We are three carrots. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech

    That's what I found in girls! Have already started to study!)) Http: //www.sayt/community/post/Jumpy/90395 Lanterns 2 Alternately squeeze and unclench your fingers for the count of "one-two". On "one": fingers right hand straightened, the fingers of the left hand are clenched. On "two": fingers of the left hand ...

  • Finger games, day 2.

    Matyusha liked the game Lanterns At first he watched me do it, he refused to repeat it. During the day, under my son's mood, I cheerfully repeated the exercise, showed it to the bear, Matvey tried to repeat it himself. Then he even allowed him to help. A...

  • Active finger games

    The fingers are spread out and the palms are folded together. When naming this or that finger, the named fingers of both hands knock together several times. The last two lines of the pen are clenched into fists, and the baby shakes his fists in time with the rhyme ...

  • Finger games (gymnastics), day 1

    Matyusha is 2 years and 2 months old. He really wants to talk, but so far not very good at it, the kid is nervous that they do not always understand him. And I decided to help my son. We will study according to the book "Big speech therapy textbook ...

  • About our favorite finger games.

    A very important part of development work fine motor skills are "finger games". These games are very emotional and exciting. They contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. " Finger games"as if reflecting the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their ...

  • Finger games

    I came across such finger games. My love about the kid. Maybe someone else will be interested ... Recommendations for finger games Before playing with a child, you can discuss its content, while at the same time practicing the necessary gestures, finger combinations, ...

  • Finger games

    1. Thumb Make a fist in such a way that thumb ended up inside. The finger is sitting in the house, Hidden and is silent. Come out soon, I'm waiting. - Wait, I'll be right there. Pop out the big ...


The lanterns are on!

(fingers clenched into a fist abruptly and simultaneously unclench on two hands)

The lanterns are out!

(fingers clenched into a fist)

A more complicated option is to alternately squeeze and unclench your fingers (for example - left hand in a fist, at this moment the right one - with unclenched fingers) under the following rhyme:

We'll light our lanterns

And then let's go for a walk!

Here the lanterns are shining

They light the way for us!


Simultaneously clench two hands into fists and put on the table (knees), then simultaneously straighten your fingers and press your palms to the table. Repeat 3-5 times.

Cam pad.

I walk like a cat.

A more complicated version - the left one in the cam, the right one - with the palm. And we change.

Knead the dough

Dough mnem, mnem, mnem!

We press the dough, we press, we press!

(very vigorously clench our hands into fists and unclench them - simultaneously on two hands or alternately)

We will bake pies

(we make movements as if we are making snowballs)


We touch the table surface alternately with the palm and back side hands. If there is no table, knees will do. You can do it with both hands at the same time, or you can do it in turn - for example, if the left one touches the back side, then the right one touches the palm.

Mom bakes us pancakes

They are very tasty.

We got up early today


And we eat them with sour cream.

(we bring fingers folded with a "pinch" to our mouth, imitating food)


We chop the cabbage, chop it!

(with straight tense palms we imitate the movement of an ax - up and down)

We cut cabbage, cut!

(vigorous movements with straight palms back and forth)

We salt the cabbage, salt!

(fingers collected "pinch" and "salt")

We press cabbage, we press!

(vigorously clench our fingers into fists - simultaneously on two hands or alternately)

We are three, three carrots!

(hand in a fist - "carrot" rhythmically moves up and down the palm of the other hand. Then we change hands)


Ah, water, water, water!

We will always be clean!

(vigorously rub palm on palm)

Splashes to the right, splashes to the left!

Our body has become wet!

(we clenched our fingers into a fist, and then we straighten our fingers with force, as if shaking off the water)

With a fluffy towel

Wipe off the pens very quickly.

(with vigorous movements "wipe" hands alternately)


Interlace the fingers of two hands and wiggle straight fingers under the rhyme:

Small spiny hedgehog.

How good he is!


The fingers of both hands are pinched together and touching at the tips. "Inflate the ball" - we give our hands such a position as if we were holding a ball or a ball."The ball burst" - returned to their original position.

I blew a bouncy ball

He was bitten by a mosquito.

A balloon burst - it doesn't matter,

I'll blow a new balloon.


A little boat is sailing down the river

The boat is carrying kids for a walk.

(hands are connected with a "ladle", thumbs are pressed to the palms. If there is a table, place the ribs of the palms on its surface)

The steamer sails along the river,

And the chimney smokes like a stove.

(connect the thumbs and lift them up - this is a "pipe")


We make a "bud" with our hands - the bases of the hands are pressed against each other, the fingers are closed and raised up

The sun is rising - the flower is blooming!

(the bases of the brushes remain pressed, we spread our fingers to the sides at the same time - "the flower will be unraveled")

The sun sets - the flower goes to sleep.

(we return to the original position)

Finger games file cabinet

"We are chopping cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop,

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We mash the cabbage, mash,

We clench and unclench our fists

And three, three carrots,


We stuff tightly into the barrels

And we make up the basements.

Eh, delicious cabbage!

"My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!


One two three four,

We washed the dishes:

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

We only broke the cup,

The ladle fell apart too,

The kettle's nose was knocked back.

We broke the spoon a little.

This is how we helped mom!

« New Year»

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's Eve.

Expected anything (fingers clenching and unclenching)

And they saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row (they draw three circles in the air with their hands)

The eyes are burning merrily, (they close and open their eyes with their palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, in needles.


One, two, three, four, five

Bend fingers one by one

We came to the yard for a walk.

They sculpted the Snow Baba,

The birds were fed with crumbs,

Then we rode down the hill,

And also lay in the snow.

And we threw snowballs

imitate movement along the text

Everyone came home in the snow.

Shake off our palms

We ate the soup and went to bed.



Finger games file cabinet

"We are chopping cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop,

"Chop cabbage" on the surface of an imaginary table with the ribs of the palms. An adult, while pronouncing this line, may well “chop the cabbage” from one edge of the table to the other and back, the distance between the edges is about 60 cm. For children, it is enough to chop in one place.

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

Both hands are folded with a pinch and "salt". If you are also warming up, you can "salt" a large surface (hands move back and forth).

We mash the cabbage, mash,

We clench and unclench our fists

And three, three carrots,

Three palms together - for training, keep them at chest level and press on the palms with force, this exercise strengthens the chest.


Stir - horizontally.

We stuff tightly into the barrels

Palm on palm, "crush" the cabbage, not bending over, but bending and straightening the elbows - also watch out pectoral muscles if you warm up.

And we make up the basements.

In the same position, we bend deeply and put our folded palms on the floor.

Eh, delicious cabbage!

We straighten up and stroke ourselves on the stomach.

"My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!

Alternate flexion of the fingers, starting with the thumb.


One two three four,

(alternating clapping and banging of fists against each other)

We washed the dishes:

(one palm slides over the other in a circle)

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

(bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We only broke the cup,

The ladle fell apart too,

The kettle's nose was knocked back.

We broke the spoon a little.

(unbend fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

This is how we helped mom!

(banging fists against each other, clapping hands)

"New Year"

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's Eve.

Expected anything (fingers clenching and unclenching)

And they saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row (they draw three circles in the air with their hands)

The eyes are burning merrily, (they close and open their eyes with their palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, in needles.


One, two, three, four, five

Bend fingers one by one

We came to the yard for a walk.

"We go" on the table with index and middle fingers

They sculpted the Snow Baba,

"Sculpt" a lump with two palms

The birds were fed with crumbs,

Crumbling motion with all fingers

Then we rode down the hill,

We slide the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand

And also lay in the snow.

We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other

And we threw snowballs

imitate movement along the text

Everyone came home in the snow.

Shake off our palms

We ate the soup and went to bed.

Movements with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks


Week 1 " Kindergarten"

Physics program "Kindergarten"

I'll be small at first , (Sit down)

I will snuggle up to my knees. ( Hug your knees)

Then I will grow up big, ( Stand up)

I can reach the lamp. ( Hands up)


All are friends in our group. (


The youngest is me. ( Unclench their fingers, starting

This is Masha, from the little finger)

This is Sasha,

This is Dasha.

2 week "Toys"

Physical minute "Buratio"

Pinocchio - stretched

Once - bent down,

Two - bent down,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently, he didn’t find the key.

To get us the key

We need to stand on our toes.

3 week "Vegetable garden. Vegetables"

We chop-chop cabbage, ( )

We mimic cabbage, ("Crumple the cabbage")

We salt and salt the cabbage, )

We press, we press cabbage. ( )

Physiotherapy "Vegetables"

One two three four, (Walking in place)

Children taught vegetables : (Jumping in place)

Onions, radishes, zucchini, (Tilts left and right)

Horseradish, carrots, garlic (Clap your hands)

4 week "Garden. Fruits. Berries"

(Bend fingers alternately)

A fat finger and a thumb went into the garden for plums,

The index from the doorway showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate, it knocks plums off the branch.

The nameless one collects, and the little finger is the lord

Throws bones into the ground.

Physiotka "Yablochko"

I stand on my toes Get on your toes
I get the apple Hands up
I'm running home with an apple Running in place
My gift to Mom! Clap your hands


Week 1 " Early autumn"

Fizminutka "Autumn"

Raise your legs higher.

Rain, rain Knock your fingers alternately
All day
Drumming into glass.
All the land Squeeze and unclench the cams
The whole earth
Soaked from the water ...

2 week

Fizminutka "Boots".

Walking in place

Stomp in place

Jumping in place

3 week

Fiznnutka "Tree"

The wind blows in our face (hand movements towards you)

The tree swayed

The breeze is getting quieter - quieter - ( gradual squat)

The tree is higher and higher, (

This finger went to the forest,

This finger found a mushroom

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger sat down and ate

That's why he got fat.

4 week "Family. Parts of the body"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is grandma, this finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family

Physical minutes "Body parts"

We stamp our feet ( stomp)

We clap our hands (clap)

We shake our head ( shake their head)

We raise our hands ( hands up)

Then we omit them, ( hands down)

We give hands ( hands in the "lock")

And we run around. ( spin around in place)


Like ours at the gate Walking in place
The rooster pecks the grains, Jumping in place
The rooster pecks the grains,
He calls the chickens to him. Clap your hands

One summer evening Squeeze and unclench the cams
The ducklings walked in single file.
They went to the pond to swim, Clap your hands
To frolic, to splash.
The first among them is the leader. We bend our fingers
Goes proudly: "Quack-quack-quack!"
Three other ducklings
The backs are yellow and shine.
And the last one lagged behind.
He was obviously tired.
Suddenly from the high grass,
Having caused fright in the ducklings,
Two more run out
They take a place in the flock.
Well, let's quickly count: Squeeze and unclench the cams
How many ducklings were in the flock?

Physics "Horse"

The horse is waiting for me on the road

Beats with a hoof at the gate

Plays with a mane in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (

I'll jump on the saddle quickly,

I will not go - I will fly, ( jumps in place)

Clink - clink - clink,

Clink - clink - clink, (

There, beyond the distant river

I'll wave my hand to you. ( jumps in place)

Give milk, Burenushka, They show how a cow is milked.

At least a little - on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me.

Small children.

Give them a spoonful of cream Bend one finger at a time

A little cottage cheese,


Oils, curdled milk, name of the dairy product.

Milk for porridge. They are "milked" again.

Gives everyone health

Cow's milk.

Physiotka "Swans"

The swans are flying

Waving their wings, ( )

Bowed over the water

Shake their head ( bending forward, bending over)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,

Quietly they sit on the water ( squats)

Little birds, ( clenching and unclenching the cams)
Small birds
They fly through the forest
The songs are sung. )
A violent wind has flown, ( )
I wanted to take the birds away.
The birds hid in a hollow ( put your fingers together in a "lock")
Nobody will touch them there.

Fiznnutka "Three Bears"

Three bears were walking home: (children walk like bears)

Dad was big, big, ( raise their hands up)

Mom with him is smaller, )

And my son is just a crumb, ( squat down)

He was very small,

I went with rattles. ( )

Under a tall pine tree

The bunny is jumping scythe,

Under another pine tree

Another bunny gallops.


Week 1 "Winter"

Physics "Winter"

How interesting to us in winter! ( )

We ride a sled in a crowd, ( imitate sledding)

Then we will play snowballs, (

We dress all skis together,

Then everyone got on skates, ( )

Happy days in winter! ( show thumb up)

I stand and snowflakes in my palm


doni of the right hand.

I AM winter, and snow,

and I love snowflakes

left hand.

But where are the snowflakes?

There is water in the palm of your hand unclench.

the second is to unclench.

Small shakes

relaxed palms.
As you can see, my palms are hot.

2 week "Coniferous trees"

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's Eve.

Expected anything (fingers clenching and unclenching)

And they saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row (they draw three circles in the air with their hands)

The eyes are burning merrily, (they close and open their eyes with their palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, in needles.

We went out to the forest lawn, ( walking in place)
Raising my legs higher

Through branches and stumps.

Did not stumble, did not fall.

3 week "New Year"

We were having fun at the tree Rhythmic hand claps.

And they danced and frolicked, Rhythmic punches with fists.

After the good Santa Claus

He gave us gifts. fingers of both hands.

Gave huge packages

They also contain delicious items: Rhythmic hand claps.

Sweets in blue pieces of paper

Nuts next to them

Pear, apple, one

Golden tangerine.

Physics "New Year"
Everyone has a New Year,
And we have a New Year.

Near the green Christmas tree Round dance, round dance.

Santa Claus came to us.
He is toys, and crackers,
And he brought us sweets! (
He is kind with us,
He's funny with us, - ( )
Near the green Christmas tree
He himself went to dance with us. ( Walking in place)

4 week

Physical minute " Christmas tree »

The Christmas tree is burning with lights, under it the shadows are blue, Raise our hands up

Spiky needles, as if covered with white frost. We lower it through the sides, down

The lights on the tree are bright everywhere. Tilts to the right, left

In all houses, all over the country, the guys are smiling Walking in place, smile


1 week (vacation)

2 week "Winter"

Physics "Winter"

We will warm ourselves a little Rubbing shoulders

We'll clap our hands Clap our hands

We will sink with our feet Stamping in place

And we will pat ourselves. Clap your knees

Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes"

I stand and snowflakes in my palm Rhythmic finger strikes with the left

catching. hands, starting with the index, to la-

doni of the right hand.

I AM winter, and snow, Rhythmic finger strikes with the right

and I love snowflakes hands, starting with the index, to the palm

left hand.

But where are the snowflakes? To the question, clench your fists, to the answer -

There is water in the palm of your hand unclench.

Where did the snowflakes disappear to? Where to? To the first question, clench your fists, on

the second is to unclench.

Fragile ice-rays melted ... Small shakes are relaxed
As you can see, my palms are hot with my palms.

3 week « Winter fun and entertainment "

Finger gymnastics "Mitten"

Physical minutes "Children are walking"

4 week "Wintering Birds"

Finger gymnastics "Chicks in the nests"

The bird flaps its wings and flies to its nest.

She will tell her chicks where she got the grain.

Physical minute "Birds"

The birds flew Imitation of movements

They flapped their wings.

They sat on the trees Squatted down

We rested together.


Week 1 "Clothing. Shoes"

Fizminutka "Boots".

Dressed up the legs in new boots, We expose the socks one by one

You walk, legs, straight along the path. Walking in place

You walk, stomp, do not spank in the puddles, Stomp in place

Do not go into the mud, do not tear your boots. Jumping in place

Finger gymnastics "New Sneakers".

2 week "House. Furniture"

Physics minute "Building a house"

Knock-knock with a hammer Imitation hammer

We build, we build new house. Walking in place

You drank, drank faster, Saw imitation

We build a house for people. Jumping in place

Finger gymnastics "A lot of furniture in the apartment"

One two three four , Bend the fingers, starting with the big ones,

on both hands.
A lot of furniture in the apartment ... Compress and unclench the fists.

We'll hang a shirt in the closet , Bend fingers, starting with large

And put a cup in the buffet ... on both hands,

To rest our legs, let's sit for a while on a chair,

And when we were fast asleep

We lay on the bed.

And then the cat and I

We sat at the table.

We drank tea with jam together. Clap their hands alternately and

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment. pounding with their fists.

3 week "Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our Army "

Physics "Border Guard"

Forest paths. Marching in place
Fragrant herbs.

Behind a dark ravine

Field space.

In the evening sometimes Stop applying imaginary

On patrol from the outpost binoculars to the eyes, make turns.
There is a border guard Marching in circles again

Countries sentry.

Finger gymnastics "On the parade"
Like soldiers on parade Squeeze, unclench the cams.
We walk row by row
Left - one, left - one, Clap your hands.
Everyone clapped their hands -
Together, more fun!
Our feet knocked
Louder and faster!

4 week "Transport. Traffic Laws"

Finger gymnastics "BOAT"

I will press two palms.

And sail on the sea.

Two palms, friends,

This is my boat.

Physical minutes "Machines"



Physical exercises and finger gymnastics.


1 week "Kindergarten"

Physics program "Kindergarten"

I'll be small at first, (Sit down)

I will snuggle up to my knees. ( Hug your knees)

Then I will grow up big, ( Stand up)

I can reach the lamp. ( Hands up)

Finger gymnastics "Our group". .

All are friends in our group. (Rhythmically banging their fists about each other


The youngest is me. (Unclench their fingers, starting

This is Masha, with a little finger)

This is Sasha,

This is Yura,

This is Dasha.

2 week "Toys"

Physical minute "Buratio"

Movements are performed in the course of the poem.

Pinocchio - stretched

Once - bent down,

Two - bent down,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently, he didn’t find the key.

To get us the key

We need to stand on our toes.

Finger gymnastics "At Matreshina's sister ..."

Chinaya from the index, on the right palm.

3 week "Garden. Vegetables"

Finger gymnastics "Cabbage"

We chop-chop cabbage, (sweeping movements of the hands, like an ax)

We mimic cabbage,("Crumple the cabbage")

We salt and salt the cabbage,("Take" a pinch of salt and "salt")

We press, we press cabbage. (flexion and extension of the hands)

Physiotherapy "Vegetables"

One two three four,(Walking in place)

Children taught vegetables: (Jumping in place)

Onions, radishes, zucchini,(Tilts left and right)

Horseradish, carrots, garlic(Clap your hands)

4 week "Garden. Fruits. Berries"

Finger gymnastics "To the garden for the plums".

(Bend fingers alternately)

A fat finger and a thumb went into the garden for plums,

The index from the doorway showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate, it knocks plums off the branch.

The nameless one collects, and the little finger is the lord

Throws bones into the ground.

Physiotka "Yablochko"

I stand on my toesGet on your toes
I get the apple Hands up
I'm running home with an apple
Running in place
My gift to Mom!
Clap your hands


1 week "Early Autumn"

Fizminutka "Autumn"

Raise your legs higher.


Finger gymnastics "Rain"

Rain, rain Knock your fingers alternately
All day
Drumming into glass.
All the land
Squeeze and unclench the cams
The whole earth
Soaked from the water ...

2 week "Autumn clothes, shoes, hats"

Fizminutka "Boots".

Dressed up the legs in new boots,We expose the socks one by one

You walk, legs, straight along the path. Walking in place

You walk, stomp, do not spank in the puddles, Stomp in place

Do not go into the mud, do not tear your boots. Jumping in place

Finger gymnastics "New Sneakers".

3 week "Forest (trees, mushrooms, berries)"

Fiznnutka "Tree"

The wind blows in our face(hand movements towards you)

The tree swayed(swinging arms raised)

The breeze is getting quieter - quieter - (gradual squat)

The tree is higher and higher, (stand up, stretch on toes)

Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

This finger went to the forest,

This finger found a mushroom

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger sat down and ate

That's why he got fat.

4 week "Family. Parts of the body"

Finger gymnastics "My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is grandma, this finger is daddy

Squeeze your hand into a fist, alternately unclench your fingers, starting with the thumb.

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family

Vigorously clench your hand into a fist several times.

Physical minutes "Body parts"

We stamp our feet ( stomp)

We clap our hands(clap)

Shake your head (shake your head)

We raise our hands ( hands up )

Then we omit them, ( hands down)

We give hands (hands to the "castle")

And we run around. (spin around in place)


1 week "Poultry and their chicks"

Physics minute "Like ours at the gate"

Like ours at the gate Walking in place
The rooster pecks the grains,
Jumping in place
The rooster pecks the grains,
He calls the chickens to him.
Clap your hands

Finger gymnastics "One summer evening"

One summer eveningSqueeze and unclench the cams
The ducklings walked in single file.
They went to the pond to swim,
Clap your hands
To frolic, to splash.
The first among them is the leader.
We bend our fingers
Goes proudly: "Quack-quack-quack!"
Three other ducklings
The backs are yellow and shine.
And the last one lagged behind.
He was obviously tired.
Suddenly from the high grass,
Having caused fright in the ducklings,
Two more run out
They take a place in the flock.
Well, let's quickly count:
Squeeze and unclench the cams
How many ducklings were in the flock?

2 week "Pets and their cubs"

Physics "Horse"

The horse is waiting for me on the road(hands behind the back are clasped in the lock)

Beats with a hoof at the gate(rhythmic alternating lifting of legs bent at the knees)

Plays with a mane in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking your head, then bending to the sides)

I'll jump on the saddle quickly,

I will not go - I will fly, (jumps in place)

Clink - clink - clink,

Clink - clink - clink, ( arms bent at the elbows in front of you)

There, beyond the distant river

I'll wave my hand to you. (jumps in place)

Finger gymnastics "Burenushka".

Give milk, Burenushka,They show how a cow is milked.

At least a little - on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me.Make "faces" from the fingers.

Small children.

Give them a spoonful of creamBend one finger at a time


A little cottage cheese,hands, starting with the little fingers, on


Oils, curdled milk,name of the dairy product.

Milk for porridge. They are "milked" again.

Gives everyone health

Cow's milk.

3 week "Late autumn. Migratory birds"

Physiotka "Swans"

The swans are flying

Waving their wings, ( smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)

Bowed over the water

Shake their head ( bending forward, bending over)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,

Quietly they sit on the water ( squats)

Finger gymnastics "Birds and the Wind"

Little birds, (clenching and unclenching the cams)
Small birds
They fly through the forest
The songs are sung.
(we wave our hands like wings)
A violent wind has flown, (
hands up, swinging from side to side)
I wanted to take the birds away.
The birds hid in a hollow (
put your fingers together in a "lock")
Nobody will touch them there.

4 week "Wild animals and their babies"

Fiznnutka "Three Bears"

Three bears were walking home:(children walk like bears)

Dad was big, big, (raise their hands up)

Mom with him is smaller,(arms at chest level, extended forward)

And my son is just a crumb, (squat down)

He was very small,

I went with rattles. (get up and imitate playing rattles)

Finger gymnastics "Hares".

Improvisation of finger movements (the index finger goes beyond the middle; then the little finger goes beyond the ring finger):

Under a tall pine tree

The bunny is jumping scythe,

Under another pine tree

Another bunny gallops.


1 week "Winter"

Physics "Winter"

How interesting to us in winter! (thumbs up)

We ride a sled in a crowd, (imitate sledding)

Then we will play snowballs, (imitate molding and throwing snowballs)

We dress all skis together,("Put on" skis, "take" sticks, "ride")

Then everyone got on skates, (depict ice skating)

Happy days in winter! (thumbs up)

Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes"

I stand and snowflakes in my palmRhythmic finger strikes with the left

catching. hands, starting with the index, to la-

Doni of the right hand.

I am winter and snow Rhythmic finger strikes with the right

and I love snowflakeshands, starting with the index, to the palm

Left hand.

But where are the snowflakes?To the question, clench your fists, to the answer -

Water in the palm of your hand, unclench.

Where did the snowflakes disappear to? Where to?To the first question, clench your fists, on

The second is to unclench.

Fragile ice-rays melted ...Small shakes

Relaxed palms.
As you can see, my palms are hot.

2 week "Coniferous trees"

Finger gymnastics "Yolochka"

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's Eve.

Expected anything (fingers clenching and unclenching)

And they saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row (they draw three circles in the air with their hands)

The eyes are burning merrily, (they close and open their eyes with their palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, in needles.

Physical minute "We went to the forest lawn"

We went out to the forest lawn, ( walking in place)
Raising my legs higher
Through bushes and bumps, (jumping in place)
Through branches and stumps.
Who walked so high ─ (claps)
Did not stumble, did not fall.

3 week "New Year"

Finger gymnastics "On the tree"

We were having fun at the treeRhythmic hand claps.

And they danced and frolicked,Rhythmic punches with fists.

After the good Santa ClausThey "walk" on the table with the middle and index

He gave us gifts.fingers of both hands.

Gave huge packagesThey "draw" a large circle with their hands.

They also contain delicious items:Rhythmic hand claps.

Sweets in blue pieces of paperBend the fingers on the hands, starting with the big ones.

Nuts next to them

Pear, apple, one

Golden tangerine.

Physics "New Year"
Everyone has a New Year,
And we have a New Year.
(They take a step with a float and at the same time clap their hands, turning in right side and to the left.)

Near the green Christmas tree Round dance, round dance.

Santa Claus came to us.(They make slight tilts of their heads in different directions, as if telling each other this news.)
He is toys, and crackers,
And he brought us sweets! (
Spin in place, raising their arms and rotating their hands.)
He is kind with us,
He's funny with us, - (
Take a step with a flood, clap at the same time)
Near the green Christmas tree
He himself went to dance with us. (
We walk in place)

4 week “Holiday of the New Year tree. New Year's toys "

Finger gymnastics "Yolka"

Fizminutka "Christmas tree"

The Christmas tree is burning with lights, under it the shadows are blue,Raise our hands up

Spiky needles, as if covered with white frost.We lower it through the sides, down

The lights on the tree are bright everywhere.Tilts to the right, left

In all houses, all over the country, the guys are smilingWalking in place, smile


1 week (vacation)

2 week "Winter"

Physics "Winter"

We will warm ourselves a little Rubbing shoulders

We'll clap our handsClap our hands

We will sink with our feet Stamping in place

And we will pat ourselves.Clap your knees

Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes"

I stand and snowflakes in my palmRhythmic finger strikes with the left

catching. hands, starting with the index, to la-

Doni of the right hand.

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