How to hit harder in football. Muscle that abducts the thigh

Hello! The day (or night) has come to write about this secret, secret knowledge: to hit, on the ball, hard, like ……… - enter the desired name. Let's start with the fact that you will need equipment, namely: rope, soap, chair, dry ice .... stop... no. All you need is legs, a ball and professional patience. Well, in the end - Add Strength to Your Strike!

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I don't care if you're 8 or 38, but one thing always happens. When we put the ball in front of the net, something clicks in our head and we want to hit the ball with all our might. But what many of us don't realize is that this actually slows down the speed of the ball. When creating the Blast the Ball and SoccerU videos, we filmed hundreds of hours of football players training, and thousands of ball kicks. These studies showed very interesting results. If someone tried to kick the ball harder, the ball would often go slower. You will ask why? Let's turn to another sport that will help us understand what's going on here.

Talk to the "fathers" of golf (big green holes with holes, little heavy white balls, lots of little clubs, Tiger Woods) and you'll see they say a lot of things but agree on one thing: Hit 80% of your max. Why does a golf ball fly farther at 80% than at 100%? It's all about the speed of the clubhead, which is the last part of the several body parts used to strike. Hitting or "kicking" at 100% strength often forces us to OVERSTRAIN many of the muscles we use in the complex motor process of punching. Think of it like a "whip", staying a little relaxed during the kick allows our foot to be at the end of the accelerating chain of events, slow down a section of the chain and everything slows down.

Try throwing a baseball (the ball itself is very heavy and hard, about the size of a tennis ball) or tennis ball fully tensed arm - the ball will fly at least twice its normal speed. Relax your hand and make your movement look like a snap of a whip, and the ball will fly much faster. The same thing happens with hitting the ball.

Here are a few key points or anchors that will lead you to hit harder, faster, and longer.

1) Relax

Let your whole body "hang" on the bones like wet clothes on a rope, "shake" all parts of the body, let your head, neck, legs, and every part of the body relax. The only part of the body that will be tense is your ankle (or ankle, that is, where it hurts and swells when you twist your leg. Or where two such bones stick out on the sides of the foot).

2) Big last step/swing of kicking leg

Make your last step a long "forward-jumping" (step and jump touch the supporting leg, respectively, left if you are kicking with the right) with the swing of the kicking leg (this is one movement: step/jump with the left and swing with the right back). Your heel should practically touch your buttock(s).

3) Let your knee come forward first

This is known as "skid accumulation (higher)". Your kicking leg will form a V, keep that V for as long as possible and at the last second, let your leg straighten out in a WHIP through the ball.

4) Hit with the knuckle thumb(the terrible secret of spins and CR7)

Approach the ball from a slight angle, the largest bone in your foot is the first metatarsal, which is just above (in the sense closer to the body) the knuckle of the big toe. This power is transported into force or energy upon contact.

Imagine that the ball is in front of a large glass panel (such a fragile beautiful big thing), you want to break through the panel with your whole body, not just your foot or leg. This means that you must keep moving during and after the impact. This will cause you to land on your KICKING leg, not your pivot leg.

6) Watch how your foot touches the ball

If you see your foot hitting the ball, you are hitting correctly. This will also force your body into a slightly "bent down" position, straightening will kill some of the force release.

To see this in action, start VERY close to the goal (or wall), move back a little bit WITHOUT ADDING power to the punch, if you find yourself "strengthening" the punch, come back as close as you can and take a relaxed punch a couple of times, then step back again at a long distance and use the same "close strike", you will be surprised.

I advise you to shoot yourself with a camera, you can use any camera, the main thing is to try to set the maximum frames per second. This will allow you to slow down the beat in frame-by-frame playback. When we filmed Blast The Ball, most of the cameras were set to 3000fps, which allowed us to see EVERY detail of the impact. You will learn a lot about your strokes, and you will be able to find flaws and correct them.

Support leg distance to ball: Video can't be loaded: Soccer Kick Tip of the Week (

A general overview of the Blast The Ball video (if you watch carefully, you will find a lot of useful information, including much of what I told you below): Video can't be loaded: SoccerU Youth Soccer Training Videos (


The tendons around the hips will hurt, do not pay attention. Well stretch of course, where without it. More specifically: STRETCH. If you hit with the right (for the left leg, the same thing is just the opposite):

Jump to the ball with your left foot, make the jump as long as possible (this is the run-up), put it at a certain distance (which can be measured using the roller that I am attaching, in short, this is the distance between the knuckles of the hips, which is considered from the center of the ball to the center supporting foot) from the ball, put it slightly in front of the ball (forward in relation to the goal) at the same time your right leg is brought powerfully back, the foot is already turned, as you will beat, your right hand points towards the ball, the left one is extended approximately horizontally and then you do everything that is described above.

For those people who have big feet, or are afraid to hit their toes, “cover” the ball from above with the shape of the foot that you hit. There are four (forms): cheek, knuckle of the thumb, instep, outer side feet. These are the four main ones, and you need to perfect them first.

If you don’t feel an instant result and the ball doesn’t break the net, don’t worry, wait a couple of three months, your tendons will get used to it, your muscles will remember, and your head will stop thinking. This process took me about two years (I stopped thinking a long time ago). True, I have been playing football for two years (no, I didn’t play football before, nowhere, although it was 15 times in 10 years in the yard, but I was small, weak, and mostly stood at the gate, I have flat feet of 2 degrees, scoliosis and 48 rr legs, 191 cm tall, zero physical training, started about 5 years ago, and in general I am a former gamer nerd). But I beat already normally, for fun I broke the net on one field in 6 places) But somewhere from 8 meters is true.

Accuracy comes from technique, following this coach, whose article I translated for you, you will hit correctly - you will hit where you want. Checked.

To spin over the wall, you need a blow with the knuckle of the thumb, a large angle (about 45 degrees, the larger the angle, the closer to spin (you can adjust with your foot, of course), hit up, over the crossbar (well, this is to under the crossbar), down the ball (under the ball, the ball has 5 places: center, top, bottom, right and left), to the right side (this is to spin completely to the left), not to hit very hard (otherwise it will fly into the stars), and the ball will fly beautifully over the wall above the gate and land exactly under the crossbar, to the surprise of the goalkeeper (by the way, you can cheat like that playing from gate to gate) without hands if). Cristiano Ronaldo steps back 8 steps, choose for yourself as you prefer.

The lift kick is always very powerful, and very direct (it should be like that, you need to learn how to twist from the lift very later), cover the ball with your foot and everything will be fine. Muscle strength per se plays little role here, almost any 8-9 year old boy from a decent school hits so you won't find it.

Buy (find it on the internet (but I didn’t tell you)) Blast The Ball, I first found it on one tracker by accident, and then I bought the full set (together with SoccerU) twice) I hope to write about it later football practice and physics. The information above is from the Blast The Ball video and from my experience.

Information from the latest SoccerU:

The main mistakes leading to a decrease in the speed and accuracy of the ball's flight:

  • Excessive tilt of the body down or to the side (contradiction of input force). The body should follow the ball but not fold in half.
  • The supporting foot is too behind the ball (release of momentum too early). The foot should be slightly forward or at the level of the ball, the ankle at the level of the ball is an excellent guide.
  • The movement of the body ends after hitting the ball (not enough momentum). The body should follow the ball forward, but don't do it on purpose.


If you have any questions, please contact. The only thing I ask is no trolling, arrogance, mistrust and slur. Like real pros!

Z.Y. Yes, I watched almost all the videos related to “this case”, I watched all the films and even the manual in 6 parts of the Dutch, in my opinion, which can be found on the Internet (more precisely, in the very backyards of the Internet). I didn't watch paid secret training teams, but worked with a couple (Falmouth United, Kortrjik) and I think this is one of the most valuable football guides in the world, and one of the most progressive too.

Introducing a series of workouts for practicing punching inside lift. Training process built in such a way as to consistently complicate the conditions for the implementation of this technical element. Watch the video "Kicking the ball in football", memorize the technique and practice in practice.

Practicing hitting a stationary ball

The first and simplest exercise is a shot on goal with static position ball. First, a series of shots is made to the right corner of the goal. It should last until the percentage of hits exceeds 50%. Then you can start hitting the left corner. The final part of this exercise is the alternation of strikes in different angles.

The football player independently learns to adjust his movement, depending on the task. Changing the position of the supporting leg and the point of contact on the ball. The most important thing in this process is the repetition of exercises. To bring the technique of impact to automatism, you need to beat, beat and beat. Training allows you to hone an accurate and strong blow.

We proceed to the execution of the standard position. Having placed the ball at the very front line, a canopy is performed on the far post. A teammate must close it. During the successful implementation of such an exercise, a high emotional background is provided. We carry out similar canopies on both sides. To make it more difficult, we use training racks. Having put them on the near post, we imitate a group of defenders.

We return to the practice of hitting the goal. Chips mark the trajectory for the run. Thereby changing the angle at which the player approaches the ball. The player will need to constantly change the swing of the foot. Practicing different accesses to the ball, the player gains practice.

With football chips we mark the line one meter from the 11 meter point. Making a kind of line. The trainee must strike, further and further from the goal. Increasing strength and working out each hit in height.

For next exercise it is necessary to place 3 balls 5 meters apart. You need to punch into the frame of the gate without stopping. After shooting one ball, immediately move to the next one and hit it already. By setting a time frame between hits, you can complicate the task.

We imitate a winback into the wall and a shot on goal. We place the first ball on the penalty line. Away from the ball, at a greater distance from the goal, we put a chip. Approximately 5 meters from the ball. And another one 10 meters away. Taking the second ball, we retreat to the same 5 meters from the second chip. We circle the second chip and give an imaginary pass to the first. Immediately making a run-up, the first ball is kicked at the goal. We make the exercise more realistic by adding a defender. He, in turn, tries to grab the hitter with his hand.

Running between the training poles, the player must pass to a partner. The partner stands in the area marked with chips. But you need to complete the transfer only at his hand signal. This training is designed to develop a better vision of the partner. It will also teach you how to move with your head up.

Practicing hitting the ball in motion

Hitting a rolling ball. Having passed a pass to a partner, you will receive a return pass under attack. Sometimes there is no partner. Or his ability to give an accurate pass to the touch, wants to leave the best. Then you can not do without a portable wall.

There are many options for complicating this technique. Make this task in the form of a competition for a couple of players. Thus, it will be more difficult for the batter, because the result factor puts pressure on him. And putting the wall at an angle, the return pass will be from above.

Exercises that are more similar to real situations on the football field.

Receiving the ball after an inaccurate clearance, followed by a hit. The ball must fly high and within a radius of 5 meters from the player performing this technical element. Winding a passive (no more than 2 movements) defender, with a further blow. In this case, the striker should also not have excessive touches of the ball. Before throwing the ball through the defender - no more than 3. After that, one more is allowed for a convenient part-time job under impact. Receiving and hitting after a cross or cross from the flank. You need to do this in two touches. Accept and pass.

Kicking the ball in football is one of the most important components of this game. Practice, hone your skills and score beautiful goals.

Are you planning to start playing football? In this case, it is very important for you to develop the ability to hit the ball accurately and at the same time strong enough. It would seem that this task is rather time-consuming and complicated, but with a competent approach, almost every fan of this sport can solve it. If you need thermal socks for training in cold weather, then you can order them at affordable prices and with delivery throughout Ukraine here: On this site you can order thermal socks for trekking, sports and military needs, as well as thermal underwear for girls.

The most basic mistake that some football fans make is that they do not pay attention to the supporting leg at all during the strike. However, this is in vain, because. part of the accuracy of the blow and its strength depends on the position of the supporting leg. It, as a rule, should be located at a distance of about 8-10 cm from the football projectile. The player in this situation should feel enough space to comfortably hit the ball. But keep in mind that it is very important not to take your legs too far. The height of the impact on the football projectile will depend on how you place the supporting leg.

Now you need to consider the leg that is shock. In the "shock" position, the foot should be tense, but not clamped, and the fingers should be pointing down. As for the heel, it should look up. You need to hit with a normal blow with the toe of the foot or the knuckle of the thumb.

As for such a parameter as the force of impact, it does not come from bending the knee, but from the hip. Those. the farther you take your leg, the stronger the impact on the football projectile will be. But if during this action you overstrain your muscles, then the impact force from this will only decrease. Please note that in order to receive a valid powerful blow it should be biting, like a blow of a whip. In order to hit accurately enough at the same time, it is important to choose the correct body angle. If the ball should be hit low, then tilt the body a little forward, and if high, back.

Good kicks in football are possible due to the timely adoption of a tactical decision, the perfect reception of the ball, the correct technique. For a player, the ability to pick up speed is important, correct selection leg position, development of the run-up rhythm and continuation of movement after the impact. Tactical tasks during the execution of a football kick, a variety of game situations are based on the principle of performing individual elements and details of the movement.

The technique of hitting the ball in football is considered as a single tactical and technical action from the beginning of a tactical decision to its technical implementation. Real practice is acquired while playing. For football player it is important to correctly execute the technique of kicks in football, which is ensured by long training and practicing techniques.

Photo 1. For good hit a football player must be able to feel the ball when he touches it.

Ball feel, control, ball handling are terms that define technical training footballer. Correct hits on the ball, the ability to direct the ball in - are especially valued in the game.

The technique of hitting the ball is the main element in the preparation of a football player. It is allowed to strike with any part of the body, except for the hands. When performing it, it is important to decide which element to apply, at which point of the ball to hit and to whom to pass.

A high-class player has a whole arsenal of techniques. Learning and developing automatism allows you to apply the skill on the field. Knowing the technique of basic kicks, it is easier to learn the correct kicks in football and improve them.

There are exercises that allow a football player to develop a technical base. The first of them is chasing (juggling), or popularly “stuffed”. This exercise allows you to learn to feel the ball, to be able to stop it, regardless of the force and trajectory with which it is launched.

Types of strikes

Any kind of techniques, including headbutts, are used in conjunction with other technical elements. More often than not, these are scams. Concentration, attention, automatism of movements and quick decision making are important.

Photo 2. When kicking with a leg lift, the last step is shortened.

For the development of automatic movement are important:

  • preparatory and developmental exercises;
  • working out imitation of impact;
  • working out an element in motion.

The classic kick, or rather the rise of the foot, is characterized by a shortened last step. Leg swing and speed are important. The force of straightening the lower leg is the force of impact.

To give power, the player needs the ability to quickly bend and unbend the lower leg. When a situation arises near the opponent's penalty area, the player has neither time to think nor space. This punching technique is learned and trained through numerous repetitions.

swirling kick

A corner kick involves spinning the ball. Depending on where you aim and with what force you need to spin the ball, the takeoff angle is selected. As a rule, such an angle is greater than with a conventional lifting kick.

Steps are made wide, to increase the swing and strength. Run on your toes. The supporting leg is 15 cm from the ball, pointing away from the final goal.

If you need to spin the ball to the left, then you need to hit to the right of the middle of the ball and vice versa. Hit with the inside of your foot so that there is enough contact area to spin the ball.

Photo 3. To get the correct trajectory of the swirling shot, you need to kick the ball at an angle.

If it is necessary to spin the ball in the center or in the corner of the goal, then the foot with which the kick is made passes to the right of an imaginary straight line. It is important to note that the larger the angle, the weaker the impact.

The blow is not in the center of the ball, but in the edge. Keep a balance between force and angle of contact. Aim for twist correction. Learn to feel this moment.

The completion of the strike is different from the usual. In the case of lateral rotation, the leg goes around the ball in a horizontal plane. In order for the ball to spin sideways and down, you need to hit lower, wrapping your foot around the ball still in a vertical plane.

Kick in the fall through yourself

Spectacular football kick - "bisicleta" or scissors. The strength of the jump when hitting in a fall through oneself depends on the strength of the push, the height of the jump and the weight of the player. In the process, the muscles of the legs, body, and back are included. During the flight, raise your arms up and bring your shoulder blades together.

Photo 4. The blow in the fall through itself will be the stronger than more power invested in the push from the ground.

Before you execute the element, it is important to adjust to the ball. In order not to damage anything when falling, you need to put your hands out, lean on your elbow and then fall with your body to the ground. The main thing is to feel the moment.

"Scorpion Strike"

The scorpion kick in football is called the most spectacular technique. They do it in a forward fall on arms bent at the elbows. The back is arched. With a kick through himself with the heel or sole of the foot, the player hits the ball.

Photo 5. "Scorpion Kick" takes its name from the animal of the same name, whose sting resembles a football player's leg when performing a trick.

Knuckleball kick

Knuckleball kick - effective reception, at which the ball changes its trajectory unpredictably. The average run is 5 steps. The last three steps are on toes. The main thing is not to get into the edge of the ball, so as not to spin it. The supporting leg is on the same level with the ball.

The distance between the ball and the foot is 15 cm. The blow is applied by lifting the foot. The ankle is fixed, does not dangle. Hit just below the center of the ball to achieve minimal spin.

Photo 6. For the correct execution of the knuckleball strike, the foot must be turned outward.

During the execution of the reception, the classic swing is not done, we turn the foot outward. After the kick, the foot does not follow the ball, but stops. Try to straighten your leg sharply and clearly. Tilt your body slightly forward so that the ball does not fly high.

Beat "rabon"

The rabon kick is more of a sports trick, combining a feint and a kick. Run 5 steps at an angle to the ball. It is necessary to beat with a rise, sharply and strongly. The supporting leg is half a foot in front of the ball, slightly bent.

The toe is turned in the direction of the target, the heel is raised from the ground. To hit on top, hit under the ball, on the bottom - in the center. To spin the ball, hit the edge.

Photo 7. Rabona strike is also called a crossed strike.

With the help of this feint, they break through the gate, give a hidden scoring pass from the bottom, or perform a canopy from the flank.

Lift kick options

Football technique has many classifications. When hitting a rolling ball, the supporting foot is in front so that the ball is in a suitable point for the element.

Proper positioning of the supporting leg helps to make a hit. Point the toe in the direction of the ball movement so that the outfit flies powerfully and accurately.

The position of the foot of the shock leg at the time of the element is important. Lower the toe, extend the fingers, point the heel to the left and up. This position will provide a hard touch.

Photo 8. Kick by lifting the foot seems simple in technique, but it also requires serious training(on the picture - former football player English team David Beckham).

Exists various options lift hit. Depending on the tactical task and the game situation, the technique differs in the way it is performed. A stepping impact movement is used if it is not possible to put the supporting foot on the same line with the ball, and it is necessary to hit the goal or make a pass.

The lifting kick in football, despite the awkward position of the player, allows you to control scoring shots. To serve, start with the hip of the kicking leg. At the last moment, straighten the lower leg with effort.

Moving the knee forward reduces the chance of getting hit by the ball. The quick movement of the lower leg gives speed to the leg, while increasing the force of impact.

The blow with the inside of the rise along a steep line is different from the base. The lower leg moves up to lift the ball. The player adjusts the movement to hit the goal.

With the development of football today, there are many techniques for hitting the ball. It is impossible to master everything, so you need to know the basic rules, and you will develop your own technique for yourself. With each game, your goals will improve and acquire unique, characteristic features.

The supporting leg points in the direction of the target. Hitting the ball with the inside of the foot is the most accurate. With it, the contact area is large, and the ball does not ricochet.

The technique of hitting with a lift, “cheek” or toe is accompanied by wiring. An important point when performing a reception is the movement of the leg along the line of movement of the ball. Where the leg goes, the ball flies in that direction. Keep your body upright.

Kicking technique

The technique is based on the study of the correct sequence of elements technical reception. The main details of the elements are studied first. The impact force is influenced by the movement of the hip with a bent lower leg and lower leg during thigh deceleration.

If the elasticity of the thigh muscles and mobility hip joint insufficient, then an inevitable mistake is the tilt of the torso forward. Despite the wide swing, keep your torso upright.

Photo 9. When performing the kicking technique, it is important to keep the body in an upright position.

The movement of the lower leg at the moment when the thigh almost reaches the vertical position. The lower leg at this moment should “shoot”. In this case, the speed of leg extension and hip movement are summed up, which provides the power of movement.

To hold the reception, you must accept the partner's pass. The speed of the ball does not interfere right approach to strike with a minimum number of touches.

The hip begins a percussive movement. The knee covers the ball and a quick extensor movement of the lower leg begins. The total speed of movement of the thigh and lower leg is related to the speed of movement of the leg when touching the ball.

The mass of the leg lever increases the strength. To transfer energy at the moment of contact, the movement of the leg is stopped.

Correct hit on the ball in football, the quality of the technique depends on correct execution run.

Runaway parts:

  • distance to the ball;
  • angle at the beginning of the movement;
  • speed set.

The run-up length is affected by the way the element is executed. Twisted, cut blows are more often performed with a shortened run. Swipe implies a longer run-up in order to gain maximum speed.

Technical errors Consequences How to fix
Direction of takeoff and direction of impact do not match High probability that the hit will not work Deal several blows while running in a straight line drawn on the ground
Not pulling down the toe of the kicking foot The kick comes out weaker because the kicking foot only touches the ball with the toe Pay more attention to the exercise with the rotation of the foot and pulling the toe down
Supporting foot is further away from the ball than necessary The kicking foot touches the ball with only the toe. Make at least two dozen hits on a stationary ball, paying attention to the position of the supporting leg
Torso tilted back when hitting the ball The ball may fly too high Land a few hits with more bend in the kicking leg at the knee and tilt your torso over the ball

The table shows possible mistakes when performing kicks in football.

The method of hitting the ball depends on the point from which the player starts moving towards the ball. The takeoff angle varies depending on the task.

Touch sector:

  • inner (left or right) part of the lift;
  • mid rise;
  • top part lift.

For an introductory strike, the run-up speed does not matter. And when kicking for power, speed is an important factor. In this case, both the speed of movement, the rhythm of the run, and the acceleration to the last step matter.

Heading the ball technique

The ball during the game can come from any direction, and the technique of heading in football is important for the player.

Photo 10. Heading the ball requires careful training and skill development.

Basic moments in heading.

  1. The eyes are open to see where the ball is flying and which part of the head to hit. When hitting the head, the ball is followed by the eyes from the transfer to the execution of the reception.
  2. You have to hit with the forehead. If the ball hits the face, there is a high risk of breaking the nose.
  3. In order not to break your jaw or teeth when falling, not to bite your tongue, it is safer to keep your mouth closed.
  4. The arms are used to maintain balance and to give greater momentum to the force. When performing a jump technique, balance with your hands.
  5. The player is in a certain position with one foot in front of the other. When pushing, balance is maintained. This is a stable stand.
  6. Another important detail is the movement of the back. The back serves as a part of the catapult. The greater the amplitude of the catapult, the farther the projectile will fly.

Heading requires dexterity and concentration. If the projectile flies from above, the athlete takes it in a jump. To master the technique, clearly coordinate the movements. Heading the ball is used in both offensive and defensive football.

The direction of movement is from bottom to top. The jump uses arm swings to give extra speed. A headbutt from a running start in a jump is more often used in attack. Player attaches right direction neck movements.

When heading, concentration of attention, readiness to hit the goal is important. When the ball flies at the player, you can’t stand and wait, you have to attack in order to break through with all your might. In this case, you need to be at the ball earlier than the opponent.

Photo 11. An important point in working out a headbutt is the use of swinging arms to increase speed.

Canopy when playing with the head - important point. If the projectile flies low, then it becomes more difficult to play with the head. It is important to make a canopy with force.

What is the danger of wrong technique

When mastering the tactics of the game, take into account a number of factors:

  • physical training;
  • technical training;
  • psychological preparation of athletes.

If a footballer is determined to win, his legs and reaction speed will not let him down. The set technique of hitting the ball allows you to introduce various tactics into the game.

For the effective use of tactical skills, an athlete must be highly motivated, calm, and concentrated.

Photo 12. Non-compliance with the technique of strikes in football can lead to injury to the athlete.

To use tactics, it is important to acquire the skill of a tactically competent game. Technique, possession of movements is important for both the players and the goalkeeper. Tactics is the movement of a football player during the game. The initial position of the players on the field is called the game system.

The heaviest muscle action a player performs with muscle contractions is called the maximum force. It is used in most football tricks:

  • hit;
  • cutting the ball;
  • bounce;
  • abrupt stop.

Another important quality is endurance. To maintain the ability to use explosive power during the game, one must have high endurance.

Incorrect techniques lead to injuries to the knee and ankle joints, hips, backs, and other parts of the body. Over the years of football's existence, basic protective equipment has been created and tested. The players have pads and knee pads. The goalkeeper has gloves to deflect the shot; special inserts for ammunition, softening the fall on the grass.

Shields and knee pads will protect against minor injuries, but this will not save you from serious blows. First of all, football players suffer from their legs. With active movement of the meniscus in knee joint deformed. With a load on the meniscus, the direction of impact is of fundamental importance.

Photo 13. Most often, the feet of players suffer from incorrectly executed kicks in football.

Sharp turns, jumps, stops, playing with cut blows - such maneuvers at a certain moment make themselves felt. With a sharp change in the trajectory of movement, a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint is possible.

A sharp turn with a fixed foot or a hit on a bouncing ball with the wrong technique is insidious. In this case, cartilage and ligaments are subjected to additional lateral load. Even a professional football player's knees are not always ready for such loads.

Achievements of modern medicine allow you to return players to the system. If you develop certain skills, the likelihood of injury is reduced. Daily training, the player teaches the legs the correct movements.

Method of prevention The essence of the method
Preventive bandaging of joints The main objects of bandaging are the knee and ankle joints. The purpose of the bandage is to limit the rotation and lateral movement of the player's foot.
Musculoskeletal training Warm-up exercises for athletes are focused on increasing core temperature, which has a positive effect on muscle viscosity.
Flexibility exercises Stretching exercises are recommended after general warm-up, which includes cyclic loads exactly on those muscle groups to be stretched.

The table shows the main methods for preventing muscle and joint injuries in football players.

When is a kick used?

There are many football tricks. Correct technique helps players to hit the ball, fully investing in the shot. The stars of world football have a wonderful lifting kick.

The base element is a classic kick top lift. A proper lift kick is toe pulled back and hit the center of the ball. Land on your kicking leg.

When performing a volley, the main thing is that the center of the ball coincides with the middle of the rise. It is important to deflect the body. The toe is pulled forward, not towards itself. For accurate reception, try to get the ball on the instep laces. There is a small distance between the supporting leg and the ball. If the leg is crooked, then the flight path will change.

Ball control is essential to pass the ball at speed. With the help of a directing pass, the player deceives the opponent. At the moment of receiving the ball, the foot turns, the supporting leg straightens sharply.

Photo 14. The skill of possession of the ball can begin to work out at a very early age

For accuracy at the gate, a kick is used with the inside of the foot. On impact outer part foot speed is less, the ball flies in a curve to the target.

Physical Engineering and tactical training are interconnected. Technique training football game requires all-round preparation of the player. An athlete who struggles with an hour and a half of play is just as inefficient as a player without technical skills. Through constant training, psychological preparation the footballer acquires tactical and technical advantages.

Video: Football Kick Technique

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The quality of the blow for accuracy is checked by practice. Only a high percentage of successful execution of a shot for accuracy (passing or shooting at goal) in a game situation will show the player's ability and the level of possession of the hitting technique. It is necessary to work purposefully on the impact on accuracy starting from the age of 9-10 and until the end of a sports career.

Several factors affect the accuracy of a strike. One of the main ones is touching the desired point on the ball with the foot. The photo shows the points on the gate that you need to hit and the points on the ball that you need to hit.

And now I will comment on it.

1. This video The video demonstrates the effectiveness of the training sessions on the principles of an individual-group method of preparation and fulfillment of conditions " Training workout". Vlad (the main participant in the video), conducted a full annual cycle of training in lifting kick technique (TCS in July 2011, individual training with his father for a year, UTS 2012). And after watching video clips from 2011 to 2014, you can compare the initial level of possession of a strike and the quality of the strike, which has significantly increased over the past time.

2. Formed during the year, a dynamic stereotype, allowed at the training camp in 2012 to devote considerable time to work on improving the accuracy of the strike. Performance control exercise"eight", to determine the ability to control the ball, showed an increased level of accuracy of impact. This is confirmed not only by setting a record - five consecutive hits in the given corners of the gate, but also significantly increased "accuracy" of impact. And blunders have become extremely rare.

The scheme of the exercise "eight"

3. Coaches, young football players, as well as their Parents must understand that work on the accuracy of the strike is a long and painstaking process. It is impossible to hit accurately in a game episode, if the player cannot do it in a simple situation, on a motionless ball. Therefore, reaching high level ball control, we must continue to work on the implementation of our skills in a game environment. And this is also achieved by hard training. When editing the video clip "Impact Accuracy" I deliberately inserted many episodes without comments or audible text to create an atmosphere of hard work young football players. There is a certain monotony in the workouts in which we work on creating the automaticity of the strike. This is inevitable, since one and the same blow must be repeated many times under standard conditions. But I assure you, if the player is passionate about the task, understands the need for a large number of hits and sees positive result of his work, fatigue from exercise does not come soon. And here it is important to catch this moment and switch to something else or pause.

On the training camps in 2013 (and there were two of them), we continued to work on the accuracy of the strike. But now, taking into account the already created automatism of movement (the skill of hitting), most of the training time was aimed at performing hits in an environment close to the game. The result was not long in coming. In the games of the autumn part of the championship in Kiev, Vlad significantly increased both the number and quality of shots on goal and passes.

On two trainers in 2014, our main task was to maintain the accuracy of the strike against the background of an increase in the speed of execution of technical-tactical combinations. By significantly increasing the speed of movement when performing exercises for the accuracy of a strike, we bring the formed skill closer to game situations.
