Two-day training program. 2 Day Mass Gain Split

Weight gain training for athletes with a fitness level slightly higher than that of novice bodybuilders can be done in a two-day split. First, each beginner is required to engage in a program that involves the use of all muscle groups in one workout, and only then move on to separate classes.

A two-day weight split that breaks down your whole body workout into two workouts on different days. The number of classes is not limited exclusively to two trainings per week. You can train up to six times. The main thing is that two consecutive days of fulfillment power loads allowed to use absolutely all muscle groups.

The construction of training programs can be completely different. Some are based on the fact that the first day is devoted only to the deadlift, and the second to the bench press, or one workout focuses only on the upper body, and the other on the lower body. The presented two-day split is structured in a completely different way.

The program is based on the observance of the following three directions:

  • muscle mass should be divided into exactly two parts, which allows you to use 50% of the body on each training day;
  • the extensors of the back and spine should receive extremely uniform loads;
  • the shoulder joint moves in a large amplitude and is most susceptible to various types of injuries, which also imposes a requirement for the distribution of the exerted load, which must be the same on each day.

Maximum load on vertebral column has the performance of deadlifts and squats. This is the reason why the dorsal region and lower limbs should be worked out on different days. Experienced bodybuilders are aware of this and never train both of these muscle groups on the same day.

Deltas and chest, following the third principle, also work separately. There are no restrictions for the abdominal cavity. The press can be pumped at any time. Recovery is achieved by taking a day's break between workouts.

Two Day Weight Split Workout Program

First day

  1. Back. The workout begins with a warm-up, and all the exercises presented below are tried to be done in half an hour, taking into account a thirty-second break between approaches:
  • pull-ups;
  • tight top block;
  • bar thrust;
  • pull to the belt of the lower block.

All exercises are done in 3 sets, but the barbell row is supplemented with a warm-up approach, in each doing 8-12 repetitions, and in squats until failure.

  1. Shoulder girdle. Assumes fifteen minutes of interleaved execution:
  • army bench press;
  • wide grip pulls to the chin.
  1. Triceps. Similarly, working on the shoulders takes a quarter of an hour and consists of two exercises:

Do 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Second day

  1. Legs. Before performing, they must stretch, and the exercises themselves are tried to be done in 25 minutes, the rest after each approach is from 40 seconds to 1 minute:
  • barbell squats (3x8-12 "plus" 2 warm-ups);
  • press in the simulator (legs) (3x8-12);
  • lunges (2 repetitions of 8-10 times).
  1. Pectoral muscles. It also works out for 25 minutes, but the rest is no more than 30 seconds between repetitions, it involves doing:
  • bench press on incline bench lying down;
  • dumbbell bench press on an incline bench;
  • dumbbell layout.

With the exception of the barbell press, performed in 4 sets, the rest are done in 3x8-12.

  1. Biceps. Processed in 10 minutes. Rest between sets is half a minute. The training consists of alternating:
  • lifts with a straight bar;
  • hammer.

Do these biceps exercises for 4 sets with 8-12 repetitions each.

This two-day split fully complies with all three principles of building a workout. It allows you to evenly distribute the loads, work out all the muscles, and also effectively increases the mass. Optimal time lesson is 60 minutes. If no strong pharmacological drugs and anabolic steroids are taken, it is not recommended to engage in longer periods.

2 months, as you said. During this time, I typed 4kg ideal muscle mass. They began to respect me more often and less often to fuck me. Sometimes girls give, and sometimes boys, but only for fucking. In principle, any attention is pleasant.

World Of Warcraft hasn't been deleted yet, my orc 80th level should definitely see how I surpass it. I handed over all my father's black beer Cheburashkas for 3 rubles, as well as my mother's three-liter cans of sauerkraut at 10 rubles per can. With the money I got, I bought Russian protein PRO92... Don't worry, I survived!

Life is getting better, it seems that success is very close, thank you for what you are doing. I beg you to write the next step to success, what should the ideal two-day weight split look like?

Why do you allow all the muscles to be pumped in one day with a two-day rest in the case of a one-day split. And also every other day in the case of a two-day weight split? We are not chemists, our muscles do not have time to recover so quickly!

You are not chemists, but you are not professionals either. How more muscle, the longer it takes to recover from damage received during training. If your muscles do not have large volumes, then their recovery is much faster, therefore, at first it makes sense to use a two-day split for beginners of three 3-4 workouts a week!

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And now to the point. When compiling a two-day split for beginners, you need to be guided by three basic principles:

1) It is necessary to split the entire muscle mass of the body into two equal groups, so that every day we train 50% of our muscle mass.

2) The load on the spinal column and back extensors should also be evenly distributed over two days.

3) Distribute the load on the shoulder composition evenly over two days. This joint, due to its very large range of motion, is very traumatic. He is responsible for all exercises in the pumping of the muscles of the back, chest and deltas.
The main load factors on the spinal column are squats and deadlift... Therefore, to comply with the second rule, we train our legs and back on different days. Anyway, what idiot would train such large muscle groups in one day?

We train the chest and shoulders on different days, to comply with rule number three. Shaking the chest, we unwittingly kill the front bundle of deltas. We leave the middle beam for the day of the back, however, as well as the back one, because it sways by itself in almost all exercises for the back muscles.

Pump your abs when you feel like it
Let me remind you that I am a supporter of pumping biceps separately from the back, and triceps separately from the chest. I believe that hands grow faster this way.

Actually, we were able to take into account all three rules when building a set, you can count, every day we load on 50% the entire muscle mass of the body.

Day one back block:

1) Pull-ups 10 times + pulling the upper block for the head 14 times (3 cycles). Superset of two exercises for pumping: the broadest, large and small round muscles of the back. 15 seconds rest between exercises and 40 seconds rest between sets, stretch after each set.

2) Deadlift 3x8. Hula classic!

3) Row of the lower block to the belt 10 times + dilution of dumbbells in an incline 14 times (3 cycles). Superset of two exercises for pumping: trapezium, lats and back beam of deltas. Rest and stretching as well.
We kill all back muscles in 30 minutes.

Day one shoulders (trapezoid, middle beam of deltas):
Press standing from the chest (barbell) 10 times + Dumbbell dilution to the sides 12 times (3 cycles). Perfect superset for deltas. The rest is the same.

Day one triceps block:
Bench press with a narrow grip 2x8. total weight triceps + inner part chest that will not be loaded on the day of training on the chest.

6) French press 2x12. Over-exercise for the triceps, we need it to pump the ever-lagging long head of the triceps.

Second day of training:
Day two block on legs:
Squats 3x8. Hula classic!

2) Lunge 2x10. Second basic exercise.

3) Calf 2x20 (on the leg press). Calf muscle, the only one did not receive the load from the entire muscle mass of the legs, so we pump it up with the help of isolation.
Be sure to stretch your legs, this is sacred. I don't consider it necessary to pump the quadriceps and hamstrings separately in a two-day split

Day two chest block:
Bench press 3x8. Hula classic! Center of the chest.

5) Bars 2x12. Wide grip, lower chest.

6) Butterfly 14 times + set / bench press dumbbells in the slope 10 times. Superset in which we immediately pursue 3 goals: pumping upper part breasts, pumping, plus stretching of the fascia. It is necessary to first hammer the chest with blood on a butterfly, 15 seconds of rest, then perform either a deep set or a deep press with dumbbells on an incline bench.

Day two block for biceps (forearm):
Lifting the bar (straight bar) for biceps 2x12. Hula classic. You can do it right away in drop sets. The PSHNB with a straight bar perfectly pumps the forearm, which we have little use in the rest of the program.

8) Lifting dumbbells for biceps with support 2x12. Deeper study!

Output: as you can see, I again adhere to the position of short training. If you do not inject steroids in your ass, then stick to the short, intense training to minimize the destruction of your muscle tissue. You may notice that in contrast to the one-day split, supersets, drop sets and stretching are already starting to apply here. Not a single muscle group is forgotten. In my opinion, this is the perfect 2 day split for muscle gain.

How to focus on certain muscle groups?

Let me give you an example. To focus on the chest instead of the legs, then in the second training day put the block of exercises on the chest first, and swing your legs after the chest. At the beginning of the workout, there is more energy and mental concentration is better, therefore the return will be greater. According to scientific data, mental concentration on the working muscle increases its growth by about 8%

Second way increase the load on a specific muscle group: either you need to add a couple of approaches to the already existing exercises, or add one new exercise for deeper study.
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Three-day split it is no coincidence that it is one of the most common options for a separate training system, as it is optimal for both beginners and advanced athletes. Three workouts per week allow you to work out each muscle group qualitatively and fully recover between workouts. Therefore, the three-day training program is often used for both mass and strength gains and weight loss.

Benefits of a 3 Day Split Workout Program

The training program 3 times a week is a classic of bodybuilding. Unlike a 2-day split, a 3-day split allows you to focus more on working your upper body muscles. Working out every other day optimally promotes recovery and avoids overworking the body.

Each muscle group is qualitatively worked out once a week, not counting the indirect load. This interval between workouts of one muscle group is optimal for muscle recovery and supercompensation. Therefore, by doing a three-day training program, you can successfully achieve your goals, whether it is increasing muscle mass and strength, or losing weight.

There are many options for how to create a three-day training program. The main thing is to correctly distribute muscle groups. As a rule, in one workout, two muscle groups are worked out - one large and one small muscle group. For example, on Monday we train the muscles of the legs + shoulders, on Wednesday we train the pectoral muscles + biceps, and on Friday we train the muscles of the back + triceps.

In each workout, heavy basic exercises are always performed first, which involve many large and small muscles followed by lighter and more isolating exercises. For example, on Monday, a leg and shoulder workout might look like this:

  1. Barbell Squat
  2. Machine lying leg press
  3. Extension of the legs on the block
  4. Curls of the legs on the block
  5. Standing Bar / Dumbbell Press
  6. Standing barbell row

Training days are separated by 1-2 days of complete rest. Each MG is worked out once a week at the peak of supercompensation, when the muscles have fully recovered and become a little bigger and stronger. In this case, you will be able to progress the load by slightly increasing the working weight or doing 1-2 more repetitions. However, if at the next workout you feel that you have not yet recovered, then you need to either reduce the volume of the load, or increase the rest time between workouts, working out each MG every 8-9 days.

Below are several options for a 3-day workout program for beginners, advanced athletes, and a 3-day split for girls. These options are not dogma. You can independently change the exercises, the number of repetitions and approaches, and so on. Any training program can and should be adjusted for yourself, based on the recovery abilities of your body.



  1. Pull-ups with add. weighing 4x8-12
  2. Dumbbell / Barbell Bench Press 4x8-12
  3. Bent-over barbell row 3x8-10
  4. Dumbbell bench press at an angle of 3x8-10
  5. Dumbbell Row 3x8-10
  6. Breeding dumbbells lying 3x8-10


  1. Seated barbell / dumbbell bench press 4x8-12
  2. Barbell / dumbbell row to the chest while standing 4x8-12
  3. Bench press with a narrow grip 3x8-10
  4. Curl of arms with a barbell 3x8-10
  5. French press 3x8-10
  6. Hammers with dumbbells 3x8-10


  1. Squats 4x8-12
  2. Deadlift 4x8-12
  3. Leg press 3x8-10
  4. Leg curls 3x8-10
  5. Standing calf raises 3x12-15
  6. Seated Calf Raise 3x15-20



  1. Deadlift 3x6-8
  2. Pull-ups 3x6-12
  3. Barbell / Dumbbell Row 3x6-12
  4. Curls of arms with a barbell 3x6-12
  5. Hammers with dumbbells 3x6-12

Wednesday (chest, triceps, press)

  1. Bench press lying 3x6-8
  2. Incline dumbbell bench press 3x8-12
  3. Breeding dumbbells 3x8-12
  4. Dips on the uneven bars 3x6-12
  5. French press 3x6-12
  6. Twisting 3x20-30


  1. Squats 3x6-8
  2. Leg press 3x8-12
  3. Raise on socks 3x12-15
  4. Seated barbell / dumbbell bench press 3x8-12
  5. Barbell pull to the chin 3x8-12
  6. Swing dumbbells to the sides 3x10-12


Male and women's workouts, as a rule, have several fundamental differences. First, most men want to increase muscle mass and strength, while girls dream of losing weight, pumping up the ass, making the stomach flat, removing the sides, and so on. That is, girls Special attention devote to work on the so-called "problem areas". Consequently, the training for girls will be less intense and consist mainly of exercises for the most problem areas bodies such as thighs and buttocks, belly. Moreover, after strength training you can add 20 minutes of cardio or do a cardio workout on a separate day, if possible, of course.


  1. Squats 3x12-15
  2. Deadlift on straight legs 3x12-15
  3. Dumbbell lunges 3x12-15
  4. Leg curls 3x12-15
  5. Twisting on an incline bench 3-4x20-25


  1. Push-ups 3 to max.
  2. Incline dumbbell bench press 3x12-15
  3. Breeding dumbbells lying 3x12-15
  4. Extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head 3x12-15
  5. Extension of arms on the block down 3x12-15


  1. Traction of the upper block for the head 3x12-15
  2. Dumbbell Row 3x12-15
  3. Hyperextensions 3x12-15
  4. Seated dumbbell press 3x12-15
  5. Lifting dumbbells through the sides 3x12-15


The transition to a three-day split should be followed by a full-body workout program or a two-day split. However, it is not uncommon for beginners to go straight to the three-day beginner split. The main thing is not to overdo it with the load in order to avoid overtraining.

On initial stage it is enough to perform 2-3 approaches with small weights for 10-15 repetitions to put correct technique exercises and gradually prepare the muscles for working with large working weights.

When working on weight, trained athletes need to perform exercises with large working weights (75-80% of the maximum), 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions.

Rest between sets depends on your goals. When working on mass and strength, rest between sets and exercises for 2-3 minutes. For weight loss, the rest between sets should be reduced to 30-60 seconds. Rest no more than 2 minutes between exercises.

the main goal: muscle growth
Training type: split
Required level of fitness: average
Number of workouts per week: 4
Necessary equipment: barbell, dumbbells, exercise equipment, blocks
Target gender: men and women

When making up / down split workouts, people often make the following mistakes:
1. Too many sets per muscle group
2. Too many isolation exercises
3. Lack of variety in training the same part of the torso

When developing this training program, we tried to avoid these mistakes and provide each muscle group a sufficient level of stimulation of hypertrophy. The program will work best for those athletes whose training experience exceeds 6 months. If you have been in bodybuilding for over 3 years and are close to reaching your limit muscle growth, then this program will most likely not bring you tangible benefits.

Lower Body Workout # 1

The exercise Approaches Repetitions
2 warm-up and 3-4 workers12-15 (warm-up), 6-8
2-3 10-12
3-4 6-8
2-3 10-12
3-4 6-8
2-3 10-12

As you can see given workout consists of at least 17 approaches, which will take you about 45 minutes to complete. You can do a maximum of 23 approaches, the implementation of which should preferably be done in 60 minutes.

Upper Body Workout # 1

A minimum of 16 approaches, which should take 35 minutes to complete. Maximum 22 approaches, the execution of which should take 50 minutes.

Lower Body Workout # 2

The exercise Approaches Repetitions
2 warm-up and 2-3 workers12-15 (warm-up), 10-12
2-3 10-12
2-3 10-12
2-3 10-12
Standing Calf Raises in Smith's Car2-3 8-10
2-3 12-15

A minimum of 14 approaches and 30 minutes of time. Maximum 20 sets and 40 minutes of time. What is the difference from workout # 1? Less training and leg curls in the machine are replaced with dumbbell back lunges.

Upper Body Workout # 2

The exercise Approaches Repetitions
2-3 to failure
2-3 10-12
2 warm-up and 2-3 workers12-15 (warm-up), 10-12
2-3 10-12
1-2 10-12
1-2 10-12

A minimum of 12 sets and 30 minutes of time. Maximum 18 sets and 40 minutes of time. What is the difference from workout # 1? Less training, plus a slightly different set of exercises.

Lesson plan for the week

This split was designed to be a 4 day split, so ideally you should train on the following schedule:
Tuesday - Upper Body Workout # 1
Wednesday is a day of rest
Thursday - Lower Body Workout # 2

However, if circumstances do not allow you to train 4 times a week, or if you do not have time to recover by doing such a schedule, then the 3-day version of this split is suitable for you:

Week 1
Monday - Lower Body Workout # 1
Tuesday is a day of rest
Wednesday Upper Body Workout # 1
Thursday is a day of rest
Friday - Lower Body Workout # 2
Saturday and Sunday are days of rest

Week 2
Monday - Upper Body Workout # 1
Tuesday is a day of rest
Wednesday - Lower Body Workout # 1
Thursday is a day of rest
Friday Upper Body Workout # 2
Saturday and Sunday are days of rest

Working weights in exercises
The rep ranges prescribed above should correspond to a certain amount of weights:
6 reps - roughly 85% of 1RM
8 reps - about 80% of 1RM
10 reps - approximately 75% of 1RM
12 reps - about 70% of 1RM

Working scale progression
The first 2 weeks of training in this program are "test": during this period you must determine your working weights. From 3 weeks, you begin to study with full dedication.

Increase working weights in heavy basic exercises (squats, deadlifts, bench press on a horizontal and incline bench) after you can complete the specified number of repetitions in all approaches with the same weight.

After 6 weeks of training in full working mode ( weeks 3 to 8), followed by a "unloading" week.

"Unloading" week
This is a time of rest from hard training. This stage is necessary in order to give your body the opportunity to fully recover, and your nervous system rest to avoid overtraining, reduce the likelihood of injury, and increase motivation.

As for the working weights, they should not be reduced. Reducing the volume of training ( total number of approaches) will be enough.

Weight gain training for athletes with a fitness level slightly higher than that of novice bodybuilders can be done in a two-day split. First, each beginner is required to engage in a program that involves the use of all muscle groups in one workout, and only then move on to separate classes.

A two-day weight split that breaks down your whole body workout into two workouts on different days. The number of classes is not limited exclusively to two trainings per week. You can train up to six times. The main thing is that two consecutive days of performing power loads allow you to use absolutely all muscle groups.

The construction of training programs can be completely different. Some are based on the fact that the first day is devoted only to the deadlift, and the second to the bench press, or one workout focuses only on the upper body, and the other on the lower body. The presented two-day split is structured in a completely different way.

Three principles of building a two-day split

The program is based on the observance of the following three directions:

  • muscle mass should be divided into exactly two parts, which allows you to use 50% of the body on each training day;
  • the extensors of the back and spine should receive extremely uniform loads;
  • the shoulder joint moves in a large amplitude and is most susceptible to various types of injuries, which also imposes a requirement for the distribution of the exerted load, which must be the same on each day.

The maximum load on the spinal column is provided by performing deadlifts and squats. This is the reason why the dorsal region and lower limbs must be worked out on different days. Experienced bodybuilders are aware of this and never train both of these muscle groups on the same day.

Deltas and chest, following the third principle, also work out separately. There are no restrictions for the abdominal cavity. The press can be pumped at any time. Recovery is achieved by taking a day's break between workouts.

Two Day Weight Split Workout Program

First day
  1. Back. The workout begins with a warm-up, and all the exercises presented below are tried to be done in half an hour, taking into account a thirty-second break between approaches:
  • pull-ups;
  • tightness of the upper block;
  • bar thrust;
  • pull to the belt of the lower block.

All exercises are done in 3 sets, but the barbell row is supplemented with a warm-up approach, in each doing 8-12 repetitions, and in squats until failure.

  1. Shoulder girdle. Assumes fifteen minutes of interleaved execution:
  • army bench press;
  • wide grip pulls to the chin.
  1. Triceps. Similarly, working on the shoulders takes a quarter of an hour and consists of two exercises:
  • press with a narrow grip;
  • French press.

Do 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Second day
  1. Legs. Before performing, they must stretch, and the exercises themselves are tried to be done in 25 minutes, the rest after each approach is from 40 seconds to 1 minute:
  • barbell squats (3x8-12 "plus" 2 warm-ups);
  • press in the simulator (legs) (3x8-12);
  • lunges (2 repetitions of 8-10 times).
  1. Pectoral muscles. It also works out for 25 minutes, but the rest is no more than 30 seconds between repetitions, it involves doing:
  • bench press on an incline bench;
  • dumbbell bench press on an incline bench;
  • dumbbell layout.

With the exception of the barbell press, performed in 4 sets, the rest are done in 3x8-12.

  1. Biceps. Processed in 10 minutes. Rest between sets is half a minute. The training consists of alternating:
  • lifts with a straight bar;
  • hammer.

Do these biceps exercises for 4 sets with 8-12 repetitions each.

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