What is the difference between wakeboarding and wakesurf. Wakeboard - what is it

Collect these four sports, put the athlete on the water and you have a wakeboard.

Wakeboarding in Moscow.

Despite the fact that wakeboarding is a kind of extreme water sports, in which the athlete moves at high speed behind the boat, this sport is increasingly chosen for outdoor activities. In this case, two main methods can be distinguished:

  • Riding a wakeboard behind a boat.
  • Wakeboarding using an electric winch.

The difference is that riding on an electric drive eliminates the appearance of a wake wave, but there is no boat - there is no wave either. To some extent, this helps to more accurately assess the purity of performing tricks.

There is no doubt that riding behind a boat looks more impressive. However, boating will require a larger stretch of water, skills from the athlete and the boat captain.

Wakeboard. The price of the issue?

If you are interested ride a wakeboard in Moscow, change your winter snowboard or skis, or just try yourself, Moswake club invites you to experience new sensations on the best wakeboards from world famous manufacturers.

If you are a beginner, but you are very interested in trying water-skiing, our experienced athletes and instructors will tell you where to start. They will help children and adults get up quickly and get used to the projectile, tell about the "pitfalls" and instruct them on safety.

If you don't know where to ride, and wakeboard in Moscow gathering dust in the corner? Or you cannot find inexpensive wakeboard in Moscow equipment for rent? Come visit us at the Moswake club. We are located 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Dmitrovskoye Highway, on one of the pier of the Pirogovskoye Reservoir. We will be glad to see you, as we love our guests very much.

Hello dear friends.
I hope that all of those who are interested have already understood what wakeboarding is. I wrote about boat wakeboarding earlier, today let's look at a more popular and affordable type of wakeboarding - cable.

Cable wakeboarding is an actively developing water ski view a sport in which all the muscles of the body are involved, and which allows you to get a sea of ​​emotions and extreme sensations, but at the same time, it is one of the most safe species sports and suitable for people of all ages!

Cable wakeboarding is based on the same principle as traditional boat wakeboarding or water skiing. The difference lies in the way in which the athlete can ride on the water. Unlike boat wakeboarding, when a rider drives behind a boat and performs various tricks using waves and jumps, in cable wakeboarding, an athlete moves through the water using a special cable car, and obstacles are used to perform tricks. Cable car (popularly - a winch) -quite a complex and interesting mechanism on the water.

All "winches" are divided into three types:

Ring- as a rule, the rope is stretched between 5 supports, and forms a ring along which the athlete moves

Reversible(or linear) - such an installation has only 2 supports, and when skating, the athlete moves first in one direction to the end, and then back.

Mobile winches(among those skating - vinch) - in fact, THIS is the "Winch". Consists of engine, variator and drum. Riding is carried out as follows: the rider picks up the handle of the halyard and walks along the shore, after he has gone a sufficient distance, he puts on the wakeboard, the engine is started and gas is turned on, the rope is wound around the drum and pulls the athlete

Let's take a look at each of the options in detail.
Ring cable car.

The ring cable car is a masts placed along the perimeter of the water area, which was chosen for skiing. Special cables are stretched between these masts. The cable drives the electric motor. Athletes ride with the help of a rope to which they hold. 5 or 6 riders roll at the same time. The start is made from the launch pad. In case of a fall, you just need to swim to the nearest exit, and then walk to the start along the path that goes around the entire lake. Among the advantages of such a cable car, one can single out a large capacity, always a large crowd, availability (the price of a ring winch is always lower than that of a reversible one, and even more so on a boat). But there are no drawbacks. Not all bodies of water are suitable for the installation of such a cable car. After the fall, when you arrive at the start, you have to stand in a queue, which can be very long. I think that a few videos will give you a better understanding of ring winches than my stories. The video from vimeo.com does not want to be inserted, here is the video from the Moscow Open Championship, St. Petersburg Open Championship, and the Ekaterenburg Championship

Reversible cable car.

Reversible installation is more common and easy to install as it only requires 2 feet to be installed. Most often, supports are installed on opposite sides of the reservoir. To the pluses of this type of cable car, I would attribute the ease of installation and the cost of the winch (ten times cheaper than a ring winch). Riders really like reversing settings because they don't have to go to the start; after a fall, they just need to swim up to the halyard handle, which the operator stops at the closest point to the rider. Prices are usually much more affordable than on a boat, but a little more expensive than on a ring winch, but here you pay only for the actual riding time, and not for the simple queue. The average price in Russia is 40 rubles per minute. Of the minuses - a small bandwidth, because only one person can roll. Here is a video from the northern capital.

Mobile winches.

Last but not least, there are Vinci (from the English Winch - winch). Such winches are usually made by riders themselves, for a group or a team of 5-6 people, but, of course, you can buy them. The Winch is extremely mobile, with wheels and a handle to move it. It allows you to ride on any body of water that riders choose, bringing great variety to riding. To be completely clear, I recommend watching the video Russian team, about a trip to Russia with a winch


In boat riding, the rider uses the wake wave to perform various tricks and elements. In cable wakeboarding, there is no wave, and special obstacles (or, as they are called, figures) are used to perform jumps and slides. The most famous company in the world specializing in the manufacture of figures is UNIT

Typically, ring winches are equipped with a "standard set" of obstacles:

Greetings my friends! You know, every day something new, unusual is invented in the world, and a lot of this is related to entertainment. Only now the usual became of little interest to the people, give everyone more adrenaline. Just some kind of mania. I wonder why it would be?

My theory on this matter is that we see too much drive and action on TV, we can say there is practically nothing to surprise us with. Hence the desire to get stronger emotions. Where to get them from? That's right by participating in extreme sports.

It is for fans of the drive that new types of extreme are invented, for example, wakeboarding. Its main advantage is that anyone can master it, regardless of age. Therefore, among extreme species sports it is less traumatic.

Do you want to know what are the main advantages of this type of entertainment? Let's take a closer look at them.

Wakeboarding - what is it?

This type of water skiing originated in America. There are many beaches like nowhere else, especially in the state of California. Surfing is where the idea for wakeboarding came from. The problem of any surfer is waiting for a suitable wave, sometimes you have to wait for the next one for hours, so someone's savvy mind decided to experiment.

And the effect, the option of riding a skateboard behind a boat, so inspired the others that it was decided to call this water sport wakeboarding. Of course, initially, the surfboard was not very suitable for high-speed travel. Too big and heavy, so the idea of ​​a board for skiing was borrowed from water-skiing, but with some changes, instead of skis, they took a light skateboard.

Among the many water sports, wakeboarding is one of the youngest. Combining many combined elements from other above-water entertainment, its fans grow from year to year. If you think about it, it is very similar to kitesurfing.

The principle of movement is the same in tow, but not behind the kite. A distinctive element is riding behind the boat, while the athlete holds the rope in his hands, and in case of danger, it can be released. In kitesurfing, a rope is attached to the waist of the swimmer.

In some ways, wakeboarding is similar to skiing. We can say that they have collected the best from different sports types and combined into one:

  • Surfing;
  • Ski jumps;
  • Kitesurfing.

Wakeboarding methods are also different. It all depends on the professionalism of the swimmer. Of course without special training it is better not to try to conquer the wave behind the boat, it is fraught with injuries. By the way, wakesurfing went further and mutated into the one we already wrote about.

There are special courses for beginners, during the week you will learn how to properly stand on the board and maintain balance while tacking the boat. There is a safer and less expensive way to ride. The athlete overcomes obstacles using a special mechanical rope installation.

Types of wakeboarding and their features

There are two known ways to enjoy surfing the waves or simply overcoming obstacles along the way.

Boat wakeboarding

This is a rather expensive form of entertainment, and at the same time quite traumatic, especially if the swimmer has no experience. But in terms of the amount of adrenaline experienced during the trip, it is much more effective.

To carry out the trip, you will have to refuel the boat, and experience is required otherwise, the chance of breaking or turning over on the board is significantly increased. And no one wants to be held responsible for injuries. Another disadvantage of boat wakeboarding is water pollution, because the boat runs on fuel, and its recycled waste is discharged into the reservoir.

The speed of the boat is on average 32 km / h, and the movement starts quite abruptly and it is necessary to constantly adjust to the boat, and yet there are still tricks to be performed. A professional raider with experience can do this.

Therefore, winch wakeboarding or cable is gaining more and more popularity.

Cable wakeboarding

The principle of riding remains the same as that of a boat ride. The only difference is in the process. An athlete moves on a wakeboard winch. Special equipment can be located on a quiet body of water or lake. And the raider will move, overcoming the same obstacles, only along a specially installed system of winches and cables.

There are much more advantages here:
  • Opportunity for beginners to quickly master this sport;
  • The age bracket can vary from 12-70 years old, the main thing is that health allows;
  • Constant speed of movement, allows you to easily pass the distance, and even simultaneously overcome obstacles, if any;
  • Up to 10 people can ride with the cable at the same time, depending on the distance;
  • Significant savings in your money in contrast to the cost of a boat trip;
  • Preservation of the ecology.

Despite all the advantages, it is not surprising that the popularity of rope wakeboarding is growing much faster than boat wakeboarding. Hence the construction of wake parks, there are now 11 of them across the country, and this is not counting the homemade wakeboarding equipment installed.

Wakeboarding training

Learning always depends on the capabilities and abilities of the student, how quickly he grasps. Of course, the course itself can be mastered in a couple of days, especially if there is practice directly on the pond. Wakeboarding training is conducted in specially equipped schools located in the same wake parks.

There are experienced raiders there who can demonstrate their skill by showing master classes.

In any case, when taking wakeboarding lessons, do not hesitate to ask the trainer questions, this will help to avoid possible mistakes and accelerate learning.

Wakeboard photo and video collection

Thanks to the Internet, you can find anything you want about any extreme sport. I suggest browsing a collection of photos and wakeboard videos like this:

This will help you independently appreciate the beauty of this type of entertainment. You can also professionally practice wakeboarding from all possible types extreme sports this one is the safest. First of all, thanks to possible option with rope wakeboarding. In any case, thanks to the exercises, you will be able to maintain excellent physical fitness, because in the process of maneuvering on the board, all the muscles of the body are involved.

I am confident that my advice will help many to discover a new niche in the field of incredible sensations, without resorting to dangerous activities. Share interesting articles with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to. See you soon!

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Wakeboarding - what is it? The answer to this question can be obtained by observing the unusually dynamic and spectacular competitions taking place in the open sea or specialized reservoirs. Resort fun, which they used to call water skiing, has gradually transformed into an independent sport with its own rules, varieties, sets of elements and champions. There are wakeboarding clubs in the capital of Russia, where you can feel all the delights of extreme in a few sessions.

For those who do not know what it is

Wakeboarding is a sport that originated in beaches and resorts. Everyone knows that snowboard has grown from classic skis... Modern wakeboarding has replaced static and less spectacular water skiing. The bottom line is that the athlete cuts the water surface on a special board, following the boat and holding on to the foul. During the movement, the extreme sportsman performs elements of slalom, makes jumps and flips, spectacular tricks.

The athlete moves in the wake of the vessel, so he can deviate from a straight line to ride the wave and add momentum to his jumps. The etymology of the word "wakeboarding" just includes two main components of this sport. “Wake” means “wake” in English, and “board” means “board”.

The boat is equipped with special ballast in order to create waves that help athletes perform various elements. Wakeboarders' tricks are similar to those performed by their fellow snowboarders, but water acrobats are limited in their freedom by a foul, because of which they cannot perform flips around their own axis.


There are several types of wakeboarding. What it is, you can understand in the process of observing the competition. professional athletes and the fun of wakesurfers.

Wakesurf is one of the offshoots of wakeboarding, an amateur sport that does not require expensive professional equipment. Here you can get by with a regular surfboard or snowboard. The athlete begins to move through the water, holding on to the boat, and then releases it, continuing to slide along the wake wave.

Wakesurf does not require special equipped tracks, it can be practiced anywhere where there is enough space for a boat. Despite the simplicity and limited opportunities to perform tricks, a certain set of special elements has developed in the wakesurf. You can ride either to the right or to the left of the boat, face or back, with or without a rope.

Cable and boat

Many nuances and techniques are included in wakeboarding. What it is is easy to understand by watching the competitions of athletes in different versions of this sport. It all started with boat wakeboarding - a rather difficult sport with many unpredictable situations.

It is very difficult to maintain a combination of constant speed and ideal trajectory while the boat is moving. This requires a large body of water, which makes it difficult to observe the progress of wakeboarding competitions.

However, technology does not stand still, such a young sport has undergone evolution. Now, in addition to boat wakeboarding, there is also cable. Its essence lies in the fact that an electric winch is used instead of a boat. The engine pulls a foul with it at a constant speed, which allows for a more objective assessment of the tricks and elements performed by the athlete.

There is no need for a boat, so cable wakeboarding competitions can be held on relatively small areas of the water surface.

Tournaments and competitions

Wakeboarding is a serious sport that hosts major international competitions... In cable wakeboarding, athletes compete in two disciplines - circuit and reverse races. In the first case, the performance of the athlete is assessed according to two criteria. The quality of the tricks is of decisive importance, but the speed of passing the section, which is divided into slalom segments, is also taken into account.

In reverse races, movement occurs only in a linear direction - forward and backward. Here, the acrobatic skill of extreme sportsmen comes to the fore, more jumps and tricks are performed.

Areas of the water surface are specially marked for the competition. The route is marked with flags and buoys, to perform acrobatic elements and jumps put ramps and trampolines.

Wakeboarding is very traumatic dangerous species sports, since the speed of the boat can reach forty kilometers per hour. Therefore, you should be especially careful about the choice of inventory.


Wakeboarding is a kind of summer alternative to snowboarding, so it attracts many fans of this winter sport, because on hot, sunny days you can not only not lose your former skill, but also learn new tricks.

It is necessary to master the basics of wakeboarding in special wake parks, under the supervision of experienced instructors, as it is a very difficult and dangerous sport. Classes begin with the fact that the beginner is taught to simply stick to the board while moving. Only when the board begins to feel part own body, you can start learning jumps and tricks.

In the first lessons, special attention is paid to safety. Required attribute life jackets are for beginners. Instructors are always nearby, because falls and going under water are an inevitable consequence of the first trainings.


Choosing the right wakeboarding board is the key to successful extreme sports. It is necessary to choose the one that best suits the level of training of the person. There are no clear set parameters for the size of the wakeboard, there are boards that are wide and narrow, short and long. Wide models are better for throwing the athlete on the waves, narrow models are faster and more maneuverable.

There are subtleties with leg mounts. They range from adjustable in a different range to custom made to fit a particular athlete's foot.

Also, professionals attach special fins to their boards, thanks to which the wakeboard gains control and maneuverability.

Where to study

Wakeboarding originated in the United States in the early nineties and during this time has spread widely throughout the world. Today in Europe there are more than a hundred specialized wake parks equipped with the latest technology. Wakeboarding is also developing in Moscow.

This sport has recently come to Russia and has not yet acquired a sufficient number of fans. Accordingly, there are not many places for wakeboarding here. What it is, not everyone knows yet, nevertheless, perfectly equipped and well-equipped wake parks can be found in Moscow.

They differ in two types. In the first, it is possible to ride a board, following the boat, in the second, there are installations with electric winches for ring and reverse races.


Wakeboarding in Moscow is supervised by the Water Ski Federation and supported by companies selling equipment and clothing for summer extreme sports.

Moscow Wake School is a wake club that opened not so long ago in Strogino on the territory of the Superbeach beach. There are two boats operating here, which drive visitors. They are instructed by the owner of the club, who at one time was professionally engaged in wakeboarding.

The wake club in Myakinin is the first in Russia where a circular wakeboarding winch began to operate. There are about ten figures installed here for performing jumps and elements.

Vo-club in Strogino is an actively developing site for wakeboarding. Winches for circular and reverse rolling work here; installed seven figures for jumps and tricks.

  • Video about wakeboarding from the On the Verge project: In general, I'll put it simply. No manuals on the Internet will make you a wonderful wake-surfer if you don't practice. Theory without practice is dead. Take, come to the place where they ride and learn from your own experience under the supervision of knowledgeable people. I think that in any wake park there are instructors who will teach wakeboarding and prompt (and show) how to do it.

What is a wakeboard

So what is a wakeboard? This is a board with bindings on which a person stands and rides through the water. If a person holds on to the halyard, which is connected to the winch mechanism, and is pulled by the engine located on the shore, then this is. Often, people who ride a wakeboard practice various tricks, jumping from kickers or figures (this is the name of special slides located on the surface of the water). The discipline itself sits somewhere between snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding.

The difference between wakeboard and wakesurf

Wakeboard differs from wakesurfing by a device that drags you along the surface of the water. Perhaps it was said clumsily, but I can't explain it easier) The difference is that the cable wakeboard uses the power of electric traction (you are dragged by a rope towing device). In wakesurfing, you start at the expense of the boat, holding on to the halyard. Having accelerated, you let go of the rope and then ride along the wave that follows the boat. In this article I have already written about mine.

If you want to try cable wakeboarding - come either to or where such a cable installation is assembled and ride to your health. Cable wakesurfing, according to statistics, is more common than boat surfing.

How to get on a wakeboard and learn to ride

From the experience of our past pokatushek, I will say that everyone succeeded in getting up. There are no difficulties here, the main thing is to understand how the winch pulls in a cable wakeboard, and how the body behaves.

Technically, it looks like this - you are lying on your back in the water, your legs are clasped into the board, pulling them towards you. At some point, the operator of the installation gives the winch stroke and drags you. Your task at this moment, keeping your arms straight, is to move from a prone position to a sitting position. And the arms are straight. That's all. The mistake is to start shifting your weight to the toe edge, then you will fall forward and your entire rope wakeboarding will end before you even start.

Video about wakeboarding from the project "On the Edge":

In general, I'll put it easier. No manuals on the Internet will make you a wonderful wake-surfer if you don't practice. Theory without practice is dead. Take, come to the place where they ride and learn from your own experience under the supervision of knowledgeable people. I think that in any wake park there are instructors who will teach wakeboarding and prompt (and show) how to do it.

Practice is the secret of success. Everything else is nonsense. However, as in other areas of life.

Wakeboard for beginners - first time on the board

Here's an example of our event. It took place in one of the wake clubs in Kaliningrad called Wake Up. We skated for two days, dividing all the participants into two groups. Each person skated two sets of 10 minutes each. I will say that for the first time, this is enough. It takes one set (10 minutes) to figure out how to behave on the board, how to get up on the wakeboard, and how to ride in a straight line. The second set (10 minutes) is enough to start trying to cut (move away from the winch under which you are rolling), and learn how to turn around.

Some of our members skated only one set, because they said they were tired. I skated twice, and at the end of the second my arms hurt quite so normally. By the way, free advice - ask for gloves if you wakeboard behind the winch. Fal rubs his hands. Without gloves - palms bo-bo)

In general, the adrenaline rush, of course, is peppy. At first, you just try to squat down. Then straighten up to full height. Then, plucking up the courage, you jump on the water and think that you are the king of the lake. And then you crush the water and think it's a fiasco bro. And then you do not have the strength in the second set to properly cut and make a U-turn.

For the first time, I think I skated very standardly))

If we talk about the rest of the participants in the event of the project "On the Edge", then in general everything skated very well for the first time. Girls, by the way, got up on the board faster, and the guys needed more time. Probably, the instructor's phrase “take the pose of a woman in labor” played a role here))) Such a command reached the female half better. And of the guys, Lesha Aksyutich and Sasha Filyaev did well. We probably don't know something about them)

Wakeboard tricks

There are a lot of tricks on a wakeboard (there are about 20 main grabs alone), but for the first time it is difficult to count on the miracle of jumping with rotation around a horizontal or vertical axis. Simply because first you need to stand up normally, roll steadily in a straight line, and learn to turn around. If you can do everything, then I think that you should not read this article, but a guide to jumping.

But the guys-instructors showed the class, performing some cool tricks. The instructor tried to do a trick called KARMA. Accelerating, he jumped onto the figure, and from there he flew away holding on to the halyard with one hand, simultaneously trying to turn over his back, around the horizontal axis. Damn, it's hard to describe in words, you feel like a cripple without the right vocabulary.

Wakeboarding Vest & Board & Helmet

A few words about equipment. All participants rode in wetsuits, helmets, vests and used gloves. Despite the seeming simplicity of wakeboarding for beginners, you can hit the water very well and injure yourself. That is why they pack you in a wetsuit, give you a vest and put a helmet on your head.

I don't know when, but while we were skating, I managed to touch my elbow on the water and now it hurts a little. Therefore, be careful.

By the way, about the boards. Have Wake up kaliningrad where we skated there are about 6 different boards that fit any foot size and riding style (beginners). You tell the instructor your shoe size, he selects the right board with bindings for your height and weight. The technique is similar to snowboarding, but the size and shape of the boards is different. By firms - I remember exactly that there were Jobe boards))

How much does a wakeboard cost

I looked on the Internet, the boards cost from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles, on average. Well, as usual, if you want to go in for extreme sports - throw money on the barrel) Everything is the same with other types of activities. Typically, a mid-range beginner's kit for any activity starts at $ 1000-2000. According to my observations (perhaps you have a different opinion - you can voice it in the comments).

Videos and photos from cable wakeboarding

As usual, a photographer took pictures of us at the home events of the On the Verge project. Max Levin... His photographs are the visual component of this review.

Also within the framework of the concept "1 video = 1 director", this time we worked with Ivan Dobrusin, who made a video about how our party went and how we drank the lake.

Balance board

I would like to say a few words about such a thing as board balance. This is a simple gadget that is designed to hone the skill of balance among aspiring surfers. It is a piece of pipe and a board on which you stand, catching balance. It is advisable to first hold on to a neighbor. Or a neighbor. There is something closer to someone. As a last resort, and the wall will do.

Is it easy for you? Then the second level of difficulty is provided. After you stand confidently and keep your balance for one minute, it is suggested to sit down on "one and a half" and stand the same. If you go through the second level of difficulty, then tricks begin on the balance of the board. You can at least try to turn around while standing on it, well then, transfer the entire trick arsenal from skateboarding to the balance board.

Balance board is an excellent balance trainer. I advise you to try, as we did it in between rides on a wakeboard.

Wakeboard in Kaliningrad

Recently in Kaliningrad the development of water sports, including wakeboarding, is gaining good speed, which is good news. There are people, places and action games that give beginners the opportunity to try their hand at this or that form of recreation on the water, and join the extreme movement.

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