Winter sports. winter olympic sports snow rowing kayak

inspired you winter Olympics in Sochi? Luckily, winter sports are easy to do in Russia. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Try winter sports

Mark R. Rissardo, sports physiotherapist and Chief Physician of the Canadian Medical Team for the 2010 Vancouver and London 2012 Olympic Games, says that while just about anyone can try winter sports, it's still a good idea to get checked out by a GP first.

“It is extremely important in certain sports - such as skeleton and ski jumping, ice hockey and figure skating - to have a strong spine and back, and then other muscle groups - they must carry additional load to prepare a person for this sport,” he says.


Ice hockey is very popular in Russia. It is played by both boys in the yards and professional athletes.

Hockey is a serious cardio workout, but Rissardo says that many hockey players can see an imbalance in muscle development. If you play a lot of hockey, the quads will be strongly developed, and the hamstrings will remain rather weak, so if you play or think about playing hockey, take the time to train in the gym so that all muscle groups are harmoniously developed.

If hockey hurts your back, do it special exercises for the back to strengthen it. Also work on the spine and be sure to stretch the hamstrings, calf muscles, buttocks and lower back, says Rissardo.

Ski race

Slipping on fresh snow on cross-country skis is fantastic aerobic training Rissardo notes. Various muscle groups are involved here: “Working ski poles, you use biceps and triceps. trapezius muscle, latissimus dorsi back, the muscles between the shoulder blades support the hard work of the arms,” says Rissardo. If you're skating, you need strong lower body muscles. Strong hip extensor muscles, adductors, and hip flexors will help you get closer to the finish line. Phew!

Optional: biathlon

Do you want to strengthen your ski training? Combine it with shooting.

Rissardo claims that, in addition to the muscles already listed, others are also involved in biathlon:

– The strength of the front and middle deltoid muscles necessary to stably mount the rifle and accurately hit the target. This is where the ability to quickly reduce the heart rate to a normal rhythm comes in handy in order to stabilize the rifle.

– Need strong back to carry a rifle. The reverse extensor muscles must be additionally trained.


"In order to master skiing and to minimize the possibility of injury, the athlete must diligently prepare his body for the conditions of the mountains,” says Rissardo. He recommends that skiers pay attention to these muscles: quadriceps, hip flexors, calves, gluteal muscles and upper body muscles. “Pay attention to the hamstrings so that the muscles work in a balanced way,” the doctor says.

Balance and kinesthesia (the ability to feel and control your body in space) are also important for downhill skiing. When you're going downhill at over 100 miles per hour, you need to be aware of and feel what's around you! Work on stability and balance while standing on the BOSU ball using light dumbbells.

Figure skating

Russia is rightfully proud of its skaters.

The figure skater must be artistic, have excellent control over his body and at the same time be incredibly efficient! Just think of quarter jumps (four full rotations in the air!) - they require extremely strong quads and hamstrings. Figure skaters also require “phenomenal flexibility,” says Rissardo. Yoga, Pilates, and ballet are important parts of a serious skater's routine.

To succeed in figure skating, do plyometrics (jump training), train lunges. Strong is important top part bodies, especially for male skaters who perform complex lifts with a partner.

“Balance, kinesthesia and flexibility are key components that should also be trained in the gym,” says Rissardo. Figure skatingserious workout of the whole body!


“These athletes are experiencing a phenomenal load on cardiovascular system“, says Rissardo. They can run distances of as little as 500 meters or as much as 10,000 meters.

It should be borne in mind that cross-country skates are different from figure skates or hockey skates. They take some getting used to when wearing them for the first time!

Rissardo explains that speed skaters use their lower body muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves) to develop speed; at the same time, the ability to feel one's body in space, flexibility of tendons, endurance and physical strength and psychological resilience. The overall physical strength of the body is essential for this sport. Just think: when entering difficult turns, the body is almost horizontal. Your core is what will help keep your body in balance and make your muscles work properly.

“Athletes have to train outside of the rink,” says Rissardo. “Cycling is a good alternative, and many speed skaters who are capable of high speeds often also cycle.” (Clara Hughes is a six-time Olympic medalist in cycling and speed skating, having won medals at both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games Oh.)


“This sport has a lot in common with almost any of the Winter Olympic sports,” notes Rissardo. Bobsledders develop tremendous speed from the very beginning, and for this they need great physical strength. “It's important for bobsledders to have strong legs,” says Rissardo. They use the quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and hip flexors to push the sled off the starting line as hard as possible before jumping into it.

Then the following happens: having jumped into the sled, the athletes must remain in calm state and use your muscles to help stabilize the sled while the rider rounds corners and keeps the sled moving.

Luge and Skeleton

These two sports use the same muscle groups (and they are equally dangerous!)

Whatever position they are in, the athletes must remain as still as possible in order to exit corners safely with only light pressure on the sled. “It goes without saying that physical strength is vital for these competitions,” notes Rissardo. “Very strong back and abdominal muscles are essential for an athlete to perform safely and successfully.”

Skeleton requires extra skill - it takes a lot of endurance to race at high speed when your face is only a few inches from the ice, says Rissardo. “What is it called – psychological stability?”


Yes, competitive snowboarding is usually done by young athletes - they can control their bodies in the craziest positions. But that doesn't mean you can't take it to your local practice slope.

Rissardo says it's important for snowboarding to be strong lower muscles body, especially for jumping. Flexibility and a strong core will help - use a BOSU ball to work on this. Start with incline workouts and then, when you feel comfortable, move on to the elements of the half-pipe.


You think curling doesn't require physical training and strength? Think again.“You need flexibility in your shoulder and hip joints,” says Rissardo. - To throw the “stone” correctly, you need to be very flexible. When the projectile is launched, the body is located almost horizontally, parallel to the ice surface.”

Shoulder strength and body balance are key. After all, you should throw a projectile so that it lands exactly where you want it (sometimes you just need a soft touch). By pushing the projectile, you re-use your shoulders and back strength, says Rissardo. To strengthen these muscles, perform a set of special exercises in the gym.

Many curlers experience knee problems. If you are faced with this, consult a sports physician to advise you on special exercises - you need to strengthen your muscles and develop muscle memory.

Ski jumping

“Have you ever stood on top of the Olympic ski jump? I have to say, it's a scary feeling! Rissardo laughs. - In addition to enhanced sports program, which includes basic exercises, in particular, to strengthen the back, mental stability is simply necessary in this sport.”

Rissardo says that for ski jumping, a strong core is not only important, but absolutely essential. Athletes must also be able to bend their ankles so that their legs are as close to their shins as possible, so their upper body can be extended forward in the jump to cover as much distance as possible.

“Reverse extensor muscles, glutes, hamstrings and quads all work in sync to keep the body as still as possible during the jump. Strong quadriceps are important when landing — they need to work together to cushion a landing from such a high distance,” says Rissardo. Develop these muscles - lunges and jumping workouts (plyometrics) will help you.

article prepared: Olga Pozikhovskaya

In the winter season, you don’t have to lie on the couch and get bored, but you can go outside and play sports. Such training will not only help you relax, but also get rid of extra pounds. The best thing about winter sports is that any challenge will be a pleasure for you.

Most popular species sports in winter
  1. Skis. For this sport you will need skis, poles, boots, and of course a slide. This sport is a great calorie burner, so choose bumpier roads that will not be easy to ride. By skiing, you will train the whole body at once.
  2. Run. Running is useful not only in summer weather, but also in winter. This sport has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. in the cold season it is more efficient, as the body spends more energy on running in the snow and maintaining the correct body temperature. Such an exercise will help to pump the muscles of the lower leg well.
  3. Sled. Favorite childhood pastime is sledding. In addition to the fact that you will go down the hill, the sled will need to be lifted uphill on foot. Sledding is a great cardio workout, thanks to which you will pump up your thigh muscles.
  4. Snowboard. Quite a popular option for winter sports among young people. While riding, the whole body works, as you need to maintain balance, balance and perform various elements. You can climb the hill without the help of a lift, then you will spend much more calories.
  5. A bike. Only for riding in the snow, a regular bike is not suitable, so it is advisable to purchase a snowbike. It is very difficult to ride in bad weather, so you will pedal more intensively, plus you need to be in constant tension to keep your balance. As a result, you will get a great workout of the calf muscles.
  6. Tourism. You can go hiking not only in summer, but also in winter. The mountains are very beautiful and the air is fresh, so gather a company and go ahead to conquer the peaks. During the hike, you will climb the mountain, overcome various obstacles, and the presence of snow will complicate the task. Thus, you will spend a huge amount of calories and improve your physical fitness.
  7. Skates. You can ride at any time of the year, as today skating rinks are built in special rooms, but in winter you can go to a real lake or an open skating rink. This sport requires a huge amount of energy, which means overweight you are not afraid.
  8. Rock climbing. Many people dream of conquering the winter peak, but this is a rather dangerous occupation that requires good preparation. Such training will require a lot of strength and good physical form. First, conquer a small hill, and then gradually raise the bar.
  9. Snowmobile. Many may think, but how can you lose weight if the snowmobile is powered by an engine. In this case, the cost of calories goes to keep the car in correct position and don't fall at the first turn.
  10. Snowballs. Favorite fun not only for children, but also for adults. During active movements, you will lose, and, consequently, extra pounds. You can play snowballs in any place where there is snow, the main thing is a cheerful company.
Important Rules
  1. It is necessary to dress on the street so that you do not freeze, but also do not sweat, as there is a possibility that you will get sick.
  2. If you want to rest, then it is best to do it in warm rooms.
  3. If during training you feel discomfort, then it is better to stop exercising.

Now it remains to choose suitable look sports, buy equipment and go for good mood and slender figure.

The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 7 winter sports (15 disciplines). The item indicates the sport, and the sub-item indicates the discipline.

1. Biathlon (IBU)

2. Curling (WCF)

3. Skate types Sports (ISU)

3.1 Skating

3.2 Figure skating

3.3 Short track

4. Ski types sports (FIS)

4.1 Alpine skiing

4.2 Nordic combined

4.3 Ski race

4.4 Ski jumping

4.5 Snowboard

4.6 Freestyle

5. Bobsleigh (FIBT)

5.1 Bobsleigh

5.2 Skeleton

6. luge(FIL)

7. Hockey (IIHF)

winter views sports

1) Biathlon - skiing with a weapon over a set distance in combination with shooting from a prone position and standing at the firing lines.

2) Bobsleigh - the length of the bobsleigh track is 1500-2000 m, with 15 turns with a minimum radius of 8 meters. During the descent, the bob can reach speeds of about 135 km / h in just 60 seconds, while the athletes experience four times the force of gravity.

3) Alpine skiing - downhill skiing on special tracks with a precisely fixed downhill time. There are five disciplines of skiing.

4) Curling - the game involves two teams of 4 people playing 10 ends, releasing 8 stones during each. The draw in curling looks like this: a player, shod in one sliding shoe, and the second non-slip, from the starting block and disperses a stone across the ice.

5) Cross-country skiing or Nordic combination is a combination of cross-country skiing and jumping from several types of ski jumping (1 jump and a 10 km race).

6) Cross-country skiing - at the Olympics, skiers compete in 12 types of disciplines (equally the same men's and women's competitions with different distances).

7) Ski jumping - The program of the Olympic Games includes three types of competitions: individual championship on the middle springboard, individual championship on big springboard and team competition.

8) Luge - men and women on single sledges or double men's crews go down the mountain in sledges along specially made tracks 800 - 1200 m long.

9) Skeleton - the name of a special single-seat sled without steering and with a weighted frame (up to 50 kg) mounted on steel skids. The frame is 70 cm long and 38 cm wide.

10) The rules in speed skating are the simplest - as quickly as possible to overcome the distance of 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m or 10,000 m (for men) and 500 m, 1,000 m, 1,500 m, 3 000 m, 5000 m (for women), on an ice track 400 m long.

11) Snowboarding - there are five varieties of snowboarding as a sport - parallel giant slalom, half-pipe, boardcross, jibbing and bigair.

12) Figure skating - currently at the Olympics they compete in individual competitions among men and women, in pair skating and ice dancing.

13) Freestyle, or ski all-around, consists of three types: mogul, ski acrobatics and ski ballet, but ballet Olympic discipline is not.

14) Hockey - two teams, passing the puck with sticks, strive to throw it as many times as possible into the opponent's goal and not let it into their own.

15) Short track - speed skating on a short (compared to a regular speed skating) track with a length of 111.12 m. The short track track is marked inside the ice hockey rink.

You will need: A horse (special spikes are attached to its sole so that it can slow down without the risk of falling), a platform.

The British aristocratic game of polo on bright green grass has evolved into snow polo, which takes less time and uses a plastic ball instead of a wooden one. And in place of the lawn comes white snow.

Features: Horses participating in polo are called polo ponies (although they are no less than their relatives peacefully grazing in the field). They have a special dress code: the tail is braided, and the mane is cut off so that it does not cling to the stick during the game.


You will need: Special shoes with a tenacious rubber sole, a broom (a special stick with a symmetrical plastic tip), a ball and a skating rink.


Broomball is a type of hockey that was also invented by Canadians. The same gates, forwards and goalkeeper, a helmet for protection. A significant disadvantage is that players cannot change direction as quickly as on non-ice surfaces, so falls are not uncommon here. And yet, broomball is considered a less aggressive sport than its progenitor, hockey.

Features: In one of the varieties of broomball, the goalkeeper does not have a club, and he has to protect the goal, kneeling.


You will need: Kite (kite), snowboard or skis, equipment.

The older brother of snowkiting is kitesurfing, which has become quite popular: standing on a kiteboard on the waves, the rider tries to control a kite hovering high in the sky. Snowkiting was born 70 years later: in 1970, the German paraglider Dieter Strazilla decided to combine business with pleasure and got on the board with a kite in the Alps. Nevertheless, today it is customary to ride on flat surfaces, often this happens in the floodplain of rivers frozen for the winter.

Features: The hardest part of this sport is to wait for a strong enough wind to help you ride through the snowy plains. Therefore, some hire guides who know the area well and can predict the weather.


You will need: Ice mountain, special shoes with crampons (spikes), ice axe, insurance and equipment.

Ice-climbing is climbing ice slopes (not only natural, but also artificial) or frozen waterfalls. This year, Niagara froze over for the first time in 100 years - I wonder if enthusiasts took advantage of this event to try on their new climbing shoes?

Features: The main danger is the fragility of the ice, so the risk of falling is much higher compared to traditional rock climbing.


You will need: Ice rink, go-kart, helmet.

The same races on cars, only it will all take place on a snowy surface. Particularly loved this winter fun in Finland.

Features: The track for ice karting can be organized even on a frozen pond.

Ice diving

You will need: Scuba gear, a regulator (a device for reducing gas pressure), a suit with low thermal conductivity.

Ice diving is the next level in the game for those who have learned enough about traditional diving. Extremely low temperatures, ice that will not allow you to immediately float to the surface, poor lighting, poor equipment (on land, too, few people like to work in the cold) - these are the main dangers of those who are not enough immersed in water in Epiphany frosts.

Features: Even professionals do not risk diving alone - they are always required to be accompanied by two swimmers who dive with them. In extreme cases, a lone diver ties the cord from the suit to the surface so that he can always return from the depths of the sea.


You will need: Skis, dogs, equipment, a snow platform and a safety rope.

In this sport, two (or in some cases even one) huskies are not dragging a traditional sled, but an athlete who is skiing. Skijoring appeared in Alaska at the beginning of the century rather as an entertainment, and in Scandinavia it was reborn as a kind of hunting necessary for survival.

Features: The most popular dogs in skijoring are huskies and huskies, but in Russia Dobermans, retrievers and shepherd dogs have been taught this type of skiing.


You will need: Warm clothes, sliding skis - snowshoes (or special boots).

Flat relief will allow anyone without special training try out this type of outdoor activity: you can walk in snowshoes on virgin soil and enjoy the snow-white picture or ride as fast as skiing.

Features: With the help of a bracket on the snowshoe, you can fix or raise the heel so that it is convenient to go down or, conversely, go up the slope.

Beach volleyball in the snow

You will need: Net, playground, ball.

In order not to cancel volleyball in the winter, it is not necessary to move to the gym. You can come to the playground with a net and play your favorite game. True, no bikini - winter after all.

Features: In Russia, they are just getting used to it, and in Europe, world championships in snow volleyball are already being held.

Winter windsurfing

Needed: Sailboats.

Those who miss windsurfing will be happy to try out its winter variety. Given the wind, you will be able to steer a monoski with a sail and a mast attached to it. The advantage is speed, because it turns out to slide on the snow faster than on the waves.

Features: Depending on the type of board on which you will stand, the surface is selected: ice is suitable for an iceboard, on dense snow you can go sailing, on loose snow you can try a snowboard (a board resembling a snowboard).
