Questions for a crossword puzzle about sports. Crosswords on physical education "sports"

Crossword on the subject of "physical education" on the topic "Kinds of sports"


2. A kind of sport, which is a downhill downhill along specially equipped ice tracks on a controlled sled.

3. This movement on the ground using Vehicle driven by human muscle strength

5. One of the types of motor sports, is a game of soccer on motorcycles

7. Hand wrestling.

8. A subspecies of croquet, in which only one hit is given to pass the hoop. Part of the name is a similar popular sports game

9. The inventor of the projectile for this sport is the American F. Ragallo. the device resembles a sail or the Greek letter "delta"

11. This is an endurance competition consisting of four disciplines. The winner is determined by the criterion of the minimum time for successful completion of all four stages

12. One of oldest species sports, which includes competitions in various shells, as well as in floor exercises and vaults

13. Best view sports

14. Descent from the mountain on skis along the 450-500 m long track marked with a gate

15. Interaction of individuals or groups, collectives, in the process of which the desire of the parties to exceed the results of others arises and is realized.

16. It happens: Group, Pair, Jump

18. Popular team sports game with ball and bat, a descendant of cricket

19. Sport game with the ball of two teams of six people each. the competition consists of three or five games

20. Sports discipline, which consists in overcoming various distances by swimming in the shortest time.

22. The collective name of several board games with different rules, as well as a special table on which the game takes place

23. Introductory part of the workout, prepares the body for heavy loads


1. Sports team ball game, a kind of baseball. The ball is softer than a baseball and has a lower speed in flight. Literally from English - soft ball

4. A kind of sport from the class of sports all-around, in which participants compete in five disciplines: show jumping, fencing, shooting, running, swimming

6. The art of composing a dance

8. A subspecies of croquet, translated from English - garden croquet.

10. Board logic game with special figures on a 64-square board for two opponents

16.In sporting events in this sport, the object of the competition is the height of the summit, the technical complexity of the traversed route, its character and length.

17. Gymnastics with rhythmic music that helps to follow the rhythm of the exercises

21. A team game in which two teams try to hit the opponent's goal with a rubber ball, using their legs and a projectile, which is a cross between a stick and a racket

Municipal budget educational institution

"Bolotskaya average comprehensive school»

Belevsky district, Tula region


on sports theme for primary school.

Prepared by:

teacher physical culture

Kapustkina Yu.A.

Kinds of sports


7. View winter sports.

8. Sports ball game.

10. Playing with a ball on the water.

11. They move down from the mountains in winter.

12. Skater shoes.


1. A sport that uses a racket and shuttlecock.

2. Sport shoes.

3. Fight in the ring.

4. Playing with the ball on the field.

5. An item required for playing hockey.

6. The kind of sport required for defense.

9. Similarity of skates for driving on asphalt.

Horizontal: 7. Skis. 8. Basketball. 10. Polo. 11. Sleds. 12. Skates.

Vertical: 1. Badminton. 2. Gym shoes. 3. Boxing. 4. Football. 5. Washer. 6. Fight. 9. Rollers.

1. To run very fast,

To take the bar "clean" all the time,

And, of course, become the first

Every day with friends he

Came to the (stadium)

2. He is with you and me

I walked with forest stitches.

Hiking friend behind the back

On belts with fasteners (backpack)

3. Picked up a golf club - don't be shy.

There is no game better than (hockey)

4.Here the audience is sitting

And a lot of noise ...

What is the name of the place?

5. When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing

I jump over it

And she through me (skipping rope)

6. I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me on the water.

And the water is hard, like stone (skates)

7. Backboard with basket, ball on the floor ...

We play (basketball)

8. He is not a player, but you cannot argue with him,

Who is whistling louder? (judge)

9. When three sports are assembled,

They are called (triathlon)

10. Pulled buddy - grip

One-handed fight (rope)

11. Eat carrots, salad, oranges,

An athlete needs (vitamins) for strength


1. Pulled friend - grip

One-handed wrestling ______________

2. He's a rocking chair and a bed

It's good to lie on it.

Is he in the garden or in the forest

Will shake on weight.

4. Kick the ball - football,

And with your hands? - _______________

6. Likes to walk in the woods,

Sleep in a tent

And kindle a fire.

7. Run, twenty hit

They strive for the goal,

Two are standing - they are fixing obstacles.

Chose a green field for battle,

Usually an hour and thirty the carnage lasts.

8. I ride it until the evening,

But my lazy horse

Carries only from the mountain.

And always up the hill by myself

I walk on foot

And I lead my horse by the rope


3. We drive it on the ice with a stick

And we score into the goal.

5. There is a sports game

Her lovers are countless.

The ball flies, and there is a net in the field,

And in our hands we have ____________

9. This, children, is not a tourist

Climbing up the hill _______________

10. A gang of guys came out on the ice,

The hockey sticks clink loudly on the ice.

And the puck flies

We will shout: "Oh, kay!"

Games are no better than _________

11. The game is great football,

Already scored the first _________


2. Two straps are hanging on me,

There are pockets on the back

Kohl you go on a hike with me

I'll hang behind my back.

4. I rule with a horned horse.

If this horse

I won't put it on the fence,

It will fall on me.

7. The river flows - we lie,

Ice on the river - we are running.

10. If you throw it into the river, it doesn't sink,

If you hit the wall, it doesn't moan.

Throw to the ground -

Will fly up.


1. I twist it with my hand,

And on the neck and leg,

And I twist at the waist,

And I do not want to drop.

3. Small, remote

Screams out loud

The judge helps

Tired does not know.

5. Two new maple

Two-meter soles:

I put two feet on them

And run through the big snows.

6. Stick in the form of a comma

Chases the ball in front of him.

8. They stood all summer,

Winters were expected.

The pores have waited

We rushed off the mountain.

9. This bird is not a tit,

Not an eagle or a cormorant.

This little bird

Called ________

11. What is it at the checkmark?

A string on a stick

A thread in the water

Wand in hand.


1. On the palm of his hand he will lie all,

Not a clock, but there are arrows,

He will come in handy on the road,

With him you can not get lost anywhere.

4. Through this obstacle

Have to jump over

Horses at the races.

5. To participate in competitions

Everyone is happy.

And they are waiting for commands from the judge:

"On __________ ".

7. In the sea, the wind blew

Swan wing.

The boy is on watch

He's a sailor on this __________.


2. On Sunday

Deserted at school

Running with the ball

Guys in ___________

3. Both from the wind and from the heat,

It will shelter you from the rain.

And how sweet it is to sleep in it!

What is it? ______________

4. To swim

Learn faster

We need to go to _______.

6. Two brothers will become

Swimming in the river:

Come out together

They will dive together.

The boat is out of place

They don't let me stand.

8. I'm not looking at the first row:

On the edges of the rooks stand,

I see horses nearby,

There is no more cunning figure,

Between the horses are enclosed

Our brave elephants

And there are two more fields,

And on them is the king and ___________.

9. Walks on hikes with a backpack,

Carries a warm home with him.

Cooking food on the fire

But not in a saucepan, but in a bucket.

10. He stands at the gate,

Guarding them from the ball.

1. We dream to score a ball into the basket,

But the opponent is hindering us.

The ball is held on the floor by hand

In the game of the famous ____________.

2. I sit under glass,

I look in all directions

You will climb into the forest with me -

You won't get lost on the way.

3. What kind of fellow is this?

____________ swims in the pool.

4. There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down _________________.

5. From gate to gate

The people are running briskly.

At the gates of these

Fishing nets.

6. I don't understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?

What is this net in the yard?

You would not interfere with the game.

You'd better walk away

We play at _______________.

7. Participate in competitions

Everyone is happy.

And they are waiting for commands from the judge:

"On _________________ ".

8. Where is Vanya, there we are.

We are fun in the days of winter.

And fine now we are

Screwed to the shoes.

9. He's not a player, but an argue

You can't be with him!

Who is whistling louder?

10. Eat carrots, salad,

Oranges ... ..

An athlete needs to be strong


11. The white goose is swimming -

The belly is wooden

Linen wing.

1. Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells him how it is being treated;

Who is sick -

He will offer to take drops,

To the one who is healthy -

Will allow you to take a walk.

2. This bird is not a tit,

Not a goldfinch and not an eagle!

This little bird

It is called _____________.

3. Walks on hikes with a backpack,

Carries a warm house with him.

Cooking food on the fire

But not in a saucepan, but in a bucket.

4. I take the racket in my hands

What's the beautiful.

Magic ball with feathers

Flies into heaven.

5. I only keep on walking,

And if I do, I will fall.

6. We are your faithful friends,

And you can't forget about us.

Let's save the guys from the sore throat,

Eat in the winter _________________.

7. Bent over the river -

Their agreement is as follows:

The river will exchange her

Perch on a worm.

8. - Tell us about this:

How did you become a strong man?

Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed,

I raise ________________.

9. He keeps order on the field,

The judge helps and shouts loudly.

But he doesn't need current

Because he - _____________.

10. This riddle is not easy,

I always write in two "K",

Hit the ball and the puck with a club,

And I am called ______________.

11. In an open field near a birch

Stripes are visible in the snow.

The fox came closer:

Someone's _____________ were running here.


"Sports track"


    Ice platform. (Rink)

    Thick rope (Rope)

    Racket game (Tennis)

    Start of the competition (Start)

    Travel (Tourism)

    Indoor sports hall (Manege)

    Referee Team (Jury)

    Football is ... (Game)

    Climbing mountains (Mountaineering)

    Basketball players play it (Ball)

    ... FIFA World Cup (Championship)

    Athlete Teacher (Trainer)

    Exercise before competition (Warm up)


"Sports track"

Great new sports crosswords, test your sports knowledge. Maybe you are well versed in martial arts, or you are fascinated by team games, and maybe individual ones. Crosswords for every taste, answers are included!

Check if you are well erudite in sports such as extreme, individual and strength. Solve an interesting crossword puzzle about sports.

1. Kind of sport and kind of active recreation, which consists in climbing on natural or artificial terrain.
2. A game that uses rackets and shuttlecock.
3. Extreme view a sport that uses a special parachute for jumping from fixed objects.
4. A game in which you need to drive the ball into the hole with a club.
5. A strength sport in which the muscles are built up and developed by exercising with weights and using a high-energy diet.
6. Russian folk sports game. In this game, it is necessary to "knock out" the figure by throwing a bat from a certain distance.
7. A power sport, the essence of which is to overcome the resistance of the heaviest weight for an athlete.
8. Game with balls that need to knock down pins.
9. Playing with rackets and a ball.
10. Kind of sport, the aim of which is climbing to the top of mountains.
11. Board game for two players, which consists in moving the pieces in a certain way across the cells.
12. Sometimes it is light, but in power sports, heavy is used.
13. Board logic game with special figures on a 64-square board
14. The game takes place on a special table with balls and a cue.
15. Game view sports with ball and racket indoors.
16. Extreme sport, jumping with a rope from a high object.
17. Variety sports tourism, the meaning is to travel through natural caves overcoming various natural obstacles.

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Answers: 1. Rock climbing, 2. Badminton, 3. Base jumping, 4. Golf, 5. Bodybuilding, 6. Towns, 7. Powerlifting, 8. Bowling, 9. Tennis, 10. Mountaineering, 11. Checkers, 12. Athletics, 13. Chess, 14. Billiards, 15. Squash, 16. Rope jumping, 17. Speleotourism.

If you like combat sports, then it will not be difficult for you to solve this crossword puzzle about combat sports. Or maybe you will learn something new.

1. Brazilian national martial arts, combining elements of dance, acrobatics, playing with music.
2. Japanese martial art, philosophy and unarmed combat sports created by Jigoro Kano.
3. Korean martial art, in which the legs are actively used.
4. The art of hand-to-hand combat, the basic principle of which is "soft", "pliable" technique of movements.
5. Soviet type of combat sports, as well as an integrated system of self-defense.
6. Martial arts, in which athletes strike each other with their fists in special gloves.
7. Japanese single combat, in which two wrestlers identify the strongest on a round area, the average weight of wrestlers is 120-130 kg.
8. French martial art in which arms and legs are used equally, combining elements of western boxing and kicks.
9. A kind of martial arts that combines the technique of all wrestling disciplines, with minimal restrictions on the use of painful and suffocating techniques.
10. Korean martial art, similar to Japanese aikido, but closer to Jiu-jitsu.
11. Modern Japanese martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba.
12. A sport created in Japan on the basis of a samurai duel.
13. Kind of wrestling on the table with hands between two participants.
14. Filipino martial art.
15. Martial arts, the rules of which allow punches and kicks using boxing gloves.
16. Japanese martial art, defense and attack system.
17. Modern art of fencing, the path of the sword.
18. National sport of Uzbekistan with its own rules, methodology and system of training athletes.
19. A type of wrestling in which grabbing of the opponent's legs, sweeping and active use of the legs when performing any technique are allowed.
20. Chinese martial arts, in a word.
21. The style of kung fu, in which to defeat the opponent they focus on hand-to-hand combat, quick strikes and solid protection. Also in China there is a wushu school with this name.
22. A European kind of single combat, a fight in which an athlete must, with the help of certain techniques, unbalance the opponent and press him with his shoulder blades to the carpet.
23. Ancient martial art of Thailand.

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Answers: 1. Capoeira, 2. Judo, 3. Taekwondo, 4. Jiujitsu, 5. Sambo, 6. Boxing, 7. Sumo, 8. Savat, 9. Grappling, 10. Hapkido, 11. Aikido, 12. Spochan, 13. Arm wrestling, 14. Arnis, 15. Kickboxing, 16. Karate, 17. Kendo, 18. Turon, 19. Freestyle, 20. Wushu, 21. Wing Chun, 22. Greco-Roman, 23. Muay Thai.

Do you know all team sports? Solve an interesting crossword puzzle about team sports games.

1. It is not only a team sport, but also an active type of recreation, a game with paint balls.
2. Popular team game and oldest game in Asia, which includes elements of wrestling and tagging.
3. A sports game, the goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent's goal.
4. Russian folk team game with a ball and a bat.
5. National sport in Lithuania. The team must throw the ball with their hands as much as possible into the ring with the opponent's net.
6. Ball game 7 by 7 players, almost football, but the ball is thrown into the goal with his hands.
7. Sports team game with an oval ball, which the players of each team pass to each other with their hands and feet.
8. Playing with a stick, it happens on the ice, on the grass.
9. A non-contact team sport that belongs to the family of games in which the bat and the ball are used. The game was born in the south of England.
10. A kind of sport in which the players move on horses and try to score the ball with the help of special clubs.
11. The official name of the two team ball sports. In Russia, this sport is most often called mini-football.
12. A sports game similar to netball and basketball, most common in the Netherlands and Belgium.
13. The only card game recognized by the International the Olympic Committee as a sport.
14. Team sports game with a ball and a bat. The team includes 9 people.
15. A game during which two teams compete on a special area separated by a net, ball game. In this game, the following qualities are important: jumping ability, reaction, coordination, physical strength.
16. Team contact sport, using a small rubber ball and a stick called a stick.
17. A team sport from the hockey family, also called indoor hockey.
18. Team sports game on the ice rink. Each team has 4 players, granite shells are used.

Sports crossword

Horizontal: 3 ... Sports ball game. 5 ... Swimming style. 6 ... The most active part of the upper limb. 7 ... Sports game with a racket. 11 ... Throwing projectile. 13 ... A familiar posture of a man standing at ease. 14 ... Main motor physical quality... 17. Sports Society. 18 ... A remark in basketball. 20 ... Athlete mentor. 23. Assessment of your condition. 24 ... A variation of running 4 X 400, 4 X 100.

Vertical: 1. Heart rate. 2 ... Sports prize. 3 ... Football team player. 4 ... A way to climb the mountain on skis. 8 ... Country XXY Olympic Games. 9 ... Appropriate use of various actions in the fight against the enemy to achieve victory. 10 ... Gas exchange in the lungs. 12 ... Major sporting events. 15 ... Russian folk game. 16. Sport suit. 19 ... Score measure in sports. 21. Leap phase. 22 ... The beginning of sports competitions.

Compiled by Stepanova G.V. school # 963 Moscow


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