Ski terms in English. Plowing - how to get off the plow into parallel skis and get rid of plowing

Alpine skiing is a whole world. Like any sport or hobby, alpine skiing has a certain terminology that is not always clear to beginners. The terms were created to facilitate communication between skiers, so it will be very useful to know them. Many of these terms are used even in thematic articles or when describing tours.

For convenience, all terms are listed alphabetically.

Après-ski- all the entertainment that the ski resort provides. The après ski area includes discos, restaurants, bars, sports complexes and health centers. From French it literally translates as "after skiing", that is, après-ski is a complex of entertainment outside of skiing.

Bordercross - competition between four athletes for speed. Passes on a special track with jumps, bumps and ditches to complicate the descent.

"High season - dates of maximum occupancy of ski resorts with tourists. Usually "high" season falls on New Year and Christmas, as well as from early February to the very end of March. The opposite of the high is Low season when there are fewer tourists in the resorts. This season starts around January 10th, although dates vary by country and resort.

Downhill- very fast downhill.


Mogul- riding on an uneven track, on bumps.

Lift- special equipment that brings people to the top of the slope, to the beginning of the track. There are several types of lifts. On chairlifts, a person rises sitting in a chair, on drag lifts he is lifted directly on a snowboard or skis, and on a funicular he rides in a special trailer suspended on a cable. In some places, there is a rise in the train on special rails.

Rent - In almost any ski resort, any equipment necessary for skiing is freely issued for a while. The standard rental set of skis is skis with bindings, poles and boots. Boots are also included with the snowboard. Clothing items are less often rented, but they are sold in resorts.

Powder- very soft snow that has just fallen. It usually occurs after an overnight snowfall in the early morning. The quality of the snow also strongly depends on the geography of the slope - in the southern part it melts very quickly and becomes covered with a crust, but on the northern slopes the snow remains soft for a long time.

Ratrak- a tractor with wide tracks, balancers and attachments. Designed specifically for slopes. The ratracks cut, level and roll the snow, form elements of the snow relief - in general, they are engaged in the creation of the track.

Ski bass- a bus that takes skiers from their places of residence directly to the ski lifts. Such buses operate throughout the entire time while the lifts are in operation. Buses often have multiple stops at different locations and run throughout the resorts. Ski-buses are free in European resorts. They are available in all resorts, except those where you can easily walk from the hotel to the slope.

Lift pass- a subscription that gives you the right to use the ski slopes and lifts of a particular resort. It is usually purchased at special ticket offices at the base of the cable cars. In Europe, it is customary to sell a ski pass for a certain number of days - from one to a month, or even more. Of course, the more days you pay at one time, the cheaper the day is.

Snow cannon - equipment that makes artificial snow. Cannons are mobile or stationary, and are sprays of water supplied from a tank or water supply under high pressure. In order for the sprayed water to form snow, the air temperature must be below +3 ° C.

Snow nursery - they are also sometimes called the "paddling pool". They are a fenced-off section of the slope where children are taught to ride on alpine skiing Oh.

Descent- an action performed by a skier or snowboarder, rolling down the track.

Telemark- "retro" riding style and equipment. Its main difference from modern alpine skis is the special mount design. These bindings allow you to open the heel away from the ski, bending the knee, and thus make a turn.

Track - road for skiers, which is laid along the slope in the form of a winding smooth line. The tracks are divided into categories by difficulty:

· Green - very easy tracks, on which you can drive in a straight line, almost without picking up speed. Good for very beginner skiers, absent in many resorts;

· Blue - easy tracks, suitable for beginners and advanced skiers;

· Red - tracks of average difficulty for experienced athletes;

· Black - the most difficult tracks for real professionals and brave enough people.

Fan Park - part of the slope or the entire slope where not skiers ride, but snowboarders.

Freeriding - Skating on different types snow, any type of slope, free skiing.

Half-pipe - literally translated from English as "half-pipe". It is a snow structure for snowboarders that looks like a rigid chute with slightly raised edges.

Heli-skiing - off-piste skiing. It differs from skiing on virgin lands in that skiers are taken to the top of the slope by helicopter, since there are no lifts to such slopes.

Virgin land- an area of ​​the slope not processed and not rolled by machines. It can only be found off the track. You can ride on virgin soil, but this requires certain skills and equipment.

Glossary of terms

Avalman- an element of ski equipment. The essence of avalman consists in bending (pulling up the legs under oneself) at the stage of entering the turn, unloading the skis (by straightening the legs), and again bending the legs at the stage of completing the turn. We mainly use it on bumps. Pushing the skis forward at the start of a turn helps keep the skis in contact with the snow as the course changes.

Apreski(French. Apres-Ski- “after skiing”). Everything that we can please ourselves with after riding, being in a ski resort: health centers, baths, saunas, bars, restaurants, cafes, clubs, shows and festivals on the mountain, excursions and even shopping.

Big air(eng. Big-Air- “big air”). One of the elements of a fan park (snowboard park), a springboard for very high jumps. Big air is also called a competition (or demonstration performances), on which the athlete, jumping from the springboard, performs various tricks in flight. Common abbreviation BA.

Bordercross(eng. Boardercross) - speed competition with the simultaneous descent of four athletes along a specially prepared track, complicated by additional ditches, bumps, jumps, etc. Common abbreviation SBX.

Marriage(French. Braquage - turn, deviation) a method of braking by simultaneously turning the unloaded skis across the movement, achieved by the rotating force of the feet. Braking is a great pre-turn when entering a tight turn.

Backcountry(eng. Backcountry- “remote area”). It is a kind of synthesis of mountain tourism and skiing / snowboarding. For those who are tired of wasted tracks and are bored cable cars... We walk on foot to the top, not equipped with lifts, and, with great joy in our eyes, we rush down the unprepared slope on our favorite skids / board.

Backside(eng. Back side - “backside”) - a turn performed on the back edge.

Backflip(eng. Back flip- “back somersault”) - somersault over the head, back somersault.

Walset(French. Valse) continuous rotation of the skier along the vertical axis on flat

Wedeln- short conjugate turns.

Godil(French) short conjugate turns in skiing(same as Wedeln).

Mountaineer- a type of holidaymaker in a ski resort for which skiing is not the main purpose. Simply put, this is an individual who prefers to spend time on the mountain, basking in the sun in a sun lounger. The ski / board is used as a means of descending from this very mountain.

Grab(eng. Grab- "grip") a kind of trick in which the rider in flight makes a grip on the board with his hand. Just like the tricks themselves, the various grabs have their own names depending on which hand is grabbing which place on the board.

Goofy(eng. Goofy- “stupid, stupid”) is the common name for bordists who put their right foot forward. Goofy's opposite is Regular. The term Goofy does not really mean that the stance is not correct, and even more so does not speak about the mental ability of the rider.

Duckfoot(eng. Duckfoot) - stance on a snowboard, at which hind leg deployed at a negative angle. Remember physical education lessons, "heels together - socks apart", this is duckfoot. This stance is popular with experienced freestylers because it allows you to land reliably in a switch (that is, a reverse stance) when jumping from a springboard and riding in a pipe.

Jibbing(eng. Jibbing) - acrobatics, jumping, sliding and moving on a jib line (stretched line), and the edges of artificial structures. Jibbing is an all-season entertainment, sliding on the jibline is possible on roller skates, skateboards, and even just in sneakers. But we are interested in winter sports. If you see a boarder / slicker sliding along the edges of incomprehensible shapes, then this is jibbing.

Camus- a long, fleecy tape that fits over the sole of the ski to facilitate climbing uphill. Used in ski touring.

Kant(eng. Cant- "beveled, cut edge") - one of the structural elements of alpine skis or snowboards - the metal edge of the sliding surface. Has a certain sharpening angle. Designed to prevent skis from slipping. The edges are external and internal, mountain (upper) and valley (lower)

Tilting- changing the angle of setting the skis / board on the ribs in relation to the snow surface. Edging - increasing the tilt angle, edging - decreasing, flatter position of the skis on the snow.

Carving or freakarve(eng. Carving / Freecarve) - cut turns on the track and off the track, speed at the limit, dense snow with an icy crust. Riding style - no slippage. Carvers hold the board at a steep angle to the snow when cornering, and the board lifts off the ground as the edge changes. As a result, carvers are able to leave pencil-thick marks in the snow and spans of untouched snow when re-edging. The turns of experienced carvers, literally laying down on the slope in a swift maneuver, are very effective. Common abbreviation C.

Quote-pipe(eng. Quarter pipe) - a kind of half-pipe in the form of a quarter circle.

Kicker(eng. Kicker) - the slang name of the springboard.

Kuping(eng. Soping) - half-pipe comb.

Liner(eng. Liner) is a soft inner boot that fits into a hard plastic outer boot.

Lurg- a pole or stick used when skating in the telemark style.

Magel- a hard, ice-covered mound of artificial snow.

Mogul(eng. Mogul) - riding on hills. It is also a sport that is a free downhill skiing on a hilly slope (up to 250 m long), along the most accurate straight line, with the obligatory performance of two jumps. In Mogul, bumps (bumps) are arranged along the track in a checkerboard pattern, the athlete's task is to descend as accurately as possible in a straight line, from the starting point chosen by him and in no case, except when entering the springboard for two mandatory jumps, do not allow both of them to lean on the sticks hands.

Nollie(eng. Nollie) - Freestyle trick, similar to Ollie, only push comes from the nose of the board instead of the tail.

Ollie(eng. Ollie) is one of the basic freestyle tricks. A way to jump without a springboard, first lifting the front leg, and then the back, while pushing with the tail of the board. The first was invented by skateboarder Alan Gelfand. Ollie is his nickname.

Op-traken(eng. Up-tracken) is an advanced jump. It is used when overcoming sharp-profile bumps or drops, helps to reduce the flight range after take-off and control the trajectory of movement.

Powder(eng. Powder- “powder”) - soft, freshly fallen snow.

Plow- the simplest technique for sliding, braking and turning on gentle slopes. It is performed on skis set at an angle with the toes closed.

Whip- short pushing the skis forward when entering the turn (reduced avalman).

Pro rider(eng. Prorider) - professional rider, professional skier, snowboarder.

Radical(French. Radical- "radical, decisive") - a certain manner of riding the board, taken to the extreme.

Ratrak- a special crawler-mounted snow compactor used for the preparation of ski slopes. Also snow groomers can be used for transportation or rescue operations in the appropriate area.

Revert(eng. Revert- “come back, turn back”) The transition from Fake to the front stance or vice versa, usually without taking the board off the snow.

Regular(eng. Regular- "normal") - the common name for snowboarders when riding, putting their left foot forward on the board. The opposite of Goofy.

Rail(eng. Rail- “handrail”) The traditional element of a fan park is a handrail. It can be either straight or curved. One of the must-have shells in Gibbing

Swallow tail(eng. swallow-tail- "dovetail") - long boards with a wide nose and tail, divided into two parts like a swallow's tail. These boards are characterized by an increased sliding area, maximum effective edge length and the ability to "float" in the snow. Used in Freeride.

Switch- (eng. Switch- switching, abrupt change) change of stance during descent, for example from the position of the regular to the goofy.

Surf- sliding technique with flat skiing. Most often used on soft and deep snow, on dug slalom tracks.

Ski bass(eng. Ski-bus- “ski bus”) - initially - a special bus that runs around the resort and between resorts on a specific schedule, taking guests of the resort from hotels to ski lifts and back (travel is usually included in the price of a ski pass). But in our situation, a ski bus is called a bus that runs on a specific schedule (1-2 times a week, back and forth) between the GLK and the nearest large settlement.

Skido- riding on children's motor sleighs on their own route, maximum speed 4 km / h.

Lift pass(eng. Ski-pass -"Ski pass, ticket") - a subscription in the form of a plastic card for a pass to the ski lifts. Purchased at the box office in the ski resort. Differs in skiing zones, in time.

Ski tour(eng. Ski-tour) - the absence of lifts and any other infrastructure, complete unity with nature! We get up on skis and stomp into the mountains. But do not forget a very important nuance: skis with kamus, the construction of the boots allows the leg to bend, the attachments make it possible to tear off the heel. If necessary, the heel is locked and, oh-la !, your alpine skis are ready to use.

Slalom(Norv. Slalam- ski trail on the slope) a competitive discipline in alpine skiing and snowboarding, which is a downhill downhill in which the athlete must descend as quickly as possible, subject to passing all the mandatory gates specially placed on the slope. Common abbreviation SL.

Slopestyle(eng. Slopestyle) - a type of competition, consisting of a series of acrobatic jumps on jumps, pyramids, counter-inclines, drops, railings, etc., located sequentially along the entire route. Common abbreviation SS.

Snowblade(eng. Snowblade- "snow blades"). Short skis with a size from 60 to 100 centimeters with standard ski bindings... Due to the design features, they have a small turning radius.

Snow park(fan park) (eng. Snow-park, Fun-park) - an artificial park on a slope, built of snow and artificial elements, for freestyle and jumping, mainly for snowboarders.

Telemark(Norv. Telemark) - a special, old Norwegian style of skiing. The name of the style comes from the Norwegian province of Telemark, where the popularizer of this style of skiing Sondre Norheim (Sondre Auversen, 1825-1897) comes from. Telemarkers use a special riding technique. Skiing is performed on skis with a special mount that does not secure the heel. Instead of ski poles sometimes a pole is used. Common abbreviation TM.

Tubing(eng. Tubing) - descent from the mountain on inflatable sleds, mattresses, car cameras, etc.

Freeride(eng. Freeride- “free skating”) “free skating” in straight and figuratively, complete freedom of action. No lost trails, no ski lifts nearby, no plush crowds. Transfer to places suitable for freeriding is possible on snowmobiles. Skiing on untouched snow, with different turning radii, on any type of slope. Common abbreviation FR.

Freestyle(eng. Freestyle- “free style”) - free riding style. Freestyle skiing is characterized by ballet, mogul and acrobatic jumping... Bordeaux freestyle is characterized by jibbing, riding in a high-pipe, all kinds of sliding and rotation on a gentle slope. Common abbreviation FS.

Freehill(eng. Freeheel- “free heel”) is the same as the Telemark skiing style.

Fake(eng. Fakie) riding in a reverse stance, which is not typical for your usual riding. For the goofy, fake will be riding with a regular stand, for a regular - in a goofy stand.

Half-pipe(eng. Half-pipe - “ half pipe ”) - a concave structure covered with snow, with two opposite ramps and a space between them, allowing athletes to move from one wall to another, making jumps and performing tricks with each movement. Half-pipe is also called Olympic discipline winter species sports. Common abbreviation HP.

Heli-skiing(eng. Heliskiing) - a kind of freeride, the essence of which is to descend on untouched snowy slopes, far from prepared trails with an ascent to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for lifting allows you to find various options descents from the mountains in the conditions of pristine nature, untouched by the invasion of man, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

Winter holidays can be summer ones. And this is always the case with skiing - it is full of paradoxes and pleasant surprises. White snows, blue skies and a rapid flight from the peaks right at the doors of warm bars full of mulled wine and pleasant acquaintances - this is what a ski vacation is.

How to choose a resort and what you need to know for this?

If you are an avid skier, then most likely you should skip the next one and a half thousand signs and go straight to the descriptions of countries and resorts - there you will find everything that interests you.

However, if you are a beginner or are going on vacation with children for the first time, you still need to absorb some information.

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Where and when to ride

First, you need to decide on the timing of your trip. If you suddenly have the urge to go for a ride at the height of the beach season, you need to direct your feet towards the Scandinavian countries. In addition, Sweden, Finland and Norway for residents of the central part of Russia is an excellent price alternative to southern European ski resorts. The resorts of these countries, of course, do not differ in difficult tracks and large differences in altitude, but they are most suitable for family holidays.

Another alternative is the kings of ski holidays, Switzerland and Austria. These countries have been competing for a long time, because on their territory there are the most beautiful and highest Alps, which are not in vain called the top of the world. Many slopes here are open for skiing all year round.

Holidays in Eastern and Southern Europe, in countries such as Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, are quite possible in our winter months. Eastern Europe is perhaps the most accessible area for Russian skiers.

The middle class or beginners come here to rest - the resorts of Eastern Europe are not famous for difficult tracks and luxury hotels, and therefore, in general, they are quite budgetary. A big bonus in this European region is also the ease of crossing the border - many local countries are included in the list

Much more expensive winter resorts are Western European France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Andorra. Here the season lasts a little longer - from November to March.

The offer of ski holidays in Turkey will seem unusual to you, but the local resorts are quite well developed and offer such a perfect “all inclusive” system.

As for the ratings, the top lines of any list of ski resorts, of course, are consistently occupied by the resorts of the Alps. A list of the best European resorts is compiled annually - Best Ski Resort, there is such a list for 2012: The best ski resorts in Europe - 2012.

So, it seems that you have received all the minimum information that a novice skier needs, so go for it! Buy tours, grab skis and go in search of adventure and extreme sensations on the roof of the world!

Ski terminology

The international classification provides for the division of tracks into five classes - "white" (for children), "green" (for beginners), and further, in ascending order of difficulty - "blue", "red" and "black". The latter assumes that you are at least a professional athlete. They are really quite difficult and are simply dangerous for inexperienced skiers.

Two more terms that are actively used by skiers are “ski-pass” and après-ski. The first one denotes a card that gives the right to use the lift. These cards are similar to travel tickets, they can be purchased for a day, two, a week, or even a whole season.

The second term is, rather, not even a term, but a slang word - it means an evening rest after a successful skiing. The phrase "après ski at this resort is simply stunning!" - nothing more than a compliment to local bars and discos.

You can read more about skier slang.

:: Skier's vocabulary

Ski equipment- the set of ski equipment includes a pair of skis with modern bindings and special ski boots, as well as a pair of ski poles, ski overalls (or trousers with a jacket), gloves, ski goggles. Alpine skiing is divided into sports, amateur and professional. Also available are ladies' and children's skis of various characteristics and extreme class skis for off-piste skiing.

Lift- a transport structure that allows you to overcome the height difference on the mountain. There are the following types of lifts:
Towing (towing) ones are a long moving cable, on which the simplest seats are located at a certain distance - devices in order to climb the slope. There are also two types of seats: "French saucer" and "anchor". The "plate" is on a spring, the "anchor" is on a metal pole. Skiers climb the drag lift without removing their skis. Typically, these lifts are used on low slopes.

For climbing higher slopes, they are designed chair lifts... It is clear that they are single or double chairs, sometimes with a transparent plastic roof that protects from wind and snow.

Using suspended cab lifts (four-, six- and multi-seat cabins), skiers take off their skis. They put them on already at the top of the slope.

Cable-rail funiculars with large carriages for up to 100-150 people take skiers and board-skiers to the highest slopes. With skis and boards in hand, vacationers swim over gorges and abysses, heading to the beginning of the route.

For the smallest skiers, there is a "baby lift" - a moving belt of the escalator type. Such care for future skiers is offered, as a rule, in expensive fashionable resorts.

Ratraki- special wide-track tractors with attachments and balancers for work on snowy slopes. They roll (tamp), level, cut off the snow cover, form mounds and other elements of the snow relief of the track

Snowboard- snow surf (board). The advent of snowboarding has played a truly revolutionary role in the development of active winter recreation. While alpine skiing maintains a reputation for being a serious sport that requires perseverance and purposefulness from its adherents, snowboarding has become famous for its innovative manners and democratic spirit. Among skiers, strict laws and certain rules are strictly observed, and snowboarders, having trampled all the canons of civilized skiing on the tracks, proclaimed complete freedom of movement, sometimes bordering on lawlessness. Some time ago, in famous western resorts, snowboarders were prohibited from using lifts. Then people with boards behind their backs went up on foot. Or it was forbidden to ride on civilized tracks, but they declared it the highest pleasure to ride off the tracks. Today the trails for skiers and boarders are "divided", and the lovers of these sports do not interfere with each other. Every year there are more and more “doochniks”. The number of people snowboarding around the world is projected to be 5 million. Almost half are former skiers. There is even such a saying: "Everyone watched the skiers who, after trying snowboarding, left their skis, but no one knows the snowboarders who would want to ski."

Ski-pass- a subscription that gives you the right to use lifts and slopes. You can buy a pass directly at the ticket offices of the lifts. Sometimes, depending on the region, there are other possibilities, for example at local tourist offices. Each region creates its own ski pass packages and follows its own marketing strategy. The final form of the offer largely depends on the terms and duration of the subscription and on who it is purchased for. Especially significant changes in the cost of the subscription will be in the event that it comes about children, youth, families or retirees. Children under 6 years old, accompanied by an adult, can generally use the lifts free of charge.
There is a clear division into seasons: pre- and post-seasons, main season and off-season. It should be noted that in the pre- and post-season lifts may function to a limited extent, so that not all slopes will be accessible. The price of a subscription also depends on its duration; it is possible to purchase half-day, daily, weekly and seasonal subscriptions.

Ski passes can be divided into the following categories: regular, smart card, swatch access.

Regular pass is a plastic card that is inserted when passing through the turnstile. The machine reads the data, the green light comes on - and the road to winter joys is open.

Smart card- this is again a plastic card with a built-in chip, where information can be recorded that turns a smart card into a daily, weekly, seasonal. Finally, the tedious search for the required subscription is left behind; when approaching the turnstile, it is enough to bring the card to the reader.

Swatch Access- The principle of operation here is the same as that of a smart card, the difference is that the chip is integrated into Wrist Watch... Among the advantages of this system is the fact that you can choose a watch model according to your own taste.

Hire (rent-a-ski). At any resort, you can rent almost everything you need to appear on the mountain in an appropriate form. As a standard, a rental ski set includes the skis themselves with bindings, boots, and poles. It is clear that it is better to have your own clothing items (overalls, several cotton turtlenecks with long sleeves, a pair of gloves, several pairs of ski socks, a hat or bandage, ski goggles, boots). The average cost of renting ski equipment (in EUR) in European resorts is approximately the following: standard skis, boots and poles - 15 (1 day), 40 (3 days), 69 (6-7 days); last season models (TOP) skis, boots, poles - 1 (1 day), 57 (3 days), 98 (6-7 days); new models (VIP) skis, boots, poles-29 (1 day), 78 (3 days), 132 (6/7 days); children's skis, boots and poles-15 (1 day), 39 (3 days), 66 (6/7 days).

Ski-bass (ski-bus). A bus that runs around the resort and takes skiers from hotels to the ski lifts. The operating time of the bus is directly related to the operating mode of the lifts. Travel by ski-bass is free. I must say that buses are almost everywhere, with the exception of very small resorts, where you can walk from hotels to the slopes. It is clear that in this case the ski bass is simply not needed.

Apres-ski does not translate. This beautiful phrase hides the whole complex of leisure activities in the mountains, including bars, restaurants, discos, health centers, sport complexes... Translated from French, it means "after skiing". Drink mulled wine at the end of the day on the mountain, après ski, bowling - the same. When the main event of the day is the pleasure of speed, snow and altitude, all other methods of recreation lose their relevance somewhat.

Carvas- a separate class of skis that arose in the evolution of alpine skiing: very narrow in the middle and gradually widening towards the toes and heels. They sharply differ from "classic" alpine skiing in design and skiing technique. the main characteristic feature- the ability to develop a very high speed. There are two sub-styles of carving - long arcs of large diameter and short and quick cut turns. In the first case, the speed is very high, so you need longer skis with a smaller sidecut diameter and harder. For short arcs, skis are provided with shorter ones and with a smaller radius - 18 meters. The speed in this case is lower. It's better to ride on prepared slopes.
Fan-carving is an extreme type of carving technique, excludes the use of sticks and is characterized by the presence of trajectories and elements of the skier's movements unusual for the "classic".

Virgin land- recently fallen, untouched, soft snow. Falls on such a slope are not dangerous, because the snow absorbs all shocks, and injuries are almost impossible. However, when riding on such snow, you need to take into account some peculiarities: it is necessary to maintain speed - when slowing down, there is a danger of falling through and getting stuck in the snow. In addition to the truly fantastic pleasure of skiing, on such a slope there can be dangers in the form of hidden stones, stumps, as well as gorges covered with a thin layer of snow. Only attention and concentration when skiing, especially off-piste, will help to get rid of such dangers.
Broken virgin land such a surface occurs mainly on tracks where a lot of people ride, and the slope is not monitored and the places of compaction of soft snow alternate with rolled hard sections. Skiing on such a slope is more difficult and more aggressive, but no less exciting. Such skiing requires special attention to accurately select the line of descent.

Freeskiing- a completely new style of behavior on the slope, which involves the fluency and mixing of several styles of skiing and gliding wherever it pleases. Usually it is supposed to ride on steep, unprepared slopes. Freeskiing skis are wider than usual, which allows you to feel confident on the virgin snow. Experts compare driving on such snow to surfing on huge tidal waves. As a rule, very experienced skiers and boarders are fond of freeskiing. And, of course, this is a very expensive pleasure. Even if you do not take into account the cost of the best equipment - but only with such equipment it makes sense to freeskiing, in order to keep yourself in shape, you need to spend the whole season in the mountains, and in the summer to be able to hit the road for a week somewhere on the glacier. Virgin lands in European resorts are often rolled out, therefore, freeskiing is very often associated with renting a helicopter.

Heli-ski riding using a helicopter as a delivery vehicle up the mountain. The difference in altitude in one descent can reach 1500-1700 m of untouched, virgin snow. The number of descents per day is no more than 7. Each member of the group receives an avalanche sensor and is instructed.

Snow blade- short skis "for hooligans". The technique of skating strongly resembles the movements of a skater. Of course, this is a special case of using this toy, which gives pleasure mainly due to its maneuverability. The short skis are suitable for beginners and experts and athletes. Slopes - any, except difficult. Snow condition - practically any, except for deep virgin soil, broken snow and icy track. This is a great addition for the pleasure of a real carver. On these skis, you can ride either in front or in the back, the slope and the presence of bumps do not matter. Some people who are imbued with a special love for the blade, even on a mogul, ride or jump in front of sitting boarders - in a word, they are hooligans.

Freestyle- trick riding on prepared, hilly slopes. Usually they ski on bigfoot skis - skis 64 cm long, outwardly reminiscent of real alpine skis, but rounded on both sides. Standing on them, you feel as if you are in giant boots - you can ride, slide, walk, run, jump and even dance. This piece is as if made for freestyle, its design will push you to new styles of movement and the search for balance. Freestyle is the roots of freeriding.

Freeride- the term is borrowed from snowboarders. It means skiing without style, for fun, free skiing off the prepared slopes. It involves large arcs, high speeds and most often completely uncomfortable snow.

Off-piste- off-piste skiing on unmarked and unprepared slopes. Experienced skiers can afford it without risking their lives.

Back Country is rather cross-country skiing for tourists. Designed for hiking without trails. Sometimes they are used to transport cargo, tourists put backpacks, tents on them and pull them over snowdrifts, off-road, so these skis are stronger.
Back-country snowboarding - skiing on unprepared, wooded slopes, preferably away from populated centers.

Funpark Snowboarding is a joy, especially when you can ride on a specially prepared and fenced part of the slope, where the halfpipe, the boardercross track, various ramps, railings, tables, sometimes even "broken" cars, on which dashing riders ride, are located. When skaters and surfers began to snowboard in the late 70s, they began looking for terrain that would give them a familiar feel. Due to the action of wind, water and gravity, smooth bends are very common in nature. And in those places where there were no natural formations, people with their own hands did what without which boarding seems insipid. Here are a few "gadgets" without which no normal funpark is possible:
half pipe (exact translation - "half pipe") - a snow channel in the form of a pipe cut in half, 80-120 m long, 16-18 m wide.
big air - big springboard, highest jump... Jumping competitions are also called so.
Quarter pipe is another figure for a snow park. "Quarter Trumpet".

New-school (new school)- a new direction in the style of riding snowboarders. Skating on various subjects - picnic tables, railings, cars and ... skiers!

Boarder cross- a unique snowboarding discipline, where 5 or 6 snowboarders go down, chasing each other; jumps and tricks are encouraged. The track contains hillocks and jumps, power wrestling is allowed ...

Slalom- downhill downhill, skirting the gate, characterized by short turning radii. Parallel slalom in snowboarding is an extremely exciting and entertaining competition, when two boarders try to get ahead of each other on two perfectly parallel tracks.

Mogul (slope, technique)- This is skiing on a specially prepared ski slope with many natural or artificial mounds - hills. It requires a special technique, good riding skills and, of course, training! Due to the increased danger at the edge of the track, special care should be taken. The mogul trails provide experienced skiers the perfect opportunity to show off their level of skiing and experience the ultimate adrenaline rush.

Powder- skiing on deep and soft fresh snow.

Level 1

Tourists who first decided on an active vacation in the mountains do not even know the most simple terms... The first lesson should be taught by a travel agent.

Question 1. What is ski-pass?
Correct answer: Lift pass

Question 2. Why are "snow cannons" installed on the track?
Correct answer: To maintain a stable snow cover

Question 3. What kind of tourists are called "mountain peasants"?
Correct answer: Those who come to the resort mainly "light up" in the bar, and not go for a drive

Question 4. The signpost "Snow nursery" usually leads to ski slopes and means that there is ...
Correct answer: Fenced area on a gentle slope, designed for skiing and teaching children

Question 5. When the trainer says the word "plow", it means that ...
Correct answer: The student should brake on the skis set at an angle.

Level 2

Seasoned skiers use more complex terms. Often they are interested in the possibilities of the resort and the features of the tracks.

Question 1. Extreme tourists may be asked to organize a "Ski Tour" for them. What's this?
Correct answer: Hiking in the mountains for descent on virgin lands

Question 2. Freestyle is ...
Correct answer: Type of skiing

Question 3. Professional athletes they love slalom. What's this?
Correct answer: This is a downhill skiing along a difficult track with a series of gates marked with flags

Question 4. Early in the morning or late in the evening, after skiing on the mountain, you can see "snow groomers". What it is?
Correct answer: Wide-track tractor that forms the elements of the snowy terrain of the track

Question 5. "Magel" is ...
Correct answer: Hard, ice-covered, artificial snow bump

Question 6. Many skiers get adrenaline from freeriding. What it is?
Correct answer: Off-road riding

Question 7. Extreme skiers and boarders prefer resorts that have heli-skiing opportunities. What it is?
Correct answer: Driving on virgin soil with a transfer to the top by helicopter

Question 8. "Mogul" is ...
Correct answer: Freestyle type - downhill skiing on a hilly track, as well as a category of skis designed for skiing on hillocks

Question 9. The resorts also offer entertainment for large companies. One of the most popular is China's downhill. What's this?
Correct answer: Descent from the mountain big company- speed competition with simultaneous start

Question 10. In Europe, you can often hear the expression "Sella Rondo". So they call ...
Correct answer: The route connecting the four resorts of the Dolomites

Level 3

And now the stage that will require knowledge of the most difficult ski terms and slang expressions.

Question 1. What is Fan Park?
Correct answer: The slope or part of it, at the complete disposal of the snowboarders

Question 2. Who is "Goofy"?
Correct answer: Snowboarder riding right foot forward

Question 3. If tourists like to ride in the hollows between two hills, they will ask the agent: is there a ...
Correct answer: Lobby

Question 4. Compact is ...
Correct answer: Short ski model

Question 5. When a tourist asks if he can buy a "kamus" at the resort, does he mean?
Correct answer: A long, fleecy tape that fits over the sole of the ski to make climbing uphill easier

Question 6. Traverse is:
Correct answer: Descent from the mountain, the trajectory of which lies across the slope

Question 7. In skiing language, "core" is ...
Correct answer: An element in the design of alpine skis that affects the stiffness of the ski

Question 8. How many people are needed for Ski Cross - a simultaneous downhill along a specially profiled track with a lot of obstacles: bumps, jumps, very sharp turns?
Correct answer: four

Question 9. What is Powder?
Correct answer: Driving in deep fluffy snow

Question 10. What does “Alpine nordic combination” include?
Correct answer: Downhill and slalom

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