We perform the exercise lying down bending the legs. Bending the legs lying in the simulator

The Lying Leg Curl is an isolation exercise that targets the hamstring muscles. It allows you to give relief to the muscles, visually separate the hips from the buttocks and achieve a harmonious shape of the legs in the presence of well-developed quadriceps. As a rule, when training legs, flexion and extension are used in pairs.

Exercise features

Bending the legs in the simulator lying down, or alternatively, sitting and standing (there are such simulators) is one of the most popular exercises, both in women and in women. male workout to the lower body. This is explained, firstly, by the ease of mastering the technical side of the movement, and secondly, by the ability to qualitatively work out exactly the target muscles.

By the way, about muscles. Target muscles for calf curls are:

  • Biceps femoris or biceps. It bears the main load.
  • Semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles. They are located closer to the inside of the leg. Just like the biceps femoris, these muscles flex the leg in knee joint.
  • The calf muscles are included in the work additionally.
Load distribution: biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus and calf muscle.

As for the place of this exercise in training, it is usually performed after basic exercises on the legs and buttocks, in particular after squats or deadlifts. The number of sets and repetitions may vary depending on your goals. As a rule, these are 3-4 sets of 15-20 times.

  • Girls perform this exercise in multi-rep mode with light weight. This approach works for fat burning, allows you to increase muscle tone and draw relief.
  • Men do fewer repetitions, but with more significant weight. Thus, the biceps femoris increases in volume and muscle strength increases. And this, in turn, not only adds mass to the legs, but also provides significant support when performing basic exercises.

With the right technique, leg curls on the simulator are quite safe and are recommended even for beginners. However, if you have had injuries to your knee joints or lower spine, be careful.

The classic version of the exercise: in the supine position.

Bending the legs while sitting and lying on the effect is practically no different. Choose the most comfortable position for you. By doing seated leg curls, it will be easier for you to breathe, as rib cage will not be squeezed, and lying down is easier to control the range of motion of the weight. Also, some athletes do bending alternately with one and the other leg while standing in a special machine. This allows you to better feel the biceps of the thigh. There are many variations and you can always replace one with another.

Bending the legs on the machine while standing.

In the absence of a simulator at all, you can replace this exercise with bending the legs with dumbbells sandwiched between the feet. In this case, you lie on the bench with your stomach.

Execution technique

Consider the technique of performing the exercise lying down. When doing seated or standing curls, follow the same principles.

First of all, adjust the simulator to your height and leg length. The knee joints should go beyond the edge of the bench, and the roller, in which you will rest against the lower part of the lower leg, should be located a few centimeters above the heel. Everything is simple here - the closer the roller is to the heel, the greater the leverage and the more effective exercise. On the bend of the bench, you lie down with your stomach so that you are comfortable and there is no tension in the lower back.

  1. Lie down on the machine and put your feet under the roller. Grasp the special handles or the edges of the bench with your hands.
  2. As you exhale, bend your shins, trying to bring the roller as close as possible to your buttocks. The front surface of the thighs is pressed against the bench.
  3. As you inhale, unbend your shins, gently lowering the weight down. It is not necessary to fully straighten the knees and relax the hamstrings at the lowest point.
  4. Repeat as many times as needed.

You can vary the load in this exercise by changing the position of the toes of the feet. By spreading your socks outward, you will shift the focus to the side. outer surface hips. Bringing them inside - towards the inside.

You can also alternate bending on the machine in a sitting or lying position. If you have the appropriate simulator, you should try to do the exercise while standing, first with one foot, then the other. The more versatile the study of the muscles, the better the result you will get.

Do some stretching after your workout. This will help relax the hamstrings and improve blood circulation.

The back of the thigh is often overlooked. Yes, basic squats work out all the muscle groups located on the legs.

However, if you want to achieve high results in the formation of a beautiful and proportional body, then without bending the legs, lying down is quite difficult to do.

After all, it belongs to the class of isolating exercises that allow you to isolate and work out a separate muscle group.

In this article, we will analyze lying leg curls in detail, correct technique implementation and common mistakes.

A popular exercise for bending the legs in the prone position allows you to effectively work out, unlike others, exactly the biceps (back surface) of the thigh.

Lying leg curl, being a formative exercise, does not build muscle mass, but only strengthens it and emphasizes the relief.

Therefore, it is worth performing it after the main set of exercises as the final stage of training.

What muscles work

The main work of the muscles in the exercise is to flex / extend the legs at the knee.

The muscles most involved are:

  • Double-headed (located on the outer side of the back of the thigh - biceps).
  • Semimembranous (located on the inside of the back of the thigh).
  • Semitendinosus (located on the inside of the back of the thigh, covers the semimembranosus muscle).
  • Gastrocnemius (upper and middle part of the back surface of the lower leg).

The muscles of the upper body act as stabilizers (lower and middle parts of the trapezius and anterior serratus muscles, biceps).

Due to the regular performance of the exercise, the relief of the back of the thigh appears, the visual proportions are aligned (especially at the back), and the risk of injury to this muscle group when performing other exercises is also reduced.

Exercise options

The prone leg curl does not have any variations to perform, however, there are related isolation exercises for leg flexion and leg extension that differ only in body position.

These include sitting leg curls and standing leg curls. The main (basic) exercise for building the biceps of the thigh is deadlift on straight legs.

Exercise technique

Preparation for execution and starting position

Before starting the exercise, it is necessary to adjust the position of the roller depending on the length of the legs. It should rest on the back of the ankles about three fingers across the leg from the heel.

In the starting position, you need to lie face down and grab the handles of the simulator to ensure stability.

An important point: at the same time, the knees should slightly go beyond the edges of the bench, and not rest against it. Buttocks and abs should be kept tense.

Performing an exercise

On inspiration, you need to quickly raise the roller with your feet so that the shins make a right angle with the hips (at least). In this peak position, linger for a couple of seconds and tighten the hamstrings to increase muscle work.

As you exhale, slowly straighten your legs and immediately begin the next repetition.

  • You should start with 12-15 reps for 2-4 sets.
  • The body should be firmly pressed against the bench for good support during the exercise.
  • It is better to give preference to simulators with a curved bench, which provides greater stretching of the trained muscles.
  • You can try to perform the exercise separately for each leg in turn in order to better concentrate on working out the muscles.

Do not lift or move the pelvis, or use other muscles (for example, the back or arms resting on the handles), as this reduces the effectiveness of the exercise for the biceps femoris, increases the risk of injury to other muscles. However, if the bench is straight, the hips can rise slightly in natural movement, so you don't need to ask someone to press them down during the exercise.

  • Do not perform jerky exercises using inertia, as this reduces the load on the hamstrings and increases the likelihood of injury to other muscles and joints.
  • It is better to lower the legs at the end of the exercise smoothly and not to the end - this maintains tension and elasticity of the muscles, protects the knee joints from damage.
  • Legs and feet should be parallel to each other, however, sometimes you can slightly change their location. To increase the load on the outer part of the back of the thigh, you should keep your heels together, on the inside - socks.
  • It is necessary to choose the right weight individually. Do not choose too much load, especially if you have back problems.
  • After completing each approach, you need to stretch the muscles.
  • After the end of the exercise, the muscles of the thigh, and not the back, should be tired. If the opposite is felt, then the exercise is performed incorrectly.

Summing up

The calf curl is a simple hamstring isolation exercise. A person brings the heel to the buttock by contracting the biceps femoris and lowers the leg into initial position. This exercise is performed by both beginners and those who have been engaged in bodybuilding for a long time. The movement exists in a variant where the lifter lies face down on the bench and when he performs a standing curl bringing the heel of one foot to the buttock. In classical training, there is a replacement - bending both legs with a lying dumbbell.

Initial position

  1. Much depends on the height of the athlete and the length of the simulator bench, as well as on the position of the retainer cushion. It must be installed so that you can start with "soft", slightly knees bent, and so that the athlete can bring the heels to the buttocks without any problems;
  2. The cushion-fixator should not roll onto the heel itself during movement, but be on the fold, in the region of the Achilles tendon;
  3. Weight is set depending on the experience and strength of the athlete, do not set too much big weight, this is not a movement for the development of strength;
  4. To take the starting position, you need to lie face down on the bench and rest your feet on the pillow of the simulator


  1. It is enough to bend the legs at the knees so that the heels begin to move towards the buttocks, and bend the legs at the knees;
  2. The movement continues exactly until the moment when the heels rest against the buttocks, or until the volume of the hips and shins allows;
  3. In the peak part of the amplitude, the biceps of the thigh are slightly strained, and then the thigh is unbent and the legs are lowered;
  4. The number of repetitions of the movement from 10 to 20 or more, if necessary according to training plan athlete.


  • Some lifters let their hamstrings rest during this exercise by fully extending their legs and "inserting" their knees in a position that is typical for a deadlift. It is necessary to ensure that the tiles of the safety stops do not touch each other and the exercise is performed with an almost constant tone of the working muscle;
  • The knee can and should be protected from injury if the athlete does not rest the kneecap against the pillow of the simulator itself;
  • There is no need to create a "swing" of the pelvis, an inertial movement that will contribute to overstretching of the knee ligaments and injuries, as well as take part of the load from the biceps of the thigh;
  • It is not recommended to actively move the ankles along and across the cushion of the simulator. Such movements will contribute to injuries to the Achilles tendon;
  • Activation of the biceps femoris is possible without unnecessary movements that many make, as if straightening their knees. This version of the exercise is quite traumatic for the ligaments, so you do not need to perform it.
  • Watch the position of the body on the bench. It is most convenient to bend your legs if the hip joint falls on the “high” part of the bench, that is, on the place where it is highest;
  • Do not push the pillow with your heels, and do not fidget on the bench;
  • Try not to "insert" your knees before overextension;
  • Do not struggle with weights, and do not overload yourself with isolating exercises in principle;
  • If you use drop sets, make sure that the technique does not change with fatigue, and that the knees do not rest on the bench;
  • Do not “drop” the weight so that the tiles of the simulator hit each other;
  • Do not push the weight with your back, avoid excessive inclusion of the buttocks, this is not an exercise for them

  • Lying single leg curl. This variation is needed purely for variety, if, for example, the client gets tired of doing the same program all the time, and he needs something that would make his life more interesting. One-leg curl is not very helpful, although it can help with injuries when one leg needs to be loaded;
  • Standing Curl. Can be performed in special simulator or in standard. It is believed that this way the biceps of the thigh contracts more;
  • Bending the toes in and out. Some bodybuilders believe that moving the toes in and out shifts the emphasis from the outer to the inner segment of the biceps femoris. In fact, the knees do not allow this “operation” to be performed efficiently.

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy exercises

  • The main mover is the biceps of the thigh;
    Help the movement of the popliteal, calf, gluteal muscles. But in the variant of work in simulators, the help of non-main muscle groups is minimal;

Benefits of exercise

  • Allows you to form a beautiful back surface of the thigh, works out not only the biceps of the thigh as a whole, but also forms a beautiful “biceps peak”;
  • Allows you to work with both one leg and two legs, ideal for those who have imbalances in muscle development;
  • Hamstring training is essential for those bodybuilders who avoid deadlifts and concentrate on squats. Flexion will help these protect the knees from injury due to uneven muscle development;
  • It is convenient to swing the biceps of the thigh on a bench with a “kink”, it allows you to get into a more stretched position and increase the amplitude without increasing the load on the knee, and without overloading the cruciate ligament;
  • The simulator allows you to achieve perfectly symmetrical muscle development


  • Sometimes athletes get their heels too “low” on the pad of the machine, and then their hamstrings are not isolated enough. In such a situation, it turns out that the calf muscles “clog” and fail earlier than the hamstrings.

Some athletes are very fond of writing about preparing for this exercise, they include in the program stretching the biceps of the thigh, some kind of “warming up” exercises, and so on. In practice, all this is not necessary. Isolation movements are performed after basic exercises. Usually the muscles are already sufficiently filled with blood and elastic so that the movement can be performed efficiently.

In fact, if this is the first exercise in the plan for some reason, it is worth turning on the stepper during the cardio warm-up, and while working, start with light weight. Most bending machines have an adjustable pad that we rest on with our feet. It should be adjusted carefully enough so that the calves do not clog during movement. This problem is the main reason why most athletes fail to benefit from movement.

Proper execution

  • It is not allowed to bend the legs at the knee by lifting the pelvis. This option will be quite harmful, as it can lead to lower back injury if the angle in the joint is violated. Usually, with a strong pelvic lift, it is recommended to reduce the load and remove excess weight;
  • Do not sharply push the pillow of the simulator up and lift the weight due to inertia. Untrained knee ligaments can be injured if you work unevenly, in addition, many machines are designed to transfer the load from an unevenly moving cable to the knee;
  • You should slowly bend your legs, linger in peak contraction, and also smoothly unbend your legs in order to get a load and not be injured;
  • If it is not possible to work smoothly, concentrating the flexion on exhalation, it is recommended to remove the load and work with less resistance of the simulator;
  • It is better not to rest the kneecap on the simulator bench, if there is such a constructive possibility;
  • The feet must be kept parallel to each other, and the toes must not be rotated during the exercise. Ideally, if the athlete does not keep the distance between the knees during the exercise


  • You can not rest your knees on the bench;
  • It is not allowed to push the weight in jerks;
  • If this is not provided for by the training plan, movement in a reduced amplitude is not recommended;
  • It is better to avoid the active involvement of hands in the work, do not “cling” them to the handles of the simulator;
  • Do not tilt your pelvis while working

  • Avoid the "ballet foot", that is, stretching the toe forward, and, as it were, pushing it away from the center of the arch of the foot;
  • It is not recommended to perform work by overstretching the biceps femoris and “reverse” extension in the knee joint. But if possible, it is better to work on a simulator with a bench with a “kink”, on which you should lie down with your hip joint;
  • The toes are heading towards the foot

Inclusion in the program

This movement should not be a leg day exercise on its own, and should not replace the base, as well as some deadlifts performed with overextension of the biceps femoris. The movement should be done after basic hamstring exercises on the appropriate day if the athlete shares leg day.

The exercise can be performed both for 10-12 repetitions, and for more of them. It all depends on the individual response of the muscles. In strength disciplines, this movement is not performed in more than 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions. In bodybuilding, other options are possible. Individual athletes do the movement in the style of "overload", use drop sets and various other methodological techniques to increase the intensity of the load.


  1. For some athletes, this movement is not suitable due to anthropometry. They can only do it with their knees on the bench due to their small stature. So it’s worth switching to standing bending;
  2. You should not perform the exercise if you have recently injured your knees, or there is a high risk that they will become inflamed. soft tissues around the joint due to overload;
  3. This exercise should not be performed with piriformis cramps (this is a condition where pain in the buttock radiates to the leg after deadlifts), then the movement will almost certainly come from lifting the pelvis, and the athlete will not receive the necessary load on the hamstrings;
  4. Movement is not recommended for injuries to the Achilles tendon and ankle;
  5. Best avoided if there are injuries in lumbar spine.

  1. According to scientific research, it turns out that the turn of the socks still matters
  • When turning the socks to the side, it turns out that the outer sides of the thigh receive more load;
  • If you put your socks together inner side hips will get more load
  1. Ronnie Coleman thought this move was great for developing massive hips. But you need to perform it not with the first movement, but only after lunges, squats, and Romanian pulls. You need to do this exercise only at the end of the workout.

Coleman advised doing this movement at the end of a workout, for 12-15 reps in 3-4 sets.


  • If you go to the gym without a leg curl machine, you can act like athletes old school. You need to use a leg curl with a dumbbell lying face down;
  • The load can be simulated on the lower block of the crossover, then the leg can be fastened alternately to lower block with a cuff;
  • The third option, which is suitable for beginners and people who do not have to overload their hips, is working with a fitness rubber band. It is fixed to a furniture leg, or some other vertical support, and is thrown over the foot of the foot so that it does not slip off. Next, you need to perform bending with an elastic band while standing in order to get the active involvement of the thigh muscles in the work;
  • The easiest option is to bend the leg with ankle weights while standing. It is performed standing on a step or other support. It is suitable only for completely novice athletes who will have enough of this weight;
  • Beginner training also involves doing a lying face down bend with weighted cuffs. You can do this movement alternately, one leg at a time, wearing several fitness weights on each leg.

The leg curl is a good isolation exercise for the hamstrings. For most people, a simple rule works - you need to perform as many flexions as extensions. But if the athlete has too developed quadriceps, he should focus on bending the legs.

Every woman wants to be attractive, so the lying leg curl, which tightens the leg muscles, is their favorite workout. There is a leg curl simulator in any gym, but women perform movements on it sluggishly and incorrectly, which is why the expected result does not occur.

The driving force, when bending the legs lying down (targeted), is the biceps femoris, the muscles of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus. The isolated load is directed to the biceps and the muscles responsible for bending the knees. The hamstrings are made up of three muscles: the hamstrings, the membranosus, and the semitendinosus. The first of these refers to external muscle hips. It has two heads, one of which is attached to the pelvis, crossing the hip joint, the second is attached to the femur. The remaining two form the inner back of the thigh. They also run through the entire hip joint.

To train the hamstrings, two exercises are needed, one of them is called the Romanian deadlift and works the muscles with the help of the hip joint, the second is the lying leg curl, which directly affects them.

So, the following muscles are involved in the work:

  • back of the thighs - hamstring;
  • popliteal, sartorial, gastrocnemius, thin - synergists;
  • rectus femur and tibialis anterior are antagonists - stabilizers.

The picture option will help to understand in more detail:

Benefits of exercise

Their list is quite impressive:

  • provides "toning" of the back of the legs and buttocks;
  • the emphasis of the load is aimed at correcting the middle part of the biceps of the thigh;
  • performed as "finishing work", i.e. to give relief to the biceps of the legs;
  • improves power characteristics in basic training on your feet;
  • helps to minimize the occurrence of "ripples" in the part where the buttocks meet the hamstrings;
  • makes it possible to use all kinds of options;
  • accessible to beginners due to the simple execution technique;
  • is a challenging training.

The list for such an exercise of advantages is very impressive. In addition, lying leg curls are “useful” for balancing the front of the legs with the back. This balance is important not only from the aesthetic side, but also from the point of view of injury prevention: training one side of the joint leads to muscle imbalance which is dangerous for injury.

Speaking about the exercise, as a “caller”, we mean the habit of girls to “visit” the simulator, noticing representatives of the opposite sex on the horizon. The fact is that this construction stands next to the extension machine, and it is impossible for the men involved in it to concentrate - the girls working in the neighborhood interfere with them, who do not forget to turn the heads of men in the halls.

About correct technique

Among the "machine" trainings, bending the legs lying down is the simplest and most affordable. But "clumsiness" and here arise. To avoid mistakes, you need to master the technique, which is described, maybe in 2 steps.

On the preparatory stage(step one):

  • It is required to set the lower roller in accordance with the growth of the athlete, more precisely with the length of his legs.
  • Next, the athlete lies face down on the bench of the simulator, puts his legs under the rollers at the level of the ankles, placing them in parallel.
  • It is necessary to follow throughout the training so that the break of the bench exactly falls on the waist, and the knees do not hang down from the bench.
  • Hands need to grab tightly on the handles, press the pelvis against the bench, looking at the floor and keeping the buttocks and abdominal muscles tense.

This will be the starting position.

First step.

  • Inhaling and holding your breath, without taking your hips off the bench, powerfully pull the rollers to your buttocks.
  • After passing the most difficult point of the path, exhale.
  • At the top point, they are delayed by a couple of accounts, continuing to hold the peak contraction.
  • Inhale again, and slowly return your legs to the starting position for new repetitions.

The picture option will help you to correctly bend the legs while lying down:

The dynamic exercise looks like this:

Possible variations

Among the frequently used ones are the following:

  • 1 - in the simulator, sitting;
  • 2 - with a dumbbell, lying down;
  • 3- standing and alternately loading each leg.

It is important to know that changing the position of the feet under the roller helps to “hook” the specific muscles of the back of the thighs.

How to arrange them is shown in the picture:

The emphasis shifts to the outer “hams” (1) if you connect the heels and spread them apart to the sides of the socks;

The inner surfaces of the thighs are worked out (2, when) the socks are connected, and the heels are parted.

We reveal the nuances of bending the legs lying down

Knowing all the subtleties, bending the legs, training can be made as useful as possible:

  • hold on tightly to the handrails, as if pulling them towards you;
  • the pelvis cannot be torn off at the bend of the bench;
  • you need to bend your legs until contact with the buttocks, working in the full range;
  • Do not fully extend your knees at the bottom. This will help maintain a constant load;
  • move up quickly, and descend slowly and under control;
  • it is unacceptable to crawl on the bench with your hips and pelvis. Movements are performed solely due to knee flexion and extension;
  • watch your knees during training: they should not hang from the bench;
  • if you pull your socks towards you in the direction of travel, the calves are loaded;
  • in order not to injure the hamstrings and back, do not "get carried away" with excessive weights, especially in the early stages;
  • after each approach, stretch the muscles of the thighs;
  • with even mild pain in the abdomen, the exercise should be canceled;
  • in case of a back injury, lying leg curls are performed with small weights, but the number of repetitions increases up to 15-20 times.

Another important aspect- Comparison of leg curl workouts.

What to choose: lying or sitting leg curls

At first glance, they are the same. But, in practice, the location of the athlete plays important role- imposes restrictions: the “sitting” position reduces the productivity of the simulator, requires constant control over the range of motion, the knees are more likely to wear out due to the heavy load: if you do not stop at the right time, you can get injured. But, there are also positive aspects: natural breathing, there is no pressure on the stomach, which increases productivity if you work with your own weight.

When performing lying leg curls, the pelvis and legs are on the same straight line. According to research results in this position outer part The hamstring gets a greater load, therefore, it is worked out better. But, you need to keep in mind that bending the legs while sitting, they form a right angle with the body, and inner part the hamstring tendons (semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles) are more heavily loaded, therefore, if the inner surfaces of the thighs need correction, it is recommended to start pulling them up from a sitting position.

It’s more correct to alternate two trainings to avoid imbalance: one week to perform bending of the legs lying down, the other - sitting.

Video: Lying leg curls

In today's article, we will talk about such a popular exercise as lying leg curl. As a rule, it is one of the main exercises that are recommended for classes in the gym. Given its high popularity, we will consider in detail the technique for performing this exercise.

What is the secret of his popularity?

If you believe the statistics, then it is the bending of the legs lying down that is one of the most favorite exercises among the female half of the population. And this is not surprising, given that every girl wants to excite men with her forms from behind, and this especially applies to legs, which should not only be slender, but also toned. Therefore, the main emphasis must be placed on these muscles. In addition, as mentioned above, such a simulator is an indispensable attribute of any gym.

What muscles are involved

Flexion of the legs in the prone position is due to, and to be more specific, the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. Also, during the lesson itself, the work of both the biceps of the thigh and the function of bending the legs in the knee joint is completely isolated.

If we talk about knee tendons, then you need to consider that they consist of 3 main muscles:

  • Biceps femoris.
  • Semitendinosus.
  • Semimembranous.

To date, there are only 2 exercises that include the use of the hamstrings in their workouts. As an example, one can cite where the engagement of the hamstrings occurs due to hip joint which makes this exercise most similar to stretching.


Lying leg curl, like every exercise, is not without its advantages. In this case, they include the fact that it is completely isolated and completely focused on toning the buttocks and back side legs. It is also worth noting that this exercise can be used to give both volume and relief. Other advantages include:

  • The simplicity of its implementation.
  • Variety of variations.
  • An increase in strength indicators in others standard exercises for legs.

In addition, as shown by numerous surveys among the male population, this is a rather difficult workout.

I would also like to say a few more words about the fact that flexion-extension of the legs is very important exercise, which provides a kind of balance between the front and back of the leg. This balance not only plays an important role from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a preventive one, since the likelihood of injury that could be caused by an imbalance is significantly reduced.

How to do this exercise correctly

Although bending the legs lying down is considered one of the most simple activities However, there are cases of its incorrect implementation, which in the future can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Therefore, in order to minimize the occurrence of such situations, consider the technique of its implementation.

First of all, we approach the simulator and, using the lower roller, set its position in accordance with our height. After that, we lie face down, putting our legs under the roller (approximately on the same plane as the ankles) and place them parallel to each other. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the fact that the knees do not hang down from the bench, and its kink is located at the waist. Next, tightly pressing the pelvis against the simulator, we take the handrail with our hands, directing our gaze to the floor, and strain our abs and buttocks. This completes the preparation for the lesson.

Bending the legs lying in the simulator

After the starting position is accepted, we begin the exercise. So, first of all, we take a deep breath, hold our breath and, without lifting the front thighs from the bench, we begin to pull the roller to the buttocks with powerful movements. After that, we exhale when one of the most difficult amplitudes has been passed. We linger for a few seconds in the highest position and very slowly, without losing control for a second while inhaling, we return to the starting position. Then we repeat the same procedure a certain number of times.

Execution Tricks

  • During execution, hold the handles of the simulator firmly.
  • In no case do not tear off the pelvis from the arch of the benches.
  • Bending the legs until they are almost completely in contact with the buttocks.
  • To keep the load on the muscles, do not fully straighten the knees when they are at their lowest point.
  • Moving up is a little faster than moving down.
  • Do not crawl your hip or pelvis on the bench.
  • Make sure your knees don't hang off the bench.
  • Stretch posterior thigh after the completion of each set.

Exercise at home

As practice shows, you can pump up slender legs without going to gym. All it takes is desire and perseverance. In addition, the fundamental difference between classes at home is that they can take place when you wish and as much as you want. Plus, they're completely free.

There are exercises at home that can be performed regardless of your physical form. For example: we stand straight and put our feet a little wider than shoulder level. We keep our hands on the belt, and “look” with our socks and knees in different directions. After that, slowly squat as low as possible, while not forgetting to keep your back straight, and do not bend your knees to the side. In addition, while doing this exercise, you need to ensure that the stomach is pulled in and the muscles of the buttocks are tense. The lifts and squats themselves should be done very smoothly.
