Explosive exercises. All About Home Stretching Ballistic Training Technique

Take away Special attention exercise with ballistic mode of muscle work... The main ones in them are: volitional accentuation of elastic movements, the use of inertia (for example, swinging a projectile in throwing), increased requirements for muscle elasticity lower limbs increasing the height from which the athlete jumps, increasing his weight special simulators and etc.

Use widely special exercises equipped with a combination of inferior and overcoming modes of muscle work, for example, jumping exercises, pushing off after landing in deep jumps, the same with a load, jerking and braking exercises, etc. They are quite effective (Fig. 50).

At the same time, more effective exercise selectively aimed at improving the ballistic work of muscles. In such exercises, it is of paramount importance to reduce the time of transition from one mode of muscle work to another in conditions of stimulating the manifestation of elastic properties.

The desired effect, in particular, can be achieved by using four variants of the ballistic method.

In the first, after stretching and straining the muscles in conditions of overcoming some resistance to movement, a special device, dropping this opposition, allows you to create an instant transition to their contraction.

The second option is similar to the first, only stretching and stretching the muscles is achieved by more powerful resistance. After triggering the descent, the movement will occur at a higher speed than in the first option.

In the third version, a device is required that allows you to create stretching and muscle tension with an increased load against the usual load, and produce the final effort in lighter conditions. For example, a javelin thrower runs up and prepares for a throw with a projectile weighing 2 kg, and after triggering the descent and dropping most of the weight in the athlete's hand at the moment final effort turns out to weigh only 600 g!

The fourth option can be attributed to exercises with powerful magnets, in which the magnitude of the attractive force, and therefore the separation, is regulated by the size of the iron plate - the projectile. Exercises with the use of electromagnets are of interest (electromagnets as external resistance were first used for sports purposes by A.D. Novikov).

Adjustable magnetic field strength and application triggers allow to widely vary the parameters of the ballistic mode of muscle work. When the current voltage is switched, the powerful attractive force is replaced by the throwing of the projectile, which makes it possible to stimulate the speed of the athlete's revolving movements (Fig. 51).

Special ballistic exercises at different stages of sports training

I must say that the maximum work of the muscles in the ballistic mode requires their preliminary strengthening through strength and stretching exercises. The first stage is especially suitable for this. preparatory period.

In particular, it is important to strengthen the muscles through special ballistic exercises, performed in a very large volume, but with a moderate or slightly higher intensity.

This will create a special foundation that will make it possible, on its basis, to significantly increase the level and effectiveness of movements performed in ballistic mode with maximum effort.

Such a foundation should be laid in the second stage of the preparatory period.

Ballistic exercises with maximum intensity should be used in a small amount at the end of the preparatory period and much more in the competitive period.

In the competitive period, it may be advisable to alternate stages with an increased number of special ballistic exercises and dedicated mainly to work of a strictly competitive nature.

At the stage of direct pre-competitive training before the climactic competition, the use of special ballistic exercises should be limited, since they can contribute to an excessively high increase in nervous excitability.

Overcoming muscle work

Since the effectiveness of sports activities is determined primarily overcoming mode of muscle work, it should be the main thing in the development of strength. At the same time, in the inferior mode, it is possible to show a force of 120-140% or more relative to the maximum. This is of great interest for learning how to exercise such tremendous strength. However, the progress in the development of strength in this mode is somewhat lower than in the overcoming mode (A.S. Medvedev, A.N. Vorobiev). It is believed that the greatest effect in the education of the ability to exercise strength can be achieved with the inferior-overcoming mode, including the use of muscle elasticity.

If you are a sports person or are about to become one, stretching before exercise is an integral part of your regimen. There are many approaches to stretching, each existing technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a stretching technique, you need to take into account what effect you want to achieve. Static stretching is sufficient to simply warm up the muscles. If your goal is to get your muscles working to their fullest, you can try ballistic stretching. The most common and safe type of stretching is static, but the ballistic approach also has its advantages, which the site will discuss today.

What is ballistic stretching and how is it different from other types of stretching?

Ballistic stretching uses the inertia of a moving body or limb to extend the normal range of motion. In simple terms, you stretch in jumping and jerking movements.

The main purpose of ballistic stretching is to increase the range of motion, which is why this approach is popular among dancers, basketball players and football players. Thanks to the increased range of motion, you can, for example, jump higher, hit with more power, which is useful when playing sports.

Ballistic stretching differs from other stretching techniques in that it allows the muscles to move beyond their normal range of motion. Static and dynamic stretching is aimed solely at warming up the muscles, and not at using them to the maximum.

Selfie Ballistic Stretching Examples

Attention! Ballistic stretching is the least secure of all stretches, so care must be taken when doing it. In case of painful sensations, it is necessary to stop the lesson and check your condition. If pain persists, it is best to see a doctor.

Exercise 1 - touching the socks

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly bend over, touching your toes. However, do not linger in this position, but begin to "spring" in place, while touching your fingers.

Exercise 2 - swing your legs

Find a fulcrum that not only helps you maintain your balance, but also provides enough room for full swinging forward and backward. Bend your leg and straighten it, slowly swinging back and forth. Gradually increase the swing amplitude with each rep. After ten swings, switch to the other leg.

Exercise 3 - reaching for the fingers

Find an object on which you can rest your feet, raising them in front of you. A table is perfect for this. While lying on the floor, raise an outstretched, straight leg in front of you, and now lift your body to reach and touch your fingertips. Repeat 10 times, then do the exercise with the other leg.

Exercise 4 - working like a mill

This stretching exercise engages the muscles of the entire body. Just stand in the star position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. Now bend over and touch your fingers right leg left hand. Then turn and touch the fingers of your right hand to the toes of your left foot. Repeat the movements for several minutes.

If you are an athlete, ballistic stretching - great way expand your range of motion and achieve better results... However, stretching like this can be dangerous because it comes with the risk of injury.

the site urges you to be careful when doing this kind of stretching, especially when doing exercise 1. Remember that it is very easy to overdo ballistic stretching and get back problems or tear a muscle. Therefore, if you are new to this business, it is better to accustom your body to ballistic loads gradually and under the supervision of a qualified trainer.

No one can go out of their way at every workout. Using the progressive system, you do a split workout for one body part three times a week, and in such a way that the first workout is carried out with a relatively large number of series and repetitions, but with low weight. During the second workout, you increase the weight, but work with a certain amount of strength. During the third workout, the load increases to the maximum: the number of repetitions should be no more than 4-5 per one series. By gradually building up the load over the course of the week, you prepare your body to work with very heavy weights.

Ballistic training

The term " ballistic training"denotes a special technique for lifting weights. You accelerate the weight (carefully controlling the power of the thrust) instead of lifting it at a constant speed. This technique is designed to work with relatively heavy equipment, so the weight does not really move that fast. But the attempt itself making it move faster has a number of interesting consequences: 1. It creates variable resistance. Why? Because you are actually stronger at one stage of the lift than at another, due to differences in the mechanics of movement (the force gain is called the "leverage effect"). When you are stronger, the projectile accelerates a little more. But the weight that moves with acceleration is heavier than the one that does not accelerate at all or does not accelerate as much. Therefore, the projectile is heavier when you are stronger and not as heavy when you are weaker. This is the variable resistance. 2. It activates maximum amount fast twitch whites muscle fibers which are larger (about 22%) and stronger than slowly twitch red muscle fibers. 3. It creates a constant balancing act on the brink of failure. Muscles grow when they are given tasks that slightly exceed their current capacity. When you try to push the weight up, there is a limit to the acceleration that you can reach. Your muscles refuse to lift weights faster. So instead of hitting failure at the end of the set, you're actually balancing on the brink of failure with each rep. Ballistic training should be done primarily for exercises that involve large muscles or muscle groups, such as bench presses, shoulder presses. or barbell squats. You should be working with a weight that allows you to do about 10 reps under normal conditions. Since the accelerated projectile is heavier than the normal projectile, you can do about 7 reps using the ballistic method. In addition, the ballistic method requires a slightly different technique than lifting weights at a constant speed: 1. Lower the weight as usual, at a constant speed. Pause at the bottom of the trajectory, then push the projectile upward, smoothly accelerating it over the entire range of motion. 2. Continue the series until the moment complete refusal, and to partial failure - that is, when you are no longer able to accelerate the projectile and can only slowly raise it. When using the ballistic method, there is no point in crossing this line. 3. Rest well between sets (1 to 2 minutes). White muscle fibers take longer to recuperate than red fibers, and in ballistic series, these are the fibers you develop.


Rome was not built in a day, and first-class musculature, too, cannot be developed in a short time... To create a highly developed, harmonious physique, you start with the basics, master the necessary skills, build strength and muscle mass and then gradually increase your training intensity level using the principles described in this chapter. Effective training is always aimed at achieving specific goals, but your goals may change over time. First, this is teaching basic training methods and preparing the body to the point where you already have enough strength and experience to cope with most of the exercises. For some people who are mainly interested in improving their health and maintaining sports uniform who are unable or unwilling to train more than two hours a week is really more than they can count on, but for those who strive for a higher goal, to develop perfect muscles or participate in bodybuilding competitions, the next stage is in increasing the intensity of training. This is heavier weight lifting and proper application of the appropriate methods, and I recommend that you take turns mastering the principles of intense training described in this chapter. Try one method, get to know it, listen to your feelings, and evaluate the results. If you are satisfied, try the same with a different method. Not every bodybuilder uses or wants to use all the methods and techniques of intense training. But getting to know them and understanding how they work will allow you to include in your future training program the individual elements that best suit your individual needs.

Ballistic training is commonly used by athletes to develop explosiveness and strength. By accelerating and releasing weight into free space, the athlete's body gains fast muscle fibers, which are directly responsible for growth and strength. Ballistic movements require the central nervous system to coordinate and produce the most strength in the shortest amount of time.

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Jump squats

Jumping squats build strength, speed and strength and improve your strength development rate. High-speed movement will launch your nervous system, will increase neural output and muscle recruitment. To perform a jump squat, start at correct position squat and jump vertically off the floor, returning to starting position in a controlled manner. They can also be used at the beginning of leg workouts to improve performance.

Push presses

Push-pressing is similar to military press, except that the movement starts at the legs. Start in a standing position with a barbell at the height of the collar bone supported in your hands. Do a quarter squat, plunge quickly, then explode until the thigh is fully enlarged. As you begin to finish your leg, focus on pushing it down like your shoulder press. Once the bar is past your forehead, block the overhead bar completely. All joints from the floor to the wrists should be fully in action and the weight locked overhead.

Kettlebell exercises

Kettlebell exercise builds strength and endurance, improves heart rate, and strengthens grip. Basic movements, such as swing, snatch, clean and snatch, immediately engage the entire body. Many traditional ballistic exercises can be performed with kettlebells in addition to special kettlebell movements such as swings.

Before incorporating ballistic movements into your workouts, it is best to build strength with closed chain movements. Improve your form and technique before moving on to more advanced positions or loading up weights. Work with a coach or experienced trainer to ensure correct execution each exercise. If for any reason you experience any pain, stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention.

In dry terms, flexibility exercises train very different qualities. They, explaining simply, teach our nervous system not to interfere with the position that any human body, sufficiently warmed up, can accept anyway. This point of view is scientifically proven. This type of exercise includes not only what we call "stretching", but also a number of calisthenic, gymnastic, power and kettlebell (ballistic) movements. So why are many very strong physically people familiar with the concept of "available amplitude", and, despite the systematic training of others physical qualities are not as flexible as, for example, yogis or gymnasts with acrobats? In fact, not all people are anatomically predisposed to splits, squats, and other things that we are surprised to see on sports instagram. The so-called flexibility is influenced by such constants as the length of the limbs, the mobility of the joints (to some extent it develops), the length of the ligaments, the predominant type of development of muscle fibers. And in yoga and gymnastics, nevertheless, there are people who are physically predisposed to them, and not everyone else.

A popular misconception is to "pull" an adult, like in dancing, by fixing him in a static stretch, for example, with legs apart, and in this way trying to increase joint mobility.

In fact, the banal little mobility in the joints does not allow the majority of those who have not been involved in the development of flexibility to achieve any impressive result. Therefore, the so-called dynamic stretching (not to be confused with "springs" in a stretched position) is what the complex for the development of flexibility should begin with. Usually ballistics also affects cardiovascular system, allowing you to increase your heart rate, warm up the body and achieve greater mobility in a shorter period of time.

Before any dynamic complex a cardio workout is shown, preferably on exercise bike or ellipsoid to avoid shock but increase heart rate. Warm up enough until you sweat lightly, for most people this is about 10 minutes at a free pace.

  • shins, hip, knee joints in a small amplitude, shoulders and wrists in a natural small amplitude;
  • lower legs, hip and knee joints in a deep accessible amplitude;
  • shoulders in deep accessible amplitude;
  • transition to static stretching, more focused on muscle stretching rather than increasing joint mobility.

Ballistic exercises to develop a beginner's flexibility can be as follows:

  • swing a weighted gymnastic ball to chest level. The movement begins with moderate flexion in the hip, knee and ankle... The legs are spread wider than the shoulders, the ball is on the floor where the bar would be for deadlift... They grab the projectile from both sides, lift it off the ground to the “knee-mid-calf” level (the available level is determined by the degree of rounding of the back, while the back is straight - the level is available, if it is rounded, it is necessary to bring the ball higher, closer to the knee), and hip joint(swing the pelvis forward) bring the ball to chest level, perform the reverse movement, and repeat for 1 minute. Then you need to rest for about 15 seconds and repeat the exercise in 3-4 rounds with the same rest interval;
  • tremors of weighted gymnastic ball... The same starting position, the ball lies between the legs, the stance is wide, but comfortable. Bending the knees and hips, we go down, the back is straight. We grab the ball from both sides, straightening the working joints, stand up, take the ball on the chest. With a soft jerk movement (the legs and knees work, the pelvis bends slightly), we bring the ball over the head. The protocol is the same - a minute of work, 15 seconds of rest;
  • swing the ball from the level of the lowered hands behind the head. For this job you need a ball that you can grab wider than your shoulders. For most women, this is big fitball... If the width is not enough, you can simply stretch the rope or towel in your hands. A straight swing is performed to the level "from the pockets behind the head", while the grip is adjusted individually - it should not be so narrow as to impede movement in the shoulder joint.

Static exercises to develop flexibility

In health-improving fitness, statics for flexibility is not recommended to be performed with "springs" or, moreover, "to push" the body into the desired position with the help of a partner. Static is performed either after complex strength training, or after "ballistics" or any joint gymnastics... It is enough to "pull" each muscle group for about 30 seconds.

Tilt from a straight stand

Stretches the entire back of the body. It is necessary to bend your knees straight while standing so that there is no unnecessary tension in the back of the thigh, then with a straight back perform flexion in the hip joint and fix the stretch.

Bringing the knees to the chest while lying

From a supine position, alternate adduction of the knee to the chest is performed while holding the hands at an accessible depth. The movement deepens the stretch at the back of the body and helps to increase the mobility of the hip joints.

Breeding knees to the sides while sitting

From the gray on the floor, take the following position - bend your legs at the knees, bring the foot to the foot, and spread the knees to the sides to the available depth, while the back is straight, and the hands hold the feet.

Stretching the front of the thigh while standing

From a standing position, grab the foot of the right leg right hand, gently push the pelvis forward, and pull the heel to the right buttock. The left hand can be held for balance by any support.

Stretching the chest and abs

From a prone position, bring your hands together from behind (or use a towel to ease discomfort in your shoulders by grabbing it at a comfortable width), lift your stomach and lift your head off the floor and chest... Hold the stretch smoothly.

Usually people have no desire to specifically engage in stretching, because it does not so dramatically affect appearance like regular strength training. You can do without additional ballistic exercises for some time, and only perform basic stretch for the main muscle groups, if instead of the classic strength training in the gym, you choose kettlebell fitness, or fitness based on movements from weightlifting. These types of training alone increase the mobility of the main joints.

Classic flexibility workouts that can be done at any club include yoga, stretching, body balance, tai chi, and Pilates... These systems combine static muscle tension with stretching. They are usually more versatile and are suitable for a variety of health problems. However, in any case, the best option is the selection of flexibility exercises with the help of a professional trainer. Yet imbalances in our bodies are unique, and some things should only be done after receiving appropriate advice regarding their safety.

Flexibility video tutorials

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

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