Regulations on the registration card for the fulfillment of state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "ready for work and defense" (GTO). Regulations on the registration card for the fulfillment of state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports


on the procedure for filling out and storing the registration card for meeting the state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense"

1. The registration card for meeting the state requirements of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" is issued by the participants of the Complex after they submit a corresponding application (via the website or in person) upon their first visit to the Testing Center.

2. Entries in the registration card of the Complex are made neatly with a ballpoint pen with a black or blue paste. Erasure, blots, corrections in the registration card are not allowed.

3. The registration card of the Complex includes personal information about the owner, marks on the availability of medical clearance, information on the fulfillment of standards, the presence and receipt of sports categories, the issued distinction marks of the Complex.

4. Records are made by the staff of the Testing Centers in the relevant section of the information about the site of the Complex.

5. The participant of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" complex is obliged to carefully keep the registration card. The participant informs the Testing Center about the loss of the registration card.

6. Issuance of a duplicate of the Complex registration card is made by the decision of the head of the Testing Center. On the title page of the duplicate, the inscription "DUPLICATE" is made. All data about the participant of the Complex for the entire period are entered into a duplicate of the registration card of the complex based on the information stored in the automated information system of the complex and the originals of the protocols for performing the tests of the Complex, which are stored in the Testing Center.

Registration card for the fulfillment of state requirements

complex TRP


(individual number)


(Full Name)


Floor: ______________________________________

(3 x 4) Date of Birth: __________________________

Issued by:

Testing Center MO GO "Usinsk"

Date of issue: _______________ Personal signature: __________

1. Information on compliance with standards:

Test name



Full name of the judge


Compliance with the insignia

Assessment of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture and sports

Types of tests (tests)

The test results (tests) correspond to ___________

Insignia of the TRP complex

____________________/ _______________________/ _________________

Position full name signature (MP)

2. Medical clearance information

3. Information about the awarding of insignia of the TRP complex

Issued by


date of issue

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

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The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

The ___________ sign of the __ stage of the Complex was issued

4. Information on the presence and assignment of sports categories

Issued by




Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

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Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

Has _____ sports grade according to _______________

FAQ and Feedback

What is a TRP complex?

The All-Russian Movement "Ready for Labor and Defense" is a physical culture training program that existed in our country from 1931 to 1991, which covered the population aged 10 to 60 years. With the liquidation of the Soviet Union, the TRP complex ceased to exist. Since 2014, the complex has been reviving in the conditions of modern Russia.
The modern complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) is a full-fledged program and normative basis for the physical education of the country's population, aimed at the development of mass sports and the improvement of the nation.

Preparation for the fulfillment of the state requirements of the RLD complex is provided by systematic classes in physical education programs in educational institutions, points of initial military training, sports sections, general physical training groups, in institutions of additional education (sports clubs) and independently.

The TRP complex consists of 11 steps in accordance with age groups of the population from 6 to 70 years and older and standards by 3 difficulty levels corresponding to gold, silver and bronze signs.

I. LEVEL - age group from 6 to 8 years
II. LEVEL - age group from 9 to 10 years
III. LEVEL - age group from 11 to 12 years
IV. STEP - age group from 13 to 15 years old
V. STEP - age group from 16 to 17 years old
Vi. LEVEL - age group from 18 to 29 years old
Vii. LEVEL - age group from 30 to 39 years old
VIII. LEVEL - age group from 40 to 49 years old
IX. LEVEL - age group from 50 to 59 years old
X. LEVEL - age group from 60 to 69 years
XI. STEP - age group 70 and older

The types of standards and tests (tests) that are part of the WFSK TRP are aimed at determining the level of development of a person's physical qualities: endurance, strength, flexibility and his speed capabilities. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation are given the right to additionally include in the TRP complex at the regional level 2 types of standards and tests (tests), including those for national, military-applied and the most popular sports among the youth. State requirements of the TRP complex within each stage are divided into:
- mandatory;
- optionally.
Plus, recommendations for weekly physical activity.

Why do you need a TRP complex?

The goals of the WFSK TRP are health promotion, harmonious and all-round development of the individual, education of patriotism. The tasks of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex are:
a) an increase in the number of citizens who systematically go in for physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation;
b) increasing the level of physical fitness and life expectancy of citizens of the Russian Federation;
c) the formation of the population's conscious needs for systematic physical education and sports, physical self-improvement and healthy lifestyle;
d) increasing the general level of knowledge of the population about the means, methods and forms of organizing self-study, including with the use of modern information technologies;
e) modernization of the system of physical education and the system of development of mass, youth, school and student sports in educational organizations, including by increasing the number of sports clubs.

Principles for the implementation of WFSK TRP

The All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex is based on the following principles:
a) voluntariness and availability;
b) health-improving and personality-oriented orientation;
c) mandatory medical supervision;
d) taking into account regional characteristics and national traditions.

What are TRP standards?

The quantitative values ​​of the TRP complex tests, which make it possible to assess the versatility (harmony) of the development of basic physical qualities and abilities and skills according to age levels and gender.

Standards are measured in minutes, seconds, meters, centimeters and the number of times, depending on the type of tests Divided into mandatory tests (tests) and optional tests

The standards are available on the official Internet portal of the TRP complex at the website address in the "Standards" section

What is the insignia of the TRP complex?

By analogy with medals in sports, this is an award given to participants for the successful fulfillment of the standards of certain age levels of the TRP complex.

The insignia are of bronze, silver and gold values ​​in each age level.

Stages of implementation of the TRP complex

The stages of the implementation of the TRP complex are regulated by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2014 No. 1165-r (you can find it in the "documents" tab) and divide the implementation of the complex into stages III:

Stage I(July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015) - I-VI stages (schools, colleges, universities), 12 regions of the Russian Federation

II stage(January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016) - I-VI stages (schools, colleges, universities), throughout the country, approbation among the adult population;

Stage III(from January 1, 2017) - All levels, all categories of the population, all regions of the Russian Federation.

What will it be for me?

TRP is not just getting a badge of distinction, it is, first of all, improving oneself, one's inner “I”. Preparing yourself to fulfill the standards of tests (tests) of the complex, you hone your coordination, become more purposeful, morally and physically hardened.

The TRP insignia is an indicator of the active life position of a citizen of the Russian Federation, his desire for a healthy lifestyle.

The presence of insignia of the TRP complex (in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1147) among applicants for training in educational programs of higher education will be taken into account by educational institutions of higher education during admission. Students who have the golden insignia of the TRP complex can be assigned an increased state academic scholarship in the prescribed manner.

Who can fulfill the TRP test (test) standards?

At the moment, persons of the main health group, as well as persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities, can participate in the TRP complex. Only persons who have a medical certificate on admission to fulfill the test standards of the TRP complex are allowed to participate.

To date, it is possible to register on the TRP website for disabled people in 4 categories (1. Intellectual impairment; 2. Hearing impairment; 3. Visual impairment; 4. Damage to the musculoskeletal system.), Established by state requirements approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia No. 90 of 02/12/2019.

The categories are determined on the basis of scientific research of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “National State University of Physical Culture, Sports, etc. health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg ".

I want to comply with the TRP standards, what should I do for this?

How many days can you fulfill the TRP test (tests) standards within one age stage?

It is possible to fulfill the TRP standards within one age group at the stage of the complex within one calendar year.

According to the methodological recommendations published on the site, it is possible to perform three or four types of test standards (tests) in one day. Remember that, first of all, you yourself must be interested in the successful fulfillment of the test standards (tests) in order to show the best result.

Accordingly, when drawing up an individual map of participation in the TRP complex, it is important to correctly approach the issue of distributing the load on your body.

I want to fulfill all the standards of the TRP complex in one day, is it possible?

It is impossible to fulfill all test standards (tests) of the TRP complex in one day. It is necessary to understand that you have only one attempt at Fulfillment of one standard.

It is necessary to prepare individually for the fulfillment of the test standards (tests) of the TRP complex and come to the testing center only when you are fully confident in the successful fulfillment of the test standards (tests) for the highest rates.

When can I receive the badge?

What can I do now to successfully meet the standards of the TRP complex?

1. Lead a healthy lifestyle (exercise, exercise, nutrition).

2. Attend physical education lessons (for students of all forms of education), or gyms, fitness centers (for adults).

3. Form an individual schedule or plan for preparation for the implementation of test standards (tests) that are part of the WFSK TRP. If you follow these recommendations, you can certainly count on success.

If part of the test standards (tests) was performed for a gold insignia, and the second for a silver one, which insignia will I receive in the end?

The assignment of the insignia is carried out according to the "lower bar". If at least one of the "obligatory" types of test standards (tests) was Performed for a bronze insignia, then a bronze sign will be awarded, despite the fact that all other test standards (tests) were Performed for "gold" or "silver".

What is a Testing Center?

Testing Center is a non-profit organization created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of types of test standards (tests).

The place is territorial- this is the location of the sports facility (pool, shooting range, arena, sports complex, etc.) where the testing center is satisfied with the acceptance of certain types of test standards (tests).

The results of the VFSK TRP tests I passed do not correspond to the results that are published in my personal account on the website. What do i do?

If you find that the results of the tests (tests) of the VFSK TRP passed by you do not correspond to the results that are published in your personal account on the site, you need to contact the Testing Center where you performed the tests with this question.

Why do I need to register on the site site?

Registration on the site is necessary in order for your account to be assigned an ID-number, which is a unique identifier in the AIS TRP, which allows you to fulfill the standards of tests (tests) of the WFSK TRP in the official mode. Thanks to the ID-number, you will be able to sign up for the Testing Center nearest to you to fulfill the TRP standards, as well as view the results of the tests (tests) you completed on the website in on-line mode.

I cannot enter my personal account on the website, what should I do?

One of the reasons for these difficulties may be that your account is not active. We remind you that after registering on the website, an account activation link will be sent to your email address.

THEREFORE, look at your email for the activation link and follow it. You don't need to reply to that letter, you just need to follow the link.

How to create a testing center?

The main document governing the creation of testing centers is Federal Law No. 329-FZ dated 04.12.2007 "On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation." In accordance with part 3 of Article 31.2, the testing center can only be a non-profit organization, created again, or an existing organization is endowed with the right to assess the fulfillment of test standards (tests) of the All-Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, but only on condition that it has a structural subdivision "Testing Center ". This unit is created before the decision on the vesting of the assessment is made!

Also, when creating testing centers, you must be guided by the following regulatory documents:

All current orders are located on the website in the documents section in the subsection "Orders of federal executive bodies".

Is it possible to fulfill the standards of tests (tests) of the TRP complex in physical education lessons?

It is not allowed to perform tests of the TRP complex at physical education lessons. It is possible to fulfill the standards only at Testing Centers or at testing sites with the participation of the referee teams of Testing Centers. This process is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 54 dated 01.28.2016 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and conducting testing to fulfill the test standards (tests) of the TRP complex"

Why is one unique identification number (UIN) assigned to one e-mail?

Only one user can be registered per email. This is because email is analogous to a digital signature. Thus, if the password from the personal account of the AIS VFSK TRP is lost, the user will be able to resume his work using the e-mail specified during registration.

How can I find out the addresses and working hours of the Testing Center?

The contact details of the Testing Center are available in your personal account on the website site in the "Testing Center" section

When will I be able to exceed the standards for testing (tests) of the TRP complex?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia No. 7 dated January 11, 2019 "On amendments to the procedure for organizing and conducting testing for the fulfillment of test standards (tests) of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex" Ready for Labor and Defense "(TRP), approved by the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated 01.28.2016 No. 54 "if the participant has not fulfilled the standard of testing (test) of the complex for the insignia, he has the right to undergo re-testing once in the reporting period, but not earlier than 45 calendar days from the date of the first attempt to perform test standard.

Those. if a participant in the reporting period fulfilled the standard for silver or bronze, it is impossible to overfulfill this type of standard in this reporting period!

How many standards of testing (tests) of the TRP must be completed in order to receive an insignia?

The number of standards of tests (tests) performed to obtain an insignia of a particular dignity depends on the standards of your age level (). Please note that in each such stage there are “mandatory” tests, and “optional” tests.

Be careful, when performing the test standards "optional", "alternative" tests may be offered. When several "alternative" test standards (tests) are fulfilled, the fulfillment of the standard is counted, which advises the insignia of the highest dignity.

Where can I find the unique identification number (UIN)?

In order to find out your UIN, you need to go to the site -> click on the button "enter your personal account" -> enter your email address and password -> enter the "code to enter the site" (sent to the email specified during registration ) -> "Your UIN" - consists of 11 digits.

I forgot my password from my personal account

If you do not remember the password from your personal account, but you know your e-mail, then: you must click on the button "Enter your personal account" -> then click the button "forgot password" -> you must specify the "Email address" and "Code from the picture" -> a message will be sent to your e-mail, and you can change your password by clicking on the link or by copying and pasting it into your browser.

Where does the confirmation message for creating a profile and activating an account come?

To the e-mail that you indicated when registering on the site site

What is the reporting period?

The annual reporting period is the time in which you can complete TRP tests. In other words, this is the shelf life of the TRP standards you have fulfilled.

The insignia is issued after successfully completing the required number of types of test standards (tests) within your age level. The presentation for the awarding of insignia is organized at the end of each calendar quarter by the testing center, after which an order is issued by the regional executive body in the field of the FCC on awarding silver and bronze insignia of the TRP, as well as the order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia "On awarding the VFSK TRP with gold insignia." The procedure for paperwork and production of signs takes 2-3 months, in connection with which there are 4 sessions of delivery of signs.

a) The report for the first quarter contains:

2) All participants applying for the bronze and silver insignia, the fact of assignment of which was established during the specified period, provided that there was a change in the level of this participant in the first quarter.

b) The report for the II quarter contains:

1) All participants applying for a gold insignia, the fact of assignment of which is established within the specified period;

2) All participants applying for a bronze and silver insignia, the fact of assignment of which is established during the specified period, provided that there was a change in the stage of this participant in the II quarter;

c) The report for the III quarter contains:

1) All participants applying for a gold insignia, the fact of assignment of which is established within the specified period;

2) All participants applying for a bronze and silver insignia, the fact of assignment of which is established during the specified period, provided that there has been a change in the stage of this participant.

d) The report for the IV quarter contains:

1) All participants applying for a gold insignia, the fact of assignment of which is established within the specified period;

2) All participants applying for a bronze and silver insignia, the fact of assignment of which was established during the specified period, provided that there was a change in the stage of this participant in the IV quarter;

3) All participants of grades I to XI, applying for a bronze and silver insignia, the fact of assignment of which is established from the moment of the calendar year and provided that there was no step change. If during this calendar year there was a step change, then the fact of assigning a mark is considered from the moment the step was changed.

Can a foreign citizen comply with the standards of the complex?

The entire population of the Russian Federation can take part in the TRP complex. If you are a foreign citizen, in order to participate, you must provide a temporary registration, a residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation, etc. to the testing center.

You can familiarize yourself with the information in the order: On the approval of the regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) dated 06/11/2014 No. 540

How is test performance recorded and stored?

After completing the testing, the sports judge draw up protocols for each of the types of tests, signing them, and certify the authenticity of the entered data with the personal signature of the Chief Sports Judge and the Secretary of the Testing Center.

The Testing Center stores the final test results of the TRP complex by each citizen both on paper and in electronic form.

A card that records the participant's personal data, marks about the presence of a medical certificate, the types of tests (tests) that the participant passes in accordance with the state requirements for the corresponding stage of the TRP complex, the results of the tests (tests) performed, information about the awarding of the TRP complex insignia and the availability sports category (if any). Conducted electronically and on paper

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1 Appendix 1 REGULATIONS ON THE ACCOUNT CARD OF FULFILLMENT OF STATE REQUIREMENTS of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) draft I. General provisions 1.1. The registration card for fulfilling the state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (TRP) (hereinafter the Registration card) was developed in accordance with clause 18 of the Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for labor and defense" (TRP), approved by the decree Of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2014 540, and paragraph 9 of the Procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP), approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation from storing information about the participant and the results of his tests of the TRP complex. 1.3 The registration card is a paper document in which the personal data of the participant are noted, the final results of the tests of the TRP complex, medical clearance marks, information on the issued insignia and the assignment of sports categories of the TRP Complex In accordance with clause 9 of the Procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the framework of the TRP Complex (hereinafter - the Testing Procedure) the following data are entered into the Registration Card: - ID (individual identification number) of the participant, obtained during the first registration in the Automated Information System "TRP Complex" (hereinafter AIS TRP); - a photograph of a participant measuring 3x4 cm; - surname, name, patronymic (if any); - floor; one

2 - date of birth; - a mark on the presence of a medical certificate; - the level of the structure of the complex in which the participant is tested; - types of tests (tests) that the participant performs in accordance with state requirements for the corresponding stage of the structure of the complex; - the results of the tests (tests), certified by the signature of the sports judge; - information about the awarding of the complex insignia; - information about the presence of a sports category (if any) The registration card duplicates information about the results of the participant's tests of the TRP complex, which are entered into the Test Report of the TRP complex.The registration card is issued to the participant once upon the first appeal to the Testing Center to perform the tests and is permanent. by the following employees of the Testing Center: - by the administrator of the Testing Center in terms of personal data when contacting the Testing Center for the first time; - sports judges in terms of entering the results of tests (tests). Re-issuance of a duplicate is not provided. The registration card is kept by the participant of the TRP complex. II. Technical description of the registration card 2.1. General description. The index card is a 300 x 105 mm paperback book folded in half. The cover is made of coated paper with a density of 170 g / m2, glossy lamination of the cover is 35 microns, the internal printing unit is made on offset paper with a density of 80 g / m2. as well as full color 2

3 elements of the corporate identity of the TRP complex, applied by offset printing. The reverse side of the cover remains clean, without entering information. The pages are held together by metal staples along the scoring line. The content of the Registration Card includes several blocks, each of which corresponds to one of the stages of passing the testing specified in the Testing Procedure Personal information about the participant. The first page contains the personal data of the owner of the Registration Card, as well as information about belonging to the Testing Center and a unique, individual ID-number of a participant in the TRP complex. This information is also used to establish the identity (ID) of the participant and enter data on the results into the Protocol for fulfilling the state requirements of the TRP complex upon presentation of the registration card to the sports judge on the site during the tests. The unique identification number is a digital code that streamlines the registration of citizens of the Russian Federation who are participants in the TRP complex. 3

4 Unique individual number (ID) is a three-part coded numerical designation. The first element consists of a two-digit number of the last 2 digits of the year in which the participant passed the initial registration at the Testing Center. The second element is the two-digit code of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The third element is a seven-digit number, which is a serial number of registration in the AIS "TRP" within the limits of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The second spread of the Registration card contains lines for making notes on the participant's medical admission to fulfill the standards of the TRP complex, which are a prerequisite. A mark of medical clearance is entered into the registration card by an employee of the medical institution at the place of examination and certified by a signature and seal in accordance with the instructions agreed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 4

5 2.4. Information on the fulfillment of standards: Pages 6 to 25 of the Registration Card include a form for entering information on the types and results of tests performed by a participant in the TRP complex: 1) the stage of the TRP complex in accordance with the age of the participant; 2) the name of the test is filled in by the sports judge upon presentation of the Record card after the test has been completed; 3) result - the best result (if there are several attempts), recorded by a sports judge when a participant performs a test; 4) the date of the test; 5) the full name of the sports judge responsible for fixing the results when performing the TRP complex test; 6) the signature of the sports judge - the handwritten signature of the sports judge responsible for fixing the results when performing the TRP complex test, confirming the reliability of the result he entered; 7) assessment of the conformity of the result to the insignia for each type of test; 8) conclusion (based on the results of all tests corresponding to the age level) on the compliance of the results with the bronze, silver or gold medal of distinction. 5

6 In case of inconsistency of the results with one of the types of insignia of the TRP complex, a dash is put. The conclusion is certified by the signature and seal of the responsible employee of the Testing Center Information about the awarding of the TRP complex with insignia. On page 26, there is a form for entering information on the awarding of insignia of the TRP complex. This spread contains columns for entering information about the type of insignia (gold, silver, bronze), the number of the stage at which it was assigned, the date of issue and information about the document on the basis of which the participant is awarded the TRP complex insignia. The data in the specified form are entered by the administrator of the Testing Center at the request of a participant in the TRP complex upon presentation of a certificate issued to the TRP complex insignia Information on the availability and assignment of sports categories 6

7 On the page of the Registration Card there is a form for entering information about the available and (or) assigned to the participant sports categories of the TRP complex or other sports categories by sports. The information includes information about the category number, the sports discipline for which the category was assigned, and information about the document on the basis of which the sports category was assigned. filling out and storing the registration card for fulfilling the state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" 1) The registration card for fulfilling the state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for labor and defense" is issued to the participants of the Complex after they have submitted a corresponding application (in person or via the Internet) -site) at the first visit to the Testing Center. 2) Entries in the registration card of the Complex are made neatly with a fountain pen or ballpoint pen using black or blue ink or paste. Erasure, blots, corrections in the registration card are not allowed. 3) The registration card of the Complex includes personal information about the owner, marks on the availability of medical clearance, information on the fulfillment of standards, the presence and receipt of sports categories, the issued distinction marks of the Complex. 4) Records are made by the staff of the Testing Centers in the appropriate section of the information about the participant of the Complex. 5) The participant of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" complex is obliged to carefully keep the registration card. The participant informs the Testing Center about the loss of the registration card. 6) Issuance of a duplicate of the Complex's registration card is made by the decision of the head of the testing center. On the title page of the duplicate, the inscription "DUPLICATE" is made. All data about the participant of the Complex for the entire period are entered into a duplicate of the registration card of the complex based on the information stored in the automated information system of the complex and the originals of the protocols for performing the tests of the Complex, which are stored in the Testing Center. 7

8 Appendix 3 EXPLANATORY NOTE to the draft Regulation on the registration card for the fulfillment of state requirements of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for labor and defense" The Executive Directorate of Sports Projects has developed this draft Regulation on the registration card for fulfilling the state requirements of the TRP complex (hereinafter - the Registration card). When forming this draft Regulation, the following forms and types of record books (data recording cards) were taken as a basis: record qualification book of first-class athletes, candidates for master of sports, masters of sports and masters of sports of international class (approved by the Order of Rossport from); record qualification book of athletes of the second, third categories and youth categories (approved by the Order of Rossport from); a record book for students mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2013 No. 240); a record book for students mastering bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2013 203). In addition, the following regulatory legal acts were taken into account: - Regulation "On the Centers for Testing the Population for Performing Types of Tests (Tests), Standards, Requirements for Assessing the Level of Knowledge and Skills in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports and the Procedure for Their Creation" (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated 954/1); - The procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia from the city of 739), 8

9 - Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from the city of 540). The proposed layout of the Registration card contains the optimal number of pages, the ratio of rows and columns for entering and storing information about the progress of the tests by a participant in the TRP complex, based on the Procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population. The first page is relevant not only from the point of view of formal personalization of the Registration Card, but also allows the responsible persons (administrators and sports judges of the Testing Centers) to identify the participant when it is presented when arriving at the Testing Center. The second spread of the Registration card for making notes on the medical report allows you to make no more than 20 marks. 20 marks correspond to the maximum possible number of marks on medical admission to testing the TRP complex for the period of participation in the complex from I to VI stages (up to 24 years inclusive), taking into account the validity of the medical admission for a period of 1 year. At the same time, the maximum number of attempts to perform tests is an equal line as a spare. The number of pages for entering information about the types and results of tests performed by a participant in the TRP complex is due to the calculation of the maximum allowable number of possible attempts to perform tests of the TRP complex. So, participation in the RLD complex from stages I to VI (up to 24 years old inclusive) covers the age period from 6 to 24 years, which, provided that the standards are fulfilled once during the academic year (September-May), it allows you to fulfill the standards no more than 19 times. 20 form for entering information on the types and results of tests is a spare. The number of lines for making a record of the issued insignia and records of the existing and (or) assigned to the participant sports categories 9

10 of the TRP complex corresponds to the maximum number of signs possible for issuance at the I-VI stages of the complex and corresponds to the numerical value of 20 for each type of records. Thus, the proposed layout of the Registration card is optimal and has a number of significant advantages in relation to alternative approaches that provide for the production of a Registration card for each stage of the TRP complex separately. The use of this model of the Registration card will allow: to ensure the storage of data about the participant of the TRP complex for at least half the period of his participation in the activities of the TRP complex, to observe the dynamics of the results of the tests of the TRP complex for at least 30 years; significantly reduce the cost of circulation due to unification and the absence of the need for the production of 11 types of registration cards, different in their content; to increase the mobility of the participants in the TRP complex in terms of using this version of the Registration Card when passing tests in different Centers when changing their place of residence; start maintaining the Record card from any level, while the beginning of the TRP complex tests from the V or VI stages will allow you to use only one Record card for the entire period of participation in the TRP complex. 10

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Sports of Russia) of August 29, 2014 N 739, Moscow "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the framework of the All-Russian

2 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of 2014. The procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor

Scheme of the Testing Center 1) the procedure for accepting and submitting an application for fulfilling the standards of the TRP complex; 2) the procedure for accepting the standards of the TRP complex on the day of their official implementation at the testing sites,

1 - EXPLANATORY NOTE on the experimental model of organizing the work of the Population Testing Centers within the framework of the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense"

Powered by TCPDF ( STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION AND SUBMISSION OF THE WFSK TRP STANDARDS 1. The procedure for registration and acceptance and submission of an application for performing tests that are part of the TRP complex. Step

Appendix 2 to the order of the administration of the Alexandro-Nevsky municipal district dated October 1, 2015. 175 The procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports

2 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of 2016. The procedure for organizing and conducting testing for the fulfillment of test standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports

On the approval of the Procedure for awarding citizens with insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) and assignment of sports categories to them Pursuant to paragraph 30

APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of 2014. The procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the population within the framework of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor

M I N I S T E R S T V O S P O R T A R O S I J S K O J F E D E R A Ts I I P R I K A Z "18" fev r alya 2 0 1 5 y. 144 registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia reg. 36788 of 04/09/2015 On approval of the Procedure

MINISTRY OF SPORT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (MINISTRY OF SPORT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION) Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia, registration number 41328 dated March 4, 2016 ORDER January 28, 2016 54 On approval of the procedure for organizing and

Appendix 22 to the order of the rector of ANO VO "Institute" Upper Volga "dated July 25, 2017 58a / y" APPROVED "Rector of ANO VO" Institute "Upper Volga" IN Aksenova 07/25/2017 REGULATION ON THE RECORD BOOK

1. General provisions 1.1 Provisions on the procedure for individual recording of the results of the development of educational programs by students, storage in archives of information about these results on paper and (or) electronic

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2016 No. 54 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and conducting testing for the fulfillment of test standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex

State exam in the specialty (profession) (if any); decision on awarding qualifications; instruction on the procedure for filling out and storing a student's record book of an educational institution of a secondary

CONSIDERED by the Pedagogical Council Minutes 1 dated August 30, 2013 APPROVED Director of the Kirov Polytechnic College A.M. Tolpygo 2013 STUDENT TICKET AND CREDIT STATUS

Contents 1. General provisions ... 3 2. Issue procedure ... 3 3. Maintenance procedure ... 3 4. Issuance of a duplicate and storage ... 4 Appendix 1 ... 5 Change registration sheet ... 9 Page 2 of 9 1. General provisions

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Regulation on the procedure for filling out the grade book of students (hereinafter the Regulation) determines the procedure for filling out the grade book and student card of students in Kirovskoe

1 - Developed by the Federal Operator for the implementation of the GTO complex ANO "Executive Directorate of Sports Projects" and agreed with the Ministry of Sports of Russia, approved by the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Sports of Russia from


At the Polytechnic, the Testing Center of the VFSK TRP is being created: part two In the second part of our conversation with acting. Head of the Testing Center of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex of the GTO St. Petersburg

Committee of Education and Science of the Volgograd Region State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Volgograd Professional College of Human Resources" Considered At the meeting

Institute. At the same time, it is a pass for entering the building of the Institute when presented to the security officers. 1.4. Grade books and student cards issued to students (students) are registered

1. 1. General provisions 1.1. This regulation on the grade book has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Order of the Ministry

Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region "Karpinsky Machine-Building Technical School"

APPROVED by order of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Theater College under the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow" Moscow Theater

Administration of Veliky Novgorod Education Committee PR IK AZ (for core activities) dated 10.01.2019 17 On the Procedure for organizing and conducting testing of the VFSK TRP In accordance with the Presidential Decree

INSTRUCTIONS on the procedure for filling out and storing a student's record book of an educational institution of secondary vocational education 1. Record book of a student of an educational institution of secondary vocational education


Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region Tambov Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Tambov Polytechnic College named after

1.2. The regulation applies to the record books of students enrolled in programs for the preparation of mid-level specialists of secondary vocational education in accordance with federal state

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This regulation on the grade book has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Order of the Ministry


Considered at the meeting of the pedagogical council, the minutes of Approved by: Director of the State Educational Institution "Makeevskoe MPTU" S.V. Dolgopolova 2017 STATE

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education IRKUTSK NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region State budgetary professional educational institution of the Voronezh Region "Liskinsky Industrial and Transport College

Considered at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council Minutes of the year 20 "Approved" Director of GAPOU SO "VMT" L.Yu. Kazakov 20 g. REGULATIONS on a student card in GAPOU SO 1 General provisions. 1.1 This Statement

On the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in the city of Moscow, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 172 of March 24, 2014 "On the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports

1. General Provisions These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 05.04.2013 240 "On the approval of samples of student ID cards for students and grade books for students

GENERAL PROVISIONS A record book is a student's educational document, designed to record the development of the main educational program of the specialty to which the student is enrolled by the order of the rector of the university.

V. QUEST-GAME PROGRAM A sports quest-game consists of three blocks: sports, intellectual and play. 1. The sports block consists of tests (tests) of the III stage of the TRP complex and is formed in

RUSSIAN FEDERATION POSITIONING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PETUSHINSKY DISTRICT of the Vladimir Region from the town of Petushka About the creation of a testing center of the VFSK "TRP" on the territory of the Moscow Region "Petushinsky District" In order to

Government of St. Petersburg Health Committee St. Petersburg State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Medical College 1" APPROVED Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution


State educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Yaroslavl region Yaroslavl technical school of the food industry CONSIDERED at a meeting of the pedagogical council protocol

Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory State budgetary professional educational institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Krasnodar Architectural and Construction

Budgetary institution of secondary vocational education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Surgut Musical College" ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council of the BU "Surgut Musical College"

2-1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. A college student's record book is a document confirming his mastery of the educational program of secondary vocational education. 1.2. Record book

MINISTRY OF BRANCHING OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State University"

State professional educational institution "Kemerovo Regional Art College" Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the State Educational Institution "KOCHK" Protocol ^ 7 ^ "Zh." th & 20d? I BELIEVE "


APPROVED: Deputy Head of the Administration of the district of the city of Yekaterinburg issues W ^ EZ. Beruashvili AGREED: Head of the Department of Education Q - ". Y," - V "- Leninsky Shion of the Department of Education ^ Goto ^ a-Yekaterinburg


MINISTRY OF GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE SVERDLOVSK REGION State autonomous professional educational institution of the Sverdlovsk Region "Ural Polytechnic College Interregional

2 1.3. A record book is a student's document, which records his mastery of the main professional educational program, to which the student is enrolled by order of the director of the technical school.

I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Festival of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) among students of educational organizations of the city of Krasnoyarsk, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the All-Russian

2. Requirements for completing the grade book 2.1. Records in the grade book are made neatly, with a fountain pen or ballpoint pen, blue or purple ink or paste. Erasure, blots, corrections,

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Grade book is a student's educational document designed to record the development of the main educational program of the specialty, to which the student is enrolled by the order of the rector

P. 1 APPROVED Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Special Education Candidate of Social Sciences T.V. Silkina 20 Y. THE POSITION OF THE QMS - P 8.2.4. - 11 About the design of the student's record book DEVELOPER Head of the department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Special Education T.N. Pokatelova P. 2 1. GENERAL

1 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The record book of a college student is a document confirming his mastering the educational program of secondary vocational education. 1.2. Record book

APPROVED Director of Podolsk College named after A.V. Nikulin "S.V. Stupin 2017 REGULATIONS on the procedure for filling out, recording and storing student cards and record books of students of the state

"Implementation of the federal project for the introduction of the VFSK complex" Ready for Labor and Defense "(TRP) in educational institutions of the Sormovsky region: difficulties and prospects" Goryachkina I.V. head of the Methodical

1. General Provisions 1.1. This Regulation on the rules for issuing and maintaining a grade book and student card (hereinafter the Regulation) is a local normative act of the State budgetary professional


Regulations on the student card and the student's record book of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Neryungri Medical College" 1. Normative references

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