We are moving in the right direction. “We are moving in the right direction

- M Can it be said that the world has emerged from the crisis?

In general, yes, we see some confirmation of this. However, the problem with the world economy is that countries are developing extremely unevenly. The United States, for example, is generally doing well: the production of shale oil and gas gives the country the economic benefits of lowering the cost of energy resources. The United States was the first to be hit by the crisis and rolled up its sleeves to tackle the problem, while Europe was mired in endless and meaningless debate. Therefore, now it is just emerging from the crisis, demonstrating a rather modest growth. For example, in the Netherlands, property prices have already stopped falling, and we see a clear positive trend in economic growth. But Europe's health is still fragile enough, and further steps towards economic integration (for example, the creation of a European banking union) are needed to be sure that the crisis is over.

- Once you said that the crisis, among other things, is an opportunity for the implementation of reforms that will allow you to become stronger. What the crisis taught ING ? How has your strategy changed?

We have concluded an agreement with the EU and we are fulfilling its conditions. We had a very successful IPO for our American insurance and investment management business in May 2013 and are preparing to pay off the last two tranches of a loan from the Dutch government. Once the group sells its insurance and investment management businesses, it will have a whole host of new opportunities to do what it takes to grow the bank.

Another interesting trend that I observe throughout our sector is a change in the very model of the banking business. Take Belgium and the Netherlands, for example: no one here goes to bank branches anymore! Everyone works in online banking through their mobile phones. Banks have to develop new forms of communication with customers, and for some, such changes are extremely difficult. It's not that hard for us because ING is one of the world's largest online retail product banks.

I would invest

- What are the positions ING in Russia?

We have been here for twenty years, and during this time we have become a major player in a number of segments of the banking business. Thus, according to the annual research of the Bloomberg company, we rank first in the field of organizing syndicated bank loans in Russia. We are in the top five on the exchange market of government bonds and on the forex market. We are also included in the group of leaders in settlement and cash services.

We are developing new channels and improving the ratio between costs and expenses, working even more focused, trying to be mobile. And we believe that we have great prospects. We have learned that we must always and from everyone be required to strictly adhere to the procedural points that guarantee the reliability of the client. This is not easy, especially in terms of working with Russian companies. However, we stand on the fact that our clients in Russia must meet the same requirements that we set for American, Dutch or any other clients. I once attended a conference on sustainability, and among the participants was our client, a Dutch company, also very strict about the issue of reliability and guarantees. Their representative told me the following story: when their company started working with one Russian transport group and asked if they were ready to meet all the requirements in the future, the Russians replied that they already did, because they were working with ING bank.

- How do you assess the current state Russian market?

The Russian market is becoming more and more mature. We try to work with companies in various sectors, constantly expanding their range, and offer new types of banking services. The management of the group in Amsterdam is satisfied with our work and highly appreciates the prospects for the Russian market.

In terms of macroeconomic indicators, I doubt that Russia will see significant economic growth this year. Large corporations are very cautious and are working to improve their return on assets. We saw a sharp jump in consumer loans, and the state took control of this process.

If we go back to Europe and the United States, then the government there in such situations simply starts spending money - in particular, investing in infrastructure projects. It is clear that this is a certain challenge for Russia. Many fear that these projects will turn out to be a waste of money. However, the budget deficit here in Russia is small, there are reserve funds - I would invest in such a situation!

- Has Moscow managed to become a serious financial center?

I believe that Russia has made serious progress in this direction. Some market-relevant initiatives have been developed even more here than in European countries. And the Moscow Exchange has done an excellent job of introducing the settlement of OTC derivatives, derivatives, with a Central Counterparty. As far as we know, in Russia the work was carried out even faster than in Europe - there a similar EMIR program is located on more early stages... Settlement of OTC derivatives with a CCP will reduce the overall level of risk in the banking sector.

The repository was named in 2013 - this is the National Settlement Depository, which is part of the Moscow Exchange Group. Since November 2013, all banks are required to report repo transactions, as well as currency swap transactions to NSD.

For other types of OTC derivatives, such as cross-currency and interest rate swaps, information is expected to become mandatory by June 2014. After that, we can say that liquidation netting will work very well.

Another important point- creation of a central clearing system. It is gradually being introduced. ING Commercial Banking in Russia was the first bank to complete an OTC derivative and repo transaction through a Central Counterparty and a bank, conducting a three-way repo with the CBR with a basket of securities. We even received a letter of gratitude from the Central Bank and will be happy to continue to take part in the development of the market. The clearing system still needs some work, but it seems to me that we are moving in the right direction.

We are also asked about how we work in the Russian legal field. This issue is very important for us. Our lawyers often say that Russia has a good legislative framework, but problems with its enforcement may arise. However, the situation is improving. I see the same trends as in Europe. We are watching as the central bank is given more and more power to control the market. And it is right.

We have experience

He talks about the development of programs for structuring complex loans Natalia Mezentseva, Head of Structured Finance, ING Commercial Banking in Russia.

- What sectors of the Russian economy do you work with?

- We mainly work with projects related to infrastructure, transport and energy. This is due to the development of the Russian economy. Growth at the expense of the commodity sector has reached its limits. Raw materials enterprises began to work on internal efficiency - companies for which infrastructure and energy facilities are not the main activity, now seek to separate such facilities into independent enterprises and transfer them to interested strategic players in the relevant industries, while concluding long-term contracts for the use of this infrastructure in the future ... There is also a business enlargement or change of shareholders of an existing business through mergers and acquisitions.

For example, we carried out a number of transactions in the port business and in container shipping - we financed the acquisition of the FESCO group. One of the most recent deals is the financing of the acquisition by Global Ports of the NCC group of companies, making Global Ports the largest player in Eastern Europe.

Many of our clients have come to consider raising finance for specific programs using a project finance structure, where the loan is repaid from the future cash flows generated by the project. Such structures are being actively discussed for the construction of terminals in ports. Another example is the field of alternative energy, which is new to the Russian market. The implementation of such projects depends on the correct legal framework, as well as on the expected distribution of project risks among all its participants.

- In what other areas are your programs in demand?

- In the area of ​​structured finance at the group level, we have extensive experience in the oil and gas sector, metallurgy and mining, petrochemicals, agriculture, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications. In these sectors in Russia, we cooperate with our colleagues from Amsterdam and London. As part of this joint work, we share our experience with each other - colleagues provide expertise in structuring transactions and modeling the development of companies' business in accordance with global trends in the relevant sector, and we share our knowledge of Russian specifics and adapt the proposed approaches for the Russian market, also taking into account the history relationship with each of our clients. Despite the involvement of several teams in the deal different countries, we coordinate communication with the company on the principle of "one bank", and such a combination of knowledge and efforts in structuring and analyzing industries is our competitive advantage in the market.

There are other actively developing sectors in local markets that we are ready to consider. For such projects, we use the lending experience accumulated in Russia for more than twenty years of our presence here.

Interview with the head of the company managing the SEZ "Moglino", Olga Torbich

Olga Torbich (Photo: Press Office)

Olga Torbich in 2012 headed a company that was engaged in the development of the special economic zone "Moglino". Attracting investors to a region that is not the most industrial is a very difficult task. At present, the entire infrastructure has been created in "Moglino" - and 11 enterprises have received the status of a resident. How this was achieved and what are the advantages of the special economic zone in the Pskov region, Olga Torbich told in an interview with RBC.

- How many residents does the Moglino SEZ currently have? What part of the projects is at the design and construction stage? Do you expect an increase in the number of residents by the end of 2018?

- As of the beginning of autumn 2018, the list of residents of the Moglino SEZ includes 11 companies. In 2018, two residents came to the site and we expect at least four more by the end of the year.

- What enterprises of the economy are represented and will soon appear in Moglino?

- We are bringing new and very diverse industries to the Pskov region, which in the future will give an opportunity to develop the economy of the region. So, in August, Titan-Polymer company defended its project before the Expert Council of the SEZ Moglino. We expect that this investor will create a raw material base for the development of new business areas in the region. Already at the beginning of next year, Titan-Polymer will launch the production of stretch films. Such a tight schedule for launching production will become possible due to the fact that the investor will be located on the finished premises of the rental plant built by the Moglino Management Company.

Another company, the Nor-Maali plant, already supplies its products - industrial paints and varnishes throughout the country. The plant for the production of wild berries by freeze drying "Sibirskiy Gostinets" is preparing to launch production. Two more enterprises: manufacturers of cable and wire products and a plant for the production of medical preparations are starting the construction of their plants.

This year, two investors will start working on the site, who will carry out technical and innovative activities, which means that science comes to the territory of the SEZ, which was initially focused only on the production of finished products. Investors planning to manufacture rotary expansion machines and carry out data processing and storage will create research and development centers.

- The population of the Pskov region is not growing. Do residents of Moglino and potential investors experience difficulties in recruiting personnel for their projects? How do you plan to satisfy the personnel shortage in the future?

- We strive to change this trend. In the Pskov region, the strategic project “Innovation Center for the Electrical Cluster of the Pskov Region and the Moglino Special Economic Zone” has been launched. Its main task is to improve the qualifications of specialists and bring it in line with the requirements of the residents of the special economic zone. We also actively cooperate with Pskov State University, which is already ready to make changes to educational program and discover new modern areas of study.
Realizing that there are not many specialists in the field of polyesters in the region, we, together with the Academy of Sciences and the Titan Group of Companies, are developing a project that will allow us not to attract personnel to work at the Titan-Polymer enterprise from other regions, but to employ local employees.

- What, in your opinion, are the main advantages of the Moglino SEZ?

- The main distinguishing feature of Moglino is its own, completely ready-made infrastructure, connection to which is absolutely free for residents. We offer all investors who come to the site not just a land plot on favorable terms and tax incentives. We provide production facilities with everything you need: roads, electricity, gas, water. There is a customs point right on the site. As I said, realizing that in addition to infrastructure, one of the most valuable resources for our residents is qualified personnel, we are integrating into the process of finding, training and improving the skills of employees for our investors.

Another argument for opening enterprises here, oriented both to export and to the domestic market, is the favorable geographical position of the region. On the one hand, 45 kilometers from Moglino there is the border with the European Union, on the other, the largest cities of the country, Moscow and St. Petersburg, are located a few hundred kilometers away. Existing highways and railways make it possible to quickly deliver products manufactured in Moglino to any corner of the planet.

- Each region is interested in attracting investors to its territory. What is the support of "Moglino" from the Pskov region?

- This year, thanks to the support of local authorities, we managed to change the procedure for calculating income tax. Now residents of Moglino begin to pay the regional part of income tax only from the fifth year from the date of receipt of income.

- You are the head of a management company that is engaged in the development of the special economic zone "Moglino". What is your personal contribution and the contribution of your team to the launch of this challenging project?

- I am lucky - I work in a team of like-minded people and in a region where every investor is appreciated. Our pride is the quality of our projects. There are no random productions in Moglino. Investors come to us who work out their projects in detail and are focused on long and successful work. We review projects and business plans manually. There were cases when, together with investors, having analyzed the project, we decided to abandon it.

I am very glad that we manage to attract foreign and investors from other regions. There is only one local resident in Moglino. Moreover, he does not just transfer the existing enterprise to a special economic zone, but opens a new one that plans to manufacture products for foreign markets. The existing plant continues to operate at the same location and to manufacture products aimed at the domestic market.

- What difficulties did you have to face while working on the project?

- The most difficult, in my opinion, was the construction stage. The work took almost all the time. We laid the foundation for the future "Moglino", and now we are beginning to reap the fruits of our labors. SEZs are already known in many parts of the world, investors from all over the world are interested in us.

It was hard to prove that we are heading in the right direction. In 2012, the majority did not believe that something would come of the idea of ​​creating an investment site on the territory of the Pskov Region. At first I was surprised by such skepticism, but now I understand that I should not speak, but show what has been done.

Even now, when almost 80% of the space has already been booked, there are those who, expecting the emergence of new factories in one or two months and not seeing them, gloatingly rub their hands. It will be all the more interesting to prove that the project will bring new jobs and create new production facilities and, in general, will give an impetus to the development of the region.

SKA-Khabarovsk footballers completed their training camp in Turkey. On February 3, the players went home for a while. But very soon the team will get together in Cyprus, where they will take part in the FNL Cup. Team coach Andrei Gordeev in an interview with the news agency "Khabarovsk Krai Today" summed up the results of the team gathering in Turkey.

“We have worked quite fruitfully in Turkey,” Andrey Gordeev shared his impressions. - I think we have completed everything that we had planned. We had good sparring sessions, got a lot of information about the players. Now we can say that I know the team, if not 100%, then 90 for sure. It is very important.

The collection was also functional. The matches were played against the backdrop of a lot of painstaking work. I am satisfied with the attitude of the guys to the business. We find ourselves and our game. We are moving in the right direction. Although in terms of the results of the matches held, it could have been better.

- By the way, about the results. The team played four matches in Turkey, three of which were defeated. Moreover, in the lost meetings, the army team did not score a single goal. Does it bother you?

There were scoring chances, but we, unfortunately, did not use them. On the pitch, players must complement each other. Alas, this did not always work out. But I would not make a tragedy out of this. After all, the guys were under stress, played against the background of fatigue. Moreover, we entered the field with mixed teams, tried various combinations, experimented. I hope that the team will start scoring very soon.

- Why didn't you take part in any of these matches? best sniper"SKA-Khabarovsk" of the autumn part of the season Ruslan Koryan?

Ruslana is worried about her ankle. This is an old trauma that prevents him from opening up. Not everything is going smoothly with Maxim Kazankov's health. But let's hope the guys get better and help the team.

- You returned to the composition of Andrei Ivanov, with whom you once worked together in the Novosibirsk "Siberia". In which sports uniform is he located?

This is not to say that his condition is optimal at the moment. After all, Andrei missed the first training camp. But in general, Ivanov's condition is improving. I am sure that Andrey will still come in handy for the club.

- Andrey Lvovich, clarify the situation with the newcomers. Who will join the ranks of the team during the break of the championship?

Naturally, we are going to get stronger. We approach the issue of selection very scrupulously, we select candidates. So far, we have not been able to take the players we would like to acquire, and we ourselves have refused the services of those whom we are offered.

Nevertheless, I can say that with a high degree of probability Maxim Astafyev will join the ranks of the club. This is the right midfielder from Tosno, who previously played for me in Novosibirsk. Such a footballer - a leader by nature - we think will come in handy. For the rest of the potential debutants of the team, I don't want to show their cards yet. However, work is underway. There will definitely be newcomers. But I repeat, these must be players who can really strengthen the army team.

- And the last question. How is SKA-Khabarovsk planning to perform in the upcoming FNL Cup in Cyprus?

- The main task preparation for the decisive part of the season remains. First of all, we need to start from ourselves, from our game. We are planning to play in the FNL Cup matches with two squads in order to once again check everyone in action.

Therefore, winning the FNL Cup is not an end in itself. It is much more important to approach the games of the Russian championship in optimal shape. By the way, after Cyprus, the team is finally in full complement will come to Khabarovsk, where we will have a final training camp.

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