Cable squat. The most common mistakes in squats, deadlifts, and bench presses

Physiologists have long studied the effects of squats and deadlifts on the formation of an athletic physique.

Both exercises are basic, but squats are considered by many to be the king of all exercises. And we think deservedly so. But, and deadlift has a huge impact on the growth of strength, hormones and the development of general muscularity.

Let's discuss a little about the merits of these exercises.

In gyms, leadership of course keeps the squat.
Nowadays, it is rare to train your legs without squats. Not everyone uses a barbell for this, it could be a Smith machine or a Hack squat machine. During this movement, many muscles are involved - the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The calf and soleus muscles provide balance and plantar flexion during free-weight work.

Squats should be an integral part of your training program... No matter who you are, a bodybuilder, powerlifter or wrestler, and no matter what goals you pursue, increase muscle mass, strength performance, rehabilitation after a knee injury, or simply preventing osteoporosis and promoting overall health. Squats, performed correctly, improve the functional mobility of the hip joint, while also significantly improving the stability of all other joints in the lower body.

The only defining reasons not to do squats are significant limitation of joint mobility and chronic pain.

In some cases, the squat is replaced by a leg press in the machine.

Sometimes trauma, limiting the range of motion, does not allow a particular movement to be performed properly, which, affecting the technique, nullifies the purpose of the exercise itself.

Anyone with these limitations can always consider alternatives.

If any of you fall into this category, then the deadlift is a better option for you. Except perhaps if you have a serious problem with lumbar... In this case, with squats and deadlifts, you will have to wait until this problem is fixed.

With the right technique and a smart approach, the deadlift is guaranteed to increase your strength and athletic performance in any sport.

This exercise has every chance of becoming one of the most beloved in your arsenal.

Deadlift mechanics relieve the load from the knees in the barbell lifting phase and the quads are involved in this process to a much lesser extent than when doing squats. This redistribution of the load makes it possible to apply deadlift to those athletes who experience discomfort from squats, or cannot do them at all for some reason.

Both squats and deadlifts are quite difficult to correct execution despite the apparent simplicity. For this reason Special attention need to be given to technique.

During the deadlift, almost all of the rear part muscle corset. For the most part, these are the hamstrings, gluteal muscles, and back muscles (including the posterior deltoids, traps, and extensor muscles of the spine). Also, the wrists and calf muscles stabilizing the body.

If we take into account that the above muscles often fall into the category of "lagging", then the execution of the deadlift has some advantage in this regard relative to the squat.

You can spend hours talking about these two exercises. And we think that we will return to this topic more than once in our subsequent articles.

Squat Vs Deadlift is a multi-round battle!

There are many supporters of both exercises, who rely on their personal training experience and information obtained from the articles.

Taking into account everything that is written here, rely on your own personal feelings.

Only you can decide which of these exercises to pay more attention to in your workout.

Both exercises deserve respect.

Happy training!

Fitness Motivation

Discussion of the topic in the Post cycle therapy (PCT) section on the forum site.

  1. Sore back: stretch or "pump"?

    What to do?

    1 / bridge

    4 / reverse crunches

  2. Sore back: stretch or "pump"?

    Here Mikhail Koklyaev advises to "upload" for example, and some of the eminent BBs to stretch, what helps you?

    What is the most common response to complaints of back pain?

    Most often, I hear two stories from people with back problems:

    1 / The doctor advised me to stretch my back muscles (usually hang on a horizontal bar, sometimes also hang weights additionally)
    2 / The doctor advised me to "pump" my back muscles. And a person in the literal sense, right with a sore back, figures tilts and hyperextensions

    How many of you hang on the bar to stretch your back?

    When you hang on a horizontal bar, you reflexively contract deep muscles back to stabilize the vertebrae. if you have a hernia, the compression becomes even greater.
    By the way, in addition to the back in the hang, they are also very heavily loaded shoulder joints, especially you still like to twitch or twist from side to side. Remember - you should never do that.

    If you want to stretch and relax your back, then it is best to choose the following:

    1 / lie on a fitball (there is support here)
    2 / lie in the fetal position (balasana)

    Now let's talk about those who were advised by the doctor to pump their back. In general, the recommendation is correct, but there is a BUT!

    What causes back pain?
    Back pain can be both a consequence of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, diseases of the joints of the spine, inflammation in muscles and tendons, tumors, and a consequence of problems internal organs: heart, kidney, etc. In essence, pain is perceived by people in the same way, and the root cause can vary significantly. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis by a specialist doctor is required first.

    Most often, people are faced with osteochondrosis.

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, accompanied by structural changes in the intervertebral cartilage and vertebral bodies, followed by the formation of bone growths (osteophytes). Subsequently, the bone growths, increasing in size, cause a narrowing (stenosis) of the intervertebral canal and begin to exert pressure on the nerve roots, which increases when the vertebrae are displaced relative to their anatomical position.

    The body's natural reaction is pain and spasms. This is necessary in order to immobilize the affected area and allow it to recover.
    And now your back hurts and the doctor says to shake it. And you put a load on your already sore area. What's happening? Naturally, even more cramping and pain.

    What to do?

    1 / give yourself some rest so that the acute phase passes.

    2 / help back muscles - train muscles that will help hold correct position body. These are the muscles of the buttocks and abs.

    When your glutes and abs are weak, then your back has to do all the work. First, you need to strengthen the buttocks and abs, and only then "pump" the back.

    The best place to start is with exercise:

    1 / bridge
    2 / goblet squat (no axial load) or cable pull squat
    3 / plank (only with good technique)
    4 / reverse crunches

    Based on materials from Tatiana Prokofyeva

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    Osteochondrosis is not a disease at all. These are age-related degenerative changes, against the background of which all sorts of unpleasant things develop.))

  3. Sore back: stretch or "pump"?

    Here Mikhail Koklyaev advises to "upload" for example, and some of the eminent BBs to stretch, what helps you?

    What is the most common response to complaints of back pain?

    Most often, I hear two stories from people with back problems:

    1 / The doctor advised me to stretch my back muscles (usually hang on a horizontal bar, sometimes also hang weights additionally)
    2 / The doctor advised me to "pump" my back muscles. And a person in the literal sense, right with a sore back, figures tilts and hyperextensions

    How many of you hang on the bar to stretch your back?

    When you hang on a bar, your deep back muscles reflexively contract to stabilize your vertebrae. if you have a hernia, the compression becomes even greater.
    By the way, in addition to the back in the hang, the shoulder joints are also very heavily loaded, especially you still like to twitch or twist from side to side. Remember - you should never do that.

    If you want to stretch and relax your back, then it is best to choose the following:

    1 / lie on a fitball (there is support here)
    2 / lie in the fetal position (balasana)

    Now let's talk about those who were advised by the doctor to pump their back. In general, the recommendation is correct, but there is a BUT!

    What causes back pain?
    Back pain can be a consequence of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, diseases of the joints of the spine, inflammation in muscles and tendons, tumors, and as a consequence of problems of internal organs: heart, kidneys, etc. In fact, people perceive pain in the same way, and the root cause can differ significantly. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis by a specialist doctor is required first.

    Most often, people are faced with osteochondrosis.

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, accompanied by structural changes in the intervertebral cartilage and vertebral bodies, followed by the formation of bone growths (osteophytes). Subsequently, the bone growths, increasing in size, cause a narrowing (stenosis) of the intervertebral canal and begin to exert pressure on the nerve roots, which increases when the vertebrae are displaced relative to their anatomical position.

    The body's natural reaction is pain and spasms. This is necessary in order to immobilize the affected area and allow it to recover.
    And now your back hurts and the doctor says to shake it. And you put a load on your already sore area. What's happening? Naturally, even more cramping and pain.

    What to do?

    1 / give yourself some rest so that the acute phase passes.

    2 / help back muscles - train muscles that will help maintain the correct body position. These are the muscles of the buttocks and abs.

    When your glutes and abs are weak, then your back has to do all the work. First, you need to strengthen the buttocks and abs, and only then "pump" the back.

    The best place to start is with exercise:

    1 / bridge
    2 / goblet squat (no axial load) or cable pull squat
    3 / plank (only with good technique)
    4 / reverse crunches

    Based on materials from Tatiana Prokofyeva

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    I will add more.
    All kinds physical activity affect the spine. Even if you are not doing anything at all, you are constantly loading it. The spine is the support of everything. Therefore, if the damage is already there, then no exercises can fix it. The only remedy is to straighten the thoracic region, if possible, so that the load falls more evenly. Open an image of a human skeleton in the internet. What is shown there is called the norm. Therefore, the norm is equivalent to health. By bringing the spine as close to the anatomical norm as possible, you will get rid of almost all pain. If there are no irreversible changes, of course.

  4. [To view the links please or to your account!], everything is correct - create your own branch according to your specialty, and the rudders in it, everything will be in one place, for all questions, so that they would not run to look for you if that. Just look - they won't be praised on the next one)))

    Click to Expand ...

    And you can, of course, start a branch. Only scribble will be full again. And I know in advance that a very limited number of people will read it all. And the benefits will also be a little on the bottom. But it looks like we need to try.))

  5. So I did not quarrel with anyone there, I think that the administration of that forum has no complaints against me. I am not going to speak negatively about them either. All recent showdowns are absolutely not my business, and it is not in my plans to find out who is right and who is not. I came here after a few few friends with whom I talked in recent times there. For Zhelezny Borisych and the hooligan Borka. And from there he did not leave either, although, to be honest, it became boring. By the way, maybe you will change your mind about me. There I am registered as Vlad, and at one time you had many complaints against me, which you expressed very energetically, and at times, completely impartial. If it was, of course, you. Remember the story of the Free City? Believe me, I'm not at all in a complaint, I just write so that nothing remains unsaid.

    And you can, of course, start a branch. Only scribble will be full again. And I know in advance that a very limited number of people will read it all. And the benefits will also be a little on the bottom. But it looks like we need to try.))

    Click to Expand ...

    Vlad, no complaints, of course I recognized you right away, personally I was jarred by the Free City, no more, there are no other questions, but for God's sake use your knowledge for people. There is no need to swear with anyone there, it is enough that you appeared here)))

  6. Click to Expand ...

    I am very glad that you look at it that way. I will try, especially since I have now watched the video here about hernias and protrusions. It really jarred me. It will be necessary to somehow try not to argue with anyone, but simply to express their point of view on this issue. I'll gather my thoughts, and, perhaps, I'll start.

  7. I am very glad that you look at it that way. I will try, especially since I have watched the video here about hernias and protrusions. It really jarred me. It will be necessary to somehow try not to argue with anyone, but simply to express their point of view on this issue. I'll gather my thoughts, and, perhaps, I'll start.

    Click to Expand ...

    So no one is against and will not interfere, open a branch and help.

  8. Sore back: stretch or "pump"?

    Here Mikhail Koklyaev advises to "upload" for example, and some of the eminent BBs to stretch, what helps you?

    What is the most common response to complaints of back pain?

    Most often, I hear two stories from people with back problems:

    1 / The doctor advised me to stretch my back muscles (usually hang on a horizontal bar, sometimes also hang weights additionally)
    2 / The doctor advised me to "pump" my back muscles. And a person in the literal sense, right with a sore back, figures tilts and hyperextensions

    How many of you hang on the bar to stretch your back?

    When you hang on a bar, your deep back muscles reflexively contract to stabilize your vertebrae. if you have a hernia, the compression becomes even greater.
    By the way, in addition to the back in the hang, the shoulder joints are also very heavily loaded, especially you still like to twitch or twist from side to side. Remember - you should never do that.

    If you want to stretch and relax your back, then it is best to choose the following:

    1 / lie on a fitball (there is support here)
    2 / lie in the fetal position (balasana)

    Now let's talk about those who were advised by the doctor to pump their back. In general, the recommendation is correct, but there is a BUT!

    What causes back pain?
    Back pain can be a consequence of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, diseases of the joints of the spine, inflammation in muscles and tendons, tumors, and as a consequence of problems of internal organs: heart, kidneys, etc. In fact, people perceive pain in the same way, and the root cause can differ significantly. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis by a specialist doctor is required first.

    Most often, people are faced with osteochondrosis.

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, accompanied by structural changes in the intervertebral cartilage and vertebral bodies, followed by the formation of bone growths (osteophytes). Subsequently, the bone growths, increasing in size, cause a narrowing (stenosis) of the intervertebral canal and begin to exert pressure on the nerve roots, which increases when the vertebrae are displaced relative to their anatomical position.

    The body's natural reaction is pain and spasms. This is necessary in order to immobilize the affected area and allow it to recover.
    And now your back hurts and the doctor says to shake it. And you put a load on your already sore area. What's happening? Naturally, even more cramping and pain.

    What to do?

    1 / give yourself some rest so that the acute phase passes.

    2 / help back muscles - train muscles that will help maintain the correct body position. These are the muscles of the buttocks and abs.

    When your glutes and abs are weak, then your back has to do all the work. First, you need to strengthen the buttocks and abs, and only then "pump" the back.

    The best place to start is with exercise:

    1 / bridge
    2 / goblet squat (no axial load) or cable pull squat
    3 / plank (only with good technique)
    4 / reverse crunches

    Based on materials from Tatiana Prokofyeva

    Click to Expand ...

    Sorry, I'll write more. The topic touched me very much. The goblet squat is advised, since there is supposedly no axial load in it. I confess I didn't know what a goblet squat was, so I went online. Well, what about them, these squats have no axial load then? Or do you think that if the barbell does not lie on your shoulders, then it does not press on the spine either? I have to upset everyone who is reading this now. It doesn't matter if the weight is on your shoulders or in your hands. the load always comes to the center of gravity. Is always. The arms that hold the weight are attached to the shoulder blades, which in turn are attached to the spine. And all the cases. Remember deadlift. I will say more than that. Any exercise with weights in one way or another puts a load on the spine. You can minimize it with the right technique, but you can't completely remove it.
    Goblet squats again. Imagine that you have a fair amount of stoop. The load on the spine will instantly increase many times during these squats, as the lever increases, that is, the burden is located farther from the center of gravity, which increases the load on it.

    Think for yourself what it can give? All of you, I'm talking about all the jocks now, no offense. So that's it. You all strive to influence the muscles, take some outlandish poses, perform supposedly miraculous exercises. You will certainly strengthen the muscles, but you can only negatively affect the skeleton. I have already given the nail example many times. If one end of it is clamped in a vice, and the other is grasped and tried to bend in one direction or the other, what will happen? That's right, it will break. And the point is not at all in hernias, but in general wear and tear of the spine. I will try to further describe in detail what, how and why a hernia should not be afraid.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Position your feet so that the toes are slightly turned to the sides.
  2. Point your knees and toes in the same direction. Shift your weight onto your heels.
  3. Press your feet firmly to the floor and do not lift them throughout the exercise.
  4. If you are doing a squat without additional weights, you can hold your arms in front of you (this is the easiest way to keep balance), put them behind your head, or cross them in front of your chest.
  5. Keep your lower back in a boat with a slight bend. Do not round it, including in the thoracic region.
  6. Try not to lean forward. Watch your posture.
  7. Do not bring your knees inward and do not spread them to the sides, getting up from a lower position. The knees should "look" in the same direction as the feet. Also, try not to push your knees forward beyond the level of the socks.
  8. Take a deep breath at the beginning of the exercise. Further, when lifting, you need to exhale, when lowering, inhale.
  9. You need to descend at least to the parallel of the thigh with the floor. Better - even deeper, although it depends on the purpose of the exercise.
  10. You do not need to straighten your legs to the end at the top point. Just before reaching full straightening, immediately begin to move down.


Additional equipment is needed for squats with weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells).

For strength training are used:

  • Elastic bandages for knee and wrist joints.
  • Belt.
  • Special jumpsuits for squats (used only in competitive powerlifting).

What harm can squats do?

Squats on their own are not dangerous. They become dangerous when they are not performed correctly. Squats put stress on knee joints and tendons, spine, especially when performed with weights. To ensure that activities do not harm you, do them correctly.

Before starting squat workouts, make sure that they are not contraindicated for you.

Contraindications for implementation:

  • knee diseases and hip joints(arthritis, arthrosis);
  • diseases and injuries of the spine (scoliosis, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • overweight.

Common beginner mistakes that lead to injury:

  • Workout without warm-up. Without warming up the muscles, you can not start training.
  • Forcing events. Some newbies are testing their limits by grabbing at more than necessary weight, or wanting to quickly achieve desired result... There is joint pain, sprains, trauma.
  • Slouching back. Poor posture during training can lead to spinal injuries.
  • Exercise in spite of the pain. At the slightest pain, the lesson should be stopped.


Almost always (except for those cases when classes are contraindicated for health reasons), the benefits of squats are a hundred times greater than the potential harm from them. The exercise is recommended for children and adults of all ages. By regularly squatting, you will strengthen the muscular system, become stronger, more enduring, more energetic, and slimmer.

Why does the squat start to overtake the deadlift? This question is asked by many athletes. Let's try to figure out what's the matter. Let's consider the factors influencing the results of athletes.

To begin with, squatting is not always greater than the deadlift. It all depends on the level of training of the athlete. An example is Kalla Ivan, who holds the record in deadlift in the category up to 75 kg. Ivan in October 2003 at the Russian Cup in Syktyvkar pulled first 327.5 kg., Then 330 kg., Breaking his own record 325.5, set six months earlier (while he has a squat "only" in the region of 270-280 kg.). As Ivan himself says - the deadlift is his favorite exercise and he pays a lot of attention to it. In his workouts, he includes different kinds Rows such as Stand Rows, Deep Rows, and Regular Rows (where can you go without it). One of the most important exercises Ivan considers the squatting with a barbell on the chest, which practically isolates the work of the back and gluteal muscles, most of the load falls on the quadriceps, which are so important in the deadlift. The quads are active throughout the movement. Powerful breakaway, leg straightening - all this is to a large extent their work. The hamstrings also work, but to a lesser extent. A significant role is played by the fact that besides the fact that the weight needs to be stretched - it also needs to be held in the hands, there is a great load on the hands and forearms.

It can be concluded that in traction, a lot depends on physical strength athlete. Equipment plays a lesser role here - it just does not allow the athlete to bend his back and protects him from injury, the weight gain here is insignificant. The only option to "play" the equipment is to try to catch the moment at the beginning of the movement - try to "get hooked under the barbell" - a sharp downward movement of the pelvis and lift-off of the barbell with a lift, which is actively used by athletes (I think you often heard at competitions encouraging shouts like "for yourself " etc.)

If the deadlift depends on the level physical fitness, then in the squat the opposite is true. Technique has a big influence here. If you wish, you can search the Internet for articles in which the squat as a movement is divided into many different interesting points, starting with the place where the bar is placed on the back and ending with the distribution of the center of gravity and complex calculations of the movement itself using the laws of physics. An important role is played by the fact that squats are fully involved in some of the most large muscles human - hamstrings and quadriceps. These muscles, due to their area and structure, have great strength potential. I will not go that far and try to figure out the main points. Overalls, bandages, heavy weight- all this has a very large impact on the movement itself.

So, let's figure it out. Overalls and bandages, when used correctly, give "recoil", with the help of which the athlete is thrown from the bottom up, also a large weight on the athlete's back can help him: when the athlete drops to the lowest point of movement, the bar flexes under the influence of the weight and springs by inertia, the athlete remains just to catch this moment, the rest is a matter of equipping and working the muscles (you can also return to the support of athletes by spectators and friends - shouts "like a spring", "tightly in bandages", "in return", etc. - help the athlete not to get confused and catch the desired moment in motion). Equipment can also be a great help in increasing squatting results. In my memory there was a case when I first performed at major competitions Russian scale - at the VII Championship of Russia among boys and girls under 18, held in the summer of 2003. in the city of Priozersk (Leningrad region). Then in my category a guy (Evgeny Vasyukov, Surgut) bought a jumpsuit and wore it for the first time during the warm-up (Inzer Hardcore). The results stunned everyone. The maximum result he had was about 230 kg. in a squat. As a result, 250 kg easily went during the warm-up. His final result was two records in a row in the squat: in the third approach 270.5 (the previous record of 270 kg lasted a little over a year and belonged to Hernandez-Ortega Alexey), which is immediately interrupted by Vladimir Sholsky (272.5). And in the fourth additional approach, Evgeny orders 280. Yes! New record in a squat in weight category up to 75 kg. among boys under 18 years of age. Two months ago, at the championship of the city of Surgut, Evgeny's total was 622.5 kg. now she has become 685. And all thanks to the purchased jumpsuit!

Let's summarize. We can safely say that the result in the deadlift depends only on the physical fitness of the athlete, only on his strength and endurance, but the result in the squat is largely determined by the equipment and correct technique, which is why with the release of new equipment, the results of athletes in squatting are growing. Other factors, such as the placement of the legs in the squat, have little effect, records were set with both a wide and a narrow one. It mostly depends on technique and strength. We will not take into account pharmacological training - this is a completely different topic. Proper nutrition, sleep and regimen also contribute to your results. If a person is not indifferent to himself, monitors his health, then he is capable of making records at any age. So, Vyacheslav Piskunov deserves great respect, who at the age of 50 3 years ago set a record in squatting - 407.5 kg in the category up to 110 kg. But records are needed to overcome them. So now 2 ZMS are ready for a record - Nikolay Suslov from Vladimir and Valentin Dedyulya from Khabarovsk. Both squatted this year at the Russian Cup 405 kg, which is only 2.5 kg less than the record weight. Let's wish them good luck in our difficult task. And I can wish you successful approaches and new records.

We train the gluteal muscles in the gym. Pop - allow yourself this luxury.

You walk with a cool gait -
Seducing all romantics around.
And men are fascinated by you -
They look after you leaving ...

It is quite possible to become the owners of such seductive forms, showing interest in yourself first of all! And if once you notice that you are clearly not getting enough attention in your address ... I think this is the case when you should part with this complex and gain more self-confidence. Get involved in the competition! And one way to become a Queen is of course gym... Today, as you already understood, we will pay special attention to the fifth point - the gluteal muscles.

To train this muscle area, I have developed a whole set of exercises. Let's consider one of them.

Wide leg squats at the bottom of the crossover.
First, we will choose a sufficient working weight so that you do not fall backwards. So the weight is set. Next, you need to sit down and with your back straight (you cannot bend over, since you can injure the spine, which we did not plan to) take weight technically. We pay attention to the grip - with the fingers of one hand we grasp the brush of the other. Raise the shoulders, connect the shoulder blades, get up a little back and walk away. We put the socks to the sides for the correct angle of application of the load.

We squat with a straight back with almost motionless knees and protrude the ass, rest on the heels and lean back a little, stand up, squeezing the gluteal muscles. If you do not stand on the heels leaning back, then you will not get the emphasis on the gluteal muscles and you can be thrown forward. If you are not pulled back and carried forward, then you are doing it correctly. If done correctly, you will feel the muscles of the priests. The deeper you sit, the more you pump them.

How to finish correctly. We come forward and squat with a straight back.

You saw an isolated version of the exercises for gluteal muscles so it is difficult to use a lot of weight. I advise you to gradually add weight. If you have back problems, take less weight and do 15-20 reps. If the muscles of the lower back are strengthened, then on the contrary, we increase the weight and do up to 8 repetitions.

Follow this exercise in a set of exercises for the gluteal muscles 1 time per week with maximum intensity and, if you wish, 1 more time per week with medium intensity.

One important point- this is correct breathing... When the muscles contract (when we get up) we exhale, when we stretch (when we squat) we inhale.

I think we had a good time, which means that your priest will not leave anyone indifferent. I like to transmit useful tips others. What else to do with them? Your coach Yuri Spasokukotsky was with you. Until next time !!!

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