Presentation winter sports middle group. Presentation "Winter sports

winter views sports Completed by Danilchenko Anastasia 10th grade.

Winter sports - a set of sports carried out on snow or ice, that is, mainly in winter. The main winter sports are included in the program of winter Olympic Games. Kinds winter games: On snow On ice Cross-country skiing Biathlon Freestyle Snowboarding Orienteering Skiing luge Figure skating Skeleton Short Track Bandy

Winter games in the snow

Ski racing Ski race- ski racing for a certain distance on a specially prepared track among persons of a certain category. They belong to cyclic sports. Olympic sport since 1924.

Biathlon Biathlon is a winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting.

Freestyle Freestyle is a type of skiing. Freestyle disciplines are ski acrobatics, mogul, ski cross, halfpipe, slopetile.

Snowboarding Snowboarding is an Olympic sport that involves skiing snowy slopes and mountains on a special projectile - a snowboard.

Orienteering skiing Orienteering skiing competitions ski orienteering are held in conditions of stable snow cover in disciplines: in a given direction, on a marked track, or in a combination of these types

Winter games on ice

Luge Luge is a competition in downhill skiing on a single or double sledge on a pre-prepared track. Athletes sit on the sled on their backs, feet first. The sleigh is controlled by changing the position of the body.

Figure skating Figure skating is a speed skating sport that belongs to complex coordination sports. The main idea is to move an athlete or a pair of skaters on ice with changes in the direction of sliding and performing additional elements to the music.

Skeleton Skeleton is a winter Olympic sport, which is a descent along an ice chute on a two-runner sled on a reinforced frame, the winner of which is determined by the sum of two or four races.

Short track Short track (speed skating on a short track) is a form of speed skating. In competitions, several athletes (usually 4-8: the longer the distance, the more athletes in the race) simultaneously skate along an oval ice track 111.12 m long.

Bandy Bandy is a winter sports team game played on an ice field with the participation of two teams (ten field players and one goalkeeper each).

Nomination "Presentation in pedagogical process in DOW "

The physical education of the child is the basis for everything else.
Without the correct application of hygiene in the development of the child,
without proper physical education and sports
we will never get a healthy generation.
Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky.

Even an adult is sometimes difficult to understand the whole variety of winter sports. Now, when preparations for the Winter Olympics in Sochi - 2014 are in full swing in Russia, the issue becomes relevant. It is necessary that children understand what a particular type is winter sports, which Sports Equipment needed in order to do it, where you can learn it, etc.

And most importantly, we learned that any sport begins with physical culture, which you need to accustom yourself to engage in from an early age, that physical culture is not only a guarantee of possible sports achievements in the future, but above all a pledge and guarantee of human health.

Purpose of the presentation: formation of ideas about winter sports.


    Get to know the most popular species winter sports.

    To expand the horizons of preschoolers, to increase their mental and speech development.

    Raise interest and desire to engage in physical education and sports.

The presentation "Winter Sports" is designed for children of older preschool age.

Location of the presentation: in the classroom on the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the development of speech during theme week"Sport"; as a visual material in physical education classes and during the "Small Winter Olympic Games".

Efficiency and practical significance: The presentation contains photographs and pictograms for 14 winter sports. Each slide of the presentation is dedicated to a specific sport with brief description, poems by Knushevitskaya N.A., (if desired, the child can learn them by heart). Questions and tasks activate the child's speech, expand his vocabulary, form speech skills. Children in a playful way easily get acquainted with the most popular winter sports.

Presentation work:

  • slide 2 - work on the picture (Conversation on the picture, compiling a story about what winter sports children do, how winter sports differ from summer sports; children listen to the teacher's story, answer questions). More about these and some other winter sports will be discussed below.
  • slides 3-30 - the following slides describe the features of each winter sport, selected poems, photographs, pictograms.
  • slide 31-36 - questions and tasks for consolidating the acquired knowledge, activating the speech of children, expanding their vocabulary related to sports.
  • slide 37-38 - literature, author.

Figure skating

Short track Skating

Hockey Curling


Mining skiing Freestyle

Cross-country skiing Ski jumping

Luge Snowboard

Bobsleigh Skeleton

Find the extra picture.

What sport do these people play?

Solve riddles. There is such a sport in the world, It is popular in winter. You run fast on skis, you hurry after your opponent. (Cross-country skiing.) I heard a lot about this sport: Aerial acrobat On skis. (Freestyle) In the yard in the morning the game, The kids played out. Shouts: “Puck!”, “By!”, “Beat!” - So there is a game .... (Hockey) Look - here is a hero, He flies upside down, Lying on his stomach on a sled. Terribly so, frost on the skin. (Skeleton)

For a long time they went skating, Friend after friend, the three of them, It was very difficult for them to Climb up the hill. Suddenly with a perfect movement Grab the rifle - and shoot! Hit aiming at the targets - One, two, four, five. And rushed down the slope. What is this? ... (Biathlon) A skater is dancing on the ice, Spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette, Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no! Not in a fur coat, he is lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice. Oh, they ride well! The hall held its breath. The sport is called ... (Figure skating)

Winter sports Purpose: Expanding ideas about the surrounding reality through familiarizing children with winter Olympic sports sports. Relevance: Health is an invaluable gift, and the foundations of human health are laid in preschool childhood. Exactly at preschool age children take their first steps healthy lifestyle life, to self-knowledge, to the desire to go in for sports, physical culture. The presentation was prepared by: Korotchenko Alena Viktorovna, instructor in physical education. Name of institution: Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution Kindergarten No. 95 (MDOAU No. 95) Belogorsk Contact information: phone 89246792034, [email protected], Amur region, Belogorsk.

Winter sports To be healthy in full Everyone needs physical education. To begin with, in order - In the morning we will do exercises! And without any doubt There is a good solution - Running is useful and the game, Get busy kids! To be successful, you need to play sports. From physical education there will be a slim figure.

It brings us pleasure to run And just, and especially skiing. We are skiers when there is snow in the forest, And runners when it is gone. We wind kilometers day after day, We train breathing, muscles, will. It happens that we get very tired, But we still love skiing to the point of pain. skiing

Two wooden horses Carry me down from the mountain. I hold two sticks in my hands, But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them. And to speed up the run I touch the snow with sticks. Skiing

It is very difficult to be, do not argue, The most accurate in this sport. Just race down the track That even I can do. Try to run for a day yourself, And then hit the target, Lying on your back, from a rifle. You can't do without training! And the target is not an elephant for you. The sport is called ... Biathlon

There, in armor, everyone on the ice platform Fights, grappled in a sharp fight. Fans shout: Hit harder!" Believe me, this is not a fight, but hockey. Hockey

Two metal brothers, As they grew together with boots, They wanted to ride, Top! - on the ice and rushed. Ah, yes brothers, ah, easy! What are the brothers' names? Skating

A figure skater is dancing on the ice, spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette Then a double sheepskin coat ... Oh, no! Not in a fur coat, he is lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice. Oh, they ride well! The hall held its breath. Figure skating

Do you remember vehicle: When you were still small, Did you harness your dad for convenience, Like a horse? luge

Accelerate faster, descend faster And defeat everyone, leaving your fear. Who is afraid of speed in bobsleigh does not strive. It requires a team spirit and a well-coordinated spirit. Tenths of a second are important here, Here someone had time and your bean overtook. Sport traumatic, physically difficult, Only the most worthy goes to the final. Bobsled

Sport is life Sport is joy Sport is health
