What exercises can you do in the morning. How to make the perfect set of exercises for charging

Some people do not do exercises, considering physical exercises to be a waste of time. You can feel cheerfulness by drinking a cup of strong coffee. But the aromatic drink contains caffeine, which is difficult to call useful. But the benefits of charging are not in dispute!

The benefits of morning exercises are revealed with the regular implementation of the complex. Gradually getting used to physical activity, a person becomes active, does not experience drowsiness and excessive fatigue during the day.

Increased performance

The benefit of charging in the morning is manifested in increased efficiency. The warm-up makes the blood move through the vessels more intensively. As a result, body tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen. Oxygenation of the brain leads to increased concentration of attention, improved memory, and acceleration of thought processes.

A person who is not in a hurry to get out of bed after the alarm signal, experiences drowsiness 2-3 hours after waking up, which makes it difficult to concentrate on the tasks ahead of him. An amateur is forced to periodically replenish caffeine in the body - the substance is excreted after an hour, which provokes "energy hunger". An adherent of charging does not experience problems with awakening, easily enters into a working rhythm and is distinguished by good health.

Improvement of the body

The benefits of exercise for the body is to stimulate blood flow, which favorably affects the functioning of the brain and respiratory organs. The stagnation of blood in the veins is eliminated, sputum that accumulates during sleep is removed from the lungs and bronchi. At the same time, the work of the vestibular apparatus improves, which leads to an increase in coordination of movements.

You can not keep silent about the positive changes in posture. Systematic physical exercises straighten the back, teach a person to stay straight. And this is prevention against scoliosis, spinal hernia, osteochondrosis. Oxygenation of lung tissues simulates acid-reduction processes, which helps to remove overweight, strengthen muscles, achieve coordinated work of internal organs.

Physical exercise, performed without excessive zeal, strengthens the immune defenses. A person who does not neglect exercise rarely catches a cold. Immunity protects the body, preventing infectious processes from developing.

Mood improvement

If you perform a gymnastic complex to an invigorating musical motive, a long-term mood is provided. A rhythmic melody, coupled with exercises, cleanses the energy channels, removing the negative accumulated over the past day. Relaxation to relaxing melodies does not increase the strength of bones and joints. Morning exercises combine 2 in 1 - it improves mood, arousing interest in life, and blocks the path of pathogenic microorganisms.

Strengthening discipline

Parents have long appreciated the benefits of charging for children. Toddlers accustomed to physical activity in the morning wake up easily, are not naughty, attend kindergarten with pleasure, and do not experience problems with discipline. A person who is accustomed to exercise copes with adversity, moves up the career ladder.

Elimination of insomnia

Waking up early will allow you to stick to the daily routine. A person does not stay up at night. Fatigue makes itself felt when the biological clock indicates the time to rest. Compliance with the regime guarantees a sound and restful sleep.

Charging exercises

It's easy to change your life with morning exercises. The complex is divided into 3 parts: warm-up, main and final.

It is shown to start the warm-up before getting out of bed - stretch, having fun. The first part includes smooth bends forward and to the sides, turns of the body and head, sips. They warm up by walking around the room on tiptoes, rotating with their hands.

The warm-up set of exercises for charging lasts 2-3 minutes and helps to stretch the muscles.

After completing the warm-up, they perform toilet procedures and proceed to the second part. gymnastic complex. Exercises are selected individually, based on your own preferences.

If there is no personal preference, use ready complex. Practice these exercises to energize children, men, women.

  1. Tilt your head alternately to the sides, perform body turns.
  2. Clasp your hands in a “lock” and turn your hands towards you and away from you.
  3. Bend your elbows, touching your fingers to your shoulders, and slowly rotate your arms.
  4. Bend forward, touching the floor with your fingers.
  5. Raise your left hand up, put your right hand on your waist. Lean to the right. Change the position of the hands after 2 tilts.
  6. Put your hands on your waist and rotate your hips alternately to the right and left. Try not to take your feet off the surface. Complicate the exercise by stretching your arms forward and collecting the brushes in the “castle”.
  7. Make swings with your legs, holding the back of the chair with your hand. Perform forward lunges with your legs, squatting as deep as possible. Squat down without lifting your heels from the surface, stretching your arms in front of you.

Many argue about which exercise is useful: morning or evening? Supporters of morning exercises are "larks", supporters of evening exercises are "owls", but what about those who are ready to exercise at any time of the day?

In fact, both morning and evening exercises have their pros and cons.

About morning exercise

Regarding the definition of the term charger, then in the specialized literature on physical education we will see that this is a set of movements (exercises) that a person performs after sleeping on an empty stomach.


  • reduce appetite for the rest of the day (study by UK scientists);
  • injury risk lower in the morning (study by the University of Toronto, Canada);
  • it is easier to burn fat in the morning (studies by scientists from the USA have shown that in the morning it is enough to exercise for 20 minutes instead of 40 minutes to start burning fat, since in the morning our body is tuned to consume energy, and not to accumulate it).


  • requires additional concentration (in the morning, blood circulation is slowed down due to its density, in addition, after sleep, our lungs are narrowed, as a result of which nervous activity is also reduced due to a decrease in oxygen flow, in other words, our body continues to sleep in the morning). The solution to the problem is to warm up with a subsequent increase in load.

About evening exercises

Since the term charging still defines the morning complex simple exercises, then we call evening exercises conditionally. It would be more accurate to say about the evening workout.


  • speed up the metabolism (by the evening the metabolism slows down, which is why it is harmful to eat a lot at night);
  • burn fat during sleep (muscles consume energy for their recovery within a few hours after training, so fat will be consumed to replenish energy at night).


  • can cause insomnia. Indeed, very intense evening exercises shortly before bedtime will cause insomnia. The solution is to exercise 2-3 hours before the intended sleep;
  • can awaken a brutal appetite for the night. This problem is solved by reducing physical activity or reducing the time of classes.

Thus, the advantages of both morning exercises and evening exercises are obvious, and the disadvantages are removable.


It is necessary to determine what we want to get from morning exercises:

  1. improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism;
  2. invigorate the body to start the day in a good mood, that is, increase the production of endorphins;
  3. improve muscle tone and make the figure slim;
  4. improve concentration, to be collected all day.

Stage one.

This includes washing, morning prayers. Often Orthodox Christians are interested in how to organize their morning, namely, in what order exercises and prayers should follow: pray, and then do exercises, or first exercises, and then a prayer rule. What is better - immediately after waking up, cheer up with a warm-up, wash your face and start the “sweet conversation”, which St. Theophan the Recluse calls prayer? Or vice versa - to "charge" the spirit, and only then the body?

The answer to this question can be found in the Orthodox prayer book before the morning prayers:

“Awakening from sleep, before any other work, stand reverently…”

So, having done the necessary for the body, ideally, you should do it. And indeed, will we be able to focus on prayer and inner peace of mind if we complete a series of exercise? Of course, there may be exceptions in this matter, but still, they will be exceptions.

Stage two. Actually charging (warm-up)

Physical education teacher Anna Sh. about exercises:“Exercises for charging should be done before breakfast after sleep. The load at the same time should be moderate and cover the main skeletal muscles. In the same way, we warm up before training or physical labor. Morning work-out performed daily for 5-10 minutes. The person after it remains not tired and even rested. General developmental movements, starting from the head and ending with toes and heels.

So, we always start charging exercises from the head: turning the head to the right and left, then tilting the head back and forth, slowly rotating the head in a circle.

Then we move on to the shoulders: we make rotational movements first with the right shoulder joint, after the left, then both at the same time.

After the shoulders comes the turn of the arms:

  • circular motion with an outstretched arm shoulder joint first right, then left, then both simultaneously from top to bottom;
  • alternating arm swings up and down;
  • movements with arms bent at the elbows at chest level back, followed by straightening the arms to the sides;
  • movements with straightened arms at chest level to the left and right in the form of scissors;
  • rotation of the elbow joints bent arms at chest level in and out;
  • rotation of the brushes in and out;
  • raising straightened arms up while lifting on toes.

After the arms, we move on to the torso:

  • torso down (legs shoulder-width apart, fingertips should touch the floor, knees remain straight);
  • rotation of the pelvis from left to right and from right to left, hands on the belt;
  • torso tilts left-right (when tilting to the left, the left hand is on the belt, the right hand is straightened and follows the body; when tilted to the right right hand on the belt, the left is straightened and follows the body).

Now you need to stretch your legs:

  • squats;
  • lifting up on toes, lowering down on heels (while legs are together);
  • rotation of the feet in and out (the foot must be placed on the toe).

This concludes the morning exercises.


Separately, it is necessary to say about the plan for conducting general developmental training at home. If time permits and there is a need for training, then it can also be done in the morning. However, you need to take into account several features compared to charging.

Morning workout:

  • requires additional time for breakfast and its assimilation (working out on an empty stomach is bad, as energy will be overused over time).
  • creates additional load for the heart due to thick blood (during sleep, the body does not receive water, its total amount in the body decreases, which makes the blood thicker). To thin the blood, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water 10-15 minutes before the start of exercise;

General developmental training exercises must begin with a warm-up. Next, you should do exercises for individual muscle groups.

Exercises for the abs:

  • from a prone position, we raise the legs brought together at an angle of 45 ° C upwards, while not lifting the lower back from the floor, several approaches 5-7 times;
  • from a prone position, we raise the torso to a full sitting position, while the legs are bent at the knees, but closed together; when lifting, we alternately turn the body to the right and left, several approaches 10-15 times;
  • from a prone position we raise our legs and, holding on weight, we make scissors, several approaches 5-7 times;

We do jumps in place on both legs, then alternately on the right and left.

Stretching exercises:

  • from a sitting position we spread our legs as wide as possible, and then we reach with both hands to the tips of the fingers, first of the right leg, then the left; after that we bring our legs together and reach out with our hands to the tips of our toes, several approaches;
  • from a sitting position, stretch the right leg to the side, directing the weight of the body to the left, bent at the knee; after that, we transfer the weight from the left foot to the right, while stretching left leg, and bending the right knee, several approaches;
  • from a prone position knees bent, closed close, we get the floor to the left of the body (the back and shoulder blades do not come off the surface and remain in a straight position), then to the right of the body, several approaches.

We do a light jog, after which we stretch our whole body up towards the sun.

Morning workout is over.


Recall that in this article we called the evening complex of general developmental exercises evening exercises, i.e. home workout.

Let's define our expectations from the evening exercise-training:

  1. speed up metabolism;
  2. lead nervous system into balance;
  3. remove the fatigue of the working day;
  4. relieve stress from spinal column and possibly relieve back pain;
  5. achieve physical relaxation of the main muscle groups;
  6. normalize the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Exercises should be done on an empty stomach. Charging-training must be completed 15-20 minutes before dinner. The total charging time should not exceed 20 minutes.

Back exercises:

  • We get on all fours. When inhaling, bend your back and look up. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. When exhaling, we arch our back, at the same time pulling in the stomach, we press the chin to the chest. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Several approaches;
  • Pull out from a prone position left hand up and left leg down. Then we repeat the same for right side. Several approaches;
  • From a prone position, bend the right leg while inhaling, the left leg is straight. With the right knee fully bent, we press the thigh to the body, we clasp the right knee with our hands. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. When returning to the starting position, exhale. Repeat the same for the left leg. Several approaches.

Exercises for the nervous system:

  • From a standing position (to the side of the chair), holding the back of the chair with your right hand, bend the left knee while inhaling and wrap it around the elbow joint with a half ring, after which we bend our head to the knee. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. As you exhale, lower your leg. Repeat for the right leg. After achieving success in balance, the exercise can be done without a chair, while the girth is performed with both hands;
  • From a standing position, focus on a certain point in the distance at eye level. Slowly begin to raise the left leg, pressing the heel to the inner surface of the right leg. Try to raise your leg as high as possible. Relax. Having found balance, we exhale (full) and raise our hands above our heads (while taking a slow breath). Relax and stand like this, the gaze is focused on one point. The time spent in the pose is 3-4 minutes. Repeat for the other leg.

Easy run.

Physical education teacher Anna Sh. about home workouts:“If exercises need to be done daily, then home training is enough to take no more than 40 minutes of your time 3-4 times a week. You just need to start, and over time, training will become a regular activity for you.

Charging exercises and home workouts will give you vivacity, healthy sleep and a good appetite, normal weight, high spirits and tranquility.

Very often in the morning we feel overwhelmed and lethargic, we need some time to wake up and gain energy for a new day. The best way cheer up in the morning is to start the day with morning exercises. Some simple exercises in the morning they will give you a cheerful and good mood, drive away sleep and wake up every cell of your body. In addition, morning exercises can have a significant positive impact on your health, help you lose unnecessary pounds and even get rid of many diseases.

How long to do morning exercises

The main task of morning exercises is not to pump up muscles, but to make the body “turn on” after sleep, tune in to a positive mood and, as a result, make life better. Therefore, you should not spend too much time and effort on exercises. Charging should take no more than 20 minutes. It is very important not to overdo it!

Why you can not exercise intensively in the morning

The fact is that with small physical exertion, endorphin is produced in our body, in the people it is often called the “hormone of happiness”. Thanks to this hormone, after charging, we not only improve physical health but also emotional. If you exercise through the measure, then instead of endorphin, you will begin to produce the so-called stress hormone - cortisol, which negatively affects our mood.

When to exercise

You do not need to do exercises immediately after you wake up. The body needs some time (10-15 minutes) to wake up from sleep. Drink a glass of water, stretch, walk around the apartment and start exercising!

Benefits of morning exercise:

1. Improves blood circulation and contributes to the normalization of metabolism;

2. Promotes the production of endorphins - the hormone of joy;

3. Suppresses stress, removes harmful toxins and negative energy;

4. Improves concentration;

5. Provides good physical tone and muscle tightness.

Morning routine:

1. No sudden movements, everything is smooth and to the best of your ability;

2. Charging must be done before breakfast and coffee;

3. Bulk morning exercises should consist of a warm-up and stretching;

4. Exercises should be performed on all muscle groups, starting from the head and neck;

5. None strength exercises and endurance exercises;

6. The duration of the charge is not as important as the regularity, so do not overwork and try to sweat;

7. Fix the effect of morning exercises with a contrast shower.

A set of exercises for morning exercises:

1. Brush rotation. Squeeze your palm into a fist and begin to rotate the brushes, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Alternatively, you can clasp your palms together and make rotational movements.

2. Neck rotation. Lower your chin to your chest. From the starting position, we begin rotational circular movements, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3. Elbow rotation. Stretch your arms forward in front of you and begin to rotate your forearms first towards you, then away from you. A more complex version of the exercise: simultaneous rotation of the forearms in different directions.

4. Rotation of the shoulder joint. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers touch the shoulders. We begin rotational movements without lifting the fingers from the shoulders.

5. Rotation of the pelvis. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Begin circular rotation clockwise and counterclockwise.

6. Torso forward. Legs shoulder width apart. We begin to reach down, trying to touch the floor with our fingers. More difficult option: try to touch the floor inside palms.

7. Tilts to the sides. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. We lean with the body, first in one direction, then in the other direction, without lifting our legs from the floor and bringing our hand above our head.

8. Twisting. Arms in front of you about 20 cm from the body, bent in elbow joint, palms touch each other. We begin to turn the torso 180 degrees or more in one direction and the other, without lifting the feet from the floor. Only the torso is involved in the turn, the legs remain in place. Try to create the maximum level of rotation.

9. We squat, putting our hands in front of us. Men perform 10 times, women 5 times.

10. We do push-ups on our hands. Men push up from the floor, women from the chair. We repeat 10 times.

If this complex seemed too simple for you, you have the strength to work out more intensively for morning vivacity and energy, then we suggest you use the video complex.

Read also:

Hardening is a proven means of strengthening health and immunity. Moreover, you can practice hardening both volumes and in nature. With a regular approach to this procedure, you can not only strengthen your body, but also get rid of depression and insomnia, always be in a cheerful and cheerful mood.

Classes on the Fit-ball are suitable for everyone: children, pregnant women, athletes and just fitness enthusiasts. Regular exercises on the Fit-ball help to correct the figure, develop coordination of movements, increase the flexibility of the body. This type of training strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Shadow boxing, or independent work of a boxer in front of a mirror, or with an imaginary opponent, is one of the oldest tools in martial arts training. And definitely the most economical and affordable. You don't need any equipment to train and you can do it anywhere.

Sometimes it is so difficult both psychologically and physically to tune in to the working mood at the beginning of a new day. But there is a very simple solution. Morning exercises help to move away from sleep, concentrate, mentally prepare for the next achievements. It allows you to stretch the joints and muscles, thereby bringing the body into tone. It is not so important where to perform the exercises - at home or on the street, the main thing is to do them correctly, every day and with pleasure.

Three reasons to exercise in the morning

Daily short exercise is not a workout, as physical activity can have different goals. Charging is right to do in the morning after sleep to recharge your batteries. Complete workout best done in the afternoon.

The set of exercises for morning exercises should include tilts, push-ups, sips, squats, twists, stretches, flexion and extension. Gymnastics after sleep can be supplemented by running and dousing cold water. It also combines with power loads, but their type, duration, number of approaches and repetitions are determined individually, based on the level physical fitness person.

What are the benefits of morning exercise? Reasons why it's better to start the day moderately physical activity, some:

  1. Morning exercises make our body mobilize, thereby bringing it into working condition. When performing exercises, the auditory and visual centers of the brain are activated, the vestibular apparatus “wakes up”.
  2. The best morning exercise is the one that brings pleasure. Physical activity in the morning helps to get rid of lethargy, drowsiness, irritability and lethargy. It increases vitality and mood, motivates to keep the body in good shape.
  3. If you exercise regularly, general state health will definitely improve. Healing effect from playing sports is due to the strengthening of the joints and strengthening of the muscles, the activation of acid-reduction processes. Morning exercises improve blood flow, heart and lung function.

Options for exercise complexes for charging

Morning exercises in bed

Suitable for those who find it difficult to get out of bed early. Such a complex involves a gradual gentle transition from a state of sleep to wakefulness.

  • Lying in bed, hands are first raised up.
  • After sipping, the palms are placed on the back of the head, and with legs bent at the knees, they perform rotational movements, as if pedaling on an imaginary bicycle.
  • After a minute, they move on to the swings: the arms are brought up above the head and, without bending, lowered down. Return to starting position. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Sitting on the bed in Turkish style, they stretch forward. Having leaned as much as possible, they freeze in this position for a few seconds. After they return to their original position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Then they sit on the edge of the bed, lowering their legs to the floor. With the right foot, placed on the toe, perform 5-6 circular motions. The same actions are repeated with the left leg. And so on 10 times.

Universal set of exercises for morning exercises

Suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes.

The best morning exercise from Cindy Crawford

At 50 years old, the famous supermodel still looks great. Regular fitness classes help her maintain harmony. Cindy does not hide her beauty secrets, willingly showing the most effective ones in video tutorials. At the same time, a set of exercises for morning exercises according to the Crawford method, for all its effectiveness, is simple and takes only 10 minutes a day.

    • Exercise "Side plank", designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and press. Starting position - we lie on our side, lean on the elbow of one hand, and put the other on the thigh. The essence of the exercise is to slowly raise and lower the hips. The action is repeated ten times. Then continue in the same way, but turning to the other side.
    • Exercise "Scissors" for the legs and buttocks. The starting position is almost the same, only the hands are positioned differently: the one closest to the floor supports the head, and the free one, as it were, rests down. At the same time, the upper leg is bent, the knee touches the floor and, unbending, is lifted up. Then they return to their original position. And so 15 times. The upper leg, bent, is placed on the toe, and the lower leg is raised as high as possible above the floor. In this position, it is held for several seconds, and then they return to their original position. And so 15 times. They turn to the other side to repeat everything.
    • Exercise "Dolphin" for the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms. They get into the “classic plank” position: both the torso and legs run parallel to the floor, the reference points are the elbows and the feet brought together. Then the pelvis is slowly lifted up, held at the highest point for several seconds and lowered. And so 10 times.
    • Exercises "Cat" and "Bridge". Get into the starting position - on all fours. The back is slowly arched, as if rounding, then again made straight. And so 15 times. Lie down on your back. bent legs put on socks, bringing them close to the buttocks. The arms are extended along the body. On exhalation, the pelvis is raised. If you do everything right, then the hips, buttocks and lower back will form a straight line. On inspiration, they return to their original position. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

How to do sports after sleep?

Gymnastics is best done in a ventilated area. Charging on a warm morning can be carried out in an open area. Availability fresh airmandatory condition for good health, as during physical activity the body's need for oxygen increases. It is desirable that morning exercises had musical accompaniment. For classes, you should choose rhythmic compositions that help maintain the desired pace. Music creates a positive atmosphere, and with it the desire to play sports every day.

Although there is exercise "for the lazy", it is still better to do it cheerfully and actively outside of bed in the morning. Immediately after sleep, you need to walk around, brush your teeth, wash your face, drink on an empty stomach clean water. Morning exercise will undoubtedly bring more pleasure if you do it in comfortable, well-wicking clothes. In the summer you can choose shorts and a T-shirt, in the cool season - a knitted suit. After class, taking a shower, it is advisable to alternate cold and hot water. Daily morning exercises in combination with contrast dousing will take no more than half an hour, and the positive effect of it will be noticeable both in appearance and in well-being.

Until a person understands his own benefit or benefit, it is useless to convince him to do anything. It is even more difficult to get him to do something that he is not sure of or doubts. For example, what morning exercises will personally give him. Disbelief in the usefulness of the complex, its implementation only because “it’s necessary”, quickly turns into a routine that is tiring and does not benefit.

Set up for morning exercise

Many people try to start doing morning exercises. But it doesn't always become a habit. Even fewer find the willpower to exercise regularly, even if they are convinced of its benefits.

What gets in the way of morning exercise?

  • doubt that the morning complex is necessary;
  • the mood for recovery is knocked down by vital inertia - “I have lived without charging for many years, and I will still live”;
  • elementary laziness;
  • desire to sleep a little longer in the morning;
  • chronic lack of time morning routine and preparations before leaving for work;
  • fear of negative sensations - shortness of breath, uncomfortable feeling, especially after the first classes, when joints or joints begin to hurt.

How to be? Of course, in no case should you force yourself to perform a morning exercise complex, since this will not bring any benefit.

The idea of ​​morning exercises needs to be “lit up”. And choose a complex that better fits into the rhythm in terms of time and intensity of the load.

training, especially professional athletes, subordinated to the achievement of a specific result - to set a record. Often stress is harmful to health.

The purpose of physical education, the chosen complex of morning exercises, is to give the maximum benefit to the body.

Benefits of exercising in the morning:

  • improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • strengthens muscles, posture;
  • improves;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • reduces body weight.

Morning exercise puts the body in an active state, accelerates drowsiness and lethargy, improves tone and mood. Improves clarity of thinking, finding and making the right decisions. The increased supply of strength and energy allows you to complete everything planned during the day.

Simple Ways find time to exercise in the morning:

  1. Review your morning to-do list. Run some in the evening in whole or in part. For example, iron clothes, clean shoes.
  2. Get rid of the habit of stale after waking up.
  3. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier.

How to develop the habit of exercising in the morning

If you doubt whether there is enough enthusiasm and determination to regularly perform a morning exercise complex, the following technique is beneficial:

  • Limit the period to specific time frames - for example, work out for exactly a week.

After decide:

  • Continue exercising in the morning for another week or stop if it's not for you.

Morning exercises rules

Beginners to make an individual complex.

Preferred movements to increase blood flow, stretch training, flexibility. After sleep, perform smooth movements - rhythm morning complex moderate.

Charging in the morning should give a surge of strength, and not tire. If the body gets tired quickly, reduce the number of repetitions.

The duration of the morning exercise complex is 10-15 minutes.

A set of morning exercises for charging

When performing physical exercises, the starting position is feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body, the back is straight, the chin is raised.

Warm up:

  • Walking in place for 1 minute. Breathe evenly, calmly and freely.

Exercise 1:

  • Describe a circle with straightened arms - lift them through the sides up, while standing on your toes.
  • On an inhalation, brush up, stand on your toes.
  • As you exhale, lower your hands, stand on your feet.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 2:

  • Palms on the belt, turn your head left and right, tilt forward, backward.
  • Then - alternately to the motionless right and left shoulder, trying to touch each ear.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 3:

  • The left palm is on the belt, the straightened right arm is raised up.
  • Tilt your body to the left.
  • Change hands and lean to the right.

5-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 4:

  • Straightened arms are spread out to the sides parallel to the floor.
  • Turn your torso left and right like a helicopter.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 5:

  • Palms on the belt.
  • Tilt your body forward and backward.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 6:

  • Holding on to a solid support (table, chair, wall), perform a straightened swing right foot forward, backward, right and left.

Exercise 7:

  • Sit on a gymnastic mat, slightly spread straightened legs in front of you.
  • Stretch your fingers to your feet.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 8:

  • Lie on your back, straightened arms at the sides of the body, palms pressed to the floor, legs bent at the knees.
  • Touch the floor with the knee of the left leg to the left and right of the body.
  • Perform the same movements with the other leg.

5-10 repetitions for each side.

Exercise 9:

  • Get on all fours.
  • arch your back upward, then bend down, try to achieve maximum amplitude.

Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise 10:

  • Take the starting position.
  • Rotate your shoulders forward (“going forward”) and backward (“going back”) at the same time.

5-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 11:

  • Circular rotations with straightened arms forward and backward.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 12 ("scissors"):

  • Perform horizontal movements with straightened arms (parallel to the floor), then vertical ones.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 13 (squats):

  • Do not lift your heels off the floor, back is straight, maintains an upright position, not leaning forward.

5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 14:

  • Jumping in place alternately on the right, left, both legs.

10 repetitions.

Exercise 15:

  • Run in place for one minute.

Exercise 16:

  • Describe a circle with straightened arms - lift them up, at the same time stand on your toes.
  • Lowering your arms down, tilt your torso forward, feet on the floor.
  • Inhale - hands up, exhale - down.

Only 5-10 repetitions.

At the end of the morning exercise complex, take a shower.

Modified: 07/08/2019