Isometric exercises at home. System of isometric and static muscle exercises

Everyone knows isometric exercises and the history of this strong man. It was he who, in 1924, with a height of 160 cm and a weight of 80 kg, easily lifted the piano together with the musician. It didn't take much effort for him to lift the horse off the ground or playfully break the iron chains. This is an example of a static load, when, in the absence of movement, a forceful action can be performed due to the strength of the tendons and the ultimate muscle tension.

In the 60s, Americans "rediscovered" the method and called strength exercises isometric and isotonic. Difference between them is that in the first case, muscle contraction creates static tension. In the second, when exposed to nerve impulses, the length of the fibers decreases and energy is lost for movement.

Features of the method

Thanks to the unique system of Iron Samson, aimed not at hypertrophy, but at increasing the endurance of the tendons, many can achieve such results. According to the author, large biceps are not considered an indicator of strength, just as a bulging belly is not a sign of healthy digestion.

It is appropriate to recall the achievements of another strong man Bruce lee... For a short sports career the martial artist has managed to build muscles that have been compared to warm marble. Although he used a lot different techniques, but isometric exercises Bruce Lee has always been listed as number 1. These are:

  1. different types presses;
  2. lifts on the fingers;
  3. quarter squat on the bar;
  4. "frog".

What is the Zassa system

The point is that the athlete seeks to perform an action that obviously exceeds his physical capabilities. For example, lifting a car off the ground. Although the example is exaggerated, the principle is clear. The main thing is that during work in the isometric mode, tension in the muscles gradually builds up, and after reaching a peak and a short-term delay, it is released. Exercise duration Samson depends on the degree of load - the time varies within 3-12 seconds... If you apply up to 70% of the force, you need to hold out in a pause for 10 seconds, with full recoil, 3 is enough. The workout takes no more than 15 minutes.

Types of strength exercises

Practices are divided into 3 groups:

  • techniques that create maximum static stress;
  • lightweight with burden and delay at peak points;
  • dynamic with heavy weights, smoothly flowing into static climaxes.

When all 3 types are combined, the muscles experience tremendous tension. it increases endurance, trains gigantic strength and quickly pumps up muscles that are lagging behind in development.

By investing all the power in pushing, pulling, compressing, lifting, the athlete uses all muscle groups, which gives amazing fast growth strength.

What to do with

Practitioners perform with improvised shells: rods, ropes, sticks, leather cords or bypass no attributes... For example, you can squeeze your palms in front of your chest, or try to open your fingers that are locked into a lock. For their implementation, isometric simulators in the form of an iron frame with metal pipes fixed on both sides were also created. The author of the method used chains. To the links, he attached triangular handles with hooks, which he used to adjust the length of the chain.

How to do

  1. Start with. It takes longer for injured tendons to heal than it does.
  2. At first, do isometric loads with little tension and go to serious work no earlier than after a month of regular training.
  3. After completing, relieve stress: walk or do a couple breathing technician.
  4. Combine practices with,.

People with cardiovascular problems, hypertensive patients, they unsuitable.

Samson's main complex

When they are executed not necessary put pressure on the projectile. Important focus on muscle work and maintain even breathing.

Tendon Exercise for the Back and Rear Deltas

  1. Grab the chain bent arms at chest level and pull it in opposite directions.
  2. Inhale with your stomach, exhale from the noises at the peak moment of tension.

For chest

  1. At the same time, stretching the links behind the back will help to train the pectoral muscles and triceps beams.
  2. Wrap the chain around the body and, as you inhale, stretch the links with the power of your lats and pectorals.
  3. Bring it out by the top of your head and do the same with the power of your triceps.

Isometry for arms and legs

Option number 1

This practice requires a pair of chains with handles attached.

  1. Insert your feet into the lower loops, grasp the upper edge with your palms and pull up with all your might.
  2. Then lengthen the chains, lift to the collarbone, and pull in a straight path above the head.

Option number 2

  1. Holding one end at the bottom with one hand, pull the other vertically.
  2. Change the position of your limbs and continue training your biceps and triceps.

Option number 3

  1. Put a loop on your right foot, with your right hand bent, lift it vertically up.
  2. Pull your leg down as you straighten your elbow.
  3. Work both sides.

Option number 4

  1. Fasten one handle to the hook in the wall at the belt line;
  2. the second try to pull it out of the wall.

Zass Belt Exercise

The exercise with the Zass belt deserves special attention. It is convenient because the training equipment is always with you. The principle is the same: the accessory is stretched horizontally and vertically at the front and back.

Alternatively perform with a rope.

How to build an isometric workout

A program for those who are ready to find 20 minutes of time to study every other day:

  • isometric push-ups;
  • static bench press holding the bar for 10 seconds in outstretched arms (3 sets);
  • isometric press with incomplete amplitude - lower the bar by 20 cm and work with less weight (3 x 4).
  • bench press narrow grip from a prone position to increase triceps strength or push-ups on the uneven bars.

For beginners 2 technicians are enough. In each subsequent month, add one at a time and bring them to six.

Isometric training according to the method of Alexander Zass in video format

The essence of isometric exercises is that within 6-12 seconds the maximum effort is spent to counteract the resistance of an object. This is what distinguishes isometric exercises, in which muscle contraction causes only its tension, from isotonic exercises, during which, due to muscle contraction, its length changes.

First of all, it is necessary to say about the obvious advantages of this type of exercise.

At first, this is a tremendous time saving. It only takes a few minutes to engage the muscles with these exercises.

Secondly, for this a short time muscles do not have time to get tired to such an extent as during a regular training (lasting 1-2 hours), after which it takes 24-36 hours to fully rest the muscles, and without sufficient rest, as has been said many times, neither muscle strength nor their strength increases weight.

Since the time required for rest is reduced when doing isometric exercises, you can train much more often.

Finally, one of the biggest benefits of isometric exercises is that it is very convenient to develop and strengthen the muscles that need it most at the moment.

When performing traditional isotonic-dynamic exercises, the maximum muscle tension lasts only a few seconds, that is, in the sum of all the exercises done (in 1-2 hours), no more than 2-6 minutes per workout.

Isometric exercises can be done with just a few minutes a day to accomplish the same task. At the same time, the increase in muscle strength in this case is not inferior to the increase in strength when doing isotonic exercises.

When doing isometric exercises, the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the muscles contract. The cells are forced to work more intensively and do not expend as much energy as during isotonic muscle movement (in which most of the energy is spent on ensuring the movement itself).

Thus, all muscle energy when performing isometric exercises is spent only on tension, and not on movement. Therefore, muscle development takes place in a much shorter time.

Types of isometric exercises and methods of their implementation

By the nature of the performance, isometric exercises are divided into three groups:

  1. isometric-static exercises in their pure form, when the maximum muscular tension counteracts resistance, which cannot be overcome;
  2. exercises with weights, during which they stop for a few seconds (thereby creating isometric tension);
  3. exercises with the maximum possible weights, the initial phase of which has a pronounced isotonic-dynamic character, but the main phase is isometric-static, since already at a distance of 12-15 cm from the initial position of the bar, an obstacle is installed that stops the movement.

By using similar exercises you can force the muscles to experience maximum tension in the most effective and necessary phase of movement at a given moment.

Isometric exercises can most effectively increase the strength of muscles that are lagging behind, or muscle groups, which for an athlete, for one reason or another, are of paramount importance.

To perform isometric exercises, a special simulator structure was created, which is easy to make yourself. It is an iron frame (110-120 cm wide and 200-230 cm high), on both sides of which a metal pipe can be fixed.

But isometric exercises can be performed without special devices, using for them any solid object fixed in space that provides the muscles with such a resistance that they, even being in maximum tension, are not able to overcome.

Basic isometric exercises:

  • traction;
  • squatting.

Success can be achieved by doing all 3 of these exercises: one bench press, one deadlift, and one squat.

To this three, you can add 2 other exercises:

  • lifting on toes;
  • lifting the shoulders.

More experienced and enduring bodybuilders to achieve best results can be engaged in the "three deuces" system (when each of these exercises is performed 2 times), or according to the "three threes" system (when the exercises are performed 3 times).

There are several options for the position of the bar when pressing:

  • low position (at the level of the chin);
  • middle position (at eye level);
  • the upper position (3-5 cm below the bar that was squeezed out to failure).

There are also three positions when pulling:

  • low position (at knee level);
  • middle position (at the level of the hips);
  • top position (at waist level).

There are also three positions when squatting:

  • low position (squat);
  • middle position (half squat);
  • upper position (squat on slightly bent legs).

If one exercise is performed from each group, the middle position is most often chosen as the most effective.

A series of isometric exercises of 5 exercises, each taking 12 seconds to complete (plus a 1 minute break after each exercise), lasts a total of 6 minutes. This series can be repeated 2-3 times, maximum 6 times (periodically changing the position).

Stresses, depending on the duration, can be:

  • short (6 seconds);
  • medium (9 seconds);
  • long (12 seconds).

The intervals between exercises usually do not exceed 45-60 seconds, which, as a rule, is enough to restore normal breathing. The entire static isometric workout should not take more than 15-20 minutes.

When performing isometric exercises for the first time, care must be taken: at first, the tension should be limited to 6 seconds, given that it should not be maximum. After some time, you can go to 9-12 seconds of maximum tension with holding your breath.

Isometric exercises can be performed daily, since after them you do not feel much fatigue. But at the same time, you should not abuse too much volume in an effort to achieve noticeable results as quickly as possible.

Despite all its advantages, isometric exercises cannot completely replace dynamic ones, which allow you to develop certain abilities that cannot be achieved with the help of isometric exercises alone.

Objectively approaching the assessment of isometric exercises, it is necessary to note a number of their weaknesses in comparison with dynamic ones: they do not supply the muscles with blood so intensively, contribute to muscle shortening, and do not develop coordination of movements and motor abilities of muscles.

Static exercises, while increasing the strength of the muscles, at the same time lead to the loss of the muscles' ability to move quickly. Dynamic exercises, due to the optimal ability to conduct excitation (innervation), are very effective in this regard.

With the simultaneous development of static and dynamic strength in an athlete, innervation does not deteriorate: the muscle strength acquired through static exercises is also manifested in speed strength... Moreover, the results of dynamic training are significantly improved.

Today, the development method is considered optimal. muscle strength combining static strength-building exercises with dynamic and relaxation exercises.

Bob Hoffman, in his book "One Minute Every Day - For Physical Endurance, Strength and Health" suggests doing 12 isometric exercises without shells for 1-2 minutes.

The author offers a set of exercises that do not require any special equipment, recommends using a wooden or metal door frame (door jamb) or a regular wall that is available in any room as a counter object.

Here are the 12 exercises.

  • In a standing position (without tilting your head back and not bending your knees), press on the upper frame with the palms of your hands, which are slightly bent at the elbows.
  • Sitting down, apply pressure to the upper frame.
  • Rise on your toes as high as possible and stay in this position for 6 seconds. Despite the fact that this exercise is only partly isometric, it is very effective.
  • This exercise develops the muscles of the neck. To perform it, stand with your back to the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Press the back of your head against the wall, placing something soft under your head.
  • This exercise is similar to the previous one, but you need to press on the wall not with the back of your head, but with your forehead.
  • To develop the muscles of the arms, perform next exercise... Put the palms together and press with one hand on the other.
  • This exercise is similar to exercise 6, but you need to connect your hands only with your fingers.
  • Press with both hands on the vertical parts of the door frame.
  • Press on the horizontal part of the door frame alternately with one or the other hand, slightly bent at the elbow.
  • Press with both hands, straightened at the elbows, on the vertical parts of the door frame.
  • Pull the object attached to the door frame downwards.
  • In a sitting position (bending your knees under different angles) put pressure on the vertical parts of the frame with your feet.

The duration of each exercise should not be more than 4-6 seconds.

It is useful to combine this complex with a variety of movements that develop speed and flexibility ( sport games, running and swimming). Many bodybuilders use them as a supplement to their core workouts.

Often, the new is the well-forgotten old. Many effective techniques physical improvement, used earlier, today are perceived as a new word in the development of sports. And this is not surprising. These techniques and shells have passed the test of time. Moreover, the kettlebell takes one of the first places in this row in terms of its versatility.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Many believe that to strengthen muscles, increase their strength, and in general for effective training you need to do a lot of dynamic exercises as long as possible. However, this is not true. Therefore, further you will learn how else you can train your body without harm, fatigue and loss of time.

What is Isometric Exercise

Unlike the familiar to many intense workout, isometric exercises are constant muscle tension in statics. That is, without changing the position of the body, you work out the muscles and tendons absolutely no worse than during dynamic load, and sometimes even better. The huge advantage of this way of getting stronger is that you don't have to spend a lot of time doing the exercises, and the results will be even better.

Performing exercises for the chest, back, legs or arms in dynamics, the static work of the muscles of the body does not occur constantly, and in total it can sometimes reach only 2-3 minutes. for a lesson of 1-1.5 hours. In the case of static exercises, the opposite is true: the time of tension of your body is equal to how much you spent on training. To work out the muscles for 10 minutes, you will need a little more, given the change in position and preparation.

How to do isometric exercises

As before any workout, doing isometric exercises requires pre-warming up or simply exercising. To do this, you can make swings with your hands, lifting your shoulders, bending to the sides, back and forth, lifting on your toes. After you feel warmth in your body, you can start the activity itself. General requirements:

  • Each exercise should be performed with an inhalation.
  • All efforts to resist are applied smoothly, gradually. You can not work with sharp muscle contractions.
  • Each approach is given up to 10 seconds, the number of approaches for one exercise is 2-3.
  • In general, one workout should take no more than 20 minutes.
  • You can train like that at least every day, alternating with dynamics.
  • Develop a routine that you will practice daily.

Isometric Neck Exercises

Perform isometric exercises for cervical can be absolutely anywhere, even sitting in the office, which will be especially useful for those who spend most of their time in sitting position... Static exercises for the face and neck:

  1. Lying on your back, start pressing the back of your head on the floor.
  2. While lying on your stomach, press your forehead against the floor.
  3. Sitting at the table, fold your arms in front of you and rest your head on them. Press firmly with your forehead.
  4. Fold your hands into the lock at the back of your head and start pressing, while resisting with your head.

Isometric Back Exercises

Performing isometric exercises for the back will help not only to strengthen it, but also to align the posture, because gymnastics is aimed at both straight lines and latissimus... Isometric training in several versions:

  1. Lying on your stomach, take your hands back and press along the body or fold into a lock at the back of the head. Raise your legs and shoulders upward, while straining strongly. Freeze, count out 5-6 seconds.
  2. Starting position, as in the previous paragraph. Raise only your shoulders, your legs are strongly pressed to the floor.
  3. Starting position from point 1. Tear off your legs from the floor by 10-15 cm, shoulders are firmly pressed to the floor.
  4. While standing, imitate pressing your fists on your hips on the sides.
  5. The same as in point 4, only the pressure is on the front of the thighs.

Isometric leg exercises

Like neck gymnastics, leg isometric exercises can be safely performed anywhere. Most of these occur while standing or sitting. Isometric gymnastics for leg muscles:

  1. Stand up straight, contract all the muscles in your legs. Do 3-4 sets of 10 seconds each.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend down and simulate spreading, resisting the muscles of the thighs.
  3. A similar position, only you need, on the contrary, to try to bring your legs together.
  4. Sitting on a chair, try to straighten your legs.
  5. The same position, only the feet must be resting against an obstacle, for example, a wall. Try to straighten your legs.

Isometric ab exercises

Great gymnastics for women at home that will help get rid of belly fat is isometric ab exercises. The process does not require much time, and the result due to such statics will not be long in coming. None power training cannot be compared with these simple but effective loads:

  1. Sit down at the table, put your hands in front of you and start pressing on the tabletop, while straining your abs strongly.
  2. While standing, begin to perform crunches with a delay, counting 5-6 seconds on each side.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees (90 degrees) and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. In this case, it is best to stretch your arms forward.
  4. Lying twist. At the same time, the legs are bent and stand on the floor, hands are locked behind the back of the head. On each side - 5-6 seconds in static position.

Isometric hand exercises

Who does not dream of beautiful hands or shoulders. This can be achieved using power load and dumbbells, or use isometric exercises for the hands of Alexander Zass, who actually founded this unique training system and proved its effectiveness by his example. It was not for nothing that he was also called “ Iron Samson»: This man could easily lift a horse on himself, and all thanks to only static loads. Favorite exercises Zass for arms and shoulders (you can do it with a rope or a belt):

  1. Put your hands on the doorway and begin to push it apart. The muscles in the shoulders and arms will be very tense. Hold on for up to 7 seconds. Repeat 2 more approaches.
  2. The arms are tied with a chain and bent in front of the chest, elbows at shoulder level. With the strength of your chest, shoulders and arms, begin to break the chain, as it were.
  3. Raise your arms with the chain over your head, and then try to spread your arms to the sides.
  4. Place the chain behind your back, and then use your hands to try to break the chain.

Isometric gymnastics for the knee joint

Exercise "Frozen knee"

In the event that, after an injury or surgery, movements in the knee joint are prohibited, then training of the knee joint begins with the quadriceps in the supine position.

Starting position - lying on your back with the affected knee fully extended.

Straining your quadriceps is large muscle hips in front, as if trying to extend the knee joint even more. The voltage continues for 20-30 seconds. After that, gently massage the muscle with your hands, relaxing it. Repeat 2-5 times.

Exercise "Revitalize the knee"

Starting position - lying on your back. A small roller is placed under the knee joint.

Lift the heel off the floor, fully straightening the knee joint. Hold the straightened knee for 20-30 seconds, then lower the heel down and lightly massage the thigh with your hand. Repeat 2-5 times. After 1-5 days, depending on your training schedule, place a roller under your knee bigger size- The range of motion of the knee joint also increases. After restoring the full range of motion of the knee joint, you can proceed to the exercise "Pendulum-knee" and others.

The stiff knee and revitalize the knee exercises are available from the very first day after an injury to the knee joint and its ligaments. These exercises begin the rehabilitation program after knee surgery.

Exercise "Pendulum-knee"

Starting position - sitting on a high couch, legs hang down freely.

One leg is straightened forward, the anterior thigh muscle (quadriceps of the thigh) contracts. Hold the isometric tension position for 20-30 seconds, after which you relax your leg, and it dangles freely like a pendulum for 5-10 seconds. Next, do the exercise for the other leg. The total number of repetitions for each leg is 3-5.

Exercise "Pendulum-knee with help"

Starting position - sitting on a high couch, legs hanging freely.

One leg is straightened forward, the anterior thigh muscle (quadriceps of the thigh) contracts. Hold the isometric tension position for 20-30 seconds. While contracting the muscles and straightening the knee joint, grasp and press with both hands the muscles and tendons of the leg above the knee joint ( thumbs on top, the rest of the fingers and the palm on the side and behind the joint), pressing them against the bones. This pressure facilitates muscle contraction and pain relief during exercise. Then relax your leg, it should hang freely and swing like a pendulum for 5-10 seconds. Next, do the exercise for the other leg. The total number of repetitions for each leg is 3-5.

Exercise "Squeeze the chair"

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Both feet rest their heels on the legs of the chair.

In the phase of isometric tension, press the legs of the chair with your heels, trying to bend your legs at the knee joints. Hold the tension for 20-30 seconds. Then you get up, take a step forward with one straightened leg, your hands are on the back of your lower back, supporting its bend.

Perform a slight forward bend, keeping the extended leg fully extended. During this phase, you feel a stretch back muscles exposed leg. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Next, stretch the second leg. Repeat the entire exercise 3-5 times.

Exercise "Compress the chair with the hands"

Perform the exercise "Compress the chair" and at the same time press down on the muscles and tendons. Grasp and press with both hands the muscles and tendons of the leg above the knee joint (thumbs on top, the rest of the fingers and palm on the side and back of the joint), pressing them against the bones.

Exercise "Shift feet"

Starting position - sitting on the couch. The hands are located at the back of the lower back, supporting the lumbar bend. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are placed on the floor as far forward as possible, the knees are slightly bent.

Alternately tear your heels off the floor (as if you are shifting in place), repeating the separation with each foot 10 times. Then you bring your feet a little closer to yourself - and repeat the movements again.

Knee vibration exercise

Starting position - sitting on a chair. The legs are bent at the knee joints, the feet are on the floor.

Alternately tap your heels on the floor, while feeling vibration and shaking of the tissues of the knee joints and hips, which is very important for the normalization of microcirculation. Do the exercise for 20-40 seconds.

Exercise "Hug the knee"

Starting position - sitting on a chair. The legs are bent at the knee joints. Embracing soft tissue above the knee joint (thumbs on top, palms and other fingers on the side and bottom).

Raising one leg, you begin to squeeze the soft tissues, while performing light swinging movements in the knee joint. With each movement of the heel towards itself, the hands slide slightly up the thigh, reaching at the end of the exercise the upper third of the thigh. In this exercise, the hands squeeze up the muscles and soft tissues of the thighs, improving venous return and lymphatic drainage from the tissues of the knee joint. Repeat 3-5 times. Next, perform exercises for the other leg.

Exercise "Vanka-vstanka"

Starting position - standing, take a pose "Corset" - that is, the palms are placed on the lateral parts of the lower back, the thumbs are directed forward, the rest of the fingers clasp the lower back from behind.

Squat lightly, make a short pause in the squat, rise up and at the end raise yourself on your toes - and again a short pause. Then you gently lower yourself on your heels, then again you do not fully squat - pause.

Repeat the whole cycle 8-10 times.

Exercise "Slide your feet in different directions"

Starting position - lying on the floor. The legs are slightly bent at the knee joints. Both hands are placed under the lower back.

Slide your feet on the surface in opposite directions. Repeat 10-15 times.

Knee support exercise

Starting position - standing facing the table. Both brushes are on the table. One leg rests on the edge of the table with a knee below the patella.

Bend this leg as much as possible at the knee joint, maintain isometric muscle tension back group thighs and buttocks for 20-30 seconds. Then you get up, take a step forward with this straightened leg, hands are located on the back of the lower back, supporting its bend.

Perform a slight forward bend, keeping the extended leg fully extended. During this phase, you feel a stretch in the back muscles of the extended leg. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Next, do the exercise for the second leg. Repeat the entire exercise 3-5 times.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Isometric gymnastics for hip joint Exercise "Approaching the wall" Starting position - lying on your back, hands are placed under the lower back to maintain the lumbar bend. Place both feet on the wall so that knee joints were slightly

Isometric gymnastics for the knee joint Exercise "Stiffened knee" If after injury or surgery movements in the knee joint are prohibited, the training of the knee joint begins with the quadriceps in the supine position. The starting position is lying on

Isometric gymnastics for shoulder joint Exercise "Pendulum - shoulder" Starting position - standing, with one hand leaning on the edge of the chair, the other hangs freely. Freely swing your shoulder back and forth, from side to side, movements are similar to a pendulum. Fulfill

Isometric gymnastics for elbow joint Exercise "Helping the elbow" Starting position - sitting on a high chair, a sore hand on the hip of the same name, back up. The chair must be high enough, or the table low enough, or a stand is placed under your feet

Isometric gymnastics for the hip joint Exercise "Approaching the wall." Place both feet on the wall so that the knee joints are slightly

Isometric gymnastics for the shoulder joint Exercise "Pendulum-shoulder." Fulfill

Isometric gymnastics for the elbow joint Exercise "Helping the elbow." The chair must be high enough, or the table low enough, or a stand is placed under your feet

Self-massage of the knee joint The knee joint is one of the largest joints of the human skeleton. Regular self-massage of this area of ​​the body helps prevent salt deposits and other joint diseases, including arthritis.

Knee Massage The knee joint has a complex structure and is therefore rather unstable and easily vulnerable. Since it carries the weight of the entire body, the ligaments, synovium and meniscus of the joint are prone to frequent injuries.

Knee Exercises EXERCISE 1 Take starting position: Kneeling, resting our hands on the floor in front of us, we sit on our heels. We raise the buttocks, and, pushing off the toes from the floor, raise our feet. We sit on our heels again. We repeat several times.

Self-massage of the knee joint Perform in a sitting or standing position. In a standing massage, the center of gravity is transferred to the non-massaged limb during the procedure. First, a straight and circular stroking is performed using both hands. When massaging

Self-massage of the knee joint Self-massage should be performed after remedial gymnastics and before bed. If you practice once a day, then the duration of the procedure should be 15 minutes, and if 2-3 times, then 10 minutes will be enough. When performing massage techniques

Knee Compresses A compress is a bandage applied to a sore spot to relieve inflammation, pain and redness. For the best effect, wrap the area with a woolen or flannel cloth. Used bandage

Baths for the knee joint In case of exacerbations of joint diseases, baths will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain. A bath with vegetable oil and garlic In 1 liter of hot water, add 50 g of chopped garlic, mix well and immerse your feet in it for 15 minutes.

Self-massage of the knee joint It is imperative that you take a comfortable posture, start self-massage with a point relaxation, relaxation, acting sedatively for up to 1–1.5 minutes on the du-bi point located along the lower edge of the kneecap. Moving outward, palpate

Isometric exercises are strength exercises in which muscle tension is achieved without moving the body parts involved in the exercise. But this is not just muscle tension, as, for example, when demonstrating biceps.

In isometric exercises, we strive to perform this or that movement, the implementation of which obviously exceeds our capabilities. For example, lift an incredible weight. Better yet, try to lift the truck off the ground. This is a joke, but in principle, this is how isometric exercises are performed. We strive to perform the movement, but we cannot, and the exercise turns from dynamic to static. For this, "shells" are used that cannot be dealt with. Such objects surround us in Everyday life... This means that isometric training equipment can be found everywhere. Wall, floor, doorway, window sill, wood - all these must be used.

Isometric training is all about putting in the best effort possible. Let's say trying to move a wall. Pushing, for example, a closet, you will most likely move it, which means that you will not be able to develop the utmost effort. Working with a "burden", which is impossible to cope with in principle, will require just such an effort. Which is what we need. Isometric (like any other) exercises do not have to be out of touch with life. They can imitate some practical actions or those that can, in principle, come in handy in life. The movements we often perform sports exercise have no analogies in everyday activities and are not directly integrated into it. As for isometry, it not only serves the development of strength (there is no equal in this isometric exercise), but it can also be used to train movements that can be found practical use... In isometric view, they do not work on one isolated muscle group, the effort here should cover the whole body. We learn to powerfully push, pull, bend, tear, squeeze, turn. That is, to invest strength in certain actions, using large muscle groups.

Isometric exercises provide amazing strength gains. The peculiarity is that we can develop this maximum strength exactly in the position in which it was trained. The way out is obvious: train various stages of movement, extreme (beginning and end) and a number of intermediate ones.

And now a little about specific exercises. Let's start by pushing the wall. We just hit the wall and try to move it from its place. We try sincerely: the effort, the work of the muscles must be real. You can push the wall in different ways: with two hands, one (while the arms can be slightly bent or almost completely straightened); shoulder; forearm; foot forward (as if you are planting a door); leg sideways or backward, heel, toe or edge of the foot ... And do not try to lift your leg higher. The higher, the more uncomfortable, the less effort you can develop. But the task is to work with an effort of 70-90% of the maximum.

The next "projectile" is the window sill (of course, if it is firmly fixed). Try to break it in half: one hand up, the other down. Try to tear it off (2 options: up and towards yourself). Press down with the palm of your hand, the edge of your fist, with one and two hands. There are also doorways in the house. Try to move the opening to the sides or up. Try to pull the joint off using the strength of your whole body, especially your legs and back. Take any stick (at least a mop handle) and try to twist it, as if you were wringing out the laundry. Try to stretch, break the stick. You can also make a breaking movement, just choose a stick that you certainly won't break. For example, a metal pipe. You can take a stick like a spear and, resting against a wall, perform a "piercing" movement. This is done correctly at the expense of the muscles of the legs and pelvis, the hands act rather as a conductor of effort. The classic equipment for isometric exercises can be called chains, to the ends of which handles or belt loops are attached (fastening the handles to carabiners allows you to adjust the length of the chain). In the system of tendon training A. Zass (the first full-fledged and, perhaps, the best system of isometric exercises), the chains are stretched in various positions: in front of us, over the knee, behind the back, etc. We can use a belt or rope, the main thing is that their tensile strength exceeded our capabilities. The exercises of the Zass system are easy to find on the Internet, but in principle they can be very diverse. After all, Zass, being a circus artist, created a system for his own purposes. You can develop the efforts that you personally need. The main thing is not specific exercises, but the technique of their implementation. When performing the exercises, a force wave arises that covers the entire body. It is important! Muscles are included in the work smoothly, the tension builds up to peak and after a short pause it gradually decreases. There are a number of exercises you can do in your daily life (for example, sitting in a boring meeting or standing at a bus stop). Use the amount of effort that allows you to do the exercise unnoticed by others. If it happens in training, following the correct methodology will add efficiency. Perform each exercise for 3-5 sets with pauses of 30-90 seconds. The duration of rest depends on the magnitude of the effort and on the duration of the stress, and most importantly, on the state of health. As you train, increase the duration of the effort from 3 to 30 seconds, the maximum effort develops in medium sets. For example, you can perform 3 sets in each exercise with an effort of 60-90-75% of the maximum. In the future, perform 5 sets with an effort of 75-90-95-90-75% of the maximum. Complete workout it is recommended twice a week for an hour, on other days it is worth doing exercises with less effort and fewer approaches. In general, focus on well-being. Someone can carry out 3-4 workouts per week with a full load, and for someone it is enough to do each exercise in three approaches at 70% of the maximum daily as a charge. It is important that isometric exercises do not affect muscles, but tendons. At correct execution it gives a significant increase in strength without increasing muscle mass... And this can be important, for example, for women. But isometric exercises require a conscious attitude and internal control. Indeed, unlike exercises with weight (including your own), there is no objective, external indicator of your effort. Only you control what you do. On the other hand, the cheapness of the "equipment" and the ability to do the exercises anywhere, as well as the high efficiency, make isometric exercises an excellent method of strength training.

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