Raising hands with dumbbells on an incline. Setting dumbbells lying on an incline bench

One of the three most effective pectoral exercises, along with the bench press and push-up, is the incline dumbbell arm extension. There are several options for its implementation, which allow you to shift the emphasis of the load. Let's take a closer look at the technique for performing them.

Exercise Description

The dumbbell set is aimed at working out the pectoralis major and minor. In the negative phase, they can be stretched very well, which at a young age contributes to the expansion of the diaphragm (like the pullover exercise).

In addition, the anterior, middle deltas and biceps (mainly the short head) act as synergists. The top of the trapezoid is also involved.

The serrated muscles of the press help to maintain the position.

Bench tilt angle - 20 degrees

The exercise can be performed both in a positive slope and in a negative one (that is, in one in which the head is below the body).

What does this affect? And what degree of incline should you choose?

The horizontal position in dilution helps to distribute the load evenly over the entire surface of the pectoralis major muscle. A positive incline when you're half-sitting helps you engage your upper chest more. With a negative slope, when you are practically doing this exercise while hanging upside down, it is easier to engage your lower pectoralis.

Never perform a downward bend exercise if:

  • you have problems with intracranial pressure
  • heart and vascular problems
  • high blood pressure
  • there are dizziness or discomfort of an unknown nature

The degree of inclination should be chosen about 20 (plus or minus 5-10 degrees). If it is larger, it can negatively affect the joints. And if we are talking about dilutions head down, then on your health in general.

Exercise technique

Let's take a look at how to do the negative and positive slope exercise correctly.

Breeding dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench upside down

So, as we said earlier, in this version we focus on the load on the upper pectoral muscles.

Execution technique:

  1. We expose the bench at an angle of 15 to 30 degrees.
  2. We put the dumbbells next to the bench on the sides.
  3. We sit on the edge, lift the dumbbells and put them on the hips.
  4. At the same time pushing the shell towards us with our feet, we lie down on the bench.
  5. Dumbbells are in our bent arms near the chest.
  6. We exhale and take the starting position, that is, raise our outstretched arms up. The elbows should be slightly bent.
  7. Now we begin to perform the exercise - we take a breath and spread our arms to the sides, but only the shoulder joints should participate in the movement: the hand, the forearm do not move.
  8. At the bottom, you should feel a good stretch in the chest and anterior deltas. But do not lower the dumbbells below the shoulder line.
  9. As we exhale, we bring our hands together again, without touching each other with dumbbells.

Exercise can be performed 20 times in 2-3 sets. Remember that if you are working on mass, you need to choose higher weights and fewer reps, if for weight loss or simply giving relief - less weights and more reps.

Video: Dumbbell Routing in a Positive Lying Bend

Dumbbell divorces on an incline bench upside down

For this exercise, it is most comfortable to use a press bench. The angle of inclination in it is usually adjustable.

  1. If you are doing the exercise with heavy dumbbells, then you will need help getting them in your hands.
  2. If the shell is not very heavy, then we take it ourselves and sit on the bench.
  3. Usually, an incline bench has two rollers: one under the knees, the other over the lower leg.
  4. Having comfortably fixed the legs, we lie with our backs on the bench so that the shoulder blades, buttocks and hips are pressed to the surface, and a slight natural deflection remains in the lower back.
  5. We bring our hands with dumbbells up. We do not hold the dumbbells over the head, but directly above the chest.
  6. While inhaling, we spread our arms to the sides, as in the previous version, without including in the work anything except the shoulder joint.

Exercise spreading dumbbells while sitting is not basic, but isolated. This means that there is no need to wait for strong muscle growth. It is used for stretching, warming up, finishing and shaping the pectoral muscles. That is why its implementation with large weights is not very advisable.

Use medium to light weights, but do more reps - 12 to 20 in 2-3 sets.

Video: Negative Dumbbell Rise

Breeding dumbbells on an incline bench for girls

This exercise is certainly very effective in maintaining the shape of the breasts, and it is possible to perform both positive and negative divorces, similar to reverse dilutions. However, it will be more useful to have the option with the head down, since by acting on the lower part of the chest, you can raise it.

There is a misconception that exercise will make your breasts shrink. Only grueling, frequent exercise coupled with inadequate nutrition will lead to weight loss, including breast reduction.

Do not take heavy dumbbells, limit yourself to a weight of up to 3 kg. On the bench, you can take a heavier weight, as this is a basic exercise, but setting up requires good technique and regular execution.

Do 12-15 repetitions for 3-4 sets. One workout per week is enough.

Video: Bent-over dumbbells for girls

Do not use the dumbbell layout as the main exercise for training the chest, you need to focus on the "base", however, performing it after presses or push-ups, you will work out the pectoral muscles much better. Proof of this will be both your feelings after training and external changes in this area.

Dumbbell raises are one of the best isolating (only one shoulder joint works) exercises for the pectoral muscles. Exercise helps to find a round shape for the chest, and also creates the visual effect of separating the left and right half of the chest.

By changing the slope of the bench, you can shift the focus to different parts of the pectoral muscles (top, bottom, middle). To shift the load to the upper sections, you need to work on an incline bench (30 degrees). To work on the lower sections, exercise on a bench with a negative incline. The middle sections are a regular horizontal bench. Also, you should monitor the height of the bench, it should be such that you can fix your legs so as not to lose balance when raising your hands with dumbbells lying down.

Execution technique

  • Lie on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Take dumbbells and squeeze them over your chest, arms slightly bent at the elbow joint.
  • Fix the angle at the elbows and maintain it throughout the entire range of motion.
  • Having taken the starting position (squeezing the dumbbells over you), start spreading your arms. Try to lower the dumbbells as much as possible, but until you feel severe pain.
  • After dilution, begin to bring your hands together. Try to tighten your chest muscles as much as possible at the top of the movement.
  • Breathe in air while pulling and exhale while bringing the dumbbell down.
  • If you have an impeccable execution technique and do not have problems with loss of balance, then you can put your feet on the bench. This will push your back against the bench and thereby increase the load on your pectoral muscles.

Notes (edit)

Dumbbell Arm Raise Workout Plan

This scheme is ideal for you if you are working on the pectoral muscles on a separate training day:

  • Press the bar on an incline bench (2 warm-ups + 4 X 8-12);
  • Dumbbell press on an incline bench (4 X 8-12);
  • Breeding hands with dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench (4 X 8-12);
  • Pullover for pectoral muscles (3 X 8-12).

This set of exercises will be enough for you to fully work out the pectoral muscles. Pressing the bar and dumbbells - basic exercises that will grow the muscle mass of the chest regions, raising the arms with dumbbells and a pullover will help you achieve an excellent visual effect.

If you still have any questions, we recommend watching a video that shows the correct technique for performing such an exercise as raising hands with dumbbells:

In this article, we will discuss a fairly popular exercise in bodybuilding, which is called raising dumbbells while lying on a bench. We will discuss it from start to finish, consider which muscle group is affected by the wiring, how to correctly perform this exercise, analyze various variations in performance and give many useful recommendations so that you can use it as efficiently as possible in your workout.

What muscles does the dumbbell layout swing?

For a long time, a well-developed chest in men was considered a sign of masculinity, strength, courage and heroism. To this day, this muscle is one of the most popular parts that bodybuilders pump to look bigger and more effective on stage. It is at this muscle group that such an isolating exercise is directed as "lifting hands with dumbbells lying down."

Isolation exercises- These are exercises in which movement occurs in one joint, and the load is purposefully dropped on a separate muscle, that is, a movement in which the athlete works out a separate part of the body, for example, the biceps. Such exercises serve to ensure that the return from training to a particular muscle is as effective as possible. How it works? You perform a basic exercise, for example, which is aimed at working out the muscles of the back, after that, in order to refine the target muscles, you should perform several isolating exercises, so to speak, "finish off" the muscle, for example:. If we take into account, where not only the target muscle is actively involved in the work, but also many other connecting, small muscle groups. Due to such a large number of involved muscles, the target ones may not receive the necessary load to prevent this from happening, in addition they use isolation. This is the essence of isolation exercises. You can familiarize yourself with this category of exercises in more detail.

In addition to the chest muscles, in this exercise, many muscles receive a static load, that is, keeping the weight, body in the same position. For example, the forearms (hands) hold dumbbells, the biceps and triceps help keep the arm in one position without bending or unbending it.

As for the pectorals, when we perform the extension of the arms to the sides while lying on the bench, the main part of the load is received by the outer part of our muscle group. The greatest biomechanical leverage in this exercise is at the bottom. It is at the lowest point of the athlete that the pectoral muscles are stretched and the wiring, like no other exercise, is aimed exclusively at the outer part of the thoracic region. That is, by performing arm extension, we stretch the chest muscles as much as possible. In this exercise, you can perform the maximum amplitude. At the same time, as the dumbbells are raised to the starting point, the load on the thoracic region decreases.

Also, if you perform the exercise on an incline bench, the upper part of the pectoral muscles will also receive the load, but all the same, the main part of the load will be concentrated on the outer part. Many believe that it also pumps the middle of the chest well, this opinion is erroneous.

Exercise Description

Taking into account the fact that the exercise is isolation, accordingly the weight that the athlete should take is significantly less than in the basic exercises. For many, this will seem a very big disadvantage, since most people are used to thinking that the more weight, the better the result in terms of mass. This is not true. The weights become less, since the exercise is isolated, essentially one muscle works, respectively, the load drops. Plus, one joint is involved in the movement, which also reduces the ability to lift the same weights as in the base.

Types of dumbbell breeding lying on a bench

There are a sufficient number of types of this exercise in the gym. More precisely, not types, but options, each of which is aimed at working out a specific section of the breast. In my understanding, the chest is divided into 4 sections when it comes to exercise. These 4 parts are:

  1. The upper part - it can be pumped with basic and isolating exercises on an inclined bench, that is, when the back is at an angle of 30-45 degrees in relation to the floor.
  2. The lower part - it can be pumped in the same way as the upper part, only the bench will already be tilted down. You can use the same base and insulation with free weights (barbell and dumbbells).
  3. Mid Chest - This part can be worked out well using the crossover on the upper blocks.
  4. Outer Chest - Very often, many gossip that the bench press is a basic exercise that engages the entire chest completely and completely. Of course, it is so, but when an athlete grabs the bar with a wide grip, then most of the load is received by the lateral muscles, which are located near the armpit.

Each of the WIRING options that we will now consider uses, as we already know, mainly the external part that we just mentioned. So, the variations of the exercise are as follows:

  • Raising the arms to the sides while lying on an incline bench
  • Routing dumbbells on a horizontal bench
  • Raising dumbbells on an incline bench upside down
  • Also, laying out dumbbells while lying in a block trainer

Many athletes very rarely use any kind of downward bench press. The same situation is with the dumbbell set. Basically, athletes in gyms are obsessed with horizontal and incline bench routing. As for the block version, I almost never saw how it is performed. In general, the latter options are less popular than the first two.

Exercise technique

As for the technique of performing the exercise, in principle, despite the variety, in all variants, the technique will practically not differ, since the movements are identical regardless of the inclination of the bench.

By the way, about the slope. Very often, many people forget about what angle to put on the bench in order to work out the chest well. Everything is very simple. You can not set the angle of inclination of the bench more than 25-30 degrees. In many gyms there are benches with a fixed angle, most often the backrest tilt is fixed at 45 degrees. With this tilt, the load you get from the dumbbell set is shifted to the front deltas. That is, the shoulders simply steal the load that we need to work out the chest well. Therefore, if you want to perform presses or spreading with an inclination upwards, use benches where you can easily adjust the angle of inclination as you like and always put the back at 25-30 degrees, but no more. As for the horizontal position of the bench, I think everyone understands everything and there is nothing to disassemble, so we move on.

After you have prepared the bench, you need to choose the right weight for the projectile. You can't take too much, but too little will not work either. Choose the weight of the dumbbells based on your physical fitness. Remember that this exercise puts a lot of stress on the shoulder joints. If you have shoulder problems, it is best not to do this exercise. That and in general, any exercise cannot be done through pain, of course, that in this case we are talking about pain in the joints, ligament, etc. If during the exercise there is pain in the muscles in the form of a burning sensation, this is normal, do not worry.

When the bench is ready, the weight is selected, we proceed directly to the execution of the WIRING. Put the dumbbells in front of the bench, sit on the bench, take the dumbbells in your hands and place them on your lap. This is done so that it is more convenient for you to throw (throw) the dumbbells over yourself when you lie down on the bench. In principle, see how it will be convenient for you there. If the weight is not large, it is quite possible to raise dumbbells by involving small muscle groups in the work. That is, you lay down, dumbbells lie on the sides, you took them, at the expense of the biceps, pulled them to the body and squeezed them to their original position (hold the dumbbells on straightened arms). But, of course, it is best to do as it was written above, that is, throw dumbbells from your knees. This is great when you are working with large weights. Since, if you have equipment with a serious weight, you just need to take the correct position and throw the dumbbells correctly, otherwise you can seriously injure yourself (sprains, rupture, joint protrusion from the articular bag, and so on).

When everything is ready, you took the dumbbells, placed them in your lap. Then you should throw back the body of the body, while helping to throw the dumbbells with your knees to their original position. Everything is simple enough. If you have any questions, I advise you to watch the video at the bottom of the article from Denis Borisov, where he shows how to do everything correctly. A useful article, this, of course, is good, but visually see how this or that exercise is performed much better, so it is possible, in principle, and. As for self-study: “If you are doing an exercise for the first time and are poorly versed in its technique, you cannot immediately take large weights or even workers. Regardless of whether you are strong or not, first of all, you need to learn the correct technique, and this should be done with small weights. "

Once you have taken the starting position, you can start routing. As for the legs, I would like to say a few words. Many do not know, but if you put your legs on the bench, the load on the pectoral muscles increases. Due to this "trick" you will be able to work out the chest more concentrated. What causes the load to increase? Everything is very simple. The fact is that while the athlete lies down on the bench, a small deflection forms in the lower back, where the long muscles (extensors of the back) are located, so to speak, a "mini-bridge". It makes it easier for you to work by including extra muscles in the work. When we put our feet on the bench, this bridge is removed and the load on the chest increases.

Many people recommend throwing your feet on the bench in absolutely every chest exercise (bench press or spreading). In principle, this makes sense, however, when an athlete works with sufficiently large weights, for example, in the bench press, you need a good safety net and a stable body position, and when we put our feet on a bench, it becomes very easy to lose balance, therefore, if you are performing arm lift with dumbbells, you can practice your legs on a bench. You can also do it in bench exercises, such as bench press and bench press, but if you are not working with large weights.

The first time you do an exercise with your legs thrown back, you will be slightly uncomfortable and unusual, but this is for the first few times. With experience, you will get used to doing this. In the layout, of course, you always need to place your feet on a bench, because the main task is to work out the thoracic region as efficiently as possible.

When you have taken the starting position, threw the dumbbells, placed your feet on the bench and raised the dumbbells to the highest point, that is, when the arms are straightened, but slightly bent at the elbow joint, and the palms are looking at each other (this is called a "neutral grip"), you can start the exercise. This will be your starting position.

Take a deep breath as you begin the exercise. This is done to expand your ribcage so that your chest muscles spread out over it so that you can more easily stretch them to their lowest point. We begin to smoothly raise the dumbbells, without sudden movements. You can lower your arms to chest level or slightly lower. At the bottom point, you should make a short pause - 2 seconds, after which, smoothly return the dumbbells to their original position. It is very important not to forget about correct breathing during the exercise. When diluting, we breathe in, with effort (that is, bringing the hands together) we breathe out.

Like any other movement, you need to do everything smoothly, without sudden jerks, in order to protect yourself and your joints from injury. It is necessary to concentrate on the work of the muscle group. That is, direct all attention to the chest. Another important point is - GRIP POWER... Believe it or not, when you clench your hands tightly, repetitions will be easier for you due to the fact that there is complete concentration on the work of the muscles. In general, all this was described in detail. If you want to, grip strength matters a lot.

If you are a beginner athlete, in principle, this can be the end of the article. For experienced athletes who want to try something new (if they, of course, have not tried it yet), when breeding dumbbells, you can supinate or pronate the hands, that is, turn them in one direction or another. SUPINATION- this is a variant of the exercise when the athlete turns his hands inward, that is, the little fingers turn towards the face.

PRONATION- it is an antagonist of supination, that is, when the athlete unfolds the dumbbells at the top point towards the legs (palms facing forward).

What muscles work in the exercise lying dumbbells

» large chest
»Pectoral segments

Additional group:

»Front and back delta beams
»Arm biceps
»Triceps of the shoulder
»Muscles of the forearms

Stabilizer group:

»Gluteal muscles
»Dorsal and abdominal segments
»Leg muscles

Complexity: medium

Load type: insulating

Exercise objectives:

»Pump, strengthen and stretch the chest muscles;
»Form the correct posture

Place in the training complex: final load

How to properly lay out dumbbells while lying on a bench

Horizontal bench in motion

Angle in motion:

Correctly performed spreading of dumbbells to the sides while lying on a bench is considered an effective auxiliary exercise, which is aimed at improving the strength characteristics of the thoracic segment of the muscles. Varying the incline of the bench allows you to shift the emphasis of the load on a specific muscle group and evenly develop the segment.


Weight selection. In order to lay dumbbells lying down to bring the greatest efficiency and pump the muscles of the thoracic segment as much as possible, it is important not so much to focus on the working mass as on the technique of execution. The mass is selected so as to repeat the extension 12-15 times in a horizontal position or at an angle.

Bench corner. Breeding dumbbells lying down can be performed in the following variations, depending on which segment you need to load more:

»The horizontal position of the bench focuses on the middle segment of the pectoral muscles.
»The more the head end is raised, the greater the load on the upper chest.
»If the legs are higher than the heads, the lower pectoral segment is pumped.

By alternating different angles of inclination, you can not optimally distribute the total load of not all muscle bundles. Usually, they are the first to warm up on the bench, and later they start working approaches. First, the exercise is done from a horizontal position, and then the dumbbells are raised on an incline bench. In the case of performing all three modifications in one workout, it is recommended to reduce the number of approaches.

Support points: To provide good support and to emphasize the load only on the thoracic segment, the back of the head, shoulder blades, lower back, pelvis and heels should always be in contact with the surface of the bench.

Head position... Rest your head against the bench. Keep your gaze upward, do not turn, bend or tilt your head back.

Elbow position... Breeding from an angle or from a horizontal position is done with soft elbows. When lowering the dumbbells, the elbow joints are directed to the floor. Flexion of the elbows at the highest point will redistribute the load from the chest area to other muscle segments and the extension of hands with dumbbells while lying down does not have the desired effect. Exercising with straight arms increases the risk of injury to the elbow joint.

Back and chest. Maintain a natural arch in the lower back, do not try to completely rest your back on the bench or make a bridge. A slouch or excessive bending of the spine engages other muscle groups, which will reduce stress on the pectorals. The shoulder blades should be pressed against the bench. The chest should be flat.

The position of the feet. For better support and stabilization of the body, rest your feet on the floor, knees wide apart. Alternatively, when placing dumbbells on an incline bench, you can move your feet to the bench. Thus, an auxiliary deflection in the back is excluded, which shifts the emphasis of the load from the thoracic segment.

Dumbbell position... The shells should be parallel to each other, which allows the symmetrical muscle bundles to be evenly loaded. The amplitude of the wiring depends on the degree of lowering of the elbow joints. Try not to lower the dumbbells below your shoulders. In this case, setting the dumbbells on an incline bench will load the shoulders as much as possible, and not the chest segment.

Insulation. Breeding dumbbells on a horizontal bench actively uses only the shoulder joint, which allows you to concentrate the load on the pectoral muscles.

Upper and lower amplitudes. Fixing the arms at the lower and upper points will allow you to stretch the muscles of the abdominal area and make them maximum contraction.

Exercise sequence

1. Choose your warm-up and working weights.
2. Pick up warm-up dumbbells and sit on the bench.
3. Lower your back so that your head does not go over the edge of the bench.
4. Use the classic dumbbell grip: bring your palms to one another.
5. Raise the shells over your head perpendicular to the floor.
6. The hands should be clearly positioned over the shoulder joints.
7. Raise your elbows until you feel the maximum tension in the chest muscles.
8. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
9. Perform the exercise slowly and smoothly, watching your breathing.


»Lack of warm-up. Excessive stress without adequate heating leads to rupture of tendons and ligaments.
»Flexion or hyperextension of the elbows.
»Take on less working weight. The main rule is correct technique. In addition, excessive weight lifting of dumbbells on a horizontal bench increases the risk of injury.
"Back deflection.
»Excessively low position of the dumbbells.
»Too fast a pace while reclining dumbbells on a bench can cause serious injuries to the arms and spine.
»Breathe. Holding the breath overloads the stabilizing muscles that hold the position and provide stability.

Breeding dumbbells lying on an incline bench shakes the top and the inside of the pectoralis major muscle. Isolating exercise. Creates definition and separation of the upper chest.

Execution technique

  1. Place the back of the bench so that it forms an angle of 30-45 ° horizontally. Sitting on a bench, place your feet on the floor while placing them slightly wider than your shoulders. Shoulders, head and hips are pressed against the bench. Do not arch your back, it should be flat throughout the entire exercise.
  2. Raise the dumbbells and grasp them in both hands with a regular grip and bring them closer together over the chest. Bend your elbows slightly and secure this angle at the elbow joint and hold it fixed until the end of the set. The arms are perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Take a deep breath and, stopping breathing, extend your arms to the sides, lowering them only in the vertical plane. When raising dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench, turn your arms slightly outward.
  4. When the elbows reach shoulder level or a little earlier, without any pause, begin to perform the movement in the opposite direction and begin to slowly raise the dumbbells in a vertical plane, bringing both dumbbells over the chest.
  5. Exhale after reaching the most difficult part of the movement, or when sliding the dumbbells together. Exhale and bring the dumbbells closer over your ribcage.
  6. Take a short pause from above and tighten your pectoral muscles even more.

  1. The movement inherent in this exercise is "pulling" (and not "pushing", as in the bench press), so the correct form of movement plays a much more significant role here than the weight of the load. The dumbbells used in the "set" should be definitely lighter than those with which you perform the dumbbell presses. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the muscles in this exercise are poorly loaded, rather, on the contrary, because you constantly have to keep the dumbbells in weight, and even in a constant static load.
  2. Constantly fix your arms slightly bent at the elbows and do not change this angle at the elbow joint until the end of the approach. Especially pay attention to the fact that at the lowest point of the movement - you can facilitate the exercise by bending your arms, thereby turning the dumbbell breeding on an incline bench into a press. And you should also be aware of the other extreme, performing dumbbell breeding on straight arms. It is not as effective and also traumatic.
  3. Do not lower your elbows too much, they should not reach shoulder level. Dropping too low puts excessive stress on the shoulder joints and can rupture the tendons.
  4. Stopping breathing helps control the dumbbells during movement and keep the torso in a stable position.
  5. To achieve the greatest contraction of the pectoralis major and, especially, the serratus anterior muscle, try to bring the dumbbells from above as close to each other as possible.
  6. Feet must be fixed and not fidget, otherwise you will lose stability.
  7. The speed of the exercise is normal. The dumbbells are flattened and raised in one smooth, constant movement. The most common mistake is making an exercise too fast. This problem leads to a loss of the correct form of movement and, as a result, turns incline breeding into presses.
  8. Make sure that your arms are constantly working in a vertical plane that runs through the deltoid muscles. As soon as you change the angle of movement and bring the dumbbells over your head or, conversely, from the bottom of the chest, there is a risk of injury to the shoulder joint.


Intended: to all, both novice athletes and experienced athletes.

When: At the end of the chest workout. The first chest exercises are barbell presses and dumbbell presses, after which you can perform dumbbell breeding on an incline bench

How many : 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. (individually, as many repetitions as you can complete in 30 seconds, the approach should last 30 seconds, while the weight should be proportional to the time).

Video - Breeding dumbbells lying on an incline bench

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