motor actions. You will have to take into account a large number of various nuances. And if you are interested in how to shoot a bow correctly, you should read this review.

Weapon selection

Shooting training depends a lot on the bow you choose. For a long period of time, our ancestors used this weapon in order to seek food and defend against enemies and wild animals. At first, bows had the appearance of a flexible rod or root, the ends of which were connected with the help of veins, leather, or fibers of vegetable origin. According to archaeologists, in ancient times there were both simple and complex varieties of this weapon. The second type of bows was distinguished by increased wear resistance, strength and a higher firing range compared to simple ones. This is facilitated by the presence of a large number of blocks.

To understand how to shoot a bow correctly, you must first choose it correctly. If it turns out to bend the arc only by a few millimeters, then the material is of high quality, elastic. For training process you will need to purchase arrows. They should not be sharp, otherwise injury can easily occur. To learn, you will need to find a deserted place. And if there is no desire for any archery section to be engaged in your training, you should understand that not only people, but also animals should not be on the shooting range. Otherwise, someone could be injured.

Shooting method

How exactly to shoot? The choice of method mainly depends on physical condition arrow, its weight, body structure. There are other parameters that cannot be called insignificant. If you want to figure out how to shoot a bow correctly, you must first learn a technique that resembles meditation. Its essence is not in the exact hit or in the tension of the bowstring. First of all, you need to learn to control yourself. And it is desirable to focus all attention on this art. Shooters, who at one time learned to transform their own state, are able to hit the target without even thinking about it.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: it is important not only what bows you use for shooting, but also what state you are in when hitting targets. Complete calmness, harmony with inner peace will tell you at what point to release the bowstring. Some shooters take years to reach this state. And if you have time, it is worth considering this art.

Learning technique

Today there are a huge number of techniques that can be used. Which bows for shooting will be used in this case is not particularly important. In other words, you can take both standard weapons and sporting ones. It all depends on your own preferences. One fairly popular technique should be described in more detail. Learning this technique, you will not have to study in great detail how exactly the capture of arrows should take place, how to aim, etc. You will have to deal with these nuances on your own, bringing the convenience factor to the fore. First of all, it is necessary to achieve an increase in results. It is recommended to constantly improve your own skills.

Fundamental rules

How to learn to shoot from a bow? You need to stand with your left side to the target, with your feet shoulder-width apart for stability. The socks should be on a straight line that leads to the goal. This is a side stand. Left, straightened, hand is required to grab the arsenal in the middle. It should be noted that some weapons (for example, sports weapons in this place have a special mark.

Raise the shooting instrument to shoulder level. The hand holding the weapon can interfere with shooting. Therefore, we must carefully monitor that this does not happen. Failure to do so may result in injury. The arrow must be held between two fingers - the index and middle. Or rather, the place that is located between the first and second joints. Taking hold of the tail of the arrow in this way, you will subsequently pull back the bowstring. To ensure comfort and accuracy of shooting, it is recommended to achieve an even load on both fingers.

String pulling and aiming

How to shoot a bow correctly? The boom should be tensioned as close to the neck as possible. But you can also pull it up to the chin. A similar technique will also be correct. It all depends directly on how it is more convenient for you and what results should be obtained. Keeping the bow taut, keep your forearm with the shoulder of your left hand in line. It should also be noted that during the tension, the archer needs to move the shoulder blades back. This minimizes the work of the rest of the muscles in the body. If you have chosen a historical bow, then aiming will be carried out according to the tips from the side of intuition. Have sports types this weapon has a special sight.

How to hit the target?

If you are interested in how to shoot accurately from a bow when hitting a target, you should familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. The weapon must be held confidently. Hands should not be shaking. Do not change the height or slope. In such a situation, the arrow will fly anywhere, but not at the target. Therefore, if you want to achieve good results, you will need to devote a lot of time to training. For example, in ancient times, archers stood idle for hours, holding sticks in their outstretched hands. This process helps you learn how to hold objects in balance.
  2. When firing shots, try to keep track of where your hands are. One of the most frequent mistakes the fixation of the left limb is not very good. An oversight is no less common when right hand the archer follows the arrow immediately after the bowstring has been released. But you just need to unclench your fingers, leaving the brush in the same place where it was at the time of the shot.
  3. Breathing should be measured. If it is too frequent, the shot will fail. The shooting technique implies that the bowstring should be released half-exhale, slightly holding the breath.
  4. Every shot must be analyzed. For this reason, after the first volley, you should not immediately proceed to the next one. Try to mark the trajectory of the "projectile", analyze the mistakes and draw certain conclusions so that the mistakes will not be repeated again.

Shooting range selection

If the archery range does not suit you, you do not want to visit special sections, you need to prepare a shooting area. For this, it is recommended to take into account some important points:

  • The selected site must be equipped. The shooting line must be one. If there are several targets, then it is advisable to place them at different distances. For example, the nearest target should be 18 meters, to the farthest target - 90.
  • Consideration should be given to providing safe areas on the right and left sides of the range. A fence or a special arrow catcher must be installed directly behind the targets. A similar precaution is necessary so as not to injure someone and not to lose "ammunition".
  • V the best option targets must be larger than 122 cm in all directions.

Don't forget about safety

If you decide to learn how to shoot, purchased a weapon, prepared an archery target and a shooting range, then you should familiarize yourself with the basic safety recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to shoot in specially designated places. Or on sites with fences equipped in accordance with all the rules.
  2. It is advisable to shoot from one line, even if the targets are located at different distances.
  3. It is recommended to place the arrow on the bowstring only at the moment when there are no people or animals between the target and the archer that can be injured due to careless and inattentive actions.
  4. The string should only be pulled from the firing line and only in the direction of the selected target.
  5. If you have already stretched the bow, you should forget about any conversations. In addition, it is forbidden to turn to the side, to lose concentration. It is not recommended to call out to the archer.
  6. You should approach the target only at the moment when the shooting was over, at the signal of the head or the shooter himself, if you train on your own.
  7. Forget about shooting in the air, up.
  8. Do not forget that the responsibility for any accident resulting from a violation of safety rules lies directly with the archer.

A little about targets

The archer needs to constantly improve, develop his skills, train. And for the classes to be effective, it is worth thinking about shooting targets. You can make an archery target yourself, but it's better to think about buying a ready-made product. Today there are a huge number of the most different options... There is even a division of all targets into groups. They can be curly or round. The first ones are unique in that they can follow the contours of humans or animals. The latter have a special markup that allows scoring. It is they who are more preferable for the competition.

Varieties of targets

As already mentioned, there are a huge number of very different targets. The most popular ones should be listed:

  • Electronic target. It means a shield equipped with special equipment and electronics. A stand like this works for enough simple principle... At the moment the "shell" hits, all the necessary parameters are automatically calculated and registered. The results of each archer are summed up. For the first time, such targets appeared in 1989. More advanced models designed for shooting at a moving target were developed in 2004. Such targets are often used in competitions.
  • Paper target. It is most optimal for those who want to figure out how to shoot a bow correctly. The main advantage is that it is easy to create one yourself. It is enough just to download the desired picture from the Internet, print it and hang it on a special stand.
  • Shields. If you are interested in the durability of arrows, then you should consider purchasing a shooting stand. It is the shield that will keep the "shells" in optimal condition. In addition, such an archery target is capable of withstanding multiple hits.
  • Children's stands. At the present stage, you can find not only specialized targets for various sections and shooting ranges, but also children's options for shields. Usually it is a sheet of metal with markings or a specific purpose. A child's bow should be understood as a weapon that shoots arrows on suction cups.

Target dimensions and distance

In the picture you can see a special table. It demonstrates such important concepts as the size of the target and the distance from it to the person shooting the bow.


Now you know how to choose a bow, what kind of target can be, how to shoot correctly, taking into account the technique and basic recommendations regarding safety. Try to learn all the nuances, constantly improve, set new goals and objectives for yourself. And if you want to learn how to shoot a bow well, do not forget about regular training.

Prices for branded products are very high, especially with the growth of realism and quality of performance - some "bunny" can cost 5 or 12 thousand rubles. A more serious beast (photo below) will pull tens of thousands already, that is, the cost will be comparable to a good one compound onion or quite a decent crossbow.

To replace the elements riddled with arrows, you should purchase spare inserts, which are the actual targets. Although they help to save money, they also cost more than one thousand.

But there is also a very budgetary alternative to purchased 3D targets. For example, the "operating model of the pig" cost me 9 (nine!) Rubles. That is how much a construction waste bag made of polypropylene fibers cost.

Making a 3D target

Densely stuffed with rags devoid of "zippers" and buttons, with a "tail" tied at the back, a bag set on two crosspieces made of scraps of bars, thanks to its marsh-brown color and with a developed imagination, really resembles a wild boar from afar. It is attached with two rubber bands for household needs, tightening the tops of the crosspieces. The harnesses were left from a past life, so I did not include their cost (about 30 rubles each) in the price of the target. If you have a roll of ordinary scotch tape, you can refuse both bars and harnesses by picking up four suitable sticks right in the forest.

And you can do with one bag depicting an animal lying on the bed.

There are also pluses. Firstly, the fibers of such bags are fairly sparse (unlike those for sugar or flour there), and the arrow moves them apart quite correctly without causing damage. Secondly, draw on the target with a felt-tip pen or pencil the color closest to the background in a circle four 15 cm circles approximately where the corresponding animal has a slaughter, or, as they say now, "kill zone". As the "hog" wears out, you just need to turn it 90 degrees. By the way, such target circles are not visible even through an optical sight (and rightly so - there are no animals with a target on their side), so all your hits "on the spot" will be quite hunting. The location of the slaughter zones in different animals in relation to crossbow bows can be found in the relevant literature (including on the Web), and you can navigate by the crosses that depict legs / paws.

The so-called "moose watch" will also help.

Note that the bottom of the positions is guaranteed wounded. This is at the gun hunter's. For an archer-crossbowman, the prey and at the same time humane options are much less.

But back to the homemade 3d targets.

Do not be tempted by the seemingly obvious solution: instead of rags, cut the old carpet into strips and roll them into a roller to fit the size of the bag. The arrows get stuck in such a packing tightly and are removed, as a rule, without a tip and an insert. But to make a couple of "carpet turns" on top of the rags will not hurt - this way the bag will better keep its shape.

Shooting at 3D Targets

Perhaps that's all about the targets themselves. A little about shooting. In profile, it does not present any particular difficulty, even, oddly enough, it goes easier than paper targets. And not only from me, and not only from bows-crossbows (""). It seems that this is due, firstly, to the peculiarities of binocular vision, where the distance to a volumetric object is more easily calculated by the subconscious than to a flat one. Secondly, it is not in vain that there is such a thing as "fear of the target", even among really cool shooters, confidently hitting live targets.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with shooting at an animal standing half-turned, more precisely, at the so-called "three-quarters" (pictured).

With regard to a 3D target, everything looks something like this (bullet bears are glued for greater clarity).

This is a profile shot.

And this is in "three quarters".

As you can see, the displacement of the hit point is so great that it did not even fit into the circumference of the virtual kill zone projection. But at the same time, if the bag had the insides, the lungs and, most likely, the heart would have been pierced through.

The pictures, of course, staged, were taken near the loggia of a city high-rise building... That is, the arrows were stuck by hand so as not to frighten passers-by, and the bag, as you can see, is brand new, and not completely filled with rags. He is still, so to speak, in the process of picking. With intense shooting, and even in companies, more than one such 3D targets are required, so the rags at the dacha ran out, and the assembly production, stretched in time, moved to an apartment. A paper rifle target was also found here.

In general, at least it is desirable to have at least a couple of 3D targets, placing them in places and positions that are inconvenient for shooting for greater realism and "interestingness." The maximum looks much more solid.

The options are countless. It all depends on the desire and, of course, the possibilities. On a large suburban area, behind a serious fence, under each bush, a "wild boar" or "deer" can hide, and you can master the hunt from the approach. If you have significant spare funds, you should not skimp on branded products that have an almost real head, horns and hooves. In a word, there is no limit to perfection.

We select a crossbow-archery shooting range

You can, of course, shoot in some shooting range.

Please note that the "shooting gallery from the amusement park" (pictured on the right) is not quite suitable - the distances, like the force of arms, are designed specifically for the innocent entertainment of children and teenagers, as well as funny guys. This, however, should be in a purely commercial enterprise that successfully combines the receipt of albeit seasonal, but stable profit with the safety of this event.

There are quite serious grounds at suburban recreation centers with a fishing and hunting bias, designed for people who have a rest in an adult way. A few kilometers from my house, there is just such a one with a modest purely hunting name and a good shooting range, designed, however, only for arrows and pneumatics (pictured below).

The cost of one shot from a crossbow is 40-50 rubles, depending on the type, from a bow - 30-40. Plus targets: paper - from 50 rubles apiece, bulky - from 100 rubles per hour. This is quite acceptable for a casual visitor to the arbalest-crossbow world: a series of ten shots will cost an ordinary vacationer one already bored banana ride, and for a real hunter the price of an exotic will be equivalent to the same ten normal cartridges or two - very good.

But what do we need ten shots! For the average shooter, the score will quickly go to the hundreds. (By the way, try, taking into account the above prices, to calculate the payback period for your even expensive arrow gun - I think the result will inspire.) In addition, it is one thing - a guest who has arrived for a week's rest, and quite another - a casual visitor to the shooting range, and even with his crossbow.

Unfortunately, specialized shooting galleries are shooting clubs or crossbow-archery centers - the prerogative of large cities. If there is one nearby, then you are on a horse, especially since there you will definitely be able to find competent specialists both in the material and technical part, and in the actual shooting training.

V recent times even in the provinces, suburban shooting ranges began to appear en masse. And this is great! Thirty years ago, years (!) Were spent on the allotment of land and the official acquisition of materials for the round stand, although among the initiative group there were many, as they said at the time, “responsible comrades”.

Here you, especially if you have a hunting ticket, and just in the presence of familiar regular firefighters, you can well surprise the audience with your successes in the archery and crossbow field. Moreover, you can even attract very weak shooters to the ranks of fans of this ancient art. The exception, perhaps, is the days when public events- the people there are unlikely to approve of your regular trips to targets for arrows.

There are also purely sports shooting galleries at the DOSAAF clubs (photo). Here the shooting section rules the ball, there are always a lot of people, and the shooting range is much more busy than the shooting range. But in general, the section leaders and trainers are quite friendly, and then there is an opportunity to acquaint your pets (and to get to know yourself) with exotic weapons. The only negative is, as a rule, shortened and shifted opening hours for the evening. Well, again, the workload, including on weekends.

- Aha! - you say. - Still, there were some good options.

It's true. However, fire and pneumatic targets are not designed for arrows. And a bullet trap in a shooting range can just cripple them.

In a word, we still cannot do without our own targets, shields and screens.

But the speech about targets never came up. Nevertheless, constant training and improvement of archery and crossbow skills is often a strict necessity. After all, many factors affect the flight of an arrow, the most famous of which is wind. Shooting adjustments are taken even when using the usual firearms what can I say about things like arrows?

Anyone can hit a meter-by-meter target from 10 meters. From 30 meters, none of the beginners in handling a bow or a crossbow already hits. Precisely so that you can easily hit the target from 50 meters and you need to train constantly.

You need a target for training. Moreover, the target is reusable and so that it does not spoil the arrows. Good arrows don't come cheap. So the simple approach - to put the boards and shoot at them is not suitable here. Boards or bottles can be shot with a schnepper - this is a crossbow that shoots balls or stones.
Commercially available targets are mostly made of twisted straw. However, they are not very suitable for archery with a tension of 20 (or more) kilograms. The arrows simply pass through such a target and completely destroy the plumage. Crossbow bolts pierce the target through and with less pulling force simply because of the shorter bolt length.

Having spent 10 tok of arrows or bolts, anyone begins to understand that a better target is needed and it would be better to make it with your own hands, since a good target is not cheap, but at the same time it is a consumable.

So, here are several options for making targets for a bow or crossbow with your own hands.

Option one is the legacy of the Soviet past. Minimum required parts and easy target recovery.

A target for archery or crossbow shooting can be made from an old bag. Open the bag and cut out two squares from its canvas.

Sew the sides of the blanks together. Fill the resulting bag with wood shavings, fold the corners and sew as shown in the figure. Sew all edges with a long stitch, simultaneously on both sides and with two threads. The target will then look like a square mattress. On the front side, paint some concentric circles with varnish paints.
The main advantage of such a target is the ease of repair, it is enough to sew a new layer of burlap on the outside and the target is again ready to receive arrows. Booms and bolts are braked by wood shavings and do not deteriorate at all.

The next version of a homemade target for a bow and crossbow is made of modern insulation materials.

For the target, two isolon blocks were used (these are hot-pressed scraps of polyethylene foam), the blocks are glued together using polyurethane foam (do not forget to wet the surfaces before applying the foam and squeeze the blocks before polymerization). The rack is made of rails that were bought in Ikea, brackets with wing nuts and screws were also bought there. The design is collapsible and easy to transport.

And this is a set of packaging cardboard, shooting is carried out at the end of the assembly. Tied with ropes.

This target is made of carpet and also serves as an ottoman on vacation? Manufacturing is very simple - the carpets are rolled into a roll and fixed on outside scotch tape. The ottoman target turned out to be quite light, it can also be carried to regular outings for barbecues, the main thing is to choose the size so that it would be comfortable to sit with the target on the end. The arrows enter between the carpet layers and practically do not destroy the target. From 30 meters from a 270lb bow, the steles come in at 70 percent of their length.

And here is another recipe for making a homemade target for a bow or crossbow
1. Size 60x60 (cm)
2. Four layers of foam rubber
3. A sheet of construction cardboard (kraft cardboard) is laid between each layer of foam rubber.
4. In the top sheet (where the target is attached), a circular cutout is made with a diameter equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the largest circle of the target.
5. Under the hole in the top sheet, a sheet of ordinary cardboard is placed on which a paper target is attached.
6. In the lowest and highest sheet along the edge, holes are drilled with a diameter of 10 mm, so that along each edge there are 6 holes at an equal distance from each other.
7. All layers and gaskets are stacked on top of each other.
8. The bottom sheet is laced with a rope through the holes to the top sheet with a round hole for the target.
9. A loop is made of the same rope (tied to the corner holes of the lower and upper sheets) with which the target can be hung on any nail in the wall or a branch on a tree. Everything is ready to fire.
It turns out a collapsible boom-catcher in which it is easy to replace the failed layers, you do not need to glue anything, quickly assemble and disassemble, it is easy to transport unassembled in a car

I hope this article will help you in mastering the art of archery or crossbow!

Vladimir comments:

Good article. But I have a question? These targets are good when you have a car to transport them or your own territory (summer cottage, private house). I have neither cars nor my own territory, but only a backpack. Is there a target to carry around in a backpack?

Alexander comments:

Izolon-block is easy to cut and glue into a target of the desired size. It all depends on what size is comfortable for you to wear, and whether it is enough to fit

Igor comments:

Thick rubber mat, which is placed in front of the door to wipe your feet. It can be folded into a backpack and stretched on ropes in a grove. Crossbow bolts (50lbs) from 7m come in 50%

Roman comments:

Good idea! will have to try on the next trip to nature!

Victor comments:

What thickness should a target made of isolon blocks have? The fact is that izolon blocks 5cm and 10cm thick are on sale

Victor comments:

The text about the carpet target may have a typo - 270 lb for bow pull - cool

Dmitry comments:

Tried compound bow 60lb. Penoplex - 7 layers of 50mm each. The arrow pierces, sticks out of it 15-20 cm from behind. It is pulled out with 2 hands and only with an emphasis on the legs. Not an option. Mineral wool - The arrow goes through 80cm of cotton wool and sticks out in the back half. Option, . plumage also passes through cotton wool. That's just the wrong volume. OSB9mm + 20mm chipboard - the arrow went through, stuck out 10cm. The tip fell off the glue and flew away, scratching the metal (2mm zinc plated, tangentially) behind the target. It was possible to get it only with our feet resting on it, and even then not immediately. Option with a rug, what to try?

Victor comments:

Dmitry, try a 2-centimeter penoplex cut into 20 cm wide blocks, compressed, like packing cardboard in this article. The boom protrudes from the rear by 5-10 cm, can be pulled out with one hand when using the boom lifter. Blocks change as they wear out

Mort comments:

And when you pull out the arrows, the tips do not fly off them?

Measles comments:

No, they are holding on normally.

Stepan comments:

I am a beginner and shoot blunt arrows. How am I targeting them?

Artem comments:

Yes, in principle, any target, even from hay, even from carpet, even from foam.

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