How to make a compound bow. How to make a compound bow with your own hands

The bow is one of the most readily available hunting weapons. At the moment, many hunters are wondering how to make a bow for hunting with their own hands, since archery is one of the most exciting options for shooting prey. A bow made for hunting with your own hands may well take its rightful place among ecological souvenirs.

Making a bow for hunting with your own hands is not too difficult.

How to make a simple bow

To make a bow for a simple one, you will need wood from solid wood species (cedar, pine, spruce, maple, elm, birch, bird cherry, pear, larch, apple). The dimensions of the bow depend on its future use. Hunting requires a compact weapon, so you need to choose a suitable wood (flexible branch), put its end to your hip with one hand, straighten it with the other hand and move it slightly to the side so that the hand and the workpiece coincide with each other. The end of the bow will be where your hand can reach. In the center, the width of the bow should be 5 cm, and at both ends 1.5 cm.Further, at a distance of 1.25 cm from the ends, mark the grooves for the bowstring.
Next, you should clean the workpiece from the bark, and then, after giving it the necessary shape, rub it with animal fat.

How to make a compound bow

A real bow for combat or for serious hunts is best made composite, i.e. in two or three parts. Naturally, it is much more difficult to make it, but it is easier to find materials for blanks. Such a bow usually consists of three wooden parts, or parts of bone or horns. The edges of such a bow can be 1.5 meters in length.

The base of the bow is called "kibit" and plays the role of a frame to which the main parts are attached. The kibit must be enclosed in a "handle" and two arms - horns, which must end with fastenings for the bowstring. The horns should have different length- the lower one should be shorter than the upper one. This is of tremendous importance when shooting from the knee. If you are not an adherent of this kind of shooting, then you can make the length of the horns the same.

For making a kibiti, wood will do, which is suitable for making a simple bow. The tree should be of medium thickness and does not have laminated flexible wood. The optimal choice is near the root dense and porous areas of the tree.

For the manufacture of horns, you should choose a bird cherry growing near the reservoir.

With the help of fish glue (made from crushed fish bones), you need to glue the finished parts. After that, soak the kibit with fat or cedar resin. The gluing points should be pulled together with the tendons of the animal and again soaked with fat. Glued onions should be cut with a sharp knife.

To give the bow maximum strength, the inner side of it should be pasted over with a plate made of spruce "Kremlin", and the outer one with a birch plate. After that, glue the whole onion with birch bark. The birch bark should be boiled and pasted over while still warm, with fibers along.


Made from a 3 mm wide strip of rawhide, cord or twisted nettle stalks. If the bow has good flexibility, the string can be made long. The bowstring should not be too tight. We put on the bowstring on the lower horn of the bow, next to the middle of the inner part of the left foot, resting it on the floor, pull the handle towards us, press the upper end down with the other hand and put on the loop of the bowstring. If the bow is powerful, then we rest its lower end on the ground, so that the middle of the bow touches the leg with back side, after that we bend the bow and put on the bowstring. The correct bowstring is about 15 centimeters from the hilt.


It is understood that the length of the arrows will depend on the bow. It is the length of the booms that provides the proper tension. To make an arrow, a workpiece, you need to rest in the middle of the chest, arms outstretched forward. Where the fingertips are, there will be the end of the arrow. The tips should not touch the kibita. The diameter of the arrows is 6 mm. For hunting small game arrows are made of light wood, for large animals - of heavy and hard wood.

For arrows, it is necessary to choose logs without knots, split them into splinters, and process with a sharp knife. A slot should be made in the end tail section, 5-6 mm deep, slightly less than the diameter of the bowstring. Any strong feathers of birds are suitable for plumage.

For hunting small birds, arrows are simply sharpened at the end. If hunting is meant for more serious game, then a simple tip made of bone or flint is required, giving them the shape of a sharp triangle.

The bow is one of the few ancient types of weapons that have survived to this day practically unchanged. Today the field of application of bows is quite wide. They are used for hunting, sports and just for fun. Due to the simplicity of the design, many people are interested in how to make a bow with their own hands. And if you want to end up not with an article of dubious quality, but with a real weapon, then the manufacturing process should be approached with all seriousness.

A bow is a throwing type weapon designed for shooting with special arrows. The shooting process is extremely simple and requires the shooter to lay the arrow, pull and release the bowstring. Thus, the energy accumulated in the bent arc of the weapon is transferred to the arrow, which strikes the target.

Despite the simplicity of the bow design, shooting from such a weapon requires a number of specific skills:

  1. First of all, the shooter must have sufficient strength to pull the string.
  2. There is no scope in classic and traditional models. In addition, the aiming process is somewhat complicated by the need to keep the string taut.
  3. Performing a bow shot requires a number of actions, from the correct placement of the arrow on the arc and ending with the release of the bowstring. Without perfection of actions, in this case there can be no question of any precision.

The next stage in the development of this weapon is the crossbow, which arose around the 4th century BC. e. It does not require the shooter physical strength and special skills. However, the bow has a simpler design and a high rate of fire, so it was not forgotten even with the advent of firearms.

Design features and types of bows

Homemade bow designs are solid and collapsible

Before making a bow with your own hands, you need to get acquainted with the features of its device. The modern bow has three main elements:

  1. The shoulders, thanks to which the energy is accumulated, is transmitted to the arrow in the process of a shot.
  2. Handle. It is necessary for comfortable holding of the weapon when firing.
  3. Bowstring. One of the main structural elements, as a result of the tension of which, energy is transferred to the shoulders and boom.

These are the basic elements found in all modern bow designs. In addition to them, the weapon can be equipped with a shelf that serves to support the arrow, different kinds sights, a system of blocks that increase the efficiency of such weapons.

At the moment, there are many varieties of bows. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. In appearance, such weapons can be simple and complex. In the first case, the body of the bow consists of a flexible stick that bends into an arc. Composite structures assume the presence of a base to which the shoulders are attached. Usually they are reinforced with horny plates, which are connected to each other by means of a special adhesive.
  2. Straight and curved models are possible in shape. Recursive models are very popular, the shoulders of which have a reverse bend. Thanks to the efficient distribution of the bowstring tension, the speed of the arrow fired from such models is greatly increased.
  3. With regard to the material of manufacture, there are wooden, metal, fiberglass and combined models. Metal structures are usually welded from lightweight hollow pipes.
  4. By finding the arrow. The most popular are center bows, where the arrow is located in the middle - that is, on the longitudinal axis of the bow. Peripheral designs assume the boom is located to the left of the upper arm.
  5. Regarding the design, they distinguish between solid and collapsible bows... The latter is characterized by removable shoulders, so that the shooter can change the characteristics of his weapon, depending on the need. The most modern is the compound bow or compound. Its design includes many parts, and blocks take part in the boom tensioning process.
  6. With regard to the method of application, they distinguish between hunting, sports, combat, etc. models.

Onion making technology

Skis can be used as bow shoulders

For self-made onions you can use the following materials:

  1. Tree. This is the most common option that allows you to make your own model of a bow with excellent shooting characteristics.
  2. Thick cardboard. Allows you not only to make a model of the bow, but also to create a compact working model. Naturally, such an object will not be a weapon, but it can be used to understand the basics of the functioning of such a weapon.
  3. PVC pipes. The density of some PVC pipes is enough to make a bow for target shooting.
  4. Skis. Top part skis can be used as shoulders.
  5. Plywood. With sufficient density, it can also be used for making shoulders.

Harvesting and processing of wood

Since the classic model of a bow is made of wood, the features of making weapons from this material will be considered below. In order for the final product to have truly high performance, several important conditions must be met:

  1. Wood harvesting is carried out on a cold, frosty day. A large strong branch should be cut down, the length of which reaches 180 cm. The diameter of the branch should be 10-12 cm. It is advisable to pay attention to the growths and knots - their number should be minimal.
  2. You shouldn't take off the bark. The ends of the branches are covered with a special oil impregnation or wood paint.
  3. We set the workpiece vertically. In this state, it should dry out within 2-3 months at a temperature in the range of 20-28 degrees.
  4. Using a well-sharpened knife and a sharp ax, it is necessary to give the workpiece a rectangular shape.
  5. Next, you should thoroughly steam the shoulders of the future onion, holding the workpiece over boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Simultaneous steaming of both shoulders is recommended.
  6. The steamed workpiece is placed in a slipway for two weeks. During this period, the bark must come off it on its own. If this does not happen, you must carefully scrape it off using a sharp knife.
  7. The wood is treated with wax. After it is completely dry, it is necessary to make notches designed to secure the bowstring.

Now you should talk about each of the stages separately.

About wood structure

It is better to choose a wooden blank for onions from birch, ash, hazel or oak

Before making a do-it-yourself hunting bow, you need to understand the structure of the wood. If you do not take into account the characteristics of the material, then it will not be possible to make a well-balanced weapon with sufficient power and reliability.

Looking closely at the workpiece, you can identify two types of wooden structure:

  • Dark inner rings. This part of the plant is already dried. These areas are characterized by maximum hardness.
  • The lighter layers are called sapwood. They are less dense and more elastic.

The surface of the bow that faces the archer is called his belly. It is she who compresses when the bowstring is pulled. The back is the back of the bow, which stretches when fired.

For long-term use of the implement, it is necessary to create the perfect balance between old wood fibers and sapwood. Thus, the bow should have a light "back" and elastic "belly", which will provide the necessary rigidity.

First stage

After drying the material, you should start working. First of all, you should carefully examine the workpiece. For work, the part that has thinner annual rings is selected. Most often it comes about the north side. In this place, the wood has a denser structure, and therefore the bow will be more biting.

The workpiece is sawn or split in half. If the trunk is knotty, it is better to cut it, as splitting can damage the workpiece.

After the longitudinal separation of the workpiece, it should be kept suspended for some time. At the same time, many craftsmen hang the load from the lower edge of the workpiece.

Shaping the bow

The size of a ski bow is best made in the range of 120-140 cm

When creating a bow, you must complete the following steps:

  1. First of all, mark the middle of the workpiece. This is where the arrow will go.
  2. We determine the dimensions of the handle, carrying out the final marking.
  3. Now you can start creating the base of the onion. To do this, remove the extra layers of wood from the back of the weapon with a plane or knife. Gradually moving away from the handle to the sides, the required shoulder thickness should be formed.

It is very important to ensure uniform shoulder flexion. To do this, remove the same amount of excess wood from them.

How to determine the optimal shoulder thickness?

The shoulders of the bow are the main element of the bow. Therefore, they should be worked out as carefully as possible. For this, a special bowstring with many loops is used. They are located at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

Initially, the shoulders will be difficult to flex. They should be checked with the extreme loops of the bowstring. Gradually cutting off the extra layers of wood, you should move on to the next loops, thereby achieving a gradual increase in tension. This is done until your bow is in the desired shape.

It is also very important to check that the back of the bow is evenly curved. It should be understood that even if you have achieved the visual identity of the shoulders, they may still bend unevenly due to the different structure of the wood. Therefore, precise fine-tuning is necessary. To do this, it is best to use a file, gradually grinding down those parts of the structure where there is an uneven bend.

Cutting off knots should be carried out after complete drying and finishing of the workpiece. Otherwise, the structure may crack, which will lead to its unsuitability for further use.

Even in the last stages of onion making, knotting should be done very carefully. For this, it is advisable to use a well-sharpened knife. It is better to leave small protrusions, which are subsequently sealed with sandpaper. This way you can do pretty good homemade bow for hunting.

Handle making

Finished handle can be coated with ship varnish or wood stain

After the rough marking of the handle has been made, it is necessary to carry out a thorough study of it. To do this, we wrap our hand around it and outline the boundaries. Next, you should carve out a kind of transition from the handle to the shoulders. The handle itself is best pasted over soft cloth or leather to make it comfortable to use.

What to make a bowstring from?

The following materials are suitable for making a bowstring:

  • nylon thread or lace;
  • fishing line;
  • polypropylene rope;
  • leg-split;
  • Kevlar climbing sling, which can be purchased at sports stores;
  • lavsan thread;
  • nylon.

Advice! For the most durable bowstrings, it is best to use synthetic threads.

Features of making arrows

The smaller the plumage, the faster the arrows fly, the heavier the arrow, the wider the plumage

The best material birch or pine wood is used for making arrows. The first is distinguished by a more complex processing process, however, it allows you to get a better quality shaft.

Arrows can be made from thin branches, wooden battens or planks. The first option is preferable, since it is the least laborious and allows you to get the final products really High Quality... Procurement of material in this case is carried out in the same way as for the body of the onion. Before making an arrow, the raw material should be dried for at least a month by hanging it vertically. Further, the bark is removed from the workpiece, the defects are carefully cut off, after which it is smoothed with sandpaper.

It remains to make the tip and plumage. The easiest way to make a tip is to use a nail secured with copper wire. However, this option is not suitable for serious purposes. To get a really good quality arrow, the arrowhead is cut from thin sheet steel, no more than 2 mm thick.

What kind of weapon is invented at the present time! Despite all the innovations, even in the field, interest in the bow still does not fade away. And this is quite understandable - you can often hear about the special feeling of an arrow and a bowstring.

Anyway, modern developments affected and hunting bows... One of the latest know-how in this area is the compound bow. With your own hands, you can feel its advantage over the usual option at the first shot.

It got its name due to the use of a block system in the design. It can be two blocks located at the extreme points of the bow's shoulders, or one - on the lower shoulder. Moreover, the second option is preferable due to the simpler setup.

What is the advantage?

The block system - an eccentric on the lower shoulder plus a roller on the upper one - due to the tension of the cable, allows you to sharply increase the tension of the bowstring, and then drop it sharply. In this case, the boom speed can reach 100 m / s.

Many people may be interested in making a compound bow with their own hands. In addition to the block system, the bow is usually equipped with a stabilizer and a sight. It will be at least difficult to make a full-fledged sight from scrap materials.

Making a compound bow with your own hands is a feasible task for people with experience in this area. The handle can be made of either high-strength plywood or wood. If you chose the second option, then the task may become more difficult due to the search for a bar of suitable sizes. After processing, the product must be covered with stain and varnish in several layers. I must say that this is the easiest part of the job.

When making a compound bow with your own hands, you can face many problems. What are they all about? Making a professional hunting bow, making shoulders causes difficulties. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to use multilayer plywood; it is better to use fiberglass. To make a multi-layer construction of the shoulders from it. Here, there are often problems with internal deformations under excessive stress.

The next stage is the block system. The blocks themselves can be made of various materials. The easiest way is to order the required steel block on a lathe. The best option is eccentric blocks.

The stabilizer is made in the form of a bar with a moving weight. The load is fixed with a screw. You can make either a long but lighter stabilizer, or a short and heavy one.

Other parts, such as the bowstring rod and the boom bracket, are made of metal (aluminum or steel). Fastening is carried out with screws. The shelf for the outlet can be made of wire. It must be provided with a stroke to adjust the length.

For the bowstring, you can use Kevlar thread or "braid".

It should be noted that making a compound bow with your own hands is quite realistic, but this is more likely out of interest in the manufacturing process itself. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make such a rather high-tech weapon on our own. So if the goal is to obtain a powerful compound bow, then it is better to purchase it in a specialized store.

Armies. Today they help you to have fun and try your marksmanship. In this post, we'll review a video on making a powerful compound bow.

What do we need:
- wooden blocks;
- metal corners;
- self-tapping screws;
- screwdriver;
- rollers;
- steel plates;
- loops;
- spray paint;
- two powerful springs;
- strong rope;
- sandpaper.

We take one wooden bar 38 cm long, 2 cm thick and 4 cm wide and two shorter ones - 16 cm long. We fix two small bars on a long one using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

We strengthen the handle with additional long-term self-tapping screws.

As a result, we should get a similar design.

We process the resulting handle with sandpaper.

According to the author, rollers for making bows can be purchased at the car market. The author, for example, uses rollers that are used to lift windows in cars. Two of these videos can be purchased for a dollar.

Next, take the steel plates and bend them as shown in the picture below.

Using these plates, we fix the rollers to the bars with self-tapping screws.

Next, we need to fix the shoulders on the handle and we will do this with the help of door hinges, which we also fix with self-tapping screws.

Before fastening our structure, you can paint it with ordinary spray paint.

Next, we take two corners and attach them to the free edges of the shoulders.

At this stage, we need a pair of powerful springs, which can also be purchased from the car market, again for a dollar. We attach one edge of the spring to the corner, and the other to the handle. To do this, you need to make a notch on the handle. Also, you need to make a through hole on the handle and thread some convenient bolt into it, on which the second end of the spring will be fixed.

Compound bow almost ready. We take a strong rope and fix it on the shoulder of the bow, passing it through the hole.

Next, we pass through the opposite roller from inside and through another roller from the outside. In the same way, we attach the edge of the rope to the other shoulder.

The boom stand can be made from spray with a moving plastic part. We need exactly the moving part on which the arrow will be held. When fired, the part will go down and will not prevent the arrow from flying out of the bow.

A hand-made ski bow is a medium power bow. It will withstand moisture and frost. The shoulders of such a device are identical, and, therefore, it will shoot smoothly.

Give new life to an old thing

Many are interested in how to make a bow out of skis with their own hands. It turns out that this is possible.

In ancient times, it took several years to make such a weapon. This should not come as a surprise, since the drying and processing of wood takes a lot of time.

Modern technologies and materials make it possible to save time. Even at home, you can make a device in a few days. This article will give detailed instructions on how to ski. It must be adhered to exactly. Also, in the manufacture of the product, a drawing is used.

What materials and tools will be required?

How to make a bow from skis with your own hands? Despite the fact that making seems to be a very simple matter, the process requires care and a certain skill of working with tools.

To make a bow from skis, you should prepare:

  • hacksaw;
  • wood rasp;
  • drill (you can use both manual and electric);
  • clamps;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • grinder;
  • plane;
  • kit ;
  • hacksaw;
  • sandpaper of different grain size;
  • glue.

Materials required:

  • skis;
  • a block of wood (size 80x80x50 mm);
  • bolts;
  • wing washers.

For the manufacture of a bowstring, a fishing line, nylon thread or string is used (the tighter it is, the better).

When making a device such as a do-it-yourself ski bow, important point is drunk out of the handle. Making this part requires some effort. Therefore, it is a good idea to prepare a table saw (sawing machine), a band saw and a drilling machine. So, we make a bow from skis.

Bow handle

A do-it-yourself ski bow will shoot accurately only if all the rules and exact dimensions are observed when executing its handle. This detail gives the product a holistic look, largely determining the style of its execution.

The design of such a product as a ski bow depends entirely on the taste of the master and can be very different. When manufacturing, you can use ready-made drawings or create your own schematic version, based on the proposed dimensions.

How long is the bow? The ski dimensions, like all other parts, are given in the detailed drawing.

When developing a handle design, the following points must be taken into account:

  • both ends must have flat shelves for shoulder bindings;
  • the place to grip the hand should be of the right size, suitable for the width of the palm.

The work begins with the manufacture of this particular part.

To make a bow from old skis with your own hands, you will definitely need a drawing. Only on it is the handle model cut out. It is based on 50 mm thick penoplex. The material is easily cut with a regular office knife. After carrying out this process, you can proceed to the main manufacture of the handle from wood.

Here are two options for how to do this. You can create a one-piece structure based on, or you can also create a prefabricated plywood strip that will be glued together. The main thing is to adhere to the basic principle: the handle must maintain its shape and not bend when pulling the bowstring.

Plywood strips that are cut along the pattern should be coated with glue. They stack on top of each other and are tightly fixed with clamps. In this state, the workpiece is left for a day. The one-piece handle is cut from a block of wood.

How to make a handle from different types of trees?

This version of the handle is more complex, as it will take a lot of time, but the effort is worth it. The piece, made of various wood species, is stylish and sophisticated. You can use this manufacturing option if a solid piece of wood is not available.

It is advisable to use blocks from trees such as:

  • Walnut;
  • pecan nut.

To get a catchy composition, you should decide on the choice of design, choose the original shape of each detail, and match the colors.

An important note is that the cut is along the grain. The bars are processed in such a way that they have one width indicator. It should be 5 mm wider than the widest part of the ski. This stock is required for finishing with glass or sandpaper.

Whatever tool you use at home, the edges of the boards will never come out perfectly straight. A plane should be used here. All irregularities are removed with its help. If there is no planer or planer, then it can be used, but this processing will take a lot of time. Acceleration of the process can be provided by a grinder with a special disk on which abrasive paper is fixed.

After processing the wood with a plane, the surface should be brought to an absolute smoothness. In building supplies stores, you can purchase special dies on which the abrasive is fixed. They are used by painters to sand surfaces covered with putty. If there are no dies, then you can wrap the paper around a rectangular bar.

Correct bonding process

After processing, the workpieces should be glued together. For this purpose, any type of glue is used, the instructions for which indicate that it can connect wooden surfaces. The glue must certainly be resistant to moisture, otherwise you will have to resort to additional processing of the finished part with polyurethane or varnish used for yachts.

A series of drops of glue should be applied to the gluing surface, then spread evenly over the entire plane.

Planks are applied tightly so that no gaps form between them. Then they are held together by means of clamps. The parts should dry out for 12 hours. Be sure to check the instructions for the drying time of the glue you are using.

The same principle is followed when gluing plywood boards. True, to achieve the desired height, the number of them used will be greater. You should try to glue in such an order that two surfaces are connected at a time, but no more.

Making a device such as a bow from wooden skis, will take much longer if the handle is made of plywood sheets. Working with plywood sheets will take several days. Completion of this step will be quicker if multiple sets of clamps are used. If you planks at one time and fasten them with one set of clamps, then the parts will disperse in different directions and the work will have to start again. In this case, it will be necessary to remove the glue from the parts.

How to cut a handle?

From the prepared bar of a solid or prefabricated structure (based on plywood planks), you should start cutting out the handle. For this purpose, a foam model is used. It is compared to the finished drawing. If, after processing the foam, it is noted that the drawing has significant errors, then it is better to make corrections on paper.

After that, the drawing is transferred to the finished block, the contours are clearly drawn and the part is cut out with or with a jigsaw. The choice of the shape of the ski bow handle depends on the imagination of the performer.

This step is especially important because half of your process has already been completed, and due to a mechanical error, it is not worth doing it all over again. Therefore, in this case, it is advised to use the tool with which you know how to work well.

First of all, cuts are made along the entire perimeter from the edge of the workpiece to the cutting line, which is drawn with a pencil or marker. The kerf can be 2-3 cm.This way you can cut curved lines and naturally stop cutting. Once the distance is covered, the unnecessary pieces of wood will fall off.

If the manufacture of a bow from skis is carried out carefully, then the product will differ little from the factory counterparts in terms of power and functionality. And his appearance maybe better.

How do I finish the handle?

The workpiece is processed with a planer and sandpaper until a smooth and perfectly smooth surface is obtained. The handle should be treated with two layers of drying oil. Then it is covered with a waterproof varnish.

How to make an arrow shelf?

After the main part of the handle has been cut out, a place for the boom shelf should be marked on it. It is thanks to the shelf that the bow will have an accurate sight.

To begin with, a contour is applied to the side of the handle, and then it is cut out using a band saw. You can also use a jigsaw, but they should make the main cut, and then continue the process with a hammer and chisel.

This is due technical characteristics some jigsaw models. As a rule, the depth of their cut is 5 cm.In our case, the indicator should be equal to 8 cm.

To keep the handle stationary during cutting, the shelves must be secured to the workbench with clamps.

How to make the shoulders?

A homemade ski bow requires shoulders. They are cut out. The important point here is to respect the proportions, since the power level of the bow depends on this.

Many people wonder what the length of the handle and how long the shoulders of a ski bow are. With a handle length of 45 cm, the shoulders, taking into account the overlap, should each be 55 cm.

First, you should outline the cutting line. It should be flat. A right angle should be set aside using a metal square or a protractor. You can correct the angle of the cut workpiece with a rasp.

The workpiece is sawn off with a hacksaw, since all skis are reinforced with metal, and you can ruin the tool.

Next, a hole is drilled with a drill, the diameter of which coincides with the size of the bolts, for attaching the shoulder and handle. Then the bolt will not wobble and will not allow the workpiece to crack due to the high resistance when screwing in.

First, you should mark the places where the holes will be located. There will be two of them on each side. Most difficult moment is that the handle and the shoulder must be drilled at the same time, attaching them to each other.

If one bolt is used on each side, then size 12M must be selected, if two on each shoulder, then size M8 is used.

To sink the head of the bolt during drilling, a special nozzle with a stop is used. It is used in the manufacture of furniture. If such a device could not be found, then you should find a drill, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the head of the bolt, and drill the finished hole to the depth of the head.

After fastening the parts with the help of wing bolts, they can be too cut off with a grinder with a special disc for cutting metal or with a hand saw.

To create grooves for the bowstring, a homemade bow from old skis is sawn on the sides. These places are processed with a rasp so that the bowstring does not undergo abrasion at the points of contact with the shoulder.

It is advised to stick a piece of leather on the boom shelf. You can also use polymer fabric.

When pulling the bowstring, one should not forget that in the pursuit of power, you can put an unbearable load on your shoulders. As a result, they will crack or break.

The base of the string should be made up of several strands, not just one string. For its manufacture, strong fibers with an artificial composition are used. For example, expensive kevlar, nylon, lavsan are used. Silk thread can also be used. A wonderful bowstring will be made from a fishing line. The thickness of the threads does not matter. The indicator will be reflected in the number of turns.

Here, in fact, are all the explanations about how to make a bow from wooden skis. Next, we will consider the manufacture of bowstrings and arrows.

Making a bowstring

  • The bowstring can be wound around the legs of the stool. Different variants the windings will provide the desired length. The ends of the thread are tied with an Achilles knot.
  • On the ears of the bowstring in the place where it is worn on the shoulders, it is necessary to make a protective winding. A spacer is usually used. The winding should be tight, and the turns should fit tightly to each other. Its length is about 15 cm. In this case, the turns begin so that they hide the knot at the ends.
  • Next, you should make a loop-eyelet. Its base is tightly wrapped.
  • A 15 cm long winding is also made in the middle of the bowstring.Fingers will lie in this place.

Making arrows for a bow

A homemade ski bow at home requires making arrows. The arrow shaft can be made of wood. You can use ready-made slats made of wood with a square section or ordinary glazing beads, processed to a circular section with a diameter of 9 mm. The main thing is that the material is straight.

The workpiece should be sanded. For this purpose, a drill is used at low speeds. The smoother the shaft of the arrow, the more accurately it will fly.

Making a tip

The tip can have a simple design: a hammered nail, wrapped in wire. But this tip is not as elaborate. It is much better to make a part of steel, the thickness of which is 1.5-2 mm.

A slot is made at the end of the onion and the tip is planted there on glue.

We make plumage

The plumage at the end of the arrow is made from bird feathers. One feather will make two or three plumages. Its length should be between 5.0 and 9.0 cm.

Turkey feathers are the most suitable for arrows. Used by them the best part located closer to the base.

The tail trunk is processed in such a way that it can be glued to the boom. The barrel is processed with an emery wheel or sandpaper. The latter method is preferable.


This article described how to make a bow from skis. The product is original and practical. The manufacturing process does not take much time. The main thing is to strictly follow the drawing and be extremely precise when preparing the parts.

A bow made from old skis, made in accordance with the proposed recommendations, will be distinguished by high power and originality.

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