What is volitional gymnastics anokhin. Anokhin's gymnastics - isometric exercises for beauty and health Strong-willed gymnastics and weight gain

At the beginning of the 20th century, the gymnastics system of Dr. A.K. Anokhin gained great fame. The book describing Anokhin's system went through 7 editions during the life of the author. Even the magazine "Niva", which was far from sports, published it in full in 1909, calling it "the best indoor gymnastics." Its principles were used in their training by many athletes of the past. Performing exercises without weights (that is, without dumbbells, expander, weights and other shells), you need to consciously strain the corresponding muscles, simulating overcoming one or another resistance. Anokhin's system was named "Volitional gymnastics" and has not lost its relevance to this day. His exercises make it possible not only to increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to strain and relax certain muscle groups, which is very important in sports and in any physical work.

Dr. A.K. Anokhin (B.Ross) is an interesting, versatile and mysterious person: a practicing doctor, athlete and sports teacher, the first in Russia holder of the "Weightlifting Coach" diploma, chairman of the organizing committee of the 1913 Russian Olympiad. A talented journalist, author of many books, brochures, essays and articles, published either under his name or under a pseudonym. Always elegant, slender, muscular, with a lush mustache, with piercing gray eyes, Dr. Alexander Anokhin possessed, among other things, the technique of suggestion, close to hypnosis.
This is one side of Anokhin's life. The other is the leadership of the largest Masonic order of St. Andrew the First-Called (Narcissus Lodge) in pre-revolutionary Russia. When the Reds took over, Anokhin, at least outwardly, formally, appears in their ranks, and not just anywhere - but in the service in the Cheka, under the name "Kovrov" (here is another pseudonym). This side of his life is dark and confusing. In 1919, during a raid on Kiev currency dealers, Anokhin was accidentally detained. The final is woeful. The doctor was only thirty-seven when he commits suicide in his solitary confinement.
Such is the controversial and difficult fate of one of the founders of Russian sports. The bright flash of a torn life left a lasting mark. Many are sure that "Strong-willed gymnastics" by Anokhin-Ross will be reprinted and used for a long time, and his name will live on for centuries.

Anokhin called his system "New System", and later it was called "Volitional gymnastics". Its principle is that, performing exercises without weights (that is, without dumbbells, expander, kettlebells and other shells), you need to consciously strain the corresponding muscles, simulating overcoming this or that resistance. Anokhin's system has not lost its relevance to this day. His exercises make it possible not only to increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to strain and relax certain muscle groups, which is very important in sports and in any physical work.
Muscle control was a priority given to professional athletes of the past. Volitional gymnastics was very popular among the Russian intelligentsia. The famous Russian strongmen G. Gakkenshmidt, G. Lurich were engaged in it.
I would like to note especially the outstanding revolutionary, military, occult and criminal authority of G.I. Kotovsky. Having received a severe spinal injury in childhood, he was almost completely paralyzed, speechless and deaf. However, constantly practicing volitional gymnastics, Grigory Ivanovich was able not only to restore his health, but also to acquire colossal physical strength and extremely unusual mental capabilities. For a long time, being in tsarist prisons, and then commanding units of the Red Army, Kotovsky constantly promoted volitional gymnastics, laying the foundation for numerous thieves and army schools.
In the late 60s. XX century Soviet scientist A.V. Kovalik scientifically substantiated the method of volitional muscle contractions and recommended volitional gymnastics for widespread use. In the Soviet Research Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, relying on the findings of A.K. Anokhina, A.A. Likhanov, G.I. Kotovsky, A.V. Kovalik, and actually on the ancient Indian practice "Dhandal and Bhaski", an original system of training cosmonauts was developed.

Anokhin says: "Volitional gymnastics will not make you Poddubny or Gakkenschmidt. It will not give you 45 centimeters of biceps or the ability to squeeze 6-7 pounds with one hand, but it will significantly strengthen your health. It will give you the beauty of shapes and outlines and that normal strength for everyone, which lost by modern man. "
Then Anokhin gives 8 basic principles that should be followed when mastering his technique. These principles are:
1. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the working muscle or muscle group.
2. Do not rush to increase the number of exercises and their dosage.
3. While doing the exercises, follow the correct breathing.
4. Perform each movement with the greatest muscle tension.
5. Ensure that when performing exercises, only those muscles that are involved in this movement are strained.
6. Exercises should preferably be performed in front of a mirror.
7. After exercising, take a shower and then rub your body vigorously with a towel.
8. Abstinence and simplicity in food is one of the keys to success. Food should be varied (vegetables, fruits, milk), without the predominance of meat.
His exercises are only 15 and their, as well as programs, can be viewed in the catalogs of our website.
Exercise should be done twice a day, morning and evening. Up to 20 minutes in total. Each exercise lasts 5-6 seconds and is repeated up to 10 times. The first two weeks you need to do the first five exercises, then add one exercise every week. After three months, you can study according to the program of the entire complex.
Anokhin developed the use of volitional gymnastics for certain diseases and for the elderly.

What are the advantages of the Anokhin system? "Exercising on this system, you yourself will soon see not only an increase in the strength of your muscles, but also an overall improvement in health and well-being. At the same time, the heart works normally, without excessive work, as with other physical exercises. Blood circulation is evenly and correctly functioning throughout body, eliminating stagnation of blood and lymph in all parts of the body.Breathing is never interrupted, does not slow down, does not speed up, thanks to the exact indication of how to breathe during exercise.The nervous system constantly and regularly works, but without fatigue, but physiologically developing the entire system of the human body Finally, the entire musculature develops vigorously and evenly, creating a beautiful, slim and agile body. " This is what Dr. Anokhin said at the beginning of the 20th century.
And one more thing: "Life rushes forward with giant strides. He who did not have time, who was a little tired, fell behind, he was lost. The future belongs to the strong, - and strong not only in mind, will, moral qualities, but also in muscular energy, which generates not only strength but also gives health.In our time, when a busy person does not have a free time for pleasure, it is ridiculous and impractical to propose complex rules and intricate systems of gymnastics ... We need iron nerves that control our body.All our muscles are an obedient servant We propose just such a system that does not recognize either kettlebells or complex gymnastic apparatus, but only one nerve. One will, one energy - this is the thesis of the new system. "

Despite the apparent simplicity, this gymnastics has a number of undeniable advantages:
- do not require any additional equipment
- do not require much space and time
- any level of fitness - from sick and elderly people to professional athletes
- simple adaptation of gymnastics to the needs of a particular person, including for people with disabilities or injuries.

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Inverted Triangle Diet

Holders of the "Inverted Triangle" (or "carrot") figure have massive shoulders and a narrow pelvis. They are distinguished by a rather lush bust, a slightly pronounced waist, flat buttocks and slender legs. This type of figure is considered masculine, in particular, because of the massive shoulders, but, nevertheless, many of its owners look very feminine. When gaining weight, a carrot woman gains weight in the upper body, so she needs to adhere to a special diet and do a certain set of exercises.

Eggplant diet

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Not really, or rather NOT a martial art at all, but it helps for the overall development of the muscular corset.

A.K. Anokhin - Russian athlete, doctor (pseudonym B. Ross). Anokhin's volitional gymnastics is notable for the fact that athletic equipment is not required to perform the exercises, a lot of space and time.

The Russian athlete Samson used its principles in his training, according to the Anokhin system, the hero of the civil war, G.I. Kotovsky, was engaged. The principle of this system is that, performing exercises without weights (i.e. without weights, expander, barbell), you need to consciously strain the corresponding muscles, simulate overcoming this or that resistance. Anokhin's system has not lost its relevance to this day. His exercises make it possible not only to increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to strain and relax certain muscle groups, which is very important in sports and in any physical activity.

We will begin our acquaintance with Anokhin's system with 8 basic principles that should be followed when mastering his technique:

  1. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the working muscle or muscle group.

  2. Take your time to increase the amount and dosage of exercise.

  3. Observe correct breathing as you exercise.

  4. Perform each movement with the greatest muscle tension.

  5. Ensure that during the exercise, only those muscles that are involved in this movement are strained.

  6. Exercises should be performed naked in front of a mirror.

  7. After doing the exercises, take a shower and then rub your body vigorously with a towel.

  8. Abstinence and simplicity in food is one of the keys to success. The food should be varied, with an abundance of vegetables, fruits and milk, without the predominance of meat. The sometimes held belief that athletes should include a lot of meat in their diet is wrong. There are many examples when famous athletes limited meat in their diet. Pyotr Krylov, the owner of outstanding in terms of volume and relief of muscles, preferred plant foods.

Exercise should be done twice a day, for a total of up to 20 minutes. Each exercise lasts 5-6 seconds and is repeated up to 10 times. The first two weeks you need to do the first five exercises, then add one exercise every week. After three months, you can study according to the program of the entire complex.

Exercise 1

Main rack. Raise your arms to the sides and clench your fingers into a fist, turn your palms up. Strongly contracting the biceps muscles of the shoulder (biceps), bend your elbows. Bending your arms simulate pulling a heavy weight. With your hands touching your shoulders, turn your fists with your palms to the sides and begin to unbend your arms as if you are pushing a large weight to the sides. In this case, the triceps muscles (triceps) should be strained and the biceps should be relaxed. Breathing is even. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Exercise 2

Feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands forward, clench your fingers into a fist. Strongly tensing the muscles of the arms and back, spread your arms to the sides, then begin to bring them in front of you, tensing mainly the pectoral muscles as if you were squeezing something strongly in front of you. When opening the hands, inhale; when mixing, exhale. Try to keep the muscles not participating in the exercise relaxed.

Exercise # 3

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Keeping the body motionless, alternately raise and lower your legs quickly and with tension. Raise your legs to approximately 50 degrees. Do not touch the floor with your heels during the exercise. Breathing is even. The abdominal muscles and the muscles of the legs should be strained.

Exercise 4
Place your hands on the back of a chair, place your heels together, socks apart, straighten your back, and look straight ahead. Slowly, with tension, sit down until the touch of the heels. Then begin to straighten your legs with such tension of the quadriceps muscles of the thigh, as if you were lifting a large weight on your shoulders. While squatting, exhale, while lifting, inhale.

Exercise 5

5.Place your feet apart. Raise your hands to the sides, clench your fingers into a fist, palms up. Look straight ahead, chest forward. Straining your muscles, raise your straight arms up as if you were lifting a load. Raising your arms, inhale and begin to lower your arms down with tension of the latissimus dorsi - exhale.

Exercise # 6

Do push-ups while keeping your whole body tense. Continue toe push-ups as you exercise. Bending your arms, inhale, unbending - exhale. The main load should fall on the triceps.

Exercise 7

Main rack. Raise your straight arms to the sides, clench your fingers into a fist, palms up. With tension, begin to alternately raise and lower your brushes. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 8

Lie on your back on the floor. Legs apart, arms crossed over your chest. Leaving the lower torso and legs motionless, with strong abdominal muscle tension, begin to lift your head and chest as if you were lifting with a weight resting on your chest. When rising, inhale, when lowering, exhale.

Exercise 9

Place your legs apart with your knees bent. Raise your left arm forward, right along your torso. With the tension of the pectoral and latissimus muscles of the back, lower the left arm down, and lift the right arm forward with the tension of the deltoid muscles. In the next session, raise your arms to the sides, and in the next session, again forward. Breathing is even.

Exercise 10

Place your hands on the back of a chair with your heels together. Straining your back and legs strongly, lift your feet up as high as possible, resting on your heels. Then return to the starting position. During the exercise, the muscles of the thigh and lower leg should be strongly tense. When raising your feet, inhale, when lowering, exhale.

Exercise 11

Place your feet apart. Alternately bend and unbend your arms at the elbows. joints, keeping the elbows motionless. When bending the arms, the palms are facing up, and when unbending, towards the body. When bending the arms, all attention and tension should be concentrated on the biceps, and when extending, on the triceps. Breathing is even.

M Many athletic gymnastics enthusiasts are not limited only to modern recommendations and complexes of physical exercises, they turn to the history of athleticism and get acquainted with the systems of physical development popular in their time by famous athletes of the beginning of our century.

For them, we report the most popular systems of physical development at one time.

Strong-willed gymnastics Anokhin

At the beginning of the 20th century, the system of physical development of the Russian athlete Dr. A.K. Anokhin (pseudonym B. Ross) gained great fame. Books describing Anokhin's system survived seven editions during the life of the author, even the Niva magazine, far from sports, published it in full in 1909, calling it “the best indoor gymnastics”. Many Russian athletes of the past used its principles in their training. As you know, the hero of the Civil War, G.I.Kotovsky, studied according to Anokhin's system. This system is remarkable in that special sports equipment and special rooms were not required to perform the exercises. The author of many articles on hygiene and physical development, Anokhin approached the principle of physical exercise in a new way. He believed that there are no new movements, you cannot invent them, you can only talk about one or another principle of their execution.

Anokhin called his system "New System", and later it was called "Volitional gymnastics". Its principle is that, performing exercises without weights (that is, without dumbbells, expander, kettlebells and other shells), you need to consciously strain the corresponding muscles, simulating overcoming this or that resistance. Anokhin's system has not lost its relevance to this day. His exercises make it possible not only to increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to strain and relax certain muscle groups, which is very important in sports and in any physical work. Muscle control was a priority given to professional athletes of the past. Often in their performances, they included "posing", during which, in the rays of searchlights, they assumed the postures of antique sculptures of a disco ball, Hercules. They also demonstrated "muscle play" by contracting and relaxing certain muscle groups. Pyotr Krylov, Georg Lurikh, Georg Gakkenshmidt, Konstantin Stepanov were excellent masters of their muscles.

We will begin our acquaintance with Anokhin's system with the recommendations of the author. First, he says: “Volitional gymnastics will not make you Poddubny or Gakkenschmidt. She will not give you biceps of 45 centimeters or the opportunity to squeeze 6-7 pounds with one hand, but it will significantly improve your health. It will give beauty of forms and outlines and that normal strength for everyone, which is lost by modern man. "

Then Anokhin gives 8 basic principles that should be followed when mastering his technique. These principles are:

1. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the working muscle or muscle group.

2. Do not rush to increase the number of exercises and their dosage.

3. While doing the exercises, follow the correct breathing.

4. Perform each movement with the greatest muscle tension.

5. Ensure that when performing exercises, only those muscles that are involved in this movement are strained.

6. Exercises should preferably be performed in front of a mirror.

7. After exercising, take a shower and then rub your body vigorously with a towel.

8. Abstinence and simplicity in food is one of the keys to success. Food should be varied (vegetables, fruits, milk), without the predominance of meat. By the way, the opinion sometimes prevailing that those who are engaged in athletic exercises should include a large amount of meat in their diet is incorrect. There are many examples when famous athletes limited meat in their diet. Pyotr Krylov, "The King of Weights", having outstanding muscles in terms of volume and relief, preferred plant foods.

Exercise should be done twice a day, morning and evening. Up to 20 minutes in total. Each exercise lasts 5-6 seconds and is repeated up to 10 times. The first two weeks you need to do the first five exercises, then add one exercise every week. After three months, you can study according to the program of the entire complex.

Strong-willed gymnastics Anokhin found its first admirers more than a hundred years ago, at the beginning of the twentieth century. Due to its simplicity, safety and effectiveness, this exercise system is still in demand today. Anokhin's gymnastics is chosen by people who want to quickly put their body in order or keep it in good shape without much effort. They are ideal for those who do not have time for fitness rooms or, for medical reasons, cannot play sports.


Alexander Konstantinovich Anokhin, born in 1882, was an excellent doctor, but his true passion was sports and a thirst for knowledge of human capabilities. While living and working in Kiev, Anokhin promoted a healthy lifestyle in every possible way, trained weightlifters, and was himself an example to follow, surprising those around him with his enormous physical strength and athletic figure.

But he was not purely a practitioner. Alexander Konstantinovich was interested in the deep nature of things, he tried to create a system of exercises that develops, first of all, physical strength, not muscles. At the head of the system, he put a person's ability to subdue individual muscle groups by an effort of will. Anokhin excluded any outside influence from his volitional gymnastics: barbells, dumbbells, exercise equipment. All muscle work was done by internal volitional effort. In this case, the most important role was assigned to correct breathing and full concentration of attention on the right muscle groups.

Anokhin left a lot of theoretical and practical materials, written by him under the name Ross, but the book “Strong-willed gymnastics. Psycho-physiological movements ". It was reprinted several times and still remains a full-fledged study guide. It not only describes in detail all the exercises, but also gives a detailed theoretical basis for the effectiveness of this gymnastics.

Briefly about the essence of volitional gymnastics

Anokhin's system is very easily mastered even by unsportsmanlike people. The exercises are intuitive and technically simple. A person performs gymnastic movements, while consciously and concentratedly tensing certain muscle groups. At its core, Anokhin's system resembles modern isometric exercises, but its main difference from them is the complete absence of external influences: simulators, dumbbells, weights, and other shells.

The main gymnastic tools are will and nerve impulses that are sent to the muscles. During Anokhin's volitional gymnastics, a person clearly represents the overcoming of an imaginary effort. The better the imagination is used, the more the muscles are loaded. With proper concentration, the body works in the same way as when lifting or pushing off real weights.

Anokhin said that without nerves, muscles can be considered dead capital. Huge muscles don't mean tremendous strength. He liked to cite as an example cases when slender people lifted incredible weights, broke chains or ran at unimaginable speed in dangerous situations. Anokhin believed that in every person there is a hidden reserve of powerful forces, and the key to this reserve is the nervous system or will.

The Russian volitional gymnastics created by him is based on this conviction. Willpower is a reliable and always available means with which you can give your muscles a variety of loads at any time. Anokhin argued that, in addition to a fit, strong and dexterous body, his gymnastics gives a person invaluable skills: the ability to control and feel his own body at a completely new level, as well as the ability to use the body's hidden reserves of his own free will, and not only in borderline situations.


Anokhin considered correct breathing an obligatory and most important element of volitional gymnastics. In his book, he devoted a whole section to breathing, convincing readers that inhales and exhales, taken at the wrong time, convulsive breathing, and his delay negate the effect of volitional and physical efforts. To prevent this from happening, at first, you need to carefully control each inhalation and exhalation when performing gymnastics, until correct breathing becomes automatic. This can take a few days or a couple of weeks, but such an extremely useful and important skill cannot be neglected. It is no coincidence that Anokhin described the breathing pattern for each exercise of volitional gymnastics.

Basic principles of the Anokhin system

Before starting to study according to the Anokhin system, it is important to learn and master its main principles. This will help you perform exercises more meaningfully, learn to control your movements, understand and analyze sensations in the muscles, and most importantly, improve the final result.

  1. Concentration. Movements are performed with maximum concentration of attention.
  2. Voltage. Muscles must be loaded with extreme tension, this is achieved through the effort of will and imagination, that is, imitation of a certain load.
  3. Localization. You need to learn not to dissipate energy, but to focus the effort on the right muscles and muscle groups. Gradually, this skill is being improved, over time, a person can easily move volitional effort to different muscles and change the intensity of the load at will.
  4. Flawless technology. In volitional gymnastics, the quality of exercise performance is much more important than their quantity. It is better to do the exercise three times correctly than ten times incorrectly. Strength will surely come with time, but it is very troublesome to get rid of mistakes in technique or breathing that have become a habit.
  5. Continuity. Do not take breaks from the exercise program. Gymnastics should become an indispensable and desirable part of every day, without exception.
  6. Visualization. Anokhin recommended working out naked or in sports shorts in front of a mirror to see how the muscles work.

Advantages of the Anokhin system

According to the opinions of those who have already tried the set of exercises in practice, the set of exercises has the following advantages:

  • Efficiency. Gymnastics takes only 20 - 30 minutes a day in total, but it can radically change a person's appearance and well-being in a few weeks.
  • Security. You need to try very hard to hurt yourself by doing volitional gymnastics Anokhin. All exercises are performed smoothly, without external loads, all muscle tensions are created by internal volitional effort.
  • Purposefulness. The volitional effort can be transferred to the desired muscle group. For example, you can pump your biceps or lower legs more if you need it.
  • Simplicity. The exercises are technically simple and the movements are natural. There is enough desire for classes, 20 minutes a day and a small room.
  • Special skills. The system trains not only the body, but also the will, the ability to concentrate and control your body. These skills are useful in a wide variety of areas of life.
  • Saves time and money. Anokhin's gymnastics takes very little time, it can be done at home or in the office. Therefore, in order to quickly regain muscle tone and a fit figure, you do not need to spend money on a swimming pool, fitness room, personal trainer or home gym equipment.


There are practically no restrictions for classes according to the Anokhin system. The author himself, in his book, forbade only children to do gymnastics. For the rest, the exercises are available to everyone who has momentary health. As evidenced by numerous reviews. Volitional gymnastics is dangerous for injured muscles and tendons that need rest. You should not deal with exacerbations of chronic ailments of the joints and spine, during the flu, colds, fever. But these warnings are most likely unnecessary, a reasonable person will not load the body during an illness, when the body needs all the resources to recover.


There are 15 exercises in Anokhin's system. All of them are in strict order, the author categorically prohibits changing their places or excluding them from the program. Illness can be a good reason, for example, if your knee hurts, then squats can be excluded.

The exercises are performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Each exercise is done 10 times, but it all depends on the physical capabilities of the person. If you do not have enough strength and endurance, then you need to do the maximum amount with extreme effort and correct technique. Each exercise takes 5-6 seconds, that is, 10 repetitions last about a minute.

The Beginner's Starter Program is 12 weeks long. The first two weeks you need to do the first five exercises. So it becomes possible in a sparing mode to get used to volitional gymnastics, to master the correct breathing and rhythm of movements. Then every week one exercise is added to the complex according to the list. In the 12th week, a person will perform 15 exercises in the morning and in the evening, which will take him a total of half an hour.

To get the maximum effect, you should adhere to these recommendations:

  • Exercise is done twice a day, preferably before breakfast and before bed. Ideal time: in the morning at least half an hour before meals or an hour after breakfast, and in the evening half an hour before dinner or a couple of hours after it.
  • Ventilate the area before exercising.
  • After gymnastics, you need to take a shower and rub yourself thoroughly with a towel.
  • For the Anokhin system to give the best result, it is desirable to get enough sleep (on average 8 hours) and to observe moderation in food. Of course, sleep deficit is a problem of our time, but for the sake of good health and good mood, you can instill in yourself one more useful skill along with gymnastics: go to bed early.


Gymnastics has a beneficial effect on people with different constitutions. For 12 weeks of the program, both a fat man, and a thin girl, an elderly person, and an athlete receive noticeable changes in well-being and appearance. Strength appears in muscles and ease of movement, posture is leveled, overall endurance increases, in addition to muscles, joints and ligaments become stronger. Thanks to the Anokhin system, the work of the heart and lungs improves, the skills of proper breathing and the ability to concentrate are strengthened.

Reviews of practicing volitional gymnastics Anokhin

Of course, there are people who criticize Anokhin's system, but their claims are most often associated with overestimated expectations. A person sees that his muscles are not growing, and begins to blame the exercises, which are designed for a completely different effect. Gymnastics is primarily aimed at developing strength, endurance and will, and the relief of muscles and their slight growth are pleasant bonuses.

More often than not, the exercise system receives the most flattering reviews. Volitional gymnastics Anokhin, according to the people practicing it, has a complex positive effect on the body.

Those who used the set of exercises noted a significant increase in endurance, strengthening of immunity, and the manifestation of the outlines of different muscle groups. People who work at the computer for a long time felt an improvement in posture, disappearance of pain in the back and cervical spine. Former athletes who left classes for medical reasons, practicing volitional gymnastics, noted a decrease in weight, an increase in the general tone of the body, an increase in strength and endurance, and the disappearance of the flabbiness of previously trained muscles.

A set of exercises

When performing the exercises, it is worth remembering that they must be done exactly in the order recommended by Dr. Anokhin:

  • Feet approximately shoulder-width apart, both arms apart, fists clenched, palms turned up. Then the arms are bent at the elbow until the fists touch the shoulders, while inhaling through the nose. In the reverse movement, the fists unfold 180 °, with an exhalation, the arms are extended to their original position. It is necessary to imagine how the hands, bending, lift a large weight, for example, weights, and unbending, as if pushing away something massive.

  • The stance does not change, but the body is slightly tilted. Arms are extended in front of you. First, the arms spread apart, as if stretching a speculative expander, at the same moment an even breath is taken through the nose. Then, with an exhalation, the arms are brought back to their original position, as if squeezing an invisible hard ball.

  • Lie on the floor or bed. The body is straight, hands behind the head. Imagine that weights are attached to the legs. Raise one leg, then lower it, but not touch the floor, and at the same time raise the other leg. The body must remain stationary. Breathing without delay and jerking, exhale through the mouth, inhale through the nose.

  • Place your hands on the back of a chair or on a high windowsill. Straighten your body, rise on your toes. Do a deep squat, with a strong-willed effort straining the muscles of the legs, as if there is a lot of weight on the shoulders, touch the buttocks with the heels, which should remain raised. Inhale air while squatting, exhale while lifting.

  • The back is straight, the legs are slightly apart, the arms are spread apart and bent at the elbow at a right angle. At the first stage of the exercise, the arms are straightened upward with effort, as if they are raising a log above the head, when the arms return to their original position, one can imagine that they are closing a heavy hatch. Inhale when raising the arms, exhale when they lower.

  • Take a lying position, imagine a heavy plate on your back, start doing slow push-ups, but not letting your chest touch the floor. Inhale when moving the body down, exhale when lifting the body.

  • The back is straight, both hands are directed to the sides, during the exercise only fists, clenched and turned with the palms down, move, they mirror-like rise and fall, as if trying to lift a weight or press something. Breathing without delay and jerking, exhale through the mouth, inhale through the nose.

  • Lie on the floor, fold your palms on your chest, they can even create additional pressure, imagine a heavy slab on your chest and do chest lifts. The legs and lower torso should remain motionless. Exhale when lifting the chest, inhale when lowering it.

  • The legs are slightly apart and slightly bent at the knees, the body is tilted, the arms are first lowered along the body. Then you need to imagine descent from the mountain on skis, the hands seem to make repulsive movements with sticks, with effort rising to shoulder height and with effort returning to their original position. In addition to the arms, you need to strain the muscles of the press and back. Breathing is even and without jerks, it is desirable that the exhalation coincides with the maximum effort.

  • Stand straight, feet together, put your hands on the back of a chair or other sufficiently high support. With an effort, simultaneously raise the socks of both legs while inhaling and lowering the socks on the exhale.

  • Stand up straight, lower your arms along the body, press your elbows to your sides, clench your fists. Imagine as if the hands are alternately raising heavy dumbbells, bending at the elbows, and when unbending, they push something stubborn down. Breathing is even and without jerking, you need to try to exhale coincides with the maximum effort.

  • Stand straight, legs slightly apart, clasp your outstretched arms over your head, turn the body to the side 90 ° and with an effort make a tilt, return to its original position, and then immediately make the same tilt to the other side. Exhale when tilting the body, inhale when lifting it.

  • The body is straight, the feet are parallel, the hands lie on the windowsill or the back of the chair. Raise on toes, imagining a lot of weight on your shoulders. Exhale when the body rises to the toes, inhale when it comes down to the heels.

  • The legs are apart and bent at the knees, the bent arms are along the body, the elbows are pressed to the body, the body is tilted. The pose resembles that of a skier riding downhill. With an exhalation, both arms unbend at the elbows, and then, while inhaling, with an effort they take their original position, the shoulders and body are motionless, the movement imitates the pushing off of the snow with sticks.

  • Stand up straight and make movements as if hands alternately raise heavy weights up from the shoulder. Breathing is even and without jerks, it is desirable that the exhalation coincides with the maximum effort.

Exercising regularly and correctly will help you achieve remarkable results.

All 15 exercises are arranged in a well-known, strictly defined order, which cannot be violated in any way.

Start the exercises with 5 numbers, and then add 1 number every week, so that after 3 months you will be exercising in fifteen numbers.

The first 2 weeks you do only 5 exercises (No. 1-5) in the morning and 5 in the evening (the same No. 1-5). Each movement lasts 5-6 seconds and is performed up to 10 times each.

Pay attention to breathing, which is often ignored and extremely important. When describing the exercises, each time it is indicated exactly how in this case you need to breathe. In no case should you make movement while holding your breath. This negates all the work.

Description of movements.

Obligatory and accurate execution of movements, their order and number alone can guarantee success. No permutations or changes are allowed. The number of exercises indicated is the highest. Approach them gradually.

1. Flexion of the elbows from the side

Become a little stooped again. Back in an arc. Legs together and perfectly straight. Hold on to the chair. Then, straining your back and legs strongly, straighten your back, arching the spine as much as possible, while at the same time push your feet high. Heels together. Then return to the previous position. Legs should be tense all. You should feel your calves and thighs.

Breathing: when raising - inhale, when lowering - exhale.

  • 8 WEEK - add exercise number 11 and throughout the eighth week do 11 exercises (1 to 11)

11. Flexion and extension of the arms

10 times in the morning. In the evening 5-10 times.

Stand up straight. Legs apart. Body and head straight. Bend your elbows in turn. When, for example, the left arm bends, then at the same time the right one straightens (goes down). The elbows are motionless, near the sides. When bending, the palms are facing upward, when unbending - to the sides. when bending, you strongly pull your hand, and when unbending, you squeeze, push it down. Hands must be completely straightened when lowering.

Breathing is even and calm.

  • 9 WEEK - add exercise 12 and throughout the ninth week do 12 exercises (# 1-12)

12. Turns and bends of the trunk

10 times in the morning. In the evening 5-10 times. 11 Stand straight. Legs together. Chest forward, straighten your back. The left arm is bent at the elbow, the right arm rises upward with force and tension, but does not straighten at all, but remains bent. Then, when you lower your right hand, the left rises up. The impression is that you are pulling something from above and raise your hands in turn. The whole body and head are motionless.

Breathing: even and calm without delay.

At the end of the course of 12 weeks (3 months), if you followed all our rules exactly, you will not recognize yourself.

Your health will be great, you will feel strength, dexterity in movements, strength and lightness of members.

Here you can download the book by A.G. Anokhin fully.

One phrase

One wise man said:

"The best medicine for a person is love and care." Someone asked: "What if it doesn't help?" The sage replied: "Increase the dose!"



Clever Owl

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