Isometric exercises at home. System of isometric and static muscle exercises

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very common disease, accompanied by a very unpleasant one. Physiotherapy is an excellent way to prevent and. It strengthens and at the same time stretches the muscles of the neck, helps to relax them and increase their elasticity. Muscle spasm is one of the causes of pain.

Exercise therapy improves blood circulation intervertebral discs, nerve roots emerging from the spine. Regular exercise improves overall vitality and is good discipline. They allow you to influence the causal factor in the development of osteochondrosis - a sedentary lifestyle.

Those who have decided to come to grips with their health are interested in learning how to properly prepare for remedial gymnastics, what exercises can not be done. Also consider exemplary complex exercises for the cervical spine.


Preparation for exercise therapy includes the elimination of contraindications for performing exercises, the selection of a suitable complex and familiarization with the rules for performing gymnastics.


  1. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis, accompanied by severe pain at rest.
  2. Instability of the cervical vertebrae, which causes poor circulation in the vertebral arteries, and is clinically manifested by dizziness. Instability is also seen on x-ray of the cervical spine.
  3. Any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic processes.
  4. Severe chronic ailments.
  5. Oncology.
  6. Thrombosis.
  7. Bleeding.
  8. Increased body temperature.
  9. High blood pressure.
  10. Poisoning.

The above are general information by the ban to physical exercise... All details will be determined by a specialist - a neurologist and an exercise therapy doctor. To really achieve positive result it is imperative to go to the doctor's appointment. You may need to get tested and take a picture of the spine.

The exercise therapy doctor will help you choose a set of exercises that will be useful in a specific situation, depending on the stage of the course of the disease, the presence or absence of exacerbation, the presence of other diseases, the level of general physical fitness... There is special groups in remedial gymnastics, in which people who have similar problems with the spine are engaged for a certain time. You can study at home. Everyone chooses an acceptable option.

A Few Rules for Exercising the Neck Muscles

Don't do it through the pain. If further stretching of the muscles causes unpleasant sensations when reaching a certain position, the exercise should be finished at this point and move on to the next. Only a little discomfort during training is acceptable.

  1. If for some reason it is impossible to do a certain exercise, it is better to skip it.
  2. Movements should be smooth and slow without jerking.
  3. The load should increase gradually, and the exercises themselves should be performed according to the principle from simple to complex.
  4. You need to do it regularly, at least 4 times a week, and preferably daily.
  5. Physical education is carried out in comfortable clothes, in a ventilated area at least 30 minutes after eating.

Having finished with the preparation, let's see what exercises can do harm.

What exercises can not be done

You can not do any exercise during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, if it leads to increased pain or a sharp deterioration in general health.

It is forbidden to do weightlifting. Exercises, accompanied by lifting weights, can worsen the course of the disease, provoke an exacerbation.

With osteochondrosis of the spine, it is not recommended to jog (especially on short distances), jumping, swinging, throwing and pushing movements (for example, shot put). They can negatively affect the spine. For holders of osteochondrosis, it is better to exclude the position of the support on the hands and hanging. Extreme care should be taken when working with gymnastic apparatus... If a person went in for sports before discovering problems with the spine, then the best option is to review the entire workout with the exercise therapy doctor and remove techniques that are dangerous for the spine. So we got to the gymnastics itself. Next, we will consider what exercises should be performed for cervical osteochondrosis.

Basic course of exercises for the cervical spine

Cervical vertebrae have great mobility in comparison with other parts of the spine. Therefore, they need to be given Special attention and regularly do the following set of exercises.

Exercise number 1 - "Hands around the neck"

This exercise is performed while sitting or standing. Grasp your neck so that your thumbs are in front and the rest of your fingers are on back side... Here, the hands should act as a collar for fixation, which is almost always used in the treatment of diseases localized in cervical spine... Place your fingers in the back just under the back of the head, and in front at an angle lower jaw.

After making the corset, start doing the exercises. To do this, bend to the sides. All movements are done slowly, and linger on the slope for a couple of seconds.

Then you need to lower your hand a little and do all the movements in the same way. Next, lower your arms even lower and again bend.

TIP: the presented exercises can always be done during breaks at work, if your activity is carried out sitting at a table and a computer in the office. With their help, you will significantly relax the muscles of the neck and eliminate the resulting pain.

Exercise number 2 - "Leaning on the table with your hands"

Stand with your back to the table and rest your palms on it.

Try to reach up with your whole body, throwing your head back a little. We linger in this position for a couple of seconds.

After the stretch has passed, sit down to the level that will be possible for you. Sitting down on the maximum possible squat, tilt your head forward. So you can perfectly relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and eliminate pain.

TIP: This exercise plays a key and beneficial role in the shoulder girdle and lower neck. These areas are most affected and tense when working in the office at the computer. Therefore, this exercise must be performed every time during breaks, because such a combination of tension and stretching of the muscles significantly helps in relaxation and eliminates pain.

Exercise number 3 - "Pendulum head"

Sit in a chair and grab a hardcover book. Place it gently on top of your head at the crown of your head. Make sure the book is level on top of your head so that it does not fall.

Fix in a sitting position with a book on top of your head for about 5 minutes (less is possible). Being in this position will allow the muscles and vertebrae of the neck to remember their correct position.

Next do next exercise: Apply pressure to your head with your hands. Your resistance should pass no more than 20 seconds. The pressure on the head begins at first with a small load, then it is gradually increased. At the end of the time, the load must be gradually reduced.

TIP: During a long stay at the computer, the neck changes, where, as a result, kyphotic deformity is formed. To avoid such health problems, you should control the position of your head so that your ears should be in the same plane with your shoulders. This way you can achieve correct posture... This is followed by exercises that help to achieve muscle strengthening and healthy posture. When sitting at your computer, try to stick to the above rule, raise your chin slightly and keep your neck in a straight position.

Exercise # 4 - "Bend your neck forward, resisting"

Take the required position - stand up straight or sit in a chair. Place the palm of your hand in the middle of your forehead.

Press on your head with your palm, and, on the contrary, resist with it. In this position, you must remain for 20 seconds.

The second part of this exercise involves stretching the muscles. Here you should throw your head back, put one hand under the back of your head, and the other on your forehead. Work simultaneously with both hands on your supports. This will allow you to stretch the muscles in your neck that were under tension before this exercise. This exercise is done for no more than 5 seconds, it should not cause pain.

Exercise number 5 - "Bend the neck, resisting"

Take a starting position - stand up straight or sit in a chair and put one hand on the back of your head.

Work on the back of the head, at the same time resist the pressure of the hand. You should be in tension for no more than 20 seconds.

Continuing to press on the back of your head, tilt your head forward. This will stretch the cervical vertebrae and back muscles. All movements should not cause pain; in the process of stretching, be in tension for no more than 5 seconds.

Exercise number 6 - "Bend the neck to the side, showing resistance"

This exercise should be done while sitting in a chair or standing upright. Place one palm on the side of your head.

Use your hand to work on the position of the head, applying slight pressure. Continue resistance with the head for 20 seconds.

After pressing, start stretching the muscles of the cervical spine. To do this, lower your head to the side, place one hand under your head, the other on your side. Affect each side on your surface. This will stretch the muscles in your neck and the vertebrae in your cervical spine. The entire exercise must be done for no more than 5 seconds, monitor your condition. You shouldn't feel pain.

Repeat the exercise, changing hands and tilting your head to the other side.

Exercise number 7 - "Turn the neck and head, resisting"

Sit in a chair or stand up straight - this is your starting position. Then place your hand on the side of your face in the chin and lower jaw area.

Next, get down to doing the exercise. Press down on the surface with your hand and resist with your head. With such an impact, it is necessary to firmly clench the teeth and not overdo it with pressure. The entire exercise should not last more than 20 seconds. Do some repetitions.

Then start stretching the muscles and vertebrae. Here you should leave one hand also in the chin area, and put the other on the side of the back of the head. Lift your chin up a little and begin to turn your head towards the hand on the back of your head. Stretching does not exceed 5 seconds and does not cause pain or any other discomfort. Change hands and repeat the movement several times. Stretch with this exercise. back muscles neck and suboccipital region.

ADVICE: Similar exercises perfectly strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine and contribute to the formation of correct posture. Also, with their help, you can quickly get rid of headaches, which often suffer from people whose position practically does not change during the day. These exercises can be done as needed and anywhere.

Exercise number 8 - "Palms on the temples"

Sit in a chair and place your hands on your temples with your fingers pointing up. Next, while inhaling, close your teeth and tighten the temporal muscles. Pull up the skin at the temples with your hands. As you exhale, stop tension and pulling on the skin. Then, when repeating, do the same thing, only moving your palms up a little. These movements are repeated at least 5 times.

Exercise number 9 "Fingers on the temples"

Take the starting position, sitting in a chair straight. Then press your palms to your cheekbones, fingers spread first. They should lie in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe temples.

With a slight pressure of your fingers on the area of ​​contact with the skin, begin to slide them. Simultaneously with this kind of massage, tilt your head back and forth.

Use your fingers to reach the top of your head and keep moving your head. This exercise must be done several times, but no more than 5 repetitions.

TIP: The above exercises are great for stretching the muscles around the temples. Thus, you increase blood flow to the head, which helps to eliminate the pain that occurs.

Take a starting position - for this, either sit straight on a chair, or stand with a straight back and neck. Place both hands on the back of your neck.

Slowly begin to make movements, reminiscent of sliding down the neck with your palms. At the same time, it is necessary to make the characteristic flexion of the head and neck. Actions should be done no more than 5 times. With this movement, you can feel a sense of lightness and freedom.

Sit in a chair or stand up straight. Place your palms in the chest area, just below the larynx area.

Make breathing exercise while pressing the hands on the chest. To do this, take a breath, hold your breath a little, literally for a few seconds, and then, as you exhale, start working with your hands. With each repetition, you need to lower your hands down a little. In women, the mammary glands become the maximum point. With the help of the presented exercise, you can achieve lightness in the chest area.

Take the starting position - sitting on a chair or standing with a straight back. Place both hands on the back of your head. Next, apply slight pressure to the occipital region, resisting the impact

After repeating several times, start stretching the muscles and cervical vertebrae. To do this, place one hand on the side of the neck so that your fingers can reach the seventh cervical vertebra, which is a small tubercle in the lower neck region. Do some sliding movements. At the same time, tilt your head and neck back and forth. Do a similar stretch on both sides. Do some repetitions.

TIP: These exercises have a healthful and relaxing effect on the muscles attached to the spinous process. Due to the constant presence in one position at work, a person may experience wild pain in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra. And these exercises will help relieve spasms and improve blood circulation, which normalizes correct work brain.

More on cervical traction

Since all people on Earth have a different physique and height, they have corresponding differences in the length of the cervical spine. Many do not even realize that it is precisely because of problems with the cervical vertebrae that they can experience severe headaches. But these vertebrae are very mobile and very often various problems with them can be triggered.

In these vertebrae, the vertebral artery is located, which is located close to the lateral surface of the vertebrae and rises to the brain. Its proximity to the vertebrae can play a cruel joke at any time. So, for example, if a person develops any inflammation or hernia formation, the vertebral artery experiences severe pain due to the resulting spasm.

Symptoms in humans include tinnitus and dizziness. Often, noise occurs as a result of a sharp turn or after throwing the head back. As a result of the occurrence of spasm, a characteristic violation of blood flow in the vessels occurs.

Many people do not believe in the fact that a person is slightly taller in the morning than in the evening. A similar phenomenon is provoked by the different heights of the intervertebral discs, which affects the mobility of the cervical spine. By the evening, a head weighing at least 5 kg exerts strong pressure and the distance decreases. Therefore, stretching the spine during the day is important and beneficial. It must be done at work or at home at least once a day. Here you can use various devices, such as loops or weights.

You should know and remember that such devices can also cause pain, so they should be used with caution and only on the advice of your doctor. Such stretching of the spine is difficult to control in elderly people, who have already lost the elasticity of the vertebrae due to age. During traction, they need to carefully control their sensations and regulate the degree of load on the vertebrae.

For older people, a 1 mm extension may be sufficient. If the condition improves, that is, the pain is eliminated, you can stop stretching, since you have already significantly reduced the pressure of the vertebrae and normalized the tone of the blood vessels. Traction also has an excellent effect on improving the venous outflow from the skull, as a result of which thinking improves and the brain begins to work better. You can also do some head movements while stretching. This will only improve the effect.

Traction of the vertebrae of the cervical spine can be done in the supine position independently. To do this, simply roll up a towel and place it under your neck as a roller. This exercise is safer and shouldn't be painful.

Lie on your back and place a roll-shaped towel under your lower back. Place your hands on your neck. In this case, the thumbs are under the chin, and the rest are intertwined at the back of the head. Bending your head slightly, pull it up with your hands along a straight path of the spine axis. You can also make not only folds, but also small turns to the sides.

Exercises should not exceed 20 seconds in time. Do some repetitions.

If you are an employee of the office department or a driver, you can also do these stretches while sitting, without leaving your workplace. To do this, take a level position on a chair and stretch your neck up.

Exercise number 14 - "Stretching the neck for the lower jaw"

Take a starting position - sit on a chair or stand up straight. Open your mouth and place your fingers on the teeth of the lower jaw, and with your thumbs press the jaw underneath. Pull your head forward by the jaw, hold this position for a few seconds, and then come back. This stretching is done in several repetitions.

TIP: Self-traction allows you to increase the width of the intervertebral discs by only a few millimeters, but this is always sufficient to increase and normalize blood flow. Such stretching should always be done during the onset of severe headaches and muscle spasm of the cervical spine.

The next few exercises must be done on all fours.

Get on all fours and lift your head up so that your gaze should be directed up.

In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds and return your head to its original position. Then start stretching the back muscles of the cervical spine. Lower your head down slowly and gently so that there is no pain. You should also stay in this position. This exercise is repeated several times.

Starting position the same, standing on all fours.

From this position, begin to turn your head to the sides. All movements are done slowly and carefully, without sudden impulses. They linger in each side for a few seconds.

Then do the back stretch exercise as well. Lower your head down and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the whole complex several times.

Exercise number 17 - "Neck bends with the help of hands"

From this starting position, raise your head, making a slight forward bend. Then go back. This exercise must be repeated at least 10 times.

Exercise number 18 - "Turning the neck with the hands"

In the same position, place your hands under your neck and begin to exercise. To do this, tilt your head forward and turn it slightly to the side.

TIP: In no case, during exercise and in everyday life, do not make sharp turns and bends with your head. It is a common misconception that doing this can help relieve pain. Often, the actions presented can only increase pain and exacerbate inflammation. The position of the hands in the above exercises can clearly control the position and movement of the neck to ensure safety.

Lie on your back and place a towel roll under your lower back. The arms should be slightly thrown back and hanging from the bed or couch. Place your hands under your head, touching your neck slightly.

Next, stretch your front muscles. Here you need to tilt your head back so that it hangs a little from the bed or couch. Also hold in this position for a few seconds. In this case, the arms should be stretched up and spread apart.

This exercise must be repeated several times.

All of these exercises must be done regularly to prevent and eliminate pain. Such measures will help to significantly save on medications during an exacerbation.

Considering that osteochondrosis is a long-term chronic disease quick results will not. The first time it just won't get worse. But this is already progress! Then the pain will gradually decrease, the frequency of exacerbations will decrease. Much depends on the severity of the disease. The first results should be expected only after 2-3 months and this is normal.

The blood supply to the spine will gradually improve, muscle spasm will go away. At first, the changes are at a microscopic level and will not be felt yet. It is important to exercise systematically and improvement of well-being will not be long in coming.

Many believe that to strengthen muscles, increase their strength, and in general for effective training there is a lot to do dynamic exercises as long as possible. However, this is not true. Therefore, further you will learn how else you can train your body without harm, fatigue and loss of time.

What is Isometric Exercise

Unlike the usual for many intense workout, isometric exercises are constant muscle tension in statics. That is, without changing the position of the body, you work out the muscles and tendons absolutely no worse than during dynamic load, and sometimes even better. The huge advantage of this way of getting stronger is that you don't have to spend a lot of time doing the exercises, and the results will be even better.

Performing exercises for the chest, back, legs or arms in dynamics, the static work of the muscles of the body does not occur constantly, and in total it can sometimes reach only 2-3 minutes. for a lesson of 1-1.5 hours. In the case of static exercises, the opposite is true: the time of tension of your body is equal to how much you spent on training. To work out the muscles for 10 minutes, you need a little more, given the change in position and preparation.

How to do isometric exercises

As before any workout, doing isometric exercises requires pre-warming up or doing simple exercises. To do this, you can make swings with your hands, lifting your shoulders, bending to the sides, back and forth, lifting on your toes. After you feel warmth in your body, you can start the activity itself. General requirements:

  • Each exercise should be performed with an inhalation.
  • All efforts to resist are applied smoothly, gradually. You can not work with sharp muscle contractions.
  • Each approach is given up to 10 seconds, the number of approaches for one exercise is 2-3.
  • In general, one workout should take no more than 20 minutes.
  • You can train like this at least every day, alternating with dynamics.
  • Develop a routine that you will practice daily.

Isometric Neck Exercises

You can perform isometric exercises for the cervical spine completely anywhere, even while sitting in the office, which will be especially useful for those who spend most of their time in sitting position... Static exercises for the face and neck:

  1. Lying on your back, start pressing the back of your head on the floor.
  2. While lying on your stomach, press your forehead onto the floor.
  3. Sitting at the table, fold your arms in front of you and rest your head on them. Press firmly with your forehead.
  4. Fold your hands into the lock at the back of your head and start pressing, while resisting with your head.

Isometric Back Exercises

Performing isometric exercises for the back will help not only to strengthen it, but also to align the posture, because gymnastics is aimed at both straight lines and latissimus... Isometric training in several versions:

  1. Lying on your stomach, pull your hands back and press along the body or fold into a lock at the back of the head. Lift your legs and shoulders upward, while straining strongly. Freeze, count out 5-6 seconds.
  2. Starting position, as in the previous paragraph. Raise only your shoulders, your legs are strongly pressed to the floor.
  3. Starting position from point 1. Tear off your legs from the floor by 10-15 cm, shoulders are firmly pressed to the floor.
  4. While standing, imitate pressing your fists on your hips on the sides.
  5. The same as in point 4, only the pressure is applied to the front of the thighs.

Isometric leg exercises

Like neck gymnastics, leg isometric exercises can be safely performed anywhere. Most of these occur while standing or sitting. Isometric gymnastics for leg muscles:

  1. Stand up straight, contract all the muscles in your legs. Do 3-4 sets of 10 seconds each.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend down and simulate spreading, resisting the muscles of your thighs.
  3. A similar position, only you need, on the contrary, to try to bring your legs together.
  4. Sitting on a chair, try to straighten your legs.
  5. The same position, only the feet must be resting against an obstacle, for example, a wall. Try to straighten your legs.

Isometric ab exercises

Great gymnastics for women at home that will help get rid of belly fat is isometric ab exercises. The process does not require much time, and the result due to such statics will not be long in coming. None power training cannot be compared with these simple, but effective loads:

  1. Sit down at the table, put your hands in front of you and start pressing on the tabletop, while straining your abs strongly.
  2. While standing, start to perform crunches with a delay, counting 5-6 seconds on each side.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees (90 degrees) and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. In this case, it is best to stretch your arms forward.
  4. Lying twist. At the same time, the legs are bent and stand on the floor, hands are locked behind the back of the head. On each side - 5-6 seconds in static position.

Gymnastics, if done regularly, can be of great help, sometimes even decisive.
Neck pain is often troublesome in the morning and may be associated with stress on the spine. For example, after long-term work at a computer, a desktop, after doing physical activity.
The cervical vertebrae and inter-vertebral joints were in a forced position for a long time under static load. Their capsules, ligaments, muscles experience overload, overstrain, microcirculation and nutrition of these zones are disturbed.
To reduce pain in the cervical spine (and in other parts too), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most often used.
More often - ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac, meloxicam, ketoproen, nimesulide, etc. For external use, various gels, special creams, ointments, patches containing NSAIDs are used.
For any intensity of pain, it is very good to use a Shants collar. It is recommended to use it for 2 - 3 hours a day. It promotes muscle relaxation in the neck and shoulder girdle.
Especially, the Shants collar is useful if the work is associated with prolonged static load on the cervical muscles. Special gymnastics can be of great help in solving the problem of neck pain.
All of these methods are simple and effective. But, there is a very important question- when should I see a doctor, and when can I take any measures on my own?

Neck pain intense

You should know - if the pain in the neck radiates to the shoulder girdle, to the shoulders, forearms, bothers at night, disrupts sleep, is accompanied by a periodic (more often during sleep) feeling of numbness in the arm or arms, , headache.
Or, the pain is intense enough, accompanied by a signsignificant limitation of movements in the spine, in shoulder joints- such pain cannot be treated on its own. It is imperative to see a doctor.
For chronic, moderate pain, localized in the neck, or in the area of ​​the neck transition to the level of the thoracic spine, with a feeling of discomfort in the neck, tension cervical muscles, a slight limitation of movements in the neck, which occurs more often in the morning, and if you have already consulted a doctor and passed the necessary examination, you can help yourself on your own.
The most effective method of assistance is gymnastics. And, especially, in this case, static. Dynamic gymnastics for a problem in the neck is best done with a physiotherapy specialist.
When self-study, static exercises will be optimal. They are not associated with movements, but only with the tension of the cervical muscles. In static gymnastics, the paravertebral muscles are strained, but the neck itself, at the same time, remains immobile.

Static gymnastics

Learn a few simple exercises:

Exercise 1 - you need to lie on your stomach, on a flat, but not too hard surface. Lay your head to one side. Take a breath, hold your breath. Then press your cheek against the surface on which that cheek of yours lies. And continue this pressure for 5 - 6 seconds.
Then, exhale. On exhalation, the neck muscles relax, and, as a result of their sudden relaxation following the tension, the vertebrae shift from a painful, fixed state to a normal, mobile position. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times, in turn, applying pressure with each cheek.

Exercise 2 You need to sit down. Place your hands on the back of your head, take a deep breath, hold your breath and press on the back of your head with your hands, and with the back of your head - on your hands.
Do not make any movements, apply only pressure, muscle tension, lasting up to 5 - 6 seconds, then exhale, relax the muscles, remove your hands - slowly tilt your head forward under your own weight.

While inhaling, hold your breath and press your palms onto the areaforehead, and forehead - in the palm of your hand. The duration of the exercise is 5 - 6 seconds.
As you exhale, relax the muscles, slowly remove your hands from the forehead area. The head will tilt back a little.

Exercise 4 Place your palm on the cheek area (one), while holding the breath, press with your palm on the cheek, and with your cheek on the palm (5 - 6 sec.). Repeat the same exercise on the other side.
So that the pain in the neck stops bothering you, toRepeat each exercise 3-4 times, lasting up to 5-6 seconds. each one. Start practicing without much effort, and gradually increase the pressure and, accordingly, the force of resistance, muscle tension.
At repeat static gymnastics 1 - 2 times a day.

Combine static gymnastics with other exercises physical activity- swimming, , various physiotherapy procedures, massage. Choose the right orthopedic mattress for yourself, .
Neck pain, discomfort will stop bothering you. You can get rid of them forever.

Date of publication of the article: 12.01.2016

Date of updating the article: 02.12.2018

Osteochondrosis of the spine can cause a lot of trouble. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will help to independently improve physical and emotional well-being, to protect the body from the occurrence of exacerbations of the disease in the future.

Regular gymnastics reduces the risk of recurrent exacerbations, reduces chronic pain in the neck and shoulder area, restores sensitivity and strength in the hands, and trains the vestibular apparatus (which reduces dizziness and headache).

Start off exercise therapy classes better under the supervision of an instructor to teach you how to do all the exercises correctly. In general gymnastic complex, which includes blocks of isometric (without moving body parts in space) and dynamic activity, is easy to perform, and everyone can do gymnastics at home.

Every patient with cervical osteochondrosis who does exercise therapy should know this.

Physiotherapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis should not be carried out with an exacerbation of the disease. There is no need to try to "stretch" the neck, "disperse" the pain, somehow influence your condition. If you feel worsening, contact a neurologist immediately!

If, during an X-ray of the spine or palpation, a doctor (neurologist) determined that you have cervical instability, be sure to look into an orthopedic salon or pharmacy and purchase a special soft collar for the neck. It will save you from dangerous exercise complications.

Shants Collar

Osteophytes - styloid bony growths visible on the X-ray of the spine - are another reason to be more scrupulous about the choice of exercises for exercise therapy. With osteophytes, active movements in the cervical spine during dynamic training should not be performed, otherwise you risk damaging the nerve trunks passing in the neck area with osteophytes.

Six exercises isometric set

At isometric gymnastics the trained area of ​​the body does not shift in space: that is, there will be no tilts, turns, swings here.

You or your partner are putting pressure on any part of the body, and with the forces of the muscles to resist this pressure. The number of repetitions of this exercise complex exercise therapy with cervical osteochondrosis depends on the degree of your preparedness: it can be 3-4 repetitions on each side, and 6-8. The duration of resistance to the applied force during the execution of each repetition is 5-6 seconds.

The starting position in all exercises is lower - sitting straight on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart.


With the palm of your hand, press on the temple and cheekbones from one side (left palm - left cheek, right palm - right cheek).

Tighten your neck muscles by pushing back against your arm.

Repeat on the other side.


Clasp your fingers together. In this position, press on your forehead with your palms turned towards it.

By straining your neck, resist the pressure.


Place your hands in fists under your chin and push your chin from bottom to top.

Without moving your head in space, provide resistance.


Clasp your fingers behind your head in a lock. In this position, press on the occipital-parietal region with your hands, as if trying to lower your head to your chest, and create a reaction with your head.


Place your right hand with an open palm in the area of ​​the left cheek and cheekbone. Press your hand on your face, as if trying to turn it to the right. Create resistance with the neck muscles.

Repeat for the opposite side.


Lower your head to your chest and cross your arms at the back of your head. Press with your hands on the back of the head, and with the forces of the neck muscles, resist in such a way as to slowly return the head to an upright position.

Ten Dynamic Complex Exercises

Important rules

When performing this type of physiotherapy exercises, it is important not to overdo it:

  • Do not make full head turns around / counterclockwise.
  • The maximum throwing back of the head is fraught with a deterioration in the condition, therefore it is contraindicated.
  • Movements should not be sharp, impulsive: do everything slowly, unhurriedly.
  • Since osteochondrosis of the spine is often accompanied by instability of posture, dizziness, physiotherapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis should be carried out while sitting on a chair.
  • The number of repetitions is 5–8.


(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

Starting position The exercise

1. Sit with your back straight on a chair, legs slightly apart. Stretch your arms in front of you with your hands forward.

Clench your hands into fists - unclench them. Do the exercise several times, then shake your hands.

2. Sit on a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of you, hands on your knees.

Raise your straightened arm to the side parallel to the floor. Without sudden movements, turn the body with the hand in one direction, with the other hand in the other direction (left hand - turn the body to the left, right - to the right).

3. Sit on a chair, legs bent at the knees slightly apart, place your hands on your waist.

Tilt your head to the left and right, as if trying to reach the corresponding shoulder with your ear.

4. Sitting position on a chair. Bend your elbows as much as possible (hands on shoulders).

Raise through the sides bent arms parallel to the floor and lower back.

5. Sitting, rest your hands on the seat of the chair on the sides of the body.

In this position, perform circles. shoulder girdle first along, and then counterclockwise.

6. Sitting position.

With a small amplitude, turn your head left and right (as if looking to the left, then to the right).

7. In a sitting position, clasp your hands in front of you in the lock.

Raise your hands in this position up to the level of your head, then lower them down.

8. Sitting position, hands on the seat of the chair.

Tilt your head to your chest - return to an upright position.

9. Continue to sit in your chair. The arms are extended downward along the torso.

Bend your elbows, performing a sliding motion along your torso, palms up towards the armpits. With the same sliding motion, return your hands to their original position.

10. Sit in a chair. Hands at the seams.

Raise the outstretched left hand in front of you no higher than shoulder level. Palm down.

Simultaneously straightened right hand take it back (palm up). Repeat for the other hand.


Of course, exercise therapy is not a panacea, and in order for help with osteochondrosis of the spine to be as effective as possible, a whole range of measures is needed, including medications, manual therapy, and physiotherapy.

But exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine does not require special equipment and even significant space in the room; many exercises can be performed even at the workplace. And this is a great opportunity for each patient to help themselves. Regular classes physiotherapy exercises have a beneficial effect not only on the course of the disease and symptoms of the disease, but also on mood, relieving patients from feelings of depression, blues, fatigue and even depressive disorders.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Gymnastics, if done regularly, can be of great help, sometimes even decisive.
Neck pain is often troublesome in the morning and may be associated with stress on the spine. For example, after long-term work at a computer, a desktop, after doing physical activity.
The cervical vertebrae and inter-vertebral joints were in a forced position for a long time under static load. Their capsules, ligaments, muscles experience overload, overstrain, microcirculation and nutrition of these zones are disturbed.
To reduce pain in the cervical spine (and in other parts too), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most often used.
More often - ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac, meloxicam, ketoproen, nimesulide, etc. For external use, various gels, special creams, ointments, patches containing NSAIDs are used.
For any intensity of pain, it is very good to use a Shants collar. It is recommended to use it for 2 - 3 hours a day. It promotes muscle relaxation in the neck and shoulder girdle.
Especially, the Shants collar is useful if the work is associated with prolonged static load on the cervical muscles. Special gymnastics can be of great help in solving the problem of neck pain.
All of these methods are simple and effective. But, a very important question arises - when should you see a doctor, and when can you take any measures yourself?

Neck pain intense

You should know - if the pain in the neck radiates to the shoulder girdle, to the shoulders, forearms, bothers at night, disrupts sleep, is accompanied by a periodic (more often during sleep) feeling of numbness in the arm or arms, dizziness , headache.
Or, the pain is intense enough, accompanied by a signsignificant limitation of movement in the spine, in the shoulder joints - such pain cannot be treated on its own. It is imperative to see a doctor.
With chronic, moderate pain, localized in the neck, or in the area of ​​the neck transition to the level of the thoracic spine, with a feeling of discomfort in the neck, tension of the cervical muscles, slight restriction of movements in the neck, which occurs more often in the morning and, if you have already consulted a doctor and passed the necessary examination, you can help yourself on your own.
The most effective method of assistance is gymnastics. And, especially, in this case, static. Dynamic gymnastics for a problem in the neck is best done with a physiotherapy specialist.
In the case of self-study, static exercises will be optimal. They are not associated with movements, but only with the tension of the cervical muscles. In static gymnastics, the paravertebral muscles are strained, but the neck itself, at the same time, remains immobile.

Static gymnastics

Learn a few simple exercises:

Exercise 1 - you need to lie on your stomach, on a flat, but not too hard surface. Lay your head to one side. Take a breath, hold your breath. Then press your cheek against the surface on which that cheek of yours lies. And continue this pressure for 5 - 6 seconds.
Then, exhale. On exhalation, the neck muscles relax, and, as a result of their sudden relaxation following the tension, the vertebrae shift from a painful, fixed state to a normal, mobile position. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times, in turn, applying pressure with each cheek.

Exercise 2 You need to sit down. Place your hands on the back of your head, take a deep breath, hold your breath and press on the back of your head with your hands, and with the back of your head - on your hands.
Do not make any movements at the same time, exercise only pressure, muscle tension, lasting up to 5 - 6 seconds, then exhale, relax the muscles, remove your hands - slowly tilt your head forward under your own weight.

While inhaling, hold your breath and press your palms onto the areaforehead, and forehead - in the palm of your hand. The duration of the exercise is 5 - 6 seconds.
As you exhale, relax the muscles, slowly remove your hands from the forehead area. The head will tilt back a little.

Exercise 4 Place your palm on the cheek area (one), while holding the breath, press with your palm on the cheek, and with your cheek on the palm (5 - 6 sec.). Repeat the same exercise on the other side.
So that the pain in the neck stops bothering you, toRepeat each exercise 3-4 times, lasting up to 5-6 seconds. each one. Start practicing without much effort, and gradually increase the pressure and, accordingly, the force of resistance, muscle tension.
At cervical osteochondrosis repeat static gymnastics 1 - 2 times a day.

Combine static gymnastics with other types of physical activity - swimming, nordic walking , various physiotherapy procedures, massage. Choose the right orthopedic mattress for yourself, orthopedic pillow .
Neck pain, discomfort will stop bothering you. You can get rid of them forever.

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