Finger gymnastics berries preparatory group. Finger gymnastics card index "Merry fingers" on lexical topics in the preparatory group

Finger games

on the lexical topic “Mushrooms. Berries"

in day mode, middle group

Software content.Development fine motor skills, the ability to perform exercises with the right, left and two hands. Form the ability to listen to the teacher.

Game progress

Game - situation "Journey to the forest."

Educator. - The harvest ripens in the fall. Both people and animals make supplies for the winter. Today we will go to the forest and find out what kind of harvest has grown in the forest.

We rode a horse and reached the forest.

Gop, gop, gop, gop - stop!

We arrived in the forest!

We will go through the forest, pick the berries.

And our fingers will help us to collect the berry.

Prepare fingers girls and boys.

Finger game "For berries"

One, two, three, four, five,

(The fingers of both hands "greet," starting with the big ones.)

We will go for a walk in the forest.

(Both hands go fingers over the knees.)

For blueberries

For raspberries,

For lingonberries,

For viburnum.

We will find strawberries

And we will take it to the brother.

(Bend the fingers, starting with the thumbs.)

Breathing exercise "What the forest smells like"

We have collected the berries.

(make a cup of two palms)

We inhale with our nose, exhale with our mouth.

Educator. - Oh, guys, the forest still smells like something. Close your eyes and smell. We inhale with our nose, exhale with our mouth.

(put the fungus)

Children. (eyes open) Mushrooms.

Finger game "Mushrooms"

There is a fat man in the clearing.

(The right hand is clenched into a fist and raised in front of you.)

White mushroom - boletus.

(The palm of the left hand is covered with the fist of the right.)

And under him, trembling a little,

(The left hand remains, the right hand is removed.)

The snail raised its horns.

(The index and middle fingers of the right hand are raised, thumb holds the rest, can be rotated slightly by hand.)

Educator. - Guys, let's help the animals to make supplies for the winter.

Game "For mushrooms" (using pictures)

All the animals at the edge

They are looking for milk mushrooms and waves.

(Children go in a round dance.)

Squirrels galloped

Ryzhiks tore off.

(They jump into a squatting position, pluck imaginary mushrooms.)

The chanterelle was running

Collected chanterelles.

(They run in a circle, picking imaginary mushrooms.)

Bunnies were jumping

They were looking for honey ages.

(They gallop while standing, picking imaginary mushrooms.)

The bear passed

the fly agaric crushed.

(They go to the roll-up, then stamp with their right foot.)

Educator ... Thank you guys for helping the animals.

It's time for us to go to kindergarten.

Let's go? Get on the horse!

(Children gallop to the music)

We rode a horse, drove to the kindergarten.

Gop, gop, gop, gop - stop!

We arrived at the kindergarten!


Finger games on the lexical topic “Mushrooms. Forest berries "in the daily routine with children of the middle group develop fine motor skills, the ability to perform exercises with the right, left and two hands. The synopsis includes: game situation "Journey to the forest", two finger games "For berries", "Mushrooms", breathing exercise "What the forest smells like", an imitation game "For mushrooms" using pictures.


Introduce vegetables to children.
To develop an active vocabulary for children on the topic "Vegetables".
Teach children to form plural nouns, use diminutive suffixes.
Continue to teach children to distinguish and name colors (red, green), the concepts of "one-many", "big-small".
Develop memory, a sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements.
Teach children to coordinate movements with the text, understand and follow verbal instructions.
Cultivate peer-friendly relationships.


Dummies of vegetables. A wonderful bag.
Toy "goat", "hares".
Cardboard silhouettes of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cans.
Spatulas, watering cans, rakes, dollhouse dishes: pots, plates, spoons, knives.
Audio recording: song "Merry Garden", "Harvest".
Peas, green plasticine, salted dough.
Plastic vegetables in two halves, fastened with Velcro.
Prepared drawings "Grow up, carrot", brown pencils.

Course of the lesson:


Hello guys, it's good that you all came today!

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
The ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
The handles will clap
Legs will stomp.
The backs are straightening
We smile at each other

Surprise moment "Wonderful bag"

Here I have a bag. Not simple, but wonderful. Lower your hand into it and reach something.

Game "Feed the Bunnies"

Take your vegetables, put them on a plate and feed the bunnies.

Didactic game "What did the bunny eat?"

The bunny has a cabbage, a cucumber and a carrot. (A carrot is hiding). What did the bunny eat? Bunny ate a carrot. What's left? There are cabbage and cucumber left. What color is the cabbage? Green. What color is the cucumber? Green.

Button game "Vegetables in a jar"

Arrange the buttons into circles of the appropriate color and size.

Drawing "Salad"

Look, this picture shows everything you need to vegetable salad- vegetable salad: tomato, cucumber, pepper, onion, salt, oil. And at the bottom of the sheet is a salad plate - a salad bowl. Take a pencil and draw lines from each food to the salad bowl.

Didactic game "Plant a vegetable garden"

There are many ridges in the garden.
There are carrots and salad.
There are cucumbers and peas.
Are potatoes bad?
Our green vegetable garden
We will be fed all year round.

Roll a thick sausage out of salted dough - this will be a bed. Stick carrots into the dough - we get a bed with carrots.

Drawing "Grow up, carrot"

On a prepared background, children draw horizontal stripes for carrots with a brown pencil.

Exercise "Grown carrot"

(Held with parents).

First, they planted a small grain in the ground.
(Children squat down)

The sun warmed the cabbage, the rain watered and the carrots began to grow.
(Children slowly get up on their feet)

Green leaves have grown near the carrot.
(Put your hands up)

It's time to pluck the carrots.
(Parents hug the children and take them in their arms - they pluck the carrots from the garden)

Finger game "Vegetables"

The girl Arinochka
Vegetables in a basket.
(Fold your palms into a "basket")

Here is a pot-bellied zucchini
I put it on a side
Peppers and carrots
She laid it down deftly.
Tomato and cucumber.
(Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

Here is Arina - well done.
(Show thumb)

Didactic exercise "One-many"

The teacher puts a picture with a picture of a vegetable on a magnetic board, and distributes the rest of the pictures to the children one by one.

I have one vegetable. And how much do you have? Anya has one carrot. Denis has one cucumber. Place your vegetables next to mine on the board. How many vegetables have become? A lot of.

Vocabulary work "One-many"

The teacher picks up a vegetable and names it in the singular, then hands it over to the child and asks to name the plural.
One carrot, but how to say if there are a lot of them? Lots of ... carrots.

One cucumber - many ... cucumbers.
One tomato - many ... tomatoes.
One pepper - many ... peppers.
One potato - many ... potatoes.
One cabbage - a lot ... cabbage.

Application "Canning vegetables"

Place a large and small cucumber, a large and a small tomato on top of the jar image. Arrange the vegetables so that they all fit into the jar. Now stick the vegetables onto the jar.

Dynamic pause "Gardeners"

We took the shoulder blades
(movements depicting the toe of a shovel on the shoulder)

The beds were dug up.
One-two, one-two -
That's how they dug up

They took the rake in hand
The beds were combed.
One-two, one-two -
Here's how they combed it.
Seeds in rows
We planted it in the ground.
One-two, one-two -
This is how we planted
(movements in accordance with the text)

We are cool water
The beds were watered.
One-two, one-two -
This is how it was watered
(depict watering the beds from the watering can)

The harvest is rich
They collected amicably.
One-two, one-two -
This is how they collected

Dances and songs
Themselves started
One-two, one-two -
Here's how they started.

Exercise "Cooks"

And now you will be cooks, take knives and cut the fruit into pieces. Children use plastic knives to cut vegetables into halves (fastened with Velcro).
- How many pieces have you cut your vegetable into? Let's count: one, two. You have cut into two halves.

Drawing with finger paints "Mefody the goat's garden"

Show the goat Methodius in the picture. What vegetables grow in his garden? Cabbage, carrots, tomatoes. We will now color these vegetables. What color will we color the cabbage with? In green. What color will we color the tomato? In red. What color will we color the carrots with? Orange.

Exercise "Move the peas"

The bunny is hungry again. Let's feed him peas. Spoon the peas out of the pot and place them on a plate.

Pea pod molding

Children sculpt a sausage from green plasticine and press peas into it.

Finger gymnastics "Salting cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop.
Straight palms movements
We are three, three carrots,
Rub your palms together
We salt and salt the cabbage.
Pinch your fingers.
We are squeezing cabbage, squeezing.
Compress and unclench the cams.

Show of the table theater "Kozel Methodius"

Who is there wandering in the garden?
- It's me, the goat Methodius.
- For what kind of cases?
- I help the watchmen.
I guard the cabbage
I protect each leaf ...
- Why cabbage suddenly,
Not a radish
And not a bow?
How is it, tell me, Methodius ?!
You forgot about them, it turns out!
- I have not forgotten anything,
But there is not enough strength for everything.
I do not know how to guard a bow,
And from the radish I'm losing weight.
And the cabbage is good
And she needs a watchman
Because the most delicious
Very tasty -
Cabbage leaf!

Vocabulary work "Big and small"

Cucumber is a cucumber.
Potatoes are potatoes.
Cabbage - cabbage.
Tomato is a tomato.
Bow is an onion.
Garlic - garlic.
Carrots are carrots.
Beetroot - beetroot.

Musical-rhythmic exercise "Harvest"

To the song of the same name, children beat out the rhythm on a metallophone.

- additional material on the topic "Mushrooms".


boletus, boletus, boletus, fly agaric, chanterelle,russula, mushroom, leg, hat, forest, glade,

moss, stump, basket, butter dish, honey mushroom, flywheel, milk mushroom, mushroom,volnushka, toadstool, mycelium, thicket,

basket, mushroom picker,strawberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries,lingonberry, cloudberry, cranberry,

strawberries, compote, jam.


grow, stand, hide, blush, grow, cook,collect, cook, cut, dry, salt,

marinate, get lost, haunt.


white, red, ginger, small, old, edible,inedible, wormy, mushroom (rain, summer,

glade, year), raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry,cranberry, cloudberry, strawberry.


near, far, close.

Finger gymnastics


Here is a basket - so a basket!

There are gooseberries in it,

There are raspberries in it,

And wild strawberries

And garden strawberries

There are lingonberries and blueberries!

Come visit us!

The berries that we find in it

There is no healthier and tastier!

WITH ... Vasilieva

(Pretend surprisespread their arms to the sides.)

(Curl your fingers startingfrom big, at the same time

on the right and left hands.)

(Make an invitergesture - movement of hands on


(Alternately rhythmicallybang on fist and palm on Palm .)

Coordination of the movement "We are coming Forest"

Goals: to teach to coordinate speech with movement, to developcreative imagination, reinforced in speech

nouns -names of mushrooms, develop fine motor skills.

We are going to the autumn forest.

And the forest is full of miracles!

It rained in the forest yesterday-

This is very good.

We will look for mushrooms

And collect in a basket.

Here the boletus is sitting,

On a hemp - honey agarics,

And in the moss - chanterelles,

Friendly sisters.

"Boletus, lump,

Get into the box!

Well, and you, fly agaric,

Decorate the autumn forest ”.

I. Mikheeva

(They march in place.)

(They spread their hands in parties are "surprised".)

(Shake your palms both hands.)

(They clap their hands.)

(Put your palm toforehead, they look at one,then the other way.)

(They bring their hands in front of them- "basket".)

(Fold over one by onefinger on both hands

simultaneously for eachthe name of the mushroom.)

(Make alluring hand movements.)

(Threaten with a forefingerfinger of your right hand.)


Goals: develop common priesthood skills: clarity of jurisdiction,correct sound pronunciation, correct

The course of the game. The teacher offers children a competition: whowill pronounce the tongue twister faster and more correctly.

Hemp has five honey agarics again.


Purpose: to develop common vernacular skills, to work onintonation expressiveness of speech.

- We went with you?

- Come on.

- Did you find a birch tree?


-I gave it to you?


- Did you take it?

-Take it.

-So where is he?


-Birch tree.


- We went with you?

- Come on.


Game "Who got lost?"

Goals: develop auditory attention.

The course of the game. The teacher says: “Imagine that we arewent to the forest, someone got lost and shouted "Ay!"

One of the children turns back to the rest.say "Ay!" with different

Game "In the woods"

Goals: step up and enrich the vocabulary of children bylexical topic "Mushrooms".

The course of the game. The teacher invites the children to listen to the storyand add it. You can put it in front of

childrenthe image of mushrooms.

Autumn has come. You will go into the forest and you will gasp. The trees inthey stand in a golden dress, make their way through the branches

solar rays.You look around and you will understand - it is not for nothing that they say thatautumn forest gifts

rich. Red hats are flickering under the aspen tree. It's friendlylittle family. And under the birch, slender (...)

stand. You will go further intoforest and you will see red hats covered in moss. Spread the moss with your hands, and there

sisters - (...) lurked.are they sitting on a stump? Experienced mushroom picker immediately

will understand that it is (...). But the luckiest one who is in the depths of the forest important mushroom

will find - (...).

I. Mikheeva, S. Chesheva

A game “What kind of jam? What compote? "

Goals: develop grammatical speech (educationrelative adjectives, agreement

adjectives withcreatures).

Hodgry. The teacher invites the child to answerquestions of the girl Katya. It is necessary to follow

correctness ends (raspberry jam, raspberry compote).

Autumn is preparation time.stock up on sweet jam for Nazim and

fragrant compote.Early in the morning, he was in the woods for years. not close.

Grandma, - Katya asked. - If I have a raspberrycollect, what kind of compote will turn out? (...) And the jam

which? (...)

What if we find blueberries, - Katya continued to reflect.

What kind of compote will turn out? (...) And what kind of jam? (...)

Well, what if we get lingonberries? What kind of compote will we cook?(...) What kind of jam? (...)

My favorite cranberry jam. Guess which one? (...)

And I love compote made from cloudberries. Guess which one? (...)

So unnoticed, the grandmother and her granddaughter approached the gladeske, on which, apparently, invisibly there were strawberries.

Which Will grandma cook the compote? (...) What kind of jam? (...)

S. Chesheva

The game "Extra berry"

Goals: learn to recognize familiar berries, fix namesto reinforce the concept of "forest" and

"Garden berries"; to train in the definition of the presence of sound [a] in its words places in it

(beginning, middle, end), develop visual Attention.

The course of the game. The teacher puts pictures in front of the children withimages of berries (for example: cranberries,

blueberries, strawberries),asks to name the berries and say which berry is superfluous. Educatorasks every child

explain your choice.

For example:

Extra strawberries, because they are a garden berry, and all the others are forest.

The child determines whether the name of the berry contains the sound [a] and inwhat part of the word it is.

Words: lingonberry, strawberry, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry,currants, blueberries, gooseberries.

The game "Make a diagram"

Goals: consolidate the skill of analyzing sentences into words.

Hodgry. The teacher invites children to listensentences, count the number of words

draw diagrams. Reminds , that the proposals may meet "smallwords "- prepositions.

For example:

The autumn forest is rich in gifts.

There are a lot of strawberries in the forest clearing. Undera boletus hid like a spruce branch. On thesour cranberries ripened in the swamp.

Game "Gather mushrooms"

Goals: improve phonemic processes, teachselect words for a given sound.

Hodgry. The teacher puts a box in front of the childrenwritten on it with the letter "n" and offers

children put in itonly those mushrooms (dummies, pictures), in the name of which there is a sound[n].

Words: honey mushroom, buttermilk, boletus, boletus.


Goals: develop auditory attention, auditory memory, learncoherent monologue

(interpretation of the riddle).

The course of the game. The teacher makes a riddle, the children guess.One of the kids explain the meaning.

The rest complement.Then everyone learns any riddle together.

I greet you with a brown hat.

I a modest fungus without any embellishment.

Under I found shelter with a white birch.

Tell me children, what is my name?

(Brown birch tree)

In the autumn forest in September

IN boring rainy day

A mushroom has grown in all its glory

Important, proud.

His house is under the aspen,

The hat is red on it.

This mushroom is familiar to many.

What shall we call it?


Red hat, polka dots on the hat,

A short skirt with a white leg.

Beautiful fungus, but it won't fool you

Who knows about him - will not touch him.

All people have known for a long time

That the mushroom is filled with poison ... (fly agaric).

Text to retell

Mitka picked up so many mushrooms that he could not get acrosshome. He stacked them in the forest. At the dawn of Mitka

went to get mushrooms.

The mushrooms were carried away, and he began to cry. His mother told him:

Why are you crying? Or our cakes were eaten by the cats?

Then Mitkestal is funny, laughed.

L. Tolstoy


Why did Mitya leave mushrooms in the forest?

What happened in the morning?

What did mom say?

Text to retell


Sanka and his younger sister Varya are walking out of the woods. Typedstrawberries, carried in boxes.

My grandmother looked and chuckled:

What are you, Sanya ... Little Varya has typed more than you!

Still would! - Sanka answers. - She doesn't have to bend down, hereand scored more.

Sanka and Varya are walking out of the forest again, pulling baskets of mushrooms oil.

Well, Sanya, says grandmother. typed more.

Still would! - Sanka answers. - She is closer to the ground, that's typed.

For the third time they set off for the forest of Varya Sanka.gather. And I went with them.

And suddenly I see how Sanka, imperceptibly from Varya, gives herberries in a box. Varya will turn away, and he will take and

sprinkle ...

We go back. Varya has more berries, Sanka has less.

There is a grandmother.

Well , - he says, - Sanya ... Raspberries are highgrowing! It's easier for you to reach, but Varya got more!

Still would! - Sanka answers. - Varya is great,

Varya is a worker. You can't keep up with her.

According to E. Shim


What were Sanka and Varya carrying in the boxes?

What did grandma say?

What did Sanka answer?

What did Sanya and Varya collect in the forest for the second and third time?

What did Sanka answer to his grandmother every time?

Why do you think Sanka added berries to Varya?

Card file for outdoor games and finger gymnastics on the topics “Vegetables. Fruits"

A card index containing outdoor games (physical education minutes) and finger gymnastics is offered.

Target: development of general and fine motor skills; coordination of speech with movement; work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

"Vegetables. Vegetable garden "," Fruits. Garden".



Card file for outdoor games and finger gymnastics

on this topic

"Vegetables. Fruits"

Target: development of general and fine motor skills;coordination of speech with movement; work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.

Themes of calendar-thematic planning (for which this card index is proposed):"Vegetables. Garden","Fruits. Garden".

Outdoor games and finger gymnastics on the theme “Vegetables. Garden".

"Harvest" .

Let's go to the garden

We will collect the harvest.

(March in place.)

We train carrots

("They are dragging." To depict how carrots are pulled out of the ground.)

And we'll dig up the potatoes.

("Digging." Depict digging.)

We will cut a head of cabbage,

("Cut off." To depict how a head of cabbage is cut off the ground.)

Round, juicy, delicious,

(Show the circle with your hands - 3 times.)

Let's pick a little sorrel

("Tear." To depict how sorrel is torn.)

And let's go back along the path.

(March in place.)

N.V. Nishcheva


One evening in the garden

Turnip, beet, radish, onion

They decided to play hide and seek,

But first they stood in a circle.

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands, in the center of the circle is a driver with a blindfold.)

Calculated clearly right there:

One, two, three, four, five.

(They stop, twist the driver.)

Hide better, hide deeper

Well, you go and look.

(Run up, squat, the driver is looking.)

N.V. Nishcheva

"Grandpa sowed peas"

Grandfather sowed peas.

(They stand with their faces in a circle. They make rhythmic jumps on toes, hands on the belt.)

The peas were not bad at all.

(Alternately stamp their feet in place.)

Round, sonorous,

Yellow, smooth,

Very smooth, very sweet.

(The child - "grandfather", standing inside the circle, makes the same movements.


Suddenly a bag of peas fell.

(By jumping, the children scatter around the group.)

Poor grandfather gasped.

There were peas, and on you -

Rolled on the hut!

On the word "hut" the child - "grandfather" begins to stain the children. Each newly stained child joins the chain of peas that line up behind the grandfather. "Grandfather" must collect all the "peas".

At the end, the children form a circle. Stand facing in a circle. They make rhythmic jumps on toes, hands on the belt.

N.V. Nishcheva

"Basket with vegetables"

With a large basket I go to the garden

A multicolored people grow in the beds.

(Children walk in circles holding hands)

Here is a red, pot-bellied senior tomato.

And there is a zucchini, straddling the fence.

The rosy radish was covered with a leaf.

A green onion grows together in a row.

The yellow turnip burns like the sun.

And with a black radish, laughing, he speaks.

Purple satin hanging eggplant.

He is here like a guest from strange countries.

Here is a carrot creeping like a red fox.

And then there are two gray heads of garlic.

And a juicy, curly, crispy salad.

(They stop with their faces in a circle, bend one finger, first on the left, then on the right, for each name of vegetables)

All together in a basket lie like a mountain.

(Walking in circles again, holding hands)

N.V. Nishcheva

"Bunny and cabbage"


There is a wattle fence in the garden.

For the wicker cabbage,

Crunchy sweet.

Bunnies want cabbage

The hungry belly is empty.

Bunnies - jump into the garden,

And there is a watchman at the gate.

Run away, bunnies, away

You have to help yourself.

One two Three,

Catch the hares.

(In the center of the group there is a child - "watchman". He puts his hands to his eyes like binoculars. Children - "bunnies" jump around the group. "Bunnies" jump close to the "watchman", jump around him, tease. The “watchman” rushes to catch the “rabbits.” Children run away behind the line at the end of the group.)

N.V. Nishcheva

Finger gymnastics.


O.I. Krupenchuk


Autumn is coming to visit us,

The crop carries with it:

(Alternately: claps, punching.)

Round cabbage,

(Spread the elbows to the sides. Connect the fingers of both hands with ball-shaped pads (cabbage).)

Dark-skinned potatoes,

(Clench both hands into fists (potatoes).)

Sweet carrots

(Bring the fingers of the right hand together and hide the thumb. The fingers are pointing down.)

Beetroot is smooth.

(Connect the fingers of your right hand with pads and round slightly (beets).)

E.A. Savelieva

"Lariska has two radishes"

V. Volina

"Vegetables" .

N.V. Nishcheva

"We invite you to the garden"

We invite people:

(Make a gesture "towards yourself" with your hands.)

Come into the garden!

(Spread your arms out to the sides in front of you.)

Walk between the ridges -

(The index and middle fingers of both hands, like legs, "step" on the table.)

There are cucumbers

(To depict a cucumber, to do this, fold your fingers in the shape of an oval.)

The tomatoes are hanging

They want it straight into the mouth.

(To depict a tomato, to do this, fold your fingers in a circle.)

A turnip is ripening nearby

Neither thick nor sparse.

(To depict a turnip, to do this, fold your fingers in the shape of a heart.)

We will pick up vegetables

(Round up left hand like a basket, and right hand Put imaginary vegetables in it.)

For yourself and for friends.

(Show your hand at yourself, then at others.)

O.A. Novikovskaya


Knock. Knock. Knock.

There is a knock in the house.

We chopped the cabbage

(Rhythmic strikes with the edge of the palm on the table.)


(The palms rub against each other.)


(The index and middle fingers rub against the thumb.)

And they stuffed it tightly into a tub.

(Strikes with both hands on the table.)

Everything is in order now.

(They shake off their hands.)

N.V. Nishcheva


What's that creak? What a crunch?

(Rub your fist against your fist.)

What is this bush?

(Depict a cabbage bush: put your palms together in the wrist area, spread your fingers.)

How to be without crunch?

(Rub palm on palm.)

If I am a cabbage!

(To depict a head of cabbage: clench your left hand into a fist, and grasp it with your right palm.)

It's hot in summer, stuffy in summer -

(Fan your arms around yourself.)

Cabbage asks for rain.

(Fingers of both hands (alternately) knock on the table, imitating rain.)

O.A. Novikovskaya


O.A. Novikovskaya


O.A. Novikovskaya

Outdoor games and finger gymnastics on the topic “Fruits. Garden".

Outdoor games (physical education).

"The Hedgehog and the Drum".

A hedgehog walks with a drum, Boom-boom-boom!

The hedgehog plays all day, Boom-boom-boom!

(They march in a circle, imitating drumming.)

With a drum on your back, boom boom boom!

The hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident, Boom-boom-boom!

(They walk in a circle, hiding their hands behind their backs.)

He loved apples very much, Boom-boom-boom!

(Now with one hand, now with the other hand, they bring an imaginary apple to their mouth.)

The drum in the garden he forgot, Boom-boom-boom.

(They stop, throw up their hands.)

Apples fell off at night, Boom-boom-boom.

(Hands on the belt, jumping in place.)

And the blows rang out, boom boom boom.


The hares got cold feet, Boom-boom-boom!

We didn't close our eyes until dawn, Boom-boom-boom!

(They make "ears" from their palms, slowly squat, sit, tremble, cover their eyes with their hands.)

N.V. Nishcheva


We were sharing an orange.

There are many of us, but he is one.

(They walk in a circle holding hands.)

This slice is for a hedgehog.

This is a slice for a swift.

This is a slice for ducklings.

This is a slice for kittens.

This slice is for the beaver.

(Stop facing in a circle.

Bend one finger, starting with the thumb, for each name of the animal.)

And for the wolf - the peel.

(They depict the mouth of a wolf with both hands.)

He is angry with us - trouble !!!

(They squat down. Cover their heads with their hands.)

Run away, who where!

(They run up.)

N.V. Nishcheva

Finger gymnastics.

"Garden" .

The garden was fenced in

(Depict a fence: put your palms together so that the fingers of one palm are between the fingers of the other.)

So that the trees live longer.

To the garden from the street

(Spread your arms in front of you, depicting the street.)

Chickens did not go

(With both hands, depict "Cockerel" (the index finger touches the thumb - it turns out a "beak", the rest of the fingers are raised up in a fan - this is a "comb").)

O.A. Novikovskaya

"We planted a garden in the spring".

We planted a garden in the spring

(Depict trees with both hands (palms upright, fingertips up, fingers spread out) and wiggle them slightly.)

And Semyon was lying by the ridges.

(Place your palms under your cheek.)

Here we are eating apples,

(Bring the "apple" to your mouth - two fists folded together, click your teeth.)

But we won't give it to Semyon.

(Shake your index finger.)

We don't need lazy people here -

(Wave your hands in front of your chest from side to side.)

Come Semyon out of the garden!

(Wave both hands away from you at the same time.)

O.A. Novikovskaya

"Sun" .

I draw a yellow circle -

(Use your right index finger to "draw" a circle in the air.)

Lots of sticks around.

(Show index fingers.)

This sun is shining -

(Cross your arms at wrist level, spread your fingers as if it were the sun's rays.)


(Connect your arms above your head so that you get a "roof".)

And our garden warms.

(Depict trees with both hands (palms upright, fingertips up, fingers spread out) and wiggle them slightly.)

O.A. Novikovskaya

"Fruits" .

O.I. Krupenchuk

"We collect fruits".

I do not break my thumbs -

Collecting pears!

(The left hand in a semicircle in front of the chest - "basket", the right - "tears pears from the tree and puts them in the basket.")

Pick the apples - I'll call a friend

(Change of hands.)

I peel a banana -

(The left hand "holds a banana", the right hand "peels a banana".)

I'll give it to a friend too!

(Reach forward with a banana.)

O.I. Krupenchuk


N.V. Nishcheva

"Fruits" .

N.V. Nishcheva

"Watermelon" .

O.A. Novikovskaya

"Apple" .

O.A. Novikovskaya


  1. Konovalenko, V.V. Articulation, finger gymnastics and breathing-vocal exercises. - M., 2014 .-- 16 p.
  2. Krupenchuk, O. I. We train fingers - we develop speech! Junior group kindergarten. - SPB, 2015 - 32 p.
  3. Krupenchuk, O. I. We train fingers - we develop speech! Middle group kindergarten. - SPB, 2015 - 32 p.
  4. Nishcheva, N.V. Card files guidelines for parents of preschoolers with ONR.- SPb., 2007.-240 p.
  5. Nishcheva, N.V. Modern system correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 3 to 7 years old)). - SPb. , 2013 .-- 624 p.
  6. Novikovskaya, O.A. Pure words, tongue twisters, finger games, poetry for the development of speech / O. Novikovskaya. - M .: 2015 .-- 96 p.
  7. Savelyeva, E. A. Finger and gesture games in verse for preschoolers. - SPb. , 2013 .-- 64 p.

Compiled by: Educator MADOU №4 " Kindergarten combined type ", Belousova Inna Vladimirovna

1. Development of fine motor skills

Perform actions in accordance with the content of the poems.

I take off the berries from the branches
And I collect it in a basket.
Berries - a complete basket
I'll try a little.
I'll sing a little more
The way to the house will be easier.
I'll eat more raspberries.
How many berries are in a pot?
One, two, three, four, five...
I will collect again.
(I. Lopukhina)

The finger is thick and big
I went into the garden for plums.
Indicative from the threshold
Showed him the way.
The middle finger is the most accurate:
He knocks the plums off the branch.
The nameless eats
And the little finger is the lord
Planting bones in the ground.

Bend the fingers alternately, first with the right and then with the left hand.

We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is one.
This slice is for hedgehogs,
This slice is for shrinking,
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for the wolf - the peel.
He is angry with us - trouble.
Run who where!

2. Mimic exercises

Express the pleasure of the pleasant scent of strawberry jam, the scent of a rose, the scent of an apple.
Sweet apple. Convey an emotional state: you eat a sweet apple, sweet grapes, sour lemon, tart persimmon or quince.
Express your state in situations: you see a worm in an apple, a worm gnaws an apple.

The apple fell on our head.

3. Exercises for the neck muscles.
Respiration development

Inhale through your nose - turn your head to the left. We saw a very large apple. Exhale through the mouth with the pronunciation of the sound 0-0-0. Turn your head to the right. What a huge pear. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

4. Exercises for chewing-articulation muscles

Play exercise"Chewing a hard pear."

5. Exercises for lips and cheeks

Apple cheeks. Your cheeks are round as apples. Inflate both cheeks.
Let's hide our word behind the cheek. Inflate alternately the right and then the left cheek.
Round grape. Pull the lips forward with a narrow tube.
Banana. Smile, lifting the corners of your lips up. The lips are closed.

6. Exercise for the tongue

The tongue crawls through the gap in the fence into the garden. The "wide" tongue is forced between the teeth.
The fence stakes are sharp - like that. Show "sharp" tongue.
Take turns sticking out the "wide", then the "narrow" tongue.

Put your tongue with a spatula
And hold it calmly.
Tongue "peg" then
Pull with a thin tip.

Cup. Make a "cup" out of the tongue. “I will pour orange juice into the Car, apple juice into Kolina, plum juice into Dima. What juice should I pour you, Sasha? "

Sniffing garden flowers(roses, chrysanthemums). Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
Harvesting... We pluck an apple from a high branch. The starting position is to stand straight. Raise your arms - inhale. We put the apples in the basket. Lower your arms, tilt your body forward and down - exhale.
Plucked and tasted quince. Tasty quince: "Fa-fo, phy-fu!"
Masha and Dasha in the garden... The girls came to the garden, saw many, many fruits and were surprised: "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dog ran out and barked: "Av-av-av-av!" (On one exhale, at first quietly, then loudly.)
Fruit conversations. Pronouncing syllabic combinations on behalf of different fruits. Apple is angry with the Caterpillar: "Fu-fa-fu!" Cherries ask Skvortsov not to peck them: "Pta-pty-pto, pta-ptu-pty."
Apples fall on the grass: "Bam-bom-boom!"
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